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Reviewer for Science Exams Term 1, Cycle 2 SY 2022-2023

Lesson 1: Forces and their types according to their classification

Force is the object’s state of motion and is also called the push and pull of an object.

Force occurs through direct and indirect interaction between objects.

Forces may be classified according to their nature and contact.

Fundamental Forces – acts between Contact Forces – Forces that are

bodies of matter; Independent forces physically in contact with each other.

Non-Fundamental Forces – are any Field Forces – Forces that are not
type of force derived from other forces physically interacting with each other.
that can be explained by fundamental
forces; Dependent Forces.

Fundamental/Field Forces Description

Gravitational Force/ F(G) Responsible for holding the universe; weak but long-ranged and is always
Weak Nuclear Force/ F Helps in radioactive decay; weak and short-ranged
Strong Nuclear Force/ Holds together the constituents of the nucleus; strong but short-ranged
Electromagnetic Force/ F Responsible for atomic and molecular bonding; can be attractive or repulsive and
(E) acts only with objects that have an electrical charge.

Spring Force/ F (S) Stretched and compressed
Applied Force/ F (App) Force is applied by a person or object; direction is dependent on how the force is
Tension Force/ F(T) Stretched when pulled but not compressed
Normal Force/ F (N) Acts as support when an object is in contact with a stable object; directed towards
the object and acts vertically; acts on objects at rest.
Friction Force/ F(Fr) Usually opposes the motion of the object
Air Resistance/ F(AR) A type of friction where the force opposing the motion is the object is the air; the
object must be in the air for this force to occur

Lesson 2: Balanced and Unbalanced Forces and Force Diagramming

Balanced Force

- The pair of forces must be aligned with each other

- Either the objects are at rest or a constant velocity

Unbalanced Force

- The motion of the objects changes.

Combining Forces

- The sum of all forces acting on an object is called “net force”

- The unit used in finding the net force is Newton (N) – m/s 2

If the forces are in opposite directions, we subtract; If forces are in the same direction; we add

If the difference between 2 opposing forces is equal to 0, then the forces are balanced; If the difference between 2
opposing forces is not equal to 0, then the forces unbalanced, hence the direction of the force which has the highest
Newton (N) will be the direction of the net force.

Force Diagraming

1. Identify your object of interest and the forces acting upon it;
2. Draw a dot to represent the object of interest and arrows to represent the forces
3. The format for writing the forces would be F(type)exerting object>object of interest

Gravitational Force – F(G) Tension Force – F(T)

Weak Nuclear Force – F(WN) Applied Force – F(App)
Strong Nuclear Force – F(SN) Normal Force – F(N)
Electromagnetic Force – F (E) Friction Force – F(Fr)
Spring Force – F(S) Air Resistance – F(AR)

Lesson 3: Laws of Motion

Law of Inertia

“An object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion with a constant velocity unless acted upon by
an unbalanced force.”

Law of Acceleration

“The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object and inversely proportional
to the object’s mass.”

Required: Acceleration (a) Required: Mass (m) Required: Fnet (N) Acceleration(a) – m/s 2
Fnet Formula: Formula: Fnet =m(a) Mass(m) – kg
Formula: a=
m Fnet
a Fnet – N = kg .m/ s2
Law of Interaction/Law of Action-Reaction

“Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and oppositely directed
force on the first.”

4 Properties of the Law of Interaction

1. Comes in pairs
2. Equal in magnitude but opposite in direction
3. Act on two different bodies
4. Same line of action

Lesson 4: Uniform Circular Motion, Centripetal Acceleration and Force, and Centrifugal Force

Uniform Circular Motion has constant velocity and goes in a circular motion.

Centripetal acceleration is circular acceleration wherein the speed stays constant and the direction changes.

Required = Ac Required = v

Formula: v = √ Ac ( r )
Formula: Ac = Ac = Centripetal Acceleration (m/ s2)
Tangential velocity is a straight line in a circle that won’t Fc = Centripetal Force (N)
extend unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. V = velocity (m/s)
Centripetal means “center seeking”, hence the Centripetal
R = Radius (m)
Force is towards the center.
M = Mass (kg)
Required = Fc Required = r

Formula: r =
Formula: Fc = 2
r mv

Centripetal Force is the force that keeps a force moving in a circular motion. It is always vertical to an object’s
motion and an inward force on a spinning object.

Centrifugal Force is not a real force. It is Inertia trying to keep that straight path going. Centrifugal force is the
outward sensation we feel when we are in a circular motion and is the response to the Centripetal force.

Lesson 5: Work and Power

For work to be done, there must be force applied and the object moves accordingly to the direction of the applied
3 conditions for Work to be done:

1. There must be force

2. The force has to move a certain distance/displacement
3. The direction of the force and distance/displacement must move in the same direction

If force and displacement/distance move in the same direction, Work is positive, if it’s the opposite, then Work is

Required = W Required = d

Formula: W = Fcos.θ .d W
Formula: d=
Fcos θ . d

Required = F
W – Work (Joules = N.m)
F – Force (N = kg.m/s)
d Cos – Angle (∘ ¿

Power is the rate of doing work D – Displacement (meters/m)

Required: Power P – Power (Watts/ W)

W Fd T – time (seconds/s)
P= or P = or P = Fv
t t V – velocity (m/s)
Use the appropriate formula according to the problem

Lesson 6: Mechanical energy

When work is done by an object, the amount of energy of the object loses energy.
When work is done on an object, the object gains energy.
Work is the process by which energy is transferred from one object to another.

Mechanical energy is a form of energy that causes an object to apply force to another; has 2 kinds:
Kinetic and Potential energy.

Postential Energy
It is the energy stored in an object though once the state of the object changes, the stored object will be
Two Classifications of Potential Energy

Gravitational Potential Energy gains energy when it is raised, it is then stored until it falls, hence the energy is
released. It is dependent on the mass and height of the object.

Required: GPE/PE Required: h

Formula: GPE/PE = mgh PE

Formula: h =
GPE – Gravitational Potential Energy
Elastic Potential Energy is the stored energy when an object
PE – Potential Energy (Joules/ J)
is stretched or compressed.
KE – Kinetic Energy (Joules/J

M – Mass (kg)
Kinetic Energy is the energy done when an object is moving
G – Gravity (9.8 m/ s2
Required: KE Required: m
H – Height (meters/ m)
2 2 KE
Formula: KE= Formula: m =
2 v
V – Velocity (m/s)

How to Derive formulas

1. Turn all factors into fractions

2. Isolate the required given in the formula by canceling or cross multiplying

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