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In this unit Countries and nationalities Months of the year ‘Action verbs Inside the house + Prepositions of place Clothes Adjectives: ar | tobe have got can there is /there are this, that, these, those Possessive adjectives Possessives Hithere, I'm Tom. I'm twelve and I'm fiom Wales. My hobby is football and my favourite colour is red. I's the colour of the Welsh football team! My favourite football player is Gareth Bale. Hi, Im Amy. 'm twelve years old and I'm from England. This is my room ~ my computer, my phone, and ... my hat. ! haven't got any brothers or sisters, but I've got a lot of frien My best friends are Tom, Lucas and Elena. Hello, 'm Elena. I'm twelve. My birthday's in November. I've got c sister = she's ten - and we've got a cat. its name is Tiger. Im not at school today = Saturday and I'm at the cajélt Here's my drink - bye! Hello, 'm Lucas. I'm eleven years I'm from Spain but I'm at schoo! i gland. I've got a brother and a siste I've also gat a-dog. This is my new bike it's really cool! See you! 11 O12 Watch or listen and 2 Introduce yourself to your class. read. Who's from Wales? Who's from if fin Amelia. lnetever'vears od Spain? Who's got a cat? Who's got {im from Poland. a lot of friends? © 1+ Listen and repeat. Say the months without looking at the Vocabulary box. Then say them in reverse order. I'm from Wales. I'm not from Wales, DN le aa tole You're Spanish. You aren't Spanish. January February March April May He/She/it’s ten. | He/She/Itisn't tirteen. June July August September October November December “WefYou/They're | We/Nou/They aren't friends. friends. 7 Ask and answer in pairs. ‘A: When's your birthday? Bs It's in August, ‘Are you from Wales? 7No, I'm not. Ishe twelve? Yes, he is./ No, he isn't. Atteybcon? eather, = (Se, EES i i a WNou've got a sister. | You hoven't got a sister. 3 Complete the penis with es oe He/She/It's got a cat. He/She/It hasn't got a cat. . tthe fri ag i of tobe. Then ask and answer about the fiends eve gat Wl/Nou/They havent cot in pairs. adog. adog. 1 Tom is __ from Wales. Tor from Wales? Yes he co 2 Amy and Elena friends. Have you got a dog? | Yes, | have. / No, | haven't. 3 Amy:'| __ from Englond Has he/she/it got Yes, he/she/it has. / 4 Torn thirteen years old. He's twelve. boot No, he/she/it hasn’ 5 Lucas: fromEngand.|im fem Spain’ a gota cat? | Wes theyhove./ 4 @) 1.2 Listen and repeat. perue navene 8 Write the correct form of have got. Use the text on poge 4 to help you. 1 Amy hasn't got a pet. Argentina - Argentinian Poland - Polish China - Chinese Spoin - Spanish 2 Lucas a brother and a sister. France - French Turkey ~ Turkish 3 Elena ‘a brother. Germany-German the UK - British 4 Tom: "| a football” Italy - Italian, the USA - American 5 Lucasondélena __ pets. 6 Amy and Tom brothers or sisters. 5 @) 1.4 Askand answer about the flags. Then 9 ask and answer the questions in pairs, Use the listen andicheck. words in the box and your own ideas. ‘As What's number 1? ae Spee as ee eaerent oe B: / think it's France. / | think it's the French flag. Family: brother, sister, cousin, etc. ... Pets: cat, dog, hamster, etc. ... Objects: phone, bike, skateboard, etc. A: Have you got a brother? B: Yes, | have. /No, haven't. ; Listen and repeat. Which ies in the Vocabulary box can you see in the pictures? What can you do? cook draw play football play the guitar ridea bike run sing skateboord speak Spanish swim ‘Amy: What's this song, Elena? : Elena: It’s Adele. She's really good. Can you sing, Amy? ‘Amy: No, lean't. What about you? i “= Eleno: Yes, can, ond ican play the guitor.!/ove music! | Read the dialogue. Then complete the sentences with Amy or Elena. 1 can sing. 4 @)1.7 Usten ond write the cetion 2 contend verb in your notebook. 3 canplay the guitar. 1 play the guitar 5 @) 1.5 Game! Look at the table and read the conversation. Who is it? Listen and check. Then play the game in pairs. WYou can sing. can't sing. 12 ae Jig He/She/lt can sing. | He/She/It can’t sing. i WelYou/They can sing, We/You/They can't sing. inompelce coal | you sing? Yes,!.con./No, | eal eal ee Aesecee PRAIA he sing? ‘Yes, he . / No, he they sing? Yes, they can. / No, they can’t. A; Is ita boy ora girl? eur” eS eke Yes, he A: Cam he skateboard? oe 2 Complete the sentences with can or can't so they are ANTON eS. 8: No, he can true for you. 6 Write a questionnaire for your class. 1 si My Best send pols Write five questions with Can you ...2 ASAE et oe SLL ‘Then ask your classmates! 3 Mymum —____ sing. A: Can you ok? 4 .Mydad play football. a asares Bz Yes, can. / No, Ican't, I can talk about my room and use Hi. im Elena cnd this is my bedroom It’s big Butitisnt very tidy. There's a bed, some shelves, @-desk anda chair, and they're all... white! My favourite things are my guitar and my lothes. There's a big wardrobe next to the oor... my guitar isin the wardrobe, but there Gren't any clothes there. My clothes are on the floor, under my bed and on my chair! On my desk, there are fashion magazines and thrse ‘schoolbooks. There isn't computer in my room, butthere's a Wend Ive got a di c tomy bed llovemusicgy. oe 1 Look at the photo. Is Elena's room tidy or messy? 2 Read about Elena's room. Then read the sentences. Circle T (true) or F (false). 1 Elena's bedroom is big. @r 2 She's got o guitar in her bedroom, T/ F 3 Her clothes are underthe bed. T/ F 4 She hasn't got any schoolbooks. —T/F 5 There's a computer in her bedroom. T/ F 6 Her favourite thing is her TV, TE 1.9 Listen and repeat. Which objects can you see in Elena’s room? PS CRU ‘armchair bath bed chair desk fridge shelves shower sofa table wardrobe 4 Match the objects in the Vocabulary box to the rooms. You can use them more than once. 1 Bedroom: bed, 2 Kitchen: 3 Living room: 4 Bathroom: There's a wardrobe.| There isn't a TV. Therearethree ‘There aren't any clothes schoolbooks. in the wardrobe. Is there aTVin pekiest No, there your room? 4 5 Complete the description of Tom's room with is or are. “My roomisn'tvery big, but llove it! There > is abednextto the door and a small wardrobe. Under the bed there * some football boots ‘and my favourite boll. There ~ two Gareth Bale posters on the wall and there “___a small table next to my bed. On the table there some books ond a sandwich, There ° an alarm clock too. 6 Circle the correct answer. Then tick (¥/) the sentences which are true about Tom's bedroom. 1 () here isn’y There aren't a computer. 2 ©) there isn't / There aren't any posters. 3 () There isn't / There aren't a big wardrobe. 4 (_) There isn't / There aren't any books. 5 C) There isn't / There aren't any sandwiches, 1.10 Listen and repeat. Then look at Elena's room and choose cn object. Ask and answer about the objects in pairs. re lersit losis tela in on under next to A: Js there a basketball in Elena's room? B: Yes, there is. /No, there isn't. Imagine your ideal bedroom. Tell your partner about it. ‘My ideal bedroom is very big and There's a big wardrobe with lots of clothes cand there's a fridge with food! ca I.can talk about clothes and use this, that, What's this? these, those. ‘Mest Carla and Rocco. Carla is a cat and Rocco isa rocoon, but they are good friends. Their home is in the city - they are City Creatures! Today their home's very messy. Lets find out why Bue Are these your trainers, Rocco? tee ey oven Ny trainers are sm Big Al: Sousages? Where? [s this your coat, Rocoo? Carla: Help! What's that? ; t {o, it isn’t. | haven’ ‘got a coat Rocco: It's OK Carla, it's a dog. Fr, who are Hine, what ore those? Big Al: Im Big AllWho are you? YO Carla: They're sausages! Carla: I'm Caria! And this is Rocco. Rocco: HiBig All Welcome to the city! 1) 1-11 Listen and read. Circle the correct answer. 1 Carla and Rocco @r@)/ aren't friends. 2 Their home is messy / tidy. Whot sthis? sp, Esc cont, 3 Rocco has got big /small feet. What are these?=} They're trainers. 4 Big Al has got / hasn't got some sausages. What's that?=a It's a hat. Listen and repeat. Which clothes What ore those? emmslp They're sousages. can you find in the cartoon? (Wow | Dis compen wn hy te ohn ‘Then listen and check. coat dress hat hoodie jacket : 1 What's = Tit’s a skirt jeans jumper shoes skirt T-shirt a pe aes trainers trousers 2 What cre = They're jeans. 3 What's ==> it's ahat. 3 What colour are the City Creature’s clothes? 4 What are => ‘2 They're shoes. Point and say. What about your clothes? Az It’s a pink dress. B: They're red trainers. 5 Circle the correct answer. 1 (This// These coat is very big! 2 That / Those sausages are Al's. 3 This / These trainers are Rocco's. 4 That / Those isn’t my skateboard, 5 This / These dress is Carla's. Ws a red hat. They'te red hots. I can talk about people and use peeeeeeenee eet) She’s clever! 4 Work with a partner. Describe a City Creature, Who is it? PUB SACU LL A: He's friendly and funny, He's got white trainers. B: It’s Big Al ‘A: That's right! Grammar et lsmy he Shis we our you>your she-+>her you-> your I it>its they > their ‘the citys Carla and Rocea's home. Now it's Big Ae fegsa ea eee ganines ee | Possessives Pes clever se erecting and she's goto nah eo erg hes gat 3 ne¥ les 8ig Als home, = Ws his home. ty. He loves cand hes goto rd. It's very cool! Big AI s friendly and funny seer et ore realy good He's often hungry and he really loves ... sousages! 5 Complete the sentences with a possessive adjective. i 1 ‘iim hungry!’ + '_My_ name is All! © 1.14 tisten and read. Write the names of the City 2 ‘We're best fiends’ » ‘aries Creatures next to the objects below. Gre RocexandlAl’ 1 a skateboard - 2 books - 3 She's called Carla, ‘3 sausages-__ are Big Aland Rocco. 4 He's got a new skateboard. skateboard is red. 5 You've got ahamburger. > Is friends ©) 115 tisten ond repeat: Which adjectives describe you? hamburger good? 6 They're the City Creatures. - This is big clever friendly funny helpful new old —— home. ° pretty small sporty o Im friendly, pretty and sporty. 0 o Circle the correct answer. ° ° 1 Rocco is good at football. He's very Gport)/ preity. 2. Big Al has got a lot of friends. He's very small /ffendly. 6 Game! Choose a person from your class. 3 Carla is very sporty / helpful. When there's a problem, ask Caria! Ask and answer about this person in 4 Big Al's sofa is old / new. But it's his favourite thing! Bors. You can only answer yey on nol 5 Carlais clever / funny. She's very good at Maths! Use adjectives, colours and clothes. AsIsita boy? itis. LOOK + put the agjectives before the noun + adjectives ore always singular | one new hat ‘As Are his trainers red? two new hats, B: No, they aren't Arlknow! it's. = put very before the adjective _| The hatis very cool.

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