Windows 10 Is Running Slowly (And How To Fix Them)

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7/25/2019 6 Reasons Why Windows 10 Is Running Slowly (and How to Fix Them)

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6 Reasons Why Windows 10 Is

Running Slowly

Many of us welcomed Windows 10 when it rst entered the scene. We

anticipated a product superior to the universally hated Windows 8, and we
got it. And while the new iteration of Microsoft’s famed Operating System is
a big improvement, it’s not perfect.

From aggressive data collection to forced updates, Windows 10 has

rightfully drawn a lot of criticism from both reviewers and ordinary users.
Despite its sleek new layout and updated features, it can also su er from
slow performance. If you’ve turned on your PC only to wait an absurdly long
time to load your desktop, or have discovered applications are running
slowly, don’t fret. You’re not alone.

I’ve been frustrated on multiple occasions by slow performance, so I’ve

compiled a list of several reasons you may be having a slow Windows 10
experience and what you can do about it.

Reason 1: You Have Too Many Startup

Symptoms: Your PC takes a long time to start up and even freezes up during

How to Fix It: To x this issue, you’ll have to disable some applications that
automatically run on startup.

Step 1: Hit Windows Key + X to bring up the Quick Link menu. Click on Task
Manager. 1/18
7/25/2019 6 Reasons Why Windows 10 Is Running Slowly (and How to Fix Them)

Step 2: Once the Task Manager opens, click on the Startup tab. 2/18
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Step 3: Look through the list of programs which run on startup, and nd the
programs you don’t necessarily need or never actually use. Right-click on
the unhelpful program, then click Disable. Repeat this for all programs that
are using up extra resources on startup.

Reason 2: Corrupted Windows System Files

Symptoms: Your PC experiences driver errors, blue or black screens, and
other problems that severely impact your daily use.

How to Fix It: The Windows 10 OS gives you two major tools to combat this
issue. The rst is the Deployment Image Service and Management Tool
(DISM). The second is the System File Checker (SFC).

Step 1: Type powershell in the Windows search bar. Once the desktop
application pops up, right-click and click Run as Administrator. 3/18
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Step 2: Type in dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth in the

Window which appears. Hit Enter and DISM will begin nding corrupt les
and replace them.

Step 1: Open PowerShell from the Windows search bar. Make sure to run as

Step 2: Type sfc /scannow and hit enter. 4/18
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This process will nd and replace corrupt les. When it’s done, restart your
PC. If corrupt les were the cause of your slow experience, your PC should
run a lot more smoothly.

Reason 3: You’re Running Too Many

Programs at Once
It may sound too simple to be true, especially if you’re running a powerful
computer with a quad or octa-core i7 processor. There’s no way a few extra
windows can be slowing down your PC, right? Check the Task Manager to
make sure.

Symptoms: Slow browsing. Applications take a long time to start or load.

Application screens freeze frequently.

How to Fix It: Use the Task Manager to nd applications using too much
memory and close them.

Step 1: Type Task Manager in the Windows Search bar and open it. 5/18
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Step 2: Once you have opened the Task Manager, nd programs that are
using the most memory. You can sort programs by memory use simply by
clicking on the top of the Memory column. Right-click the o ending
programs, then choose End Task. 6/18
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Also, close any extra tabs on your browser and quit any applications which
are running in the background. This will free up RAM and CPU bandwidth so
your PC will run faster.

Reason 4: Your Antivirus Software Is

Extremely Active
Symptoms: You notice your PC slowing down at random times.

How to Fix It: Your antivirus may be taking up processing power while
running a background scan. Change your antivirus settings.

Step 1: Open your antivirus software from Windows Search bar. 7/18
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Step 2: Click Settings. Then click Scan Schedule. Select the box of the Scan
you wish to change, then click Edit.

Note: This setting may be di erent depending on the antivirus software you

use. 8/18
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Step 3: Change the time and date of the scan to your convenience, as well
as its frequency, if you’re given the option.

These screenshots demonstrate the process for Malwarebytes, but there

are many other antivirus programs out there. However, the procedure for
changing scheduled scans is similar for most of them.

Reason 5: Your Hard Drive Is Low on Space

Symptoms: Your PC can run as much as half its normal speed if your hard
drive reaches 95% capacity. The lack of storage for temporary les used by
programs causes your OS to run improperly.

How to Fix It: Find out what’s taking up the most space on your C Drive and
delete or transfer those unnecessary les.

Step 1: Open Storage in Windows Explorer. 9/18
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Step 2: Click on This PC. Also, to get rid of temporary les automatically and
ensure you save more space, turn on Storage Sense (highlighted in yellow

Step 3: Select a Folder from those that pop up. Temporary Files, Apps &
Games, and Other are usually among the categories which take up the
most space. Continue clicking until you reach a folder in Windows Explorer.
Delete the appropriate les by selecting them and clicking delete. ▲ 10/18
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Open the subfolder.

A Windows Explorer le will open. Delete the les you don’t need.

Reason 6: PC Power Plan

Symptoms: Your laptop has a decent, even great battery life, but does not

perform well when you use a lot of applications or browsers. 11/18
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How to Fix It: There is a possibility your laptop’s Power Plan is on Battery
Saver or Recommended. To maximize performance, you’ll have to change
this to High Performance mode.

Step 1: Type in Power Options in your Windows 10 Search bar. Open Edit
Power Plan in the Control Panel.

Step 2: Click Change Advanced Power Settings in the lower left corner. 12/18
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Step 3: Choose High Performance, then hit enter or click OK.

This will boost your PC performance. As it increases your CPU speed,

though, it will drain your battery at a faster rate.

General Solutions
There are times when you have no idea what the cause of your slow PC is.
You don’t have too many tabs open in your browser, you have enough
space on your disk, your antivirus is working perfectly, and you seem to
have done everything correctly — yet for some reason, your PC still runs

slowly. 13/18
7/25/2019 6 Reasons Why Windows 10 Is Running Slowly (and How to Fix Them)

Luckily, Windows has two tools that can help you gure out what’s going on.
The rst is the Windows Troubleshooter. The second is the Performance

Windows TroubleShooter
Step 1: Open the Control Panel through the Windows Search eld.

Step 2: Click on System and Security, then Security and Maintenance. 14/18
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Step 3: Click Start Maintenance under Maintenance. 15/18
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Performance Monitor
Type in perfmon /report in the Windows Search box and hit enter.

The Performance Manager will automatically run a report and diagnose ▲

issues that are impacting your PC. 16/18
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Luckily for you, it will also recommend solutions for each problem found.

A Final Word
Using a slow PC is a frustrating experience. Hopefully, the tips provided
here will make that an issue of the past. Some of these tips — such as
deleting extra les, disabling Startup applications and running Windows
Troubleshooter — can also expose other issues you may not have seen,
such as malware. Hopefully, you’ll now have a great browsing experience.
Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions or concerns. 17/18
7/25/2019 6 Reasons Why Windows 10 Is Running Slowly (and How to Fix Them)

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