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Copyright © 2015 by American Scientific Publishers Journal of Nanofluids

All rights reserved. Vol. 4, pp. 271–292, 2015

Printed in the United States of America (

MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review

Ali J. Chamkha1, ∗ , Sofen Kumar Jena2, 3 , and Swarup Kumar Mahapatra4
Mechanical Engineering Department, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University (PMU),
Al-Khobar 31952, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Cardiovascular Innovation Institute, Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, School of Medicine,
University of Louisville, KY 40202, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eastern Academy of Science and Technology, Bhubaneswar 754001, India
School of Mechanical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Bhubaneswar 751013, India

Many researchers have reported significant enhancement of nanofluids’ thermal properties due to the sus-
pension of modest nanoparticle concentrations in low thermal conductivity base fluids. Most of the nanofluids
literature concentrates on the development and understanding of nanofluids properties models and their behav-
ior as heating or cooling mechanisms in many industrial, engineering and technological applications. In the past
decade, a lot of work has been done on MHD convective flow of nanofluids, but the review of these types of
flow and heat transfer situations is absent from the literature till date. This paper reviews some of the available
nanofluids physical properties models and focuses on presenting the various research work done on MHD
convection of nanofluids in various geometries and applications.

KEYWORDS: Nanofluids, Thermal Conductivity, Viscosity, Electrical Conductivity, MHD Effects, Convection.

CONTENTS attention of the research community around the globe after

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 Maxwell2 who provided his theory in 1873. Poor ther-
2. Hydrodynamic Models for Nanofluid Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 mal conductivity of traditional fluids like oil, water and
2.1. Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
2.2. Specific Heat Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
organic liquid makes these fluids unsuitable to use in heat
2.3. Thermal Conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 transfer devices, where higher heat transfer is expected.
2.4. Dynamic Viscosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Gradually in the early 20th century, scientists started dis-
2.5. Electrical Conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 persing millimeter to micron-order conducting particles in
2.6. Applications Work of Nanofluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
classical fluids to enhance the heat transfer. However, rapid
3. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
References and Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 sedimentation of these particles minimizes the use of this
kind of mixture in heat transferring devices. Further, the
size of these suspensions induces additional resistance and
1. INTRODUCTION causes erosion. Gradually, the science community looked
The word “nano” dates back to 1915 in the book “The for a particle dimension which is not affected by the
world of neglected dimensions” by Oswald.1 A unique gravity action. Rapid development of instrumentation sci-
feature of the matter at nano-scale makes nanotechnol- ence helped to break the particles to nano-scale where
ogy a hot research area in the 21st century. In last few the matter posses unique physical and chemical proper-
decades, scientists and researchers around the globe tried to ties. The modern science has provided the opportunity
continuously work on various aspects of nanotechnology. to prepare material in the size of 50 nm. Nanoparticles
Nanofluid dynamics is one of the vital branches of research also exist in nature in the form of ultra-fine suspensions.
in nanotechnology nowadays. An effort has been provided Nanoparticles of different materials are produced by differ-
in the preceding section to give a state of art review on ent physical and chemical synthesis processes. Mechanical
time-wise development and applications of nanofluids. grinding and inert gas condensation method for preparation
Engineers and scientists have provided enormous efforts of nanoparticle are discussed by Granquist and Buhrman.3
to enhance the heat transfer in natural convection pro- For the first time, Choi4 5 of Argonne National Laboratory
cesses in the past two century; this process captured the named the emulsion of these particulate matters of parti-

cle size in the order of nanometers as nanofluids. Later,
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Email: Eastman et al.6 has discussed the enhancement of heat
Received: 10 March 2015 transfer through the use nanofluids. Nano-metallic partic-
Accepted: 26 March 2015 ulate suspension in a base fluid makes it suitable and

J. Nanofluids 2015, Vol. 4, No. 3 2169-432X/2015/4/271/022 doi:10.1166/jon.2015.1166 271

MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review Chamkha et al.

superior in terms of heat transfer compared to conventional review article of Wang and Mazumdar.8 The develop-
liquids. The abrasion related properties of a nanofluid are ment and works on nanofluids have taken position in the
found to be excellent over the traditional fluid-solid mix- contemporary review literature of Das et al.9 and Trisaksri
ture. The whole world was searching for micro machines and Wongwises.10 Contemporary fundamental issues on
and their applications after the historical lecture of the the convection of nanofluids are highlighted in the above
celebrated physicist Richard Feynman in 1959 during the review articles. In the last decades, significant amount
American Physical Society meeting. In the last decades of experimental and numerical works has been done on
of the 20th century, recognition of these unique proper- nanofluids. The objective of the present review article is
ties of nanofluids made it possible to design and to fabri- to illustrate the basic mechanisms of heat transfer in MHD
cate ultra-light and compact heat transfer equipment. For flow of nanofluid, to show various models to evaluate
the first time, a decade of research in nanofluids around the properties of MHD flow in nanofluid and present the
the globe was placed in the literature review of Keblinski numerical works on MHD transport of nanofluid that have
et al.7 At that time, theoretical knowledge for complete been done in the past decade.
understanding of the mechanisms involved in the trans- When solid nanoparticles with a typical length scale
port process was blurred. In the subsequent years, Wang 1–100 nm are suspended in a base fluid, the effective
and Mazumdar8 have provided a state of art literature thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficient of the
review on the characterization of nanofluids, in both exper- mixture become enhanced compared to that of the base
imental and theoretical prospective. A detailed descrip- fluid. Keeping in mind the homogeneity, optimal pumping
tion about the experimental techniques involved in the power, long term stability, minimum clogging and high
process of a nanofluid preparation is placed in the classical thermal conductivity, normally Cu, CuO, SiO, TiO2 and

Ali J. Chamkha is Professor and Chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Department


at the Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University (PMU) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
He earned his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Tennessee Technological University,
USA, in 1989. His research interests include multiphase fluid-particle dynamics, nanofluids
dynamics, fluid flow in porous media, heat and mass transfer, magnetohydrodynamics and
fluid-particle separation. He has served as an Associate Editor for many journals such as
International Journal of Numerical Method for Heat and Fluid Flow, Journal of Applied
Fluid Mechanics, International Journal for Microscale and Nanoscale Thermal and Fluid
Transport Phenomena and he is currently the Deputy Editor-in-Chief for the International
Journal of Energy and Technology. He has authored and co-authored over 450 publications
in archival international journals and conferences.
Sofen Kumar Jena is working as a postdoctoral researcher in Cardiovascular Innovation
Institute, Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, School of Medicine, Univer-
sity of Louisville, USA. He has received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Jadavpur
University, Kolkata, India in the year 2014. In the past, he worked as a junior research fellow
in the School of Mechanical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, India,
visiting research scholar at Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern, Germany and as Assistant
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eastern Academy of Science and Tech-
nology, Bhubaneswar, India. His research interests include magnetohydrodynamics, conju-
gate heat and mass transfer, flow in porous media, double diffusion, non-Newtonian flow,
thermal radiation modeling and biological fluid dynamics. He has authored and co-authored
over twenty publications in archival international journals and conferences.
Swarup Kumar Mahapatra is working as Professor and Head, School of Mechanical
Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, India. He has 25 years of teaching
and research experience. He is involved in many research projects. His research interests are
computational fluid dynamics, conjugate heat transfer, and radiative heat transfer modeling.
In addition, he is working on the development of mathematical model for transient radiative
heat transfer for its application in the field of bio-heat transfer. He received his Ph.D. from
Jadavpur University, India, in 2000. He has also organized many conferences and short-term
courses in his field of research. He has authored and co-authored over seventy publications
in archival international journals and conferences.

272 J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015

Chamkha et al. MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review

Al2 O3 are used as nanoparticles. The thermal conductivi- Because of the small particle size and the low concentra-
ties of metallic solid particles, non-metallic solid particles tion of the nanoparticles, the base fluid is assumed to be
and base fluids are provided in Table I. In last two decade, a homogeneous mixture of the suspended particles. In the
researchers like Masuda et al.,11 Lee et al.,12 Xuan and single-phase fluid, the slip velocity between the fluid and
Li13 and Xuan and Roetzel14 have shown that for a low the solid particles are taken into account, which means that
particle concentration within 1–5%, the thermal conduc- the suspended solid particles move with the same veloc-
tivity of the nanofluid enhanced more than 20%. Eastman ity as that of the fluid. Also, the suspended particles are
et al.6 have reported 60% enhancement in thermal conduc- assumed to be in thermal equilibrium with the base fluid.
tivity with the use of 5% CuO nanoparticles with water as Abu-Nada et al.,19 20 Abouali and Falahatpisheh21 have
a base fluid. Choi et al.15 have shown that the thermal con- used the single-phase model for the flow of nanofluids.
ductivity of a nanofluid becomes doubled with the addition This single-fluid approach is found to be suitable for the
of less than 1% nanoparticles. Gradually, scientists around flow of a nanofluid as it produces results that agree with
the globe looked for a theoretical explanation of enhance- the experimental data in some cases. The simple computa-
ment of heat transfer of nanofluids and gradually different tional implementation of the single-phase approach makes
models for nanofluids came into the picture. This will be it more popular among the researchers. In the single-phase
explained in the next section. approach, the hydrodynamics equations for a nanofluid
flow are analogous to the equations for a base fluid flow,
i.e., the same momentum, energy conservation and conti-
2. HYDRODYNAMIC MODELS FOR nuity equations are valid for a nanofluid flow, except the
NANOFLUID FLOW properties of the fluid. The hydrodynamic equations for
Two types of models have been used for nanofluid flow in the nanofluid are expressed as
the literature. These are the single-phase and the two-phase
approach. In the two-phase approach, the base fluid is con-  · V = 0 (1)

sidered as a continuous phase and the suspended particles
are taken as a continuous/discrete phase and the classical DV
nf = p + nf  ·  V +  V T  + f (2)
Euler–Euler and Euler–Lagrange approaches are used for Dt
the simulation of flow. The two-phase model accounts for DT
Cp nf =  knf T  (3)
the no slip conditions between the particles and the base Dt
fluid and several other factors like Brownian motion, solid- where nf , nf , Cpnf , knf represent the density, viscos-
fluid friction, gravitational sedimentation, Brownian dif- ity, specific heat capacity and the thermal conductivity
fusion and dispersion for the particulate matter. Research of the nanofluid, respectively. Vital research on nanoflu-
on nanofluid flow considering the two-phase model has ids has been done in the process of evaluation of these
appeared in the work of Mirmasoumi and Behzadmehr,16 properties. Many experimental and theoretical works come
Bianco et al.,17 Akbarinia and Laur.18 The two-phase into picture explaining these properties in their prospec-
model for a nanofluid is computationally more expensive tive. Each theory and model has its own advantages and
and keeping the size of the solid particle in view, the limitations. However, any universal acceptable model is
authentication of the conventional two-phase model for a not available which is unique for every operating condi-
nanofluid is questionable. The literature is also silent on tion. In the subsequent section, a detailed description has
the same. Several other contemporary works tried to repro- been given regarding the development of the model, its
duce the flow of a nanofluid as a single-phase fluid motion. suitability and limitations.

Table I. Thermal conductivities of various solid and liquids (Wang and 2.1. Density
Majumdar).8 The density of a nanofluid is evaluated taking the volume
Thermal conductivity fraction of the suspended nanoparticles and keeping the
Solid/Liquids Materials (W/m K) density of both the base fluid and the nanoparticles into
account. In mathematical form, this is expressed as
Metallic solids Silver 429
Copper 401
nf = p + 1 − f (4)
Aluminum 237
Non-metallic solids Diamonds 3300
Carbon nanotubes 3000 2.2. Specific Heat Capacity
Silicon 148 Mathematically, the specific heat of a nanofluid is
Alumina (Al2 O3  40
expressed by two formulations. Pak and Cho,22 Maïga
Metallic liquids Sodium @ 644K 72.3
Non-metallic liquids Water 0.613 et al.23 and Palm et al.24 have taken Eq. 5(a), for heat
Ethylene glycol (EG) 0.253 capacity in their research work.
Engine oil 0.145
Cp nf = Cp p + 1 − Cp f (5a)

J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015 273

MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review Chamkha et al.

Researchers like Eastman et al.,25 Das et al.26 have taken factor for determining the thermal conductivity of a
the specific heat capacity of the nanofluid as expressed by nanofluid. Mathematically, their model is expressed as
Eq. 5(b) in their studies.
knf kp + n − 1kf − n − 1kf − kp 
= (6c)
Cp nf = Cp p + 1 − Cp f (5b) kf kp + n − 1kf + kf − kp 

The above two equations for specific heat and specific where n represents the particle shape factor which is
heat capacity of nanofluids produce two different results. related to sphericity ( ) by the function n = 3/ . The
Because of lack of experimental validation to prove the sphericity is the ratio of the surface areas of the parti-
uniqueness of each model, both models are considered to cle to the sphere which has the same volume with that
be equivalent to each other (Xuan and Roetzel).14 of the particle. The Hamilton-Crosser model28 reduces
to the Maxwell model2 for = 1. Experimentally, the
2.3. Thermal Conductivity Hamilton-Crosser model is found to be correct for a mix-
In general practices, highly conducting metallic nanoparti- ture where the thermal conductivity of suspended particles
cles are added to the low conductive base fluids to improve is 100 times the thermal conductivity of the base fluid
the overall conductivity of the nanofluids. A lot of cor- with a suspension volume fraction less than 30%. Jeffrey29
relations are available to evaluate the thermal conduc- has provided his model for the thermal conductivity of
tivity of the nanofluids. These correlations examined the a nanofluid for spherical suspensions. This model mathe-
enhancement of the thermal conductivity of a nanofluid matically takes higher order terms into account and more
compared to that of the base fluid due to the addi- precisely calculates the thermal conductivity of nanofluids.
tion of nanoparticles. The models are classified into two This is expressed as
categories, i.e., static model and dynamics model. The
kp /kf − 1 kp /kf − 1 2
static model accounts only for the thermal conductivity of = 1+3 + 3
kf kp /kf + 1 kp /kf + 1

the base fluid, nanoparticles and the volume fraction of

nanoparticles for determination of the thermal conductiv- 3 kp /kf − 1
9 kp /kf − 1
ity of nanofluids. Few of the important correlations for + +
4 kp /kf + 1 16 kp /kf + 1
equivalent thermal conductivity of nanofluids are described
below. kp /kf + 1

Maxwell2 proposed the equivalent thermal conductiv- × 2 (6d)
2kp /kf + 3
ity of a mixture consisting of continuous base fluid and
discrete solid particles from his classical research on con- Davis30 provided a model which accounts for the inter-
duction through heterogeneous materials. Mathematically, action effect among the randomly dispersed spheres and is
the same is expressed as expressed as
knf kp + 2kf − 2kf − kp  knf

3kp /kf −1

= (6a) = 1+ +f kp /kf 2 
kf kp + 2kf + kf − kp  kf kp /kf +2−kp /kf −1
The Maxwell model is a deterministic and efficient one Lu and Lin31 provided a model for the thermal conduc-
but the limitation of the Maxwell model is that, it assumes tivity which accounts for both spherical and non-spherical
the discontinuous solid particles are spherical in size. The particles as follows:
Maxwell theory largely fails when applied to nanofluids. It
either under estimates or over estimates the effective ther- knf
= 1 + kp /kf  + b2 (6f)
mal conductivity depending upon the size of the suspended kf
particles being either small or large, respectively.
Bruggeman27 has provided a model for the thermal Yu and Choi32 have modified the Maxwell model with
conductivity of a nanofluid considering the shape of the the assumption that the base fluid molecules surround-
nanoparticles. Mathematically, it is expressed as ing the nanoparticles formed a solid equivalent layer. This
nano-layer works as a bridge between the solid nanoparti-
knf 3 − 1 kfp + 31 −  − 1 + B cle and the base fluid (see Fig. 1) and enhances the ther-
= mal conductivity of the nanofluids. Mathematically, this is
kf 4
expressed as
kp 8kp

B = 3 − 1 + 31 −  − 1 + (6b) knf kp + 2kf − 2kf − kp 1 + 3
kf kf = (6g)
kf kp + 2kf + kf − kp 1 + 3
Production of perfect spheroids during mechanical grind-
ing and decomposition process is not possible. Hence, Patel et al.33 have provided a model which accounts for
later Hamilton and Crosser28 considered the particle shape the thermal diffusivity and viscosity along with the particle

274 J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015

Chamkha et al. MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review

predict the thermal conductivity of a nanofluid, which is

Nanoparticles expressed as
= 1+ARem Pr0 333 
kp 1+2Bi+2km +2 kp 1−2Bi−km

Base fluid × (6k)
kp 1+2Bi+2km − kp 1−2Bi−km

where Re and Pr and Bi are the Reynolds, Prandtl and the

Nanolayers nanoparticle Biot numbers, respectively and A and m are
empirical constants.
Considering the four modes of energy transport to incor-
Fig. 1. Structures of nanofluid discussed by Yu and Choi.32
porate the Brownian motion effect, Jang and Choi37 have
provided a model for the equivalent thermal conductiv-
diameter to calculate the effective thermal conductivity of
ity as
nanofluids. Mathematically, this is given by
kp d f 

2kB Tdp
 knf kp d
knf = 1 −  +  + 3C1 bf Redp Pr  (6l)
= 1+ 1+c (6h) kf kf dp
kf kf dp 1 −  f f dp2

Mintsa et al.34 have provided a temperature-dependant where dbf represents the base fluid molecular diame-
thermal conductivity model for water-based nanofluids, ter, dp and Redp represents the particle diameter and the
which is expressed as Reynolds number, respectively. Li38 modified the Koo and
Kleinstreuer35 model to account for the particle diameter,
knf temperature and the volume fraction through a g-function.

= 1 72 + 1 (6i)
kf This model is known as the KKL (Koo-Kleinstreuer-Li)
model for the equivalent dynamic thermal conductivity of
The models discussed above are based on the static a nanofluid.
model to determine the thermal conductivity of a
nanofluid. The thermal conductivity of nanofluids in kB T
motion is different from that of the thermal conductivity kbrownian = 5 × 104Cp f gT   dp 
dp p
of nanofluids at rest. In the dynamic model, the Brownian
motion induces a micro-mixing effect and augmented con- gT   dp  = a + b lndp  + c ln + d ln lndp 
duction due to nanoparticle clustering which are taken into +e lndp 2  lnT  + g + h lndp  + i ln
consideration to evaluate the equivalent thermal conduc-
tivity. A lot of correlations on the dynamic thermal con- +j ln lndp  + k lndp 2  (6m)
ductivity of nanofluids have been developed in the past
decades. Few classical correlations are discussed below. where the coefficients a–k are depend upon the particle
Koo and Kleinstreuer35 have provided a dynamical fluid pairing.
model for the thermal conductivity of a nanofluid, which All of the models discussed above for evaluation of
takes the temperature, density and specific heat of the base the thermal conductivity of nanofluids are problem spe-
fluid as well as the particle size into consideration. This is cific. The static models normally over predict the effec-
expressed as tive thermal conductivity while the dynamics conditions
are validated for particular cases. Any universal model is
knf kp + 2kf − 2kf − kp  not accepted to fit for every situation of a nanofluid flow.
kf kp + 2kf + kf − kp  Hence, the development of equivalent models for nanoflu-
ids is still a hot topic of research around the globe.
kB T
+5 × 104f Cp f f T   (6j)
dp p 2.4. Dynamic Viscosity
The thermal conductivity enhancement is not the sole
This model mathematically splits the total thermal conduc-
tivity of the nanofluid into a static part and a Brownian noteworthy effect that arises because of the suspension
movement part. The traditional Maxwell2 model is used to of the nanoparticles in a base fluid. Simultaneously, the
find out the static thermal conductivity which is expressed dynamic viscosity of the nanofluid changes with the inclu-
as the first term of Eq. (6j). The second term of Eq. (6j) sion of these suspended particles, hence, the fluid motion
represents the mathematical correlation to determine the drastically decreases. Calculation of the effective dynamic
thermal conductivity due to the Brownian movement of viscosity of a nanofluid is a crucial job. A lot of empir-
the nanoparticles. Prasher36 has taken the random parti- ical correlations are available in the literature, which
cle motion effect of a multi-sphere Brownian model to develop the model to calculate the dynamic viscosity of

J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015 275

MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review Chamkha et al.

a nanofluid using various theoretical and experimental Jang et al.44 model

studies. Classical models for the dynamic viscosity calcu-  −3
lations are explained below. nf
= 1 + 2 5 1 +  2/3 1 +  (7h)
The Brinkman39 model for the dynamic viscosity ratio f H
of a nanofluid to a base fluid is expressed as
Nguyen et al.45 model
nf 1
= (7a) nf
f 1 − 2 5 = 1 + 0 025 + 0 0152 (7i)
The Einstein model for the dynamic viscosity is valid for
 < 0 05 and is expressed as Gherasim et al.46 model
nf nf
= 1 + 2 5 (7b) = 0 904e14 8 (7j)
f f
The Brinkman39 and the Einstein40 models underestimate 2.5. Electrical Conductivity
the dynamic viscosity of a nanofluid. In the last decade,
In the available literature, only two models for determin-
researchers around the globe provided few more models to
ing the electrical conductivity of an electrically-conducting
calculate the dynamic viscosity. As these models are based
nanofluid is available. Aminossadati et al.47 have used the
on a small number of experimentations, hence, their uni-
following model for determining the electrical conductiv-
versal validity is somehow limited. Some of the important
ity of nanofluids:
models are discussed below.
Pak and Cho22 model nf p
= 1 −  +  (8a)
nf f f
= 1 + 39 11 + 533 92 (7c)

The latest correlation for computing the electrical con-
Koo and Kleinstreuer35 model ductivity of a nanofluid is discussed in the works of
Mahmoudi et al.48 and Sheikholeslami et al.49 Mathemati-
kB T cally, this is expressed as
nf = 5×104 f f T 
dp p
nf 3 − 1 p
 = 0 0137100−0 8229 ∀ < 1% = 1+ = (8b)
f  + 2 −  − 1 f
 = 0 0011100−0 7272 ∀ > 1% (7d)
For convenience, all the properties of a nanofluid discussed
f T  = −6 04+0 4705T above are presented in a tabular form in Table II.
+1722 3−134 63
2.6. Applications Work of Nanofluids
1% ≤  ≤ 4% 300 K ≤ T ≤ 325 K In the past one and half decades, a lot of theoretical,
numerical and experiential works have been done on
Maïga et al.41 model
nanofluids applications. A state of the art literature on the
nf classical works of nanofluids is discussed in the review
= 1 + 7 3 + 1232 (7e)
f works of Das et al.,9 Wang and Mujumdar8 and Trisaksri,
and Wongwises.10 Kakaç and Pramuanjaroenkij50 have
Orozco42 Brownian model
provided a review on convective heat transfer enhance-
= 1 + 2 5 + 6 172 (7f) ment with nanofluids. Paul et al.51 have narrated the
f techniques of measuring the thermal conductivity of
Nguyen et al.43 model nanofluids in their review of literature. Kleinstreuer and
Feng,52 Corcione53 and Ghadimi at al.54 have provided
15 937 1556 14 literature reviews on various models for determining the
CuO = −0 6967 + + 1 238 +
T T2 properties of nanofluids. Haddad et al.55 have discussed
 19652 74 the recent works on applications of nanofluids in their
−0 2592 − 30 88 − + 0 015933
T T3 review paper. Mahian et al.56 have provided a review on the
2  applications of nanofluids for solar energy. All the works
+4 38206 + 147 573 2 (7g) discussed above covered the works on nanofluids in the
past two decades. However, a lot of works on MHD flow
and heat transfer of nanofluids have been done in the past
Al2 O3 = exp3 003 − 0 04203T − 0 5445 + 0 0002553T 2
decades. The current study gives a review on MHD flow
+0 05242 − 1 622−1 and heat transfer of nanofluids in the past five years.

276 J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015

Chamkha et al. MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review

Table II. Models for evaluation of properties of nanofluids.

Thermal conductivity

Sl no. Models Mathematical expressions

knf kp + 2kf − 2kf − kp 

1. Maxwell2 =
kf kp + 2kf + kf − kp 

knf 3 − 1kp /kf + 31 −  − 1 + B
2. Bruggeman27 kf 4
B = 3 − 1kp /kf + 31 −  − 1 2 +
knf kp + n − 1kf − n − 1kf − kp 
3. Hamilton and Crossover28 =
kf kp + n − 1kf + kf − kp 

kp /kf − 1 kp /kf − 1 2
= 1+3 + 3
4. Jeffrey29 kf kp /kf + 1 kp /kf + 1
2 3 
3 kp /kf − 1 9 kp /kf − 1 kp /kf + 1
+ + 2
4 kp /kf + 1 16 kp /kf + 1 2kp /kf + 3
3kp /kf − 1
5. Davis30 = 1+  + f kp /kf 2 
kf kp /kf + 2 − kp /kf − 1
6. Lu and Lin31 = 1 + kp /kf  + b2

knf kp + 2kf − 2kf − kp 1 + 3
7. Yu and Choi32 =
kf kp + 2kf + kf − kp 1 + 3
kp df  2kB Tdp
8. Patel et al.33 = 1+ 1+c
kf kf dp 1 −  f f dp2
9 Mintsa et al.34 = 1 72 + 1
knf kp + 2kf − 2kf − kp  kB T
10. Koo and Kleinstreuer35 = + 5 × 104 f Cp f f T  
kf kp + 2kf + kf − kp  dp p

= 1 + ARem Pr0 333 
11. Prasher36 kf
kp 1 + 2Bi + 2km + 2 kp 1 − 2Bi − km
kp 1 + 2Bi + 2km −  kp 1 − 2Bi − km
knf kp d
12. Jang and Choi37 = 1 −  +  + 3C1 bf Redp Pr 
kf kf dp

kB T
13. Koo-Kleinstreuer-Li38 kbrownian = 5 × 104 Cp f gT   dp 
dp p
gT   dp  = a + b lndp  + c ln + d ln lndp  + e lndp 2  lnT 
+g + h lndp  + i ln + j ln lndp  + k lndp 2 
Dynamic viscosity
nf 1
1. Brinkman39 =
f 1 − 2 5
2. Einstein40 = 1 + 2 5
3. Pak and Cho22 = 1 + 39 11 + 533 92 
kB T
nf = 5 × 104 f f T  
dp p
 = 0 0137100−0 8229 ∀  < 1%
4. Koo and Kleinstreuer35
 = 0 0011100−0 7272 ∀  > 1%
f T   = −6 04 + 0 4705T + 1722 3 − 134 63
1% ≤  ≤ 4% 300 K ≤ T ≤ 325 K

J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015 277

MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review Chamkha et al.

Table II. Continued.

Thermal conductivity

Sl no. Models Mathematical expressions

5. Maïga et al.41 = 1 + 7 3 + 1232 
6. Orozco42 = 1 + 2 5 + 6 172 

7. Nguyen et al.43 15 937 1556 14 

CuO = −0 6967 + + 1 238 + − 0 2592 − 30 88
T T2 T
19652 74 3 2 
− + 0 01593 + 4 38206 + 147 573 2
T3 T T
Al2 O3 = exp3 003 − 0 04203T − 0 5445
+0 0002553T 2 + 0 05242 − 1 622−1 
8. Jang et al.44 = 1 + 2 5 1 +  2/3 1 + 
f H
9. Nguyen et al.45 = 1 + 0 025 + 0 0152 
10. Gherasim et al.46 = 0 904e14 8
Electrical conductivity
nf p
1. Aminossadati et al.47 = 1 −  + 

f f

nf 3 − 1

2. Mahmoudi et al.48 = 1+
f  + 2 −  − 1

Aminossadati et al.47 have studied the magnetic field used the non-similar transformation and then numerically
effect on forced convection of a nanofluid in a partially solved the governing equations. Based upon their numer-
heated microchannel. They have considered the Al2 O3 and ical experiment, they have observed that the skin-friction
water-based nanofluid and solved the problem using the coefficient increased as either of the Hartmann number
finite volume based SIMPLE algorithm. They have exam- or the melting parameter (Stefan number) increased. The
ined the effect of various pertinent parameters and con- Nusselt number was increased as either of the melting
cluded that the microchannel performs better in terms parameter, Brownian motion parameter, thermophoresis
of heat transfer at higher Reynolds and Hartmann num- parameter, Lewis number or the heat generation coefficient
bers. For all Reynolds and Hartmann numbers, heat trans- was increased, whereas, it decreased as the strength of the
fer enhances with increase in the nanoparticle volume magnetic field was increased.
fraction. Kandasamy et al.59 have studied the MHD boundary
Chamkha and Aly57 have studied the boundary layer layer flow of a nanofluid past a vertical stretching sur-
flow of a nanofluid past a vertical flat plate. They have face. They have considered the Brownian motion of the
considered the Brownian motion and the thermophoresis nanoparticles and used special Lie group transformation
effect. They have transformed the governing equations to of the governing equations. They obtained the solution
a non-similar form and used numerical techniques to solve using the Runge-Kutta-Gill algorithm. They have con-
the same. They have reported that the local skin-friction cluded that the temperature of the fluid increases while the
coefficient increased as either of the suction, injection nanoparticle volume faction decreases with the increase in
parameter, thermophoresis parameter, Lewis number, or the Brownian motion and thermophorosis.
heat generation or absorption parameter increased, while Ghasemi et al.60 have studied the magneto-convection
it decreased as either of the buoyancy ratio, Brown- of Al2 O3 nanofluid in an enclosure. He has taken the
ian motion parameter, or the magnetic field parameter nf /f = 1 −  + p /f model to determine the effec-
increased. tive electrical conductivity of a nanofluid and used the
Chamkha et al.58 have studied the melting with heat SIMPLE algorithm for numerical solution. Based upon the
generation and absorption effect of a nanofluid past a numerical experiment, they have concluded that the heat
flat plate in the presence of a magnetic field. They have transfer rate increases with an increase in the Rayleigh

278 J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015

Chamkha et al. MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review

Table III. Summary of the numerical works on MHD flows and heat transfer of nanofluids.

Nanoparticles and
base fluid experimental/ Studied Observations and
Authors Configurations numerical method parameters conclusions

Aminossadati B0 Forced convection of Reynolds Microchannel performs better

et al.47 q0'' Al2 O3 + water nanofluid number, in terms of heat transfer at
flowing through a volume higher Reynolds and
y microchannel fraction and Hartmann numbers. For all
uc, Tc h nf p Hartmann Reynolds and Hartmann
x = 1 −  +  Finite number numbers, heat transfer
f f
q''0 enhances with increase in
volume based SIMPLE
l1 l2 l3 volume fraction of

Chamkha and Aly57 x Brownian motion and Heat generation, Local skin-friction coefficient
thermophoresis Non-similar absorption, increased as either of the
form transformation suction and suction or injection
injection parameter, thermophoresis
effects. parameter, Lewis number,
or the heat generation or
T = Tw absorption parameter
g increased, while it
decreased as either the
φ = φw buoyancy ratio, Brownian
motion parameter, or
magnetic field parameter

B0 increased.

T∞, φ∞

Chamkha et al.58 v Melting and heat generation or Hartmann Skin-friction coefficient

absorption effects Non-Similar number, increased as either of the
T∞ > Tm
form transformation Stefan Hartmann number or the
number melting parameter (Stefan
B0 u number) increased. The
Nusselt number was
increased as either of the
melting parameter,
Brownian motion
parameter, thermophoresis
parameter, Lewis number
or the heat generation
coefficient was increased,
o x whereas, it decreased as the
strength of the magnetic
Tm > Ts
field was increased.

Kandasamy et al.59 Analytical solution using special Lewis number, Temperature of the fluid
class of Lie group Magnetic increases while the volume
transformations field and fraction of the
Runge-Kutta-Gill algorithm Brownian nanoparticles decreases
parameters with the increase in
Brownian motion and
g thermophoretic parameters

Tw u


J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015 279

MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review Chamkha et al.

Table III. Continued.

Nanoparticles and
base fluid experimental/ Studied Observations and
Authors Configurations numerical method parameters conclusions

Ghasemi et al.60 Al2 O3 and water nanofluid Rayleigh number, Heat transfer rate increases
nf p
Adiabatic = 1 −  +  solid volume with an increase in the
f f fraction, Rayleigh number but it
SIMPLE algorithm
B0 Water + Al2O3 Hartmann decreases with an increase
Nanofluids number in the Hartmann number.
Increase of the solid
TC L volume fraction may result
y g
TH in enhancement or
deterioration of the heat
x transfer performance
depending on the values of
Hartmann and Rayleigh
Hamad et al.61 Cu, Ag, Al2 O3 and water Magnetic Increasing the value of the
x nanofluids. Conversion of parameters magnetic parameter leads
PDEs to ODEs by similarity Flow volume to a decrease of the
Boundary reduction technique fraction velocity profiles and to an
increase of the thermal
profiles for fixed values of
g volume fraction. Cu and
Tw Ag nanoparticles proved to
u have the highest cooling

performance for the

problem considered.
B0 T∞

Mahmoudi et al.48 Triangular enclosure, partial Hartmann number, In presence of magnetic field,
heating below. Finite volume Rayleigh flow field is suppressed and
method number, volume heat transfer decreases.
fraction and Furthermore, it is observed
active heating that maximum reduction of
TC location average Nusselt number at
high value of Ha occurs at
H Ra = 106 . It is found that
nanoparticles are more
effective at Ra = 104 where
W/5 W/5 conduction is more


Sheikholeslam Tc Lattice Boltzmann method Hartmann number, Average Nusselt number is an

et al.62 Multi-distribution-function nanoparticles increasing function of
(MDF) model is used for volume fraction nanoparticle volume
S simulating the effect of and Rayleigh fraction as well as the
Th uniform magnetic field number Rayleigh number, while it
is a decreasing function of
the Hartmann number
Tc B0 Tc L


280 J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015

Chamkha et al. MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review

Table III. Continued.

Nanoparticles and
base fluid experimental/ Studied Observations and
Authors Configurations numerical method parameters conclusions

Sheikholeslam Cu-water nanofluid in a cold outer Hartmann number, In the absence of magnetic
et al.63 circular enclosure containing a hot Rayleigh number, field, heat transfer
TH inner sinusoidal circular cylinder values of the number enhancement ratio
g TC in the presence of horizontal of undulations of the decreases as Rayleigh
B magnetic field. Control Volume inner cylinder and number increases while an
y based Finite Element Method nanoparticle volume opposite trend is observed
(CVFEM) fraction in the presence of
rin x magnetic field. Average
Nusselt number is an
increasing function of
nanoparticle volume
fraction, the number of
undulations and Rayleigh
numbers while it is a
decreasing function of
Hartmann number.

Kefayati64 Adiabatic Al2 O3 -water nanofluid Lattice Rayleigh number, Heat transfer decreases by the
Boltzmann method Hartmann number and increment of Hartmann
nanoparticle volume number for various
fraction Rayleigh numbers and
volume fractions. The
magnetic field augments

the effect of nanoparticles
TH TC at Rayleigh number of
g Ra = 106 regularly. For
Ra = 104 and Ha = 30,
nanoparticle effects are
y dominant. For Ra = 105
and Ha = 60, the presence
of nanoparticles are more

Kefayati65 Adiabatic Cu and water-based nanofluid Lattice Rayleigh number, At lower Rayleigh number,
Boltzmann solution Hartmann number, the growth of nanoparticles
Cu/water T = T0 + Asin(2πyH + θ) volume fraction of decreases the heat transfer
nanoparticles in presence of magnetic
TH field.


Mahmoudi Cu +water Finite volume collocated Ra = 104 − 107 The entropy generation is
et al.66 TC method Ha = 0 50 100 decreased with the
nf 3 − 1  ≤ 0 05 0 <  < 180 presence of the
h TC = 1+ nanoparticles, while the
f  + 2 −  − 1
same enhances with
d p enhancement of magnetic
f field.


J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015 281

MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review Chamkha et al.

Table III. Continued.

Nanoparticles and
base fluid experimental/ Studied Observations and
Authors Configurations numerical method parameters conclusions

Ibrahim y Fourth-order Velocity ratio Skin friction coefficient,

et al.67 Runge-Kutta parameter Prandtl local Nusselt number
method number, Lewis and local Sherwood
U∞ U∞ number, Brownian number are constant
motion, and the for unity velocity ratio.
B0 B0 parameter

Rashidi z Cu, CuO, Magnetic interaction The fundamental

et al.68 T∞ Al2 O3 +water parameter, suction objective of the second
Fourth-order parameter, law thermodynamics
Runge-Kutta nanoparticle analysis has been
method volume fraction achieved by the
and the type of minimization of
nanofluid entropy in the swirling
W disk flow regime,
when the magnetic
Tw interaction parameter,

U suction parameter and

nanoparticle volume
V fraction decreased.

Makinde Fourth-order Buoyancy, convective The dimensionless

u = U∞
et al.69 Runge-Kutta heating, and rescaled nanoparticle
T = T∞
method magnetic volume fraction
g parameters on the decreases with
u = UW stagnation point increasing magnetic
flow and heat and stretching
transfer parameters.
T = Tf


Mahian TiO2 +water Pressure drop, The entropy generation

et al.70 Analytical solution Richardson reduces with increases
using modified number, Hartmann in TiO2 nanoparticle
g Bessel function of Number and concentration and
L second kind nanoparticles enhances with increase
Differential concentrations in magnetic field.
B0 Transmitter

Nano Fluid

282 J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015

Chamkha et al. MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review

Table III. Continued.

Nanoparticles and
base fluid experimental/ Studied Observations and
Authors Configurations numerical method parameters conclusions

Nandy and U = − ax Similarity Brownian motion Flow velocity, temperature
Mahapatra71 V = − ay transformation, and thermo- and nanoparticle
B0 B0 B0 B0 Shooting phoresis, slip concentrations are strongly
technique using parameters, affected by slip
Runge Kutta magnetic and parameters.
method source and sink

o x

Jena and L Atmospheric Rayleigh number, Surface radiation

Mahapatra72 aerosol as Hartman homogenizes the
TH TC nanofluid. number, volume temperature distribution,
Surface fraction, equilibrates the core and
g radiation radiation enhances the heat transfer
Modified Mac parameters due to radiative heat flux.
z method Its effect on heat transfer
characteristics is
independent of volume

fraction and magnetic field

Sheikholeslami Least square Nanofluid Volume The velocity boundary layer

at al.73 Galerkin method fraction, decreases with the
Runge-Kutta Hartmann increase in Reynolds
Nanofluid in method number and number and the decrease
Semi-porous channel h Reynolds in Hartmann number Cu
y number. and Ethylene-based
nanofluid leads to
maximum increment in
x Magnetic Field velocity.

Sheikholeslami B g Cu-water Hartmann number, Hartmann number and the
at al.74 nanoparticles Rayleigh inclination angle of the
Control Volume number and enclosure are the
based Finite inclination angle controlling parameters at
q'' Element Method of enclosure different Rayleigh
rin (CVFEM), numbers. In presence of
rout magnetic field, velocity
y field retards and hence,
convection and Nusselt
x number decrease.

Murthy et al.75 Non-Darcy porous Nanoparticle Thermal transportation is

x u medium under volume fraction, significantly affected due
g convective Darcy number to the stratification of the
T∞ boundary and Biot number medium. Heat transfer
φ = φw v condition. depends upon Biot number
non-similar due to the convective
non-linear boundary condition.
T → T∞ coupled partial
φ → φ∞ differential

J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015 283

MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review Chamkha et al.

Table III. Continued.

Nanoparticles and
base fluid experimental/ Studied Observations and
Authors Configurations numerical method parameters conclusions

Mahmoudi y Lattice Boltzmann method Ra = 103 − 105 The magnetic field direction
et al.76 Al2 O3 + water Ha = 0 − 60 controls the effect of
Adiabatic wall
 = 0 − 0 06 nanoparticles in the fluid. For
0 <  < 180 high Hartmann number
(Ha = 30), the most intense
y effect of nanoparticles is for
g B  = 0 , the effect of
nanoparticles is negative for
 = 60 to 120 .

Mejri et al.77 y, v Al2 O3 and water nanofluids, Rayleigh number, For Ra = 5 × 104 and Ha = 20,
Adiabatic Lattice Boltzmann method Hartmann the heat transfer rate and
number, phase entropy generation
deviation and respectively increase and
solid volume decrease with the increases of
fraction volume fraction. For Ha = 50

and  = 2 , adding
B nanoparticles increases heat
transfer rate but does not
affect the entropy generation.

x, u
Sheikholeslami nf 3 − 1 Brownian motion, Nusselt number is enhanced with
T0 = 1+
et al.49 f  + 2 −  − 1 magnetic increases in Reynolds and
p parameter, nanoparticle volume fraction,
= rotation while it decreases with
parameters and increases in Eckert and
Runge-Kutta method
Reynolds number magnetic and rotation
uw uw
x B
Sheikholeslami Ω T0, C0 Runge-Kutta method Brownian motion, Nusselt number has a direct
and Ganji78 thermophorosis, relationship with Reynolds
Reynolds number, number and inverse
h rotation relationship with rotation,
parameters and magnetic, thermophoretic and
B y
magnetic Brownian parameters and
uw x
z uw parameters Schimidt number.
Th, Ch
Sheikholeslami Cu +water nanofluid. Lattice Nanoparticle volume Heat transfer enhancement ratio
et al.79 Boltzmann method fraction, increases with decrease in
Tc Hartmann Rayleigh number and
g number, aspect increases with increase in
ratio and Hartmann number.
Rayleigh number
Tc Tc L


284 J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015

Chamkha et al. MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review

Table III. Continued.

Nanoparticles and
base fluid experimental/ Studied Observations and
Authors Configurations numerical method parameters conclusions

Sheikholeslami Al2 O3 + water nanofluids Hartmann number, The results indicate that Nusselt
et al.80 Tc, φc Finite element method Buoyancy ratio, number is an increasing
Heatline visualization Lewis number function of buoyancy ratio
number but it is a decreasing
Th, φh function of Lewis number and
B Hartmann number.

Sheikholeslami T0 Cu, Ag, Al2 O3 , TiO3 Nanofluid volume The results indicate that, for both
et al.81 and water nanofluids. fraction, magnetic suction and injection the
Runge-Kutta method parameter, wall Nusselt number has a direct
v0 injection/suction relationship with the
y parameter, nanoparticle volume fraction.
uw x uw
z viscosity The highest values are
Th parameter and obtained when titanium oxide
rotation parameter is used as a nanoparticle.

Sheikholeslami KKL Hartmann number, The results show that as

et al.82 (Koo-Kleinstreuer-Li) volume fraction Hartmann number increases,
correlation is used for of nanoparticle, Nusselt number decreases
simulating effective Rayleigh number while opposite trend is
thermal conductivity and aspect ratio observed as nanoparticles
and viscosity of volume fraction, Rayleigh
g nanofluid. Finite number and aspect ratio
B λ Tc Tc Element Method increase.


Sheikholeslami y Cu-water nanofluid, Hartmann number, Nusselt number is an increasing

et al.83 Control Volume based Rayleigh number, function of nanoparticle
g Finite Element nanoparticle volume fraction, Rayleigh
Method (CVFEM), volume fraction number, inclination angle and
a and inclined a decreasing function of
B λ
x angle of inner Hartmann number. Effect of
b cylinder. inclination angle on Nusselt
number becomes smaller in
Tc presence of magnetic field.

Sheikholeslami Cu-Water nanofluid Hartmann number, The enhancement in heat transfer

et al.84 Lattice Boltzmann heat source increases as Hartmann number
g method KKL(Koo– length, and heat source length
B Kleinstreuer–Li) nanoparticle increase but it decreases with
correlation volume fraction increase of Rayleigh number.
CuO-Water and Rayleigh The effect of Hartmann
numbers number and heat source length
Tc Tc is more pronounced at high
Rayleigh number.


J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015 285

MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review Chamkha et al.

Table III. Continued.

Nanoparticles and
base fluid experimental/ Studied Observations and
Authors Configurations numerical method parameters conclusions

Sheikholeslami CuO–water nanofluid, Control Volume fraction of Nusselt number is an

et al.85 volume based finite element nanoparticles, increasing function of
method (CVFEM), KKL Rayleigh number, nanoparticles volume
(Koo–Kleinstreuer–Li) dimensionless fraction, dimensionless
correlation amplitude of the amplitude of the
sinusoidal wall, sinusoidal wall and
Hartmann number Rayleigh number while it
B is a decreasing function of
Hartmann number.
q'' 2H

Chamkha and v u
Boundary layer flow around a Magnetic parameter, Local skin-friction
Rashad86 y non-isothermal wedge Pressure gradient coefficient, local Nusselt
x Brownian motion and parameter number, and the local
U∞ = U0xm Thermophoresis Finite Sherwood number
difference method reduced as either of the
magnetic parameter or the

πβ pressure gradient
parameter is increased.
The presence of the
Brownian motion and the
thermophoresis effects
caused the local Nusselt
number to decrease and
the Sherwood number to

Chamkha Viscous dissipation and Magnetic field, The presence of MHD and
et al.87
x u magnetic field effects on viscous viscous dissipation effects
nanofluid flow in non-Darcy dissipation and in the nanofluid saturated
g porous medium. Implicit non-Darcy non-Darcy porous
T∞ finite difference method medium medium influenced the
φ = φw v flow, heat, and the
nanoparticle volume
fraction significantly.
B0 T → T∞
φ → φ∞

Mehrez u0 Cu-water nanofluid flow in an Solid volume Average Nusselt number and
et al.88 g open cavity heated from fraction Hartmann entropy generation
Tc below. finite-volume number Reynolds increase by increasing
method, number volume fraction of
Th − (Th − Tc) sin(y/H) Richardson nanoparticles and this
nf p
= 1 −  +  number depends mainly on the
f f
inclination angles Hartmann number and
of magnetic field inclination angle of the
magnetic field. The
variation rates of heat
transfer and entropy
generation while adding
nanoparticles or applying
a magnetic field depend
on the Richardson and
Reynolds numbers.

286 J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015

Chamkha et al. MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review

Table III. Continued.

Nanoparticles and
base fluid experimental/ Studied Observations and
Authors Configurations numerical method parameters conclusions

Sheikholeslami T0C0 Thermal radiation, Reynolds number, Nusselt number has direct
et al.89 Brownian motion and magnetic parameter, relationship with radiation
thermophores rotation parameter, parameter and Reynolds
Fourth-order Schmidt number, number while it has
Runge-Kutta method thermophoretic reverse relationship with
ThCh parameter, Brownian other active parameters.
parameter and Concentration boundary
uw uw
y radiation parameter layer thickness decreases
x with the increase of
radiation parameter.

Sheikholeslami CuO–water nanofluid, Hartmann number, Heat transfer rate and

et al.90 Lattice Boltzmann nanoparticle volume dimensionless entropy
Method (LBM) KKL fraction and Rayleigh generation number
(Koo–Kleinstreuer– number on the flow increase with increase of
B Li) the Rayleigh number and
Tc correlation nanoparticle volume
Tc fraction but it decreases
with increase of the
Hartmann number.

Gireesha et al.91 y, v Nanofluid with Nanoparticle volume Temperatures of nanofluid
homogeneously fraction, magnetic and dust phase increase
suspended dust parameter, fluid with increasing values of
x, u particles. Similarity particle interaction Eckert number. Velocities
transformation and parameter, Prandtl of nanofluid and dust
Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg number, Eckert phase decrease while
fourth-fifth order number temperatures of nanofluid
method for numerical and dust phase increase as
solution solid volume fraction of
B0 nanoparticle increases. It
is found that the dusty
fluid with copper
nanoparticles has an
appreciable cooling

number but it decreases with an increase in the Hartmann to have the highest cooling performance for the problem
number. Increasing the solid volume fraction may result considered.
in enhancement or deterioration of the heat transfer per- Mahmoudi et al.48 have studied the magneto-convection
formance depending on the value of the Hartmann and in a triangular enclosure for six different heating condi-
Rayleigh numbers. tions. In their numerical observation, they have concluded
Hamad et al.61 have studied the convection of a that, in the presence of a magnetic field, the flow field
nanofluid past a semi-infinite vertical flat plate. They have is suppressed and heat transfer decreases. Furthermore,
considered Cu, Ag, Al2 O3 and water-based nanofluids and they reported that the maximum reduction of the average
used the similarity reduction techniques to convert the Nusselt number at high value of Ha occurs at Ra = 106 . It
PDEs into ODEs. Then, they have numerically solved the is found that the nanoparticles are more effective at Ra =
ODEs. Based upon the numerical observation, they have 104 , where conduction is more pronounced.
reported that, increasing the values of the magnetic param- Sheikholeslam et al.62 have studied the MHD flow of
eter leads to a decrease in the velocity profiles and to an nanofluids in an annulus. They have considered the Multi-
increase in the thermal profiles for fixed values of the par- Distribution-Function (MDF) model for simulating the
ticles volume fraction. Cu and Ag nanoparticles proved effect of uniform magnetic field and the lattice Boltzmann

J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015 287

MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review Chamkha et al.

method for numerical solution. They have reported that reduced the governing equations to the form of ordinary
the average Nusselt number is an increasing function of differential equations and used the Runge-Kutta method
the nanoparticle volume fraction as well as the Rayleigh for the solution. They have reported minimization of
number, while it is a decreasing function of the Hartmann entropy in the swirling disk flow regime when the mag-
number. netic interaction, suction parameter and nanoparticle vol-
Sheikholeslam et al.63 have studied convection of ume fraction decreased.
Cu-water nanofluid in a cold outer circular enclosure con- Makinde et al.69 have studied the buoyancy effect on
taining a hot inner sinusoidal circular cylinder in the pres- MHD flow of a nanofluid around a stretching and shrink-
ence of a horizontal magnetic field. They have used the ing sheet. They have used the Runge-Kutta method to
Control Volume based Finite Element Method (CVFEM) solve the MHD stagnation-point flow considering the
for the numerical solution and reported that, in the absence buoyancy, convective heating and magnetic parameters.
of magnetic field, the heat transfer enhancement ratio They have noticed the decrease in dimensionless rescaled
decreases as the Rayleigh number increases while an oppo- nanoparticle volume fraction with the increase in the mag-
site trend is observed in the presence of a magnetic field. netic and stretching parameters.
The average Nusselt number is an increasing function of Mahian et al.70 have studied the irreversibility on the
the nanoparticle volume fraction, the number of undula- MHD flow of TiO3 nanofluid in a vertical annulus. They
tions and the Rayleigh numbers while it is a decreasing have derived an analytical solution using the modified
function of the Hartmann number. Bessel number of the second kind. They have considered
Kefayati64 have studied the magneto-convection of the effect of nanoparticle, volume fraction, pressure drop,
Al2 O3 water-based nanofluid in an open enclosure using Richardson number and the Hartmann number on the flow
the Lattice Boltzmann method. They have reported that and concluded that the entropy minimizes with increases
heat transfer decreases by the increment of the Hartmann in the TiO2 concentration and increases with the increase
number for various Rayleigh numbers and volume frac- in the Hartmann number.

tions. The magnetic field augments the effect of the Nandy and Mahapatra71 have studied the effect of slip
nanoparticles at a Rayleigh number of Ra = 106 regularly. for MHD stagnation flow near the stretching and shrinking
For Ra = 104 and Ha = 30, nanoparticle effects are domi- sheet using nanofluids. They have used the similarity trans-
nant. For Ra = 105 and Ha = 60, the presence of nanopar- formation relation to bring the governing partial differen-
ticles are more influential. tial equations into ordinary differential equations. Then,
Kefayati65 has analyzed the heat transfer from a cav- they solved the governing ODEs with the shooting method
ity filled with Cu and water-based nanofluids with a sinu- employing the Runge-Kutta scheme. They have reported
soidal temperature distribution. He has used the lattice the influence of slip velocity on temperature, velocity and
Boltzmann method for the numerical solution. He has nanoparticle concentrations.
reported that in the presence of a magnetic field, the heat Jena and Mahapatra72 have studied the magneto-
transfer decreases with the increase in the nanoparticle vol- convection of atmospheric aerosol regarded as nanoflu-
ume fraction at low Rayleigh numbers. ids. They have examined the surface radiation effects on
Mahmoudi et al.66 have done the finite volume based the phenomenon and reported that the surface radiation
numerical solution of Cu and water-based nanofluid in homogenizes the temperature distribution, equilibrates the
a trapezoidal cavity in the presence of a magnetic field. core and enhances the heat transfer due to radiative heat
They have observed minimization of entropy generation flux. They have found that its effect on heat transfer char-
with an increase in the nanoparticle concentration and that acteristics is independent of the volume fraction and the
the magnetic field enhances the entropy of the system magnetic field.
considered. Sheikholeslami et al.73 have studied the MHD flow
Ibrahim et al.67 have done the simulation for heat trans- of nanofluid in a semi-porous channel. They have used
fer due to a nanofluid towards the stagnation point of a both the Runge-Kutta and Least square-based Galerkin
stretching sheet with MHD effects. They have used the method for the numerical solution. They have considered
fourth-order Runge-Kutta method for the solution. They the nanoparticle volume fraction, Reynolds number and
have reported that the values of the Nusselt number, the Hartmann number variation. They have reported that the
Sherwood number and the skin friction become constant velocity boundary layer decreases with the increase in the
when the velocity ratio parameter reaches unity. Reynolds number and the decrease in the Hartmann num-
Rashidi et al.68 have considered the entropy generation ber. They have also concluded that Cu and Ethylene-based
during the rotation of a porous disk in a nanofluid in nanofluid leads to maximum increment in that velocity.
the presence of a magnetic field. Their study is intended Sheikholeslami et al.74 studied the magneto-convection
for MHD-based rotating energy generator used in nuclear of Cu and water-based nanofluid in a curved geometry
propulsion space vehicles. They have used Cu, CuO and using the Control Volume based Finite Element Method
Al2 O3 and water nanofluids in their study. They have (CVFEM). From their study, they have reported that the

288 J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015

Chamkha et al. MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review

Hartmann number and the inclination angle of the enclo- have observed the increase in the heat transfer enhance-
sure are the controlling parameters at different Rayleigh ment ratio with the increase in the Hartmann number and
numbers. In the presence of a magnetic field, the velocity the decrease in the Rayleigh number.
field retarded and hence, the convection and the Nusselt Sheikholeslami et al.80 have studied free convection of
number decrease. an Al2 O3 –water nanofluid in curved structure geometry.
Murthy et al.75 have studied the convection of a They have used the finite element method for the numer-
nanofluid in a non-Darcy porous medium with convec- ical solution. They have also done heatline visualization
tive boundary conditions. They have solved the non-similar of the phenomenon. They have reported that, the Nusselt
nonlinear partial differential equations numerically. From number is an increasing function of the buoyancy ratio
their observation, they have concluded that the thermal number but it is a decreasing function of the Lewis number
transportation is significantly affected due to the stratifica- and the Hartmann number.
tion of the medium and that heat transfer depended upon Sheikholeslami et al.81 have considered MHD convec-
the Biot number due to the convective boundary condition. tion of nanofluids in a rotating system. They have used
Mahmoudi et al.76 have studied the MHD natural con- Cu, Ag, Al2 O3 , TiO3 and water nanofluids and adopted
vection in a cavity with a linear temperature distribution. the Runge-Kutta method for the numerical solution. After
They have used the Lattice Boltzmann method for the a detailed parametric study, they have concluded that for
numerical solution of Al2 O3 and water-based nanofluids. both suction and injection, the Nusselt number has a direct
They have concluded that the magnetic field direction con- relationship with the nanoparticle volume fraction. The
trols the effect of the nanoparticles in the fluid. They have highest values are obtained when titanium oxide is used
reported that for a high Hartmann number (Ha = 30, the as the nanoparticle type.
most intense effect of nanoparticles is for the inclination Sheikholeslami et al.82 have studied the MHD free con-
angle of the magnetic field  = 00 while the effect of vection of nanofluids in a concentric annulus. They have
nanoparticles is negative for  = 60 to  = 120 . used the KKL (Koo-Kleinstreuer-Li) correlation for sim-

Mejri et al.77 have studied the natural convection heat
ulating the effective thermal conductivity and viscosity
transfer and entropy generation in a cavity filled with a
of the nanofluid. They used the Finite Element Method
nanofluid in the presence of a magnetic field and a sinu-
(FEM) for the numerical simulation. They have reported
soidal temperature distribution. They have used the lattice
that as the Hartmann number increases, the Nusselt num-
Boltzmann method for the solution of Al2 O3 and water
ber decreases while the opposite trend is observed as the
nanofluids. They have reported that, for Ra = 5 × 104 and
nanoparticles volume fraction, Rayleigh number and the
Ha = 20, the heat transfer rate and entropy generation
aspect ratio increase.
respectively increase and decrease with the increases of
Sheikholeslami et al.83 have studied the natural convec-
the volume fraction. However, for Ha = 50 and  = /2,
tion of Cu and water-based nanofluid in an enclosure with
adding nanoparticles increases the heat transfer rate but
does not affect the entropy generation. a hot elliptic cylinder placed at the center in the pres-
Sheikholeslami et al.49 have considered the viscous dis- ence of a magnetic field. They have used the Control Vol-
sipation effect of MHD nanofluid flow. They have con- ume based Finite Element Method (CVFEM) for solution.
sidered the Brownian motion of nanoparticles and used They observed and concluded that the Nusselt number is
the Koo-Kleinstreuer-Li correlations. The governing equa- an increasing function of the nanoparticle volume fraction,
tions are solved using the Runge Kutta method. They Rayleigh number, and the inclination angle and a decreas-
have reported enhancement of the Nusselt number with ing function of the Hartmann number. The effect of the
the increase in the Reynolds number and the nanoparticle inclination angle on the Nusselt number becomes smaller
volume fraction, while they have noticed decreases in the in the presence of the magnetic field.
Nusselt number with increases in the Eckert number and Sheikholeslami et al.84 have studied the natural convec-
the magnetic and rotation parameters. tion of CuO and water nanofluid in a rectangular enclosure
Sheikholeslami and Ganji78 have studied heat and mass in the presence of a magnetic field considering the Lorentz
transfer from a rotating system of a nanofluid in the pres- force effect. They have considered the Koo–Kleinstreuer–
ence of a magnetic field. They have used the Runge-Kutta Li relationship for evaluating the nanofluid properties
method for the solution. After a detailed parametric study, which accounts for the Brownian motion of nanoparti-
they concluded that the Nusselt number has a direct rela- cles. They have used the lattice Boltzmann method for
tionship with the Reynolds number and an inverse rela- the numerical simulation. They have reported that the
tionship with the rotation, magnetic, thermophoretic and enhancement in heat transfer increases as the Hartmann
the Brownian parameters as well as the Schimidt number. number and the heat source length increase but it decreases
Sheikholeslami et al.79 have considered the natural con- with the increase in the Rayleigh number. Further, they
vection of a nanofluid inside a square cavity having a mentioned that the effects of the Hartmann number and the
concentric cylindrical annulus. They have used the Lat- heat source length are more pronounced at high Rayleigh
tice Boltzmann method for the numerical solution. They numbers.

J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015 289

MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review Chamkha et al.

Sheikholeslami et al.85 have examined the heat trans- have considered the KKL (Koo–Kleinstreuer–Li) correla-
fer characteristics from a sinusoidal wall filled with a tion to determine the properties of the Cu water-based
nanofluid in the presence of a magnetic field. They have nanofluid and adopted the lattice Boltzmann method for
used the KKL (Koo–Kleinstreuer–Li) correlation to cal- the numerical solution. They have reported that the heat
culate the properties of CuO nanofluid and obtained the transfer rate and the dimensionless entropy generation
solution using the Control Volume based Finite Element number increase with the increase of the Rayleigh number
Method (CVFEM). Based upon the numerical calculations, and the nanoparticle volume fraction but it decreases with
they have reported that the Nusselt number is an increas- the increase of the Hartmann number.
ing function of the nanoparticles volume fraction, dimen- Recently, Gireesha et al.91 have studied the MHD
sionless amplitude of the sinusoidal wall and the Rayleigh boundary layer flow and heat transfer of an incom-
number while it is a decreasing function of the Hartmann pressible nanofluid with homogeneously suspended dust
number. particles. The flow is generated due to a linear stretch-
Chamkha and Rashad86 have studied the flow of a ing surface in the presence of uniform magnetic field.
nanofluid around a non-isothermal wedge. They have con- They performed the similarity transformation and used the
sidered the Brownian movement and the thermophoresis Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg fourth-fifth order method for the
effects. They have concluded that the local skin-friction numerical solution. Based upon their numerical observa-
coefficient, local Nusselt number, and the local Sherwood tion, they concluded that the temperatures of the nanofluid
number reduced as either of the magnetic parameter or and the dust phase increase with increasing values of the
the pressure gradient parameter was increased. The pres- Eckert number. In addition, they reported that the veloci-
ence of the Brownian motion and the thermophoresis ties of the nanofluid and the dust phase decrease while the
effects caused the local Nusselt number to decrease and temperatures of the nanofluid and the dust phase increase
the Sherwood number to increase. as the solid volume fraction of nanoparticles increases.
Chamkha et al.87 have studied the effects of viscous They concluded that the dusty fluid with copper nanopar-

dissipation and magnetic field on natural convection of a ticles has an appreciable cooling performance.
nanofluid past a vertical plate in a saturated non-Darcy
porous medium. From their finite difference numerical
solution, they have concluded that the presence of MHD 3. CONCLUSION
and viscous dissipation effects in the nanofluid-saturated Nanofluids are a new class of smart fluids that are of
non-Darcy porous medium influenced the flow, heat, and paramount importance in numerous applications involving
the nanoparticle volume fraction significantly. heat transfer. Many important reviews have been reported
Mehrez et al.88 have studied the natural convection of in the literature on the studies done on nanofluids in the
Cu-water nanofluid flow in an open cavity heated from past decade or so. These studies highlight interesting phys-
below. They have considered the electrical conductivity of ical phenomena regarding heat transfer enhancement, cool-
a nanofluid by the relation nff = 1 −  + p /f . They ing and control involving the use of nanofluids. Much
have used the finite volume method for the numerical solu- attention has been given to the measurement and the devel-
tion. In their findings, they have reported that the average opment of models for the nanofluid’s thermal conductiv-
Nusselt number and the entropy generation increase by ity, viscosity and other properties and their effects on the
increasing the volume fraction of nanoparticles, and this heat transfer characteristics. In the past decade, a lot of
depends mainly on the Hartmann number and inclination work has been done on MHD convective flow of nanoflu-
angle of the magnetic field. They have concluded that the ids, but the review of these types of flow and heat trans-
variation rates of heat transfer and the entropy generation fer situations is absent from the literature till date. This
while adding nanoparticles or applying a magnetic field paper reports an overview of the recent developments in
depend on the Richardson and Reynolds numbers. the study of MHD convection heat transfer using nanoflu-
Sheikholeslami et al.89 have studied the effect of ther- ids in various geometries and applications. Much work still
mal radiation on magnetohydrodynamic nanofluid flow needs to be done in the area of nanofluids, specifically on
between two horizontal rotating plates. They have reduced the problems of nanoparticles agglomeration, settling, and
the nonlinear PDEs to coupled ODEs and then solved the erosion, particle size and shape distribution, clustering, etc.
same using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. Based and their potential effects in the applications. Also, more
upon their observation, they have reported that the Nusselt research needs to be performed on the true understanding
number has a direct relationship with the radiation param- of the physical mechanisms at the nanoscale level due to
eter and the Reynolds number while it has the reverse the lack of agreement in some cases between experimental
relationship with the other active parameters and that the measurements and theoretical studies dealing with nanoflu-
concentration boundary layer thickness decreases with the ids. Accurate nanofluids properties models based on accu-
increase in the radiation parameter. rate experimental work are still needed and many other
Sheikholeslami et al.90 have studied the entropy genera- factors still need to be explored and optimized and more
tion of nanofluids in the presence of a magnetic field. They promising potential applications need to be identified.

290 J. Nanofluids, 4, 271–292, 2015

Chamkha et al. MHD Convection of Nanofluids: A Review

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