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Enter the Title of Your Dissertation Here – It Should be in Title Case, Centered, and Fit on

No More than Two Lines

Student’s Full Name

A Dissertation
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
The Degree of Doctor of Education
In Curriculum and Leadership
(Program Track Specialization)

Keywords: Insert up to six (6) keywords on no more than two lines of text

Columbus State University

Columbus, GA

Committee Chair, Role, Rank, Department

Committee Methodologist or 2nd Member, Role, Rank, Department
Committee Member, Role, Rank, Department
Copyright © Year, Student’s Full Name. All rights reserved.

EdD Dissertation
Template (updated

(Optional) You are not required to have a dedication page but if you do, it should be

double spaced and should not take up more than one typed paged of the dissertation preliminary


EdD Dissertation
Template (updated

Each dissertation should include an acknowledgements section where the student

recognizes the contribution and inspiration of others in completing the dissertation. The text

should be double-spaced and should not take up more than two typed pages of the dissertation

preliminary pages.

EdD Dissertation
Template (updated

Each dissertation should include the student’s current resume or curriculum vita (cv). If the cv is

in excess of five (5) pages, students may consider including a shortened version. Please follow

the current template in the formatting of the cv or resume.

EdD Dissertation
Template (updated

The one-page abstract should be written as a block paragraph (no indention). Follow the APA

guidelines for writing a dissertation (i.e., no citations, numerals for all numbers, block

paragraphs). The text should be double-spaced and take up no more than two typed pages of the

dissertation preliminary pages.

EdD Dissertation
Template (updated
Table of Contents

EdD Dissertation
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List of Tables

EdD Dissertation
Template (updated
List of Figures

Chapter I: Introduction

Beginning in Chapter I: Introduction, the dissertation pagination should change from

Roman numerals to Arabic numerals, starting with the number 1. Page numbers should remain

centered in the footer of the dissertation.

The below elements of the dissertation body are meant to serve as a general guide for

your chapter components. Always consult with your dissertation chair on the headings/content

included in your dissertation.

Each Chapter Number/Title serves as a Level 1 Heading for that Chapter. Headings

within the body of your chapters would then be Level 2 Headings and beyond. Avoid the use of

the heading “Introduction” at the beginning of each of your chapters. Per APA style, this

heading is not needed due to the placement of the content at the beginning of the chapter.

Background of the Problem

Level two headings are flush left, bold, written in Title Case. Text begins as a new


Statement of the Problem

Purpose of the Study

Research Questions/Hypothesis

Theoretical or Conceptual Framework

Methodology Overview

Delimitations and Limitations

Definition of Terms

Significance of the Study


EdD Dissertation
Template (updated
Chapter II: Literature Review
Chapter II serves as an extensive review of ALL of the related literature on your topic.

You will want to include mostly peer-reviewed journal articles or books and limit your use of

dated (more than 10 years) sources unless the works are considered seminal works in the field.

Recommended/suggested headings will vary based on the topic by generally include the


Theoretical or Conceptual Framework

Level two headings are flush left, bold, written in Title Case. Text begins as a new


Historical Overview

Topic A

Subtopic A1

Level three headings are flush left, bold, italics, written in Title Case. Text begins as a

new paragraph.

Subtopic A2

Topic B

Subtopic B1

Subtopic B2

Subtopic B2.1. Level four headings are intended, bold, in Title Case, and the text begins

on the same line as the heading.

Subtopic B2.1.1. Level five headings are indented, bold, italics, in Title Case, and the

text begins on the same line as the heading.

EdD Dissertation
Template (updated
Chapter III: Methodology

Chapter III serves as your methodology chapter and should read almost as an instruction

manual or recipe to your reader. If someone wanted to replicate your study, they should be able

to follow your methodology from Chapter III to recreate the study exactly.

Recommended/suggested headings will vary based on the topic but generally include the


Research Design

Role of the Researcher



Intervention (if applicable)

Data Collection

Data Analysis


EdD Dissertation
Template (updated
Chapter IV: Findings

Chapter IV contains your results/findings. This chapter should include ALL results and

findings as well as a discussion of those findings in relation to the literature.

Recommended/suggested headings will vary based on the study but generally include the




Research Question 1

Research Question 2

Research Question 3


EdD Dissertation
Template (updated
Chapter V: Conclusions

Chapter V serves as the compliment to Chapter 1. You will summarize your study, go

over your methods and your findings and relate them back to the literature. You will also discuss

the implications of your study and address any recommendations for future research or study.

Recommended/suggested headings will vary based on the topic but may include the following.

Summary of the Study

Limitations of the Study

Recommendations for Future Research

Implications of the Study

Dissemination of the Findings (if applicable)


EdD Dissertation
Template (updated

References should follow all APA guidelines including the reverse indent (please use the ruler

guides at the top of the document – do not manual space or tab the reverse indent)

EdD Dissertation
Template (updated

EdD Dissertation
Template (updated
Appendix A

Title of Appendix A

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