Biology Cell

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CURSO 2017-2018  


En tu calificación final a) Ortografía (tildes, grafías, uso adecuado de las mayúsculas, y división silábica correcta al final del renglón).
se valorarán los b) Presentación (limpieza, letra legible, líneas horizontales, márgenes y sangrías, escrito a bolígrafo).
siguientes apartados: c) Redacción (signos de puntuación, concordancia, vocabulario adecuado, orden y conectores).

1. Complete the sentence

All _________ beings that inhabit the Earth have three characteristic in common: their
chemical composition is similar, they are nade up of ______ , and they perform the three
__________ ________________ , wich are: _____________ , ______________ and

2. What are the two types of reproduction?

3. Wich two types of nutrition can living beings have?

4. Join every letter with its number

a. Membrane 1. Organelle that gives energy to plants.
b. Chloroplast 2. Organelle that makes proteins.
c. Ribosomes 3. Organelle that digest things.
d. Lysosomes 4. It surrounds the cell .

5. Join every letter with its number

a. Stimuli 1. Parts of the body that execute responses.
b. Receptors 2. Any changes that we can detect.
c. Effectors. 3. Parts of the living beings that detect stimuli.

6. In the sexual reproduction , all the descendants are identical. True or false?

7. Wich organelle is exclusive for plant cells?

a. Nucleus.
b. Lysososmes.
c. Chloroplast.

8. Complete the sentence

If I hear a bell, this is an example of ______________ and if I move my head to see it, it´s
an example of _____________.

9. Animal cell or plant cell?

10. Animal cell or plant cell?

11. Wich one of these organelles is in an animal cell?

a. Chloroplast.
b. A big vacuole.
c. Mitochondria.
d. Cell Wall with cellulose.
12. Complete the sentence

A lot of equal _______ form a _________. Several differents _________ form an

_________. Different organs form a ____________.
All the system together form an _____________.

13. join every letter with its number

a. Prokaryote 1. Cell with nucleus and lysosome.
b. Eukaryote plant cell 2. No nucleus.
c. Eukaryote animal cell. 3. Cell with nucleus and big vacuole

14. What is the smallest unit of a living being that can carry the three living processes?
1º ESO Microrganisms

Pregunta: 1
Total de Puntos: 4
Puntos por pregunta: 4

To noun species we use the _____ _____. With the first name is the _____ and with the second name is the _____.

Pregunta: 2
Total de Puntos: 1

The unicellular fungi are the


Pregunta: 3
Total de Puntos: 1

what microorganism is this: unicellular, prokaryote, autotroph/hetrotroph, no tissues


Pregunta: 4
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Une cada letra con la respuesta correspondiente.

A. mutation 1. Darwin´s theory of evolution.

B. adaptation 2. A DNA change

C. natural selection 3. an advantage

Pregunta: 5
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Une cada letra con la respuesta correspondiente.

A. kingdom 1. includes all the categories.

B. family 2. includes genus and species.

C. phylum 3. includes class.

Pregunta: 6
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 1

to know if two living beings are the same species we look if 1. They are _____ 2. They have _____ 3. The offspring is

Pregunta: 7
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Une cada letra con la respuesta correspondiente.

A. green algae 1. absorbs part of the colors of the light.

B. brown algae 2. absorbs all the colors of the light.

C. red algae 3. they can live deeper in the ocean.

Pregunta: 8
Total de Puntos: 1

Here you can see


Pregunta: 9
Total de Puntos: 1

You can see a


Pregunta: 10
Total de Puntos: 1

What kingdom?

Pregunta: 11
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Une cada letra con la respuesta correspondiente.

A. Yeast 1. Bread

B. Bacteria 2. Yogurt

C. Fungi 3. Blue Cheese

1º ESO Plants exam com

Pregunta: 1
Total de Puntos: 1

The main difference between plants and other kingdoms is

They are prokaryote cells


Pregunta: 2
Total de Puntos: 1

In the photosynthesis, the ingredients are...

Carbon dioxide and minerals

Oxygen and Organic matter
Water, minerals and carbon dioxide
Oxygen and carbon dioxide

Pregunta: 3
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 3

Match every letter with its number

A. Plants without vessel tissues and 1. Angiosperms and gymnosperms


B. Plants with vessel tissues but without 2. Ferns


C. Plants with flowers and vessel 3. Mosses and liverworts


Pregunta: 4
Total de Puntos: 1

What´s the name?


Pregunta: 5
Total de Puntos: 1

This is a

Pregunta: 6
Total de Puntos: 4
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Use small letter and singular A: _____ C:_____ D: _____ E: _____

Pregunta: 7
Total de Puntos: 4
Puntos por pregunta: 4

Write G if it is gymnosperm or A if it is angyosperm. Visible flower _____ Their seeds are protected by cones _____ All
plants have fruits _____ Can be monocotyledons or dicotyledons _____

Pregunta: 8
Total de Puntos: 2

Groot is a character from Guardians of the Galaxy, He is a tree that can grow up. Explain how it is possible that he
reaches 3-4 meters long.
Pregunta: 9
Total de Puntos: 1
Puntos por pregunta: 1

PlantMan is a villain that manipulates plants, in the picture you see a giant plant with spores. Wich plant group is? _____
(plural and start with capital letter)
Pregunta: 10
Total de Puntos: 1

The floronic Man is a villain that control plants with flowers. Wich group of plants are?

Pregunta: 11
Total de Puntos: 2

In the videogame Plants vs Zombies there is a plant named Sap_fling that throws sap. Explain what it´s sap and the
types of saps.

Pregunta: 12
Total de Puntos: 1

Poison Ivy is a botanical that can control plants. She can ride them to move and the plant is growing and growing ¿Wich
group of plants do you think she uses to move?

Pregunta: 13
Total de Puntos: 4
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Une cada letra con la respuesta correspondiente.

A. xylem 1. it transports ingredients for


B. phloem 2. it transports the products from

C. dicotyledons 3. grasses

D. monocotyledons 4. trees

Pregunta: 14
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Une cada letra con la respuesta correspondiente.

A. rhizoids 1. mosses "roots"

B. cauloids 2. mosses "stems"

C. phyllodes 3. mosses "leaves"

1º ESO invertebrates com 2017

Pregunta: 1
Total de Puntos: 1

How are the animals?

autotrophs and unicellulars

heterotrophs and multicellulars
hetrotrophs and unicellulars
autotrophs and multicellulars

Pregunta: 2
Total de Puntos: 1

Sponges get their food by

paralyzing their preys

Pregunta: 3
Total de Puntos: 1

If Cnidarians are fixed to the sea floor they are


Pregunta: 4
Total de Puntos: 1

Dr Octopus is one of the great enemies of Spiderman. He has this name because his metal tentacles are similar to the
octopus. What other characteristics have octopuses?

Poison tentacles
Several hearts
They are molluscs

Pregunta: 5
Total de Puntos: 1
The insects have the body divided in

head, thorax and abdomen

cepaholothorax and abdomen
head and legs

Pregunta: 6
Total de Puntos: 1

Prawns belong to


Pregunta: 7
Total de Puntos: 1

Echinoderm can move

With ambulacral feet

Pregunta: 8
Total de Puntos: 1

Wich one is NOT a echinoderm´s characteristic?

skin with plates
ambulacral system
digestive system

Pregunta: 9
Total de Puntos: 1

A sponge is

a cnidarian
a mollusc
an amphibian
a poriferan
Pregunta: 10
Total de Puntos: 1

A mussel is


Pregunta: 11
Total de Puntos: 1

A snail is


Pregunta: 12
Total de Puntos: 1

A starfish is

a fish

Pregunta: 13
Total de Puntos: 1

Medusa is a comic character that can control her hair like the animal tentacles. To what group belong the animal?

Pregunta: 14
Total de Puntos: 1

Beetle is a villain that takes his name from the animal. Wich of these characteristics belong to the animal?

body divided by rings

paralyzing tentacles

Pregunta: 15
Total de Puntos: 1

Scorpion is one of the worst enemies of Spiderman, but in real life spiders and scorpions have in common ...

The number of legs, they have 10

The ambulacral system
Both are arachnids
Both are bivalves

Pregunta: 16
Total de Puntos: 1

What is metamorphosis? Explain the two types.

Pregunta: 17
Total de Puntos: 4
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Une cada letra con la respuesta correspondiente.

A. centipedes 1. each segment with 2 pairs of legs

B. millipedes 2. higher crustacean

C. lobster 3. each segment with 1 pair of legs

D. jellyfish 4. radial simmetry

Copy #3 of 1º ESO vertebrates 2016

Pregunta: 1
Total de Puntos: 1

Exclusive organ for fish are...

Swim bladder and lateral line


Pregunta: 2
Total de Puntos: 1

Animals that can regulate their body temperature are...


Pregunta: 3
Total de Puntos: 1

Reptiles are


Pregunta: 4
Total de Puntos: 1

All the amphibians had got a tail once in their life


Pregunta: 5
Total de Puntos: 1

The frog is


Pregunta: 6
Total de Puntos: 1

Tadpoles (babyfrogs) can breathe by

All of them
Pregunta: 7
Total de Puntos: 1

Sea bream is a

bony fish
cartilaginous fish

Pregunta: 8
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Join letters with numbers

A. Chelonians 1. turtles

B. ophidians 2. snakes

C. saurians 3. lizard

Pregunta: 9
Total de Puntos: 4
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Join every letter with its number

A. Chiroptera 1. fish shaped

B. ungulates 2. very large front teeth that grow


C. rodents 3. herbivores

D. cetaceans 4. flying

Pregunta: 10
Total de Puntos: 4
Puntos por pregunta: 1

One adaptation for the _____ to fly is that their bones are _____. Amphibians with 4 equal legs and tail are _____.
Amphibians with 2 big back legs are_____.

Pregunta: 11
Total de Puntos: 1
Fish are


Pregunta: 12
Total de Puntos: 2

According to this unit, What went first: the hen or the hard shell egg? Explain your answer.

Pregunta: 13
Total de Puntos: 5
Puntos por pregunta: 1

The first vertebrates that appear at Earth were the _____. From them, the next were the _____and the _____ (alphabetic
order). from the _____ they evolve to _____ and mammals

Pregunta: 14
Total de Puntos: 2

Killer Croc (Waylon Jones) was born with a rare disease that caused him a crocodile skin. In addition, he also had a
long tail and super strength. Wich other crocodiles characteristic it´s impossible that he had developed?

Scales skin
powerful teeth
Big sense of smell
Plants II 1 ESO 2017 (38p)

Pregunta: 1
Total de Puntos: 4
Puntos por pregunta: 4

Une cada letra con la respuesta correspondiente.

A. Asexual reproduction 1. Identical

B. Sexual reproduction 2. Female

C. Stamen 3. Male

D. Pistil 4. Variability

Pregunta: 2
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 1

The _____ made the sex cells (_____).Whe they join together, they form the _____.

Pregunta: 3
Total de Puntos: 2
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Strawberries use _____ for reproduction. This is an example of _____ reproduction.

Pregunta: 4
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Join numbers and letters

A. Tubers 1. onion

B. Bulbs 2. potatoes

C. Rhizomes 3. cereals

Pregunta: 5
Total de Puntos: 5

Explain pollination and all the types.

Pregunta: 6
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 3

Join letter and numbers

A. modified ovary 1. pollen tube

B. pollen 2. ovule

C. ovary 3. fruit

Pregunta: 7
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 1


A. root 1. positive geotropism

B. stem 2. positive phototropism

C. leaves 3. nastic movement

Pregunta: 8
Total de Puntos: 2
Puntos por pregunta: 1

In plant interaction, there are slow movements called _____ and fast movement called _____.

Pregunta: 9
Total de Puntos: 1

Plants only have sexual reproduction


Pregunta: 10
Total de Puntos: 1

Explain the process of photosynthesis

Pregunta: 11
Total de Puntos: 2

why do plants transpirate?

Pregunta: 12
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Une cada letra con la respuesta correspondiente.

A. xylem 1. transpiration

B. phloem 2. elaborated sap

C. stomata 3. raw sap

Pregunta: 13
Total de Puntos: 4
Puntos por pregunta: 1

A. sporophyte 1. spores

B. gametophyte 2. wind

C. entomophily 3. insects

D. anemophily 4. gametes

Pregunta: 14
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 1


A. ovule 1. reproductive organ

B. ovary 2. seed

C. flower 3. fruit

Pregunta: 15
Total de Puntos: 10
Puntos por pregunta: 1

1:_____ 5:_____ 2:_____ 6:_____ 3:_____ 7:_____ 9:_____ 4:_____ 8:_____ 10:_____

Pregunta: 16
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Une cada letra con la respuesta correspondiente.

A. Auxin 1. red pigment

B. Chlorophyll 2. green pigment

C. Carotenoid 3. Growing hormone

1st ESO Animals (II) 2018

Pregunta: 1
Total de Puntos: 1

The animals only have sexual reproduction


Pregunta: 2
Total de Puntos: 4
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Une cada letra con la respuesta correspondiente.

A. male gonads 1. ovules

B. female gonads 2. testicles

C. male gametes 3. ovary

D. female gametes 4. sperm cells

Pregunta: 3
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 1

In animals , fertilisation can be : _____ , if it happens inside the female body or _____ if it happens outsiide. If the
embryo develops inside the female is _____.

Pregunta: 4
Total de Puntos: 4
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Une cada letra con la respuesta correspondiente.

A. bony fish 1. internal fertilisation and embryo

development inside the mother.

B. mammals 2. external fertilisation and embryo

development from eggs

C. cartilaginous fish 3. internal fertilisation and embryo

development from soft eggs

D. birds 4. internal fertilisation and embryo

development from eggs with shell

Pregunta: 5
Total de Puntos: 2
Puntos por pregunta: 1

The embryo development from an egg is named _____, and if the egg is inside the mother is _____.
Pregunta: 6
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 3

The nervous system cells are named _____. In the process of interaction , the change that you notice is a _____ and
you do a _____.

Pregunta: 7
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 3

The parts of the vertevrates nervous system are the _____, the _____ and the _____ /Write it in alphabetical order/

Pregunta: 8
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Une cada letra con la respuesta correspondiente.

A. closed circulatory system 1. arthropods

B. multiple hearts 2. annelids

C. open circulatory system 3. vertebrates

Pregunta: 9
Total de Puntos: 4
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Une cada letra con la respuesta correspondiente.

A. cutaneous respiration 1. salmon

B. tracheal respiration 2. rabbit

C. Branchial respiration 3. grasshopper

D. Pulmonary respiration 4. earthworm

Pregunta: 10
Total de Puntos: 1
Puntos por pregunta: 1

The main excretory organs in vertebrates are _____.

Pregunta: 11
Total de Puntos: 3
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Une cada letra con la respuesta correspondiente.

A. Intracellular digestion 1. vertebrates

B. Extracellular digestion 2. cnidarians

C. Intracellular and extracellular 3. sponges

Pregunta: 12
Total de Puntos: 4
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Une cada letra con la respuesta correspondiente.

A. atrium 1. botton cavity in a heart

B. ventricle 2. top cavity in a heart

C. arteries 3. Goes from the heart to the organs

D. veins 4. Return from the organs to the heart.

Pregunta: 13
Total de Puntos: 4
Puntos por pregunta: 1

Une cada letra con la respuesta correspondiente.

A. nerve net 1. cnidarians

B. radial nervous system 2. starfish

C. ganglia nervous system 3. vertebrates

D. brain 4. arthropods

Pregunta: 14
Total de Puntos: 1
Puntos por pregunta: 1

The system that sends hormones is the _____

Pregunta: 15
Total de Puntos: 1

In parthenogenesis, an embryo is formed with an ovule and a sperm cell.


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