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North Central Mindanao College

College of Education

Lesson Plan

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, the students can:

1. describe the different strategies in reading;
2. elaborate the importance of gaining knowledge; and
3. apply the different reading strategies through role play.

I. Subject Matter: Describing Different Reading Strategies

a. Textbooks: None
b. Reference:

c. Materials: Visual Aids, Handouts, Pictures, Prizes

II. Procedure: 3I’s Method

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Preliminary Activities
God bless everyone. Let us stand for our
prayer! Sir Villaro will you please lead the
(Students do as told)
You may take your seat! Good morning,

Good morning, sir!

How are you feeling this morning?
We are doing great, sir!

Well, that is good to hear! I hope that

everyone is having a wonderful morning
and each of us is a better person and learner
than yesterday!
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is
Benjamin Patromo from Tangub City,
Misamis Occidental. You can call me sir
How do you call me again, class?
Sir Ben!
Although I will only discuss about one
macro skill, I hope that we can practice and
develop all macro skills during my class.
Checking of Attendance
And now for the checking of attendance,
kindly write your complete name in the
bond paper and pass it to your classmate
beside you and the last student will give it
to me by the end of the class. Is that clear?
Yes, sir Ben!
(Students do as told)
Class, do you have an assignment to submit
this afternoon?
No, sir Ben!
Developmental Activities
Review: Can you remember!
I believe we all know the different macro
skills. However, I would like to find out how
well you know these macro skills. Let us have
a quick review!
Expected Answers:
1. What are the different macro skills? 1. listening, speaking, reading, writing,

2. Which macro skill is used when we want to

learn about written information? 2. reading

3. Which macro skill can be performed silently 3. reading

or orally?
Well done! Everybody give themselves five
claps! (Students do as told)

Now can you guess which macro skill we are

going to learn today?
Expected Answer:

A. Introduction
Before we start our discussion, let us read this
In early evening twilight,
Mystical xerophytes, nestled, enraptured,
Perfumed essence trails away,
Reverie resumes, enchanting cascade.

Onward, celestial realm hush,

Vivid iridescence takes embrace,
Eternal stars above serenade,
Sublime essence inspires us.

Luminous twilight now settles,

In heavenly silence, exhales, (Students do as told)
Toward ethereal peace, murmurs,
Each being embraces peaceful.

Restful realms of alluring,

Amidst a peaceful tryst,
Calmly in lunar hush,
Yes, new enchantment, yonder.

Guided Questions:
Now based on what we have read, what do you
think is the title poem? And why?
Sir Ben, the title of the poem is twilight! It is
because the poem uses words that describe the
twilight, its nature, beauty, and wonder.

Thank you! Who agree and who disagree about

the title? Raise your right hand if you agree!
Alright, hands down. Now raise your right
hand if you disagree! (Students do as told)

Would you believe that the title of this poem is

Unfortunately, it is the title because I wrote it No, sir Ben!
myself. If fact, this poem shows the importance
of reading. Ms. Alleah, please connect the first
letter of the first word of each line. What does
it say?

I M P R O V E S L I T E R A C Y!
Correct! Reading plays a crucial role in
improving literacy by fostering language
development, comprehension, and analytical
skills. As individuals read a wide array of texts,
they encounter new words and phrases, leading
to an expansion of their vocabulary. Exposure
to different writing styles and genres enhances
comprehension abilities, as readers learn to
infer meanings, grasp main ideas, and follow
the nuances of language. Moreover, reading
materials that challenge and engage the mind
encourage critical thinking and problem-
solving, essential components of improved
literacy. By actively engaging with written
content, individuals develop their ability to
express ideas coherently and persuasively,
laying a solid foundation for enhanced literacy
skills that extend beyond the act of reading

We’re not done yet. Now who can tell me the

second importance of reading?

Yes! Reading exercises the brain by engaging
multiple regions for language processing,
visual perception, and comprehension. It
strengthens neural connectivity through
forming intricate networks of ideas and
concepts. It encourages mental imagery,
fostering creativity, and enhances focus and
concentration, transferring to improved
attention in various tasks. In essence, reading is
a comprehensive cognitive workout that
contributes to brain health and development.
Who can tell me the third importance of

That is correct! Reading entertains people by E N T E R T A I N S P E O P L E

transporting them to different worlds,
introducing them to diverse characters, and
immersing them in captivating stories. A well-
crafted narrative engages emotions and triggers
the imagination, allowing readers to experience
a range of feelings such as excitement,
suspense, love, or adventure. It offers an
escape from reality, providing a temporary
reprieve from everyday concerns. Additionally,
humor, wit, and clever dialogue in writing can
evoke laughter and amusement, enhancing the
entertainment value. Ultimately, reading
provides a unique and personal form of
entertainment, tailored to individual tastes and

How about the last importance of reading?

Excellent! Reading teaches empathy by T E A C H E S U S E M P A T H Y

allowing readers to step into the shoes of
characters, understand their experiences, and
see the world from different perspectives. As
readers follow a character's journey, they
witness their struggles, joys, and growth,
fostering an emotional connection. This
vicarious experience cultivates empathy as
readers can relate to the characters' feelings
and challenges. Moreover, reading diverse
narratives with characters from various
backgrounds and cultures helps readers
comprehend and appreciate the diversity of
human experiences, promoting a broader and
more empathetic view of the world. Through
literature, readers learn to understand, relate to,
and empathize with the complex emotions and
experiences of others.
Since we know that reading is important, this
morning, we are going to discuss the different
reading strategies which can help us improve
our reading skills.
And even though, we are focusing on the
reading macro skill, I want all of us to also use
the other macro skills so we can have a fun,
interactive, and productive lesson. Alright

I hope everyone will give full attention to our Yes, sir Ben!
discussion so that at the end of the lesson, you
can accomplish the following learning
Can you please read the three (3) learning
objectives ma’am Baclayo?
Learning Objectives:
1. describe the different strategies in
2. elaborate the importance of gaining
knowledge; and
3. apply the different reading strategies
through role-play. Ma’am Baclayo reads the three (3) learning

B. Interaction
Now to formally start our discussion for this
morning; let us first look at the following

Activity 1. Interpret the image!

Directions: Describe what you can see in the
pictures below.
1. The man is holding a magnifying glass to
look for specific information from a book.

2. The people are reading in a library. They are

standing near the bookshelves while reading

3. The child is enjoying reading a book while

being surrounded by books.

4. The girl is very focused in reading the book.

As you have observed, the different images
show people reading books. However, the
ways they are reading books vary. This is
because; they are using different reading
strategies to achieve their objectives. This
morning, we are going to discuss and learn
about the different types of reading strategies.
Who can read the first reading strategy?
1. Scanning
Here, the reader quickly scuttles across
sentences to get to a particular piece of
information. Scanning involves the technique
of rejecting or ignoring irrelevant information (Student reads the first reading strategy)
from the text to locate a specific piece of

Thank you for that ma’am Kepte!

This means that scanning is looking for the
most important information while ignoring the
rest of the information in the book.
Guided Question:
1. Now going back to the pictures we’ve seen
earlier, which do you think is the picture that
shows a person or people using the scanning
strategy? Why? 1. Picture number one because he is hold a
magnifying glass. This means that he is
looking for specific information in the book.
Correct! The man holding a magnifying glass
shows that he wants to know specific
information and has no regard with the rest of
Now who can read the second reading
2. Skimming
Skimming, sometimes referred to as gist
reading, means going through the text to grasp
the main idea. Here, the reader doesn’t
pronounce each and every word of the text but
focuses their attention on the main theme or the
core of the text. Examples of skimming are
reading magazines or newspapers and
searching for a name in a telephone directory.
(Student reads the second reading strategy)
Thank you! As the definition says, skimming is
a reading strategy used when a person tries to
capture or grasp the general idea of the book.
That is why it is called as gist reading.

Guided Question:
1. Do you agree with the examples given for
1. No, sir Ben! The third example should be an
example for scanning because it is searching
for a name in a telephone directory.
Do you all agree that searching for a name in a
telephone directory is an example of scanning? Yes sir!

That is correct! When you search for a name in

a telephone directory, you are using the
scanning strategy. It is because you already
know what you are looking for and you just
want to locate the name in the directory. Am I

As you can see class, even the resources on the

internet are not perfect. That is why it is
important to read and gain knowledge so we
will not be ignorant to the various concepts and
information. If we did not read and just
accepted what is written on the internet, we
will simply acquire and use the information
given to us without knowing if it is right or

2. Which picture do you think pertains to a

skimming strategy? Why?
2. Picture number two because these people are
standing while reading near the bookshelf.

Do you agree, class? Who agree and who

disagree? Raise your hand if you agree? Now Yes, sir Ben!
raise your hand if you disagree?
(Students do as told)
That’s correct! Picture number two shows the
skimming strategy because these people are
trying to learn the general content of the book
to determine if they want to continue reading
the book on their seats.

Now let us proceed to the third reading

strategy. Anyone wants to read?
3. Intensive Reading
Intensive reading is far more time-consuming
than skimming and scanning as it needs the
reader’s attention to detail. It involves close (Student reads the third reading strategy)
reading that aims at the accuracy of
comprehension. Here, the reader has to
understand the meaning of each and every

Thank you! Intensive reading is a strategy used

when the reader gives full attention to every
detail in the book. It is the best example of
reading comprehension since the reader
understands all information in the book.
Guided Question:
1. Which picture do you think pertains to
intensive reading strategy? Why?
1. Picture number four because the girl is very
Correct! As you can see, the girl is giving her close to the book she’s reading.
full attention on the book so she’s doing
intensive reading.
Now let us proceed to the fourth reading
strategy. Anyone wants to read?
4. Extensive reading
Extensive reading lays more emphasis on
fluency and less on accuracy. It usually
involves reading for pleasure and is more of an
out-of-classroom activity. It is highly unlikely (Student reads the fourth reading strategy)
for readers to take up the extensive reading of
text they do not like.

Thank you! Extensive reading focuses on the

interest of the reader. This means that when a
person reads a book because he/she finds it
interesting and enjoyable, it is already a form
of extensive reading. The reader does not limit
himself/herself to one book alone but he/she
reads multiple books to become fluent on a
particular field.

Guided Question:
1. Which picture do you think pertains to
extensive reading strategy? Why?

1. Picture number three because the child is

Excellent! Picture number three shows surrounded by books.
extensive reading because the child is
surrounded by books. The most important
thing is that children only read books that
interest them or bring them happiness.

Am I understood, class?

Yes, sir Ben!

So, based on what we have discussed, what are
the four main types of reading strategies?
The four main types of reading strategies are:
1. Scanning Reading Strategy
2. Skimming Reading Strategy
3. Extensive Reading Strategy
Thank you! 4. Intensive Reading Strategy

The four main types of reading strategies are:

1. Scanning Reading Strategy
2. Skimming Reading Strategy
3. Extensive Reading Strategy
4. Intensive Reading Strategy
Now who among you can elucidate these
reading strategies?

(Student explains each reading strategy)

C. Integration
I assumed that all of you really understand the
topic for this morning.
Now why do you think reading is important?
How about knowing the different reading

Reading is important because we gain

knowledge and make us literate. It is important
to know the different reading strategies so we
Exactly! Through reading, we become literate, can be efficient in reading and improve our
exercise our brain, entertain ourselves, and reading comprehension.
learn to empathize. By learning the different
reading strategies, we will know which
strategy to use in order to achieve our goals in

IV. Evaluation
I. 1. Divide the class into four groups.
II. 2. Let the group leader pick a paper that contains the reading strategy.
III. 3. The group will interpret the reading strategy by doing a role play and displaying the
distinct characteristics of their reading strategy.

Rubrics for role-play:

Delivery and Organization 20%

Communication and Clarity 20%
Relevance 40%
Overall Impression 20%
V. Assignment
Directions: Try the different reading strategies and pick which strategy you think suits you the
most. Explain!
Grammar – 10 points
Idea – 5 points
Organization – 5 points
Total – 20 points

Prepared by: Benjamin M. Patromo

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