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An ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Company

Hearty Welcome’s
All Children, Parents & Invitees.
to The organisers for arranging
this presentation
Indian Abacus
product and program
Pioneer and Expert
in the field of
Abacus and Mental Arithmetic
Education since 1999
designed for
For Whole Brain Development, Especially the Right Brain
5 -13 years
for Life Time Skill
In learning the NUMBERS and their RELATIONS
In learning to do Calculations easily – Very fast & Accurate
Left & Right Brain Functions
• Calculations done with Abacus, using the fingers of both the hands
stimulate the brain – both the Right and Left Brain.
• Whole brain Development enables the children excel in their studies,
Life-time situations.
• Right Brain is the Seat of Intelligence and the Left Brain is the store
house of information and the knowledge.
• Right Brain stimulation makes the child develop the faculties of brain
such as Visualization, Imagination, Creativity and the related skills.
• Left brain and Right Brain Co-ordinated working results in Whole Brain
Also benefits the children by:
• Enhancing the Attention span of them and
Concentration Skills significantly
• Enhancing their Visualization skills (Recalling the
images – of objects and the situations)
• Enhancing their Listening skills.
• Summarizing and Estimation skills
• Expressing own ideas - Student tries out different
methods to arrive at solution
Children also gain:
 Self-Confidence
 Presentation Skills
 Creative abilities


The Program therefore ADDs
What is the apt Age for learning Abacus?
• The greatest growth of the human brain is during 4 to 14
years old whereby during this period, the frequency of the
brain waves increase gradually from theta (relaxing stage) to
the alpha level (relax but conscious). Children in the alpha
level are full of imagination and have quicker learning ability.
• According to an analysis on the development of nervous
tissues, the development and growth of the nervous system
begins from 4 to 6 years old with the quickest speed
Indian Abacus has entered the
India Book of Records,
Asia Book of Records and
Assist World Records
For having invented the First Digital Abacus
(Digital & Non Digital versions) By
Mr. N. Basheer Ahamed,
Managing Director & CEO.,
• Indian Abacus product and program is to
enhance the brain power of the children
through image memory.

• Remove the fear of Mathematics by

making the arithmetic calculations easier.
What is an Abacus?

Abacus (plural abaci or abacuses), is a

counting frame, used as a calculating tool.

i.e., Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division

How abacus works
Abstract numbers are converted to concrete
images / pictures which helps children to
understand numbers, number concepts and
basic operations easily.
• Abacus is in existence for more than 2300 Years. The
generic tool - Abacus was developed and used for
• Lack of focus on improvements required made it to
continue in the old design.
• Student inherited slow phase of skill development
and parents were restless.
Abacus Calculations

Abacus was the first known tool in

history which aided Learning
Numbers & to Calculate ADD or
Using Abacus Tool, it is easier & quicker for the
child to Learn Number concepts
Abacus Calculations
ABACUS evolved from the
Sand & Pebble Pallet / Tablet to
today’s ONE – by - FOUR Beads
Abacus Calculations
Two – by - Five – Beads Abacus
though served the purpose went out of usage – due to:
• More beads – more operations for a given sum
• Better Finger dexterity required
• Found less smooth for manipulation
One – by - Four – Beads Abacus

Stayed & did the magic of giving the Tool

the status of
“Tool for Calculations”
One – by - Four – Beads Abacus
Stayed for Centuries (More than any
other form of Abacus) Because
The Tool was found to have the potential to do
Calculations with accuracy

And also Mental Calculations with

Considerable Speed
One – by - Four Beads Abacus
However was not developed further
Myopia prevailed in
product development
History of Abacus
• It is a very ancient tool and was used widely by many
• The Chinese Abacus is called Suanpan. The documentary
evidence is said to lead to the use of Abacus in China to 2nd
century BC.
• Japan used only the imported Abacus from China in the 14th
century. In Japanese, the abacus is called SOROBON.
• Even in these days of electronic Calculators, abacus is in use in
Japan and the Abacus is used in the primary Schools of Japan
to develop mental arithmetic skills.
Abacus in Indian Soil
• Abacus was first introduced by the Group Company
of Indian Abacus in the year 1999
• The Company gave Abacus Education to more than
10 Lakhs children through 3000 Teachers
• Conducted number of Live Demo with trained
children and National Level Competitions, created
many records and accomplished many achievements.
Why Abacus?
• The Abacus is not only a calculating tool.
• the Abacus programme is to enhance the brain power
upgrading the brain skills of the children of age group 5 to 13
• Remove the fear of mathematics by making the arithmetic
calculations easier.
• Abacus education, not only improves the mathematics and
creates interest in mathematics, it also helps to improve
overall academic skill and helps to tackle the day-to-day
Advantage of Abacus over other Computing
Electronic devices
Calculator Abacus
Input – by the child Input – by the child
Process – Internal Process – done by the child
Output – Display (LCD) Output – take out by the child
Emergence of Indian Abacus
It was realized that the Beads-Abacus tool which was
supposed to strengthen Visual Learning mode in the
initial Learning was falling short in its delivery, as the
images in the Abacus are:
• Crowded – distracting matrix of images
• Value not shown isolated as an image
• Stimulus – feeble & in-effective for image registry in
Indian Abacus
For Total Learning – faster - easier & stress-free
Indian Abacus Tool designed and
featured to provide:
• Visual - friendly back ground
• Emergence of Colour images for values
• Effective Learning – No stress
Why Indian Abacus?
The newly invented Indian Abacus device is
a highly advanced version tool and of
the state-of-the-art in design. The invented product
versions take the Abacus device to a level unseen
and unheard of so far.

• Colourfull & Attractive

• Robust & Easy to use
Why Indian Abacus?
In which way this Abacus can be improved to help
the students attain the most speed with accuracy
and attain the skills?

Inventor realized that Visualisation is the first and

major skill to be developed by the child as the old
Abacus provided a dull picturisation
Why Indian Abacus?

an Indian Abacus with sliders moving in a

hexagonal slots projecting bright green and red
colour images which will go deep into the
memory of the Abacus Learning child, with ease
and stress free.
• As illustrated above, the Indian Abacus, or abacus, is a
calculating instrument with a number of counting slider /
beads that slide back and forth along column / rods.
• A crosswise bar (center bar) divides the Indian Abacus
into two parts. The upper part consists of a row of the
five - value slider / beads and the lower part consists of
four rows of the one - value slider / beads. Every single
slider / bead above the bar has the value of “Five" and
the beads below the bar have the value of “One"
• The columns toward the left always have higher values
than those toward the right.
• Dots are to be used to indicate the unit point
• of numbers or a decimal point.
Skill development program for children
aged 5 – 13 years
This newly Invented Colorful Indian Abacus
device is used by the children to pursue
arithmetic calculations like Addition,
Subtraction, Multiplication & Division.
Colour Images help in easier, faster and stress - learning
due to effective stimulus, impression & Memory
Indian Abacus and the Program
has more to give than
many others
Indian Abacus OLD ABACUS
1. Colored Sliders Images. 1. No Color slider images.

2. Stress free View. 2. No Stress free View.

3. Error free calculation. 3. No Error free calculation.

4. No placement of Unit Pointer 4. Placement of Unit pointer column.

Column. 5. No Numbers for the Columns.
5. Numbers for the Columns. 6. Needs of Flash Cards
6. Flash Cards Not Necessary
Special Features of Indian Abacus
Indian Abacus Old Abacus

Colour of Frame: Light cream colour- the best The colour of the Frame and the
background for the colour images of the value beads are darkish and contrast
positions – Green and Red. Light cream colour back ground
-very friendly to the eyes.

Sliders/Beads: The value positions and non- The value positions and non-
value positions are clearly defined through value positions are not clearly
colour / no colour images. Hence the accuracy defined and hence the accuracy
at the maximum speed of calculation is suffers. Stress results due to the
possible deficiency
Special Features of Indian Abacus
Indian Abacus Old Abacus
Abacus at Zero position: In the Indian Abacus, Zero position is not possible here
the slider positions showing colours are the because of the dull colour of the
value positions and the slider positions which beads and always visible
sink with cream background are considered as
non-value positions. An Indian Abacus Zero
position is logically possible when the sliders
are closed / hidden

Fixing the image: The sliders stay put in the The beads fall down and the values
positions when the Indian Abacus is vertically change while viewing the Abacus with
viewed while working and values don’t get value in a vertical position
Special Features of Indian Abacus
Indian Abacus Old Abacus
Time saving in the class: The Teacher can The Same is not possible here
identify / verify the answers from her place because of the fall of the beads
when the answers are shown by the students
because of the sliders did not fall hence the
students are able to do more sums

Colour and non-Colour position: The colour The beads are homogenous / uniform
and non-colour positions of slider positions in colour and therefore distinction
remove the confusions and the disturbing between the value and non value
view. The features mean either value or no beads is very difficult. Further the non
value positions which are clear and value beads tend to disturb the vision
understanding & memory registry are easier. and the abacus practitioner has a
blurred vision of the value beads and
the values
Special Features of Indian Abacus
Indian Abacus Old Abacus

Digital Abacus and e-learning: Indian Abacus Manual operation only available. No
company has developed (with added features digital Abacus and e-learning
to the current version) the Indian Abacus-
Digital using which the children can learn the
skills operating manually and also working
simultaneously connecting to the e-learning
The e-learning of this whole process is aimed
to reach large number of children in any corner
to learn the Abacus skills anytime
Special Features of Indian Abacus
Indian Abacus Old Abacus

Error free calculation: Sliders are chosen to Beads and background are of close
hide and unhide the colour images (Red and colours (Brown and Black) and there
Green) displayed for specific values. is no differentiation
Visualization and image memory are 100%.

Firm Answers: Sliders are stable and firm and All the beads are unstable and shaky
answers will be perfect hence the wrong answers possible
Special Features of Indian Abacus and Comparison with old Abacus

Indian Abacus: Colour of Frame - Light Old Abacus: The colour of the
cream colour- the best background for the Frame and the beads are darkish
colour images of the value positions – Green and contrast back ground
and Red. Light cream colour -very friendly to
the eyes.

Sliders / Beads: Sliders are chosen to hide and Beads and background are of
unhide the value positions, displayed through constant colours and there is no
the colour images (red and green). differentiation, which is the
Visualization / Photographic memory possible biggest weak point in this version
at its best. The images are of bright and of abacus. Photographic /
contrast colours. There is absolute clarity and visualization not so strong and
the stress free learning much stress to eyes felt by
Special Features of Indian Abacus and Comparison with old Abacus

Indian Abacus: Abacus at Zero position: Old Abacus: Zero position is not
In the Indian Abacus, the slider positions possible here because of the dull
showing colours are the value positions and colour of the beads and always
the slider positions which sink with cream visible
background are considered as non-value
positions. An Indian Abacus Zero position is
logically possible when the sliders are closed /

Fixing the image: The sliders stay put in the The beads fall down and the
positions when the Indian Abacus is vertically values change while viewing the
viewed while working and values don’t get Abacus with value in a vertical
distorted position
What is the apt Age for learning Abacus?
• According to an analysis on the development of nervous
tissues, the development and growth of the nervous system
begins from 4 to 6 years old with the quickest speed

• The progression slows down after 12 years old when the

growth has reached 75%. During the juvenile period, these
cells will grow up to 90% of an adult or in other words, the
liaison net of the nervous tissue has reached 90%.
Whether Adult can learn Abacus?
• Adult can also learn Abacus
• The Tutors/Teachers who teach Abacus are all adults
who learn and teach Abacus
• The only factor is that the Adult may not be able to
do the Mental Arithmetic as fast as a child performs
• The skill levels acquired through Abacus may be less
as compared to a child.
Abacus Mental Arithmetic
• The child moves the Sliders in the Physical Abacus to do
arithmetic sums
• After 3 level, the Child imagines the Abacus in its mind and
can do Abacus sums without use of the physical Abacus.
• The child while doing arithmetic calculations moves the
sliders in the imaginary Abacus and the resultant bright
colour image is converted as number and the quick answer
comes within few seconds.
Arithmetic computation using Abacus

The Child works on Physical Abacus

for a period of 6 months
after which
The abacus is internalized (image of ABACUS)
and computation is thereafter done by
Why Abacus mental arithmetic
• Mental Arithmetic by image of Abacus enables to
compute at a speed which can be compared to that
of Maths geniuses and child prodigies.
• They are 6 times more faster than NON ABACUS
• This is apart from the important skills that the
program enables.
Mental Calculation
The mental calculation is defined as calculation of number
conception and the way of imaging the abacus calculation
in brain is called as the mental arithmetic by image of
In recent years we have been discussing and studying the
mental arithmetic by image of abacus which is more
advantageous than other skills in the light of the result of
The mental arithmetic by image of abacus means that we
calculate on the abacus in our brain without seeing the
Physical ABACUS
What are the skills benefits of Abacus Learning?
• VISUALISATION (photographic memory)

These are the very basic skills mostly needed in children to excel in
their Academic Performance.
What are the skills benefits of Abacus Learning?

Why Abacus Education is called Whole Brain Development Programme?

Uses Logic………………………….Uses Feeling

Detail Oriented ………………… Big Picture Oriented
Facts Rule…………………………..Imagination Rules
Words and Language………… Symbols and Images
Present and Past ……………… Present and Future
Math and Science…………….. Philosophy & Religion
Can Comprehend……………… Can “get it” (i.e. Meaning)
Acknowledges………………….. Appreciates
Order / Pattern Perception Spatial perception
Knows Object Name…………. Knows Object Function
Reality based……………………..Fantasy Based
Forms Strategies………………..Presents Possibilities
Safe……………………………………Risk taking
9/10 SIZE

This chart shows that you must take advantage of your child’s early
At this stage, your child’s brain grows at a Tremendous rate. Now is
the perfect time to train it to learn & imagine.
Left and Right Brain
Left Brain Right Brain

Sequence Wholistic
Analysis Intuition
Linear Creative
Maths Arts
Language Rhythm
Verbal Non - Verbal
Facts Feelings
Think in Words Think in Picture
Words of Songs Tune of Songs
Computation Day Dreaming
Logic Imagination
Effects of Abacus Learning–Research by Scientists
• Professor Yuan Yue Min, University of Shandong, China-
• -most suitable age -children of 4 to 12 years of age. This age
group belongs to what is often called "the period of
enlightenment" and is therefore the best age for cultivating
brain functions
• -The learning of zhusuan involves many organs such as the
eyes, hands, mouth and brain, which is most appropriate for
this period of cultivating and tapping the functions of the
Effects of Abacus Learning – Research by
• -Actions such as listening, looking, reading,
hands movement, calculating becomes as
quick as lightning after learning Mental
Arithmetic. As so, this training is highly for
suitable all aural, visual, mental and physical
development of children.
Research shows that a child's mental growth is most
rapid before the age of 12. The degree of mental
development achieved by a child by this time has a
great influence over his/her future. A child who
received good mental formation by this age will
continue to remain brilliant even to the age of 70.
Whereas a child who lacks this formation will
experience a sharp decline in mental abilities even
as early as the age of 20.
Effects of Abacus Learning–Research by
Scientists( contd…)
• Ms. Shizuko Amaiwa, Professor, Shinshu University, Faculty of
• Abacus study not only improves the ability to calculate both
on the abacus and mentally, but also provides a beneficial
ripple effect on other disciplines
• Abacus students are found to be superior in the accuracy of
their memory and the number of digits they are able to
memorize when compared with non-abacus learners of the
same age
Whether the Abacus Education will
help academic performance?
• The main benefit is whole brain development
through abacus education resulting in Visualisation,
increased concentration, listening skill and enhanced
memory the abacus education plays a
complimentary role to better the academic
• It gives self confidence and self reliance
Whether the Abacus Education will help academic

• Abacus math program complements and

supplements the arithmetic approaches
adopted in schools, and helps students to
overcome the fears of mathematics and gain
Why Abacus Skill is a life time skill?
• The Indian Abacus Mental Arithmetic Programme enhances the
• Through the learning process the power of IMAGINATION, INNOVATION,
• All these skills makes the child SELF CONFIDENT and SELF RELIANT and the
child practise these skills all through the life
• These brain skills help them to excel in their studies, pursue great career
opportunities later and become leaders.
• Hence the Abacus Skill can rightly be termed as the life time skill.
Modules are ideally planned to fit in TIME Duration planned for
Learning, Practice & Mastering SYLLABUS Time tested for Proven
• 2 hours of coaching in a week.
• Daily 10 minutes of Homework
• Per level 3 months
• Per level 13 classes
• Total 8 Levels
Starters, Movers, Riders, Racers, Flyers, Endeavours,
Achievers and Stars.
Home Practice
• Home practice of 10 Minutes daily is a must
• As it is a week end / per week programme,
daily home work Is essential
• Daily practice enables fast movement
• Daily Abacus practice stimulates Brain nerves
Role of Parents
• Besides the Abacus Tutor, the Role of Parents is more
• As 10 minutes home practice is must for 6 days in a
week, parents have to monitor.
• Daily practice only will ensure the confidence level of
the child.
• Parent can inform the Tutor about the child’s week
long problems and progress.
Role of Abacus Tutors / Teachers
• Will strive to ensure the Development of the child.
• Will devote to explain the concept in an
understandable manner.
• Will maintain cordial relationship with the parent.
• Will enquire and report to the parent about the
progress of the child.
Is of
Design & Layout
Quality Paper & Printing
Duration & Details For Tutor / Teacher
• Total Levels - EIGHT
• 1st Level - 3 Days
• 2nd Level - 1 Day
• 3rd & 4th Level - 1 Day
• 5th & 6th Level - 1 Day
• 7th & 8th Level - 1 Day
• Certification - Authorized to Teach
Tutor / Teacher Training

Program Levels are designed

• To attain skills to an expected level
• Properly contributed to take the child’s skills
progressively in a smooth fashion
Tutor / Teacher Training

Classroom Activities
• Speed Writing
• Image Flash
• Fingering Exercise
• Oral Sums callout
• Random Writing
• Book Practice
Tutor / Teacher Training

Training is structured
With right training content based on the

• Concept adopted
• Skills expected
To focus on
• Micro activities
• Practice sessions
• Assessing skills
Every Level focus on a set of specific skills
• Oral sums practice
• Learning skills tuned to visual & kinesthetic learning mode
• Image Flash
• Image memory for faster visualization
• Book work : Gives speed for Understanding the concept
based activity Practicing to attain speed with accuracy
Mastering speed and accuracy
Indian Abacus – Digital
• Launched its On-line Learning Portal
• Indian Abacus – Digital tool for students developed
for on-line learning - Anywhere and Anytime mode
• Program Course Material of international quality
• Comprehensive Management software for effective
Program administration
Indian Abacus Company
uses The New Generation tool
the Indian Abacus
This Program developed by
Indian Abacus
Originated in India
Indian Abacus Company
through their Products, Course material & Training ensures enhancement of the
quality of the program in comparison to others

• Company’s culture
• Research
• Professional approach
• Friendly procedures
• Centralized and vital training (syllabus) quality
• International / National Level / State Level Competitions
• Global Grading Examinations (GGE)
• Committed to the development of youth.
• Continuous up gradation based on teaching and research. Innovative and
easy approach to learning.

Indian Abacus Private Limited

Global Head office:
No. A1-1857, 13th Main Road ,
6th Avenue, Anna Nagar West, Chennai - 600 040, Tamil Nadu, India.
Tel. 91-44-2618 2577/ 4577, Fax: 91-44- 2618 1706 / 0143
Cell:7200 227 227
Skype ID: mentalarithmetic
Thanks for watching and listening

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