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“Tent House Management System”

Bharat Tent House,Malkapur

In the fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Bachelor of Computer Application (B.C.A.)

Submitted By

“Adwani Harsh Ghanshyam” Guided


“Prof. Vinod Mahajan”

G. H. Raisoni Institute of Business Management, Jalgaon

Affiliated To

Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra

University, Jalgaon
Bharat Tent House

( Gandhi Chowk, Malkapur, Tq.Malkapur, Dist.Bildhana, Pin.443101) Ph.


Certificate of Authentication

This is to certify that Mr. Harsh G Adwani, a student of T.Y.BCA (Bachelor

of Computer Application) of G.H.Raisoni Institute of Business &

Management, Jalgaon has successfully completed his project “Tent House Management
System” under our guidance. He conducted the project work with

satisfactory inputs.

Proprietor Sign and Seal

A successful project is the result of a good team-work which consists of not only the
partners who put in their long and hard work but also those who guided them. Indeed, a true

I would like to thank “Bharat Tent House” for giving me an opportunity to work with
them and for providing me all the requisite support.

I would like to thanks to Hon. Dr. Preeti Agarwal and Res. HOD Mr. Rafik Shaikh
Sir and our Project guide “Prof. Vinod Mahajan” all my college Faculty members for
providing me with valuable support and guiding me throughout my college days.

I would like to thank my family and friends for being so supportive and generous to me
throughout my learning days.

Thanks and Regards,

“Adwani Harsh Ghanshyam”.


Chapter Sr. No Topic Pages

1 Introduction
1.1 Company Profile 1
1.2 Existing System and Need for New System 1
1.3 Introduction to Project 2

2 Project Details
2.1 Hardware/ Software Specification 3
2.2 System Requirement Specification 3

2.3 Software process and development 4

3 Feasibility study 6

3.1 What is feasibility?

3.2 Technical feasibility
3.3 Economic feasibility
3.4 Social feasibility
4 Preliminary Design
4.1 Introduction 7

4.2 Preliminary Design 7

4.3 Entity Relationship Diagram 8

4.4 Data Flow Diagram 10
5 Detailed Design
5.1 Introduction 13

5.2 Database Design 13

6 Screen Layout 15-25

7 Testing
7.1 Introduction 26

7.2 White Box Testing 27

7.3 Black Box Testing 27

8 Future Enhancement 28
9 Conclusion 29

10 Bibliography 30
Chapter 1


1.1 Company Profile

Bharat Tent House Management software is a computerized management system. I have tried
my best to make the complicated process of Bharat Tent House Management System as simple as
possible using Structured & Modular technique & Menu oriented interface. I have tried to design the
Project in such a way that user may not have any difficulty in using this package & further expansion
is possible without much effort. Even though I cannot claim that this work to be entirely exhaustive,
the main purpose of my exercise is to make each activity of Administrator in a computerized way
rather than manually which is time consuming. 1.2 Existing System and Need for New System

Existing System of Organization

In the existing manual system, a lot of time is spent in communicating the information of
different customer at same time. There is a need for an integrated automated system, which has some
centralized control over the entire process. Conventional System makes use of huge amounts of paper
for recording transactions. The existing system is a manually maintained system. All the Items and
Customer records are to be maintained for the details of each order by Customer and also for Bill
details, Rate of each Item, etc. All these details are entered and retrieved manually. It is complete
manual system Due to manual process it requires more time for completion of any work in this
system availability of Items is to check manually through the registers. Each and every entry has to be
search manually via register.
1) Time consuming.
2) Might be a lengthy process (Sometimes).
3) Inaccuracy of data.
4) Might Increase Work Load.
1.2 Need for the new system
My main aim is to develop a new system of Tourism Booking Management because the new
system is computerized system And Maintenance of data is very easy and workload is easy. In this
software there is only one user i.e. Administrator who has all the control over the system and I have
also made data secured from being lost. Administrator can manage Customer, Items details like add,
remove or view details of Customer and Items, manage Payment Received by the Customers and also
manage Orders of different Customers. Administrator can also manage the venues dates of the
functions that are going to be celebrated like marriage ceremony, engagements etc Advantages:
1) Storing Customers detail correctly.
2) Maintain accuracy.
3) Time Saving.
4) Reduces Work Load.
1.3 Introduction to Project

In this project there is only one user i.e. Administrator. Being a standalone application.
Administrator has been given the maximum control to system in order to maximize the accuracy and
user experience of the project. Administrato3r can maintain daily updates in the record. Administrator
must be an authorized user to manage
• Login
• Add Booking
• Add Customer
• Manage enquiry
• Manage issues
• Tour packages
There is also a facility to logout an application. The main aim of the entire activity is to
automate the process of day to day activities of Tour Management Like Booking of a New Customer,
assigning the Required Tours according to the demand of Customer. Providing the required Packages
on the Date to the Customer. And Also Proving the extra Perks that are required till the end of a Tour
Package. Tour Management System has been designed to computerize the following functions that
are performed by the system:
1) Daily Records of Booking of Tour Packages.
2) Adding New Customer.
3) Manage Tours (Add, Update Items).
4) Tour Report (Status).
5) Customer Reports.
6) Manage upcoming tours ( Dates).
7) Adding new Tour Packages.
8) Manage Payment of the Customers (Pending Payments).

Chapter 2

Project Details

2.1 Hardware/ Software Specification

Software Requirements:
• Operating System- Windows XP or newer version of Windows
• (Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10) o Front End- ( Microsoft Visual Studio

2008/2010)  Back End- SQL Server 2008 R2 Hardware Requirements:

• Minimum: 1.6GHZ CPU or more
• 1GB Ram or more
• Monitor: 1024*768 Display
• Hard Disk: 2Gb free space

2.2 System Requirement Specification

Requirement of need (Requirement Specification): It refers to the client (the firm for
which project is developed) needs, requirement and expectations from the project to be
developed. After recognizing the firm’s need, it has been taken in writing and then a rough
idea of the system/project has been given to the firm. It takes approximately 2 days.

1. Feasibility Study: It is always essential to evaluate the various aspects before we develop a
system. Evaluation should always justify the cost and benefits ratio. If it is found that
benefits are less compare to the cost of project, then it is better to avoid going in for

So economic, social and Technical Feasibility of project is analyzed. It has taken 2 days.
2. Data Collection: Here comes an important aspect of project development i.e. data
For this to accomplish, we observe register, bills, invoices and order forms at client’s firm.
Data Collection required 3 days.
3. Data Normalization: Normalization means allowing only a single value in a table’s row and
column intersection. For this, entities are identified from the data collected and normalized
tables with appropriate relationships and minimized redundancy are designed. It required 1
System Design: This step includes drawing of different diagrams such as DFD and ERD. It
Includes databases, form design etc. It required 4 days.

5. Coding: It is the most critical stage among all the stages of development. It has taken
approximately 9 days to complete. It involves giving functioning to data entry forms with help of
actions, validations, calculations and linking of different data entry forms.
6. Testing: It involves testing of the working of the project. It required 2 days.
7. Implementation: This involved deployment of project to client side. It took 2 to 3 days the project.
8. User Training: It is 1 day activity involving training to the user to operate the project.
2.3 Software process and development

The phase is detailed appraisal of the existing system. This appraisal includes how the system
works and what it does. It also includes findings out more detail- what are the problems with the
system and what users requires from the system or any new changes in the system. The model
describes the system functions and data and system information flow. The phase also contains the
detail set of user requirements which are used to set objectives for new system
System study: It is always necessary to study and recognize the problems of the existing system,
which helps in finding out the requirement for new system. System study helps in findings different
alternatives for better solution. The project study basically deals with different operations and steps
involved in generation of examination mark sheets. It includes:
1) Data gathering
2) Study of existing system
3) Analyzing problems
4) Studying various documents
5) Feasibility study for further improvements.

Following are the steps taken during the initial study

1) Initially, I collected the information, which they wanted
2) Then I studied the working of the current system which is to store. Done manually. I noted the
limitations of that system which motivated them to have a new system
3) Then I analyzed the format of the reports generated by the system. With the help of these
documents I got basics ideas about the system as well a input and output of the developed system.
Planning for Proposed System: Proposed system is the computerized version of the existing system.
Provide easy and quick access over the data. Keeping records of admission of Resident Properly The
main objective of this Bharat Tent House Management
System software is which can be used by Administrator to reserve Booking of Items, Registration of
Customers , Payment of Customers, or Add new Items(ex. Tents ,Chairs, Decorative Materials ). The
system will help the administrative i.e. Owner of the Tent House to keep the daily and the history
record details of the Customers and Items that are given on rent in proper database. The Bharat Tent
House software will allow Owner to remotely access to Tent House database for Customers after the
authorization procedures. The Owner can also manage in hand stock items i.e. the quantity of items
available, Rate of Each Item, All other Services provided by system. This is the planning for
proposed system.
1) Storing Customers, Items, Venue Dates, Stock detail correctly.
2) Maintain accuracy.
Once the Admin login in the system that can see a main window Administrator can Manage
Customer Details, Items Details, Stock Details and also Order Details. Administrator see various
option available on the main window like Booking, Items, Order Details, Stock, Payments and
Report. Through all these above options Administrator can performed all the management activities.
The central objective of Bharat Tent House Management is to provide Security for to safe the records.
Cannot delete a record by other persons in this software only Admin have an authorities to delete a
record and add new records in this software.

Chapter 3

Feasibility Study

3.1 What is Feasibilty?

It is always essential to evaluate the various aspects before we develop a system. Evaluation
should always justify the cost and benefit ratio. If it is found that benefit is less as compare to the cost
of the project, then it is better to avoid going in for computerization.
The key consideration involve in the feasibility analysis are:-
1. Technical Feasibility
2. Economic Feasibility
3. Social Feasibility
3.2 Technical feasibility:
For this Project Technical Feasibility should be studied in two aspects that is H/W feasibility and S/W
feasibility. The system should be easy to update i.e. if the user feels to the necessity of some changes
in the system then it should be easy for him\her to change without disturbing the initial system. It
should be developed in such a way that it will be easy to operate. It should be menu driven and
provide help features and give message on each option so it should be easy even to new operator to
operate the package. Few hours training will be sufficient to train the operators. 3.3 Economic
Cost benefits analysis given justification for the computerization. Inthis the benefit and saving that
are expected are compared with cost. Are benefits overweight costs then only the decision is made to
design and implement the system? In our case, due to computerization benefits are reduction of cost,
reduction of Receptionist and reduction of non-reusable stationary. The computer stationary will
replace various types of bills and registers. However, the overall effect on the operating cost is that
we get substantial in monthly running cost.
3.4 Social Feasibility: -
Operating with records in both situations i.e. in manual system and computerized system is quite
different. Manual system is always disliked because of the complications and others hustles involved
in maintaining the records. Computerization will be welcomed because of getting outputs. After
computerization, it would become the job of single operator with no risk involved in posting and
report generation. Speed of the operation will also increase substantially and hence reporting and
service to customer will be faster. Hence all welcomes computerization.

Chapter 4

Preliminary Design

4.1 Introduction

The preliminary design stage may also be known as conceptual design or architectural design.
During this phase, the high-level design concept is created, which will implement the requirements of
complex electronics. The design concept can be expressed as a functional block diagram description,
design and architecture, sketches, and / or behavioral HDL (hardware description language).

4.2 Preliminary Design:

Data flow diagram (DFD) it is a graphical technique depicts information and transforms that are

applied as data move

from input or output.

Data flow diagram symbols

4.3Entity-relationship diagram

E-R diagram can express the overall logical structure of a database graphically. Such a
diagram consists of the following major components.

Entity-relationship diagram symbol

Use Case Diagram:
4.4 Data Flow Diagram Context

level 0:

Context level 1:

Request Booking
Manageme Database
Admin nt System
Respons Respons
ER Diagram:
Sequence Diagram :
Chapter 5 Detailed

5.1 Introduction:
The system design phase converts the general requirements defined in the analysis phase into
a detailed specification for the new system. Until now, the analyst has been using general knowledge
about the specific operations, and the ability to get information from the people. Based on the user
requirements, the new system must be designed. This is the system design phase, which is the most
crucial phase in the development of the system.

Developing a real-time application for any system utilities involves two processes namely,

The first process is to design the system and implement it.

The second process is to construct the executable code.

Design refers to the process of translating performance specifications recommended in the analysis
phase into design specifications.

The process of design involves –

Input Design

Output Design

5.2 Database Design

Primary Key: Id

Final Orders
Primary Key: Id
Foreign Key: Order_id

Primary Key: Id

Order Details
Primary Key: Order_id
Chapter 6

Screen Layout

Login Form:
Home Page :

customer Registration :
Order details:

Item Details:
Pending Payment:
Paid Payment :
Total Orders:
Available Stock :
Return Order :
Order Report :
Chapter 7


7.1 Introduction

Software Testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate
service of specification design and coding. Although testing is to uncover the errors in the software
but it also demonstrates that software functions appear to be working as per the specification, those
performance requirements appear to have been met. In addition, data collected as testing is conducted
provide a good indication of software and some indications of software quality as whole. To assure
the software quality we have conducted both White Box testing and Black Box testing.
System Testing
System testing is the testing to ensure that by putting the software in different environments (e.g.,
Operating Systems) it still works. System testing is done with full system implementation and
environment. It falls under the class of black box testing.
Stress Testing
Stress testing is the testing to evaluate how system behaves under unfavorable conditions. Testing is
conducted at beyond limits of the specifications. It falls under the class of black box testing.
Performance Testing
Performance testing is the testing to assess the speed and effectiveness of the system and to make sure
it is generating results within a specified time as in performance requirements. It falls under the class
of black box testing. Usability Testing
Usability testing is performed to the perspective of the client, to evaluate how the GUI is user-
friendly? How easily can the client learn? After learning how to use, how proficiently can the client
How pleasing is it to use its design? This falls under the class of black box testing.
Acceptance Testing
Acceptance testing is often done by the Seller to ensure that the delivered product meets the
requirements and works as the Seller expected. It falls under the class of black box testing.
Regression Testing
Regression testing is the testing after modification of a system, component, or a group of related units
to ensure that the modification is working correctly and is not damaging or imposing other modules
to produce unexpected results. It falls under the class of black box testing.
Beta Testing
Beta testing is the testing which is done by end users, a team outside development, or publicly
releasing full pre-version of the product which is known as beta version. The aim of beta testing is to
cover unexpected errors. It falls under the class of black box testing.

7.2 White Box Testing:

This is a test case design method that uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test
cases. As we are using non-procedural language, there is very small scope of White Box testing.
Whenever it is necessary, there control structure with a very minimum error.

7.3 Black Box Testing:

This testing focuses on the functional requirement of the software. It enables to drive sets of input
condition that will fully exercise all function requirements for a program. Black Box testing finds
almost all errors.
Chapter 8

Future Enhancement

The software has been developed in such a way that can accept modifications and further
changes. The software is very user friendly and future any changes can be done easily. Software
restructuring is carried out. Software restructuring is carried out. Software restructuring modifies
source code in an effort to make it amenable to future changes. In general, restructuring does not
modify the overall program architecture.
It tends to focus on the design detail of individual modules and on local structures defined
within modules. Since I have tried to give maximum functionality to the project. But in future we
are planning to give sms service to the customer. We are also planning to make this system online so
the customer can reach easily to us. We are also thinking to make an app of Tent House. That app
will help customer to place order from any location. Since the objectives may be brought broad in
future, the system can be easily modified accordingly, as the system has been modularized. The
future expansion can be done in a concise manner in order to improve the efficiently of the system.


The conclusion of this project is “A Bharat Tent House Management System” is a

computerized management system. The proposed system will keep a track of Customers, Orders,
Chapter 9

Items and generation of report regarding the present status. This project has GUI based software that
will help in storing, updating and retrieving the information through various user-friendly menu-
driven modules the project “Bharat Tent House System” is aimed to develop to maintain the day-to-
day state of registration/Booking of Customer, List of Items, In Stock Items, payment details etc.
Main objective of this project is to provide solution for Tent House to manage most there work
computerized process. This software application will help admin to handle Customer’s information,
Item rate details, and payment details. Detailed explanation about modules and design are provided
in project documentation. The existing system is a manually maintained system. All the Tent House
records are to be maintained for the details of each Customer, Payment details, Item Rate, Item
Stock etc. For avoiding this we introduced or proposed a new system in proposed system the
computerized version of the existing system. Provides easy and quick access over the data.


Following websites are referring to create this project reports.

Chapter 10

Following books are referring to create this project reports.
 Programming C#.Net : A guide for experience programmers.
 Learning C# .Net
 SQL Server Administration

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