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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

In English Grade 8

I. Learning Competencies:
Distinguish between general and specific statements

II. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Define general and specific statements.
2. Identify and analyze examples of general and specific statements.
3. Construct general and specific statements about societal issues around the world.

III. Learning Content:

Topic: General and Specific statements
Main Reference: Grade 8 Learning Materials, and the Internet
Learning Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Visual Aid, Laptop.
Learner’s Background: Advanced Learners - 85%
Intermediate Learners - 10%
Slow Learners - 5%
Integrated 21st Century Skills/Literacies: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical-

IV. Learning Objectives:

A. Preparation
 The teacher will begin the day by asking one of the students to lead the prayer.
Following that, greetings will be exchanged, and a separate sheet of paper will be
distributed to the class for attendance checking.
 The teacher will call a student to provide a brief summary of the topic from the previous
lesson. After which, the teacher will provide feedback.
(Pre-reading activity) Guess the jumbled words!
 The teacher will start the lesson by instructing the class that 4 students will be called
upon and will arrange jumbled words to create a sentence. After arranging the jumbled
words, the whole class will read the sentences. Finally, the teacher will ask the students
what they think is different from each of the sentences.

B. Presentation
 The teacher will ask, ‘What do you think the lesson is all about?”
 The teacher will then present the objectives of the lesson to the class.
 The teacher will then proceed to present the PowerPoint.

C. Assimilation
 In the form of a PowerPoint presentation, the teacher will introduce what are general and
specific statements, and how they differ from each other.
 After explaining each meaning and difference of general and specific statements, the
teacher will call upon 2 students that will identify whether the example given is a general
or a specific statement.
(During-reading Activity) Sentence-Bonanza
 The teacher will provide the students with the instructions of the new activity, where in 6
students will be randomly called using the “wheel of faith”. The chosen students will pick
from a box one by one, in the box there 6 general statements, and 6 specific statements,
if a student picks a general statement they will have to provide or construct a specific
statement/sentence connected to what they picked, and vice versa. They will be only
given 15 seconds to construct their sentences, those who are able to answer correctly
will be given a prize.

D. Generalization
 The teacher will ask the students what is a general statement
 The teacher will ask the students what is a specific statement
 The teacher will ask the students what is the importance of knowing the difference
between a General from a specific statement
 The teacher will process the answers, and provide feedback.

E. Application
(Post-reading Activity) Statement-Shapers
 The teacher will divide the class into 4 groups, each group will be given a hard copy of a
short article about societal issues. Each group will construct at least 5 general
statements and 5 specific statements about the article assigned to them. After which
each group will read their output and explain why they think it is important to be aware of
these societal issues.

Assignment (optional)
A. Reinforcement
The teacher will ask the students to do an advanced reading on the topic “Differentiating Facts
from Opinions”

Prepared By:
Luis Gabriel O. Alindogan

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