AnaPhysio SS

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ANA&PHYSIO 2nd Semester

Anatomy & Physiology M_04_Group 2022- 2023
MWF/ 1:00- 3:00 pm Due: March 6, 2023
Date: March 3, 2023 Week 7
Learning Target/s Describe the development growth of the bones
Investigate the diseases and disorders associated with the bones.
Categorize the causes of diseases and disorders
Discuss the medical breakthroughs in the bones
References Van De Graaff, K.M. Human Anatomy and Physiology. Schaum’s
Outline. McGraw-Hill.
Guinto, Adrian C. Learning Activity Sheet. Skeletal System. Anatomy
and Physiology. 2nd Semester, AY 2022- 2023

Introduction (Provide a brief statement about the skeletal system with citation/s)

I. The development and growth of the bones System (trace the formation of the bone).

Anatomy of the bones

Classify the bones and draw the anatomy of the bone.

Classification of Bones

All bones contain surface patterns and properties that distinguish them from one another. Holes,
depressions, smooth facets, lines, projections, and other markings can be found. They are frequently
pathways for arteries and nerves, places of articulation with other bones, or attachment points for tendons
and ligaments.

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Long Bones
Long bones are bones that are longer than they are wide. They are made up of a long shaft and two
hefty ends or extremities. They are mostly compact bone with a lot of spongy bone at the ends or
extremities. Long bones comprise thigh, leg, arm, and forearm bones.

Short Bones
Short bones are generally cube-shaped, with vertical and horizontal dimensions that are roughly equal.
They are mostly made of spongy bone, which is covered by a thin layer of compact bone. The wrist and
ankle bones are examples of short bones.

Irregular Bones
Irregular bones are those that do not fall into one of the following three categories. They are largely
spongy bone with a thin covering of compact bone on top. The vertebrae and several of the skull's bones
are some examples of it.

Flat Bones
Flat bones are often thin, flattened, and curved. It also serve as places of attachment for muscles and
frequently protect internal organs. The majority of the cranium's bones, scapulae (shoulder blades), sternum
(breastbone), and ribs are a few examples.

Sesamoid Bone
A sesamoid bone is a small, round bone that is formed like a sesame seed, as the name implies.
These bones originate in tendons (tissue sheaths that connect bones to muscles) where there is a lot of
pressure in a joint. Tendons are protected by the sesamoid bones, which aid in their resistance to
compression stresses.

Physiology of bone

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II. Investigate. (This will require you to conduct, literature search and review, and video analysis)

What are the diseases and disorders associated with the bones? What are the causes of diseases
and disorders?

What are the requirements of the bones for its nourishment? What are the sources?

What are the medical breakthroughs associated with the bones based on published

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of the author.

III. Evidence. (Show the incidence of bone diseases/disorders in the (1) Philippines and other
countries in the Southeast Asia). Give your inference based on the information gathered.

According to the National Nutrition and Health Survey (NNHES) 2003: Prevalence of osteoporosis
and fractures among Filipino adults. Adult Filipinos between 60 to 69 years old had a 0.8% prevalence of
osteoporosis, while those over 70 had a 2.5 percent prevalence. Fractures were found in 11.3 percent of
females and 9.0 percent of males.

According to the Predictors and Treatment Outcomes of Pediatric Osteosarcoma in Diverse

Socioeconomic Backgrounds in Southeast Asia: A Retrospective Multicenter Study. A total of 149
Southeast Asian osteosarcoma patients with a mean age of 12.48 ± 3.66 years were included. The
ratio of localized to metastatic disease was 1.5.
1. Five-year overall survival (OS) and event-free survival (EFS) were 53.8% and 42%, respectively.
Prognostic factors associated with outcome were country, disease stage, regimen including MTX,
and type of surgery (p value <0.05). In patients with localized disease, EFS was superior to limb-
sparing surgery (62%) over amputation or rotationplasty (40%) (p-value 0.009). MTX-containing
chemotherapy regimens resulted in higher OS (45.3%) and EFS (37.9%) than non-MTX regimens
(12.3% and 10.7%) in metastatic patients (p-values 0.004 and 0.005, respectively). Metastasis was
an independent prognostic factor for death but not a consequence of recurrence.

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IV. Reflect

1. What are the interesting facts about bones?

We are all born with about 300 bones and as we got older other bones fused together. That’s why an
adult only does have 206 bones.

2. What were some of the most interesting discoveries I learn in this activity?
That there are many classifications of bones and each of them served different purpose.

3. What were some of my most challenging moments in learning about the bones?
The unfamiliar word mostly the medical terminologies.

4. What is the most important thing I learned personally in this activity?

Our bones are very important piece of our body it serves different function for us to move and protect
our other organs.

5. What you can suggest to improve the activity?


6. What is my over-all thought about this activity?

This activity is very beneficial for us, not only because we are sciences major but also it help to
familiarize our own body. Its function and its importance.

Sources (Use 7th edition APA format)

Li-Yu, J. (2007). National Nutrition and Health Survey (NNHES) 2003: Prevalence of osteoporosis
and fractures among Filipino adults.

(Monsereenusorn et al., 2022) Predictors and Treatment Outcomes of Pediatric Osteosarcoma in

Diverse Socioeconomic Backgrounds in Southeast Asia: A Retrospective Multicenter Study

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of the author.

Name of group members Contribution in the LAS

Jay Rodren M. Ibita Anatomy Lay-out, classify, draw and label the
parts of the bone.

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of the author.

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