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11/22/2017 The Ultimate List of The Most Popular Online Business Ideas in 2017

The Ultimate List of The Most Popular Online Business

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11/22/2017 The Ultimate List of The Most Popular Online Business Ideas in 2017

By: Juste Semetaite October 04, 2016

It seems that there’s no shortage of great online business ideas.

According to, there are 966 million websites in the world today and WordPress alone is responsible for over 76.5
million blogs.

Although there’s no one accurate figure, some studies suggest that over 100 million freelancers around the world are successfully
running small online businesses from their homes.

The perks of being your own boss seem so great that many are willing to quit their stable jobs to embark on this entrepreneurial journey.

So if you’re quietly contemplating the idea of starting something of your own, here’s a list of the most popular online business ideas that
are within the reach of almost anyone who’s willing to take the plunge.

Online business ideas you can start tomorrow

1. Travel consultant

Do you spend more time packing and unpacking your luggage than most of the people you know? Then you might be onto something!
Travelling is one of the greatest passions of this age – the crazier and more nomadic, the better! If you have a knack for organising
memorable, authentic trips and enjoy the process of creating exciting day-to-day plans, why not do it for money? Become a travel
consultant to help adventure-seekers plan their unforgettable holidays from A to Z and enjoy every second of your working day.

2. Get baking! 2/17
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From freshly baked butter croissants to colourful macaroons and pillow-soft morning bagels – the world of the great bake off is a rich
and ever-growing place. The beautiful thing about the online world is that a great passion can be turned into a great business almost
overnight. If you’re a baker, you can use sites like Squarespace or Wix to build your online bakery and start handcrafting the future from
your own kitchen.

Tasty Bakery 3/17
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3. Wedding planner

If spending hours pinning images of gorgeous table arrangements and bouquet ideas on Pinterest is your definition of a perfect job, then
you will make an exceptional wedding planner. Sharp project management skills and an eye for detail are pretty much the most
important requirements for this job – no fancy diplomas to stop you from breaking into this industry! You can sell your consulting
services, wedding decorations, game packages, personalised gifts – the list of possibilities is endless (well, almost).

4. Party/corporate events planner

Event planning is a bit like wedding planning, just on steroids. The scope of this idea is so large that it includes everything from cheesy
stag and hen do parties to sophisticated product launches. Again, the entry barriers are rather low, but a flush work portfolio and a few
glowing testimonials are something you need to consider to get a good head start in this field.

5. Foreign language teacher

Everyone knows that the quickest way to learn a new language is to mingle with native speakers. If you were lucky enough to be born in
an English, French, Spanish (insert any of the world’s main languages) speaking country, then missing out on the opportunity to cash in
on the skills you take for granted is exactly that – missing out! Use online communication tools, such as Skype or Google Hangouts, to
connect with learners and leverage your privileges. Time is money, so package your hours into teaching sessions and you’re good to

6. Open a T-Shirt online shop

Platforms like Spreadshirt and Shopify have made it insanely simple to start an online t-shirt business for anyone with a speck of
imagination and an eye for design. 4/17
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7. Handmade goods shop

It can take you less than a day to build a storefront to showcase your work and connect with customers on platforms like Amazon and
Etsy. If you’re into crafts and DIY, it’s definitely a viable business option to consider.

8. Online researcher 5/17
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Although it sounds like a too-good-to-be-true idea, some people are successfully earning a living off their skill to find information online.
From data research for infographics to market research for budding startups, talented researchers know that you can put a price tag on

9. Content curation

The German Economist Schumpeter once said that there are “no original ideas”, only new combinations of old ones. Curation of
curiosity-fueling content is an intriguing and little-known business model. One of the best success stories out there is Brainpickings – a
platform that describes itself as “an inventory of cross-disciplinary interestingness, spanning art, science, design, history, philosophy,
and more”. The subscription-based model and successful utilisation of affiliate links have turned the blog into a self-sustaining business. 6/17
11/22/2017 The Ultimate List of The Most Popular Online Business Ideas in 2017 – An inventory of the meaningful life.

10. Become a private chef

If cooking is one of your personal passions, there are dozens of opportunities to turn it into a decent business venture. You can start by
setting up a catering website, experimenting with pop-up food stalls and local food markets, or joining platforms like MenuNextDoor that
encourage cooking enthusiasts to squeeze some money out of their passion. And if you’re not camera-shy, you can teach people how to
cook special meals by selling online classes. 7/17
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11. Dropshipping

Check out our guide to mastering dropshipping here. In short, dropshipping is the easiest option to start an eCommerce business
without having to buy products in advance.

12. Fresh produce delivery

Organic, fresh food is somewhat of a modern craze. Fruit and vegetable deliveries, local farm boxes, and freshly-made goodies from
local producers can help you kick off a business that not only encourages a healthier lifestyle but also supports the local economy.

13. Social media manager

Social media is an integral part of any business but it’s time-consuming and ever-changing – so really quite difficult to keep up with and,
more importantly, capitalise on. Many business owners are willing to outsource this time-intensive task, so it’s a great opportunity for
social media fanatics. Bundle together a few interesting offers, such as “Startup social media kit” or “Small Business Social Media
Starter Kit” that encompass everything from social media graphics to analytics reports and the seamless experience will bring you more
clients than you expect. 8/17
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Aggressive Growth Marketing

14. Kickstarter/Indiegogo advisor 9/17
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Grabbing the attention of curious browsers on the most popular crowdsourcing platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo is a tough job. If
you’re inventive and know how to tap into human emotion, then this is a niche worth exploring. Many aspiring entrepreneurs look for
personalised advice to carry their campaigns to the finish line, so try offering action-oriented eBooks or online courses targeted at this
particular audience.

15. Remote sales team

As more and more companies take on the lean, mean approach to business, outsourcing cold calling and telesales functions becomes a
sort of standard in the startup and small business environment. Whether you want to sell highly-targeted sales pitches or customer data,
such as phone numbers and email addresses, the potential is vast.

16. SEO expert

One of the online world’s hottest professions at the moment, this business is a gold mine for the tech-savvy entrepreneurs. While
everyone’s slightly obsessed with getting their sites SEO optimized, not many people can actually wrap their heads around this topic. If
you decide to go into this field, you can think about offering link building, content creation, on-page SEO optimization and similar one-off

17. Selling online courses

Derek Halpern has built a really strong personal brand. He’s the founder of a software and business training company called Social
Triggers and makes a LOT of money teaching people how to sell what they know best. And what he knows best is how to sell. If you’ve
got some serious expertise, start making money out of it by selling online courses or simply teaching online. 10/17
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Derek Halpern, Social Triggers

18. CV writing

Banging out a winning CV is a mission impossible for many. If you’re good with words and know how to highlight people’s best qualities,
CV writing could be a pretty sweet place to start a business. Additionally, you can sell slick CV templates that will help job hunters to get
noticed faster and yield better results.

19. Speech writing

Giving speeches is a terrifying experience. Giving bad speeches… Well, no one wants to be in that situation. Wordsmiths have a hugely
sellable skill to win people over using nothing else but the power of well-strung sentences. If you can write, cash in on this skill by
crafting speeches that make birthdays, weddings, award ceremonies, or political debates a more memorable experience.

20. Public speaking coach

Naturally, the next one on the list is coaching people how to deliver great speeches. Public speaking is the number one fear on most
people’s list – some fear it more than death! This skill can prove to be handy in many areas – from pitching to investors, to delivering
key messages at global conferences. If you’re a natural on stage, help entrepreneurs rediscover their in-born ability to communicate by
selling effective presentation templates and online coaching classes.

21. Self-published author 12/17
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If you have the next Harry Potter manuscript sitting in your drawer and the publishing industry hasn’t been kind to you, try self-
publishing. Using tools like Amazon’s direct publishing or working with dedicated consultants like I_Am, you not only get the satisfaction
of pushing your work out there but also retain 100% of your royalties! Don’t think you can write a good novel? Then stick to what you
know – self-help is a money-making genre!

22. Dating coach

Online and mobile dating are booming. Thousands of people around the world are looking for love online and, unfortunately, many are
unsuccessful in their quest. As a dating coach you’d be responsible for helping your clients to organise and prepare for a perfect date, to
refine their flirting skills and to advise on the do’s and don’ts of a dating life. 13/17
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Johnny Cassel Dating Advice

23. Mystery shopper

Okay, it can be rather difficult to make a living solely from this but it’s a great place to start if you’re planning to build your own mystery
shoppers’ army. Customer experience is one of the biggest obsessions of online and offline retailers, so there’s great potential here!
Take a look at some of the existing platforms here and here.

24. Selling professional photos 14/17
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The number of websites and blogs operating online demand a constant stream of high-quality, beautiful photographs that can help
businesses attract and convert more customers. Setting up a stock photo library is a great business idea as it targets virtually every
industry regardless of a company’s size. Check out sites like SmugMug, Photoshelter and iStockPhoto for more information.

25. Bug testing

Bug testing is a service that no software company can ignore. If you can build a platform to crowdsource expert skills and resources to
tackle this area, then you have solid chances of turning a profit. To learn more about this model, look into BugFinders and

26. Accountant

Pick your niche (tax accounting, personal finance, bookkeeping, financial reports, etc.) and establish a good online presence by creating
and promoting your website. Most of the solo traders and small businesses look for professional help with their accounts, so this is a
huge area for potential work.

27. Investment advisor

A lot of people with middle-class income would like to create a robust investment portfolio to secure a financially stable future but simply
have no clue where to start. If you have professional experience as an investment analyst or do a lot of investment yourself, then
offering investment advice for middle-class investors is a natural move for you.

28. Mystery objects shop 15/17
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If you have an eye for quirky stuff, maybe running a mystery object shop could help you combine the thirst for curious things with a
steady source of income. TheSomethingStore and Muddy Creatures are nailing the concept of a surprise purchase that taps into the
explorer instinct many of us possess. There’s no exact science or skill fueling this business idea – let your imagination go wild… 16/17
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Muddy Creatures

Pro table online business ideas that you can nail

29. Relationship coach

Some people just seem to intuitively know more than others – they don’t get involved in destructive relationships or suffer from loss of
self-knowledge. If you can relate to that description and feel your relationships have been fairly happy and stable, then maybe you’re
one of them. You’ll need to invest in relevant workshops and books, get knowledgeable and certified before you can start coaching
others, but it’s a fascinating business idea that will reward you both financially and morally. 17/17

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