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r.....cliOnUg.:ling \V~Di"'i~ ODd Intelligenoo

SnmmnriCH an contained in l!~. B. RegR., Part.
and the Staff Manual telIpectiv,ly. Title p3ge.
WAR DIARY • Anny Form O. tU8.

"ill be preptlred in D1JlnllllCript.

Placo Dale Hour I SUlllmr.ry of Eventa and Information


A dice
reIerenCM l.e

BR"MSHO (j.k liC~ <""~1 1-
~l.. Irll.· ~~vt..., It,....., Oi/':?r.vM G-o-f) b- h Wl.'>
t;".fA.Jt~.A.- (lA.. • 1 l. fix.. (J 1fh~ ) iu Ji """" Cevjk If /) IV .
S rrv...,
l'" 3 1;"1..,.,. lot u<:t;;.,.. .rJ.m./u. I ~ ~ ,. 3 i:;p,. I U"1J1I-1lol.
't- 7 Ft .l.............. ~ . Pwtr,).;...~ 1.1 PIHaI ~""A if1.. "~~'l'IA.""
~ 6-ft- ~ $~ VTH A,.., 1>'T4 N f 1.1' 4'- ~.,?r\, ~ ~J1')-v:..., &- h .T HA '('RE. . _

oIL 1<...... ~·t

R-v) 1- /vu-;...-.... e/.....,~ t;;;.".-.....w-. ,n ! Ill.:'

·A·... ·S· rot" ~ I 'J'>...v.-.JI..AL to l-IPJi.nJ<. AL'r k;: l' t/lV1iL...........t. f... FOLR!i..tnN,..

Tl't.wl- l'ft' Llf'Ii-...1l.. 0/1: '-I/.P- c, D&~ l4-.i.-....

~);... 1lR~Bv ~s.)I ;..~
'l.o ~l fJ.~~ 004 I-'-J k &-n:: L~ ~ 1;;"..;.... /,.. n-.,;,.. ~ F~U<'.:.STo~
l'U'1v--- - 'l...l n.....:... ~ (N/v- . B.~ ~t.n...I. ~....t ""- ~ 0>-. I t·/Nv, ..rA·

~ 'tJ;.- 1.1<- ~lJj,l:tTb""E. rM.L. dN./... 4w . j...~"" <...t.. ~. ~ ,g'"LD NE. o.Ar..Jt
Id ~~-,...,......., Ilok'> OW.",..).....!-u{ ~ ~ ~~ {;;- OIT/1.0/'OVS. Mn tJlhP 6.A..-....t ~......t....
~v-- .w1-.. :A: v.-.....-!vJ. f... tIM ~I.k. ~~~-.
, ,6~bl..O~lie. /1./. .6~ ~-:-- ~9· ~~ /1-1>0. h~ ~.......t. hW- J-w>-../.. •• ~Jp,. ~ ~ /;s
~t STfl.D }to"E . J.-......,.J. /,., ~ Ir~ a...r tM.:...~~ . .
~£S.,... ....... JS77 wt. W'I01~I/J713 ,500,&0 1/15 D. D. 6: L. A.D.S.;.jForms/G. 2:118.
Army Form C. 2118.

Summary of Eventa and InIormatiOD

I 1&IIli&I'baAi
,.r""""", to
A dice.

O$iM/l6~£ B..!xA;.. ~,..... e-.J. - . $' ... J..- ~,.k H·/i k-. ~ -.<.-
I M.·T CA N ,. PrNT-b( - ilRrqu( Il~ I'!:t.. 1rW,. 'UV'- 'L~ W;;. ~ ,~ S~ 0 NE.P. /-M-t. ~"""'i""
I M- tt-OH' ~ '-' '>J '.I~R"'E.!. ~ ~ / c..lm. "/5,/"- ~ tr
• • ....... I. I. .".,.,,.. b..~
l'rm.ERtI€.-S r& M»- WplA.-. /;:/,l o.k ~-~ lft-~ ~ I) " ' " " " " .. ~ . ~ n~
fl.v1...l.. ~ ~ . a okv. {,p' 1 I~ l- e- 0 ~ It'-. ~. 1>. ....... ~ N rIM--
~ ...t- Vlt~u(t ~ /...U... f-~ oh. ?,.... ~ 1~ .
~ wr.A. ~ MA;r. (p~ ~ e.-~ (-~ ~
""-k'/A-.A;;:;;;;::. .r· '1"" I 7..£ fl. N n .
./Z£RN£S I!/r ~rw- rrr-4".,,,- ~ t?\,. ", ~~ a "M<..r ~ ~ ~.::;.:; ~ o.f /.(1..
V-"~ 1"- '1.-,»)....... . ft.rJ;: u...., ~. 1lP.~.O ~ E881,,,,t.~ W h-...,"-"'.
c.».Jr"':' 1 ~ ~ ~ J..x- ~ ~
;-<t II.ok MI~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ?.-<> ~
2.0 I'c:;,~ ~~ 2.~ ~",6A... ~ ~ ~ fr.&:;;" ""tU- CM4,..
Cr-~ 't-~ 4~7 ... ~ '" ',i,- ~ Irw"",~ to. t1 , ....... e.-~ "'" N-l0C-W-< .
Q'r-l'IA...~ ~ 4::::;.,(- ~ er,.. ~ ~ t-I--N-t- (Q..7I-.
/lf~ ~ ;,.~ v1Jc;. ~U M <t- ~? )..~- .A.~ 1"""'-. ~~
fh:;,.., STA1.IULI'. - I1Efl..R/~ - OUITEfI.ST!E:NIi. - lVo'DL£ 811'0" ~ ~ ~. All~
1571 Wt,WI0791/1113 500.000 t/15 D.D.& L. A.D.SS.lfortm/C.t118. It ",~,.rtJlJr
/1 IN ~.
• Anny Form C. 2118.
Junctions reglU'ding War Diar:iee and 1ntellig~
Summaries am contained in f'. S. Rega., Part n.
and the SlafI Manual J'ClIpectiwly. Title page.
will be prepaTCd in manuscript..
S'C]14MMtY. ~
(BN" hudir.g not nquired.)

Summ1ry or E"entll aDd Information

, -,
~(- I'~· ~ >-ut:.-~ . Q\...". ~ /-IA."...r a./-Ci/rz.... h.v!-,...,rn...,(,
M- Illv-. (JJ......~ ~ ~- Ol.. IM/lLE.H - tT~ENVr-R.C.K ~ .
~ ,}f.--. fl.~ ft;;;;... ~ ~ ?.J~ ~ ~- ~ I'M ~ ~ ,ft::- '
~1££lYw"fl.e" /l{j~ ~7.;....e; ~ p~J ~
t.JkJ. c:...y "-'- .

~. hy~J.., c.J.~' 1),. 9~ '1r..:..- ,...7. 7)w- la- ~ ~ trlt'NIVTI£i~£t rtvt.;....

~ fr ~ '!I1"1/J (W:;:'1....;.,I1"') v... ~ r.
/ftr;; )-'2uI,;:;:~.
7i ~1 rf' .
f6.k... ~- /f-- A R.,.,~fV"TI£~,.~ ~ ~4 ". 2./. I 8~ n..~ wj. ~ vi.. tT;:;..
H- ~ c..,.w{. , ()..(- Mn,.k <t-/v-. ~ ~ .-a ~ ~ jA..A:;;:;;:. ~

1577 Wt, WI0191fl7iJ .soo.c:oo *~ D. D.& 1.. A.DSJi./Forms/C.2118.

• •
WAR DIARY Army Form C. 2118;.
In8tTuctiOll8 regarding W!U Di~ie6 and Intelligence
Summaries 6t'6 conul.Ined iD F.S.Regs.,PartIL
and the St&£r MnDunl roopeatively. Title pagtllI
will be prepa.11ld in manusaript..

(Ercue huuling ftllt r~uittd.)

v:: W'U-

Hour. Dato, Plaoo Summary of Evenfll and Information I

Remarks and refereoOl'lll to Appendices

ARf1£NTI£R£-S (J,..k~ ~ v... k... "!r-o.'I..";"" ?i:;;:;;...t.w, ....4. ~ )-

2/lrjw ~ ~. ~......... ~ ~ I v-',...~ t- V>/.M.r '"'"'- k..
ew....t /~ /l.......L.. f/..n..t;;:;.... "-0 ~

2Yl'/J> e J-i>~ ar..-k ~ ~ A-4.. &- ~ t./,w.-?\.....-..,

CTESN'>.JE/H/<. 0... ~ 'f 27/';:' I 13. h..., ~ M- J-

'-t£; ~ ~,J- I7h ~ ~ r-<.t~ ~ 1_ '" ~

1/ J,J,J,..;. CM... , ~ f...- f-.k:! 0.'1 ~J.-v...1

v.... ~ 'rt.n-~j ~~

(73989) W"141--l6J. 400,000. 9/14. H.&:J.Ltd. FOrmJJ!C.2118/10.

i • •
WAR DIARY Army Form O. 211'
InstructiOIl8 regarding War DiariE18 and Intelligenoe
Swnmarill8 contained in F. S. ~ .• Part n INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY.
and the Staft Manua.l l'li'l9pGOtil'oly. Title pages
will be prepared in manuscript. (Enue 1w1ding ROt 1'tquired.)

Hour, Date, Place Summaxy of EventB &Dd Infonnation ReIDal'b &Dd referenOll8 to AppendiOElil

BJ.l.J.f ............ ST€ ElywER</{

2. _I sit5'
2. t ! l 1w
~ f3 ..~ ()I> Jwvt- ~ 2) t;;.;...1, I~tl;:. WM Wl-~ &-1
J..9/~!tr tJ;..... FeJ.JJ. 1r-~ ~tv...7· v..- r ;. "1.oA.A. ~.f, Joi-'l'
(73969) \Y4I4t-463. 400,000. 9/14. H.&.J.Ltd. FonnsfC. 2118/hJ.


,-, •


'. • •
Instruetioll8 rJrding War Diarioo and Intelligence
Summaries contained in F. S. Reczs., Part IT.
and the Staff Mnnun! respectively. Title Jl881l8
Army Form C. 2118. tI

will be in manuscript.

Hour. Date, Place Summary of Events &nd Information I Remarks and ref&ren088 to Appendioes

T~9 ~vJ. - IJ~~ l-1'lJ:c ~

~ ;-....~ ~~ (j;- floN/" VE. NI£"'PPE.
fF ~~ olV:)9I.M9 ~. r!"fk A~l:i:i-.. t:i=rl-... O'NlA,o;...:.J

1- ~9 ~ l'- Ifw,vtM. ~ fJrN.

"-'-?a-v..:. ? D./'o..L4.,
L ~. w..w.r 0-1:- '-I' '5 0 W)y." fw.- ~
?'J.-.-00N'},... - ~
1'r--rw-.~r I;y..~~~. fM~ fONt "D[ HIE.f'I>F
r.;).rr..J- 6' ~ ~
'. , . 11' l'ZoyJ- d~
WAR DIARY Army Form C, 2118, fI
I.n6tructioIlll regarding War Diaries and IntelligeD08
Summnriee contained in F. S. Regs., Part IT.
a.nd the Staff Manual respeotively. Title pages
will be propa.rod in ma.nuscript.

Hour, Date, Place SUIll.IIlllry of Events a.nd Information I

1lema<ks and ",f.",.", to Ap~ndi""
fONT 1)~ NIl:. pp;:. ~ t-<-t...~ f..JV.- ~ It" ~ t-~ .
4!6)W C )- 7:) ~l w:k. ~ h y~ J"~ ~
So./rIV- ~~ M ~"" Wf dk Ccz Jv-.'~~,
Iv....~ U-. fhu... Q.~ - '7l-.CV\-. M- 6.-, t1 ~

~._(prz 9~)

(Jr.~ ;-,.~-tvvJ.. ~ 2.7· 1-13 a- ~ ~U-

'A' y. '"'8
j ~ ~ 73t1tfl/f.S' 13~~ ~ ~ ~~
t rJ.-t. C>~ ~"- ~ 71--- ~ ~U-.
f ~ ~ C/'I.ul)< 'Ilu ,.,£ fTllIfU.~ (,,~i1HRlUo
.eA c.

ok~ ~ tkixi:' M..o 0" ~ ~ I!' o h d-

It- so a;;...... ,~ v~ Ct'll. ONNe . /?o iJ £~ q lie _
13lJS1v£. S --to /~ (j£ R ~ IJ I; ~ h4.k........ 7 ~ a.LL.~
~---tv... ~ . . tef).-t~ I/J......-A (.~. ~ o.A- (-Ill ~
0/ ~ t.M.,....,,{- .n-. >" ," (It. ..vt" ~ I-' r nv.. .
(73959) \\"4141--'163. 400,000. 9114. H.&..}.Ltd. Forms/C.2118{W. 2. n t~ , R~ ~ h ~ /{.
•• • ':><
WAR DIARY Army Form C. 2118. •
Instructioll.8 regarding War Dia.riee and Intelligence
Summa.ri06 &1'8 contained in F. S. Regs., Part 11. INTi:IdL'iGENe1rS~Y
. .
&nd the Staff Manual respOOtively. Title pages
will bo ' in manusaript. (ETtUll 1wlding not ,.~uind.)

Hour, Da.te, Pl.aoo SUJIlIIl8.ry of Events and InfOrm&ti.on Remarks and referenoee to Appendiooa

ISBE.R8:U£~ ~
6/~/1~ ~~.

7/t/w 1""'- ~~ . T~f ~

~611r- T~f~ .~~~~~h:...

~. ''b' er., ~ 6! ~. '),........ IflhJ'T/:.· 'y-. /'IT - .
13 r-C ~ ~wJ...k C¥lM.. cA... ~ .~ ~ ~
Y·f 0.~ ~t.h-Itr ~ '4) \ ~ . . .

'1~11-.' c~ . ~~ 7-......lI....- .... ,..,-....J.. ~~ ....

t. .trw."... ""'~ o..f-.r-.,(,. }-<.~

II!t IfIr

('13989) W4141-463. 400,000. 9/14. H.&).Ltd.

.' (I ~SU{c
Army Form C, 2118, •
InstructiOIl8 regarding Wa.r Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries contained in ~. s. ~ .. Pari n
and the Staff Manual Teepootixely. Title pages
\\ill be prepared in manuscript. (ErtU6 hwding not required.)

HoUl', Date. Place SI1JllDl1U'Y of Events &Dd Information Remarks and referenooe to -AppendiOO8

I?/l/Ir 1~rr ~ ~ ~f <.MJ.. t>l.i'M. 'b- oM ~

~ .;... I;w.;. ~~, ~r ~~ ~
/'..b.~ ~ "'-1J:.';'" 0- ~ ~ 'I ~ ~ w-.
24/6/1!" ~ ')J"tC.....:., '71..:. ~ ;.--. ~ ~ ~ ~~ '11.1-14
-u+ ~cI...
1'k I't- 711-+f1:' ~r12~ ~ (~lo.M) ~ ~M.
6:0. 13lq;c ~ r ""'-'- t-x>-t-..;i. ~ ~ fJkr..J:
Ivlf (wvv.. f'~ lA. .. .,..J.. A o..b:v.. ~ ,

8 oJ;c,. ,"",,-....,..J.. ~ ir ~
'-'1;. ~ .l'r 11 I L ~ Ill. t r-'~:cJl.."
~ /J..JJ..k . ~ ~ -t lvw- ~ c..".~'f
<>-k- 11 <>.rrv-.... T~ '7>v.M. f-.U n:.J:' II\-~ IM 'DrofI.-' '1-
s.. . J~ /LAI Re., ~ 'JMJ:r r...wu- ~ e-tn.... 'r t71MN.1. (;r ~ ~~tQ'Vw..
p.;.. />'tA. ~~ ,
Hlt(1 i~~ ~ - ~r IN-(, ~
17/6/11- ~t;{.. ~ tb:
2. 8/ l(lr "'-~f ~ ~ ~ r ~..J..c
. ~~M~'
(73959) _ W4141-463. 400,000. 9/14. H.& F'orms/C.2118/10.
'. Army Form C, 2118,
Inetructiona regarding War Diaries and Intelligeoce
Summaries are contained in F. S. HeRe., PlLrl n. IN~~,
and the Stall Mnnual 1'O!pooti\·ely. IJ'itle peget
"ill 00 prepared in manueaript. (Enu6 Mading not required.) Date, Place

I Su.m.uuu-y of Events and Information

s~ U' /. AIRE:
~ M~ ~--'-f lz=..k- ~ W'u ~ ~,
C'O f:;; 90 16~ Hi "fu,- CM..v. } ~I>k ~ )1-
bl~"E.. •E. '
11 ~ __ 4 ~ /l.~ B;' C~ to 0A.c.0. rrv-J..
lA "0 1'l1)G. ...mL 0 7", ~~..J. ~ ~ /-. ~ .
~ t
I ~- ?-"".(..l - l- NI ?M""- ;..~ rwt:-
1 ~ h.--<..J\M...(, t;; ~ t; E: ~ UI-7H "'" 4 ~
~ 9 oJ:' t· ,n.:... '

(73989) \\"4141-;63. 400,000. 9114. H.& Fonn C. 2118/JO.

- • • ' .
- (!:: Form C. 2118.'-

lnstrLlctiollB regarding War Dio.riee llnd Intelligence

Summaries f1,r9 contained in F. B. n.o, Part n
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pag9lI
will be prepared in lOBDusodpl. (E,.,;ue 1utuling fIOt f"tquired.)

Hour, Date. Place Summary of Events and Information I Remarks &Dd refereD08S W AppendiOO8

E. SS A RS 1/7/W 01'~ J-~ ~ I;r !J:.M- ~~, ~ ~" tA_

g b:: ~ ... fl..... fU)..L r o...rt;' 1"'"
t\J Ik.M "lv-or u- ~ U<A'....;;"t.
M ~ ,7~ l.'-'\o\. ~ t1l.-v... l tc......,.t-
1 ~ t£ Il., ~ ('1- J.. V/O LIiIN/. I ~ /~ ) '1- VoNo. !No S w..M
13 /:rt'l ~ ~ w;....
l-"1l ,e""" t:4:rl.- Nv<.. 2'" L~ J A- ~
~ iRk ~ :f H. L.f.-.. ,
-n....- ~ r nrv.. /;oN.C f>,..."-'-hA~ w.. ~ 11 4 ~ ".......
t';'" J:-

v. ~ ~ I'JV..~~
'REr A.,.S'7t~

m...... '2. all\- to , r.-. tit.. ~ ~ t {j",....l, ~ k .I"~Lj

~ &. "~ u~ ft;. vt-1..."'" }/vw.)M. v""~· I~

, (- ~. ,t- t ~ 1( 4t ..:< rftw- rJ,v.}).. ~ ~I IIJ~

QlM- • .l- 7}vi.:.. """" f&.+t- I l" l-.. AA........ - 'hvf-.rJ. .

I 6J".J... ~ .P... ~J,.t-. ~ W"'l ~
(73989) W4HI--46J. <100,000. 9/14. H.&J.Ltd. Fomll/C. 2118/10.
• • ' . II~ ~T'L ~LMF \
WAR DIARY Army Form C. 2118. •
In8tructiona regarding WlU'Diaries and Intelligence
Summ8.!'ies are oonlained in F. s.~ .. Put II. IN~E'-S:IH\Il-MA-RY .
and tbe Staff Manual re!pOOIively. Title p8g8B
...-ill h9 proparod in IflftntUloripL .

Hour, Date. Place SUJ:JllWl.r)' oC Events and Information I

Remarks and references to Appendices

1--,... ~ a./rtI.1- /h..f't'-o Mo..L... c.rvv.A tlM. ""'- ~

- 91$ "-- 0

qfIllY'" "": &tv-......-C""" at- INJ.-- ~ k 'f ' le. PI.ArvTI"I'I. 1..11..1........
2~ Wvu- I~ ~ n..iA. -l,1~' . <rl. lA- ~ IV ..~

~ . ~ ~ I/IY.M~ , tv.., /..r::~ M'l~

( • ~"" '1).... ~~ 0..... 9 ~ ~ "" ~
t..1'l. J..... },...,L. c. ~.. G~, l 711 J......
CI\-~....., tWwt- (,A ~............... ',..f r-' W;-
J /7/1 r 1'1 1 I; 4M.... ~I'~ Y!d."", J... f;.4 ~> ~ fn- O~
ow.. ~ (J'r\.. ya; Uow A ~. fr1.,Jw ""/ Ik? ''''- l /' ~ 1

I w.J.... ~ f~"" ~ IfM.-· '7 ~ ~, ~ ~S ,. .,.

aI 0> ~. fP. o. " j !J.J., '1 JL
,.... • Q l.ui.J. f>... .,...~ .......""10. I

~ ~ Q.l (~/-;. I ~ H~ /1. rH

~ ~ c?1I\A.. &w.....~ • ? ~?...... t C/i>.''/lVIlo~
~IVV- t.~ vf:w' I..;;. / J 1'1' 'J..o o.v.- ( l/II ~ :r
')..<, >0 J,t;:...j I t 4r, J,.. '..t; 'U"V'-.

6/7/14 12· 1) / ~ ~ ~ Ii'tM fvw... /, rH

~o-k ~J K &~ f (. ""'" cf..ul,....;:...,.., '. r-
(7J9&'9) W41~1-'f63. 400,000. 9/14. H.k].Lld. Fo~/C. 2118/10. )-t..;t-' C j..,l /'u


'. / / ';;!
-to7 ;I~--o
Army Form C, 2118. •
InstructiOIL8 regarding Wa.r Diaries and Intelligeoce
Summaries &re contained in F. S. ~., Part II. INT~C~~Y.
and the Stall Manual re6peotively. Title pegelI
will be propared in maml$cnpt. (Erass 1uaMng not required.)

Hour Date. Plaoo

I Summary of Events and Information . Remarks and refereoOO6 to Appendioee

~ V--~ ...l::.
. ~. p-tt..lkJl'.
•( , IrM:ii:' rz....?;..p

A-v.-. 7..
. '1
e::. T2.. ~
. .
1~,~o,.() , "13 \ ~


to H J""'L ~ 't A \ ~ 'r- )'r'Y ""'-
3 :.;..(.. /..ll\>-<. ~L R.<.t.if: ~

I"f... . 'l!.k.
( /1v. ~ . ~ ;~" '.)..
!,' ~ CM. fr,:... ct~

~1 '-1 '/'-. -..;
(73989) \\14141--'l63. 400,000. 9/14. H.&J.Ltd. Forms/C. 2118/liJ.

'. // ,:J.. i&,p-I .4' -t.
- Army Form C, 2118,.

1J:l8tructiOIl8 regarding War Dia.ries and Int.elligenoe

Summariee: &l"6 contnined in F. S. Ree:s., Part n INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY,
and the Staff Mnnunl ro8peotively. Title pegee
will bo PIOCpared in manuscript. (ErtUc 1wJding not f'tIluif'ul.)

Hour, Dnoo, Plaoe Summa.ry oC Event. e.nd Information I

Remarks and I1lCerenOM to Appendices

I..... T~ /V'11l8~ pt;; """-I......... '/I '''1

Ct I) Ilhlw

1'2./7/1 r

rf v iEfJ
I 1l....JJ.-.i-
3 Wtw";,· ....

(73989) """141-463. ~OO,OOO. 9/14. H.&J.Ltd. Fo~/C. 2118/1;).

• • JJ-:'""-l A' I

WAR DIARY - - Army Form C.
IndructiOD8 regarding War Diaries and InIA:l~nOll
Summaries &re contained in F.S_~.• Pa.rtn. INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY.
a.nd the Staff ManlUll respeoth-ely.. Title pages
will be in manuscript.

Hour, Dato. Place Summary of Evonta &Dd Information Rema.rb and referenOOll to Appendioee

I'h. '/~ Cot fr-<.- LI'A ~ t..::::

1"1)-r)J ~- ~ ~
-..Lt.:. ~ ~'M. ':/.i:
cA ~t..t. ~ t- I ~

~ L ....,..., lJ_ (;t;~ le ej-- f ,

{Jf'i 1 tr:- /''-

I /7/1>'" tlfl ~""-


~~h.J...:4, #c.J,
(7~ W4Hl-463. '100,000. 9/14. H.& YormlljC.2tl8/hl. _.:.._.. ~ ......_.!...,.~_~~.L!_ 4,, . _
• • I

uJ.J "
WAR DIARY Army Form C. 2118,.:
Iruitructioll8 regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summariee &.re contained in F. S. Rafts., P&rl IT. INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title p6g88
will be prepared in manuscript. (ErtUe heading not req!lired.)

Hour, Dato, 'Flaoo SllIIlIIlfl.I'y of Events and Information I

Rems.rkB and refa:renOO8 to AppendiOO6

($ tvlj .\~v L.rVl ~,).. (AA. liE

~ ~ /J-,... ~<;l. O~

(73959) \\'4141--463. 400,000. 9/14. H.&J.Ltd. Forms/C. 2118/11),


In.etruetions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries &re contained in F. S. B.eIrs., Part IT. INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY.
and the StaR Manual ~v6Iy. 1.'itle pages
will be proparod in maullS6r'ipt. (E1'aJ6 hMd.iftfJ tWt rl.quired.)

Hour, Dato, l)laoo SIlJ11lIlaJ'}' of Event8 a.nd Information Remarks and referonoee to Appendioea

h... ~ WJ...4- &t...,M ~ ) ~9 ~ .
1 ,t q>vl~ /uv.l.f Io/M, ~( "'" t" "',~ ~.
dJ, .. ~ ?>--nn.,J... w;.. Ir>~ (;i) $~ ~ ~ ,;", ::t> } IJ...J..L..L ~

~~ f-'~f IT","" /oa:-H i · l , ~ ~ ~­

~.....: w...k- ok okrvJ.r 1'2 ?wto....

(.}'w,...,(- rJ...., . ~ ~ t'l-. ~ ~ r ~ of

~ ~~ ~ ~ . . ""'- u..w-, ~'1-
~?~ ~~ ~ r~,"Mw­
12. '>0- It-~.

2'i /7(tl- I q~ ~ . rv/.. fJ'-- k.",..,,A.,.,, ~

{..J . th. ~ ~
I ~r:~ q"... q-...~...w.:.
(73989) \V41 1-'163. 400,000. 9fH. H.&J.Ltd. Form!l/C. 2118/hi.
• • ' .
Instructions regarding War Diariae and Intelligeooa
Summariee &re contaiued in F. S. B." Part. IT.
and the Staff Mnnuol respectively. TitJe pages
will be prepared in manuscript. (Eraae 1uading no~ required,) r"
Hour Daw, PlaOC!
I Summary of EventB and Information I
Remarks and ref8l'8ooee: to AppendiOO8

'L7/7/1Y: j ~- ~

2'ihjlY' I Q
~ 6J \, rJ."..,v..J. I ~"If".. rn...... f1-").A.. .Pu-t. "'" M~1.

I 1) , ~ '"8 ~ ('OA- y.< f..,rJ 1J CA, Ik M-fIJ" f,-M- A (;, 4W~

fJ),rA 'C r /rH g . (2..""W'- ~ "
l'- (,.,
(l~ ~ rvJ:. ~- fA".~ 0 UP..A: 1'1. ~,

'l~/711'> qw.J,-~. ~ rxrJ,... IXp.,.... """ ~- ~ 7~

UrJ... ~ 7J A 'l- e. J ~ VY<4<- "" I?. ~ i.oJv,A. ~dJ.-
t>IM- fA ~ 6 c.... /"'f, It ~ (7!~ I- ~t.. ~ w...w,. fl-/"'f
~ ~ /If.v... tlI,.... '4 ~ ~
(73989) w...........,. '00,000. 91"· H.&J.L<d. ",="K:. 21"/I~ hwJ.... tr 0- ~00.A. 9~~ ,): (.1; Ta vfJ.. e. r

• •
• ' . .J. ~ I,)
WAR DIARY -Army Form C, 2118. ~
In8tructiona regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
SummAries are oontained in F. S. Begs., Put II. INTEg,tGEN_C~UM-MARY, -lA (..Ij.).-
and the Staff Manual 1'O'!p8Oti\"ely. Title pages
'A'ill be prepared in mafltl8Ol"i[lt. (E1"'aU htLIdinD not nqui,.ed.) f "
Summary of Events and Infonnation I Rema.rb and ref'erenC!Ee to Appe.ndiOOJ8
Hour. Date. Place
_.I!_-"- --!-' _


Q~ ~ '.) <.. I;;a.... Q1N\- ~ t.v.. ~~ tv....,

I ~ ~ 6"" ~.g F . ~:I 1:> &.1 ~
t I!~ '']) 4 ~ 'en, ~ I'Z .... R. ~ "- {JrJ.,..
~ I--.r..-..' <4 cG..-~ OJ)".~ r;;.... I..w.. r.-.p.-
f-~ A (1 ~ ~ ~ ,f' ~M. tJ-M"
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.,. q......~ .W,/\A.N~ !L- ~ 4 W">'I ~~
". 3?---. w.)!W"j.- lI\r.. ~

(739S9) \\"4111-463. 100,000. 9/H. H.&J.Ltd. FOfTn!JJC.2118/1I],

• army Form C. 2118. ~
lnatructiONl regarding War DiariCl!l and Intelligence
SummanM contained in F. S. ~ .• Parl n.
and tbe. Staff Manuo.l J'O!lpeoOvely. Title JlB8'llI
....i ll be propared in manuscript.

Hour, Date, Plaoo Summary of Events and Information I

Remarka and referenOEllS to AppendiOO8

,?-- --{HJy... t4u..o !IIfrv- q~ ~ ~u.. fN.M 'M.iU- t6 'Mw- ~

FES-ro !lE./l. T
A (.<..1' I >l'".
1- ~ B~M.-- ~ tJ)(~ ~ k!; r.r
LAG.IN~ol;; nug. /?(;;.r.ts ...... r.w.~IJ.-~.71tv..A
~ tM. UJwtM. l' 6Ix;; /l.. t, r: "'"'" I...ft:.
-n...... /6 \r;. 11"1' S ' };
ch- ~ ~ i6 o:!I- ft..-4~ T~. 71-v ~JN.... J,...V.
~ l'- ~ I tro"" ~ 1- Loi"/flfr N 1"1.0/ C ,..,. a h&"
2. ~ ITt- '1) Cr) (M. r-'1l.. L- I '13' ~1 tM. e..wJ;c. ...
, • Co' lot, If\A. f.1t". 2. ~ -f '~ VI w.. ~..... flMw
.,~ I't" H-tr 'I- 'A e" v.... J?,~ ~ ~

F-t-W -r~ (-rvv.. ~ ~ &./ 0"M.-).1....t;w.. '1)

::J. I~ ~ ""I 9uVv.. t ~ wJ..;s Ih.. ~.
1~ ';""'eM- ~

q~- (;lL~
oCJo, .
(73989) Wfl41-1"63. 400,000. 9tH. H.& Forms/C. 21l8jHl
• Army Form C. 2118.~
~ Instructioll8 regarding War Diariee and Intel.ligeOOB or
Summari9!l are contained in F.S,~"Pa.rtn. INTE LI&~E.....S~.
and the Staff Manual J'Cl8peotivsly. Title pages
will be prepared in manuscript. (ErtUe heading not nQuirtd.)

Hour, Dllw. Place SUJDJIUU'y of E"eoill and Information Remarks and refereooos to AppendiOOil

G~ ~ ~ fh.-i ~ M- t, iNv.. 21 r;;; hf, fS-.~

&t:= 9""'~ t7f1,. I'M- Ilv_ ~ • ~ ~
e;,-L- If'~1) Iv- ~ /I~. IJJM... '0
~J.-... "1 C"r t;)}-v..t ~ u- I.~J' a/l'"l)4/ u~·
J>.-v.k ~ ~ +.
~ 9 r;f.. l' ~
~ "
'. r£J.r;. .
(,.H_ ~ ID IV- Cl. ~ s Ii'~ a..-f LE Td lJ f4F..T r (& I'lAfVTI
I+tR A ~ c ~ 7fV\'1.1j cr1hv.. ~ ,J"" ':B r 1) C,fI /).x"1..4~
I 'e' Cl; ~ 9~ p... &;::.. f.Al'T fF.l7'U~F.fl.T 1-';J1 t7'

CAILLo~~ ~t. ~ 11;";-'" tb ~....U....A...

w.:J- ~ ~1 ~, ~ ~L
oLJ;co .

(13989) W'It41--463. 400,000. 9/14. H.&.J.Ltd. Fomu/C.2118/(0.

• •
WAR DIARY A.l'my FOl'm C. 2118. ~
t Instructions regarding War Diaries nod Intolligence
Sununarioo ll.l'Q contained in F. S. Re2e" Part IT.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pagee
will bo prepared in manuscript.

Hour. Date, Place Summary of Evoota and Information I

ReIJ)JlJ'Q .:.nd reIerenoos to AppcndiOO8

4'~- ~9' ;".. b:;;.. ~ ~ 4r- 3/.-

~ . &w. J-;vv- """ ~ 'C' c., 'ww..
~. ~7 ~t hJfw-... hr..r-. ~9
'M+' ~ p- ~~, ~. Tlu.-r, f:!IW..- ~
~ ~ IS' ~ _ "ftv, ~ J...,J., f~ vd; cLu--,
~ t..rvv... cJ-"~ (~~ ~
~ ?r:....,'.,.. W'ff tlNo""W> it:" ~ '/),.')1 ~
tJ)vJ l.v\.ou- ",...J;:;.-.).,. ~,..);j d- k.,. ~ Wv--<-
~ I td~ ~.,;."..?!>'..L w-~ t.lit:v,;:'/ .
7k~ W'VJ ~ ~~Ifp..~
fwh='9 o.-hwt" It ~~ ~t a r ~ cAAJA. vWt:s tw. ~
l4:i....... 1).-o./l ~ olN.... iJ-" . ~ - '!&".'''''''s Ifr.I '.... ""0..,.(

QJ~ ~ . , •
f!, ok 0# tC Tt u Ri> r .,. I. PlAI'I rtff ~ ~ Q.'?or-'
C'"J 1l'I.v/"
ak- low" l'- ftw-r,...1)..~ .,;.. /-.J.iI. ciJ. $'/~1-.-. rrb~
~ ~ /VI'T B£fI,N£,N CHo/V rCFo)" ~ h44 C1Wi:.....

(73989) \V4141_~. 400,000. 9/14. H.&J.Ltd. Forms/C. 2118/10.


• •
Army Form C. 2118. ~
lostructiODS regarding War Diaries and Intelligenoo
Summaries aro contained in F. S. Rec:e.. Pa.r1; IL
lLnd the Sta.lJ Manual respecth-ely. /hUe pages
will be prepared in manU5Cl'ipt.

Hour, Date, Pla.oo

Summary of E\""eutB and Information
, .
Rema.rks &Dd references to AppcndiOO6

/'1T- 8 ERN E..f'f CftD '"

Cl-v-tj '/7 e-:. 8~r~ r ~ ~r~"'f
~ {l.~ ~ i:k;: ~
Irt...::: Il~ ~' ~,. - r ~ ~
• /9 tc I~ 'I
~f;;.,hv-.~ 4 Ln-L IU~ or
c.. ~ r...¥ 1-
svJx:. ut- ~NNc.~ . 13r..b~
~ crtt ~ o.b. r-v,.j..l
~ I .. 1-: J:;:

~cAt-. ~~
d!7~~ ~ 't- ~i~~ ~~
'I 'l. 4"'" <P '(T..<,c;:;..; ~ ft-n.-. fCn,.. JJ......., ~""~ t.,t- Iv., I... ~"""-

(iJ9S91 \\'4141_463. ofOO,OOO. 9/14. H.&J.Ud. ForrrufC. 2118/10.
• ,.
•< WAR DIARY Army Form O. 21~8~
lnatruotioll8 rega.rdillg War Diari08 and Intelligenoo
.8utnmari08 IlJ'6 contained in F. S. ~.• Part n
tuld the Staff Manual respecth·ely. Title pages
will be propared in manuscript.

Hour, Date, Plaoo SU1IllIUl.ry of E~ents and InforIll8.oon I

Rema.rks and referenoeos to AppendiOO6

~ M.~ t;-?v--tIr-. tA ~ 1
1'2 r.;. T2.. ~ "... ""'1t.J:
1 '}.71~~t;;. ~ ~t C;;" ~ v-w:...., 11 ~I k:..
trJ;r;.,. ~I..,..L (;; "&F-Tl1urJE. fA;..... ~ IrJW;:i.. ~
~ ViM. ~,Ik
C1 ~ ffif... s.... r: .llv.-.. 9 ~r w-v-,J'!;>
~ ~ __ ~q 1!'~ TL hh-",- "fk
0~ ~v..v., ok ~ 't.",J.,..?'>-k ~~ ok ClthQfl.1

7~ ~ ~ Qvv\. o./nw(:- ~. C<jt V":1~ ...... fH>..It-J

t+ ~.f. /v...J.... . ~ 1 '1>0. 1"""- ,+ l'- rUt.. ~ ~
lA" vl\IJ-. ,,.).1.1:, "= ~t.v", 1~ W1It.. .'hI! c4M-
/'1N ~elt....A
q~~. Urv/.. ~
~'4'l/I~- . ZO ~
~ ~J...~.

1- qNI';"" "
~lJ.- ~~? f.,.-.~
w.J.. ".... ~- r-f- ~
'H 11'1"
(7J989) \V"141-46J. 400,000. 9/14.
27th Inf.Bde.
9th Div•


llth BU~Ii. !rIlE ROYAL seam.


191 11


. '
~' -
IDItnIcdonll J'e8IIrding War lJjari611 1IDl;t lDtelli~
Smnmn.ri(lR m contained iD F. 8. ReD,. Part n.
and the StaB lfnuual relpeot.iV1l17. 'title pag8I
'W111 be prepnred in maDllaeripL

Date Bour SUIDnmry or EVWlte and Information

.. zo s.... 1/9/,.. f¥~ ~, p.~ ~ &.r.. 61u. I< 0 S E'.! ~~9 "* '3jv.... ,... ~ (,J'"04

~LA.d. ...t- 7/v- Tlv..~.JM... ~ t;; ~.:.- YEIIT>/f'{-LC%-"SE."T!I'IV~

3f:TIf-ONE. 'i ~7r+ ~
. 3/ ~ ~ 'h-..'-j;" .h-,lw..,J... t... Is:.. ~, .,. ~ "'" L .~ 1- at1.. e.;J
~~ ~ f o.l-t. "'........ 01....",_ yt;:::;., .... e,..,..AL l"- • .J l' I ,
-r~ ~f rl~kc...4 ~
C/....". vk J-.-LA~J .....
/~~..,.:. ~ 9· ~ ~ '-7c;; /13 t./2..;, ~ ;.v...... ~ oln-- ""'-
f..:=1NA .... CM...

~ ft-- ~ '1..7 "'- (; ~- I ~ . fli-J.;w,. f<L~ tlM.4 1v--t ""'" ... ~ f,r,...
6I;;; I Q s· ir 4 VI.. Z 0 h 1;."':" C~\-Il-r
n.:&~ ~ (};;:;.. ( k.'· Il' . ~4---'f d-.., > ~W:- ~ LI..,J,. I ,
""- ~~ l'-' ';"'~9 ~ ~
qw- t4.., ~ ~ t.'!l'-~ 1 o.4.J ~ 9 '4- "Kz/. ~ 1-
:- 1----- 1- Fllet.Q. r t;w....,.q". Pr-- ~........ .......~ ~ k- fr-.,.I;:;....
~!C : ().Q iv- ~

iJr.. .
1571 Wt. WI0'J9r/r7rJ r/15 D. D. a. 1- A.D.8.S./FonraJC. S118.
~ .I_ _ I - ,_
Date Hour Summary of Even~ aDd InfozmauCD. ref~
A pendiooo

20 1/ .... TL:-. ~ k:. /rJI;". w-.", ~ ~ 4;;:. ~ Go, b:;:.. 11 c;;;;- H, L' 1- ~ ~
ok IIw-- )-W-M t-r>-~ oA- :1'~, IJ J:.t~ /;;:;;;>... ~ I--tv..A IN dr
/rJ..W.;- GJ; 'fEI'I7>1N ~q VI-. ~ ~M-'
'yEN1lIN-t n .... ~l t.+- ~ 'f- ~~
.. /110=- ~ .... I--J:x;:. ;.... fN;... r..tN-t... (i ~ ~ BliT HUf/ £
/~ "". T~~ ~ e, ~ ~ t'h
~ ~ ~ /r-JJ;;.. d;-- -~ ~ .;,. ~ ~
/ !{ I>:. r~~
'. - _,
f 6"". ~b-- ~~~,
I, nt..- r~ ~ rll Co TclfH - CIt MU 1l'I, /IWj\A..?ll"-"'-
t, /8(;; ~
'\ /qc;;;;
'\ 2.~ ...
, . 21 'r-
., 2'!.
" z.~ ...
1511 Wt. WU)791/171J SOO>OOO 1/15 D. O. &. L A.D.5.S./FonmfC.1118.
:Ia*uctions regarding War Dinne. aDd InteIligeru»
Btu:n.mariCll are ClODtained in F. 8. Rega., Part U. INTE;~Q1
aDd t.he Staff Manual J'OIpeclive];r. Title ~.
will be prepnred in manuscripL

Date Hour I Summary of Event. and InformauOll

..1_ _ ..

YEN1JlfY 2~ 10 ~~ Iz- ~ of. ~ l#- l.G- ~ ~

2 0 €-<<. ~ CI'r1'1 g (l./1"l Iti!.... ""-1 U- ' ~ ~ Ill- ~ .

fT!'.-~~~~~~ wI. ~
1- ~, ,.... \ 7lv- J....N..- z11'-0<> '1 r., ~ ~f""'"
) w--.. ~ r· ro MM- r-. iAJ-,.,. Cii
",,-. ok 6- . ~ ~ 0f
~ ~1 ~ RAILwAY M-L.f.:.Y ) '"7:l ..,.., ~t
- -4 ?h- ~ ~, IN- k ~. C* 12A"WAY /4
iT t..r1Jl ~ ~ ~ ~ :1. ~ J 73 c...<A.NI 1
IT ~ 0- -t-t ~l ~ • •/ Jj. ...J..
~L- i;t: ,I b;;: ?M-A., /v..k ~ v... ""
\..l- ~ ~t.. ~ .... /'1. 7l. r 'I/\AA- (j;- ~ C 7i )
rf. ~,..J:- (Jv.. • ~ r~ W"Yl- tiv~
kJ. l ~
7l.IlIL)-'AY C. ~ C ~ f )'2.14 (
~ ~~ ~ ~ tAJ. )0- ~ ~~ ~..AM)
~-' v.. I.,;: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ /.;. fxN.. '-iM.- f'F ;v..k 1
1577 Wt. W10191/1773 I/IS D. D. a: L. A.D.5S./Forms/C. tJ18.
IallnlctiOD& regarding War Dinri. and 1DtelJi~1»
Bmnmsrica are contained in F. S. JleD., PUt. II.
IDd the Sed Manual ".pectiqJJ. IJ'itle page-
will be prepared iD m&nllscript. CErcus Mading not ftIrJN'''') Q ..
Do.. BouT I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ; . - - : : = = -
Summa.ry of Eventli and Infarmatica

t ~ ~
.~ ~'. '
J:.IIra,ctionB . .;;-:an:;;;n;dAll;;;;,._~--­
regarding W'".,."il:.:;;:r." .
.fkunmnriea are contained in F. 8. Rep.. -Put II.
&Dd the Stall' Manual n.wpectiYelr. Title}JllgM
will be prepared in IDAlUteenpt.

Date Hour
--- ----._-
(Erau haldi7UJ not rtquired.)

PJiIoa Dlte BoW' I Summary or E"enla and lnformatiOll

~ 2.-7 J
TR E'" 1./.

'.in Wt. WI0'f9I/1773 500,000 l/lj D. D. a: L. A.D.SS/fo'orrm/C. IllS.

I 11> ' I... ....,-" tUj .- __ ..-.-.~

o..-,~nnlrgarroni-"~a:r-rJmmrlDlQ'-=' ~~------=~~~
Swnmndl!8 are oontained in F. S. Rep.• Part II INT...........~
and the S&aff Manual rapecti-nlr. Title ~ -
will be prepared in manuscripl
] . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a;;;..... ...
I Date I
BOW"-+- 0_' I_nforma_"_'OO --r--'A''''''eJ-=L1dicel=-
SW_"""_'1 E_v
_ ..._d
1~ 1. '1..'1

IS7? Wt, WI019I/I7'iJ ,500,000 lfr.5 D. D. • L. A.D.SS.jFocm.s/C. %118.

Ianructions regarding War DinriOl and - telligtmOl
Bummnries are contained in }I'. S. Regs., Part n.
and the StaB Manual l1lIpecti~. Title page.
will be prepared in manuscript.
(Bnue het:lding ,lOt MJUirmo)
/1. Al_

SUDUnflr)" of E\"enta and Wormatioa.
I referen.......

P.>E..7/+u 1'01/:. 30

~ '- £ ulA:f.,... ;. •
2~ - 2.~ 1f>oM.- ~
J571 Wt, WJO'J91!r77' ~ooo 1/15 D. D.I: L. A.DSS./Forms/C.l11&.
wAR DIARY of 11th. Bn. T!lE ROYAL SCOTS.
from 25th. sept. - 29~h. ept. 1915.

At 7 p.m. the 24~h. inet. the Battalion left ite billete in
VENDIN-L Z-BETHUNE end took up ite poeition in the aeeembly
trenchee near THE FACTORY, without incident.
The hot~ n~ ?ero was notified as being 5.50 a.m. and it was
decided to commence the advance up RAILWAY ALLEY at 5.30 a.m.
to get toucb with the rear battalion ot the 28th. Infantry Bde.
Thia touch was obtained at RAILWAY KEEP and progress from that

point vas slow. At aoout 8 a.n. 2 Coye. were in the saps
leading to the front trenchee and 2 Co~e. were etill in RAILWAY
ALLEY. It wae feared that the 12th. Royal Scote "Nould have
advanced by thiA time and ae tbe 11th. Bn. were to move in th2ir
eupport the commanding Officer decided to ahandon t C
pJ a.n of moving UP the saps in rear of 28th. Infantry Brigade and
in tead to proceed nlon· the Reserve Trench and there down a
forward C.T.
t about 9.30 a.m. the battalion had left our own trenches
and advanced on DOUVRIN. Tt-e Battalion,becUDe divided then,
half Wheeling towarde HAISNBS end the other h~lf moving towarde
DOUVRI~. The portion m~ving in the direction of HAISNES
reached the .outskirts of that village, but after some fighting
wae Obliged to withdraw. The portion moving on DOUVRIN wae abl
to ocoupy a portion of PEKIB trench till dark When it wae aleo
obliged to withdraw ~o FOSSE ALLEY.
FOSSE ALLEY and the C.T. towards ~he QUARRY redOUbt were
hold until 1 a.m. 28th. inet. A etrong bomb attack by the en.
of this Quarry at that hour force4 the garrieon to withdraw and
a eimilar attack on the left of the Bd•• line forced that
~1ank to w1thdra~. It wae thUs impossible ror the troops in
the oentre (who were oomposed of 11th. ROjal Seota, 12th.
Royal scote and Bome 8th. Royal Scota Puere.) tb withdraw.
At 2.30 a.m. half the battalion had withdrawn to our
own trenches and the other half remained in the vicinity of
HOHENZOLLERN and our Oln> front trenchee.During the remainder
of the 26th. inst. the battalion reorganized and that night
advanced to occupy QUARRY TRENCH which was dons.
During the 27th. inst. in the morning all was quiet on
our rront although battalions on our left were sUbjected to
Bome bomb attacks. At about three our trenches were heavily
. ,
shelled and a strong ene~y attack was BBen developing from
the direotion of FOSSE 8. During this day and ths 28th.
the battalion was called upon to supply bombers to repel the
determined attacks of the German bombers to break through the
front line not only along SLAG ALLEY but from a sap running'
out from a section of trench held by the battalion. Other
troops holding the front line being deficient of bombers there
was a frequent call on the "Bombers of the Royal Scota- and
nearly every man then left in the battalion who had been
trained aa a romber was c€lled upon to for bombing parties.
These parties successfully repelled everyone of the attacks
made by the Germans during these two days. These parties
often preesed on up the entire length of SLAG ALLEY driVing
the enemy bombers for nearly half a mile an as far RS the
teps n FO SE 8. It was noticed that while ths enemy bombers
Wounded many of our men, moet of the enemy were killed
The Battalion was relieved at 1 a.m. Sspt. 29th. and
withdrew to the GRENAY linee where it commenced reorganizing.

(sd) F. Errington, Capt •

. for Capt. Cmdg.
30/9/15. 11th. (S) Rn. The Royal scots.

on 26/9/15;
At about 1 a.m. 26/9/15
, a oounter attack by the enemy on
the le~t o~ the !th. Division together with a similar movement
against ths le~t o~ the 27th. I~antry Brigade, caussd ths-troops
holding the line betwsen these attacks to ~all back.
A~tsr the line withdrew ~rom FOSSE ALLEY to our ~ront line,
it became a matter of reorganizing, as the battalion was mixed
up with other units. This was done in our assembly trenches
near the FACTORY which wes reached about 5.30 a.m.
At 5 p.m. the battalion le~t these assembly trenches to hol
QU~~Y trench in the german rront line, picking up rations,
S.A.A. and tools stc. in a dump at ths QUARRY-in our own linss
(nsar Advd. Bde. H.Q.). At 6 p.m. ths Quarry dump was shslled
and the iS5ue of stores was delayed about one hour. The battn.
eventually advanced and reached QUARRY trench which was
unoccupied just a~ter midnight 26/27th. inst., linking up with
the 2nd. Queens on the right and with a mixed detachment or the
BerkshiresJ Sussex, and Royal Fusiliers who were holding the
~ront line and SLAC ALLEY on the ls~t.

- (sd) R.Wemyss Cappbell,

2/10/!5. Comdg. 11th. Royal Scots.



OVTOBER 1915 •



• •

• •
• •
or .
Army Form C. 2118'J-
Iaatructions-regarding War Dinriea and htelligenc.
BumnlRries are contained in F. B. Regs., Part n.
and ~the Staff Manual respecuvel,. Title pag81
will be propnl"ed in manllscript.
R8UW'G ani
Summary of Events and information
I refelelU'el to.

lA- CLY 15. ~

J,577 Wt. W1O'191/177J jOO,ooo 1/15 D. D. &: L. A.D.SS./Forms;C. 2118.

. WAR DIARY Army Form C. Jll~
Iut.n1ctiOnEl regArding War Dinrioe and Intelligence
Bwnmnrica are contained in F. 8. IlegB., Part IT.
and the Staff :Manual respectively_ Title page-
wiD be propnred in manuscript
IN~:Ql LIGEN~S.13"MM)\,RY. b
(~ heading 1lot 1'equir8d.) (L
Place I Do~ Hour I Sumnl.'l.ry o( EventAI and InJonnatiou
Hem",. . . . .

~ !: ~ Ir J..<..<. $/ Y- 3'2. ~ 'y p f/,f!. 3 ~ ~ I. .-:/1.
ScJ...-w..i' 6
~ '?-I s ~~ 7 ~1-vlr-). ~ t.n.4 VI'tW~ ~ ?w-h4t- .
a.LL f,w:.l- . I
~ .H-t.- ~ r-vi.-. /r-....L 4~ .
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1571 Wt. WI0']91/J773 500,000 I/lS D. D. 4: L. A.D.S.s./FormsjC.2118.

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· --,--
o~ . WAR DIARY Army Form C. JlIt
Iutrnet.iouil regarding War Dituiee and lDtelligenctl
SummnTies are contained in F. B. Regs., Part n.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pagM
will be preptlred in manuscript.

PIaoo Summary of E'fentA and Information

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1571 Wt. WI0791/1773 500,000 I/lS D. D. & L. A.O.S,S.JFocmsJC. tUB.

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WAR DIARY Army Form C. Ill)
Iutructions regaz:ding War Diariea and Intelligenc.'ariea are contained in F. B. Rega., ParL IL
and the Staff.1danual respectively_ Title pagM
will be prep,ued in manuscript.

PIooo Summar)" of E\'enla and Information

I KemUb ...w.1
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IutructiODS regarding War Di3riell and InteJJigeD<:e

WAR DIARY kmy Form C. 211
Bwnn'aries are contained in F. 8. Rega., Part IT.
and the Sraif MaDual ree-pectively. Title pagM
will be prepared in manuscript.
Hemar 8 an
Place Summary of Events and Information relen:ncea te



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InItructiODS 1_. (g War DiaTies and Intelligenc.
Bummarrrfi;tcontained in F. B. Regs., Part n.

and the $tal Mauual reepectively. Title pagel

will be prepared in manuscript.. (Ercue lIeadinq 110t requirM.)

Ploco Summar;r of Events and Information


1577 WL WUJ791/1773 I{15 D. D. 61: L. A.D.SS./FormsfC. 2U8.

WAR DIARY· Anny Form C. !Ua;
hatnlctions regarding War Dinriee and Intelligenc.
Summl\ries are contained in F. S. Regs., Part II.
and, the Staff Mllounl reepectively. Title pngea
will be prepnred in mtmliRcnpt.

PIaoo Date Hour I Summnry of Eventa and Infonnntion

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IS7? Wt. W10791!J773 Soo,~ 1/15 D. D. .t: L. AD.S.S.jFormsjC.2118.
• •
WAR DIARY Army Form C. 2118.
Jnetructions regarding War DinriOll and Intelligenc.
Summaries are contained in F. B. Regs., Part..ll.
and the Staff Manual retllpec\ively. Title page-
'fI"ill be prepared in manu8cript.

Place Dnte Hour 1 Summary of Events and InIormatioD

ltemub an
referencelll te



hlt-fLE II.I~

)517 Wt. W'0191/1173 500,000 J/lj D. D. & L. A.D.S.SJI>·orrru/C.2118.

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