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EdSci- 109 MICROPARA P_01L 1st Semester

Microbiology and 2021- 2022
Parasitology Date: August 15,
TTh 8:00 am- 11:00 am 2023 Week 2
Topic Fundamental concepts, scope and history Concept
CILO 1,2 of microbiology digest
Learning Target/s Discuss the history of microbiology
Reference/s Black, Jacquelyn G & Black, Laura J. (2015). Microbiology: Principles and Explorations. 9th
Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

First observation

1665- Robert hook observed “little boxes” or cells using his improvised microscopes. It
marked the beginning of the cell theory- all living things are composed of
1673- 1723- Anton van Leeuwenhoek- first to observe live microorganisms he called
“animalcules” with the aid of simple, single lens microscopes. He found these
organisms in rainwater, feces, and materials scraped from teeth.

2nd Half of 19th century- Spontaneous Generation (SG)

Many scientists and philosophers believed and hypothesized that some form of life could
arise spontaneously from non-living matter. This gave rise to the hypothesis called
Spontaneous generation- people believed that toads, snakes, and mice born of moist
soil; flies emerged from manure; maggots (larvae of flies) could arise from decaying

1668- Francesco Redi refuted that spontaneous generation and contended that maggots
do not born out of the decaying corpse.

1745- John Needham verified the SG hypothesis when he observed that the heated
chicken and corn broth in the covered flasks teemed with microorganisms.

1765- Lazzaro Spallanzani performed experiment similar to Needham and did not
observe any microorganism in the heated nutrient fluids after being sealed in a

1. What is cell theory?
2. Explain the importance of observations made by Hook and Leeuwenhoek?
3. Why do you think Spallanzani and Needham got different results?

EdSci- 109 MICROPARA P_01L 1st Semester

Microbiology and 2023- 2024
MW/ 8:00 am- 11:00 am Week 2
Topic Fundamental concepts, scope and history CILO
of microbiology 1,2
Learning Target/s Discuss the fundamental concepts of microbiology

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