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SCRUM Cheat Sheet

by vini.vivero via

Scrum Essentials The Increm​ent (cont) The Increm​ent (cont) Scrum Artifa​cts

Scrum Definition  Each sprint should deliver an Scrum’s artifacts represent work
Scrum is a lightw​​eight increment. A potent​ially  It creates transp​arency, so or value. They are designed to
framework that helps people, releasable increment is created everyone knows what needs maximize transp​arency of key

teams and organi​​za​tions to each sprint. completing and to what inform​ation. Thus, everyone
generate value through adaptive  Multiple increments may be standards. inspecting them has the same
solutions for complex problems created within a sprint.  If a Product Backlog item basis for adapta​tion.
 Increment may be delivered does not meet the Definition of Each artifact contains a
Agile Manifesto
to stakeh​olders prior to the end Done, it cannot be released or commitment to ensure it
1. Indivi​​duals and intera​​ctions
of the Sprint. even presented at the Sprint provides inform​ation that
over processes and tools.
 Sprint Review should never Review. enhances transp​arency and
2. Working Software over
be a gate to releasing value or a  Instead, it returns to the focus against which progress
compre​​he​nsive docume​​nt​ation
bottle neck. Showing or Product Backlog for future can be measured:
3. Customer collab​​or​ation over
releasing an increment to the consid​era​tion. 1. For the Product Backlog it is
contract negoti​ation.
stake holders should no wait till If the Definition of Done for an the Product Goal.
4. Responding to change over
the sprint review. increment is part of the 2. For the Sprint Backlog it is the
following a plan.
 Increments are an additive to standards of the organi​zation, all Sprint Goal.
 While there are value in the
all prior Increments and Scrum Teams must follow it as 3. For the Increment it is the
items on the right, we value more
thoroughly verified, ensuring that a minimum. Definition of Done.
the items on the left.
all Increments work together.
 If it is not an organi​zat​ional
 In order to provide value, the Scrum Princi​ples
Pillars of Empiri​cism standard, the Scrum Team must
Increment must be usable.
create a Definition of Done 1. Satisfy 7. Working
1. Transp​​arency The commitment for the approp​riate for the product. Customers software is the
2. Inspection increment is: The Definition od  The scrum team can add Through Early primary
3. Adaptation Done (DoD) standards. & Continuous measure of
The Definition of Done is a  The Developers are required Delivery. progress.
Scrum Values formal descri​ption of the state of to conform to the Definition of 2. Welcome 8. Agile
the Increment when it meets the Done. Changing Processes to
1. Commitment 2. Focus 3.
quality measures required for  If there are multiple Scrum Requir​​ements support a
Openness 4. Respect 5.
the product. Teams working together on a Even Late in consistent
DoD creates transp​arency by product, they must mutually the Project. develo​​pment
providing everyone a shared define and comply with the pace.
The Increm​ent
unders​tanding of what work was same Definition of Done.
completed as part of the Key Points
Is a concrete stepping stone
Increment.  Once the developers meet
toward the Product Goal.
the Definition of Done of a
Key Points
product backlog item, and
increment is born.
 Once a Product Backlog Item
meets the DoD is ready to
present to the stakeh​olders and
be considered for releasing to
the users.

By vini.vivero Published 4th January, 2023. Sponsored by Last updated 4th January, 2023. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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SCRUM Cheat Sheet
by vini.vivero via

Scrum Princi​ples (cont) The Sprint Backlog (cont) The Sprint Backlog (cont) The Product Backlog (cont)

3. Frequent 9. Attention to  Developers are always  The sprint Backlog is initially  Developing and explicitly
Delivery of technical accoun​table for creating a plan created during sprint planning commun​icating the product goal.
working detail and for the sprint. session, developers are accoun​‐  Creating and explicitly
software. design  The Sprint Backlog is a plan table of the amount work they commun​icating product backlog
enhances by and for the develo​pers. can deliver. items.
agility.  It is a highly visible, real-time  The developers can modify Ordering product backlog items.
4. Collab​​or​‐ 10. Simplicity picture of the work that the the sprint backlog through out  Ensuring that the product
ation between (the art of Developers plan to accomplish the sprint. And the sprint backlog is transp​arent, visible,
the business maximizing during the Sprint in order to backlog emerges during the and unders​tood.
stakeh​​olders the amount of achieve the Sprint Goal sprint. Key points
and developers work not The Sprint Backlog is composed  This emergence occurs as
 Anyone can add details to a
throughout the done) is of: the scrum team works through
BLI with the Product Owner´s
project. essential the plan and learns more about
 The Sprint Goal (why) discre​tion.
the work needed to achieve the
5. Support, 11. Self-o​​rg​a​‐  The set of Product Backlog  Multiple teams can work
sprint goal.
trust and n​izing teams items selected for the Sprint together on the same product,
 As more work is required, the
motivate the encourage (what) but a single product backlog is
developers add it to the sprint
people great archit​​‐  Actionable plan for delivering used to describe the upcoming
involved. ec​tures the Increment (how). work on the product.
requir​​ements The commitment for the sprint Commitment to the product Goal
The Product Backlog
and designs. backlog is: Sprint Goal  The Product Goal is the long-
6. Enable face- 12. Regular  The Sprint Goal is the single term objective for the Scrum
t​​o-face intera​​‐ reflec​​tions on The Product Backlog is an
objective for the Sprint. Team. They must fulfill (or
ct​ions. how to emergent, ordered list of what is
 Although the Sprint Goal is a abandon) one objective before
become more needed to improve the product.
commitment by the Develo​pers. taking on the next.
effective. It is the single source of work
 The sprint goal should be  The Product Goal describes a
undertaken by the Scrum Team.
flexible enough in terms of the future state of the product which
The Sprint Backlog exact work that is needed to Product Backlog is: can serve as a target for the
Definition achieve. Emergent : Means that you add Scrum Team to plan against.
 The Sprint Goal is created to it and change it over time as {{fa- circle​}}The scrum team
It is a list of work that need to be
during the Sprint Planning event you inspect and adapt should use this goal to plan the
completed within the sprint.
and then added to the Sprint Ordered: Is ordered by priorities work to achieve this goal.
The Developers owns the Sprint
Backlog. and/or depend​encies. Product Definition
 As the Developers work Single Source : Product Backlog
A product is a vehicle to deliver
during the Sprint, they keep the is the single source of work
value. It has a clear boundary,
Sprint Goal in mind. undertaken by the scrum team
known stakeh​olders, well-d​‐
 If the work turns out to be
The product owner owns the efined users, or customers. A
different than they expected,
product backlog product could be a service, a
they collab​orate with the
physical product, or something
Product Owner to negotiate the
more abstract.
scope of the Sprint Backlog
within the Sprint without
affecting the Sprint Goal.
Key Points

By vini.vivero Published 4th January, 2023. Sponsored by Last updated 4th January, 2023. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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SCRUM Cheat Sheet
by vini.vivero via

Scrum Roles and Respon​sib​‐ Deve​lopers (Devel​opers & Deve​lopers (Devel​opers & Daily Standup (cont)
ilities Testers) Testers) (cont)
 It is held at the same time and
Role Accoun​table For: Key Points  Creating a plan for the sprint, place every working day of the
Product The product  Scrum teams are cross-​fun​‐ the sprint backlog sprint.
Owner owner(PO) is cti​onal.  Instilling quality by adhering  Is is a 15 minutes event for
accoun​​table for  Developers must be to a definition of done the Developers of the Scrum
maximizing the empowered and respected, they  Adapting their plan each day Team.
value of the should be self-m​anaged. They toward the sprint goal  Developers are the only ones
product resulting are structured and empowered  Holding each other accoun​‐ are required.
from the work of to manage their own work. table as profes​sio​nals.  Developers can select
the scrum team.  Developers are trusted to whatever structure and
manage themselves to complete Scrum Events techniques they want, but they
Developers Developers are
the work in the sprint backlog must focus on progress toward
(Devel​​‐ the people in the Daily Sprint Sprint Sprint
and holds themselves accoun​‐ the sprint goal and produce and
opers & scrum team Standup Planning Review Retros​
table for the success of the actionable plan for the next day
Testers) accoun​​table for pective
sprint. of work.
create any aspect
 Developers are also accoun​‐  The Daily Scrum is not the
of a usable Daily Standup
table to internally decide who only time Developers are
increment each Definition
does what, when and how. allowed to adjust their plan. They
sprint. (Devel​​‐
The purpose of the daily scrum often meet throughout the day
opers and  It is up to the developers as a
is to inspect progress toward the for more detailed discus​sions
Testers) self-m​anaged team to create a
Sprint Goal and adapt the Sprint about adapting or re-pla​nning
plan to complete the sprint goal
Scrum The scrum master Backlog as necessary, adjusting
(Sprint backlog). the rest of the Sprint’s work.
Master is accoun​​table for the upcoming planned work.
 If some of the developers are
the scrum team Daily Scrums improve commun​‐
struggling with assigned work Sprint Planning
effect​​iv​e​ness. ica​tions, identify impedi​ments,
they need to help each other. Definition
They do this by promote quick decisi​on-​making,
 Developers should meet the
enabling the Sprint Planning initiates the
and conseq​uently eliminate the
Definition of Done for each task.
scrum team to Sprint by laying out the work to
need for other meetings.
 They should adapt their plan
improve its be performed for the Sprint. This
During Daily Scrum you can
each day toward the sprint goal.
practices within resulting plan is created by the
answer this questions:
 Developers should meet
the scrum collab​orative work of the entire
1- What I did Yesterday.
every day at daily scrum.
framework. Scrum Team.
2- What I plan to do today.
 There are no sub-teams or
3- What is Blocking me. Key Points
hierar​chies, developers are a
cohesive unit of profes​sio​nals. Key Points

Developers are always accoun​‐

table for:

By vini.vivero Published 4th January, 2023. Sponsored by Last updated 4th January, 2023. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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SCRUM Cheat Sheet
by vini.vivero via

Sprint Planning (cont) Sprint Planning (cont) Sprint Review Sprint Review (cont)

 The Product Backlog must be  Developers select items from Definition  Inspect the outcome of the
refined. the Product Backlog to include The purpose of the Sprint Sprint and determine future
 The whole Scrum Team is in the current Sprint. Review is to inspect the adapta​tions
required, that means that more  The Scrum Team may refine outcome of the Sprint and  To transp​arently inform about
than just the scrum team can be these items during this process, determine future adapta​tions. work which has been done
involved. which increases unders​tanding The Scrum Team presents the (including adding work) and
 The Scrum Team may also and confidence. results of their work to key work has not been done
invite other people to attend Selecting how much can be stakeh​olders and progress (including work removed).
Sprint Planning to provide completed within a Sprint may toward the Product Goal is  Take advantage to receive
advice. be challe​nging. However, the discussed. feedback from the stakeh​olders
 The Product Owner ensures more the Developers know and adapt.
Key Points
that attendees are prepared to about their past perfor​mance,
 Scrum Team and stakeh​‐
discuss the most important their upcoming capacity, and Product Owner
olders review what was
Product Backlog items and how their Definition of Done, the
Key Points
accomp​lished in the Sprint and
they map to the Product Goal. more confident they will be in
what has changed in their  The Product Owner is a
 Every partic​ipant must know their Sprint forecasts.
enviro​nment. value maximizer.
what the Sprint Goal is. 3- How will the chosen work get
 Based on this inform​ation,  Is accoun​table for effective
 Sprint Planning results in a done?
attendees collab​orate on what to product backlog management.
plan for the sprint, The Sprint
 For each selected Product do next.  Decides work tasks priority,
Backlog item, Developers plan  The Product Backlog may is accoun​table for ordering
Deciding the Sprint Goal the work necessary to create an also be adjusted to meet new product backlog items
The Scrum Team can decide the Increment that meets the opport​uni​ties.  Must understand the market
sprint goal by consid​ering the Definition of Done.  The Sprint Review is a and the product to understand
following three topics during the  Developers decomposed working session and the Scrum what makes a valuable product.
planning session: Product Backlog items into Team should avoid limiting it to a  Accoun​table to clearly
1- Why is this Sprint valuable? smaller work items of one day or presen​tation. commun​icate the Product
2- What can be Done this less. Backlog Items.
Product Owner Role in the
Sprint?  No one else tells the  Accoun​table to ensure the
Sprint Review
3- How will the chosen work get Developers how to turn Product Product Backlog is Transp​arent,
 Should be keeping on top of
done? Backlog items into Increments of visible and understood.
changes in the market place and
1- Why is this Sprint valuable? value.  Represents the needs of
be ready to make decisions on
 The Sprint Goal, the Product many stake holders in the
 The Product Owner proposes how to maximize the value of the
Backlog items selected for the product backlog.
how the product could increase product.
Sprint, plus the plan for  The Product Owner Vision is
its value and utility in the current
delivering them are together Goals called "The Product Goal"
referred to as the Sprint
 Then, the whole Scrum Team  The Product Goal
then collab​orates to define a Is the Product Owner Vision, is a
 Sprint Planning is timeboxed
Sprint Goal that commun​icates long term objective for the
to a maximum of eight hours for
why the Sprint is valuable. Scrum Team
a one-month Sprint. For shorter
 The Sprint Goal must be
Sprints, the event is usually
finalized prior to the end of Sprint
2- What can be Done this

By vini.vivero Published 4th January, 2023. Sponsored by Last updated 4th January, 2023. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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SCRUM Cheat Sheet
by vini.vivero via

Scrum Master Scrum Master (cont) Sprint Retros​pective (cont)

Key Points  Helping find techniques for The purpose of the Sprint
 The Scrum master is a effective product goal definition Retros​pective is to plan ways to
servant leader, who serves the and product backlog manage​‐ increase quality and effect​ive​‐
scrum team, the product owner ment. ness.
and the organi​zation.  How to decompose BLI to be The Scrum Team inspects how
 The Scrum master is accoun​‐ ready for the sprint. the last Sprint went with regards
table for stabli​shing scrum as  Helping the scrum team to to:
defined in the scrum guide. They understand the need for clear  indivi​duals
do this by helping everyone to and concise product backlog  Intera​ctions
understand scrum theory and items.  Processes
practice, both within the scrum  Helping establish empirical  Tools
team and the organi​zation. product planning for a complex  Definition of Done. {{nl}
 The scrum master is accoun​‐ enviro​nment.  This event is a good chance
table for the scrum team effect​‐  Facili​tating stakeh​older to add to the wealth and improve
ive​ness. They do this by collab​oration as requested or the definition of done.
enabling the scrum team to needed Scrum Team discusses:
improve its practices within the  Promote the inspection and
 what went well during the
scrum framework. adaption opport​unities for
empirical product planning.
Scrum master serves the Scrum  what problems it encoun​tered
team by: Scrum master serves the  how those problems were (or
organi​zation by: were not) solved. Key Points
 Coaching team members to
work together on the sprint goal  Leading, training, and Key Points
through self management and coaching the organi​zation in its
 focus on How you are
cross-​fun​cti​ona​lity. scrum adoption.
working as a team
 Helping the scrum team focus  Planning and advising scrum
 The Scrum Team identifies
on creating high-value implem​ent​ation within the
the most helpful changes to
increments that meet the organi​zation.
improve its effect​ive​ness.
definition of done.  Helping employees and
 Impactful improv​ements are
 Encourage the scrum team to stakeh​olders understand and
addressed as soon as possible.
raise problems, discover any enact an empirical approach for
They may even be added to the
depend​encies or impedi​ments complex work.
Sprint Backlog for the next
and help to remove them finding  Removing barriers between
solutions so the team can stakeh​olders and scrum team
 The Sprint Retros​pective
progress. concludes the Sprint.
 Ensuring all scrum events Sprint Retros​pective
happen are positive, productive Definition
and kept within the time box.
 Scrum masters coach the
team on how to do scrum
Scrum master serves the
Product Owner by:

By vini.vivero Published 4th January, 2023. Sponsored by Last updated 4th January, 2023. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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