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No. Question (s)

1 List the applications of Gray Water.
Typical applications for greywater recycling and re-use are toilet flushing, irrigation and
other non-potable uses.
2 Give Streeter Phelps Equation
3 List effluent disposal methods.
Land Disposal and Dilution (Water)
4 List any four sewer appurtenances.
Manholes, Drop Manholes, Lamp-Holes, Street inlets, Catch Basins or Catch Pits, Inverted
Siphons, Clean-Outs, Flushing Devices, grease & Oil Traps and Storm Water Regulators
5 List any two advancements in sludge treatment.
These include the membrane bioreactor process, the ballasted floc reactor, and the
integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS) process

PART B (3 X 10= 30 Marks)

Answer THREE questions

Questions (6 to 11)
Design a septic tank for the following data:
a) No of Persons = 5000
b) Water supply = 135 lpcd
Assume Suitable data
a) Q=7,50,000 l/d
b) Detention Time- 1 day / 24 hrs
(a c) Capacity = 7,50,000 l
) d) Sludger = 30l/c/d
e) Vol of Sludge = 1,50,000 l
f) Total Volume= 9,00,000 liters (1 M)
g) Volume=900 m3 (1 M)
h) Assume, Depth = 1.5 m
i) S.A = 600 m2 (1 M)
j) B= 14.14 (1 M)
k) Length = 42.14 (1 M)
Draw the layout of Activated Sludge Process (ASP) and list different types of ASP.
1. Conventional Activated Sludge Process
2. Tapered Aeration Process
(b 3. Step Aeration Process
) 4. Contact Stabilization Process
5. Complete Mix Process
6. Modified Aeration Process
7. Extended Aeration Process.
Diagram =3 M
List = 2 M
Explain in detail about waste stabilization ponds and their classification.
• The stabilization ponds are open flow through basins specifically designed
and constructed to treat sewage and biodegradable industrial wastes. They
provide long detention periods extending from a few to several days.
• Pond systems, in which oxygen is provided through mechanical aeration
rather than algal photosynthesis are called aerated lagoons. (2 M)
Lightly loaded ponds used as tertiary step in waste treatment for polishing of
secondary effluents and removal of bacteria are called maturation ponds
Classification of Stabilization Ponds
Stabilization ponds may be aerobic, anaerobic or facultative.
7 • Aerobic ponds are shallow ponds with depth less than 0.5 m and BOD loading
of 40-120 kg/ha.d so as to maximize penetration of light throughout the liquid
depth. Such ponds develop intense algal growth. (1 M)
• Anaerobic ponds are used as pretreatment of high strength wastes with BOD
load of 400-3000 kg/ha.d Such ponds are constructed with a depth of 2.5-5m
as light penetration is unimportant. (1 M)
• Facultative pond functions aerobically at the surface while anaerobic
conditions prevail at the bottom. They are often about 1 to 2 m in depth. The
aerobic layer acts as a good check against odour evolution from the pond. (1

Design a bar screen for treating a wastewater of 10 MLD. Assume suitable data.
Q= 10 MLD
Q=1.567 m3/S
(b Net Area= 1.44 m2(1 M)
) Gross Area= 1.80 m2(1 M)
Total Area= 2.58 m2(1 M)
Velocity = 0.64 m/s(1 M)
Head Loss = 1.7 cm (1 M)
Population of a town is 30,000. Domestic sewage produced is 120 liters per capita per day
having BOD of 200 mg/L. Industrial sewage produced is 3 x 105 liters per day having BOD
of 800 mg/L. Design a single stage high-rate trickling filter for the following data.
a) BOD removed in PST = 35%.
b) Organic loading rate = 10000 kg/hect-m/day (excluding recirculation).
c) Hydraulic loading rate = 170 x 106 l/hect/day (including recirculation).
d) Recirculation ratio = 1.
Find the efficiency of Trickling Filter and BOD of the effluent.
a) Total BOD = 240 kg/day (1M)
b) Total BOD after Clarifier = 624 kg/d (1M)
c) Volume= 0.0624 ha-m (1M)
d) Vol of recirculated Sewage= 3.9 MLD (1M)
e) Total Volume= 7.8 MLD (1M)
f) Filter Area== 458.8 m2 (1M)
g) Diameter = 24.17 m (1M)
h) Depth = 1.36 m (1M)
i) Efficiency = 74.48 % (1M)
j) BOD in the Effluent = 40.6 mg/L (1M)
Explain in detail about different types of Trickling filters
• Trickling filter is an attached growth process i.e. process in which
microorganisms responsible for treatment are attached to an inert packing
• Packing material used in attached growth processes include rock, gravel, slag,
sand, redwood, and a wide range of plastic and other synthetic materials. (2
Types of High-Rate Trickling Filters:
There are following three principal proprietary types of high-rate trickling
1. Biofilters
2. Accelo-filters
3. Aero-filters
• These are relatively shallow filters with depth 1.2 to 1.5 m, and utilize
recirculation of a portion of the filter effluent to the primary settling tank for a
9 second passage through the filter. (1M)
• These are relatively deep filters with depth 1.8 to 2.4 m. These filters utilize
the direct recirculation of unsettled filter effluent to the distributor feed.
These filters use 100 mm size stones as filter media and hydraulic loading
rates are maintained at less than 340 Mld per hectare of filter area. (1M)
• In aero-filters sewage is applied continuously and uniformly over the filter bed
at a relatively low rate. Some aero-filters are provided with fans that are used
to draw air through the filter. Whereas, in the biofilters and accelo-filters there
is intimate contact of sewage with the biological film of organic matter formed
within the particles of the filter media, in the aero-filters, on the other hand,
the same results are obtained by the use of special type of distributors
designed to provide application of sewage in the form of rain drops. (1M)

Draw the layout of STP and list the objectives of each treatment units.
Explain in detail about self-purification process.
Self Purification Process
• When sewage is discharged into the river ,the receiving water gets polluted
due to waste products present in sewage effluent.
• But the conditions do not remain same forever, because the natural forces of
purification go on acting up on the pollution elements and bring back the
water into its original condition.
• This automatic purification in due course of time is called the ‘Self Purification’
10 phenomena (1 M)
A wastewater effluent of 560 l/s with a BOD= 50 mg/L, DO= 3 mg/L and temp 23 °C
enters a river where the flow is 28 m3/s, BOD = 4 mg/L, DO = 8.3 mg/L and
temperature of 17 °C. K1 of the wastewater is 0.10 per day at 20°C. The velocity of
water in the river d/s is 0.18 m/s and depth of 1.2 m. Determine the following after
mixing of wastewater with the river water.
a)Combine Discharge
Combined Discharge = 28.56 m3/s (2M)
BOD Mix = 4.9 mg/L (1M)
Do mix = 8.08 mg/L (1M)
Temp Mix = 17.12 ℃ (1M)
A city of population 40,000 discharges sewage with dry sludge content of 0.072 kg
per capita per day. The raw sludge is to be digested in a sludge digestion tank. The
moisture content and specific gravity of the wet sludge is 97% and 1.02 respectively.
If 3% of the sludge digester volume is filled with fresh sludge, then estimated capacity
of the sludge digester required.
a) Dry Sludge = 2880 kg/d (1M)
b) Vol of the Wet Sludge = 47.08 m3/d (1M)
c) Capacity = 1568 m3 (1M)
d) Depth = 6 m (1M)
e) SA = 339 m2
f) Diameter = 20.8 m (1M)
Explain in detail about Anaerobic Sludge digestion Process with neat sketch.
Anaerobic Sludge Digestion
• After amassing all the solids from the sewage sludge begins the sludge
digestion process.
• This is a biological process in which the organic solids present in the sludge
are decomposed into stable substances.
• This process also helps reduce the total mass of solids, while destroying any
present pathogens to enable easy dewatering.
• The sludge digestion process is a two-phase process.
• In the first stage, the dry solid sludge is heated and mixed in a closed tank to
enable anaerobic digestion by acid-forming bacteria.
• These bacteria hydrolyze the large molecules of proteins and lipids present in
the sludge and break them down into smaller water-soluble molecules, which
they then ferment into various fatty acids.
• (3 M)
• Any one diagram 2 m

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