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Procedia CIRP 93 (2020) 389–394

53rd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems

A Genetic Algorithm-Based Model for Product Platform Design for Hybrid

Mostafa Moussaa, Hoda ElMaraghya*
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Ave. Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4, Canada

* Corresponding author. E-mail address:


Nowadays, manufacturers aim at satisfying diverse and changing customer demand in order to survive in the competitive market. An approach
that combines several manufacturing concepts, including product platform formation and hybrid manufacturing, is proposed in order to effectively
manage the product variety. A genetic algorithm-based model is introduced to design the optimal or near-optimal platform for large sets of
products and features that can be further manufactured by additive and/or subtractive manufacturing to be customized into different product
variants. An illustrative example is used to demonstrate the model. The proposed model leads to better management of product proliferation.

© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 53rd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems
Keywords: Product Platfrom; Delayed Product Differentiation; Hybrid Manufacturing; Additive Manufacturing

1. Introduction printed part quality, increase in the range and types of printable
materials. Thus, the shift from traditional manufacturing to
Nowadays, there is an increasing pressure from the market hybrid manufacturing, in which the additive manufacturing is
on manufacturers to offer variety. This pressure is a result of combined with subtractive manufacturing, enabled by Industry
the globalization in which different product requirements are 4.0 would fundamentally alter the way the part/ product is
needed due to the differences in geography, culture, realized and helps in handling manufacturing challenges in
government legislations and environmental regulations. more efficient way [7]. Hybrid manufacturing can defined as
Moreover, even within the local markets, there is a pressure the combination of two or more manufacturing operations, each
since customers require different designs, functionalities, etc. of which is from different manufacturing technologies and has
Thus, the manufacturers have to offer multiple variants within interactions with and influences on each other [8]. Combining
the product family to fulfill different market needs [1, 2]. additive and subtractive manufacturing is among the most
Product variety is a double edge weapon. The wide variety in commonly used hybrid manufacturing.
the offered products provides a competitive advantage to the This paper aims at utilizing additive and subtractive
manufacturers since customers can choose products that fulfill manufacturing in order to deal with the product proliferation
their specific needs. However, on the other side, it adds challenges. This can be achieved by designing a product
complexity to designing, planning and manufacturing of platform that includes common (core) features and can be
products and increases the managerial burdens [3, 4]. customized by additive and subtractive manufacturing based on
3D printing moves beyond the realm of prototyping to the customers’ demand. Product platform is defined as a set of
manufacturing functional parts and products [5, 6]. This is sub-systems (i.e. features or parts) and interfaces that form a
enabled by the exponential advances in additive manufacturing common structure from which a stream of derivative products
in terms of faster processing, significant enhancement in the can be efficiently produced and developed [9].

2212-8271 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 53rd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems

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390 Mostafa Moussa et al. / Procedia CIRP 93 (2020) 389–394

A product platform is a cornerstone in delaying the product methodology using phylogenetic networks for forming product
differentiation, which is one of the effective strategies to handle platforms and determining the assembly line layout of modular
the problems arise from the product proliferation. The product families. The concept of assembly/disassembly
manufacturers can benefit from mass-producing of the product modular platforms was utilized. For the proposed model
platform in terms of lower labour costs, faster rate of demonstration, a family of household kettles was used.
production and efficiently utilizes resources. Moreover, they ElMaraghy and Abbas [21] introduced a new methodology
benefit from the ability of hybrid manufacturing to customize called Co-platforming or mapping product features platform
the product platform to satisfy the different customers’ and corresponding manufacturing system machines platform.
demands. This is known as delayed product differentiation. Zheng et al. [22] presented a conceptual framework of a
A genetic algorithm (GA)-based model that is able to design personalized product configuration system based on the
a product platform for hybrid manufacturing is proposed. The adaptable open architecture product platform. For validation,
model objective is to design the additive/subtractive product the framework was applied to an illustrative example of a
platform while minimizing the total manufacturing cost of the personalized bicycle configuration. Zhang et al. [23] proposed
customer demand. a method for product platform planning using the existing
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The review of product data in the product lifecycle management (PLM)
the existing research on the product platform design is database. To show the effectiveness of the proposed method, it
discussed in Section 2. The additive/subtractive product was applied using the product data in the PLM database of a
platform is described in Section 3. Section 4 discusses the valve company. Kim and Moon [24] presented a methodology
proposed GA-based model for the additive/subtractive product to identify a sustainable platform by integrating sustainability
platform design. Section 5 presents an illustrative example. The values, risk values, and commonality.
summary and conclusions are outlined in Section 6. Galizia et al. [25] proposed a decision support system for
product platforms design and selection in high variety
2. Literature review manufacturing. The proposed decision support system was
applied to a case study for a family of valves. ElMaraghy and
During the last decades, the product platform design has Moussa [26] introduced the notion of utilizing additive and
gained much attention from the industry and academia. Thus, subtractive manufacturing in designing a product platform. A
there has been a significant amount of research conducted in mathematical programming model was proposed for that
that area. This was the reason that derived many authors to purpose. A case study for a product family of the guiding
publish literature review papers that gives an overview of key bushes was used for illustration.
findings, concepts and developments in relation to the product The majority of the literature in the area of the product
platform such as Simpson [10], Jose and Tollenaere [11], Jiao, platform focus on the assembly domain. Only ElMaraghy and
Simpson, and Siddique [12], Zhang [13], Facinet al. [14] and Moussa [26] considered additive/subtractive product platform
Han et al. [15]. design. The critical limitation of their model is that the
Moon et al. [16] proposed a dynamic multi-agent system proposed model has limited computational capacity. In other
based on negotiation mechanisms to design a platform. The words, it can design a product platform for a product family
developed model was applied to design a platform for a family with a limited number of product variants and features. This is
of power tools. The model is limited to small size problems. what the proposed work, based on utilizing a meta-heuristic
Olivares-Benitez and Gonzalez-Velarde [17] developed a algorithm, is designed to overcome.
metaheuristic approach based on Scatter Search and Tabu
Search to find a common platform for a modular product. The 3. Product Platform for Hybrid Manufacturing
selection of a common platform was based on the product
performance and manufacturing cost. Ben-Arieh et al. [18] Manufacturers strive to increase their competitiveness and
proposed a mathematical model and a GA model to determine responsiveness. Adopting the exponential technological
multiple platforms’ configuration for the production of a given advances such as additive manufacturing can boost the
product family while minimizing the overall production cost. manufacturers’ competitiveness. In this paper, an
The product variants are produced by assembling and/or additive/subtractive product platform concept is introduced.
disassembling parts from the platforms. The number of the The product platform can be customized by adding features
platforms were specified a priori. A family of cordless drills through additive manufacturing and/or removing features
was used for illustration. through subtractive manufacturing to obtain different product
AlGeddawy and ElMaraghy [19] proposed a reactive design variants that fall within a considered product family. This
methodology for the product platform. The methodology was product platform plays a vital role in applying the delayed
based on physical commonality rather than the commonality product differentiation strategy in which the manufacturers
index. Cladistics was used to design a core platform by benefit from mass-producing the product platform and the
hierarchically clustering common components as well as ability of its customization.
combine the common parts into integral parts and modules, if Fig. 1 shows an example to illustrate the proposed product
possible. The model was capable of balancing between the platform for hybrid manufacturing. The product platform in the
Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) and product figure is for a family consists of three product variants. This
modularity. The proposed model was applied to household product platform is formed of features F1, F2, F3 and F4. In
kettles family. Hanafy and ElMaraghy [20] developed a order to obtain product variant 1, features F2 and F4 are

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Mostafa Moussa et al. / Procedia CIRP 93 (2020) 389–394 391

removed from the product platform by subtractive The problem considered in this work can be described as:
manufacturing, and feature F5 is added to the product platform for a product family which consists of K product variants and
by additive manufacturing. Product variant 2 is produced using a total of J features, a product platform that is made of a set of
subtractive manufacturing to remove feature F4 from the features can be formed and further transformed with minimum
product platform. Finally, subtractive manufacturing is used to cost into product variants of the considered family.
remove features F3 and F4 from the product platform, and
additive manufacturing is used to add feature F6 to the product 4. Genetic Algorithm-based model for Product Platform
platform to have product variant 3. Design

The increase of the number of features and the number of

variants within the considered family enlarges the solution
space. The problem in this study is an NP hard problem that is
why mathematical optimization models, such as the model in
[26], are not able to find the optimal solution for large solution
spaces in a reasonable time. GAs are capable of finding
solution to NP hard problems in a reasonable time [27]. GAs
are the most powerful unbiased optimization techniques for
sampling a large solution space [28]. Thus, GA-based model is
used to find optimum or near optimum product platform for
product family with large numbers of product variants and
features. GA is a search heuristic that mimics the natural
selection process.

4.1. Chromosome representation

Fig. 1. Additive/Subtractive Product Platform.

A chromosome representation of each individual in the GA
population plays an essential role in the selection of the genetic
operators and has a direct effect on the problem structure. Each
chromosome mirrors a possible product platform and is made
up of a sequence of genes. Each gene represents one of the
features of the product family that takes a binary value (0 or 1).
If the feature is found in the possible product platform, then the
gene value is 1, while the value zero is assigned to the gene
when the feature is not included in the possible product
platform. Fig. 3 illustrates the chromosome representation for
a possible product platform for a product family of total five
(5) features. The possible product platform in Fig. 3 consists of
the 2nd, 3rd and 5th features.

Fig. 2. IDEF0 for the proposed work.

Fig. 2 shows an IDEF0 diagram that summarizes the

Fig. 3. Example of possible product platform chromosome.
proposed work. The inputs are each product variant
decomposed into the product family features, the demand for
4.2. Initial population
each variant and the features precedence Feature precedence is
the logical and technological sequential relationships between
The initial population is made of a set of possible product
the features. For instance, if feature A is built on top of feature
platforms. These possible product platforms consist of
B, then feature B must exist first before adding feature A. Other
randomly generated binary values (0 and 1) for each feature.
inputs are the costs of the mass-producing, additive and
Afterwards, the feasibility of each possible product platform is
subtractive manufacturing of the product family features. The
checked. The feasibility check is performed by making sure
constraints are the capabilities of the additive manufacturing
that if feature A is dependent on feature B and feature A is
(i.e. the building direction, number of material in a single build,
included in the platform, then feature B must be included in the
surface roughness, part volume constraint and ability to build
platform as well. If the dependent feature (A) takes value 1
overhanging features building direction) and the subtractive
then feature (B), which feature A depends on, must be 1. This
manufacturing (i.e. machine axes and working envelope
feasibility check is also performed between each two
dimensions). The mechanism is the GA-based model that is
successive generations (i.e. after applying the crossover and
detailed in the next section. The output is the product platform
that can be further manufactured by additive and/or subtractive
manufacturing into different product variants.

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392 Mostafa Moussa et al. / Procedia CIRP 93 (2020) 389–394

4.3. Fitness function 4.5. Crossover

The fitness function is used to calculate the total The crossover is the genetic operator responsible for
manufacturing cost for the product family. The lowest total combining the features from two-parent possible product
manufacturing cost the better fitness of the possible product platforms from one generation to obtain a new offspring
platform (solution). The fitness function is represented in possible product platform. The single point crossover, which is
equation 1. The first term represents the cost of having features one of the popular crossovers, is applied. It can be summarized
in the product platform. The second term is for the cost of as a point is randomly selected on both parent product
adding features to the platform to form the required quantity of platforms, then the features fall on the right of that point are
each variant, while the third term is for the cost of removing swapped between the two-parent product platforms. The results
features from the product platform to obtain the demand of each of this crossover are two offspring product platforms; each
variant. carrying some features from both parents. Fig. 4 shows an
example for the single point crossover applied to two-parent
�� � ∑�

����∑��� Cp�

x� D� � ∑��� Ca� a�� D� � product platforms. Each product platform is formed of 7
� features, the random point falls between the 4th and 5th features.
∑��� Cr� r�� D� � (1)

TC Total Manufacturing cost
K the set of product variants in the product family, k ∈
J the features set, j ∈ J.
Dk the demand of the kth product variant (units).
Cpj the cost of mass production of the jth feature using a
Fig. 4. Single point crossover applied to two-parent product platforms.
Caj the cost of adding the jth feature/material to form a
product variant (Caj>Cpj)
Crj the cost of removing the jth feature/material (Crj > 4.6. Mutation
Cpj) from the platform to form a product variant
The mutation is the genetic operator used for preserving and
xj to indicate that feature j is included in the platform; introducing diversity within GA. The flip bit mutation, in
1 if the platform i contains feature j which the value of one or more randomly selected features’
x� � � positions within a parent product platform is inverted (i.e. if the
0 otherwise
feature value is 1, it is changed to 0 and vice versa), is applied.
ajk to denote that feature j is added to the platform to
This results in an offspring product platform with one or more
customize it to form product variant k;
a�� features are altered from its parent. Fig. 5 shows an example
for the flip bit mutation applied to a parent product platform
1 if feature j is added to the platform to form product includes 8 features. The 3rd, 5th and 8th features are randomly
� � variant k
0 otherwise
rjk to show that feature k is removed from the platform to 3rd 5th 8th
customize to form product k.
r�� 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0

1 if feature j is removed from the platform to form Parent Product Platform

� � product variant k 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
0 otherwise
Offspring Product Platform

Fig. 5. Flip bit mutation applied to a parent product platform.

4.4. Selection
4.7. Stopping conditions
The tournament method is used to choose the possible
product platform for later using the genetic operators;
The process of the genetic search is repeated until the best
crossover and mutation. It can be described as two possible
(elite) possible product platform are remained unchanged for
product platform from a population are randomly chosen. The
1000 generations.
possible product platform with the least total manufacturing
Finally, the developed model is implemented using
cost among the both is considered as a winner of the
MATLAB® programming and numerical computational
tournament and used in the crossover and mutation.

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Mostafa Moussa et al. / Procedia CIRP 93 (2020) 389–394 393

5. Illustrative Example Table 2. Features precedence and the costs for adding, removing and mass-
producing each feature.
Consider an example of 14 product variants (V1 to V14) Feature Precedence Cp Ca Cr
involving a total of 12 different features (F1 to F12). The F1 - 1 5 1.1
product variants are shown in Fig. 6 and the product variant- F2 F1 0.45 2.25 0.50
feature incidence matrix is given in Table 1. The features
F3 F1 0.45 2.25 0.50
precedence and the costs for adding, removing and mass-
F4 F1 0.45 2.25 0.50
producing each feature are presented in Table 2. The
corresponding costs for using each manufacturing F5 F6 0.65 3.25 0.70
method/technology (mass production, additive and subtractive) F6 - 1 5 1.1
are assumed based on the cost study of Manogharan et al. [29]. F7 F6 0.65 3.25 0.70
F8 F6 0.65 3.25 0.70
F9 F1 1 5 1.1
F10 F1,F6 0.75 3.75 0.80
F11 F1,F6 0.75 3.75 0.80

Table 3. Demand Scenarios for the product variants.

Demand Scenario
1 2 3
V1 142 50 200
V2 142 100 25
V3 142 25 45
V4 142 50 25
V5 142 23 100
V6 142 15 75
Fig. 6. Product variants for the illustrative example.
V7 142 75 200

Table 1. Product Variant-Feature incidence matrix of the illustrative example. V8 142 100 50

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 V9 142 500 18

V10 142 450 150
V1 1 1 1
V11 142 75 20
V2 1 1
V12 142 450 80
V3 1 1 1 1 1
V13 142 50 500
V4 1 1 1 1 1
V14 142 25 500
V5 1 1 1 1
Total 1988 1988 1988
V6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
V7 1 1 1 1 1
Table 4. Product platform and minimum total cost for each scenario.
V8 1 1 1 1 1 1
Scenario Product Platform Features Total Cost
V9 1 1 1 1
1 F1, F2,F3,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9 20788.8
V10 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 F1,F3, F6, F7,F9,F10 17532.35
V11 1 1 1 1 1
3 F1,F3,F6 F7,F8 17548.95
V12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
V13 1 1 1
V14 1 1

Various cases of demand scenarios are examined to

illustrate the sensitivity of the product platform to the change
in the demand of the product variants. Three demand scenarios
are examined and shown in Table 3.
The optimum product platform and the minimum total cost
for each scenario were obtained in 2 seconds on a PC of Intel
Core i7 3.40 GHz processor and 16 GB Ram and are presented
in Table 4. Fig. 7 shows the designed product platform for each
Fig. 7. Product platforms for each scenario.

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394 Mostafa Moussa et al. / Procedia CIRP 93 (2020) 389–394

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