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Time allowed: 2 hours 15 minutes
Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
Signature: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Read and follow the instructions below carefully.
1. This paper has two sections: A and B. Section A has two parts Sub Section I and Sub
Section II. Sub Section I has 30 questions while Sub Section II has 20 questions totaling
to 50 questions carrying 50 marks and Section B has 5 questions carrying 10 marks each.
2. Answer all questions. All answers to both sections A and B must be shown in the spaces
3. All answers must be written using a blue or black Ball point pen or ink. Any answer
written in pencils other than on graphs and diagrams will not be marked.
4. No calculators are allowed in the examination room.
5. Unnecessary changes in your work and handwriting that cannot easily be read may lead
to loss of marks.
6. Do not fill anything in the table indicated: “FOR EXAMINERS’ USE ONLY” and
boxes inside the Question paper.


SECTION A (50 Marks)
Sub Section I
Use the Correct form of words in the brackets to complete the sentences correctly.

1. Primary three pupils are ___________________ the compound. (sweep)

2. Lake Victoria is the ___________________ lake in Uganda. (big)
3. Some ___________________ grow crops in wetlands. (farm)
4. Pamela ___________________ to school everyday. (go)
5. She is the ___________________ girl in their class. (short)
6. ___________________ depend on milk. (baby)
7. We bought two ___________________ from the market yesterday. (mango)
8. We ___________________ the letter under the table. (find)
9. They walked ___________________ to the dining hall. (slow)
10. The ___________________ are playing with the dolls. (child)

Complete the sentences correctly with a suitable word.

11. Jack ___________________ Jim are playing.

12. They ___________________ mopping the house.
13. The Shirt is ___________________ small to fit me.
14. There is ___________________ orange in the bag.
15. We go to school ___________________ van.

Give the plural form of the following words.

16. Child ___________________

17. Foot ___________________
18. Woman ___________________

Arrange the words in alphabetical order.

19. weave, sew, cook, make.

20. river, road, rain, read.
21. chair, chart, champ, charger.
Rewrite the sentences giving the opposites of the underlined words.

22. She always buys expensive clothes.

23. The Tea was very hot.
24. Put all dirty clothes in the laundry basket.

Complete correctly

25. A group of flowers is called _____________.

26. A person who catches fish from the lake is called ____________
27. A group of twelve items is called ______________.

Write these abbreviations in full

28. P.T.O _____________________________

29. Shs _______________________________
30. Cm _______________________________

Sub Section II

Rewrite the sentences as instructed in brackets.

31. Mark is handsome. Timothy is handsome. (Begin: Both………………)


32. Jane is crying. Her book is lost. (Join the sentences using: ….because……)

33. Tuhakirwa is clever. He is very lazy. (Begin: Although……………………)


34. Lubowa is rich. Kasirye is rich. (Join the sentences using:…as….as…..)

35. This is the dog. It drank my milk. (Join the sentences using:…which…..)

36. They like singing more than dancing. (Use…prefer….to…..)


37. The tea is very hot. We cannot take it. (Join using …so….that……)

38. betty is going to tororo on Friday (punctuate the sentence correctly)


39. There is some sugar in the porridge. (Rewrite using: …any……)


40. Aaron is fat. Benon is fatter. (Join the sentences using……than……)


41. She is very fat. She cannot run. (Join the sentences using…too….to……)

42. This is the boy. His father teaches us English. (Join the sentences using:

43. Patra is my friend. Percy is my friend. (Join the sentences using …..and…..)

44. Mugisha is slow. Mugisha is sure. (Join the sentences using…but……)

45. This is a leaf. (Begin: These………………..)

46. I am nine years old. (Begin: How……….?)


47. Eddy was happy. He met his friend. (Join the two sentences using: …when…..)

48. Wamono is a very fat man. (Rewrite and Underline the adjective in the sentence)

49. This is the woman. She came here. (Join using ….who……)

50. An Early Bird __________________________________. (complete sensibly)

SECTION B (50 Marks)

51. Read the Story below and answer the questions that follow.


Last Wednesday, Nampala came to school. All pupils had already come apart from
her. The teacher was not happy with her because she found him teaching Science.
Nampala asked for permission to enter the class.

The teacher stopped the lesson and asked her why she was late. Nampala
answered, I am late because I first went to work in the garden, then I prepared our
breakfast. The teacher excused her and told her not to come late again. He then
promised to go and talk to Nampala’s Father.

In the evening after classes, the teacher went to Nampala’s home. He talked to
Nampala’s Father about his daughters coming late. The Father apologized and
promised never to send Nampala to school late.
a) When was Nampala late for school?

b) What is the story talking about?


c) Which subject was the teacher teaching?


d) Was the teacher happy with Nampala?


e) Write two thing that Nampala did in the morning.


f) When did the teacher go to Nampala’s home?


g) Why do you think late coming is bad?


h) Who talked to Nampala’s Father


i) Write the title of the story?


52. Study the notice below and answer the questions that follow.
Drama show! Drama show!
Presenters: Dynamic theatre group
Muteesa royal house
Kavuma the Superiors
Date: 12th October 2023
Venue: Cornerstone Main Hall
Time: 1:00pm-5:00pm
Fee: Pupils – Shs.5000
Parents – Shs.7000
Teachers – Shs.10000
NB: A Person without a ticket will not be allowed to enter the venue
By Musanje Peter MDD Coach

a) What is the notice about?


b) Who are the presenters of the show?


c) At what time is the drama show ending?


d) When will the show be held?


e) Where is the show going to be held?


f) How long will the show last?


g) A parent has 2 pupils and they all wanted to attend the show. How much are
they going to pay altogether?
h) What will to a person who will not come with his/her ticket?

i) Who wrote the notice above?


53. Study the timetable below and answer the questions that follow.

Namuli’s Timetable
5:00pm- 6:00pm- 7:00pm- 8:00pm-
6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm
Monday Fetching Washing Homework Supper
water utensils
Tuesday Collecting Helping Homework Supper
Firewood mother
Wednesday Cooking Homework Reading Supper
Thursday Washing Ironing Homework Supper
utensils clothes
Friday Cooking Homework Ironing Supper

a) Whose timetable is shown above?


b) At what time does Namuli fetch water on Monday?


c) Which day does Namuli collect firewood?


d) What time does Namuli have supper everyday?

e) Which activity does Namuli do on Wednesday from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm?

f) On which days does Namuli iron clothes?


g) Which other activity do you think Namuli helps her mother with?

h) What is the importance of a timetable to a primary three pupil at home?


i) Which activity does Namuli do so often?


54. a) Complete the table below correctly

Animal Home

b) Complete the table below correctly

Masculine Feminine
55. Choose the correct word from the box below to complete the story.

Short, attentive, fat, humble, school

ten, youngest, older, careful, correct

Mary is ____________________ years old. She is in Primary Four at St. Agnes

Primary ____________________. She has three sisters and she is the
____________________. Her father is ____________________ than all other
members of the family.
Mary is a ____________________ girl and her mother is proud of that. She is
also very ____________________ with her work. While in class, Mary is very
__________________ to the teacher. She gives ____________________ answers
and does all the work. Mary is growing ____________________ because she eats
a balanced diet. Although she is fat, she cannot reach the top of the chalkboard
because she is a ____________________ girl.

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