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Time allowed: 2 hours 15 minutes
Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
Signature: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Read and follow the instructions below carefully.
1. This paper has two sections: A and B. Section A has 20 questions and Section B has 11
2. Answer the Either questions or the Or questions. All answers to both sections A and B
must be shown in the spaces provided.
3. All answers must be written using a blue or black Ball point pen or ink. Any answer
written in pencils other than on graphs and diagrams will not be marked.
4. No calculators are allowed in the examination room.
5. Unnecessary changes in your work and handwriting that cannot easily be read may lead
to loss of marks.
6. Do not fill anything in the table indicated: “FOR EXAMINERS’ USE ONLY” and
boxes inside the Question paper.


SECTION A (40 Marks)

1. Either: Write the Holy Book for Christians.

Or: Write the Holy Book for Muslims.
2. Either: Who built the ark according to the Bible?
Or: Who built the ark according to the Quran?
3. Either: What does the name Jacob mean?
Or: What does the name Muhammad mean?
4. Either: Write down the first miracle performed by Jesus?
Or: Write down one miracle performed by Prophet Muhammad?
5. Either: Name one thing which God wants you to do.
Or: Name one thing which Allah wants you to do.
6. Either: As a Christian, why do you celebrate Holy Thursday?
Or: As a Muslim, why is iqaamah important to you?
7. Either: Mention one leader in the old testament.
Or: Why is a Muazin important in the Muslim community.
8. Either: Name the mountain where Moses received the ten commandments from.
Or: Name the mountain where prophet Muhammad received the Holy Quaran from.
9. Either: Which Sacrament initiates one into Christianity?
Or: Why is ablution important in Islam?
10. Either: Define responsibility.
Or: What is meant by the term responsibility?
11. Either: Mention one way of being Fair to others.
Or: As a Muslim, How can you be Fair to others?
12. Either: Name one religious practice done by Christians in your community.
Or: Name one Islamic Custom you know.
13. Either: What is Lent?
Or: Mention one thing Muslims are not allowed to do during their fasting period.
14. Either: Where do Christians go for prayers?
Or: When do Muslims go for Juma prayers?
15. Either: As a Christian, How can you care for the needy?
Or: Name one thing you can give to those in need.
16. Either: How many parts does a Bible have?
Or: Name the holy book for Muslims.
17. Either: What is the importance of laws?
Or: Give one effect of violating the law.
18. Either: Who is a Prophet?
Or: Name one Prophet you know in Islam.
19. Either: What is the role of a Father at home?
Or: As a Child, Mention one of your responsibilities at home.
20. Either: Name one Christian symbol you know.
Or: Where do Muslims go for pilgrimage?

SECTION B (60 Marks)

21. Either: a) Name the Parts of the Holy Trinity.

b) Mention one Christian symbol you know.
Or: Name fours Pillars of Islam.

22. Either: a) What is Prayer?

b) Mention any three types of prayers in Christianity.
Or: a) What is Salat?
b) Mention any three obligatory prayers in Islam
23. Either: a) Who is a Messenger?
b) Name two Messengers of God.

c) Which Messenger brought good news to Mary.

Or: a) Name the angel which revealed the Holy Quran to Prophet Muhammad.
b) On which Mountain did Prophet Muhammed receive the holy book from?
c) What was Khadijah’s reaction after hearing Prophet Muhammad’s first revelation?

24. Either: a) Mention two uses of a Bible to a Christian.

b) Write down any two books from the Old testament.
Or: a) Name the holy book for Muslims.
b) Outline the two divine books you know.
c) How is a Quran useful to a Muslim?

25. Either: a) Who is leader?

b) Mention any three religious leaders you know in Christianity.
Or: a) Name one leader you know in Islam.

b) Outline three qualities of a good leader in Islam.

26. Either: Give the meaning of the following names in the Bible
a) Esau ……………………………………………………
b) Peter……………………………………………………
c) Jacob……………………………………………………
d) Ruth ……………………………………………………
Or: Define the following terms as used in Islam
a) Istinja ……………………………………………………
b) Najasah ……………………………………………………
c) Zakat ……………………………………………………
d) Hijja ……………………………………………………

27. Either: a) Mention two causes of Misunderstandings amongst christians?

b) How can Christians control misunderstandings?
Or: a) Name the books that the following prophets received.
i. Prophet Isa ……………………………………………………
ii. Prophet Dauda ……………………………………………………
iii. Prophet Muhammad ……………………………………………………
iv. Prophet Musa ……………………………………………………

28. Either: Mention any four types of differences amongst christians.

Or: a) Mention any two nullifiers of Salat.
b) Write two examples of Impurities.

29. Either: a) Outline any two things we pray for.

b) Why do Christians always kneels down while praying? ( 2 reasons)
Or: a) Why do Muslims pray?(2 reasons)
b) Outline two things Muslims pray for.

30. Either: a) What does the name Abraham mean?

b) How did Abraham show his Faith and Obedience to God?
c) Who was Abraham’s Son?
d) Who was Abraham’s wife?
Or: a) Who killed Habil?
b) How was Habil and Qabil related to Haawa?
c) Mention two lessons you learn from the story of Habil and Qabil.

FOR BOTH (20 Marks)

31. a) What is prayer?


b) Write two things a Christian/Muslim should do before praying.

c) Give two reasons why people pray.
d) When do Muslims/Christians pray?
e) Give two ways how people worship God/Allah.
f) Mention any two reasons why people worship God/Allah.


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