Level Up Your Public Speaking Skills

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Josephine Angelina Christyanti josephineangln@gmail.com | linkedin.


Let’s Level Up:

Public Speaking
Chin up guys!
VUCA Challenges

What unites us
It’s: meaning.
VUCA Challenges

It’s only our nature

to sense and
VUCA Challenges

-and it’s important

that we do it
Liste des contenus Slidesgo // 2021

Why good public speaking is important?

01 02
Improves internal Attract the right
communication people

03 04
Credibility and Open new
authority opportunities
Skills 2021

But for some

it’s hard
and scary as hell-
Skills 2021

Because presenting in front of a
crowd is like putting ourselves
in a fight or flight mode
Liste des contenus Slidesgo // 2021

Why is it scary?

01 02
We overestimate our
We perceive audience
ourselves as the
main object for
scrutiny and
Open new
Explore Learn

Don’t worry,
I am as clueless as
you think you are.
Explore Learn

Being genuinely confident is awesome,

but fake it till you

make it is real.
Explore Learn

It’s like forming habits. You transform

from chaotic to detailed and
structured, by pretending as if you are
inherently structured.
Explore Learn

Point is,

time + practice
is key.
Interpersonal Skills // 2021

So, where do
we start?
Liste des contenus Slidesgo // 2021

The 3 components of persuasion

01 02
Logic drawn by the
Credibility of
the speaker 03
Emotional appeal
and attachment
Liste des contenus Slidesgo // 2021

How to seek credibility?

01 02
Take ownership in
Find relevant the opportunity
e.g. class presentation, debate club, MUN,
organization, event organizing, many
Be good at something
more! that people want you to
share your knowledge
Liste des contenus Slidesgo // 2021

How to deliver the logic?

01 02
Don’t memorize,
practice the flow instead
Structurize your
Make it make sense
(while being concise and
write it down in outlines or charts direct
Liste des contenus Slidesgo // 2021

How to appeal emotionally and form the bond?

01 02
Practice your nonverbal
cues, be expressive
Storytell your
logic - flow
Show confidence in
again, don’t memorize bullet
points. you are not a deck. you are what you are speaking
here to tell an interesting story about
Explore Learn

Last but not the least,

always evaluate your performance.

Never ever ever aim for perfection, because it will send

you straight back to the fight or flight stance.

When we are trapped in your own fear of imperfection, we are back to square one.
Online Business

Thank You!

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