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(9 ED be o ow a A. Only Gi) B, ©. Only Giiy 2. Tis the mother of S. G is the wife ofS and daughter of V. His the son of S and K is the brother of S. Which of the following relationship is incorrect? A. Kis the brotherin-law of G 1B. Tis the grandmother of H C. Vis the mother-in-law of $ D. His the nephew of K Both (i) and (ii) D. Both (i) and (iii) Select the correct water image of the given combination of letters and numbers, HONIVIRUZ B. COWAINTH D. 3URIVIN2H A. HSMIAIN? C. EUSsIVIMSH LOGICAL REASONING (7,350) _D. (9,738) \d the number of triangles formed in the given 16 "0 Is More than 18 ~ ‘Aword and number arrangement machine when given ‘an input line of words and numbers rearranges them by following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement, Input : 42 train 47 grade 66 mind 54 fast Step 1: 66 fast 42 train 47 grade mind S4 Step IT : 66 fast $4 grade 42 train 47 mind Step IIT : 66 fast 54 grade 47 mind 42 train ‘Step IIT is the last step of the given arrangement. As per the rule followed in above steps, which of the following will be step II for the input given below? Input : 81 lost 72 found 96 plan 88 hold A. 96 found 88 72 lost plan 81 hold B. 96 found 81 lost 72 plan 88 hold C. 96 found 88 hold 81 plan 72 lost D. 96 found 88 hold 81 lost 72 plan ‘Select a figure from the options which does not satisfy the same conditions of placement of the dots as in the given figure, Ina certain code language, ‘BANGALORE is written as JQDEAHURO". How will “HYDERABAD’ be written in the same code language? A. HGBKRGDED B, GHBKUGDED C. HGBKRHCDC D. KBGHRDEDG = 9. 4. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word CHALLENGE each of which has as many letters between them in the word asin the English alphabets? A. One B, Two C. Three D._ More than three Select a figure from the options which will continue the same series as established by the Problem Figures. Problem Figures A. 10. 6. Select the odd one out. A. (5,130) B. (6, 288) SCIENCE 11, Which of the following statements are correct about human eye? {The museles of the iris contol the foeal length of the eye-lens Gi) Nocturnal animals like ow! and bat have retina with large number of rods. (iii) reetl controls the di the amount of light entering int t ring into eye (ivy Te As and pupil combination is responsible for 7 ad sitting, different amounts of light into the eye. A. @) and Gi only B. (ii) and (iv) only (i) and (iii) only D. (iii) and (iv) only ameter of pupil to accommodate EB 89 NS | class-9 | Set | Level 1 Scanned with CamScanne 12, The given displacement (x) - time (1) graph depicts the motion of a person from her home to work place. x(n) i234 Identify the incorrect statement A. The velocity of the person is negative and constant at point V. B. The velocity of the person is positive and constant at point I. C. The velocity of the person is positive at point Il D. The person reached to her workplace after 8 minutes 13. A loud speaker produces a continuous sound wave of frequency 34 Hz in air as » . shown in the given figure. (Speed of sound is 340:mis.) Lou seaker ‘Match column J with column II and select the correct ‘option from the given codes. ‘Column T Coluinn Tt (@) [The diagram which | reser sows |” ||, wave causes molecule P tomove is (b) | For distance between (ii) | a rarefaction and compression of 2 m, the distance travelled by wave in 10 oscillations, is (©) |The distance travelled — [(it)|40m by a sound wave in five oscillations, if distance between two consecutive rarefactions is 4 m, is (@ | The wavelength of sound |(iv)]20 m wave depicted in the given figure is © [tom A @@. Hv), (0) B. (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (d)-(v) © @ti, (aw) D. @-(, (tiv) 14, A4-kg box is being pushed by an unknown force X to travel a horizontal distance of 20 m as shown in the given figure. The frictional force acting on the box is 10 N. The net work done on the box is 300 J. <———20m > What is the magnitude of force X and the acceler of the 4 kg box? A, 25.N, 6.25 ms® ration B. 15.N, 3.75 ms? C. 25.N, 3.75 ms? D. 15.N, 6.25 ms? 15. A momentum (p)-time (1) p graph for a particle moving under a foree is represented in the given figure. Which of the following statement(s) is! are correct? (i) The magnitude of force is maximum in region ¥. (ii) The magnitude of the force is minimum in region X. (iii) The magnitude of force is maximum in region Z. (iv) The magnitude of force can be calculated by arca under the momentum-time graph. A. (i)and (ii) only CC. Gi) and (iv) only 16. Read the given statements and select the correct option. Statement 1 : The acceleration due to gravity is same at height h and depth d below the Earth’s surface, if = d. Statement 2 : The acceleration due to gravity increases as we go down or up from the Earth's surface, ‘A. Both statements 1 and 2 are true and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1. B. Both statements 1 and 2 are true but statement 2 is not the correct explanation of statement 1 . Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is false, Both statements 1 and 2 are false. ), (ii) and (iv) only fined plane has a smooth portion X and a rough portion Yasshown in the given figure. The possible effect(s) caused by the rough surface on the motion of the box is/are (Reduces the acceleration of the box. ii) Speed is decreased for some time and then increases (ii) Box starts moving in ditferent direction with reduced speed. A. (i) only B. (i) and (ii) only C. and (ii) only DG) only 18. Acontainer s filled with two non-mixing liquids | and 2 having densities py and p respectively. A solid ball of density pis, dropped in the container. The condition required for ball to be in equilibrium as. shown in the given figure is A. pi=pr= Ps B. pi Diatomic CaN tiatomic = Z\ Tetratomic > Polyatomic = ==> Pick the element which is shown incorrectly. eX BG) ¢ i Consider two atoms, P and Q, such that the atomic numbers of both P and Q is 6. The mass numbers of Pand Qare 12 and 14 respectively. Select the correct statement, A. The physical properties of P and Q are similar but their chemical properties are different. B. Theelectronic configurations of P and Q are different. C. Pand Q are isobars. D. Pand Q have same chemical properties. Which of the following statements are incorrect? 1. A soda-acid type fire extinguisher consists of hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate solution. Il. Glass is a non-combustible while paper is a combustible substance. IIL, Respiration is a slow combustion, whl phosphorus is an explosion. IV. In Iuminous zone of the candle flame, unburnt wax vapours are present due to unavailability of oxygen for buming in this zone, A. [lll and IV only B, Ind Il only . Mand 1V only D. 1, ILand IV only Read the following statements carefully and select the option that correctly identifies them as true (T) and false (F) ones. 1. A colloidal solution is a homogeneous mixture in which the diameter of the particles is less than 10-° m, Il. The constituents of methane cannot be separated by physical methods. IML Shaving cream is a gas in solid type colloid while mist is a gas in liquid type colle IV, Tyndall effeet is observed when light is passed through a solution of copper sulphate. burning of 1 1 Mr Vv a F T F BOT c F F GF o F F DF a F T 33, 34. 36. Refer to the given table of differences between and passive transport. S.No. | Active transport | Passive tra 1. [It does not require [It needs energy to energy to transport | transport materials. materials. It oceurs along the concentration gradient, UL. | Ittakes place aga the concentra gradient Til, | ltismediatedihrough | Carrier proteins are not carrier proteins. _| involved in the process. 1V._| Iisa slow process. | It is a rapid process. Select the option that identifies the correct pair(s) of differences. A. Lonly B. Iand IIL only C. 1 lland IV only —_D. Ill and IV only Identify the type of irrigation method shown in the given figure and select the incorrect statement regarding it. A. It is a modem method of irrigation. B. It is based on lever system. C._ This method of irrigation involves spraying of water over soil as artificial rain gation is effective for irrigating Refer to the g figure showing a type of complex permanent tissue in plants. Identify itand select the correct statement regarding the labelled parts P-S. A. Pisadead cell and its cell wall is made up of! B. Qisa living parenchymatous cell that helps in the storage of food. C. Risa thick-walled dead cell which provides ‘mechanical strength to the tissue. D, Bast fibres obtained from plants such as jute, hemp and flax are S type of fibres. Refer to the given analogy and select the option that correctly idemtifies X. Glandular = Lining of gastr epithelium glands um A. Lining of thyroid gland B, Lining of salivary ducts C. Lining of oviducts D. Lining of gall bladder Scanned with CamScanne 37. The given figures represent three different castes of a colony of honeybees. 7 iN ¥ Vy P R Select the incorrect statement regarding these. ‘A. Piis the worker bee which is a sterile female. B. Qi the queen which lays both fertilised (2n) and unfertlised (n) eggs. C. Ris the drone which is a fertile male, D. P and Q emerge from unfertilised eggs, while R (Categories included in UCN Red List Ew Vulnerble Endangered) [Critically ndamgcred GON fan Gi) Lion-aited| macaque (i) Snow @ Passeneer Isonard pigeon. Which among (i-iv) is wrongly placed? A. (iii) only B. (ii) only C. (iv) only D. (i) only Hormone ¥ promotes sleep and its secretion inereases in dim light. Hormone X is A. Thyroxine C. Melatonin 40. Match column I with column I and select the correct ‘option from the given codes. Column T (Cell organelte) (i) Ribosome (ii) Lysosome (iii) Nucleus (©) Chris (iv) Mitochondria (a) Palade AL GHC); (i)-4A): (ii); Gv) -O) B. (+); Gi)-(b); (it)-(6); Gv) -@) C.-C Gi)-(0); Gii)-(Y (iv) D. GHA): (iC); (ii)-Ca}: (iv-(b) 39, B. Relaxin D. Parathormone. ‘Column 11 (Discovered by) (a) Robert Brown (b) Kolliker de Duve 4. 42. 43. 44, 45. Refer to the given flow chart and select the incorrect option regarding £0. eis a unicellular organism. -S&»[ 7 Pe Calrwatlicpresent }S2of7 Pres Chlorophyll is present. S20 es 0 A. Lcould be mushroom whereas M could be Amoeba. B. Neould be yeast whereas O could be Chlamydomonas. CC. Leould be Laminaria whereas Ocould be Paramecium. D. None of these Read the given statement and select the option that correctly identifies V and ¥. Ina composite fish culture technology, is a column feeder whereas Y is a bottom feeder. x Y A. Calla Rohu B. Rohu Mrigal C. Grass carp Silver carp D. Mrigal Catt: Unicellular algae X and ¥ of the same species were taken and chloroplasts were removed from cell X. After some time, they both were kept in bright sunlight for few hours and then iodine test was performed on them, What will be the results? A. Both X and Y will tum blue-black, B. Cell Y will tum blue-black, C. Cell ¥ will tun blue-black. D._ Both X and ¥ will remain as they originally were. Refer tothe given figure : i showing the female & Vo reproductive system and MA} answerthequestionthat (~~ follows. dy 7 Estrogen is produced from which of the following labelled parts? A. Gi)only B. (only C. ( nly D. (ivyonly if Select the odd one out on the basis of rabi and ki crops. A. Linseed B. Wheat D. Mustard C. Cotton ACHIEVERS SECTION 46, The following figure shows the changes among the three states of matter. Select the incorrect statements regarding the above chan, 1. Process: and decrease in press Process gis exothermic while process /is endothermic. IL, Process / requires an increase in temperature and SQF|NSO | Class-9| Set | Level 1 ——~ Scanned with CamScanne NSO | class-91 Sot.c Levelt |SOF ——-.7> +> IN, ‘State (ii) eam be converted to state i) by increasing both temperature and press A. 1, Mand I onl B, ILI and 1V only C Hand M1 only D. Land 1V only 47. A simple hydraulic press is used to compress object. By means of a rigid lever, a vertical fore applied directly to a piston P, of cross-sectional area 0,004 m*, The pressure 0 to the movement of P is t igh the oil filling the vessel to a well fitted piston Q of eross seetio area 0.60 m?, as shown in the given figure. sq_O.806m s0N lever statements is/are correct? (8) The force applied to piston P when an effort of 80 N is applied on the end of the lever is 320 N. Gi) The pressure exerted on the oil by the force applied to piston P is 80,000 N nr (Gil) The force exerted on the piston Q is 24,000 N. A. (i) and (i) only B. (ii) and (ii) only Cand Gii)only —__D,_ i, (it) and Giiy 48. In the given figures, figure (I) represents a passenger sitting in a sledge which is sliding along the inclined plane PQ. The plane PQ makes an angle of 50° with the horizontal runway OR. The total mass ofthe sledge and passenger is 98 kg. Figure (I) represents the velocity (»)- time (f) graph of the sledge. A. Pv, vil, Qi ii), RAG, vi), Swe B. PoGi iv), Qa, vid, RY > time(s) c. D. SPACE FOR ROUGH WorK . = Now, fill in the blanks with the most appropriate option, When the sledge is moving along PQ, its acceleration is (i)_ms? and resultant force on it is _(ii)_N. The force experienced by the sledge along OR he total distance travelled by the sledge comes to rest is _(iv a ( A. 75 490 183.7545 BS 183.75 49043 C15 73S 490378 D5 490735375 Refer to the given Venn diagram and select the incorrect statement regarding a, 6, ¢ and d. Cell organs present in A. ‘a’ could be a cell organelle that provides intermediates for the synthesis of steroids and chlorophylt in a cell B. “brcould bea cell organelle that isa site for synthesis, of proteins in a cell. C. ‘e° could be a cell organelle the osmotic pressure in a cell, D. “d" could be a cell organelle that is not membrane bound and helps in cell helps to maintain 50. Mateh column I with column Ii and select the correct option from the given codes. Column 1 Column 11 P. Eosinophils, (i) Enucleated cells Q Basophils Gi) Showallergicresponseand antihistamine properties. Neutrophils (iii) Release histamine and heparin S. Platelets (iv) Two lobed nucleus () Engulf and digest the disease causing pathogens (vi) Help in clotting of blood (vii). S-shaped mucteus (vii) Many lobed nucleus Scanned with CamScanne

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