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0% Hy. se Te oe F WAR D Army Form C, 2118, “Se lan ionoed in Rog NE INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY LO 4 a aie eaten ei he (Brose heading not required) SE ofal CinciAbcc lal vice |u| ow Beane Sf ree and Tabraaion > ae eee q 7 wh Hah Clack Mating ox. feng mowcke (ait Kb | Qrviton: Bbbm Ee pf ao? eek jeking oe SOF Leland (ii tcphl pf) s VEL EL My ajerdat hohe fig A prFie€ seen} rit form 6G hhaeds i Wrveenmerke Qrerucd Am cede thy Srocmctourk 4, cx, getlcagianie Richi hile Chtly Poorg fed along sno te | i ’ acl Nataly, Offic framing ct A infebdaccn. tes pl lal fares } on h rining fenrt, steamy tog pik Aunt Madereed Kel, (enhhdgr | kg 0 a 1 whetens Ko Gawnather 2 A, -anledcrid ty hh fi SRD. Kosat ee oie @ Pike. : s im & 3 tanh ana ee put; brtecd ie Th. Cone ty Shove | td ‘ panty) ¢ / a ‘ cake pie) — Ribot fan k: Rhewfrony Seo ona Oe ifr d Pare ee pt Pook ahoTihen, eee OE ie. forty of ¢ Aa af ee o: te PONS, : i fee CA fer ex) Cede Ge oeety oot Gites tHe onneLel beeen. fartiee i POURAL 40 & Ho a pa ae 6 Mlorn~or | fi i Whe (ts tse ced, Mesh fe ose ee ee a “ pein clecved, get CC Cy ° a WAR DIARY a Amny Form C. 2118. i or he: (Sethu cbaed mF Reg PCE INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY Son ere eee (Brase teading not required.) Pace | Date | Howe Summary of Brents and Tformaion ee re Appendices 7 Quath off gai Vic FSO. WaT. RUA Weve. CAB (0 Carne sat 2 Mee K tlw. Raton Gaul 10°0 £76 O70 feta. S, HO Gur as GEE ci COR LiCbea ime Nu Voottkenss cori ba te Grete ae Bee See beste Jn Aa 0:7. attached eng the Bamfp an Levns Ses, >. 210 8770 poe Red Sheets t Mtccg Hp passpokit page 6 Boctoait iy 7 pialeses Lhe Ee Afior Laks lbs “pra Been Tie omy Cane 4 Oy +. Ml rene KnO Vi Le Ld | leo Oirdrte On bttids Mectlenral’ i ines LEH etn. ey, Rhee Papetag . th yi Aebarn i ine $16 a ge Bias 220 920 OF. a | Be Ts ap Prcec ok, ae a Qnacy 4 bead cow Ae Siti, AG bb Cin ak _w; she nap. We Wgs7Igo 739.00 Cie es senor 4 Y Moderel tn, Ove. Gin x: WAR DIARY or INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY (Eivase heading not required.) Instructions regarding War Disvies and Intelligence tries are contained in F. S, Regs, Part II. tal Manual respectively. Title Pages ‘vill be prepared in manuscript. en ] Army Form ©, 2118, oa ae oe) lene eae Stancin of oeoe an atresia eer i = eee D 3/34 s Liiy. Ppp HE | | ; | | = JI 5 7 ec | 249 WL Wigas7/Mgo 799000 16 JBC. A. Form/C-2us/i2 a After relief the es el oy to WHITH MILL 01 2 ist Be the reli ef Commandi: S74H INFANTRY BRIGADE ORDER NO.51, ae een nn ne tenant enennnnennennnst Ast ooropER, 1917. will relieve the eft Sector, and the Borderers will relieve the OcrOBER, 1917. Details of dill be arranged mtually between Officers ng Units concerned. Fusiliers will go ap iS ttish Border: 3, 6nd the 2nd_ south ee (dot Soa ee All defence schemes, Senoxase photographs, trench maps and stores will be handed over, 4 Gopies tor Yroaiour CAPTALNy BRIGADE MAJOR, 87TH INFANTRY BRIGADE. 87th f.u.Batty.” 87th Bde. Sigs. Intelligence off. Staff Captain. 86th Inf. Bde. 88th Inf. Bde. 29th Division "G". Rererence 1/10,006. baVshBEEK, 87TH TuiAs 5. 4. tho attack of the oneny's positions will be resumed at atime ( Zero Hour ), and on a dato to be netified later. Tho 4th viviaton on our Right will be co-operating. The attack will be carried out by the lst Royal Dublin Fusiliers on the aight, their Objective beingi- ~~~ i "Us Ue deG0e00+ = U-18.0-.00.45. = U.28+0.80-804t0~ U- 1804.30.80 The Ist_kil Own soottish Borderers will send two (2) Platcons, exploit SEAK Boonsh SUPPORT Trench and will establieh Fouts at U.17+d.40.50+; Ul174ds00+45s, U.1700065+60+ The lst sn. Zhe Bors logget and the 2nd South Yeles Borderera will yerve, ready to move after Gere Hour, on receipt of The Boundary betweon the 26th Division and the 4th Division will be from := U.25.b.70050e = through - U.18+ds25.80. the attack will Le Artillery Barreze. an @rawn upon the Ro) 1 troopa will Ve this Rup Line runs t= U+160+00680 = U.i7eGeCO0 2. = U U,25,b.70.50s At Zero the Barrage will fall 160 yarde in front of the RED Lins, when the attacking troops will leave the RED Line and get close under the Sarrago as possible, the Barrage yil1 commence te 'cruop’ at Zere plus three (5) minutes. Lifts will Le for 50 yards at a time. From the first lift, for 200 yerds, the Barrago will advance at the rate of 50 yards in tue (2) minutes, thence to the first Objective at 50 yards in threo (3) minutes. Barrage Hape attached. arried out under cover of « creeping Zero the attacking. troops will be (line of doparture ) and no this hefore Zoro Hours 116664 35.65. = 04164400650. ~ = ° +17 eC+B0e50- = 0417+0+90.00. = Objectives gained, the following lines will be consolidated :- (A) The gRBuiy Line. @ ) Trench to 't GOED DER VESTEN Farm. In addition a Sentral Support Line will be consolidated from t= U.18.0,40.00. = U.17+d:90.00. fm Out-Post Line will be established in front of all Lines during the consolidation. —_— ws } | 8. a The S.0.S. Signal will be a gucoossion of $.0.s. Riflo Rockets, oach bursting into 4 BaD Lights. No other light Signal will be employed, except the BSD #LARES which will be Used to show the position of the Infantry to dontact Aoroplane Patrols. Contact Patrol will fly cver tho Front at Zero plus one (1) hour and thirty (30) minutes = Zorc plus threo (3) hours = Zoro plus 5 hours, and subsequently se ordered by Jorps Koadquartors. Battalion Hoadquarters will mark their Hoaduerters by ground shests of authorised shapog with tho Gcde lottors of the Unit laid out with white strips alongside. Those letters should bo 9 fost in depth. signalling to Aeroplanes will be carried on with Panols. There will be a Prisonors of Yar Golleoting Post at tho ADELPHI ( 0.5.contral.) and the Divisional Prisoners Oage will bo at the CACTUS PoiTooN. A Battle Aid Post will be established in RAGLE Tronch from Zoro Hour onwards. Thore will bo Boarer Rolay Post of the 87th Fiela Ambulance at REITRES Farm, A dombined Rogimental aid Post of the 4th Division will be at the PXG and WISTLE ( U,28.b.4.5. ) ACKNOWLEbdeR. oe * CAPTAIN, BRIGADE UAJOR, 87TH INFANTRY BRIGADE. Oopied to := start. War Diary. Fils. 2/8. 4.B. 1/K.0.5.B. 1/R-In. Pus. Lfsord. Ret. 87th H.G.doy. a7th T..sty. e7th Fd, Ambee. 87th Bdo. sigs. ath Inf. Bde. 88th Inf.Bde. ith Inf.Bde. Intelligence off. Staff Captain. a 20th Division "G *, an a ee SBR ET. B72, le The follewing reliefs and movements Units will take Placo on the night of the Sth/éth vOT0saR, 1917. the 2nd SOOTS GUARDS will relisv the ist bn.The BORDER REGT. (Qess twp (2) Platoons). The 4th Gi |ADIZR GU. S will relievo the 1st & Tho ‘The 2 Det SOOTTISH BORDEASRS (less four Platoons of the 1st Br. The BORDER 2nd SOUTH WALES BORDERSRS will reliove the Right Yompy. of the lst KING's OWN scortisH BORDERERS andthe 6 Oompany cf the lat ROYAL DUSLIN FUSILIERS in the FRONT LitS. The Third (3rd) Gompany of the Qnd sOUTE WALES SORDERERS will be in support across tho Railway about U-17+c.55.00. The Fourth (4th) Company #111 be in - reserve relieving 1: platcons ef the lst KINe's om \ SCOTTISH SORDERERS at MARTIN'S MILL. Battalion \ Bondjuarters oF the Qnd §.¥Borderers will he at SPRINS Fu. lst ROYAL INNISKILLING FUSILISRS will relieve a ‘ Bsttalion of the 4th Division in @ANAL BANK from J. 1Ss0+064+ to 0-7,040+6. This relief may take place any time after é-p.m sila of reliefs etcs, vill be srranged mutually between Commanding Officors concerned. 5. On relief the lst sn. The BuRDEK’ REGIMENT will . ovo tc 4 ‘The CHARTERHOUSE Oamp and the lst KING'S Ow SCOTTISH SORDEMERS to WHITE MILL damp. 87th INFANTRY 3 VULCAN SROSSIN IGADE HEADRUARTERS will move to %. © Further’ details as to the reliof of the remainder ef ‘tho be 7 The 8. AQKIOWLEDGE. Issuod at. 23. Copie: 1st ROYAL DUBLIN FUSILIERS will be 4: sued later. SIONAL BOUE The now Divisional Boundarios will be ‘Lines draw parallel te the main LANGEMAROK Railway and roughly 260 yards from it on oach side. Officors Commanding, JACHINE GUN COMPANIES will arrange pelisfs mutually. 4 a ee =) WT Dams yee /BRIGADE MAJOR, 87TH INFANTRY BRIGADE. - start. / War Diary. File. a 2/3.W.B. 3B” Guards Bde. 1/ let R.Dub.Fus. 1/a.In.Fus. 86th Inf, 5de. i fpord.-Regt-88th int.ade. | 87th W.G.C. Right.Hde. (197%) + Left.Ba - vate G08 Z 6° RM CweW. wos Shin. ae. eae le be 6. Ts TSM LO. To Oru dow ) a7th IMFAWTRY JRIGADS with reference to sentoncs 063, pare 2 of *7th Infantry srigeds Order No.52. The two-plrtoons of the 1st KINe's O%f SCOTTISH BOROERM:S to take pert in the attack, fill form up on the RSD before Zero. At Zero they will go forvard, gotting oloso Under the berrage end advencing vith it to their Objective. One (1) platoon will advance to snd establish n Post at UeRRedeOOedts U.17+ 0465+ 50- The sacond pletoon will, sdvence to 7nd sst~blish a Post at Usl7+de00e45e, sending two socticns forvard to capture the enemy machine guns at U.17.d.40.50. and to osteblish * Post there. As goon as tho objectives hevs been teken, oonsolidttion will, commence, and platoon comemders will leseve two (2 sections. ‘tho loft platoon comender withdrewing tuo (2 sections to his origina lino. The right platoon commander will pry prrtiouler sttention to ond srranze uoppors-Up for sny dug-outs vhich may be in the dailvay Embenkaont. At derk the Officsr Commending will detail perties to go forward to wire and couplets tha posts. At Zero, as goon .8 the two (2) platoons mova forwerd, a third pietoon should be, detailed to ocoupy their places inthe originel front lino, to help, if necessary, to destroy counter sttnoka. Tho Loft Company of the Let Royel Dublin Rust are sending a party to moot the Beet ana ‘the aie Own Scottish Borderers at U.17+d. 40-50. The following will bo carrbed += Bach man 4 Sandbage. a 470 rounds S+A-A+ ee Lewis Gumers and Bombors who will carry 50 rounds only 50 % will carry Picks and shovels, The unexpended portion of the day's Rations, plus Iron Rations to be carried. The Officer dommanding, 87th Trench iiortar Battery will detail one (1) man to ge with the Right Platoon. This men should o@rry three (5) shells to doal with dug-oute. Bach Platoon will cerry 4 8.0.8.Gronsdea Signels and wire Guttors. 80 i will carry Ground Flares for signalling to Airorafte fnet 319.00. BURN MEME. CIT dents i G ALN » Dopied to:= All Reoipients Brigade Ordor Ho.52. / BRIGADE MAJOR, 87TH INFANTRY BRIGADE. he T. ISTHATIVe OhDin NO- 18+ neference 29th vivision Ordor No» 168 of Sra september 1917, ae amended. Ax nA SHOT « Gun The following will be the position of Brigades and uachine Companies Transport Lines on moving into the nev Areas Brigade in the Lino (a7th Brigade) Transport of srigade Group, less Field Company and Field anbulance, will be at A.18.b.9.%., near DROWORE CORNER. This site is now unoccupied. ‘The present lines near uIOHL FARA will be cleared by 2 pem. 5th instant. srigade in gupport (88th brigade) Less u.G.Jompany, Field See rany ene FE Ee Field Ambulance, on the DS WIPPE - DROWOKS CORNER sion. BOs He Gere one Battalion’ Two Battalions + One Settalion + CARIBOO CAUP, A+11+d907+ AslGobele2 4.18 sae AelledeQe7o ‘These Lines will be expty at 12 noon on 6th instanty recent Linos to be cleared by that tine. Prehine Gun Company Lines will be at OOPPERNOLLE, A.16+b+6+9+, eaothe east of POPSAINGHS CANAL, which is nov unoceupied. Brigade in neserve (86th Brigade) tpansport of Brigade Group, less uachine Gun Compiny, yield Company and Field Ambulance vill be opposite "G" Camp at, Ao16-a-505- ihose Lines wili be clear by 10 en. on tbo 7th inste present lines to be vacated by 12 noon on that dato. The nachine Gun Company Lines will be at COPPERIOLLE, 4e18sbe509s, on tho West of POPRINGHS CANAL. Theno Lines are now unocoupied. ‘me Trensport of No. 227 hiuehine Gun Company will be in the stabling Woot of OORNIGK OROSS = A+1¢s0s0 5.05: These Lines will be lear by 2 Pelle on the ¢th inete, by whioh tine the present Lins will be vacated. Gonpanies of Divieional Train will be located as followst= No. 1 Company No. 2 Corpeny heGrs & s0+ 5 Company. Now 4 Gompanyeessee prosont Camp AeBode9e0- rer amt camp BARNES FARK TatusS Sanh AeQeteTeds 1 LALUWIA FARA AeReeeOel- The uobile Veterinary Seotion will move to IETER- MaTIUNAL OOnKEN on tho 6th instant, to the atabling at Ae ede2eZe P,T,0, G) A.DiitsS,, AeDeV.S-, DoAD.0.5, and Divisional orénance store, D tho Employuent Company, and Trensport of Signal Company and Divisional Headquarters will be located at DAGON CAuP. Details of all thres Infantry Brigades will be in PSUFOny CAMP. HOUNSLOW CAMP will be vacated by 12 noon on Sth inst. Oaptein DOWLING with Headquarters at BLVERDINGHS OHATEAU, has been appointed Arca Commandant Left and Centre Division Areas» Tentage requirec to establish all Camps will be drain from area Tent Store, SLVEADINGH: OYATEAJ) amount, of tentago to be dram and date of drawing will be notified to BYigades and Unite from Divielonal Hoadquarters by wires (PING SEORIONS will be transferred from Left Divieton to Centre Siviston Brea as follows: = seth Brigeds, Section on 7th instant to Camp in DRAGON wooo for work on brigade Trahsport Lins of aoserva brigade. a7th Brigade section to Oamp, ai! HS CHATEAU, on i gth instant, for work on Forward Brigede ‘iraasport Linea, 860+ GBth Brigade Sootion to Details Osup, BEDFOHD, on 6th Anotest, for work on Internediate brigade Transport Lines. Progress Heports on work dono in Left Division Aree to be rendered to the C.i.i,, 29th vivision- Se DIVISIONAL GREWADE UMP will remain ot GOUVY FARM, Be11ea.7656 Till bo shared with Guerde vivision. gade Dumps are at AEITASS FARM. U.22.dsleley and LANGENMARC™T, U.2%-d.%ole Tie tetver Dump will require Suguentation aS a conuiderable amouxh has besn Loss, by shell firs. SOEs earad boxes of SyA.A. have Doon dwuped at BERING FARM, see ohetes and will be taken over by the Brigade in the Linoy 5. ROOLS. Aun JIZTZON & GaENANES on Battalion end Brigade Eetablichnent STi be case with Units on trensfor and will not be handed ovor~ 3» DIVISIONAL Roby BATTLE DUMP, will be at VULGAN OROSSING. G+ MEDICAL. wield ambulance Hecaquarters at BLIUST.Fa™:, and Advanced Dressing Stations at Lo CSAEEAU ent GREEN L LL, heg?montal Aid Pt aus aa se share. with guards Bfgieien. "A new Regimental Aic Post wili be established at REITRSES Fakul, and that at the “PIG & WhISTLE* will be shared with 4th viyiedon. 7 saTas. qhe Bath at BOX OAKP will be handed aver to the Guards vivieions 8 Divisional. TubAae will romain at ONDANK, vhere Divisional jaths and pivisionol Canteen Officer will be quartered. 9+ SALVAGE. The vdvisional Salvage Goupany will work fren the WIDJaNvaIFT ROAD back te the CANAL; but al1 Unite in this Ares, inoluding artillery, will assist in getting the ground olean as rapidly as possible. For this purpose # Divisional Dump W421 be established at VULCAN CROSSING, U.27.c.4.d., end marked with a sign-board. ‘The clearing of this Dump to the Corps dumps at RUGBY and SLVERDINGHE will be done by the Div‘ctonal Salvage Officer as far as possibie by tram line. Forward of the WIDJENDKIFT - LANGEuAROK noad the Brigaée in the Lino will be responsible for salvage, and Brigade Dunpa will be ostablished at tho points whore pack transport is mot by the ration parties. ‘The e7th Brigade will report pinoes selected for those Brigade .uapa, and mark them with notice pt Boards to be obtuined from pivisional Salvage Officer. Salvage from the Yorward Area will be teken by onpty returning pack transport to the forwerd Brigade Transport Linos noar DkOMOKE Cane and collected from thare by the Divisional Salvago ufficer. Lieut. Colonel, A.A, & Q.ii.G,, 29th Divisions 10/17)» NOVICE (published with XIV U.R.d. dated Change from summer to winter time will take placo on night @/7th October 1917, At 1 a.m. vatehes will be put back to midnight. = Gopy Nota" IST BATTALION THR ROV'L INNISKILLIYG FUSILTERS ORDER No. 45. 5 Sth. Oc tober 1947. Ref.Map. 4/10,000, 2 I. The Battalion will relieve a Rattalion of the Fourth Division in the CAN*L PANK from C,43.c.0.4. to C.7.0,0.6, 2, TRESS Marching Order, 3. Companies will parade at 6.45.p.m, ard will leave Camp at 6.0.D.m. sharp with an interval of 60 yards between Platoons Pattalion Headquarters will be at ¢,43.¢.2.8. | in, the following order A,B,C. D. & Hi. Qr. Coy, 3. ‘11 Officers Kits & Mess Stores,Lewis Guns ete to be stacked inadde the Orderly Room by 4,0. p.m, BLANKTIS. \ Blankets will be rolled in bundles of 10 vroperly labelled showing Regt. No.Rakk Name and Coy.and stacked inside Orderly Room by 4.0.D.m, (Sd) 2.8. J.Moge, Captn, ‘ adjt.Iet.Roysl Tnniskilling Puiliers, copies to 1. 8taft. 2& 3 War Diary. 4.5.6 & 7 Coys, ; 8 Qr.Mr. a 9. TP, } | } . ue 974 IFANTKY BHIGNYE CADER NO Ste, fierce i Yisces Shee, oa BIN i ow . “ben LOST. Lo a hye pfstlsileips, Me Kivisienal front ald Ce Cheese a ees He yeaweasine. posmsens (CE biGMe) oun Me ft Seeder ro sftery waers aupeatee en EL WORLSTER KEAMMENT. fete 4 kets, wh Soon WALES DoRDER ENS. Ae EOL MeL miter oe Ta uietion KEQIMRNT onal Canae Bank Mcves wett dake place oss eel tligestat ee setbacks ff EY Bites tie mies evel hr ROS Ane a5 Ko Visco RIGHT UrI6 DIS US — UNEB.TE.CO = U.d4h.00.30 — UL 23.p. 00.50 - U-23.8.4000 - U2%B.%.00 — ERET U. r} O+Ao250 —H-22:B. 0.80. - U,22c.c0- So = OBO IS. 50. ‘ peta oT Mp so bo - VID Parviders + Vad. A bo. ES = 82D. 00 20.- © ALAN 30 - O24D.h0.26 - 2 Rtas MEO sain oet Lb Be behave a f Feur/a) ta sorter ruaiAR ae saat relat Me | learns offs fl ot ORTH ee ‘ple Shea beth Sf 7, ips bre 2d mueg A tot VELIAN vad 2- fon. 0 etawn7t Le” lofty fugate wilt move ty HU ST, the So I. ee ae vb PuLdRELA — Av Berd KML CITE Kowrl/ a ACKNOWLEPOE so oe whinge Mages + Lp Giga en a 1 Se 4, + ist BATT*LION THE ROYAL INNISKILLING FUSILIERS ORDER No46, nyoe Battalion will be relieved on the 7th October 1°17 and will proceed to CORDOURN Camp A. 18, 0.2.7. Order of Relief, D,& Hd, Ir. Coys on C*NAL B*NK will be relieved by the NEwrOtINDT AND RUGINENT. B& C Coys will be relieved in conjunction with 2ns South Wa ales Borderers to whom they are at bresent attached, 200 yards will be observed between Coys, ROUTE. _ via RORSINGHE, WHITE HOPE CORNER, KLVERDINGHR R& - POPERINGHE Rd DROMOR® CORNER to Camp, Transport will be at BARD DUMP,at 2-30p.m. for conveying Kits,Mess Stores ete for D,A,& Hd.Qr.Coys and will be at WHITE HOPE CORNER to meet B& C Coys, (sa) EB. J.Moore Captn, Adjt 1st Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. “pa uNET FRoMm SeLinwrD 6y Tne of reg ue tg $ptlimeanTay eR vino. WLCAd ERogsING cniters ME ADaURANERS. Gon au ANB : ‘ K m 5 = Ped Sout WALES GowURRER) FRONT LIN WHITE MLL wth peat” a snes i eT Hines Onin Seor7n tesuaee VENTE CL Draco Woop gre! Kowal plates Rerckortio. do be cloned 5 : pire: oe SF keynL HMKILKHG Beanies! COMME BANK — PRR bORM Orme 12 enema fh a) mere tnd Hein aye | DL BoroER REGIMENT “QUARTER HOWE Dusen | Otvwncd Partan hernias 44 Ge Demwapert: Cedeten Yt7) PH Gvaays PeIGAOk Luar! # ake Kip Sp! neon turk Comm epent We Cavern CAMP Or pee a ak Cobeter lyf i Av 806.99 5 Sept Tan ogonradt Berry FROOY Line RANDOM Been pase Ws peed ¥ , r ay Reet ~ € ‘ e » Aaa he. 87TH INFANTRY BRIGADE ORDER NO.55. Refcreheo Kap 1/20,000 Oth COTOBER, 1917. shoot 27-5. 7: | Le Tho 87th Infantry Brigado will neve to PROVEY NOsls Aros, tomorrow, 9th OOTOBER, 1°17, end will teko.evor Oempa from tho 60th BRIGADE+ Be Units will procoed by train in acetrdance with attach | oa tnbin. f a Gransport will nove by road end vill loave into srom | dn time to reach thoir O-mps before dark. : a Units of tho Sith Infentry Brigede :A11 not be loaving their Gemps until! to S‘hours after tho arrival of tho 87th Infentry Brigado Units. This double-benking is unavoldebls snd ovory oonsidor sation ought to be givn to tho feot that the 50th Drigado sro moving into tho Lino, Cechractcel gs VO he 7 (IM whens ? aH, A/BRIGADE GAJOR, 87TH INFANTRY Sareane. | Oopiad tory x STAFF. Wor Diory. File ordeREt. 87th 1i-G.doye B7th Tau Bottye E7th Fade hmboos 87th Base Sigse Ho.S. Ocy. Train. QS5th Hoot Rdg. Fae finhs Staff Onpte e6ih Inf.Bde. 88th Inf. Bdc. 26th Divne "4". | | 1 } SECRET. Copy No. * " IST ‘BATTAL TON THR ROY*L IVNISKTLLING FI Map Ref. 27.0. 7, [he Bettel ion will move to PRADTEE CME (F26-4.1.4.) 3 < VEN, No, I ARE’ today entraining at NGHE a: .0,noon FAQ ALT tha Over Gaiips from the $9 Brigade. 2. The Battalion will parade at 10.50.a.m, and will move off at 11.0.a.m, in the following order:- A.B.C.B.’ & Hd. Qr.Coy. 200 Yards will be observed betweenxCompanies. 3. Offters Kits,Mess Stores Lewis Guns ete will be stacked by 108130,a,m. in "C"Coys Hut, 4. Camp and Huts will be left clean and ready for inspection by 10.30. a.m, 5._DRISS Marching Onler,Caps will te worn Blankets will ve “Carried on the man, (Sd)_%,2,J,Moore, Cap tn. Ad jt. Tst.Royal Imiskilling msilier Copies to:- T,Staft, 2& 3 War Diery, 4.5.6 & 7 Coys, 1 Qe, Mr, € 7,0, 10.M.0, sects Rgoiwet. Rae Soutee tolon Bord: 1 t K.0.s.uovés let «-Linto. tin lot sorder Reginont. j | foe Oificer Cowmrin: | | | | wall s9a, on rGvencd pirties, to bal: over Oris Utnes ellotted to bien in the 2.lesrer., ra earls wOrroy ROANg, apessport a8 possible to Beou br ttrlioa will o6 sllotted One loxr, they must send Wout of tueir surslus etorer by trein, using tue lorry to t-xe bogs to tus atation. fe lorry can tien go to the new crer oh a the nev e*mp oad pick up the rest of tie stores, One lorr;’ will o¢ shore f7th Jeobine @un Com my. toe 7th Grench uorter Better: ene Zt will go to the Trench uorter setter? first rat will take one Lord to Peleerés. Tt wii thon return encjtie ‘Tih rchine storess | | one lo-@, dum) it | | Mae Aid Unite vill guice rt these Zescquarters CARTSOU Gaz (sh. B./ A. hae et 6-50e 00m. tomorrow The inching Gym Co az will tec «. lerry b- efter the Trench | orton | Setery hevo flaishod with 4t. : Units must lorve ropresentetives bebine to hend over their present ocmye ond treasyort lines. Covive of reeeizts for Cem stores, tents etc.urndéed over will be formerdcd to these Herdquirtere by ¥ O.2emeon the 10th, inst. S0g5°59 Weoas Dave beer ordered to revort rs follows:— equertere. 10 Sorc arer se Te «SE, Sorcerer a, Ger ReInni se Mise Qe Sorcer kegiaente De Bete \A2I gm units notify the Officer Comachaing, Ho. S.0o-mmy “erin girect 1° these times cro not miteble, Gupplie> for tie lotheinetewill be deliverce to the Fox Ares tomorrow } Looriion litts will be forv-rded te coon rz poesibles ler Oct Btn 1917. BAIGADE. 87th ivPANtur DRN ORDER, HO, 66. Alth_ocropsR, 391: “kh It oxpooted that ordors sill Wo recoived tenorrew, 12th instant, for despatch of Advancod Partios to the new Aron by train. All partios should take their bicycles with thom Be Theraizo of partios wll probsbly be pesatricted to 1 Offic and ¢ Uther Renks ,or Sattaljon snd 9 cermosponding nunber for the smaller Units. At loast 3 days ratitna will bo requirod. 3 Ploaso arrange for your advanco porties te %o Peady to neve at short, notico. a ACKHOULEDGE - “gest e9th Division. Bet The following orders ani instructions aro Puariiag ‘oe nove of by rail of the z9th Division lees artillery). as Bige table and order of entrainzent attached, Approximate length of journey seven hours. 3. The 4,P,M. will oake the necessary arrangenents to control traffic on the road approaches tu the entraining Statione, and no troops or transport should ve allowod to enter the Station Yards until the R.T.0. is ready. 4. (a) all trains consist of 1 Officers carriage: 17 , flat trucke: 30 coveret trucke. (b) (1) Bach flat truck will take an average of 4 > axles. (44) Bach covered truck will take 6 H,D,Horses, or 6 1.D, Hotecs or tmles., or 40 men, (c) Wo personnel or stores will be allowed in the brake vans at each end of the train, or on the roofe of the trucks. No covered tracks should be used for bagesze 1s it restricts space available for personnel. 5 The transport of Infantry Battalions will arrive at entraining stations 3 hours and personnel 14 hours before the departure of the train, Other Units will arrive complete 3 hours before the @eparture of the train. be (a) Tne following fatigue yarties are required at entraining stations;~ 4t_PESETHORK 87th Brigade will detail 1 Oompany from lat Border Regiwent to load Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 Trains. @8th Brigade will detail 1 Company from lot Newfoundland Regiaont to load trains froa io. 5 to 11 inclusive. The Royal Guernsoy Light Infantry will be responsible for the loading of their own train. At HOUPOUTHE. g7th Brigade will detail 1 Coupany,Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, to load trains Nos. 1, 2, and 3, ani the Company of Royal Ipniekilling } Pasiliers travelling by No, 7 train@ill’be detailed to load trains frou No. 4 to No. 7 \ | imclusive. The 86th Brigade will detail 1 Company Royal Dublin Fusiliers, to load trains Nos. 8 to 21 inclusive. The Monmouth the loadin ¢ Thess vari entreinize departure of nent will be responsible for oir own train, 11 report to. the R.T.0. at dus three hours before the yet train they kave to load. oe Units in every cast “she Puite theuselves: ropes for lashing vehicles on trucks will be provided by the railway. “yight-hand side of the train, te kept closed. 16.19.17 (b) The following fatigue parties will be required at detraining stations. at Sal The 87th Brigade will dcteil 1 Company lst £.0,8.B, to unload trains¥os. 1, 2, 3, and 4. Tho 88th Brigade 1 Company, 4th Worcester Reginent, to unload Trains Nos. 5 to 11 inclusive. The Royal Guernsey Light Infantry will be responsible for unloading trein No. 12. aT_BEAUMET: The 67th Brigade will detail 1 Company South faleg Borterers to unload trains Nos, 1, 2, 3, and 4, ‘The e6th Brigade will dotail 1 Company 2nd. Royal fueiliers to unload trains Hos, 5, 6, ani 7, and 1 Company of 16th Bn. Widdlesex Seziaent to unload trains Nos. 8 to 11. The Monuouth segigent will be responsible for unloading train lio. 12. Brigades will detail an Cfficer to reaain at the entraining station until the last train of the Brigade up is ready to be despatoned. He will report to the R70, three houre prior to the departure of the first train ant render all necessary assistance nn Officer will algo be detailed to remsin at.the station until the detzeining of the Brigade Group is complete. je will aiso report to R.2.0. at vetraining Station iauediately on arrival. A complete aarching out state showing the nuaberg of aon, horses, G.S. ;linbered ¢.8,, and 2 wiceled wagons Fa bigyeles should be sent dom with the trimsport of Rory unit, so tht aocomaodation in the train can be checked by the B.7.0. at the beginning of the entrainuent. supply ana baggage wagons will accompany their om the entrainzent of all units most be completed halt am hour before the tine of departure of train. Breast ropes for horse trucks must be provided bY the flat Pickets mst be provided at all stops for each end of the train to prevent troops leaving. ‘all aoore of covered trucks and carriages oo the winen on the dain line, shoulé (uk asodk 76 Lieut. Colonel & Q.M.G., 29th Division. SEORET, ADMINISTRATIVE ‘ORDER HO; ‘20. Reference 29th Division Order No, 163 dated 14,10,17. ‘1, ENTRAINMENT ORDERS are issued separately herewith, 2. TRANSPORT. lorries will be detailed‘as follows, to convey bagzage etc. to ontraining stations:~ 1 pth instant. One to report st Clothing Store, PROYEI, Bo at 7 a.te Two to report iondon Field Company st 7 3.0. to convey party to ONDali to dissantle the "theatre" ané convey it to PROViIT Railnesd. \ Four to feport 87th Brigade Headquarters at 7 s.a. Three to report Divisional eadmartors at 7 pia. Two to report 66th Brigade Zosdcuarters at 11 p.a, 16th instant. Two to révort 66th Brigade at 1 ava. Two to report to Clothing “tore, 20V2N,’ , at 9 a.a, t ' adquarters 17th instant. One to report to Royal Guernsey Tight * "Infantry at 5 3.0, One’td report to “onnouth Regiuent at 3 aa, As it will be necessary to use the sane lorries thro Brigades and Units etc, will release their lorries at tne earliest possible wouent, in order that they my be pacrod on to the next Brigade or Unit requiring thea. e The lorry drivers will receive théir orders direct froa the Officer Coamanding Divisional Sub—Park as to acre to report on release hy the Brigade or Unit under which they are working. 3. DIVISIONAL SUPPLY COLUM. ’ The Divieional Supply Column, S.4.2, Lorries of amaun— ition Sub-Perk and lctor aabulance Gars will accompany the Division and will wove by such, Getachacnts as aay be necessary Via HaAREROU ©2 POL ~ aFaas to FRAUMETZ, reporting on errival at ERSULBTZ to "I" Corps Supply _Coluan. i Golum to be clear of HaZREROUCK by 12 noon. SUPPLIES. Wroops will ontrain with Rations for the day follow: the day of detrainnent. 5. RATIEEAD. ||| Badtheaa for e7tn Brigade will be St Raya RIVIE! on 16th inetant, and g2deg at PROVET. 1 be at BOTSict for 86th and esta | Bytlheaa for whole Dizision on 17th inst. ee 6. DETRAINMENT. Unite will be billeted in the area of the VI Corps, couth west of HRAS, as per y table attached. \ Captain TEL. 1 and Gaptain BROWER. «' nent, O#Finer Conran: for duty uncer Captain G Ache. , with Captain G00, 6.8.0. 3, uhe "Q", Will svpexintend det: wg Signals Will Getail two D.Rs., ‘W:, to repoxt at Divisional Headquarters, BASHUIX. hy 4 p.a, on 15th instant. a Six lorries will be dctailed by VI Corpe for carriage & of blarkets ete from each detrainine station to billets. é whe les Ba, Royal Dublin Tucilaers will probably be Pilletod tor one night an HAMMRIZ, prior to Joining the 16th Division, an@ Till bo provided by VI Corzs with 2 _ lorries for baggage for the aove. 7. AREA COMMANDANT. The Area Com#andant is Colonel T4YIOR, with Headquartere at BASSEUX, Sub-troa Officers ere “ajor MURPHY at Zieut, Colonel WACLEOD at BAIULEVIVAL and Major ST BERLES. ‘ayea Officers have a xeserve of Tents to supriescnt existing accommodation if required. 8, CANTEENS Canteens will be estsblished by the Divisional Canteen Officer as follows:- BAssRux (3a2let wo. 18) ' : BERUES (BilLet io. 95) ; HE Poy HRDECopRR,. Sut *D", "4" Camp. 9. DIglOuD TROUPE Diawond Troupe will re-open in the Divisional Theatre at Re. The C.R,E. will detail persomel to re-croot the Theatre. Sdrian Huts suitable for ontertsinuonts also oxiet at BATAAUCTal and ButLixULMONr. 0. pasts Baths exist at the following places:~ HENDECOUBT 12 sprays. rar VILEE 12 sprays. BaLLLeveyaL 10 sprays. 8 cer Will supply tvo men to look remaining re ei a. The Divicional Bethe Officer will arrange for one change of clothine per week from Corps Clothing Szchonée. POISTEDX, to be dreiwm under brigade arvangetents from Dive : Glothine Store, BALMEUIWaL, Billet No. 25, where Tecon will be placed. priaeds Group ql) Lorre sly 1th vy LOT. v Wy Kalb t ey tents wll bo dn sacendnnos ite Tmotruction ond Grain Teulo atteons aeth Diydadennt a Units anteninine ot £36, MaUHE ( ALRGeb. ) AL maroh eVda te ¥ ThiTAIRG vaaliaty and ROAD IUNCTLION © Ao ds. Vali =, BORER GAG Rende IF = Unita ontraining nt HOPOUPRA chil march vin ths mi (2) ed, B Voupany te i i 4 ut PESHLEORK. ey SEAL ITS 8 will dotell one te lend trains 30.1, 2, ani S at HOVOULIEs . The Jonpery’of th: Lat ROYAL MINISEILLING FUSILIRRG trevollins on Upoim tioe7 vill bo poquirad to lsad trndna \ Nae 4 9 7 trokuajyos \ Lot KENG'S O° BUCOTTSH BCRPSRURS wll‘ dobnd2 eno (2) Pemy to unlend trains 1, 2, 5 nnd + at SavLTY. Sel GOUT VIlis BORDERBRS wil1 dota) Ono: (1 > comp omy, te unbend trotnu Hod, 2, Sand + at Jiannta. OfFLoord in oharza of fordine erties oheula report to thoypercupootdys Ref.das throa (3) keury bafors doperturs ef io. 1 train, dn onoh oaaay bs -bioutormnt OEP. e2"ahl tho i Onptain Ti wef Attention do drain to Qvth Sivisdonsl Letter wee /%» .tbuoleds ‘ iT All cuparintand tha ontroinin> rhends GROUY ab H@POUTRH, md Mont PHRTLHORK. 7 QED 2s é 62. Lemed at, Oopiad tere Steff. Sor Pinrye AEStH \-RAT. Pde Joy eiieEs Hoe Se9oyeBradns Aves Roth Diva "om, e7th Fas drtor - IST BATTALION THR ROY*L TNNISKILLING FUSTILIT 14th,OCTOBRR 4947. _ I, The Pattalion will move to the Third Army ‘rea by Rail to- morrow 15th,October 1917. 2. BC.D.& Ha. gr.Coys will parade at 2.20.9.m, and will move off in the following order at 2.30.p.m. B.O.N.& Hd, gr. Coy. 3. " detaileé to proceed to HONPOUTRE to load trains Nos 1.2.8 3. WANCoy will move off at 8,10,a.m, and will entrain on No.3, Train leaving at 8.35.P.m, 2 Pipers and I Drummer will parade with this party. 4. "D on No. Coy is detailed to load trains No.4@se6e7 and will entrain Frain leaving at 12.25.0.m, 16th. inst. 5. Officer Commanding "A" & "D"Coys will report to their respective R .7.0's on @rrival at HOUPOUTRE Station. 6. DRESS. Marching Order, Blankets and Waterproof Sheets will be carried, RANSPORT. bThe Transport will move off at 2,30.p.m, tomorrow al Proceed to HOUPOUTRE to be loadel on to No.3 Train. The 0,C.transport will report to R,7.0.No.3 Train on arrival, ROUTE, PROVEN - POPRRINGHR ROAD, 9. OFFICERS KITS,ORDERLY ROOM and SIGNALLING STORES are to be stacked outside the Qr,Mr's Stores ty £2,0.noon, Lewis Guns to be stacked at the Tramsport Lines by 12.0.noon, Officers Mess Storws to be stacked outside the Qr.Mr's Stores by 12.0.noon, , 10.I Cooker will procesi with "ANCoy. I Cooker will proceed witn "BY & "c"Coys. T Cooker will bpoceed with "N"Coy, 11._RATIONS. Two days rations will be carried, (Sd) B.8.J.Moore, Captn, Adj t. Ist. Royal Tnntskilling Fusiliers, 9 > 2 ¢ é I, Staff, 2& 3 War Diary, 7 Coy 8 Qr.Mr. o vt 10; WMO. ea

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