SFC Exam

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How many categories of roles are defined in Scrum?

1. 5
2. 6
3. 3
4. 2
Who approves User Stories for a Sprint?

1. Product Owner
2. Scrum Master
3. Stakeholder
4. Scrum Team
Which process ensures early delivery of high value?

1. Conduct Daily Standup

2. Create Prioritized Product Backlog
3. Ship Deliverables
4. Retrospect Sprint
What is time-boxing?

1. It refers to emphasizing achieving results by focusing on the needs of the Scrum Team.
2. It refers to delivering maximum business value in a minimum time span.
3. It refers to prioritizing creation of high value deliverables over lower value deliverables
4. It refers to fixing a certain amount of time for each process and activity in a Scrum
What is iterative development?

1. It refers to using more than one product development cycle to develop the final project
deliverables through the learning from the previous development cycles.
2. It refers to developing the final project deliverables in one product development cycle.
3. It refers to developing project deliverables using automated processes.
4. It refers to developing project outputs through detailed upfront planning with emphasis on fixing
scope, quality and other project aspects.
What of the following best defines collaboration?

1. It refers to individual Scrum Team members being aware of each other’s work.
2. It refers to the Scrum Core Team working together and interfacing with the stakeholders to
create and validate the deliverables of the project to meet the stated goals.
3. It refers to achieving results by focusing on the needs of the Scrum Team.
4. It refers to proposes fixing a certain amount of time for each process and activity in a Scrum project.
Which of the following is emphasized in Scrum framework?

1. Self-motivation and team responsibility.

2. Delegation of authority through proper planning.
3. Individual responsibilities and accountability.
4. Extensive upfront planning and adherence to the approved plans.
Which of the following is a style of management used in Scrum framework?

1. Authoritarian
2. Decentralized
3. Persuasive
4. Assertive
Time-boxing is not done in which of the following meetings?

1. Daily Standup Meeting

2. Sprint Planning Meeting
3. Retrospect Project Meeting
4. Retrospect Sprint Meeting
Which of the following statements on Time-boxing is INCORRECT?

1. It proposes fixing certain timeframe for each activity.

2. It ensures that Scrum Team members do not take up too much or too little work for a particular
period of time.
3. It is a principle through which Scrum framework addresses the project constraint of ‘time’.
4. It ensures that there is detailed upfront planning before every Sprint begins.
Which of the following does not aid in ensuring transparency in a Scrum project?

1. Scrum ensures that the project has an open Prioritized Product Backlog with prioritized User Stories
that can be viewed by everyone, both within and outside the Scrum Team.
2. Scrum ensures that there is clear visibility into the team’s progress through the use of a Scrumboard,
Burndown Chart, and other information radiators.
3. Scrum ensures transparency through detailed upfront planning in which all the key
stakeholders participate.
4. Scrum ensures transparency through a Project Vision Statement that is visible to all the internal and
external stakeholders.
Which of the following pairs, related to Tuckman’s Model of Group Dynamics, is INCORRECTLY
1. Storming: Team tries to accomplish work
2. Forming: Team is mature with experience
3. Norming: Team begins to sort out internal differences
4. Performing: Team’s efficiency is at its optimal level
According to SBOK, which of the following is NOT a core dimension of Collaboration?

1. Adaptation
2. Appropriation
3. Articulation
4. Awareness
Which of the following is NOT an example of the Scrum principle ‘Empirical Process Control’?

1. Use of Scrumboard to ensure clear visibility into the Scrum Team’s progress.
2. Use of Release Planning Schedule to ensure coordination across multiple Scrum Teams.
3. Use of Prioritized Product Backlog to be viewed by internal and external stakeholders.
4. Use of fixed amount of time for each process and activity in a Scrum project.
All the following statements on Scrum Team are correct, EXCEPT:

1. Provides inputs to creation of Collaboration Plan.

2. Estimates User Stories approved by the Product Owner.
3. Prioritizes items in the Prioritized Product Backlog.
4. Develops Task List.
Which of the following statements on Scrum team is INCORRECT?

1. A Scrum team generally has 6-10 members.

2. A Scrum Team should be in place before the project is initiated.
3. A Scrum Team will create the deliverables of the project.
4. Length of the Sprint will be agreed between the Product Owner and the Scrum Team.
As defined in the SBOK, which of the following is a Scrum Aspect?

1. Initiate
2. Organization
3. Scope
4. Plan
As defined in the SBOK, which of the following is a Scrum Process?

1. Release
2. Business Justification
3. Create Deliverables
4. Delegate Responsibilities
As defined in the SBOK, which of the following a Scrum Principle?

1. Create Sprint Backlog

2. Business Justification
3. Review and Retrospect
4. Value-based Prioritization
Which of the following best defines a project?

1. A collaborative enterprise to either create new products or services or to deliver results as

defined in the Project Vision Statement.
2. A group of related projects, with the objective to deliver business outcomes as defined in the
Program Vision Statement.
3. A collaborative enterprise to sustain the improvements introduced in the operations of an
4. A group of related programs, with the objective to deliver business outcomes as defined in the
Portfolio Vision Statement.
As defined in the SBOK, which of the following is a phase in Scrum projects?
1. Release
2. Starting up
3. Delivering
4. Monitoring
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using Scrum to deliver projects?

1. It makes projects adaptable and open to incorporating change.

2. It minimizes non-essential work and leads to higher efficiency levels.
3. It leads to greater levels of motivation among employees.
4. It ensures that all the benefits are delivered at the end of the project.
Which of the following meetings is conducted at the beginning of a Project?

1. Retrospect Sprint Meeting

2. Daily Standup Meeting
3. Project Vision Meeting
4. Sprint Review Meeting
Which of the following is an output of the Project Vision Meeting?

1. Product Backlog
2. Acceptance criteria
3. Project Vision Statement
4. Roles and Responsibilities
Who among the following creates the Prioritized Product Backlog?

1. Product Owner
2. Customer
3. Scrum Team
4. Scrum Master
Which of the following is an output of the Project Vision Meeting?

1. Product Backlog
2. Acceptance criteria
3. Project Vision Statement
4. Roles and Responsibilities
Which of the following statements on Scrum framework is TRUE?

1. Focuses on detailed upfront project planning.

2. Allows Scrum Teams to take ownership of tasks.
3. Enables delegation of authority from one level to another.
4. Emphasizes individual accountability rather than group accountability.
Which of the following meetings is conducted at the end of a Sprint to analyze improvement
opportunities for the future Sprints?

1. Sprint Review Meeting

2. Retrospect Sprint Meeting
3. Sprint Planning Meeting
4. Daily Standup Meeting
What is sustainable pace?

1. The pace at which the Scrum Team can work and sustain comfortably for an indefinite period
of time.
2. The pace at which the Scrum Team converts User Stories into deliverables in a Sprint.
3. The pace at which the Scrum Team releases project deliverables.
4. The pace at which the Scrum Team can work and sustain comfortably in a set of Sprints leading to a
product release.
Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using Scrum?

1. Ensures that the highest value requirements of the customer are satisfied first as it works on the
principle of value-based prioritization.
2. Leads to a high trust work environment ensuring low friction among employees as it promotes
transparency and collaboration.
3. Leads to an innovative and creative work environment as it creates an environment of introspection,
learning and adaptation.
4. Ensures that products are developed over an agreed period of time as it emphasizes detailed
planning at the beginning of the project.
Which of the following is a benefit of using Scrum?

1. It enables detailed planning at the beginning of the project hence ensures that all the risks are
identified and mitigated.
2. It provides complete control over the project to the Product Owner as he is responsible for all the
product development activities in a Sprint.
3. It is based on the principle value-based prioritization thus ensures that highest value is
provided in the shortest period possible.
4. It is based on the principle of managing by stages thus ensures that all the expected benefits are
realized at the end of the project.
Which of the following processes facilitates coordination among Scrum Teams in a Scrum project?

1. Create Project Vision process

2. Develop Epics process
3. Retrospect Sprint process
4. Conduct and Coordinate Sprints
Scrum framework is best suited for which of the following projects?

1. Projects with fixed scope and timelines.

2. Projects with changing requirements.
3. Projects with stable requirements.
4. Projects with defined roles and responsibilities.
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of delivering projects using Scrum?

1. Scrum ensures an open work environment through information radiators such as Scrumboard.
2. Scrum ensures faster resolution to issues through collaboration and colocation of development
3. Scrum ensures a customer-oriented framework through collaborative approach and emphasis on
business value.
4. Scrum ensures better coordination among teams through an hierarchical organization
structure which delegates authority for all the project aspects from higher level to the lower.
Constraint(s) that affect(s) projects is/are:
i. Time

ii. Cost

1. Only i
2. Only ii
3. Neither i nor ii
4. Both i and ii
Which of the following is an output of the Project Vision Meeting?

1. Product Backlog
2. Acceptance criteria
3. Project Vision Statement
4. Roles and Responsibilities
Which of the following Scrum principles guides planning in a Scrum project?

1. Empirical Process Control

2. Value-based prioritization
3. Self-organization
4. Collaboration
What is self-organization?

1. It refers to emphasizing achieving results by focusing on the needs of the Scrum Team.
2. It refers to delivering maximum business value in a minimum time span.
3. It refers to prioritizing creation of high value deliverables over lower value deliverables
4. It refers to allowing all facets of Scrum process to be observed by everyone.
What is value-based prioritization?

1. It refers to emphasizing achieving results by focusing on the needs of the Scrum Team.
2. It refers to making improvements through adaptation.
3. It refers to prioritizing creation of high value deliverables over lower value deliverables
4. It refers to allowing all facets of Scrum process to be observed by everyone.
Through which of the following is Inspection in Scrum NOT depicted?

1. Determination of order and separation of what is done now from what is to be done later.
2. Use of information radiators to show the progress of the Scrum Team on completing the tasks in a
3. Collection of feedback from the customer and other stakeholders to ensure continuous improvement.
4. Approval of completed deliverables after verification for compliance with Acceptance Criteria.
Which of the following statements on colocation is INCORRECT?

1. It results in low number of frictions among the Scrum Team members.

2. It facilitates formal and informal interaction among the team members.
3. It enables the team members to coordinate, resolve issues and learn from past experience.
4. It enables determination of the order and separation of what must be done now, from what
needs to be done later in a Sprint.
Which of the following is NOT a principle of Scrum?

1. Value-based Prioritization
2. Time-boxing
3. Stage-by-stage project delivery
4. Self-organization

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