Questiona Bank 2

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2 Marks question

1. What is the primary objective of conducting research?

2. How do problem-identifying tools like webbing assist researchers?

10 Marks question

1. Discuss the meaning and objectives of research. How do research objectives guide the research
process, and why is research considered a systematic investigation of a subject?

2. Explore the role of motivation in research. Discuss how motivation can drive researchers to
explore new ideas, solve problems, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Share
examples of how personal or societal motivations have led to significant research discoveries.


2 Marks question

1. Briefly explain how plagiarism detection software works and its significance in maintaining
academic integrity.

2. Why is it essential for researchers to search for required information effectively?

3. Explain the purpose of reference management software such as Zotero and Mendeley in
academic research.

4. Describe the role of encyclopedias in the research process and provide an example of a well-
known encyclopedia.

10 Marks question

1. Explore the role of academic databases in conducting literature reviews and primary research.
Provide examples of specific databases and tips for effective searching within them.

2. Describe the various methods and tools available for detecting plagiarism in academic work.
Discuss their effectiveness and limitations.

2 Marks question

1. What is the significance of customer feedback in the innovation process?

2. Explain how creativity plays a crucial role in the early stages of the innovation process.

3. Identify and explain one mode of innovation that focuses on improving existing products or

4. In the context of innovation, provide an example of how market-driven innovation differs from
technology-driven innovation.

10 Marks question

1. Provide a comprehensive overview of the innovation process, emphasizing its key stages
and components.

2. Assume you are leading a team in a creative industry, such as advertising or design. Explain how
you would apply various modes of innovation (e.g., product, process, marketing, organizational) to
foster creativity and drive innovation within your team. Provide specific examples and outcomes you
expect to achieve.


2 Marks question

1. Explain the significance of interview techniques in research.

2. What are the ethical considerations when conducting interviews in research?

3. Compare and contrast a contextual investigation and a questionnaire-based study in terms of

their strengths and weaknesses for gathering research data.

4. Evaluate the key steps and considerations involved in conducting a product study to assess its
market potential.

10 Marks question

1. Explain the process of designing effective questionnaires, conducting surveys, and analyzing the
data collected. Discuss the advantages and limitations of this approach in research.
2. Elaborate on the concept of a product study and its significance in research. Discuss how product
studies involve analyzing user interactions with a product to identify usability issues and areas for


2 Marks question

1. What are the ethical considerations in ideation processes, particularly in generating

unconventional or disruptive ideas?

2. What is the role of inversion in systematic inventive thinking (SIT)?

3. Evaluate the role of "Attribute Dependency" in the Systematic Inventive Thinking (SIT) process and
explain how it contributes to idea generation.

4. Analyze the concept of "lateral thinking" and provide an example of how it can be applied to solve
a real-world problem creatively.

10 Marks question

1. Discuss the significance of lateral thinking in the ideation process. How does lateral thinking
encourage unconventional and creative problem-solving?

2. Compare and contrast the creative ideation methods of brainstorming and the nominal group
technique. Analyze their respective strengths and weaknesses in facilitating innovative thinking
within a team setting.


2 Marks question

1. What is the purpose of prototyping?

2. What is the difference between a prototype and a final product?

3. Introduce the concept of prototype-driven innovation and explain how it drives product

4. Analyze the significance of iteration when developing ideas and explain how it leads to improved
5. What are some common tools and techniques used in model making and prototyping for product

10 Marks question

1. Explain the concept of attribute value mapping and how it can be used to evaluate product

2. Describe the role of prototyping, experimenting, iteration in the development of ideas.

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