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AC – 72143 Release Date: September 2021 V 1.


AC - 72143

Version Number: 1.0

Release Date: Sept 2021

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AC – 72143 Release Date: September 2021 V 1.0

This work is Crown copyright and the intellectual property rights for this publication
belong exclusively to the Ministry of Defence (MOD). No material or information
contained in this publication should be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form outside MOD establishments except as authorizes by both the
sponsor and the MOD where appropriate.

This document is issued for the information of such persons who need to know its
contents in the course of their official duties. Any person finding this document should
hand it into a British Forces unit or to a British police station for its safe return to the
MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, D MOD SY, LONDON SW1A 2HB, with the particulars of
OF 1911-1989.

This publication is issued under the overall direction of the CGS. It is an MOD
Approved Code of Practice (ACOP). Where issues of health and safety are concerned,
it takes into account the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

The contents provide clear military information concerning the most up to date
experience and best practice available for commanders and troops to use in their
operations and training. If you are prosecuted for a breach of health and safety law, and
it is proved that you have not followed the relevant provisions of the ACOP, a court may
find you criminally liable unless you can show that you have complied with the
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disciplinary action under the provisions of the Army Act.


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AC – 72143 Release Date: September 2021 V 1.0

Any person wishing to propose amendments to this pamphlet is invited to contact the
Cadet CIS Training Team (CCISTT)

Any such proposals will be given consideration and, if there is a requirement for them, the
appropriate amendments will be prepared and published.

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AMENDMENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 2
FORWARD .............................................................................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER 1– CIS TRAINING..................................................................................................................... 11
CADET ADVANCED RADIO............................................................................................................... 11
CYBERFIRST ADVENTURERS............................................................................................................. 11
AIMS ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................. 11
CYBERFIRST DEFENDERS .............................................................................................................. 11
AIMS ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................. 12
CYBERFIRST ADVANCED..................................................................................................................... 12
AIMS ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................. 12
CFAV ADULT RADIO USER (ARU) ...................................................................................................... 13
AIM .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................. 13
CFAV BASIC CIS INSTRUCTOR .......................................................................................................... 13
AIM .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................. 13
CFAV INTERMEDIATE CIS INSTRUCTOR......................................................................................... 14
AIM .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................. 14
CFAV ADVANCED CIS INSTRUCTOR ................................................................................................ 14
AIM .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................. 15
CHAPTER 2 - MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS HISTORY.................................................................... 16
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 16
VOCAL COMMUNICATION ................................................................................................................ 16
RUNNERS ............................................................................................................................................. 16
SUN REFLECTIONS............................................................................................................................ 16
FIRE ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ................................................................................................................. 16
FLAGS AND SEMAPHORE ................................................................................................................ 17
TELGRAPHY & MORSE CODE ......................................................................................................... 19

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ANIMALS................................................................................................................................................ 20
CODES & CIPHERS ............................................................................................................................ 20
TELEPHONE ......................................................................................................................................... 20
RADIO .................................................................................................................................................... 21
FIBRE OPTICS ..................................................................................................................................... 22
ANALOGUE / DIGITAL ........................................................................................................................ 22
CHAPTER 3 – INTRODUCTION TO CYBER .......................................................................................... 23
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 23
CHAPTER 4 – BATTERIES ........................................................................................................................ 25
SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 25
GENERAL BATTERY SAFETY .......................................................................................................... 25
CELLS .................................................................................................................................................... 25
BASIC COMPONENTS OF A CELL .................................................................................................. 25
PRIMARY CELLS ................................................................................................................................. 26
CONTAINER.......................................................................................................................................... 26
POSITIVE TERMINAL ......................................................................................................................... 26
NEGATIVE TERMINAL........................................................................................................................ 26
ELECTROLYTE .................................................................................................................................... 26
CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................................... 27
CARE OF PRIMARY CELLS .............................................................................................................. 27
SECONDARY CELLS .......................................................................................................................... 27
CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................................... 27
CONNECTING CELLS TOGETHER ................................................................................................. 29
SERIES CONNECTIONS .................................................................................................................... 29
PARALLEL CONNECTIONS .............................................................................................................. 30
SECTION 2 - LITHIUM BATTERIES ..................................................................................................... 31
WARNING .............................................................................................................................................. 31
BATTERY CHARGERS ....................................................................................................................... 31
OVERVIEW: .......................................................................................................................................... 31
STORAGE OF MERCURY RADIO SYSTEM BATTERIES: .......................................................... 32
PRC 710: ................................................................................................................................................ 33
SINGLE CHARGER: ............................................................................................................................ 33
MULTI-BAY CHARGER: ...................................................................................................................... 33
PRC 715: ................................................................................................................................................ 34
SINGLE CHARGER: ............................................................................................................................ 34

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MULTI-BAY CHARGER: ...................................................................................................................... 35
PRC 720: ................................................................................................................................................ 35
SINGLE CHARGER: ............................................................................................................................ 36
MULTIPLE CHARGER: ....................................................................................................................... 36
CHAPTER 5 – LINE INSTRUMENTS ....................................................................................................... 38
SECTION 1 – CHARACTERISTICS OF LINE ..................................................................................... 38
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF LINE OVER RADIO............................................... 38
SECURITY ............................................................................................................................................. 38
TIME........................................................................................................................................................ 38
SECTION 2 – PTC 414 ............................................................................................................................ 39
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 39
COMPATIBLE EQUIPMENT............................................................................................................... 39
OPERATIONAL FACILITIES .............................................................................................................. 39
CONTROLS ........................................................................................................................................... 40
SETTING OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS ...................................................................................... 42
SYSTEMS CONNECTIONS ............................................................................................................... 42
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS........................................................................................................... 43
SECTION 3 – TYPES OF CIRCUIT....................................................................................................... 44
SECTION 4 – REQUIREMENTS, TYPES AND USES OF FIELD CABLES ................................... 45
SECTION 5 – ROUTING, ORDERS AND LABELLING...................................................................... 46
ROUTING............................................................................................................................................... 46
CHOOSING A ROUTE......................................................................................................................... 46
ORDERS ................................................................................................................................................ 47
SMERCATLI .......................................................................................................................................... 47
LABELLING ........................................................................................................................................... 48
HOW TO LABEL ................................................................................................................................... 48
PRACTICAL LABELLING .................................................................................................................... 49
SECTION 6 – TASKS OF LINE PARTIES ............................................................................................ 50
LAYING ON FOOT ............................................................................................................................... 50
EQUIPMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 50
TASK....................................................................................................................................................... 51
SECTION 7 – CONSTRUCTION OF THE LINE .................................................................................. 52
LAYING THE CABLE ........................................................................................................................... 52
SECURING THE CABLE ..................................................................................................................... 52
REPORTING THROUGH .................................................................................................................... 53

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SECTION 8 – MAINTENANCE OF CABLE AND EQUIPMENT ....................................................... 54
SECTION 9 – FAULT LOCATING AND JOINTING ............................................................................ 54
FAULT LOCATING ............................................................................................................................... 54
LINE PATROLLING .............................................................................................................................. 55
JOINTING CABLES.............................................................................................................................. 56
JOINTS ................................................................................................................................................... 57
COMPRESSION JOINT (HELLERMAN TOOL) .............................................................................. 57
PREPARATION OF THE CABLES .................................................................................................... 58
MAKING THE JOINT............................................................................................................................ 59
TESTING THE JOINT .......................................................................................................................... 59
JOINTING OF D10 CABLE BY REEF KNOT (Bound in Joint) ...................................................... 60
PREPARATION .................................................................................................................................... 61
METHOD ................................................................................................................................................ 61
LENGTHENING A WORKING LINE .................................................................................................. 62
CONSTRUCTION OF A PERMANENT TEE-IN JOINT.................................................................. 62
CONSTRUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 63
PREPARATION AND USE OF A TEE-IN LEAD.............................................................................. 63
REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................. 63
METHOD ................................................................................................................................................ 64
SECTION 10 – CROSSINGS ................................................................................................................. 64
TYPES OF CROSSINGS .................................................................................................................... 64
OVERHEAD CROSSINGS.................................................................................................................. 65
CONSTRUCTION OF A POLE CROSSING .................................................................................... 65
CONSTRUCTION OF A MIXED CROSSING .................................................................................. 66
BURIED CROSSINGS ......................................................................................................................... 67
POWER / TELEGRAPH POLES ........................................................................................................ 67
CLEARANCES ...................................................................................................................................... 68
EXAMPLE OF ORDERS TO A LINE PARTY....................................................................................... 69
CHAPTER 6 – RADIO SETS ...................................................................................................................... 70
SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 70
RF SAFETY ........................................................................................................................................... 70
BATTERY SAFETY .............................................................................................................................. 71

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AUDIO SAFETY .................................................................................................................................... 72
SECTION 2 – UK / PRC 343 .................................................................................................................. 72
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 72
DATA ...................................................................................................................................................... 72
POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................................. 73
DESCRIPTION – SETTING UP AND OPERATING ....................................................................... 73
CARRYING POSITIONS ..................................................................................................................... 74
AUDIO TONES...................................................................................................................................... 74
WIRELESS PTT .................................................................................................................................... 74
OPERATOR CHECKS ......................................................................................................................... 75
FAULT FINDING ................................................................................................................................... 75
GENRAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................................... 76
ANTENNAS ........................................................................................................................................... 76
SECTION 3 – UK / PRC 710 .................................................................................................................. 77
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 77
DATA ...................................................................................................................................................... 77
POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................................. 78
DESCRIPTION – SETTING UP AND OPERATING ....................................................................... 78
DISPLAY ................................................................................................................................................ 79
CARRYING POSITIONS ..................................................................................................................... 79
OPERATOR CHECKS ......................................................................................................................... 79
FAULT FINDING ................................................................................................................................... 80
GENRAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................................... 81
OPERATION MENU (OPER) .............................................................................................................. 82
POWER MENU (POWER) .................................................................................................................. 83
LIGHT MENU (LITE) ............................................................................................................................ 84
SPEAKER MENU (SPEAKER) ........................................................................................................... 85
CHANGING THE PRE-SET CHANNELS ......................................................................................... 85
ANTENNAS ........................................................................................................................................... 85
SECTION 4 – UK / PRC 715 .................................................................................................................. 85
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 85
DATA ...................................................................................................................................................... 86
POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................................. 87
DESCRIPTION – SETTING UP AND OPERATING ....................................................................... 87
SETTING UP IN REMOTE MODE ..................................................................................................... 88

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DISPLAY ................................................................................................................................................ 89
CARRYING POSITIONS ..................................................................................................................... 89
OPERATOR CHECKS ......................................................................................................................... 89
FAULT FINDING ................................................................................................................................... 90
GENRAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................................... 90
SECTION 5 – UK / PRC 720 .................................................................................................................. 90
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 90
DATA ...................................................................................................................................................... 91
POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................................. 91
DESCRIPTION – SETTING UP AND OPERATING ....................................................................... 91
DISPLAY ................................................................................................................................................ 92
CARRYING POSITIONS ..................................................................................................................... 93
OPERATOR CHECKS ......................................................................................................................... 93
CHANGING CHANNEL ....................................................................................................................... 94
CHANGING DISPLAY BACKLIGHT .................................................................................................. 94
SPEAKER MENU ................................................................................................................................. 94
BATTERY INDICATOR........................................................................................................................ 95
FAULT FINDING ................................................................................................................................... 95
GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................. 95
UNLOCKING THE MENU SYSTEM .................................................................................................. 96
LOCKING THE MENU SYSTEM ........................................................................................................ 96
POWER MENU (POWER) .................................................................................................................. 97
CHANGING ANTENNA SELECTION ................................................................................................ 97
CHANGING THE PRE-SET CHANNELS ......................................................................................... 97
ANTENNAS ........................................................................................................................................... 97
CHAPTER 7 – ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION ................................................................................. 98
SECTION 1 – GENERAL ........................................................................................................................ 98
FREQUENCY ............................................................................................................................................ 98
WAVELENGTH ..................................................................................................................................... 98
ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION .................................................................................................. 98
FREE SPACE EQUATION .................................................................................................................. 99
ANTENNAS ........................................................................................................................................... 99
PROPAGATION PATHS ..................................................................................................................... 99
SECTION 2 – SURFACE WAVE.......................................................................................................... 100
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 100

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FACTORS AFFECTING SURFACE WAVE ................................................................................... 100
SECTION 3 - SPACE WAVE ................................................................................................................ 103
FACTORS AFFECTING SPACE WAVE ......................................................................................... 103
SECTION 4 – SKY WAVE ..................................................................................................................... 105
THE IONOSPHERE ........................................................................................................................... 105
IONOSPHERIC VARIATIONS .......................................................................................................... 106
INTERFERENCE ................................................................................................................................ 107
FREQUENCY PREDICTIONS.......................................................................................................... 107
TAKE-OFF ANGLE ............................................................................................................................. 107
CRITICAL FREQUENCY ................................................................................................................... 107
MAXIMUM USEABLE FREQUENCY .............................................................................................. 108
LOWEST USEABLE FREQUENCY................................................................................................. 108
OPTIMUM WORKING FREQUENCY ............................................................................................. 108
LAMP CHART ..................................................................................................................................... 108
ADVANTAGES OF SKYWAVE ........................................................................................................ 109
DISADVANTAGES OF SKYWAVE .................................................................................................. 109
ANTENNA SITING.............................................................................................................................. 111
CHAPTER 8 – MASTS AND ANTENNAS .............................................................................................. 112
SECTION 1 – MAST ERECTION ......................................................................................................... 112
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 112
SAFETY................................................................................................................................................ 112
WEATHER CONDITIONS: ................................................................................................................ 115
SECTION 2 – 5.4M MAST .................................................................................................................... 115
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 115
EQUIPMENT ....................................................................................................................................... 115
ASSEMBLING THE MAST ................................................................................................................ 116
DISMANTLING THE MAST............................................................................................................... 117
SECTION 3 – CLARK 12M MAST ....................................................................................................... 117
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 117
EQUIPMENT ....................................................................................................................................... 117
ASSEMBLING THE MAST ................................................................................................................ 118
DISMANTLING THE MAST............................................................................................................... 120
CHAPTER 9 – COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRONIC INSTRUCTION (CEI) ..................................... 122
EXAMPLE OF THE FORMAT OF A DAY SHEET ............................................................................ 123

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1. Basic to APC 4 Star training levels are covered within the Army Cadet Syllabus, AC


2. This course is run at HQ DSCIS, Blandford and Cadets must hold the qualification
of Cadet Signaller to attend. Cadets will cover more advanced voice procedure, advanced
VHF and HF antennas and propagation, Communications planning, and a practical HF
communications exercise. Cadets also work towards the civilian-recognised Foundation
Amateur Radio Licence.

3. On successful completion certificates are awarded from HQ DSCIS, Blandford and

the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) and cadets are able to register for a callsign
with OFCOM.


4. CyberFirst Adventurers is a 1-day course run at unit level to introduce the basic
principles of cyber to the cadet.

5. Cadets will ideally be at ACS Basic or 1* level, although this should not preclude
cadets from attending.

6. Cadets will cover the NCSC syllabus including:

a. Big data

b. Cryptography

c. Open Source Intelligence (OSI)


7. Courses can be run by QA provided instructors or those CFAV who have attended
CyberFirst Adventurers Train the Trainer courses run by CCISTT.

8. There is no formal assessment for CyberFirst courses.

9. Cadets will be awarded a badge and certificate on successful completion of the


10. CyberFirst Defenders is a 5-day residential course typically run centrally at HQ

DSCIS, Blandford or Brigade areas.

11. The course provides an introduction to building and protecting small networks and
personal devices as well as increasing the awareness of cyber security.
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12. Cadets will ideally be at ACS 2* level or above, although this should not preclude
suitable cadets from attending.

13. Cadets will cover:

a. Building small networks

b. Ethical hacking

c. Password cracking

d. Cryptography

14. Courses can be run by QA provided instructors or those CFAV approved by Cadet
Commandant CIS.

15. There is no formal assessment for CyberFirst courses.

16. Cadets will be awarded a badge and certificate on successful completion of the

17. CyberFirst Advanced is a 5-day residential course run centrally at HQ DSCIS,


18. The course allows cadets to hone their skills and behaviours needed to enter the
cyber security or computing workplace for real.

19. Cadets will ideally have attended the CyberFirst Defenders course or studying
computing at GCSE or A-Level and demonstrated an aptitude for cyber security.

20. Cadets will cover:

a. Digital forensics

b. Penetration testing

c. Advanced encryption

d. Social engineering

21. Courses can be run by QA provided instructors or those CFAV approved by Cadet
Commandant CIS.
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22. There is no formal assessment for CyberFirst courses.

23. Cadets will be awarded a badge and certificate on successful completion of the

24. This course can be run at unit level and no prior experience of CIS is required.
CFAVs will be familiarised with PRC 343 and PRC 710 for safety net operation, and
supervision of cadets using the radios. Basic voice procedure is covered.

25. The Adult Radio User should be capable of using the PRC 343 and the PRC 710 to
supervise cadets and operate a VHF safety net.

26. The Adult Radio User must be fully conversant with the relevant contents of this

27. The ARU does not qualify CFAVs to instruct any CIS training.

28. ARU should take no more than 4 hours of training, including assessment, and has
no pre-requisites.

29. The course may be instructed by CFAVs holding the Basic CIS Instructor
qualification. The course must be notified to the Cadet CIS Training Team and authorised
in advance of delivery. Qualifications will be awarded on receipt of the provided proforma.

30. This course can be run at unit and brigade level, and students should ideally hold
an ARU qualification, although this is not essential. CFAVs will be familiarised with the
syllabus to 2 Star CIS level.

31. The CFAV Basic CIS Instructor is to be capable of instructing cadets to 2 Star CIS
(Cadet Radio User (CRU)) level.

32. CFAV CIS Basic Instructor must be fully conversant with the relevant contents of
this manual.

33. The prerequisite for the CFAV Basic CIS Instructor is the Adult Radio User.

34. The CFAV Basic CIS Instructor will cover the Basic - 2 Star CIS Syllabus and will be
assessed via the national online assessment platform.

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35. The course may be instructed by CFAVs holding the Intermediate CIS Instructor
qualification. The course must be notified to the Cadet CIS Training Team and authorised
in advance. Qualifications will be awarded centrally following assessment on the VLE.

36. The CIS Basic Instructor is the qualifying course for the Area / Company CIS Officer

36. This course is run at HQ DSCIS, Blandford and at Brigade level, with a pre-requisite
of holding a CIS Basic Instructor qualification. CFAVs will be familiarised with the syllabus
to 4 Star CIS level. Students will be required to undertake practical and theory
assessments on this course.

37. The CFAV Intermediate CIS Instructor is to be capable of instructing cadets to all
levels of cadet CIS qualifications and assessing up to Cadet CIS 3 Star.

38. The CFAV Intermediate CIS Instructor must be fully conversant with the complete
contents of this manual.

39. Attendance on an authorised CFAV Intermediate CIS Instructor course is required.

The aim of this course is to give potential CFAVs the minimum basic knowledge required
to instruct cadets up to CIS 4 Star standard, to allow training to take place at Unit level.

40. The CFAV Intermediate CIS course will cover the Cadet Signaller (CIS 4 star)
standard and the pre-requisite is the CFAV Basic CIS Instructor course.

41. The course must be notified to the Cadet CIS Training Team and authorised in
advance. Qualifications will be awarded centrally following assessment via the national
online assessment platform.

42. The Intermediate CIS instructor is the qualifying course for the County / Unit CIS
Officer role.

43. This course is run at HQ DSCIS, Blandford, with a pre-requisite of holding a CIS
Intermediate Instructor Qualification. CFAVs should be regularly instructing to 4-star level.
This course is intended to provide CFAVs with the skills required to plan communications
for major exercises and deployments, and command and administer CIS within their unit.
CFAVs will cover advanced voice procedure, HF communication systems, fault finding,
general administration, exercise planning and risk assessment.

44. The CFAV Advanced CIS Instructor is to be capable of managing CIS training
within the Army Cadets.

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45. The CFAV Advanced CIS Instructor must be fully conversant with the complete
contents of this manual.

46. Possession of the Intermediate CIS qualification is a pre-requisite for attendance on

the Advanced CIS Instructor course.

47. The CFAV Advanced CIS Instructor course will cover management of a CIS
platoon, exercise planning, use of advanced VHF and HF radios and antennas, fault
finding and administration.

48. This is the qualifying course to hold a Brigade CIS Advisor position.

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1. Military communications have developed over time from basic forms such as vocal
communication, to modern day communication information systems.

2. Command on the battlefield was carried out by shouting orders and directions, its
effectiveness was governed by the type of warfare engaged in and surrounding noise. This
is used effectively today for drill commands and section battle drills.

3. Runners passed messages on foot that were written or by word of mouth. Early
forms of written message were on wax tablets or scrolls. It took a long time to carry
messages over distances and written messages required educated people to read and
write. In 490 BCE the Greeks fought the Persians at Marathon in Greece. Legend has it
that Philippides a Greek messenger ran non-stop from the battlefield to Athens, to
announce that the Persians had been beaten and then he dropped down dead. The
modern marathon road race is named after this feat of endurance.

4. Runners were a vital part of a platoon. There were no telephones or radios on the
battlefield and runners relayed information to the rear. Runners were skilled at fieldcraft
and usually working at night they had to familiarise themselves with formation locations
and safe routes.

5. Handwritten messages carried by runners could be difficult to read. The order

issued by Lord Raglan that resulted in the ill-fated charge of the light brigade at Balaklava
in the Crimea in 1854 was poorly written, as a result there was confusion as to which set of
enemy guns and which location was to be engaged.

6. Early mirrors of polished metal were used to reflect the sun to pass messages.
Modern-day air crew carry a small metal mirror to attract the attention of rescue teams if
they crash or are shot down. The Heliograph was used to send coded messages and is
visible up to a distance of 30 miles.

7. Beacons were an early warning system and were used to warn of invasion. Set at
intervals, their use depended on a lookout and dry wood. Smoke from the fires could also
be used to send signals.


8. Horns have been used for millennia. Early horns were made of seashells and
animal horns. The Egyptians used the horn to create noise on the battlefield and the
Romans used the Cornu. This was used by a designated Cornicen to relay the

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commanders’ battle orders to legionnaires. There are different bugle calls for each
manoeuvre or activity, which are used to the present day.

9. Armies have used drums for centuries. The Chinese used them for signalling at The
Great Wall of China. West African nations used a kettle drum to create confusion and
unnerve the opposition. On the battlefield soldiers used drums to pass on orders. Armies
employed drummer boys aged 10-14, and some were awarded for bravery with Thomas
Flynn, winning the Victoria Cross in 1857.

10. Knights raised their own armies and carried identifying flags or standards. The
Royal Navy still uses coloured flags for coded ship-to-ship communication, which is known
as Semaphore. The development of the flags carried by knights can be seen in each ACF
county and army regiment in its own standard, colours or flag, which is now generally worn
as the county badge on uniform.

11. Semaphore was created by the Chappe brothers during the French Revolution. The
original system worked using 2 black coloured wooden arms, operated by levers that
inclined the wooden arms at different angles. The first successful messages sent by the
Chappe Semaphore system, were between Paris and Lille in 1792, when it was used to
carry messages about the war occurring between France and Austria. At this time, it was
recorded that a symbol could travel 120 miles, through 15 semaphore stations in only 9
minutes, and a typical message of 36 codes took about 32 minutes.

12. The semaphore communication system has evolved to using 2 flags which when at
sea are coloured red and yellow, and white and blue when on land. Semaphore is very
cost effective, however it requires line of sight between the sending and receiving station
and is therefore also dependent on weather conditions or time of day.

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Semaphore Alphabet and Number Key

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13. Telegraphy covers the sending of signals over long distances rather than face-to-
face including optical telegraph, Morse code and signal lamps for ship-to-ship
communication. These are still used in modern warfare.

14. Morse code was developed in 1837 by Samuel Morse. An operator uses a ’key’ to
turn on and off a power supply along a telegraph wire to create a ‘dot or dash’ signal. A
trained operator can recognise the sender by their ‘fist’ – similar to recognising someone's
regional accent. Jeremiah Denton was a US pilot shot down during the Vietnam war 1965-
75. He became a POW and was paraded in front of the cameras and managed to blink the
word TORTURE so that the world could see how he was being mistreated.

15. There are a number of advantages to using Morse code over voice transmissions. It
is very efficient to transmit messages because of the structure of the code. The most
frequently used letters (such as the letter “E”) are given short codes. Morse code can
easily be used internationally without needing to be fluent in the sending stations
language, since all the words are spelt out letter by letter. Possibly the greatest advantage
of Morse code is that it is much easier to communicate when poor radio conditions exist.
Morse code is considered one of the first electronic types of digital communications ever
used in the world.


1 6

2 7
3 8
4 9
5 0
Morse Code Alphabet and Number Key

16. The first transatlantic telegraph cable was laid between Ireland and Newfoundland,
Canada in 1858 and was 1,950 miles long. The cable was laid from the middle by two
ships, the Goliath and the Niagara and weighed 100 tons per mile and for most of its
length it was laid at a depth of 4000m.

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17. Despatch Riders on horseback carried messages on the battlefield. Carrier Pigeons
were trained to return to a specific location and carried messages in canisters strapped to
their legs. They were parachuted into the trenches in crates, before being released to fly
back. Dogs were so effective at taking messages that bounties were placed on them by
the enemy. The Dicken Medal is awarded to animals for service in time of conflict and is
known as the animal Victoria Cross.


18. A code is a system of words, letters, numbers or symbols used to represent others.
They developed to confuse and deny the enemy vital information. Many different types of
code have been used from simple word swaps to those requiring a ‘key’, contained in a
code book.

19. In WW2 Germany developed the Enigma Machine, which required a series of rotors
to set the key for the message. The Enigma machine was very successful until Bletchley
Park cracked the code and was able to read sent messages before they reached their
destination. Alan Turing at Bletchley Park is credited with building and using the first
computer nick-named the ‘Bombe’. Code books were recovered from German submarine
U-559 by the British which gave vital information for the code breaking activity. In WW2
and the Korean war, America used Navajo (Native American) speakers as radio operators
so the Japanese forces could not decode or understand what was being said. Various
languages have been used in conflicts to confuse enemy forces.


20. Telephones were invented in 1876 and were of limited use by the armed forces
relying on the small national network.

21. Alexander Graham Bell is credited with introducing the word Hello into the English
language. During the Boer War (1899-1902) British Forces used the existing Afrikaans
telegraph system – including their paperwork and codes.

22. As radios became more reliable, telephones began to be used at fixed points –
sentry posts and headquarters. Calls had to be routed by an exchange operator by
plugging wires into sockets to link circuits and callers together.

23. Telephone wires ran across the trenches and were visible from the air and easily
cut by artillery. Air observers in balloons or pilots could work out where communications
centres were by the number of cables running into a bunker, dugout or house.

24. The first transatlantic telephone cable (TAT-1) was laid in 1956 and had capacity for
36 channels. Prior to this, transatlantic telephone calls were sent over a radio link. The first
Trans-Atlantic telephone cable TAT-1 was laid between Scotland and Newfoundland,

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Canada and had 36 channels. Until this time, all Trans-Atlantic telephone traffic was sent
using radio. During WW2, Winston Churchill and Franklin D Roosevelt each had a secret
telephone so they could discuss the war effort and upcoming plans. Due to the fact there
was no transatlantic cable the conversations had to be transmitted via a radio. The
Germans had listening posts along the Dutch border and were able to intercept the
conversations, so an encryption system was introduced in 1941 to enable a more secure
method of communication under the codename “Green Hornet”. This was the only
encryption method NOT to be cracked in WW2.

25. Devices have been connected to telephone systems to send information such as
Telex, Fax, ADSL modems / Broadband routers. Generally, all use signals from 300Hz to
3.3kHz, which is the capacity of a telephone line. It is important to consider telephone lines
as a carrier of a signal, whether that be voice or other signals. The telephone system was
originally designed for voice only, which uses very limited frequencies (300Hz to 3.3kHz),
limiting the capacity and quality.

26. Telex machines are now virtually obsolete and worked by decoding telephone
signals from a typewriter and sending messages to a printer. Fax machines enabled a
graphical copy of a document to be transmitted down the telephone line and printed at a
receiving machine. Modems / routers enable computers to communicate with each other.
Modern modems and routers are all be fitted to a special socket on the telephone line
which includes a filter to separate the voice and data signals without causing interference
to each other. Without this filter, speaking on the telephone and even connecting additional
cables would slow the speed of the data signal due to errors.


27. The Radio was first patented by Guglielmo Marconi in 1896. On December 12,
1901 Marconi successfully transmitted signals across the Atlantic Ocean. Marconi’s
equipment was installed on RMS Titanic and is credited with saving the lives of the
survivors in 1912.

28. The radio operators (Jack Phillips and Harold Bride) on the Titanic (1912) were not
employed by White Star Lines, but by Marconi Communications to send telegraph
messages to Newfoundland on behalf of the passengers onboard. Following the sinking of
the Titanic, there was adoption of SOS as the international distress signal and mandated
24 / 7 monitoring of marine radio with the banning of Amateur radio operators from the
safety channels. SOS continued until 1999 when GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and
Safety System) was introduced.

29. Prior to 1920, radios were primarily used to communicate with ships at sea usually
using Morse. Reginald Fessenden made the first audio broadcast on Christmas Eve 1906
with his rotary spark gap transmitter. The first military radio sets were huge and relied on a
massive battery or generator. Battery technology improved allowing for the development of
the ‘wireless’ portable radio.

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30. The most recent army radio sets are: Larkspur c1962, Clansman c1976, Bowman
c2004. Each system has brought technological advances such as encryption and
frequency hopping. The radios used within the Army Cadets are the Personal Role Radio -
UK PRC 343 and the Mercury Radio System - UK PRC 710 / 715 / 720.

31. Satellites allow communication devices to work in the most isolated regions of the
world. The first commercial telecoms satellite (Telstar) was launched in 1962. Both GPS
(Global Positioning System) and Satellite TV services work by receiving signals from
satellites, needing a clear view of the sky. There are a large number of satellites that circle
the earth in a number of different orbits which can be up to 18000km away.


32. Fibre optic transmissions began in 1964 and are now used in computer networks
and for high-end audio signals. Fibre Optic Cables are made from thin glass, wrapped in
plastic and use a laser to transmit the information. Many networks inside buildings use
Fibre for computer networks where high capacity or greater security is required. In Sept
2012, NTT Japan demonstrated a single fibre cable that was able to transfer 1 petabit of
data per second over a distance of 50km.

33. With much larger capacity, fibre optics have replaced copper cable in undersea
communications cables. It is estimated that 99% of the world’s data is carried on undersea
fibre cables with routes across the Atlantic which can be damaged by a range of things
including trawlers, anchors, earthquakes, water pressure and animal damage such as
shark bites. Operations for the Special Forces in Gulf War 1 were to cut a fibre control
cable in the desert that linked the Iraqi SCUD missile systems to the control centre and
render them useless.

34. Many home broadband services now benefit from Fibre To The Cabinet (FTTC).
This increases possible speeds as only the final link to the house, made of copper or
aluminium, limits the speed. Fibre To The Premises (FTTP) is more expensive to install
but gives much greater speeds. Fibre has enabled more information to get to more people.


35. In recent years, there have been few advances in the methods used for
communications. However there has been an increase in communications capacity with
the creation of 5G mobile phones.

36. By using digital communications, more information can be sent on a single

frequency or link.

37. With the advances in digital technologies, information has never been so important
or easily accessible. The Internet of Things (IoT), and smart devices allow the user to
interact with electronic devices and configure systems remotely.

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1. Cyberspace is a concept comprised of interconnected technologies and can be

described as having three aspects, or domains: physical, virtual, and social.

2. The physical aspect comprises real-world items, such as phones and computers.
These devices are connected into networks using copper and fibre optic cables, or
wireless technologies. Network hardware is used to send traffic to the correct location,
such as servers. Locations range from the home, local telephone exchanges, and regional
and national service providers and data centres.

3. The virtual aspect is comprised of software and brings all the physical components
of cyberspace together into a global interconnected network of networks – the Internet.
Content providers serve up digital apps, media, and services to customers.

4. The social aspect starts with a physical person but recognises that every individual
has numerous distinct personas within cyberspace. Examples of these could be in-game
avatars and social media accounts, where the operator’s personality and behaviour can
differ depending on the context and the audience’s intended perception of the messaging.

5. Cyberspace is defined by the MOD as “An operating environment consisting of the

interdependent network of digital technology infrastructures (including platforms, the
Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, as well as embedded
processors and controllers), and the data therein spanning the physical, virtual and
cognitive domains”. Cyberspace is therefore more than just websites and apps: it also
includes critical national infrastructure such as mobile phone networks, power stations,
and healthcare systems. It has become another realm of warfare alongside land, sea, air,
and space.

6. In turn, cyber is defined by the MOD as “To operate in, and project power in and
from cyberspace to influence the behaviour of people or the course of events”. In simple
terms it is the use of cyberspace to achieve an objective, which can occur in either of the
three domains.

7. There are three ways that cyber is used by the Defence community, which
comprises the tri-services and partnerships with civilian organisations: cyber security,
offensive cyber, and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR).

8. Cyber security involves defensive measures to protect systems and data, such as
strong passwords, secure configurations, and use of trusted applications. Attacks should
be seen as inevitable, with systems designed to be resilient.

9. Offensive cyber involves attacking or interfering with infrastructure, systems,

services or data in order to achieve an effect in one of the three domains of cyberspace.
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10. ISR is the process of collecting, processing, and the distribution of information to
support cyber operations.

11. Cyber is everywhere. It is transforming society and is therefore transforming the

Army Cadets through initiatives such as the Cadet Portal. This provides cadets with
access to their personal record, and a course search where further opportunities for
training can be located. Of relevance is the CyberFirst scheme which offers a progressive
suite of courses for Army Cadets looking to learn more about the breadth of digital skills.

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DISPOSAL All batteries should be disposed or recycled in accordance with the

manufacturer’s instructions and the procedures of the Defence Logistics Framework

POLARITY Ensure that correct polarity is observed at all times. Replace only with the
same or equivalent type and make of battery.

1. All radios and telephones used in the Army require an electrical source to allow
them to function correctly. The source of electricity is provided by cells and batteries.

2. An electric cell is a device used to store energy in a chemical form and to convert
that energy into electrical energy on demand. There are 2 main types of cell. They are
known as Primary and Secondary cells.

3. PRIMARY CELLS. Primary cells are of no further use once they have discharged
all of the energy contained within them and should be recycled through the correct

4. SECONDARY CELLS. Secondary cells are rechargeable and may be used many

5. Any number of cells may be joined together to form a battery.


6. Electric cells depend upon the chemical action of their main components to produce

7. A cell comprises of 2 electrodes immersed in an electrolyte.

8. ELECTRODES. These are made from 3 dissimilar materials, e.g.:

a. Manganese Dioxide and Zinc – as in torch batteries.

b. Lead and Lead Peroxide – as in Lead-Acid car batteries.

c. Nickel and Cadmium – as in some rechargeable batteries.

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9. The primary cell is a fully sealed cell normally enclosed in a cylindrical steel

10. The negative terminal is normally located at the base of the cell. In some cases
however this terminal may be located on the top outer edge of the cell depending on the
manufacturer or user requirements.

Alkaline Primary Cell Construction


11. The positive terminal is Manganese Dioxide positioned around the outer edge of the
cylinder and insulated from the outer casing using plastic or cardboard.

12. The positive terminal is normally located in the top centre of the cell.

13. The negative terminal is made of zinc powder which gives a large surface area to
allow for greater currents.

14. The electrolyte paste containing Potassium Hydroxide fills the area between the
zinc and the negative plate or casing.

15. These cells produce a voltage through chemical reaction and cannot be recharged.

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16. Alkaline Primary Cells have the following characteristics:

a. Typically give 1.5 volts.

b. Ready for use when issued.

c. Cannot be recharged in normal use.

d. Unpredictable life (dependent on length of storage before use).

e. State of discharge cannot be measured.

f. Requires little or no maintenance.


17. The following should be kept in mind when caring for primary cells:

a. Cells should be kept in a cool, dry place.

b. Cells should be used in rotation to ensure they do not exceed their shelf life.

c. Cells should not be left in equipment for long periods, particularly if the
equipment is infrequently used. The cells decompose and may leak potassium
hydroxide which will damage the equipment.

d. Old and new cells should not be mixed in equipment.


18. There are 3 types of secondary cells in general use:

a. The Lead-Acid type cell.

b. The Nickel-Cadmium type cell (Ni-Cd).

c. The Lithium Ion type cell (Li+).

19. To avoid confusion all three types of cells will be dealt with separately. The
charging, care and maintenance of cells will be covered in later parts of this manual.

20. Lead Acid Cells:

a. Gives 2 volts per cell.

b. Can be recharged.

c. Rate of discharge is even (i.e. predictable life).

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d. Lower internal resistance than primary cells.

e. State of discharge can be measured.

f. Greater capacity than the same number of primary cells.

g. Requires periodic servicing and maintenance.

21. Ni-Cd Cells:

a. Gives 1.2 volts per cell.

b. Can be recharged (with a stabilised voltage).

c. Can withstand high rates of charge or discharge (relative to capacity).

d. Smaller capacity than lead-acid type secondary cells of similar size.

e. Constant discharge voltage.

f. Capable of withstanding extended overcharge.

g. Sealed, light and portable.

h. Operating temperature range of 0°C to 45°C.

22. Lithium Ion Cells:

a. Gives 3 to 4.2 volts per cell depending on construction.

b. Can be recharged (with a stabilised voltage).

c. Do not suffer memory effect like Ni-Cd cells.

d. Larger capacity than Ni-Cd secondary cells of similar size.

e. Constant discharge voltage.

f. Sealed, light and portable.

g. Operating temperature range of -40°C to +70°C.

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23. A single cell does not normally produce enough electrical pressure for practical
purposes, nor does it last long enough. To produce a stronger pressure or to give longer
life cells are connected together to form a BATTERY.

24. There are a number of ways of connecting cells. The most important are:



25. The NEGATIVE terminal of one cell is connected to the POSITIVE terminal of the
next. The circuit loop may then be connected to the free POSITIVE of one cell and the free
NEGATIVE of the outer cell.

26. A series connection increases the pressure / voltage. When cells form a battery
using the series connection, the total voltage of the battery is equal to the voltage of one
cell multiplied by the number of connected cells, for example, 5 x Ni-Cd cells connected in
series form a 6-volt Ni-Cd battery. (Voltage of one Ni-Cd cell is 1.2 volts).

Series Connections

Series Connections using Nicad Cells


It is important to note the following:

a. The total voltage of the battery equals the voltage of one cell multiplied by
the number of cells.

b. The life of the battery is the same as the life of one cell.

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27. All POSITIVE terminals are connected together and all NEGATIVE terminals are
connected together. The circuit loop is taken off any POSITIVE and NEGATIVE terminal.

28. A parallel connection does not affect the voltage which remains the same as that of
any one cell. The life however is increased. The life of the battery is the life of one cell
multiplied by the number of cells, for example, 4 x primary batteries connected in parallel
(each cell having a voltage of 1.5 volts) form a 1.5-volt primary battery with 4 times the life
of one cell.

Parallel Connections

Parallel Connections using D Type Cells


It is important to note the following:

a. The total voltage is the same as that of any one cell.

b. The life of the battery is the life of one cell multiplied by the number of cells.

c. Only cells of the same voltage should be connected in parallel.

d. These may be combined to give series / parallel connections.

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29. In certain circumstances Lithium batteries can be dangerous. Lithium is a

lightweight flammable metal that reacts violently with water and moist gases including air.

a. DANGEROUS CHEMICALS. Lithium batteries, particularly active primary

types, contain chemical mixtures such as Lithium / Copper Oxide, Lithium / Sulphur
Dioxide, Lithium / Thionyl Chloride and Lithium / Manganese Dioxide.

b. HEALTH HAZARDS. The effects from damage of these batteries (and the
subsequent escape of chemicals shown above) include skin and eye irritation,
redness or burning; mild poisoning causes irritation of the throat and nose with
shortness of breath, coughing and choking and occasional wheezing. If Thionyl
Chloride escapes there will be severe irritation and redness at the site of contact.
Thionyl Chloride reacts with water and skin tissue to generate sulphurous acids. A
rash, with septic blisters may occur. Burns are a common complication. The
chemicals can be absorbed through the skin and may cause similar to those of
inhalation. Ingestion causes nausea, headache, and vomiting. Blood may be
vomited. Inhalation, if severe, causes shortness of breath due to congestion of the
lungs — also nausea, vomiting and unconsciousness.

c. LITHIUM METAL AND COMPOUNDS. Lithium salts are not absorbed

through the skin, but exposure to particles of the metal, as may occur in a fire, can
give rise to intense irritation of the damp membranes and to a lesser extent of the
skin as a result of the alkalinity and corrosiveness of the lithium hydroxide formed
by the reaction between the metal and water. Absorption or inhalation as a result of
an acute exposure may be dangerous.

d. PRECAUTIONS. Lithium batteries should be kept dry at all times. They

should not be crushed, punctured or opened for causal use. They should not be
used with equipment not designed for its purpose.

e. HAZARDOUS WASTE. Do not dispose of Lithium Batteries in uncontrolled

waste. A Partially discharged Lithium battery may contain a significant amount of
energy and should be handled with care.

f. CHARGING. Batteries should be charged as per the manufacturer’s

instructions. Failure to comply could cause injury or death.


30. The Mercury radio system provides single and multiple battery charging facilities for
each radio system. A good Battery management plan is essential to ensure that the life of
the battery is maximised and that battery performance is maintained.

31. The battery chargers are powered from a nominal 230v 50 Hz single phase mains
supply and are for indoor use only. The chargers only charge the batteries and do not
perform any maintenance function.

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32. Once the battery is full charged the charger defaults to trickle charging as required
to maintain full charge.

33. Prior to storage, secondary batteries require charging to a preferred level to

maintain performance.

34. For lithium ion batteries optimum performance is retained if batteries are fully charged
and then reduced to ~40% capacity prior to storage off of the equipment.

35. Depending on the storage temperature lithium ion batteries require re-charging at the
following frequency:

a. Every month @ 60°C.

b. Every 3 months @ 45°C.

c. Every 6 months @ 30°C.

d. Every 12 months @ 20°C.

36. It is recommended therefore that lithium ion batteries stored in the UK are checked
and recharged on a 6-monthly basis in accordance with the preventive maintenance
schedule. Outside of the UK the preventive maintenance schedule should be adjusted


a. ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD. Lethal Voltages are present in the battery

charger equipment. Ensure that the power supply has been isolated before
conducting any maintenance operations.

b. EQUIPMENT DAMAGE (LIQUIDS). Do not consume liquids in the vicinity of

Battery Charger equipment as spillages may cause equipment damage. Equipment
should be used indoors and positioned where it will not be subject to water ingress
(rain, condensation etc).


ruptured, check the VHF Radio System Battery Charger equipment for the cause of
the rupture prior to replacing any fuses. To prevent damage to equipment ensure that
any replacement fuses are the correct rating and type. Do not use repaired fuses
either as a temporary or permanent repair.

d. BATTERY CHARGING HAZARD. Do not charge damaged, deformed or

leaking batteries. Do not leave charging batteries unattended. Batteries being
charged shall be regularly checked for charge status and temperature.

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PRC 710:

38. The PRC 710 use 1 x 14.4 V 4.5 Ah Lithium Ion battery. The charging time is
approx. 7-9 hours.

39. The PRC 710 is supplied with a Single Battery Charger. The single charger can be
used with or without disconnecting the radio from the battery.

PRC 710 - Single Battery Charger

40. An orange light is illuminated on the plug when charging. This light changes to green
when the charging is complete.

41. 9 x PRC 710 batteries can be charged at once using the multi-bay charger. The
battery must be disconnected from the radio for charging.

PRC 710 Multi-bay Battery Charger (9 bay)

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42. There are two indicators per battery slot on the multi-bay charger.

a. Green Light –

(1) Flashing indicates battery charging.

(2) Solid indicates fully charged battery.

b. Red Light –

(1) Illuminated indicates faulty battery.

PRC 715:

43. The PRC 715 use 1 x 14.4 V 16.5 Ah Lithium Ion battery. The charging time is
approx. 7 hours.

44. The PRC 715 is supplied with a Single Battery Charger. The battery must be
disconnected from the radio for charging.

PRC 715 - Single Battery Charger

45. The charger can be identified by the 2 straight connector pins.

46. A blinking green light is illuminated on the charger when the battery is charging.

47. A steady green light is illuminated when the battery is fully charged.

48. In the event of a fault with the battery a steady red light is illuminated on the charger.

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49. 6 x PRC 715 batteries can be charged at once using the multi-bay charger. The
battery must be disconnected from the radio for charging.

PRC 715 Multi-bay Battery Charger (6 bay)

50. The charger can be identified by the 2 straight connector pins.

51. There are two indicators per battery slot on the multi-bay charger

a. Green Light –

(1) Solid indicates fully charged battery.

b. Red Light –

(1) Flashing indicates faulty battery.

(2) Solid indicates battery charging.

PRC 720:

52. The PRC 720 use 1 x 14.4 V 16 Ah Lithium Ion battery. The charging time is
approx. 7 hours.

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53. The PRC 720 is supplied with a Single Battery Charger. The battery must be
disconnected from the radio for charging.

PRC 720 - Single Battery Charger with Mains Adapter

54. The charger can be identified by the 2 diagonal connector pins.

55. A blinking green light is illuminated on the charger when the battery is charging.

56. A steady green light is illuminated when the battery is fully charged.

57. In the event of a fault with the battery a steady red light is illuminated on the charger.

58. 6 x PRC 715 batteries can be charged at once using the multi-bay charger. The
battery must be disconnected from the radio for charging.

PRC 720 - Multi-bay Battery Charger (6 bay)

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59. The charger can be identified by the 2 diagonal connector pins.

60. There are two indicators per battery slot on the multi-bay charger

a. Green Light –

(1) Solid indicates fully charged battery.

b. Red Light –

(1) Flashing indicates faulty battery.

(2) Solid indicates battery charging.

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a. Provides communications during radio silence.

b. Rapid communications once line is laid.

c. It is not subject to screening, interference or jamming.

d. More secure.

e. Greater traffic capacity.

f. Simple to use.

g. Reduces the requirement for operators, radios and batteries.

h. Provides a ‘personal’ touch.


a. Vulnerable to cuts and sabotage.

b. Less useful in mobile operations.

c. Equipment is bulky and heavy.

d. Comprehensive links take time to establish.

e. Maintenance is laborious and expensive in manpower.


3. Line is not 100% secure so careful consideration should be given to a more secure
means of sending messages of a classified nature, for example using Liaison Officers
(LOs) and runners when available.

4. Line, once laid, must be patrolled and guarded against possible enemy intervention,
e.g. the 'tapping' or cutting of lines.

5. It is essential that the line is working by the time given in orders. The most direct
route should therefore be taken to the distant terminal point. If time is short, the line can be
improved later by lengthening the working line and making crossings permanent. As a
guide to instructors, a temporary line is one which is not expected to be in use for more

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than 48 hours. Most lines will be laid temporary and then made permanent at a later stage,
i.e. on the route back, or when ordered.


6. The PTC 414 Combat Field Telephone is a 2-wire telephone set designed for
connection into 2-wire magneto field telephone systems, or Central Battery (CB) signalling
exchanges. The unit provides facilities for magneto ringing, and 2-way duplex speech
communication. Operation is from internal batteries in LB mode, and line power in CB

7. The PTC 414 includes a built-in keypad that enables operation with automatic
magneto field or CB exchanges using either loop disconnect (LD) or dual tone multiple
frequency (DTMF) signalling (LD or DTMF mode selected by a toggle switch in the battery
compartment). The unit incorporates EMP and lightning surge protection.

8. In addition, the PTC 414 is designed for both fixed (static) and portable applications;
a satchel is provided for portable applications. The handset rest is adjustable for portable
or desk top use.

9. The PTC 414 Combat Field Telephone is generally compatible with most PABX or
PTT exchange lines which accept DTMF dialling. In addition, the telephone is fitted with a
Loop Disconnect (LD) dial option and is approved for connection to British Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN) and German FTZ requirements, as well as the requirements
for any PABX or PTT exchange accepting loop disconnect pulses. The telephone is also
compatible with the systems and equipment’s listed below:

a. British Army set Type ‘J’ (YA 7815) and associated Switchboard Magneto
10-lines (YA 6733), or any similar type of field telephone or 16-unit level
switchboard system compatible with 2-wire magneto systems.

b. Other compatible equipment’s are:

(1) Type 22A series 10 Line Switchboard.

(2) Type 2C 700, 702, 703, 704 Series Field Telephones.

(3) Type UK / PTC 405 Field Telephone.


10. The PTC 414 Combat Field Telephone provides the following operational facilities:

a. Three position Mode switch – LB, STBY and CB.

b. Magneto signalling by momentary switch (RING) – 2 to 3 second timer for

magneto ringer (battery saver).

c. DTMF or LD dialling – (internally selected) via standard 4 x 3 keypad.

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d. 2-way duplex speech communication – handset Pressel switch provided to

enable the microphone amplifier (i.e. outgoing speech).

e. Incoming ringing received when handset is ‘on-Hook’.

f. Audible / visual call indication.

g. Visual / audible alarm switch combined with ‘whisper’ speech facility

(VIS.WHISP / VIS / Lo / Hi).

h. Insulate “prick through” 4mm line terminals.

i. EMC proof against high powered HF and VHF radio transmitters.

j. Suitable for both fixed (static) and portable applications – universal base with
adjustable handset rest enables a variety of fixed applications (desk, wall, belt etc);
carrying satchel provided for portable applications.

11. Function Switches:

a. Magneto Ringer Switch (Push).

 A magneto ringing signal is generated for the duration of the

switch operation, up to a maximum of 2 to 3 seconds.

b. Hook Switch (Magnetic).

‘ON-HOOK’ Handset operated, provides secure at rest when on-Hook. The telephone
responds to incoming calls.

‘OFF-HOOK’ handset operated; the telephone becomes active in the function selected by
the LB / STBY / CB mode switch.

c. LB / STBY / CB Mode Switch (Rotary).

‘LB’ Calls can be made by DTMF dialling (pre-set), or magneto calling. Enables
telephone to be used with other self-powered telephones.

‘STBY’ The internal battery is disconnected. Only the incoming ringing detector is
connected to the line.

‘CB’ Calls can be made by DTMF or PULSE dialling (pre-set by internal switch. Magneto
calling is inhibited. Enables telephone to be used on powered exchanges.

d. VIS.WHISP / VIS / Lo / Hi Switch (Rotary).

‘VIS.WHISP’ Visual alarm coupled with 10 dB additional microphone gain for ‘whisper’

‘VIS’ Visual alarm on incoming ringing.

‘Lo’ Low level audible alarm on incoming ringing.

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‘Hi’ High level audible alarm on incoming calls.

e. 4 x 3 keypad.

Keypad for DTMF and loop dialling.

f. LD / MF Switch.

(Toggle switch – in battery compartment).

‘LD’ Selects Loop Disconnect (pulse) dialling.

‘MF’ Selects DTMF (tone) dialling.

12. Handset Pressel Switch (PTT).

a. The handset is fitted with a Pressel switch which must be depressed while

13. Visual Indicators.

The visual indicator consists of 3 separate red-light emitting diodes (LEDs):

VIS Illuminates upon receipt of incoming ringing.

Flashes at a low rate to show that the telephone is energised (handset ‘off-
Hook’) in LB mode only.

 Illuminates when Magneto Ringer call is sent.

14. Audible Alarm and Volume Control Switch.

a. This is a warble pitch tone (approx. 2 kHz) produced only during receipt of
incoming ringing. The level is set by the VIS.WHISP / VIS / Lo / Hi switch (above)
and it utilises a piezo transducer mounted in the base of the unit.

15. Adjustable Handset Rest.

a. The handset rest may be set to give positive retention of the handset. To
change the position of the handset rest, lift up the handset. Using a coin or large flat
bladed screwdriver undo the quick release fastener in the centre of the black rest
moulding by a quarter turn. Pull out the moulding and slide it up or down as required
– the downward position ensures that the handset requires positive pressure to take
it on or off the rest. Push the moulding back and do up the quick release fastener.

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16. Various parameters may be set according to the operational environment. These
parameters are set by the LB / STBY / CB Mode switch, the VIS.WHISP / VIS / Hi / Lo
function switch, and the internal LC / MF switch as detailed below (refer to ‘Controls’ for
the full description of all controls.

a. LB / STBY / CB Mode Switch:

(1) Set to LB for use with other self-powered telephones – enables

magneto calling or tone dialling (if selected by LD / MF switch). Ensure
batteries are fitted in this mode.

(2) Set to STBY to disable the telephone except to receive incoming


(3) Set to CB for use with powered exchanges – enable pulse or tone
dialling (whichever is selected by LD / MF switch). No batteries are needed
for this mode.

b. VIS.WHSIP / VIS / Hi / Lo Function Switch:

(1) Set to VIS / WHISP to provide visual alarm (incoming ringing) and
additional microphone gain for ‘whisper’ speech.

NOTE: This function is not to be used in CB mode.

(2) Set to VIS to provide visual alarm on incoming ringing.

(3) Set to Hi to provide high level audible alarm on incoming ringing.

(4) Set to Lo to provide low level audible alarm on incoming ringing.

c. LD / MF Switch (Located inside Battery Compartment).

(1) Set to LD to select pulse (Loop Disconnect) dialling.

(2) Set to MF to select tone (DTMF) dialling.


17. Line Connections.

a. Two insulated “prick-through” line terminals are provided for the connection
of telephone lines. The terminals accept D10 (or similar) field cable. To connect the
telephone to the communication system, fasten the lines to the 2-line terminals. The
unit is not polarity conscious and so the lines can be connected either way round.

NOTE. A wire stripper is incorporated in the telephone base for stripping D10 ( or similar)
field cable.

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18. The following operating instructions assume that controls and connections have
been made according to the operational environment (refer to ‘Setting Operational
Parameters’ and ‘System Connections’).

19. Battery Check. If operating from internal battery power, the conditions of the
batteries can be checked by selecting LB Mode and pressing the magneto ringer switch. If
the appropriate visual indicator (furthest right) illuminates, the battery condition is

20. Receiving a Call. The telephone is inoperative (except for receiving incoming
ringing) in the STBY position of the MODE switch. Select LB or CB as appropriate to make
or receive calls. The STBY position can be used if it is desired to stow the handset other
than on the rest.

21. Incoming calls are received provided that the telephone handset is ‘on-Hook’. Visual
or audible call indication is provided according to the setting of the VIS / WHISP / VIS / Lo /
Hi function switch.

22. To receive a call, proceed as follows:

a. When an incoming call is detected either visually or audibly, lift up the

telephone handset (note that it has a magnetic Hook switch).

b. In LB ad CB mode, depress the handset Pressel switch to enable 2-way

speech communication. Release Pressel switch at the end of the call.

c. At the end of the call, replace the handset on the rest.

23. Making a Call. The procedure for making a call is dependent upon the setting of
the LB / STY / CB mode switch, and the LD / MF switch (located inside the battery

24. To make a call, proceed as follows:

a. Lift up the telephone handset (note that it has a magnetic Hook switch).

b. In LB mode:

(1) Press the magneto ringer switch to call – an LED illuminates to

confirm the call.

NOTE. Tone dialling (if selected by the DM / MF switch being set to MF) is also available.

(2) Depress the handset Pressel switch to enable 2-way speech

communication. Release Pressel switch at end of call.

c. In CB mode:

(1) On receipt of dial tone, dial the number required.

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NOTE. Pulse (Loop Disconnect) or tone (DTMF) dialling is available, as selected by the LD
/ MF switch.

(2) Depress the handset Pressel switch to enable 2-way speech

communication. Release Pressel switch at end of call.

(3) If the system with which the telephone is used, is operator controlled,
there may be no dial tone. In this case wait for the operator to answer and
request the number required.

25. Special Function Keys (* and #). The telephone is equipped with 2 special
function keys (* and #). These keys are used only on certain types of exchange, and the
facilities offered by the keys (e.g. system abbreviated dialling) refer to the local exchange
User Guide.

26. Replacing the Batteries.

a. Remove the battery cover located on the bottom face by unscrewing the
large headed plastic thumbscrew. Remove and discard the spent calls, and insert 4
fresh C size cells, NSN 6135-99-117-3212, paying attention to correct polarity as
marked in the battery compartment.

b. Replace the battery cover, ensuring that the seal is undamaged and correctly
located. Tighten the thumbscrew finger tight only; no useful purpose is served if
excessive force is applied.

27. A complete path or circuit must exist for the current to flow from one telephone to
another. There are 3 types of circuit:

a. SWITCHED CIRCUIT. This circuit is where telephones are connected to a

central exchange which can be either:

(1) Magneto - Unit Level Switchboard.

(2) Central Battery - Civilian Type Exchange.

b. OMNIBUS CIRCUIT. This system connects all the subscribers in a parallel

circuit and a system of rings is employed to call other subscribers. It is used in
situations where line must be laid quickly or the facility of an exchange is not

Omnibus Circuit

c. EARTH RETURN CIRCUIT. In this circuit, only one cable is connected to the
telephones. The other terminal, usually marked 'E', is connected to an earth spike

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by a short piece of cable. This circuit is normally used when the possibility exists
that one of the wires in the D10 cable is broken. All the wires in the cable are joined
together and connected to one terminal of a telephone. (Alternatively the single
cable could be an already existing one, e.g. a fence around a wood or field. Good
communications can be achieved, especially if the ground is wet).

Earth Return Circuit


28. The following characteristics are necessary for Army field cables:

a. Easily laid and rapidly recovered.

b. Rapidly and effectively coupled or jointed.

c. Light, compact and reasonably portable.

d. Mechanically strong, durable and flexible.

e. Well insulated.

f. Of low resistance allowing good communication over several km’s.

29. To meet these requirements in an efficient and economic manner, the following field
cables are in current use:

a. Cable Telephone D10 MK3 (Twisted) (CT D10). This is a twisted pair of
conductors used for general purpose field speech communications and remote-
control lines for net radio. Each conductor consists of 4 tinned copper wires and 3
galvanised steel wires stranded together and insulated with polyethylene and a
black polymer outer sheath.

b. Cable Telephone Lightweight Quad (CT Lt Wt Quad). This cable provides 2

audio pairs and is used in place of D10 where more than one circuit is required.
There are 2 white and 2 black conductors inside a clear polyethylene inner sheath
which in turn is protected by a polymer outer sheath. Individual conductors are
made up the same as for D10.

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30. Prior to actually laying cable, a recce should be carried out by the Signals Officer or
an NCO delegated by them to determine the best route.

31. Some aids to choosing a route are:

a. Maps.

b. Aerial photographs.

c. Local knowledge.

32. The major factors to consider when choosing a route are:

a. Speed.

b. Security.

c. Ease of maintenance.


a. Line should be laid initially by the most direct route and then improved later.

b. Line MUST be through on time.


a. Ideally, line should be laid in daylight. A line laid at night may well come
under view by day.

b. Whenever possible, the route should give cover to the line party from enemy
view and fire.

c. Line should be inconspicuous and line parties should not leave tracks even if
the cable is hidden.

d. Where practicable, lines should not follow the same route and should not be
laid together. Doing so runs the risk of induction between cables. Also, should
damage occur in an area then there is the increased possibility of more than one
line being damaged.

35. EASE OF MAINTENANCE. Avoid routes which offer difficulties of maintenance, for
example, routes requiring a large number of crossings.

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a. Main roads, crossroads, railways, villages and bridges (likely enemy targets
and danger of traffic).

b. Open fields (danger of observation or cable damage by vehicles, animals


c. Water, wet or marshy ground.

d. Bracken, heather, tops of hedges, etc (makes cable more vulnerable to shell

e. Active power lines and other cables (causes noise on the line).

f. Centres of activity, e.g. HQs.

g. Patrol, runner and DR routes.


37. After the recce, orders must be given to the commanders of the line parties, who in
turn must give orders to their own line parties. The orders follow a simple sequence,
remembered by the mnemonic:

Situation - Enemy Forces: Location


Friendly Forces: Plan



Route - Explain in bounds

Give distances

Crossings - Number

Amount of Cable - Requirement

Number of Packs

Timings - Time now

Time laid
Time permanent (if applicable)

Labels - Code

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Instructions - Relevant points online

Spacing and movement
Actions on crossings
Action of on enemy contact
Any instructions not covered above, e.g. feeding arrangements,
weapons to be carried.

38. An example of orders to a line party is at Annex A.


39. Once line has been laid, field cables should always be clearly labelled with an
identification mark as an aid to maintenance and fault location. Under no circumstances
should any information be placed on a label that may be of use to the enemy.

a. Importance of Labelling:

(1) To locate one cable from another.

(2) To ease the handover of lines to an incoming formation.

(3) To make line tracing and fault finding easier.

b. Where to label:

(1) The beginning and end of a cable route.

(2) Where routes cross.

(3) Where cables leave or enter a Signal Centre.

(4) Either side of a crossing.

(5) At frequent intervals i.e. joints or couplings.

(6) Anywhere where confusion may arise.


40. Labels are to be marked with a unit code so as to differentiate them from all other
labels. The following points are to be applied:

a. The unit code contains 2 random letters, selected by the Signals Officer,
which differ from neighbouring units. These are the unit letters and are followed by
any 2 consecutive random numbers from 01 to 99, commencing with an odd

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b. Labels should be of a material suitable to withstand all outdoor climatic
condition and can be locally produced. They should not be any larger than 75mm x
40mm and should have a hole punched (5mm diameter maximum) 100mm from
one edge to which spun yarn can be treated and attached to the cable.

c. Markings must not disclose the unit's identity.

d. If a line is teed-in to another, that part of the line common to both lines
contains both codes.

e. Labels should be securely attached with spun yarn.

f. Codes are issued randomly to lines and not in order of priority.


41. The label used within the infantry is the NATO label. An example of line labelling in
an infantry battalion is below. The Signals Officer has chosen the letters DH and the codes
are as follows:

a. CO numbered 24.

b. A Coy numbered 21.

c. B Coy numbered 13.

d. RA OP numbered 75.

Line Labelling

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42. Foot line-laying parties should consist of 2 or 3 individuals depending on the length
of lay and the type of country. The ideal party is a commander and 2 individuals.

43. Every member is to carry the following equipment. The mnemonic PC STILL is an
aid to remembering them:

P - Pliers.

C - Clasp knife.

S - Spun yarn.

T - Tools compression (normally only the commander).

I - Insulating tape.

L - Labels.

L - Lineman's belt.

44. ADDITIONAL STORES. Additional stores carried by the party will depend on the
route and type of lay. The commander should decide on which equipment to take and how
to distribute it. The following is a guide to some of the equipment that may be taken:

a. D10 dispenser pack(s) and sling, plus telephone PTC 414.

b. Spare dispenser pack(s).

c. Crookstick(s).

d. Mattock (or pick and shovel).

e. Telephone for distant terminal (training purposes only).

f. Hooks cable (if issued).

g. Spun yarn.

h. Torch.

i. Copper compression crimps.

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45. BEFORE LAYING. The commander should receive their orders and do their own
recce if possible. At the same time the party should:

a. Draw and test all stores.

b. Set up packs ready.

c. The commander will then brief their party.

46. DURING LAYING. The party will, under supervision of the commander:

a. Test through a suitable point, normally at a joint.

b. Make tiebacks, crossings and joints where necessary.

c. Label the line as ordered.


a. Test back from the distant terminal stating the approximate amount of cable

b. Unless otherwise ordered, return along the route, attending to the final
security of the line and improving crossings and tiebacks as necessary.

c. Report to the exchange area on return (Commander only).

d. Check and return all stores.


a. One person to move ahead removing tiebacks, clearing cables.

b. Crossings should be dismantled by all members of the crew.

c. Three people to reel in the cable.

d. To avoid fatigue, the commander should ensure that these tasks are
alternated on long lays.

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a. Keep cable on the ground whenever possible. The cable should not lie on
top of hedges and fences.

b. Laying loosely prevents tension and allows cable to lie flat.

c. Lay under hedgerows or in dry ditches to give maximum protection and


50. BUILT-UP AREAS. If built-up areas have to be used:

a. Avoid main roads; use byways, bridleways and footpaths.

b. Suspend cable overhead by tying back under eaves.

c. If speed is necessary, lay the cable in gutters and tie down to gratings.

51. Troops, vehicles, animals or the blast of shells may pull the cable out of position so
it must be tied back to a holdfast.

52. When the line is improved or laid permanently then tie-backs are made at the
following places:

a. Hitching rail.

b. The 50m point.

c. Where the cable changes direction.

d. Each side of all crossings.

e. The distant terminal.

f. Appropriate points along the line as required.

53. TIEBACKS. These can be made in various ways:


(1) A clove hitch over a holdfast.

(2) If the holdfast has no open end, e.g. a barred fence or gate, then the
cable can be secured by one or 2 half-hitches.

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Temporary Tiebacks


(1) Make a clove hitch in the cable and secure it with a barrel hitch, made
with spun yarn.

(2) Attach the free end of the spun yarn to the holdfast with a reef knot.

(3) Bobbins, with the cable attached by a clove hitch and secured to posts
or walls of buildings.

NOTE. Spun yarn may not always be available. However, D10 is equally effective and,
being black, more easily concealed.

Permanent Tie Back



54. Line parties must maintain contact with the exchange during line-laying. Parties
should report back as follows:

a. Prior to jointing of a line and at the end of a drum reel.

b. After construction of a crossing.

c. At the distant terminal.

d. Anywhere else considered necessary by the commander.

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55. Line Reports.

a. Should include:

(1) The position of the party in relation to crossings.

(2) Confirm both ways by getting the exchange to ring back.

b. Could include:

(1) General progress.

(2) Amount of cable left, i.e. detour of considerable distance not

anticipated en-route.

56. Distant Terminal. Sufficient cable should be left at the distant terminal to allow the
telephone to be moved around.

57. CABLE. Cable must be checked frequently as a matter of routine. It must always be
overhauled by running from one reel to another at the first opportunity after reeling in. All
bad joints should be cut out and remade as should any bad parts of the cable.

58. INSULATION AND CONTINUITY. As a guide, D10 cable which falls below the
following specifications should not be used:

a. There should be no more than one joint per 50m of cable.

b. At any time when the cable is suspected of not giving satisfactory


59. EQUIPMENT. Apparatus Carrying Line –ACLs (or Reeling Machine Cable Hand –
RMCH), crooksticks and mattocks should be lightly oiled and tested as appropriate to
manufacturers specifications. Labels should be cleaned thoroughly and old markings
erased. The labels should then be rethreaded with spun yarn.


60. When signals fail or become weak, the exchange operator must first check the
exchange and, if it is in order, they must report that there is a line fault.

61. Fault location is completed as a drill as follows:

a. Proving within the exchange area.

b. Bracketing the fault within 400m bounds.

c. Localisation of the fault within a short bracket.

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d. Finding the fault within the short bracket.


a. The line party moves quickly along the line watching for faults at the obvious
places but does NOT inspect the line in detail.

b. The line is tested in 400m brackets.

c. Location of the Fault. The line party having teed-in at 'A', 'B' and 'C' find the
fault lies between 'B' and 'C'. They return to 'D' test and find the fault lies between
'B' and 'D'. They continue to 'B', test and find that the fault is between 'E' and 'D'.
The fault is now located by hand.

Fault Location

63. Protection. Line parties must ALWAYS be armed when fault finding. When in close
proximity to the enemy, they may require additional protection. They should be briefed as
to whether they may show lights or not.

64. Lines once laid cannot be forgotten. They must be patrolled by linemen, preferably
by those who actually laid the line.

65. The Signal Officer, or an NCO detailed by them, is responsible for planning the line
patrol programme. The details will depend on circumstances. However, in close proximity
to the enemy, patrols should go out at irregular intervals because of the danger of ambush.
A copy of the line patrol programme should be displayed in the exchange.

66. Linemen, in addition to PC STILL, should take the following equipment depending
on the route:

a. Telephone (PTC 414 or similar).

b. Line repair equipment to include crimping tool. Copper compression crimps.

c. Mattock or pick / shovel.

d. Spare cable.

e. Torch.

f. Tee-in leads.

g. Appropriate PPE.

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67. Tasks. Linemen are to:

a. Test equipment before leaving.

b. Renew illegible labels.

c. Improve the line where necessary.

d. Maintain crossings.

e. Test back after repairing a break.

f. Report at regular intervals on the line, at the distant terminal and on return.

68. Testing. In addition to patrolling, all lines are to be tested regularly from the
exchange. During quiet periods, lines should be tested at least half-hourly.

69. Badly made joints are responsible for many faults and also cause a decrease in
signal strength. Thoroughness and care are essential. Joints will often have to be made in
the dark and with cold hands, but workmanship must not suffer.

70. Joints should be used for:

a. Joining lengths of cable.

b. Mending breaks.

c. Lengthening a working cable.

d. Teeing-in to a working cable.

71. Knots and Hitches. To secure and joint cable when laying line, linemen may have
to use some of the following knots and hitches. In all cases of jointing, the joints should be

a. Reef knot – for joining cables of equal thickness.

b. Sheep shank – for shortening cables without cutting.

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c. Clove hitch – for tiebacks.

d. Barrel hitch – for tiebacks.

e. One or 2 half hitches – for tiebacks.

f. Thumb knot – for fuses and tee-in joints.

g. Weave tie – to secure overhead crossing to poles.


72. Joints are either temporary or permanent and are classified as follows:

a. Permanent.

(1) Compression tool joints.

b. Temporary.

(2) Reef knot.

(3) Tee-in joints when used for fault location.


73. The hand compression jointing tool has been designed to enable D10 or lightweight
quad to be jointed quickly and efficiently using the appropriate Hellerman splicing sleeves.

74. The splicing sleeves (Z37 / 5940-99-801-1509) consist of an internal copper core
insulated from an external metal sheath by a nylon sleeve.

75. To make a joint, the bare ends of the cable to be jointed are inserted in the splicing
sleeve and the sleeve is crimped by the tool. This provides electrical continuity in the
conductors, tensile strength equivalent to the original cable strength, (breaking strength
approximately 38 kg), and protects the joint against atmospheric conditions.

View of Hellerman tool showing crimping jaws

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76. The jointing tool is operated by hand compression and incorporates a ratchet which
prevents the opening of the handles and the release until full closure of the crimping jaws
is achieved.

77. A combined stripper and cutter, with a fixed abutment, is located on the back of the
tool. When the end of the wire to be stripped is placed across the stripping blade and is
held firmly against the abutment whilst the stripping operation is completed, it ensures that
the correct length of wire is bared for insertion in the sleeve.

78. The tool is supplied together with a web carrying frog for attachment to a Service
belt or a lineman's belt. The splicing sleeves are carried loose in the user's pocket.

79. For efficient working, the jaws of the tool should be kept lightly oiled.

80. The procedure for jointing D10 cable differs slightly from that used for jointing
lightweight quad cable. When D10 cable is being jointed, both cores must be cut and then
the pairs are twisted and jointed.

81. When lightweight quad cable is being jointed, all 4 cores must be cut and jointed,
staggering each pair (black-black and white-white) to prevent bulkiness. Great care must
be taken to ensure that the mechanical strength of the cable is equally shared by the 4
jointed cores.

Lightweight Quad Joint


82. Lift the cutting lever (A) on the back of the tool, insert each cable, in turn, into the
cutting notch (B), press the lever firmly to produce a clean cut.

83. Insert each cable end, in turn, into the stripping notch (C) and push the cable end
firmly home against the abutment (D). Press the lever down and, holding it firmly in
position, draw the cable end from the stripper.

84. This action should produce a uniform length of bared wire at the cable ends. (The
stripped sheath should be removed from the stripper by the end of a spare piece of cable.
Do not use the bared end of the stripped cable as this would tend to spread the conductors
and make subsequent marrying of the ends difficult).

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View of Hellerman tool showing the stripping and cutting side

85. Splicing Sleeves. Below illustrates the 3 stages in the use of the sleeve.

The use of a sleeve


86. Insert the prepared ends of the cable into a splicing sleeve until it is felt both ends
are touching inside the sleeve. Then, by simultaneously pressing both ends inwards and
slightly twisting one relative to the other, interweave or marry the ends. The success of the
finished joint depends on this part of the operation being correctly performed.

87. Place the sleeve with the interwoven cable in the centre of the gap between the
jaws of the tool, retaining the cable in position by wedging it into the notches provided.

88. Close the handles of the tool fully until they are released by the ratchet then remove
the crimped joint from the tool.

89. Grip the cable at each side of the joint and give a sharp tug. If there is no sign of
movement at either end of the sleeve it can be considered to be a good joint.

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Some skill, and not a little effort, is required to close the tool which will not release until the
joint is "made". Smaller Cadets may find this difficult and some allowance should be made
for this when classification testing is undertaken.

Care is needed to ensure that the stripped wires are not bent.

90. If a hand compression jointing tool and sleeves are not available and the cable has
to be jointed, then the reef knot method should be used.

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91. The equipment required for jointing is:

a. Clasp knife.

b. Pliers.

c. Insulation tape.

d. Tape pressure sensitive (self-amalgamating).

e. Joints in twisted pairs must be staggered.

92. Before a joint is made, the insulation must be stripped from the conductors. Care
must be taken not to nick any of the strands of wire, as when this happens they readily
break. The safest way in which to bare a cable is to make the end fast – or stand on it, put
a strain on it with one hand and then remove the unwanted insulation with the pliers or
scrape it off with the knife. (D10 cable is very tough, but with care and patience one will
soon acquire the knack).

93. To ensure good conductivity, cleanliness and tightness of the knot are essential.
Every trace of dirt, grease and insulation must be removed and the bare conductors kept

94. Fingers of personnel making the joints must be clean and dry before the conductors
are handled.

95. This is only regarded as a temporary joint and should be replaced by the
compression joint as soon as possible.

96. Bare the conductors without damaging them for at least 15 cm at the end of each
cable, leaving 1 cm of insulation at the end of the cables to prevent the 7 strands from
splaying out until the knot is made.

97. Join the bared cables by means of a reef knot, getting the knot about 1 cm from the
insulated portion of the cable. Pull the knot as tight as possible without breaking the

Reef Knot Joint

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98. Remove the insulation from the end of the cables and taking each cable in turn,
bend the last 2 cm of the strands of wire over a finger. Remove the wires from the finger –
the 3 steel strands will spring up; the 4 copper wires will remain bent.

99. Separate the copper wires from the steel wires. Using the copper wires, bind in the
tail for about ½ cm along the standing part of the cable and then cut off the steel strands
obliquely so that they lie along the joint. Continue binding with the copper wires for another
½ cm and then cut off excess material.

100. Repeat the process on the other side.

101. Take a piece of plastic insulating tape (Z42 / 5970-99-109-3781) about 15 cm long.
Starting at the knot, wind the tape along the joint and overlapping the insulation by 1 cm.
The tape must be stretched all the time and care must be taken to ensure that each turn
overlaps the last. (If the tape is not stretched properly it will not adhere to the insulation
and the joint will not be moisture-proof).

102. Continue the winding-back over the knot to the other end and finally back to the

103. To ensure a waterproof joint, the insulating tape is covered with tape self-
amalgamating (Y3 / 8030-99-109-7463) in a similar way to that described above.

104. Care should be taken not to increase greatly the "bulk" of the cable at joints.

105. D10 is a twisted pair. Each line of the pair should be joined separately and
staggered to avoid bulk joints.

106. To lengthen a working cable, 2 tee-in joints are made on the existing line with the
new piece of cable. The old working line is then cut as shown below.

Lengthening a Working Line

NOTE: This method allows uninterrupted use of the line while lengthening takes place.

107. The construction of a permanent tee-in joint is shown below. A single line only is
shown – part of a twisted pair.

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Permanent Tee-in Joint


108. STAGE 1

a. Make a bight in the cable and bare about 5 cm.

b. Take the tee-in cable and bare about 5 cm, approximately 20 cm from the

109. STAGE 2

a. Form a reef knot ensuring the knot is in the centre of the bared portions.

110. STAGE 3

a. Separate the copper strands from the steel on the tee-in cable.

b. Cut the steel strands one cm from the knot.

c. Bind the copper strands closely round the tee-in cable.

111. STAGE 4

a. Insulate thoroughly. Start and finish at the centre of the knot.


112. A temporary teeing-in lead is used to check a working line.


113. The following are required to construct the leads:

a. Two safety pins.

b. Two lengths of D10 cable.

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c. Insulating tape.

114. Take 2 lengths of D10 and strip to 3 cm on the 4 ends.

115. Wind the bare cable through the loop of the safety pin, secure and insulate.

116. Make a loop at the other end of both lengths of D10, secure and insulate.

117. To use the leads, insert each pin through a strand of the working line. Connect a
working telephone and call the exchange.

Teeing-in Lead

NOTE. When the safety pins are removed, ensure that the working line is properly
insulated where the pin holes occurred.

118. Crossings are necessary when the cable is required to crossroads, footpaths, tracks
or gateways.

119. There are many types of crossings, but the only one that Cadets are required to
know are as follows:

a. Overhead Crossings.

b. Buried Crossings (only theory required).

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120. The overhead crossing can be of 3 types:

a. Pole crossing - a crossing using 2 poles.

b. Natural crossing - a crossing using 2 trees or similar e.g. a building.

c. Mixed crossing - a crossing using a combination of poles, trees or


121. Pole crossings are to be constructed as follows:

a. Decide on the positions for the pole bases.

b. Assemble the poles and lay at right angles to the direction of lay of the cable.
The pole TOPS should be where the poles are to be based.

c. Clove hitch the D10 5 cm from the tops of the poles, in the groove of the
pole, forming a small surplus of cable (gooseneck) with the D10.

d. Drive in the pickets as positioned on the diagram.

e. Loop the guy ropes round the tops of the poles, throwing the trailing ends to
the pickets.

f. Raise and lift the poles simultaneously. Adjust the guys, moving the pegs if
necessary, until the suspended cable is taut and the poles vertical.

g. Tie the cable at the pole base, using spun yarn.

h. Tie-back the cable to the tie-back picket, ensuring that there is sufficient
slack between the pole and picket.

i. Label both sides of the crossing.

A Typical Pole Crossing (Plan View)

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122. This method utilises a crookstick and a skyhook. The pole pike, fibreglass 17 ft, is
known as a crookstick and the hook cable is known as a skyhook.

a. Erect a pole.

b. Place the D10 over the skyhook and then slip the skyhook over the top,
squared, end of the crookstick.

c. Raise the crookstick and place the skyhook on a suitable branch.

d. Adjust the cable to the required height by pulling gently at A.

A Mixed Crossing

e. Remove the crookstick allowing the slide on the skyhook to drop and trap the

f. Tie off the cable at the base of the tree.

g. Label both sides of the crossing.

Use of Cable (Sky) Hooks

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123. The buried crossing is used to cross unmetalled surfaces which are likely to be
used by vehicles. Such surfaces are likely to be tracks or gateways into fields. Cadets
should not construct this type of crossing due to the risk from hidden underground services
and in addition many training areas do not allow digging to take place over access routes.

124. Joints. Joints are not permitted on the overhead portion of crossings.

125. Crossings belonging to another unit. Do not use other unit's crossings – build
your own. Should you use someone else's crossing and they recover their route first the
chances are that they will cut your line to clear the crossing.

126. Use of trees. Saplings or other trees which bend easily in strong winds should not
be used for crossings. They are quite liable to sway in opposite directions and thereby
place excessive strain on the cable causing it to snap. If in doubt when using sapling or
other trees, seek permission from local authority. Care should be taken with regard to
environmental protection regulations when working in the vicinity of saplings and other

127. Building through built-up areas. If the cable route must pass through a built-up
area, it is best constructed across open spaces such as parks or allotments. Other
preferred routes are along footpaths running along the backs of houses, the tow paths of
rivers and canals, and roads bordered by trees. In general, the residential part of the
village is more suitable than the shopping centre.

NOTE. Under no circumstances is line to be laid through or interfere with a member of the
general public’s property or belongings e.g. gardens, motor vehicles etc. Even with
permission from the owner, litigation could lend itself should damage to property or
belongings occur.

128. Telephone and electrical power poles must be avoided at all times.



Cadets must never be allowed to work in the vicinity of BT and electrical power poles.

The need to cross a low tension or high-tension power cable should never arise. Should
there be an occasion when the route selected is unavoidable, the assistance from a
Regular Army NCO should be requested. If at all possible, the Liaison Officer (LO) or
Signals Officer should avoid the placement of a detachment that could possibly encounter
this situation.

Regular Royal Signals Linemen avoid power crossings by re-routing cable lays often to
such a degree the original cable route has been extended to twice its original length.

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129. The clearance at a crossing is the height above the ground on the lowest wire
measured from the highest level of the ground in the span. Be wary of cable dip and road
camber reducing the effective clearance of a crossing.

130. Minimum permissible clearances are:

a. Open country (no vehicles) - 4½m (14 ft)

b. Roads - 6m (20 ft)

c. Tracks - 5½m (18 ft)


NOTE: Railway lines should not be crossed. Re-routing of cable should therefore occur.
The maximum height of poles available for a pole crossing is 6.4m (21 ft).

131. It may be necessary on occasions to increase the clearance of roads and tracks.

132. Full use should be made of any high ground at the sides of the crossing area to
gain additional height. Attention must be paid to adverse camber at the edges of roads
which will affect the overall clearance of the crossing. Buildings, trees etc should also be
used where possible to save stores.

133. Poles must be placed well clear of entrances to avoid damage by vehicles turning in
or out.

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a. Enemy Forces. The enemy are in Motor Rifle Regiment strength and are 12
hours away to the north.

b. Friendly Forces. We are the left forward battalion of our brigade. We have 1
RWF to our right and 3 LI of 1st Infantry Brigade to our left. Our companies are
deployed as follows:

A Coy are by the brigade at Grid 211375

B Coy )
C Coy ) Indicate position and grid of the
D Coy ) other subunits
Mortars )

2. MISSION To lay line to A Coy at Grid 211375. (Repeat).


4. ROUTE You will take the following route to A Coy. Follow the track to the junction
about 100m. Cross the smaller track and follow the hedgerow to the stream about 200m.
Cross the stream, turn left along the roadside using the ditch to the railway bridge where
you will find A Coy's position about 800m. A total distance of 1100m.

5. CROSSINGS There are 2 crossings. A buried track crossing at the track junction,
(point out on model and ground). A patrolled stream crossing at the stream, (point out on
model and ground).

6. CABLE Take 2 packs of D10.

7. TIMINGS Time now is 1130 hrs. Line in by 1215 hrs. Made permanent by 1330 hrs.

8. LABELS The labelling code is AB 37 and you require 5 labels. One for the hitching
rail, one for the 50m point, one for the DT and 2 spare.

9. INSTRUCTIONS A temporary line is to be laid on the way out and made permanent
on the way back. Keep well-spaced out and stay in the ditch along the road as it may be
under observation by the enemy.

10. QUESTIONS Ask the party questions about the orders. Carry out a final check of
equipment before lay.

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1. The details of the authorised equipment, for Basic – 4 Star CIS in the ACF and
CCF(Army), is included in this document. The relevant AESPs and IETPs are referenced
in each section and should be consulted for further information if required.

2. Inclusion of information in this document does not infer any authority for units to
increase scales; neither does it imply any future intention to increase scales of issue.


3. There is a risk that radio transmissions could ignite fuels or flammable vapours
during re-fuelling operations.

4. To reduce this hazard, radios should be switched off when within:

Ser Type of Refuelling Operations Ambient Temperature Distance

1 Hydrogen Any VHF / 15m
HF 70m
2 All Other Fuels >30°C 45m 70m


5. There is a risk that radio transmissions could ignite or initiate ordnance. This applies
to any electro-explosive capable devices e.g. Trip Flare.

6. Different safe distances apply dependent on the state or condition of the ordnance:

a. Cat 1. (Dis)assembly and testing of sub systems (includes unidentified /

damaged ordnance).

b. Cat 2. Testing of by connecting circuitry.

c. Cat 3. Storage and transportation in Approved Packaging.

d. Cat 4. Not in approved packaging, handling, loading or unloading to a


e. Cat 5. Loaded to platform for intended use.

Ser Radio Cat 1 & 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 & 5

1 PRC 343 31m 0.08m 11m
2 PRC 710 31m 0.08m 11m
3 PRC 715 62m 0.16m 21m
4 PRC 720 67m 0.18m 23m

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7. MOD Policy is to conform to all Health Protection Agency Radiological Protection

Division (HPA RPD) guidelines for the protection of personnel from exposure to Non-
Ionisation Radiation (NIR) in order to exercise its duty of care by ensuring that personal
exposure is maintained As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).

8. As a precaution, it has been agreed that HPA General Public rather than
occupational exposure reference levels should apply to Cadets. CFAVs have been
classified as occupational users. It should be noted, however, that reference levels are not
limits on exposure.

9. It is important to note that the risk is from the antenna and not the radio. The risk is
only present when the radio is transmitting. Minimum safety distances for radios and
antenna systems in use by the Cadet Forces are:

Power Minimum Safety Distance from

Ser Radio Antenna Eyes
Cadet CFAV
1 PRC 343 (PRR) Stub 50mW 0.04m 0.04m
2 PRC 710 Short (0.18m) 0.5W 0.15m 0.025m
3 Blade (0.7m) 0.5W 0.15m 0.025m
4 2W Not Permitted 0.025m
5 5W Not Permitted 0.025m
6 PRC 715 Blade (0.7m) 20W 2m 0.75m
7 GSA / EGSA 20W 2m 0.75m
8 PRC 720 Whip / End-fed 5W Not Permitted 0.2m
9 10W Not Permitted 0.2m
10 15W Not Permitted 0.2m
11 25W 2m 0.2m
12 Dipole 5W N/A N/A
13 10W N/A N/A
14 15W N/A N/A
15 25W N/A N/A


10. Batteries contain harmful chemicals and must be stored, handled and disposed of
carefully. They must never be shorted out as they could overheat, release harmful gases
and possibly catch fire.

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11. To protect hearing, the radio should not be operated on the high-volume setting for
prolonged periods of time.

12. The outer part of the earpiece is shaped to accept standard in-service ear
SECTION 2 – UK / PRC 343


13. The UK / PRC 343 is a small UHF manpack radio for use section level. It is often
referred to as the Personal Role Radio (PRR).

14. PRR is issued to every member of an eight-strong infantry section and is used for
intra-section communications. Its short range means it is not suitable for communication
between sections.

15. The use of PRR has significantly enhanced combat effectiveness by providing
informed communications to infantry soldiers, replacing traditional methods based on
shouting and hand signals.

16. Radios present a small radiation hazard (RADHAZ), due to the ionizing
electromagnetic radiation emitted from the antenna during transmitting. The minimum
safety distance (MSD) as laid out above MUST be maintained at all times when

Frequency Range 2.4000 – 2.4835 GHz

Channels 256 channels (16 accessible to User)

Antennas 30mm Whip

Power 50 mW

Ranges 500m Outside

50m Inside buildings

Weight (with bty) 0.5 kg

Dimensions (with battery) 175mm Height 87mm Width 24mm Depth

Battery low warning
Wireless PTT – up to 2m away
Dual PTT – to integrate with Mercury CNR

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17. The radio is powered by 2 x AA primary cells, which provide typically 24 hours use
at a ratio of 1:7:16 (Tx:Rx:Stby).

UK PRC 343


18. Group Selector, Switch (Single or Dual) and Antenna

Cadets are to be given the PRR Transceiver fitted with the Switch (Single or Dual) and the
Antenna. Only CFAVs may separate these three components.

a. Ensure the Group Selector is correctly set for each radio (0-9, A-F).

b. This selector will be covered by the Switch (Single) once fitted. Adjustment
must only be made using the small cross-headed tool attached to the snap closure
on the Pouch Carrying.

c. Slot Switch (Single) into position and secure using a flathead screwdriver.

d. Screw antenna on fully.

19. The radios can be stored like this and should be given to cadets in this state.

Pre-assembled PRC 343 with Switch (Single)

20. Setting Up

a. Ensure set is switched off (Off / Vol fully anticlockwise).

b. Connect headset.

c. Check the channel Selector.

d. Insert batteries.
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e. Off / Vol to mid-position.

f. Insert into holster after testing completed.

Inserting the batteries into the PRC 343 observing the correct polarity


21. The radio should be carried as high as possible on the shoulder strap of the non-
shooting shoulder. The antenna must be at least 0.04m (4cm) away from the eyes when

22. To assist the user, a number of audio tones will be heard in the headset depending
on operations.

a. Power on - three short high tones.

b. Power off - five medium low tones.

c. Battery Low - four tones alternating in frequency.

d. Volume / Channel changes - one beep per step.

e. Affiliation - series of eight tones.


23. The PRR has a wireless PTT with a sealed non-replaceable Lithium Ion battery,
which can be affiliated with any PRR radio. The 433MHz wireless PTT has a range up to
2m from the PRR radio it is affiliated to. Care should be taken when affiliating to ensure
that the correct radio is affiliated. After use, the Wireless PTT should be de-affiliated since
removal of the batteries from the PRR will not result in de-affiliation.

24. The Wireless PTT (WPTT) can be affiliated by as follows:

a. Ensure radio is switched off.

b. Position WPTT with “Program” label placed beneath the single Pressel on
the radio.

c. Turn on PRR.
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d. An ascending set of tones should be heard in the headset.

e. Press and hold WPTT button until ascending tones heard again.

f. If unsuccessful, descending tones will be heard in the headset. Switch off

PRR and retry.

25. The Wireless PTT (WPTT) can be de-affiliated as follows:

a. Ensure radio is switched off.

b. Position WPTT with “Program” label placed beneath the single Pressel on
the radio.

c. Turn on PRR.

d. An ascending set of tones should be heard in the headset.

e. Move the WPTT away from the radio and return it 5 times.

f. Ascending tones heard if successful. If unsuccessful, descending tones will

be heard in the headset. Switch off PRR and retry.

26. Receive:

a. Move Off / Vol to mid-position.

b. The correct audio tone should be heard in the headset.

27. Transmit:

a. Depress the PTT and whistle into the microphone.

b. Side tone should be heard in headset.

c. Select channel to be used on channel selector.

d. Set is now ready to operate.


28. If the radio fails any of the operator checks the following checks should be made in
the following order:

a. Check battery polarity.

b. Change batteries with known working ones.

c. Change headset with a known working one.

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d. Change radio.

e. CFAVs should check the group selector is set correctly.


29. A dual PTT is available for the PRR to allow interoperability with the Mercury CNR
system. This is connected in place of the single switch assembly. The upper PTT operates
the PRR, and the lower PTT operates the radio that is connected to the audio lead
attached to the Mercury CNR. This is illustrated below.

Dual PTT


30. At no time must the set be used without an antenna, or with antennas not designed
for the set as this damages the output stages of the transmitter.

31. More information for the PRC 343 should be obtained from the following reference
material: Army Equipment Support Publication No. 5820-F-500-201 (2001) - UK / PRC 343
Personal Role Radio, Operating Information.

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SECTION 3 – UK / PRC 710


32. The UK / PRC 710 is a small, unencrypted, lightweight VHF manpack radio within
the Mercury Combat Net Radio (CNR) system. It provides reliable communications at
section level, and for safety nets. The radio is compatible with the in-service Personal
Role Radio (PRR) (UK / PRC343) via the in-service dual PTT switch and adapter cable.

33. Radios present a small radiation hazard (RADHAZ), due to the ionizing
electromagnetic radiation emitted from the antenna during transmitting. The minimum
safety distance (MSD) as laid out above MUST be maintained at all times when

The PRC 710


Frequency Range 30 MHz to 87.975 MHz

Mode Narrow-band FM

Channels 2320 at 25 kHz spacing

Antennas 0.18m short, 0.7m blade

Power LO (0.5 W), MD (2 W) and HI (5 W)

Ranges 100m – 8km

Weight (with bty) 2 kg

Dimensions (with battery) 260mm Height 110mm Width 70mm Depth

Facilities 10 pre-set channels

Operating Temperature -30C to +65C
Immersion 1 m of water for 1 hour
Adaptor wedge for in service battery

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34. The radio is powered by a 14.4 V 4.5 Ah Lithium Ion secondary battery, which
provides typically 12 hours use at a ratio of 1:7:16 (Tx:Rx:Stby).

UK PRC 710

35. The radio can also be used with the in-service battery using the wedge adaptor.

36. The PRC 710 has 10 pre-programmed channels, which can be re-configured by a
qualified CFAV either via the radio or a computer interface.

37. Pre-User checks must be carried out by CFAVs before use, which must include
checking the power level is set to LO if being used by Cadets to ensure the MSD above is
met. On switching on the radio will carry out a self-test, and if this fails the radio must not
be used.

38. Setting Up:

a. Ensure set is switched off (Off / Vol fully anticlockwise).

b. Invert radio and connect battery by twisting, ensuring retaining clip engages.

c. Connect antenna hand-tight, do not overtighten.

d. Connect headset.

e. Check the channel selector.

f. Insert into pouch.

g. Turn Off / Vol switch to mid-position, self-test will start.

h. After self-test complete, check power setting is set to LO by pressing PTT.

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Connecting the battery correctly by inverting the radio


39. The display on the PRC 710 shows the Frequency, Channel Number selected
Battery status and whether the radio is transmitting or receiving. The Power is only shown
when the radio is in transmit mode.

RX Level Meter Battery

Frequency 42.700 CH04 Channel Number

Mode CLR
Indicator LOCK RX RX Indicator

TX Level Meter Battery

Frequency 42.700 CH04 Channel Number

Mode CLR
Indicator LO TX TX Indicator
(LO / MD / HI)
Display of PRC 710 when in receive mode (top), and transmit mode (below)


40. The radio can be carried on the belt or attached to webbing or the cadet vest via the
mollet loops. The antenna must be kept that minimum safety distance (HERP) away from
the eyes whilst operating the radio.

41. Receive:.

a. Move Off / Vol to mid-position, self-test will begin.

b. Check display shows correctly.

c. Press the squelch button. Noise should be heard from the radio. Press the
squelch button again to turn off the noise.

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d. Check backlit display by pressing “LITE” button.

42. Transmit.

a. Depress the PTT and whistle into the microphone.

b. Check power level is set correctly (LO for Cadets).

c. Sidetone should be heard in headset..

d. Select channel to be used on channel selector.

e. Set is now ready to operate.


43. If the radio fails any of the operator checks the following checks should be made in
the following order:

a. Check battery.

b. Change batteries with known working ones.

c. Change headset with a known working one.

d. Change radio.

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44. The radio will default to the locked state, which stops the user from changing any
settings not accessible from within the menu system. To enter the menu system:
a. Press the RST

b. Enter the password:

(1) Use the / arrows keys to increment / decrement the digit.

(2) Use the arrow key to move to the next digit. As each digit is entered
it is replaced by an asterisk.

(3) When the password has been entered press the key.

c. If the password is successfully entered the VHF Radio is unlocked.

d. There is an 8 second inactivity timer (between key presses) to navigate the

menus and change parameters. If the inactivity timer expires the VHF Radio is locked
and the password will be required to access the menu system.

75.525 CH07 75.525 CH07


000000 00000
** 0 LOCK

Menu system

45. The system settings should only be changed by qualified CFAV CIS instructors,
who have been instructed on the use of the menu system.

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46. The OPER Menu allows the CIS Instructor to set a number of radio and display

a. POWER - Set the power level (LO, MD or HI).

b. LITE - Set the display parameters (LCD and CONTRAST).

c. SPEAKER - Set the internal speaker ON or OFF when the Headset is


47. The operations menu must only be used by a qualified CFAV CIS Instructor. This can
only be carried out by accessing the radios menu system, see section 21.

48. To access the Operation menu proceed as follows:

a. Press the RST
key and enter the password to unlock the radio.
b. Press the RST
key to display the OPER and PROG menus and select the
OPER menu.

c. Press the key to access the OPER menu.


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49. To access the POWER menu proceed as follows:

a. Press the key to select POWER.

b. Press Use the / arrows keys to select:

(1) LO - low power (0.5 W).

(2) MD - medium power (2 W).

(3) HI - high power (5 W).

c. Press the key.
d. Press the RST
key twice to exit.


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50. The LITE Menu allows the Supervisor to set the display and indicator parameters:

a. LCD - Sets the LCD backlight ON or OFF.

b. CONTRAST- Set the contrast level of the LCD display (5 to 11).

51. To access the LITE menu proceed as follows:

a. Use the / arrows keys and press the key to select LITE.

b. To access the LCD menu proceed as follows:

(1) Use the / arrows keys and press the key to select

(2) Use the / arrows keys to select:

(a) ON - enables the LCD lighting.

(b) OFF - disables the LCD lighting.

(3) Press the key to save.
(4) Press the RST
key twice to exit.

c. To access the CONTRAST menu proceed as follows:

(1) Use the / arrows keys and press the key to select

(2) The current channel frequency is shown.

(3) Use the / arrows keys to increment / decrement the


(4) The contrast is adjusted as the digit is changed (5 to 11).

(5) Press the key to save.
(6) Press the RST
key twice to exit.



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52. To access the SPEAKER menu proceed as follows:

a. Use the / arrows keys and press the key to select

b. Use the / arrows keys to select:

(1) ON - internal speaker ON when headset connected.

(2) OFF - internal speaker OFF when headset connected.

c. Press the key to save.
d. Press the RST
key twice to exit.



53. The radio is pre-programmed with the authorised VHF frequencies, and these
should not require changing. Re-programming of channels should only be carried out by
an authorised CFAV who is current, competent and qualified.

54. At no time must the set be used without an antenna, or with antennas not designed
for the set as this damages the output stages of the transmitter.

55. More information for the PRC 710 should be obtained from the relevant Army
Equipment Support Publications.
SECTION 4 – UK / PRC 715


56. The UK / PRC 715 is an unencrypted, high power VHF manpack radio within the
Mercury Combat Net Radio (CNR) system. It provides reliable communications at platoon
level, and for safety nets, and may be used with remote antennas such as the GSA and
EGSA. The PRC 715 utilises a PRC 710 radio with an amplifier. The radio is compatible
with the in-service Personal Role Radio (PRR) (UK / PRC343) via the in-service dual
PTT switch and adapter cable.

57. Radios present a small radiation hazard (RADHAZ), due to the ionizing
electromagnetic radiation emitted from the antenna during transmitting. The minimum
safety distance (MSD) as laid out above MUST be maintained at all times when
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PRC 715


Frequency Range 30 MHz to 87.975 MHz

Mode Narrow-band FM

Channels 2320 at 25 kHz spacing

Antennas 0.7m blade (with adaptor), GSA, EGSA

Power MD (10 W) and HI (20 W)

Ranges 100m-25km

Weight (with bty) 6.2 kg

Dimensions (with battery) 420mm Height 270mm Width 170mm Depth

Facilities 10 pre-set channels

Operating Temperature -30C to +65C
Immersion 1 m of water for 1 hour
3m Remote operation cable
GSA and EGSA antenna can be connected

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58. The PRC 715 is powered by a 14.4 V 16.5 Ah Lithium Ion secondary battery, which
provides typically 12 hours use at a ratio of 1:7:16 (Tx:Rx:Stby). When in the remoted
mode, the PRC 710 battery is also required.

UK PRC 715 and in remote mode with 3m lead


59. The PRC 715 uses the PRC 710 radio which has 10 pre-programmed channels,
which can be re-configured by a qualified CFAV either via the radio or a computer

60. Pre-User checks must be carried out by CFAVs before use, which must include
checking the power level is set to LO if being used by Cadets to ensure the MSD above is
met. On switching on the radio will carry out a self-test, if this fails the radio must not be

61. Setting Up in normal mode (not remote):

a. Ensure both switches on amplifier are switched to off.

b. Open battery box and place battery onto terminals, secure battery box with
both clips.

EQUIPMENT DAMAGE (SHORT) Do not short the front power pins of the VHF Amplifier
when the battery has been inserted but before the battery box has been fitted as this will
cause equipment damage.

c. Ensure radio is switched off, and battery and antenna are not connected.

d. Check the channel selector on radio.

e. Slide radio into amplifier cradle with front of radio facing outwards, and
secure battery connection.

f. Connect 0.25m radio RF lead from radio antenna connection to RT

connector on amplifier.

g. Connect antenna adaptor and whip to ANT connector on amplifier. If using

remote antenna connect straight into ANT connector on amplifier.

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h. Connect headset.

i. Insert into pouch.

j. Turn Off / Vol switch to mid-position on radio, self-test will start on radio.

k. After self-test complete, check power setting is set to LO by pressing PTT.

l. Select LITE switch on amplifier to TEST and ensure both FLT and XMT lights

m. Select MD for 10W or HI for 25W on amplifier POWER switch. If set to Off
the amplifier operates in pass through mode.

Connecting the battery correctly by inverting the amplifier

Inserting Radio into Amplifier Cradle


62. The sequence for setting up in normal mode should be followed however the
following items should be added:

a. The radio will require its own battery, as it is now remoted from the amplifier.

b. The 3m radio RF lead should be connected to the RT connector on the

amplifier instead of the 0.25m radio RF lead.

c. Both the radio and amplifier should only be operated whilst in the pouch.

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63. The amplifier has two indicators FLT and XMT, which will display when the LITE
switch is set to ON. For tactical mode the LITE switch can be set to OFF.

a. FLT – A red LED indicator that illuminates as follows:

(1) Red when the amplifier has a fault.

(2) Flashes Red when attempting to transmit on low battery.

b. XMT – A green LED indicator that illuminates as follows:

(1) Off when the amplifier is off and not transmitting.

(2) Green when the amplifier is on and transmitting.

c. Both indicators can be checked by selecting the LITE switch to TEST and
holding in this position. When the switch is released it reverts to the ON position on

64. The radio can be carried in the PRC 715 pouch. It may not be operated whilst being

65. Receive:

a. Move Off / Vol to mid-position, self-test will begin.

b. Check display shows correctly.

c. Press the squelch button. Noise should be heard from the radio. Press the
squelch button again to turn off the noise.

d. Check backlit display by pressing “LITE” button.

66. Transmit:

a. Depress the PTT and whistle into the microphone.

b. Check power level is set to LO on radio.

c. Sidetone should be heard in headset.

d. Select channel to be used on channel selector.

e. Set is now ready to operate.

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67. If the radio fails any of the operator checks the following checks should be made in
the following order:

a. Check battery.

b. Change batteries with known working ones.

c. Change headset with a known working one.

d. Change radio.

68. When using a remote antenna, a no-loiter zone of 2m should be setup from the
antenna. This is to ensure the MSD of 2m is maintained when operating with a remote
antenna. By using the PRC 715 in the remote mode, it is possible for cadets to achieve the
2m MSD.

69. At no time must the set be used without an antenna, or with antennas not designed
for the set as this damages the output stages of the transmitter.

70. More information for the PRC 715 should be obtained from the relevant Army
Equipment Support Publications.
SECTION 5 – UK / PRC 720


71. The UK / PRC 720 is an unencrypted, lightweight HF manpack radio within the
Mercury Combat Net Radio (CNR) system. It provides reliable communications at
company and battalion level, and for safety nets. The radio is compatible with the in-
service Personal Role Radio (PRR) (UK / PRC343) via the in-service dual PTT switch
and adapter cable.

72. Radios present a small radiation hazard (RADHAZ), due to the ionizing
electromagnetic radiation emitted from the antenna during transmitting. The minimum
safety distance (MSD) as laid out above and MUST be maintained at all times when

PRC 720

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Frequency Range 0.1 MHz to 30.00 MHz


Channels 200 programmable

Antennas 3m whip, External coax fed

Power LO (5 W), MD (10 W), HI (15 W), MAX (25W)

Ranges 1km – 300km

Weight (with bty) 12.5 kg

Dimensions (with battery) 110mm Height 225mm Width 433mm Depth

Facilities Inbuilt modem for data operation

Duplex operation
Operating Temperature -30C to +65C
Immersion 1 m of water for 1 hour

73. The radio is powered by a 14.4 V 16 Ah Lithium Ion secondary battery, which
provides typically 12 hours use at a ratio of 1:7:16 (Tx:Rx:Stby).

UK PRC 720


74. The PRC 720 has 200 pre-programmed channels, which can be re-configured by a
qualified CFAV either via the radio or a computer interface.
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75. Pre-User checks must be carried out by CFAVs before use, which must include
checking the power level is set to LO if being used by Cadets to ensure the MSD above is
met. On switching on the radio will carry out a self-test, and if this fails the radio must not
be used.

76. Setting Up:

a. Ensure set is switched off (Off / Vol fully anticlockwise).

b. Invert radio, open battery box and place battery onto terminals, secure
battery box with both clips.

c. Connect headset.

d. Connect antenna hand-tight, do not overtighten.

e. Insert earth stake into ground and earth braid to terminal if being used in
static location.

f. Insert into pouch.

g. Turn Off / Vol switch to mid-position, self-test will start.

h. After self-test complete, check power setting is set to LO by pressing PTT.

Connecting the battery correctly by inverting the radio


77. The display on the PRC 720 shows:

a. Channel Number selected.

b. Frequency.

c. Antenna type selected:

(1) Internal Antenna Tuning Unit (IATU) for Whip antenna.

(2) Nothing displayed if Dipole antenna connected.

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d. Battery status.

e. Mode – USB, LSB.

f. Squelch on (SQ), Squelch off (Nothing displayed).

g. Power – LOW, MED, HIGH or MAX.

h. An indicator showing receive strength, transmit power and reflected.

i. Function based soft menu operated by buttons F1 – F4.

CH 4
F 3,815.00 F2

Display of PRC 720


78. The radio can be carried in the PRC 720 pouch. It may not be operated whilst being

79. Receive:

a. Move Off / Vol to mid-position, self-test will begin. SELF TEST is displayed
while this occurs. Ensure the MSD is observed from the antenna.

b. Check display shows correctly, and Internal Antenna Tuning Unit (IATU) is

c. Press the squelch button (F3). Noise should be heard from the radio. Press
the squelch button (F3) again to turn off the noise.

80. Transmit:

a. Select channel required.

b. Check power level is set correctly.

c. Depress the PTT and whistle into the microphone.

d. Sidetone should be heard in headset.

e. Set is now ready to operate.

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81. The CHAN menu is used to select from up to 200 channels that have been
programmed and stored in the PRC 720.

82. To select the channel proceed as follows:

a. Press the MENU > CHAN (F1) and use the cursor keys or keypad to enter
the channel number.

b. Press the ENTER key.

c. The Radio tunes to the selected channel and the screen displays the
associated channel information.

F 3,815.00


83. To control the display backlight proceed as follows:

a. Press the MENU > MORE > DIM (F4) key.

b. Press the DIM (F4) key to cycle the LCD Brightness.



84. The SPKR menu is used to enable / disable the internal speaker.

a. Press MENU > MORE > MORE -The SPKR menu is displayed.

b. Press the SPKR (F3) key to toggle the speaker ON - The internal speaker is

c. Press the SPKR (F3) key to toggle the speaker OFF - The internal speaker is



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85. The BAT menu is used to display the battery status information and to reset the
battery level to 100% when a new fully charged battery has been installed.

86. To access the BAT menu proceed as follows:

a. Press MENU > MORE > MORE - The BAT menu is displayed.

b. Press the BAT (F4) key. The battery level status is displayed.

c. When a new and fully charged battery has been installed, press the FULL
key to reset the battery level status to 100%.

MENU FT 15 FT 15


87. If the radio fails any of the operator checks the following checks should be made in
the following order:

a. Check battery.

b. Change batteries with known working ones.

c. Change headset / handset with a known working one.

d. Change radio.

88. The menu system on the radio uses a combination of soft function keys (F1-F4) on
the right-hand side of the display and the arrow keys on the left-hand side of the display.
The right-hand arrow nearest the screen is termed the “MORE” key.

Soft Function Keys

89. To simplify the nomenclature the actions to be taken whilst navigating the menu
system are abbreviated (e.g. MENU > MORE > BIT > FULL > YES involves five sequential
key presses).

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90. The radio will default to the locked state, which stops the user from changing any
settings not accessible from within the menu system.

91. To unlock the radio:

a. Press MENU > MORE.

b. The OPEN menu is displayed.

c. Press the OPEN (F1) key and use the keypad to enter the current password.

d. As the password characters are entered they are displayed by an asterisk.

e. Use the < (F2) or > (F3) key to move the cursor left or right if required.

f. Press the OK (F1) or ENTER key to confirm entry.

g. If the password entered is incorrect, WRONG PSW ! is displayed.

h. The OPEN menu then exits and returns to the previous mode of operation.
The system will remain unlocked until it is locked down by entering the password.
There is no automatic timeout.

i. It is then possible to adjust settings such as power for each channel.



92. To lock the radio system:

a. Press MENU > MORE.

b. The LOCK menu is displayed.

c. Press the LOCK (F1) key and use the keypad to enter the current password.

d. As the password characters are entered they are displayed by an asterisk.

e. Use the < (F2) or > (F3) key to move the cursor left or right if required.

f. Press the OK (F1) or ENTER key to confirm entry.

g. If the password entered is incorrect, WRONG PSW ! is displayed.

h. The LOCK menu then exits and returns to the previous mode of operation.
The system will remain locked until it is locked down by entering the password.
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PROG <--


93. To set / change the power level for a selected channel:

a. Enter the Channel menu as per section x.

b. In CHANNEL mode further menu options are provided for the selected channel
by using a combination of the MORE and FUNCTION keys.

c. Navigate the MORE > PWR (secure password) key and select.


e. Press the ENTER key to save.


94. To set the antenna type:

a. Navigate the MENU > MORE > LOCK key and enter the password to OPEN
the radio.

b. Navigate the MENU > MORE > PROG (secure password) > RAD key and

c. Toggle the DIP / WHI key:

(1) DIP - dipole antenna connection.

(2) WHI - whip antenna connection.


95. The radio is pre-programmed with the authorised HF frequencies, and these should
not require changing. Re-programming of channels should only be carried out by an
authorised CFAV who is current, competent and qualified.

96. At no time must the set be used without an antenna, or with antennas not designed
for the set as this damages the output stages of the transmitter.

97. More information for the PRC 720 should be obtained from the relevant Army
Equipment Support Publication.

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1. Frequency is defined as the number of complete waves passing a given point in a

certain time. Radio waves generally have a frequency between 100,000 and 300,000,000
waves each second.

2. Wavelength is defined as the distance between a certain point on a wave to the

same point on the next. e.g. The crest of one wave to the crest of the next. Radio waves
generally have a wavelength between 3000 and 1 metres.

Example Wavelength


3. Electromagnetic Radiation travels as waves and transfers energy from one place to
another. All electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum and they all travel at the
same speed in a vacuum. They travel at approximately 300000000 meters per second.
This is also known as the speed of light.

4. The electromagnetic spectrum is a continuous range of wavelengths. The types of

radiation that occur in different parts of the spectrum have different uses and dangers,
which depend on their wavelength and frequency. The diagram below shows the complete
spectrum, however only radio waves will be covered in this manual.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

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The Free Space Equation

C= Speed of Light (in meters per second), which is approximately 300,000,000 m / s.

f= Frequency (in Hertz).
λ= Wavelength (in meters).

5. The "Free Space Equation" allows us to work out either the frequency or
wavelength as the speed of light will remain constant:

a. Wavelength (m) = Speed of Light (m / s or m s-1) / Frequency (Hz).

b. Frequency (Hz) = Speed of Light (m / s or m s-1) / Wavelength (m).

6. Since we are working with MHz we can simplify this by cancelling out the last 6
zeros from both the frequency and speed of light. This simplifies the equation to:

a. Wavelength (m) = 300 ('Mega Meters' per second) / frequency (Mega Hertz).

7. All radio systems have one thing in common. Each needs an antenna to be able to
transmit and receive effectively. The antenna is the part of the transmitter which receives
the electromagnetic energy from the radio and radiates it into space as a signal. The
antenna determines how much of the available energy is usefully radiated and in what

8. The antenna does a similar job for the receiver. As electromagnetic waves pass an
antenna they induce in it very small electrical currents. These currents are carried to the
radio where they are amplified.

9. Many different radio signals may be picked up by an antenna, but the wanted signal
is selected by the radio and the unwanted signals rejected. Some antennas receive more
efficiently from some directions than others.

10. A propagation path is the way in which a radio wave travels from the transmitting
station to the receiving station. The three propagation paths are surface wave, space wave
and sky wave.

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Propagation Paths

11. The path that the radio wave will predominantly take will depend on:

a. Their frequency.

b. The height of the antenna above the ground.

c. The polarisation of the antenna.



12. Surface waves are transmitted by antennas that are generally vertically polarised,
on or near to the ground. The waves travel close to the surface of the earth and generally
hug the contours along their journey between the transmitter and the receiver.

13. Because the waves travel close to the surface of the earth some of the energy is
absorbed into the ground and rapidly becomes weaker. This reduces the strength of the
signal and is called ATTENUATION.

Surface Wave


14. There are two main factors affecting Surface Wave propagation. These are:

a. Ground Conductivity – The poorer the ground conductivity, the more the
signal is absorbed and the range is reduced.

b. Frequency of the net - The higher the frequency, the more the signal is
absorbed into the ground and the range is decreased.

15. For surface wave, using lower frequencies and wetter ground is the best.
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16. Other factors affecting surface wave propagation include those listed below:

a. Antenna polarisation. The more vertical the antenna, the more efficiently it
will radiate surface wave.

b. Antenna height. Antennas should be on or near to the ground.

c. Power. Increasing the power will increase the quality of the received signal
but not increase the range significantly.

d. Noise. Increased levels of noise will reduce the effective range of incoming
radio waves.

e. Terrain. Surface waves will travel best over flat ground however they will
follow the contours and only reduce in strength slightly.

17. Advantages of Surface Wave

a. Good coverage to the limit of range.

b. Independent of terrain.

c. Antenna siting not too critical.

d. Ideally suited to mobile nets (due to vehicle whips).

18. Disadvantages of Surface Wave

a. Dependant on ground conductivity.

b. Frequency dependant.

Note: Both of the above disadvantages cannot be changed by the user.

19. Examples of Surface Wave Antennas

a. 0.18m Short PRC 710 Antenna.

Construction 0.18m length

Use Mobile VHF communications
Range 0-0.1 Km
Polarity Vertical
Radiation Pattern Omnidirectional
Propagation Surface wave
Advantages Quickly erected, robust, self-supporting
Disadvantages Inefficient

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0.18m Short Antenna

b. 0.7m Blade Antenna.

Construction 0.7m length

Use Mobile VHF communications
Range 0-6 Km
Polarity Vertical
Radiation Pattern Omnidirectional
Propagation Surface wave
Advantages Quickly erected, robust, self-supporting
Disadvantages Inefficient

0.7m Blade Antenna (Unfolded and Folded)

c. Ground Spike Antenna (GSA).

Construction Self-supporting structure which is fixed to the ground using a single

Use Short range, low profile VHF communications where antenna or set
can be remoted
Range 0-20Km
Polarity Vertical
Radiation Pattern Omnidirectional
Propagation Surface wave
Advantages Wideband Antenna, in-built antenna matching unit
Disadvantages Mildly inefficient antenna

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Ground Spike Antenna


20. Space waves are transmitted by antennas high above the ground. The waves travel
in a direct path between the transmitter and the receiver. There will also be radio waves
that are reflected off the ground (called the ground reflected wave) as well as any other

Space Wave


21. There is one factor that determines whether a radio wave will travel by surface
wave or space wave, this is the antenna height above the ground in wavelengths. At one
wavelength above the ground, 50% of the transmitted signal will travel by surface wave
and 50% will travel by space wave. Above this height, a greater proportion of the signal will
be travel by space wave. This is known as the Minimum Effective Height (MEH).

22. Other factors affecting space wave propagation include those listed below:

a. Terrain. As space waves travel in a line of sight path from the transmitter to
the receiver, obstacles such as buildings or hills in the path of the radio wave will
absorb the signal resulting in little or no communications.

b. Siting. A space wave antenna should always be erected away from

obstacles and high enough to almost provide a direct path from transmitter to

c. Noise. Locations of increased of man-made noise should be avoided where

possible. This may not always be practical in places such as headquarters.

d. Frequency. As the frequency increases, the wavelength will decrease. This

means the antenna can be erected higher above the MEH resulting in a greater
proportion of the radiated signal being radiated by space wave. Waves with a higher
frequency will refract around obstacles less resulting in line-of-sight communications
at UHF.
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e. Interference Effects. As space wave will be reflected off obstacles such as

the terrain and buildings, there will always be more than one path that the radio
waves will take from the transmitter to the receiver. If the waves arrive in phase, this
will result in a stronger signal. If they arrive out of phase, the waves will cancel each
other out reducing or eliminating the signal.

23. Advantages of Space Wave

a. Independent of Ground Type. – As a space wave antenna is erected high

above the ground, the radio wave is not dependant on ground conductivity.

This mode of propagation can therefore be used over desert or marsh land with
similar results. It may however be impractical to safely erect a mast on marsh land
or on the sea.

b. Obstructions Can be Used to Screen the Signal. Obstructions such as

buildings can be used to absorb the radiated signal in a particular direction. This
may be useful if the directions of the friendly and enemy forces are known. This
would result in a smaller EW footprint and make it more difficult for communications
to be intercepted by the enemy.

24. Disadvantages of Space Wave

a. Terrain Dependent. Although space wave does not depend on the ground
type, it is affected by the terrain as hills between the transmitter and receiver will
absorb the signal and limit the achieved range.

b. Need for High Antennas. In order to raise the antenna above the MEH,
masts or other supports are required. This may not always be possible in certain
areas where it may not be safe to erect a mast safely.

c. Antenna Siting is Important. Antenna must be erected in a suitable location

away from obstacles and should ideally have Line Of Sight (LOS) with the receiving
antenna. Radio waves will diffract slightly over the horizon so if LOS is not quite
achievable, communications may still be possible.

d. Coverage Can be Patchy. Due to the interference effects from the multiple
paths the radio waves will take from the transmitter to the receiver, the coverage
can be patchy up to and including the limit of the range. It may only require moving
the antenna by a few metres to achieve communications.

25. Examples of Space Wave Antennas

a. EGSA.

Construction 1 x 5.4m mast, self-supporting structure which is secured to the

top of the mast along with a matching unit secured lower down the mast.
Use Short range, VHF communications
Range 0-25Km
Polarity Vertical
Radiation Pattern Omnidirectional
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Propagation Spacewave
Advantages Wideband antenna, inbuilt antenna matching unit
Disadvantages Mildly inefficient



26. Sky waves are radio signals that are sent up towards the ionosphere, a region of
the atmosphere that is electrically charged. Dependent on the height of the antenna, the
frequency in use and the condition of the ionosphere, these radio signals can be bent back
to earth. This bending of the radio wave is called refraction.

27. As the frequency increases, the signal starts to push through the ionosphere and
will not return to earth. This normally happens around 30MHz and therefore sky wave is
limited to HF and below.

Sky Wave

28. The ionosphere is comprised of the following layers:

a. D Layer. The D layer is the lowest layer and has the effect of absorbing radio
signals. The lower the frequency, the more the signal is absorbed. It is at its
strongest at noon and disappears at night. This means the background noise is
stronger during darkness and reduces during the daylight hours.

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b. E Layer. The E layer is occasionally strong enough to refract HF radio
waves, but this cannot be relied on to provide long-term sky wave communication. It
is strongest at noon and disappears at night. The density of the E layer is
unpredictable and causes changes in the path of the radio wave. This is called
“Sporadic E”.

c. F Layer. The F layer is responsible for most of the refraction of HF radio

waves in the ionosphere. During the day in summer the F layer is further divided
into F1 and F2 layers. However, it is generally unnecessary to consider these
separately for military sky wave communications. The F layer is continually ionised
however its strength is reduced at night. The F layer will refract lower frequencies
better than high frequencies. Above a certain frequency, the radio wave will pass
straight through the F layer and not be returned to earth. This is known as the
Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF).

29. Predictable

a. Day / Night. The Sun’s energy is responsible for ionising the gasses in the
ionosphere. Thus, during the night, the ionisation within the ionosphere will be

b. Seasonal. The season will affect the amount of sunlight (and ionisation) the
ionosphere will receive during an average day. If the days are longer, the
ionosphere will become more ionised compared with a winter’s day.

c. 11 Year Sunspot Cycle. The sun’s activity follows a cycle which last 11
years. During this period, the average number of sunspots will increase from zero to
around 150. Each sunspot will emit more radiation resulting in greater ionisation in
the ionosphere.

d. 27 Day Sun Cycle. Much like the earth rotating once every day, the Sun
rotates every 27 days. If there is a particularly active area on the Sun, it will face the
earth again in 27 days.

e. Geographical. Certain areas of the earth will have different levels of

ionisation in the atmosphere. At the North Pole during the summer, where the sun
does not set for months, the ionosphere will always be ionised. Areas near to the
equator will be ionised much more strongly during the day and less during the night-
time resulting in a greater change in a 24-hour period.

30. Unpredictable

a. Sporadic E. As the ionosphere is a fluid system, there will inevitably be

patches where the ionisation is greater or less than the surrounding area. As these
patches flow above the earth, they will change the strength of the effects of the E
layer. Occasionally this will result in the radio waves being refracted at different
times making the radio wave return to earth too soon or being refracted back up into
the atmosphere.

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b. Solar Flares. Although the average number of solar flares can be predicted
with the Sun-spot cycle, each individual Solar Flare or Sunspot cannot be predicted
to the extent of the time it will happen, where on the sun it will happen and its exact
effect on the ionosphere.

c. Magnetic Storms. The Earth’s magnetic field is constantly changing as the

magnetic liquid core moves around deep inside the Earth. This means the North
and South poles will physically move over time. As the pole moves, it causes the
ionised particles in the ionosphere to shift their position resulting in substantially
different levels of ionisation which will in turn affect the ways in which radio waves
are refracted.

31. Fading. Fading is caused by the ionosphere changing its density gradually. It will
appear to the user that the strength of the received signal will get weaker and stronger
over a period of seconds to hours.

32. Frequency Dispersion. Refraction of the radio waves in the ionosphere can cause
small scale changes to the frequency of the radio signal. This can result in the transmitted
frequency across adjacent frequencies.

33. Multipath. Due to the way radio waves are radiated from the antenna, there will be
many different paths that the signal will take from the transmitter to the receiver due to the
refraction in the Ionosphere. This can cause strange echo effects and differences in the
received signal strength similar to that of space wave but not to the same extent.

34. Doppler Shift. As charged particles in the Ionosphere are constantly moving they
often interfere with the radio wave and cause it to change in frequency. This change in
frequency is in the order of a few KHz. To the user, it is more of an annoyance than a
severe problem to HF communications.

35. The variations within the ionosphere that are predictable are used to forecast the
conditions for communications in a certain area. Events such as individual Solar Flares or
Sunspots will cause the predictions to be inaccurate but their average effect can be

36. The take-off angle is defined as the angle between the ground and the path the sky
wave takes up to the atmosphere. This is affected by the frequency in use and the
antenna’s height above the ground. For long distance communications, a longer take-off
angle is required. High take-off angles use lower frequencies with lower antennas, low
take off angles use higher frequencies with higher antennas.

37. The critical frequency is defined as the highest frequency that will be refracted and
returned to Earth at vertical incidence.

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38. The Maximum Useable Frequency (MUF) is the highest frequency that can be used
to communicate. Any frequency higher than the MUF will pass through the ionosphere and
not be refracted back to earth. The MUF is affected by the ionisation density and the
range. During periods of higher ionisation density, the MUF will increase.

39. The Lowest Useable Frequency (LUF) is the lowest frequency that can be used to
communicate. Any frequency lower than the LUF will get absorbed by the ionosphere
before reaching the receiving station. The LUF is affected by the ionisation density, range,
power, mode and antenna efficiency. The stronger the ionosphere, the higher the LUF will
be. Factors that affect the LUF are:

a. Ionisation Density. When Ionisation is particularly high, the LUF can be

near the top end of the HF band causing total blackout.

b. Range. At high take off angles, the signal passes through the least amount
of D layer so that the absorption is low and the LUF will be low. At low take off
angles, the reverse applies and the LUF will be high.

c. Power. The higher the power of the signal the more absorption can be
suffered as so the lower the LUF can be.

d. Mode. Changing the mode to one with a smaller bandwidth will lower the

e. Antenna Efficiency. Using a more efficient antenna, such as a dipole

instead of a sloping wire will ensure that as much of the signal as possible is
propagated as skywave and this will lower the LUF.

40. The Optimum Working Frequency (OWF) is calculated as 85% of the MUF and will
give a 95% chance of successfully communicating with a station.

41. A Local Area Mobile Prediction (LAMP) chart is a graphical representation of the
OWF to communicate to a station based on the distance and the time of day. The
information at the top of the chart will show the time and date it was produced and the
colours in use for the set frequency bands used on the chart.

42. To use the chart, use the time of day in Universal Time (UT) down the left side and
go along the bottom according to the distance you must communicate. The Colour where
those two lines intercept will be a rough guide for the OWF, frequencies will change
drastically just after the Sun rises and sets. A current LAMP chart can be viewed on the
Army Cadet CIS Website at

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43. Worldwide ranges are possible without the use of satellites in orbit. Obstructions
such as mountains between the transmitting and receiving stations do not limit the range.

44. Skywave has a number of disadvantages:

a. Skywave can only be used within the HF frequency range.

b. It is dependent on the time of day and year.

c. Horizontal antennas are generally used which may take a large amount of
time or space to set up.

d. Skip zones occur.

e. Conditions can change in minutes.

45. Examples of Skywave Antennas

a. ¾ End-fed

Construction 2 masts
1 antenna element ¾ λ long with ½ λ in the horizontal and as close to
¼ λ in the vertical as the support height will allow
Use Static, HF scattered networking, i.e. where a mixture of surface wave
and skywave propagation is required
Range 0-300Km
Polarity Horizontal & Vertical
Radiation Pattern Omnidirectional up to 300Km
Propagation Skywave from the horizontal part and surface wave from the vertical
Advantages Most efficient end-fed antenna
Disadvantages Difficult to site due to its size
Remarks The horizontal part must always be ½ λ

¾ End-Fed Antenna

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b. ½ Horizontal Di-pole

Construction 2 masts
2 x ¼ λ antenna elements connected via a CJD
Use Static, HF skywave working
Range 0-3000Km dependent upon antenna height
Polarity Horizontal
Radiation Pattern Omnidirectional up to 300Km, broadside on after that
Propagation Skywave
Advantages An efficient skywave antenna that can be remoted from the set. Good
receive antenna on skywave
Disadvantages Occupies a large area. Narrow bandwidth so requires changing for
each frequency in use (antenna must be within 3% of required length
for maximum efficiency

½ Horizontal Di-Pole
c. ½ Droopy Di-pole

Construction 1 mast
2 x ¼ λ antenna elements connected via a CJD
Use Tactical, short-medium range, HF skywave working
Range 0-1500Km dependent on antenna height
Polarity Horizontal
Radiation Pattern Omnidirectional up to 225Km, broadside on after that
Propagation Skywave
Advantages Good skywave antenna for short to medium ranges that can be
remoted from set
Disadvantages Not as efficient as the horizontal dipole. Narrow bandwidth so length
requires changing for each frequency in use
Remarks If ends of the antenna are brought together to form a "V" it will make
the antenna more directional and will also cancel out part of the signal

½ Droopy Di-Pole

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46. The ideal position to site our antenna to achieve good communications would be as
high as possible, such as on top of a hill. However, with the ever-present Electronic
Warfare (EW) threat this may not be tactically sound. If the enemy forces are located on
one side of a hill and friendly forces on the other, a compromise must be made between
communicating effectively and protecting our communications from the EW threat. In the
previous situation, the best place would be to put the antenna to the side of the hill where
the friendly forces are located. This means the antenna is now screened from the enemy.

47. In order to achieve good communications there are some places that should
generally be avoided. These are anywhere where your antenna will be:

a. Close to large metal objects or buildings.

b. Near to sources of electrical noise.

c. Touching trees or buildings.

d. Affected by other radio stations.

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1. A number of masts are available to increase the height of antennas to allow a range
of Space and Skywave antennas to be erected.

2. There are a number of safety factors that need to be considered before mast
erecting commences:

a. Site choice.

b. Equipment checks.

c. Personal Protective Equipment.

d. Safe use of Equipment.

e. Weather conditions.

3. Site Choice

a. Select a site, as level (not more than a 20o slope) and as firm as possible,
ensuring you are aware of any:

(1) Underground services.

(2) Overhead services.

(3) Roads / Pathways.

b. Permission should be sought from the site facilities manager or landowner

prior to breaking ground.

c. If erecting masts in a public area, suitable signs warning of the mast activity
should be displayed.

4. Equipment Checks

a. Ensure all components of the mast are present.

b. A thorough serviceability check should be carried out on all items within the
mast kit. In particular the following items should be examined:

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(1) Hammer – for splits to the handle and tightness of metal head.

(2) Pegs and Stakes – for crowning or frayed wires.

(3) Guys – for fraying rope or stiff adjusters.

c. Should any defects be identified, then the items should be removed from use
until repairs or replacements can be obtained.

5. Personal Protective Equipment

a. When erecting masts, it is mandatory that personal protective equipment is

used. This is detailed below:

(1) Helmet – this should be well fitted and worn at all times when around
the mast erecting area.

(2) Approved climbing helmets or hard hats can be used, but standard
issue Kevlar type helmets are not to be used by any cadets. The cadet
helmet is not suitable for this purpose.

6. Safe use of Equipment

a. It is important that the correct procedure is followed when using equipment to

erect masts.

b. The correct use of the hammer is as follows:

(1) The cadet should be stood upright, with legs apart, straddling the
stake. This avoids any impact with the shins if the hammer misses the stake.

(2) Both arms should be fully outstretched and straight holding the
hammer shaft, with the head of the hammer resting on the stake.

(3) The legs should be bent at the knees, to create a squat position.

(4) The head of the hammer should not be raised above the head at any

(5) The action to hit the hammer involves pivoting at the waist to avoid
any twisting or bending of the lower back.

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Correct Hammer Technique

c. When raising individual mast sections, the hand over hand method should be
used to ensure that the mast is supported at all times until fixed in place with the
relevant locking device.

Raising Mast Sections

d. If leaving a mast unattended, it should be considered whether suitable

identifying devices, e.g. mine tape, should be attached to the guy ropes to reduce
the risk of a trip hazard in low level light.

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7. The 5.4m and 12m mast can withstand wind conditions as follows:

a. Wind:

(1) Up to 50km / h (31 mph) when erecting or retracting the mast. Care
should be taken to ensure that the top guys are manned during these
conditions when retracting the mast.

(2) Once extended and fully guided, up to 130 km / h (80mph).

(3) The top 2 sections of the 12m mast should be left retracted in high

b. Lightning:

(1) Antennas should not be erected when lightning risk is high.



8. The 5.4m mast is a lightweight, easily portable and robust mast made of fibreglass
sections. It may be used with a variety of antennas from HF dipole to elevated VHF

9. The 5.4m mast kit contains the following items:

a. 5.4m mast case, with carrying strap – Qty 1.

b. Mast Sections (0.6m) – Qty 9.

c. Guy – Qty 6.

d. Guy Formers – Qty 3.

e. Peg Assembly – Qty 5.

f. Guy Plate – Qty 2.

g. Tie Plate – Qty 1.

h. Mast Assembly Adapter – Qty 1.

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10. Erecting the mast

a. Ensure all components of the mast are present.

b. Place the base plate and measure 4.2m (7 mast sections) and insert a peg at
a 45o angle into the ground, with the tag pointing towards the outside.

c. Repeat the step above for the 2 other pegs, at a spacing of 120 o around the
diameter of the circle.

d. Fit together all 9 sections, inserting the plastic guy loops on the top section.

e. Attach 2 of the guys to their relevant pegs.

f. Pull up the mast, using the set of guys not attached to the pegs, ensuring the
instep is at the base of the mast to provide stability.

g. Place the mast sections on the base plate, and tighten the guys using the


5.4m Mast Radius and Peg Positions

11. Antennas

a. The antennas need to be fitted to the mast before raising it.

b. A number of different antennas can be used with the 5.4m mast:

(1) EGSA:

(a) To fit the EGSA, lower the mast and move the guy ropes to the
next section down (between 8 & 9).

(b) Assemble the GSA, and unwind the 3 ground radials, and
connect the wire end into the AMU.

(c) Place the GSA spike into the top mast section.

(2) Dipole.

(3) Vertical radiator – 5.4m = 5.4m.

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12. Lowering the mast

a. Loosen and detach one guy, and ensuring the base of the mast is supported,
lower it gently to the ground.

13. Stowing the Accessories

a. Ensure the mast is safely lowered to the ground to avoid injury or damage to
the mast / antenna.

b. Rewind the guys correctly onto each of the guy formers.

c. Carefully remove the pegs from the ground to avoid bending, and clean

d. Ensure all components are stowed carefully in the bag.



14. The 12m mast is issued to cadet detachments to allow the use of elevated

15. It is primarily deployed for use with HF antennas where it may be necessary to
elevate the antenna above the height available using other masts. An example of this may
be when working long range skywave, where a dipole antenna is required to be raised to a
height equivalent to ½ wavelength above the ground and this height exceeds 8m.

16. The Clark 12m mast kit (5985-99-620-9718) contains the following items:

a. 12m mast unit (including 7 Cross Pins) – Qty 1..

b. Mast unit canvas cover – Qty 1

c. Equipment box – Qty 1.

d. Base plate – Qty 1.

e. Base plate spike – Qty 2.

f. Line Radius – Qty 1.

g. Lower Guy Assembly – Qty 2.

h. Anchor Lower Guy Assembly – Qty 1.

i. Upper Guy Assembly – Qty 6.

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j. Halyard Rope Assembly – Qty 1.

k. Antenna Adapter – Qty 1.

l. Cross Pins (spares) – Qty 2.

m. Base Insulator – Qty 1.

n. 24” Plate Picket – Qty 3.

o. Set of Tools – Qty 1.

p. 4 Lb Hammer – Qty 1.

17. Safety Precautions.

18. The details in section 1 must be followed before starting the erecting of the mast.

19. Erecting the mast.

a. Ensure all components of the mast are present and undamaged and place
the mast and accessories near the centre.

b. Place the base plate in the centre of the site and align the base plate so as
the markers on the base plate form a triangle with the apex pointing away from the
opposite mast (HF Antennas ONLY). Pin the base plate down using the two pegs.

c. Unwind the radius line from its former and place the ring over the base of the
mast in the base plate. If working alone, then the rubber insulator may be used to
secure the radius line to the base plate. Line up the pickets at the correct radius and
angle using the radius line and the sighting lines on the base plate and base tube of
the mast. The pickets should be driven into the ground at an angle of 20 degrees
from the vertical until only of their length shows 1 / 3. On completion remove the
radius line and replace in the accessories box. The stakes should be a minimum
distance of 7m from the centre of the mast. If an obstacle is encountered when
driving in the picket, then the 7m distance may be increased, but this increase
should be kept to a minimum and the angle must not be changed between the

d. With the mast held vertically in the base plate, rotate the mast until the yellow
sighting lines on it line up with those on the base plate. Slip the tensioners on the
guys into the sockets on the base tube guy collar. The lower guys can be identified
as they have only one clip compared to the other guys, which have two clips.
Tension the guys until the mast is vertical, as indicated by the spirit level. One of the
guys has an extra tensioner. Slip this into the lugs on the base plate and tension
until the line is taught alongside the mast. This is the anchor guy used to stop the
mast being lifted out of the base plate.

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e. Hook a set of guys to the middle and top guy collar. Attach the tensioners on
the other end to the Middle / upper holes in the pickets. Ensure that there is no
adjustment left on these guys. They must be totally slack.

f. Attach the antenna or halyard. The mast is now ready for erection.

20. Fitting the Antenna.

a. Wire Antenna. Ensure that the upper guy plate is correctly orientated and
unravel a minimum of 4m of string from the plastic former (to prevent tracking) and
attach to the halyard on the mast. It is important that before erecting the mast, to
ensure the yellow dots on the mast sections are in line and are facing in the same
direction as the antenna.

b. Vertical Radiator. If a vertical radiator is to be used, the following procedure

should be carried out:

(1) Insert the antenna adaptor into the socket at the top of the mast and
tighten the clamp.

(2) If using rod antenna, insert into the adaptor and tighten the clamp.
Unwind the download and attach it to the adaptor, then tighten the terminal.

21. Raising the Mast.

a. Unlatch the top guy collar. Lift up the top section of the mast by hand until
the cross hole shows clear above the top of the next section. Note that the cross
holes in the mast and the notches at the top of each section are provided with a
yellow dot on one side. The dots must be lined up by turning the lower tube. Then
remove a cross pin from the pin carrier on the mast. Put it right through the cross
hole and lock by turning the tail of the cross-pin half a turn. The next section should
now be pulled up and held with a cross pin. Repeat until the mast is fully extended.
There is one spare pin in the carrier attached to the mast.

b. Take up the slack in the middle and top guys by pulling the guys through the
tensioners attached to the pickets. Adjust so that the mast is straight and vertical
taking care not to over tighten.

NOTE: In some circumstances it may be easier to stand on the equipment box to pull out
the sections.

22. Reducing mast height.

a. If the wind is very strong, the necessity for extending all the mast sections
should be considered. The smallest diameter sections bend easiest and so you
should think about leaving the top couple of sections down. In bad wind conditions
the mast is easier to erect if the smallest section (or sections) is not extended. The
clamps must be kept closed on any sections which are not extended.

b. If the mast is being used with a dipole the top section should not be extended
due to the sideways force that is placed on the smallest diameter section. If

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excessive bending is observed with other antennas then the top section should also
be lowered.

23. Erected Mast.

a. Check the tensions on the middle and upper guys. It is not necessary for
these to be very tight as this only puts unnecessary strain on the mast. The guys
should be adjusted so that the mast is as straight as possible and tensioned so that
any slackness is just taken out.

24. Lowering the mast.

a. Release the tension on the top guys and on the centre guys.

b. Lift the largest extended section slightly, unlock the cross pin take out and
stow in the pin carrier. Lower the section carefully by hand. Repeat this procedure
until the mast is completely retracted. Lock all the pins in the pin carrier.

c. Latch the top guy collar and remove the antenna, if fitted.

25. Stowing the Accessories.

a. Detach the upper and middle guys from the mast and pickets, and wind onto
their attached spools. Remove any adjustment from the tensioners so that they will
be completely slack for the next time.

b. Whist one person supports the mast slowly release the tension in the lower
guys then detach them from the mast and pickets, and wind onto their attached
spools. Remove any adjustment from the tensioners so that they will be completely
slack for the next time.

c. Replace the protective cover onto the mast.

d. Remove pickets and spikes from the ground and clean any excess mud from

e. Stow all pieces carefully in the equipment box, checking them against the
check list on the inside of the lid before closing. Whilst returning the accessories to
the equipment box check each item for damage.

f. If the mast or any equipment is wet, this should be wiped down before
stowing away, and then fully dried out before returned to the stores.

NOTE: There is an air-cushion device built into the mast to safeguard the operator should
a mast section be allowed to slip. This safety device must not be abused by allowing the
sections to drop under their own control. Mast sections must be lowered by hand and also
not forced against the internal pressure.

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26. Maintenance of mast.

a. Before use the mast should be checked for serviceability, and any defects
found should be rectified.

b. All of the mast parts should be cleaned down after use to remove dirt, and
equipment should not be stored damp.

c. All equipment should be inspected for serviceability on a 6-monthly basis.

d. A full service (carried out by authorised technical staff), should be carried out
every 2-3 years.

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1. A CEI contains all the information required to operate on a radio net. An

abbreviated form of a CEI that can be used on cadet radio nets is below.

2. The day sheet contained within the CEI is more than sufficient for most cadet
signalling activities and should be the minimum that is completed for all exercises using a
radio net.

3. Points to note when completing the day sheet are:

a. Callsigns. All callsigns likely to operate on the net are to be shown. These
should be listed in alphanumeric order thereby indicating the correct order of

b. Frequencies and NIS. List all frequencies and give each one a separate
frequency number (F1, F2 etc). The NIS should be shown against each frequency.

c. Collective calls. The prowords CC1, CC2 etc, pronounced phonetically, are
to be used. The callsigns relevant to each collective call are to be listed.

d. Radiation. High or low power, type of antenna to be used, and whether

screening from the enemy is to be used.

e. Address groups. List all relevant units with their address groups.

f. Timings. The time the net is to open should be shown. Timings should also
be given in the frequency / NIS section. This will then indicate the opening

g. BATCO. The vocab card to be used should be indicated along with any
additions to the card.

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