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e WAR DIARY INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY ie tain mt it) AE as. evra ear Bhevw bine 1 tan toenel | Perry ney | 8519. | rtichery, my Arch kde cote, etn. fe B49 A anintrnt cow sles it meenceeespil, Oparelir red Kapeok ne | eee est A eaenitee (=O ffrcirt — supa justine puisaonile. 7) ane hed, ued Fagus isa mense wf ent €.P onr7s SA Bie aga nse Tametsa, Pare Qanosew ~_bévogRtey [ut '6°cq) in (de tice Mon th ng SP +f a ee ee eee ® WAR DIARY ee ae INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY A in ig teal) fie daca aklacts e Pea mamer emt Hrlils byliller, Actine | Reed patel = | Aspe Ter nen arincded Ah lute, Meek ff ornate tome Praline 4 at wesr Yoons. Relay tenplG ar 10m marek © fo damn 1000 yards Map Titey rad tev Raabe aa, ft ae ting, happliid ervhicny parler fa? Whalen 24 Tontniny. dapplad aortas oc lve | AM ee Teton. Ot Benet. | Rate ae Ty «dipping whiny betes | poy an Set pies awhing paths, “hintincer | ! ee Ris Beavevuel a we Pe fended td red be Fi). | Cation P26L- tes} Wann | 20-5 |e \ laa: fe jasper LL ee ieee Dire ve J 2 WAR DIARY INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY Ee being tra Army Form ©. 2118, [=| ieee | die feat. Colin Ales Clone, “GE 47) 0 wr dag, 40.6" aoe sO Ruiner aad | dF cclae yo i | Behn eee i Ke. Jan Gouy- £u- ARTeIS Aerined ar 1 30pm, SY iniein, | Crrnsferad & TF Ceybt frre —eidacg he ao Yat AR. | LSS eS IE aE ee? | aa VEEL BS HAMA, Arrned oe 13m, Bn eas aiehs Shinevsen, Me prmck fo ed beh rer ern peea ae ec Advent Varedee 3 deen aed ‘ od [ean eee ° WAR DIARY ° nasi INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY sc ie tt eg tt mae ee Ty. Maar Wb. Sear pevuee te a | ery ate eee hagper Ts MEWENM primed bee hXatinn ar » hepa Amt. Seay, A bone Ht" AM fa, BF Gitnoer ¢ Jo ake Leeks’ primed poy dete me ah detg, Ahk Fader, 1) | Cmte tt Erin, ins M Haver, T Ealew, AWelegh Wi Croley, TR Re tack, ko. HK Klee Rb Memterie jon fr day | geet 1 i brian ae Er Nt, om Gree fare 6H ln | Cry nent tute ele din ov Iv ete a GA, ae Crete ere tn, Cen ea ics “a rs "hess | | | scam ed [> pager eee n OPERATION ORDERS os 15+ ATOR We ope TRAGER, De Goro hour wil be notitiod Later. ‘The and Royai SeOte wild attack on the sight, dnd the ath Royal Pusiiiors Sih Bragade ~ on tho eft, of the 1st Royal Svote Fushiiore, mee attaaned sap shovs te boundaries of the ist ROysi 99te Fusrs. in “ortinaoue bige iines and the Eoondary botwoon companies in ahain blue, ‘The Battalion vidi form for the attaok as show on the rap ~ D> 00¥) Yorminc up in the open, aid C Coy an DALE TRIIGH ~ to be in position Beit ai hour before aero Hur- Gare must be taxon that OoMpasies got ea aS“Geon as he artillery barrage opens: in the forming up position should bo about Hinting ‘theougn Qebeae 8-0-6 poyal Site Fusiliors. apa sey 3917. st Royal Scots Pusiliors wilt attack on Z days juare on to the Line of advance ‘Phe tight of A and D Coys. 70 yaria berth of the road Jn tho advise the 4istaise petween Platoons of the sane Gov. will be G0 yards, Tha digeasice betasen Oonpant © from the rear Pistoon of Be wil be 100 yards tae the loading Platoon of Deland Ge will ol noe Limoiately our artillery bareage, o0m@s dome | too varfage will Hove ab rate of 100 yards in $ mintuo mis mil toparij os maintavned terosghout and aiid not go slower wroxgh the | Yoo as motitiea to O-Gss voy + Selley ciove under we Daeeog ‘at conferanos today. The troops mat Tioppatgeup pactios viii be told off to deal with eash Gofman trensh in the tine of our advance, Jas These trenches Have boon nuiberea of the stashed map and wit ve daait sith as foulows:~ Set ee dios 3. toca: Hors: ses g gectiont TD 2 stetions. ‘ALL the above will bo formad by D+ coy. Mob. oe esd. ‘Tipressba.on the joln in ane aie Compan Ldeotion. ios 7 i Section, Wo: & 2 3 De auc. Companiss tagetnor. 4th Royal Puatiiers. 3 Company. Companies will report a8 acon a2 Black Line is reapiiad, and Forward skotsh showing disposition Gay inosdent of amportanoa, ‘Moog will farther renort ‘me Signeiting Officer wit establish an advanced signalling post ‘about the western edga of 2018 du VER. Initial a# goen and paas os directed in alae ose ttuued ate. ‘Sele ge Blasett. lout Adit Ast Bt Royal soots Pasre 5 ” & % 10. a 1 oR ORDERS AS 70 AMTAGK. zea may agar. « ‘As amd Bs Gonpanies wild be respansivie for the removal of our ‘sire in Front of thelr trandh A tous before Zeno. ‘Tho woon goes dow at 5-50 At 5 minutes neforw Zero Cotpany wii) oine up in front of their trenahos square to dine of immnoe, “and A. Company wii oon up in Line with Be Company. Mts “all mein un storage advance of 90 yards for A Company.” This Sovonont must be carried out with every precaution ana in atristest Silence. "A sna B Companies will then be formed up about 150 yada Deiind cur barrage. Siniiaely Gz Company minutes berore 280 wil Jeave DAU THEGH and Iie down in’ two Lines beoind the paradoe of 3. Gonpany*s trench, De Goupany sonforming to wie wovonent, Rea will eat that D, Colipany, or at any rate the right portion of 4t will, hhave to get in front of the trench vaoated by At Company Frou this position dines will advance an suddession at distances aircoay laid Gown. ‘tho loading Lino ast wore up to and Koop aa Gloss to the barrage as possible, fo cover the above proiiminary iovemonte stall patrols will be pushed out by A. ana Be Conpalioss An advanced Battalion roport contre has voon established in SHRAPIOCL THERON and wild roman tore. Arter ho 3015 40 VERT bas deen captured another avanoea ropirt centre will bo established. about the MOROH—imoP of Uno BOIS do VERE. ho oxast position will bernotatied to Ooupenios when vstablaned, ALL reports by. Coupanios will be sent to the most advanced contre, 00» Coyss ‘aie gash detail 2 Runnore to report at she Report ontre An SHRAPHEL TRENCH af 12 maanight- Berore aero 2/tieut BeBe Pavoott will take over charge of this savanged report ventres ‘on tho objective has been captured the position of O0¥, Hae wit be reported to Béttalion Keqe A eituatioD and disposition Pepgrt 8 requires, every hour. Plares wisi be Galles for at 6 am by aoropians, Bteictes ssonony mast be oxsroised in the expense of grenade ami Very bights. Brigade forward dun wil) be in eiiall wood in O+6+ Central. Synobromisation of watonos, A watoh ili bo sent round ‘couputige ahd ail watohes mish vo very carefuliy synchronised. Cs Company wiil.sove 2eom SHRAPHEL to DALE TRECH at ZERO = 2 hours, Dr Company wil. nove from SURAPICL TRENGH anto the open in ‘Line. sith + Coupany at ZERO ~ I Hour. This 15 to MaKe room for Sth gast Yorkshire Ragisent, ‘Mio completion of those fovos will be reported to BMttalion 1g. by Gode Word NAPPY". If oommgniostion ia cut Huiters will D8 gente Reference instructions as to mopping~up parties, O- and D. Coys. wits gable drop a OLtiogr of reoponsibia HeG-O. with the first party Groppoa to doliect. ahd being formard that and all. subsequent parties Groppod-by their Gotpanios, It 1s most dmportant that the Battalion stould reash tho GRU WORK az strong ua possible, Headquarters, . eth_meytry Brigase. Report operations of ey ra. i 3y 3:40 anit, the Battalion yas formed up as follows: "A" compat on the right An HIM BREWGH. *B* company on the Left sp WILL FRRWOH. "D* conpany on the right vehind paraios of HIT, TRENCH. "oO" company on the left booind parades of HILL TRENCH Jn this position "AY and *D* companies were not square to the Line Gf advanue, and orders had been Lsaned Yo" then to bran op their agit about 30 yarde ust before ZERO. Tt appears that this wovanant was observed by the enany, who oponed a hoary rifle ‘firs and mouine gum fire," Liveaiately the barrage opened. the Front dinew advange closely followed by the rear inet Tt 18 probable that the rear Gonpanies in their ancisty to keup touch ith those front companies’ in the dark kept sobewbat too" olesee Frou ths sougnt of ivancs our lines were kept aoneimowsly onder Teavy maorane’ con ‘ire frou both BOIS ae VERE ahi tap ef INPARY wttte ‘The Isaing Coupanies wore checked in front of the first Gormah ney iioh won strongly oanod afd rian speoare from att Gvalapie evidenge to bo continuous. Tt ie probabie that a. proportion of mn got snto this tronoh, bat T'omtrace none. so Foturneds fhe sudssqient waves now mérgod into the front line But could not efteot a surthor aavenaa and the nen t00k Up positions 18 shell holes an front of Gormn Liness Brom this Posrtion no movenont was posalbie by Gay eaoept by a seall party [hour extrouo roar, io betaged to got back to our front Line cary dn the dade "This party numbered 1 Officer and about 50 on anon I ordqred to garrison the front line in case of Oorman XCuster attacks During the night. Srd/dthy the remainder of the Battalion naboring about 120 fol bask in twos ond theses on our Front tine. he Germania expose themselves ffee2y in cher trenches ond mst tine suiferea soneiderabie ioe fron twp or thos Lewis cine Véilon ware maintaanod in ation during the oaely part of the Tight oaanaleso Hiuled. © Mouled. Wasging. «tk Gasend ortivorss 5 3 3 bee 2 u Other Ras. a7 aaa or - ~ 396 ‘moe have aotualiy passed through the Gloaring station. E attedbates tho failure of © 2 attack to the foluowing a 3 4 Bs dagenese ith fe attonting like of direstion snd. touoh with toreaed tease Bais Eapeited 48: cho soar ‘waves boing precipitates ame te tight before toy sould ascertain tho position of atlalsann fete, a (To the bartagé which appears to hang very thin and to have done Little dames, S40 the misfortune of losing all the Offisere but one in the very earliost stages Of the avanon. aietiouity of xeoping tne ‘The woral of, tie men ho tezumned was good, there as no “atioupt oy. then ty retire furthor then one fant’ aioe ho rocorganisation was thus ‘anapied to Ue speedily and oastiy Surripd ous. 1650 aaa Sede le Me TEAGHER, Leute cols Soetoi7. Commanding 1st BM. Reval Ste Pusidae oe SS ica oe wee eta hee ~ rhe geaee f wba 8 a Teupete postet Ne ie loners "INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY . 4 | _ ait eae! 1" B.. MS Gait eel ae aia aan Pieter [ie dg. | Ree pe ee Jt ee etd i AR RIS A = | | RRA ae Om, a he Rites tw Rerrede, DSTA aaay atin be ellen 298 Mee ow els Loe, East of Moweny PRngede be actnne “17% Reigns MRA be aeleine 2 Sw 8, tow [le Ae Ate Ay RLatine fre Tee RO iegle bb pocmtine [per dv Toy reeueR ak ee Ay Bie aw, Bin err tt am beech define ant dan lin ae Ty, Caceres | ba ae Inpeetng Airy Serele Cech ev AREA CaNetts fence cca Ring mat Repltid til deme meng eer Aran, alete fire harratlion | Adud tnd ten Ceenetting 6 Md tad oreded ea, elanely Aa Vey ter i Rech otittin tetine Coptatin D. @ céstemuey. Stunowerw arrended. fete Atitlery aap agge ly ShRADWEL TREVEH —teeme de Are A Ciey . het tok Steert Alek ay tee 1 WAR DIARY t wren) seme ee Brees ae I he od ae [area A Swine a, Co or, | Mle heli ny cline denny al eR ated, Shas Vote pene fn dy, Jee (king 1 OR Rill Ane SDR aed, [Oar better, ein har ten teednies Our durrplane | 1) [OF Arete etn dh. Cpe @) 8800 winded, 0. oF | Hayes CAL Cirnemenn Aft b Make mer errmend 4 I? BW, hee : Cate day OR. Mle SOR arr, ether T hivan) primed Sa Ang Phas RB Rory WM Reee ft foe bp, DV | ieee Athen ating Ba H@ ahiteed Fre St S80 em DM ety atte Orta dat nent, Abn ation Ay 1 Ete [he 76 Angad). © ey WIR amin Rebuy errplete wees ee ieee ia ee j maa ok u WAR DIARY Anny Form ©. 2338 ee ee tee INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY wh ‘ geass ae eee eno i , hae ae Sri es Ie ioe eer ae fetus. web |B citin avakin, th Oe MID Teakey O$0 preeded ry Loew. puebl ny, | Antica ebee he ok Ta eae At hed, Alani OP Rep, GA whe, | |W heey, Nether ttlany A iekey, 9 Palas, 1A hethnges | fete, poe Apha eN, | 6 \onl aac ee ES a my by) Bethe ek GHAR BERG cb as ek ned ee 10804 fnReneg |/5- 9 AeRitin, ened G henerert® (9 mihes)er btm ed torened ot flare hieviewe T. |19- - Betas ae ‘ = | : Rirfperinsnn 4 229 Aly Lark pred a hens ee fon was a I fy on cng. Mefeedia ty Gae O™ Pngate, bee | eo jan | a fas hah pret, su Bingo roe Yh NERA Po WAR DIARY Perce INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY aa ae ei Ti ee WS GE hei (rte peed mae eis |s-f9 | ee arr . 8 | Pectin 6 Tyan rub pbdandeg, bheerk Phretes flee ee : ¢ Ge tel het dere Oe ee aaa eee eee ne Peer han etinw sy Penta [Niet Atanas ec te asl ; | Pretend & dee, CDI, Encfemee & Bomb | MiG assess: Lo Sm iia | | 9 -midie ) eaersk hat: Cees etteet wc, vey | nti Sa kn ed 2 | | exten Pe tet ae Pon, nd ele HDouicong tose cp Osh ee eas cater Dekrrined am Mewar. ce- ORand 210 Mele ewer, Freepers Be acy Cte pee Be gee Se mah & binewy Aken 4 eles | ate he . aS Ween fn, lore ks aap cane, Cangersar foo~ fo¥7 | 0 W musi em Wd JMCAA. Tom NS A i am iS — Army Form srauucenge suamiany | PS 1 Br ating st mid) es Yi 7 Chim mah & beret ae Beneny, | } Retin ekg dapat ATA Gelleck« bane 6, deat groall for dag. rae rp | Trace ¥ 2 oblageny aw ol Se lac | hese aver Be ce. - 16 Yoy |Gekinwe cow moan prods om he teen wep) |Raacadin ey aervhing pact ih rt eae caneettd RET abtiw retin, [ite perp] bate any Ertining, Rtn peat tev ae gp are mek be LE Ru COM RE Rerned er 10:15. repncenets | 4 Youp| KaKatin car Cerin ing, So CE ee sepectine, ty bier | earns dee era ped ae ba tesla "afer [3a] SE ae cing ting Gh pick) ins oles Aang Temi awe ded, TW. whrsow on tohy reeks suo i Wig aoe oe A Ree DZ” Pkryat Aa Tevls war Diary @ “ang tem Gaia) ‘nee Seder Se ae INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY Sit epee mace (ae ang pie) ? | ] a ce | Dae | Haw ‘Seuomary of Bent an nin co | Bevery | t- qe Be ties parce 4 mn Nenana ats Nh ne ed lice ole | piweseeetire aw ele ROVER Asker (Tepe dak: tater ef Ole dracon) Ratap | eel ae tae, We age aw cele fore dene Oe ye aw wpe ‘ Ber dee erly A Ae etd Fouts. la Caen ttle, GENE co an] 17 [tary quae dng, Geert fH hoy dan 4 chert ick a Emre tae afer Seekenges cb Bete fle fiw ole Uerneee eld |r cash ea ae eae | 4 Veeles irae a Patent eds secret mips tn, Lic Anat Aetity 4 1 a one eee eee po er ae =e rel Ga Se © Army Form ©, 2118 PA Reyer Veet fs Gueutes ' WAR DIARY “epee Shauond eee mai INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY ER Sheer eps Tie aan ; ay Pie Samy of Bs aration =n a roy an lik 0 phe de te the Ainge Yaa smee ~ fre ene, Hie! Copan an pped compel ar (8 eae VERAL, athe, ee rd ded. ass he ht Aa: Tt Crys rts | row ep a So = ny hatte! 4 RE dnl 0% thee treba ArT nea 4 twghe dewe Ava Aemege re acket RE doetly palin, ae yep oa kde ine ent abcd hy q | preens f Reengalne Tr Cre e Cae re din PG aeGace, wv the, te ban 4 (fet Rt Ahad eae ee nny mee Wer cenit hey a Ailes Fornaacte Fenny, Creny fein eelinalin at 19D, Racy gee. san wasp a i J ie a 0. Wwe hus ; | me 1 Kieu eb Lathe, Prnlind ~ = ! WAR DIARY © Amy Form C2118, % I LIGENGE SU! ry he Pan. Rig eat ba a : a 4 Cosy | Meptier Aey Mearg, ew, Sew PERE htt, ih | cir, Cen nolan tye 66 Yoece Riliy trap sas 1 Lctatiiey Alaa gave Ef fp | eo did, Mint RAN pnts for daly by ee oy He z ; cot poe seepren: hematin, te | = | btn 2° & Pa betes, | ae ake Acre (LoaveRar seen) TH t Nitec che TX ERST YoRns Kebery compe art afin | 9 —e" Cyhl no Petites BEN Gye cn pant a 3 28 | se we sti ne FGA Memes e ol a-$-7 | Rote till ce cane ? ey nahn | Rete ae Z aston! RaeCatiny age f oo web | 625 Aca ie eae af al Anning. Wo Gar tg. G@ LE Bec QuieRE, comple ty 2-4-9] beetin a cil ee oa ae le apte, ah ai eee Yorks ay toneert ee Gr, need Cte a hay, Be { | A wumpron Shen 8 A fom Se ice i canteen tna oer Amelie ar tS heme] yf ae ee WAR DIARY 18 INTERLIGENGE ; al Bow. Sua lens Hier dicen sieeaas kg * es hey Lely ark Meet runny, | = Pas Hp. | tay gets NO eek eee 7 pe bn YS tae Mo aL i. si eer 1H, MLwe -Aeteed ty | Ane ae dip frm Cmpeangs wer Meek eeers = ifn teeacaton DW, Muses J | qe) A tremncnbicnny I LS eh D6 Ove A ‘ * : wan DIARY x, R Sep Gee INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY. en ot Sy a a Weekes Renta peut fro dng BD fo dace cakes day Rete —relinng sn cle Mee ot Kelinf orn plist a Ff, Ome —aelieg Cabin —erelee eV1eas Ee i. fot ap orien, re a aecee sont ted 1S Oly Keke fret fro eG, e2 Biketire + é | ati ies ene a 17 | aR aM sae tae We ac4.9 Oi Kihien e0 Creating, Gt WD Ticker DSo, | glad Se sala la F ene * to thy Barske, Tt 18 better t dode 4 {ow camaltios from our ci aplinters that to surtur Biay | + Gawattion from eiony wushine Guia ahioh Gm com inte astion waey | HUCKLY Mow that daop dajnouts saw hot usou by she ehoaye 9+ Wnenover on enemy Wook 16 oaptasud, iL wid be gervizoned by a tow um tho VALI Souech 1 thocouhly Ut once fosthidion wneeye mo ROKt vid Fil FiLd gips to maw an the Lino in fronts Ny odt bas Mock ov Rows outiary even a upparentiy ampty wal be eek eae pyran te a 19+ 050+ Goemnies watt suport td the sn sous ond te Bins He. oon ss they have seaohon thoky opvestivocy Qa sonthin abicelgves Unite wil oun and conseLidaty « 15 gt Sit Aish. Wo tatanpt toula be Saale lo diy o oomtinawue tyendh until tlio watanais owt oF eove fee Boon pioviaba ah the Ononandr® wilt iseadastely got an tou wa tind ou situation tron their opposite masters oe otthos fixe ‘As soon us possibie'G-(- Goyer ¥iAi sepost thelr @iopositions ti BR. HeQ by SKOtG Kop, - A. gneoiak_muveruotiens. Ac GG. Wasi, tho aiv.nai to the Black Lane OeG. ke Gove wild p PAtGWLAs utteation to securing the nt fink fren ut tok Tyo the ratte aubsnknont, aad ho inal keep hisiselt intort of the praysvss tuo by the 10th Kelle fn! seiching the Blade rane he vit usteoasan a post con: saistiny of Ipwis Gun Section and’ RAtie Section on the Railwuy aout 99 o= 7 varus im vous of ni8 yenoral Ling. ti Special duty of this pout will be to Gover the rAUht of Be Oo Fon attuac iam south oF whe vaslucyy He Wil Sinaiorly manta [owls Gua about thy teve1 ovost fing in Such position as to coissind the auttany on the Ife oid. oF te naive q Ha WILL be psopused to Suppo.t Be Gov. an outs of un one < sountes Attisak, fu! to tusn out by timadasie comites ut cade a fenems tho may havo ponetnstol Be Gols Line, eWay 040% Gr Gov. WALK siimtaely sippovt Ds Cox. in Sate of unter we Lack, Be God on reaching nis objvotive 0.0. B. Gos. wiAl-enmicy that h Fiont fine a9 secure, sont WLLL aotaDldeh a post on Une Pade HN Gioso toute with the pth ReWek. Showa the loth Reus hive Tailed to aducice ao fae foswact ts He God. OvGe Be Coy. will -ofern hie flak lon, Sho maliway Outta, entis ho has touch vith Ae Gove HO Wild cotanlish «Lewis Gwn post about the ie oF STA 32, thy most atwciced troops Wit 14gNt fares on being oalied up by ‘contact soveptane. ontact roplane 16 maskod by 4 brow blank bend ndemonth such phiso« ho cali for Kiuees 16 & sevios of blasts oh 4 Kiacon Hom, s : 4 A as. as. a Yous Tans wild opovaty on thw Butralion Zient, they wil “stuct —* etutside the Lost flank ee ane Division id upp seach Ia itkll SY YA ISAM ers te WLLL 45. thes objoeviwe belnase 2 aks to sw Station, 2 Maks to ine S Gonerote Works Ammediately to the eof Kids dor Troops wild ut ii tines be on the whos Dead in adm ‘ay th Pals, Wm Gs ove. Mould be ubso to estsbsish fon the’ vovaste Slopu of Hil So. Be cad Be Dou for gua attack, ‘a8 ows Ling of shell holes mst be buriva m8 soon 8s ® Wisul si patting station Ti thie evant thoy wit anforn: he 8.05. Signed 18 u vizio gronule bursting into Z ved and 2 LTR” TEE Wid be repodted by unite in Sours SBE bu wee@ Frey to arivo ort hoskile aicorust hich SS Wocy dative, emonstion, vate Steceb Ute, LIL be Ouse ue foLloué.- 2, Buon min caries 2 Pius, a Bah Ritvencn 24) rounds OF 2 ti14L8 on. 8. Muah Ri240:Geunwaaee an Uh Risie Seations oavace @ Rifle Gronativs sed 17) sounas ox umaak ions 4 Buch RAELe Guenadaur ouvetes 60.24 und 2 Wo. a8 Gimmes ‘atu Go ousae S++ de ©. Much tavas Gane. with Old pation eudoi sump Hows 1 iu 2 WL acy § uous wed OO spunde oF Samana tions Uuwas Guanace Wish now pattern of Omskes Wil Gury & dewie wis 26 Seana ox” wana taon. Gi0-8. Rocaute Wail bu Seeded 09 HdAlU of 4 por plutons i d'Veev pastod. i", wilt be tamu into astion by platoon Oouuenda., &. Ost Hotties wii oo faLsed, + Raoh Ron wii Ge dosha vith 4 syuwe voot of flumasatts. TWO. Pr Guonudow vais bo assusa st ule sate er 6 pe, Platoahe AL OLR00c8 viLi bu accBued an fons ooute uM Loudest, budjue oF ‘hak to be aoun on the chowlau. stsupe, OFrLdess Lik Hot Gacy Bta0Rs, hs Ra,dsuated ALE Post wal Bo ub POREDAN BdtSulion Heys vibd bo ivstay ot PORSDI und Ald Rove fosmid hen the Hinal dosvataw" at owptuces Wether Seaee ae Dea? aoe Betjide Hey, Wid bo atMad coeeaye, with eawenoed HeQs Ab suis Pass, fo. ule move ve Uwe ao.cimy up posstaon viLi by istasd, cs Showing barvige Lanes, position of HeQke oF Histhisy ica, laulu to ot ues, tg'the. Gna mild Be tan Ant “sation. Wo oops nos vet ouave faci thew odure aso to be Rak ARES Auiatent, 16 Bae Re 8. Pur Tomuea ot. doplue to ald eonoe mos. | | 3.0 seme 8680 pei 6280 pes hot fod "eas served moe mare aniNs, is pe sk i Se eg ear Sra eet =e De Btintion ciesnnt 8 NS AEE Baton here ho Battalion mircned o€f in the folowing ondery= ‘Ay Gy Be De snd woved to ite Sisetol) position wie my and IPHES = ZomibenNE Roai.” “The first Goupens = cA" = Fenahes ite Siteuoiy position at 12-45 dae, the remaining Goapatk 4 tout. Bin entomar 12ize ALL Qospontes in azseably pouitionse During nove into devanbiy potition the sxuw beowgat dow 4 heuey barrage Gr the 2URASBINGE ROAD “aus gm the rear of wueubiy postbionoe Guscities; —Skiliou aa ¥ Womdes, battalion Meadquarture Woen jswes Sock to Potaduw Redoub "tho nove Ante the aeneubiy positions was grestiy fuoiitatod by the cucesah Toconnm seaman of these positions By Gaptadn deLaLiie, leGey the poostions of euch Ootyany Dein saraol out Oy" cape cad aaduedn tes disoe, ‘aiko WOR, Intense barrage was opened SY our Artiaiery sau the toons adwonoed. ls-suye ‘received frau afticute J+ dhariton that the 5.7. had passed trout the and Royal Sosve on the Latter Foudtiay there final stjestive, At tine time Colones TElcWia, D.8.0., one Fataliy wounded wise reorgendeing the Battaisae Pro 4 personal reommalsemoe I fond the situation oo fousorece "535 m Ooopunses wore hotaing line sith right resting on rauiuay Dodo dese ona thenge to pi: inbox on sestorn Siape of Mihie4o ab Dat dee imu D Gonp-nios holding & Line fron pLdiabom inclusive tong,neeteen toe of rs to Dekh Ped Mio" toush nad been Soe sned math troops of the 7éth esgnieon te Fighty or with the Tee sods on tn 48h, Jas tine wan raptaiy ‘risks gun and one os ‘The ab twstion ona fo pene at was Pvrettoa thes durin, the aiteak the eaeatTiee amongst Sfiioere ond tense WeGsO%. vore Wery bighy there being only Giro Orsicere renaningeeith the tee Lest” Obegentes on ELL {a"tna three With the Fight Oompenioe neat the Pulled Orders were received from ihe eth srigade that the srigate souls continue tbe Grdore wore Leveaiatels sent up sae opiy readhed We sere Sonpanion st 10 ninates besore Zin) high was tine BE eoteP pene coneecuntis At waa Lopostibie for the orders Bor the attain to be srouLato! sang t the Umope Lon ama vapture the SUE LIM. , ‘the artiiiory barrage opened snd ony sald groupe under the romining Offiocrs wont Jorvanl, At nie period, he enous aes broaht dow « barrage ahd’ comber atinakeds This counter attack tiled to mtericiige under sur barrage. Our troops who had savinoed then retired ts nr Lines, | {ne troops on the Lost of our Brigade wire oan to be’ | Fetiringy and through some. onunsen es"on the support troops | Sp Hisrstetern Shope of lini a0 somensad te setter ahi Fetireuent seencd to huwe Begone general, except with the fo right front Goapeuies mer Gptaine He OFr aid Se Hevele wig stood fits. 80 Fethring troops From HLL. 40 thibacathe efvores oi"a sau arGxden cave brat to 4 toy snd Socupied a Line of aieii holes showt 200 Yards west of Wily 40." Mis Line though ooeupied bs mixed trope was Continuous at fur as the Battalion boundaey, During tae ‘Dovtod ap 1241 19 pen, the enews artitiery was very Native, "paring the’ nlgnt a6/a7te two Battalions of the uh Brigade moved in sagport to the Bik Brigade sol ousapied ‘he BaD ms. i Septosbor 191. the di there woteno infuntey dations out the -etilioei"on oth sides was very aative, 5.0 pene Ondors wore sant to Captain Orr who wae the venioe ostiecr in the ‘Tront line to withare bi non ty 4 line 250 ards west of the rou running Pros tho ZONmAKe StaeroH 40. S torah wweterid irestion over Ht, 40, to siiow of we Botbardcent of MILL 40 an the station Sui iaingas his sovecent had just been completed ston tie nery orow ht dow. SGr'extreneiy hecrs oaerage’ on the 1ine {ust vauted and Sounter attacked on our front. 24s sounker akbaok a2 < Sampiete + brown by sur urtiliery fire. me enoay did mot Sucdeed in penetrating ny part of our lines ‘about 10 pene orders were reoeived that the King" Laverpoolt = 13th Batre would relieve the Batts ion, Orders ere cant out to tie effect und after the sront Companies nai bean relieved orders wore revsived thet relisr sould be wstponea for 24 hours. powtpontne Ooepeniee instead of moving bask vers plagud in reserve dn 91d British front ane i De isbe lee etn Sontenmer 121%. ‘the Gonpenies sere witharuan at dask and marched back to old Gorman Front Lane at TaGem 205s Gurung the svove opsrstione very howy cssuat ties were insiictea on the snafus Pive mastine gun. wore Captured but unfortunate]; thous vere not sent sak and wore The casualties sustained vy U saa OWSr Rane wore as fo1-0%8 Bajtation in offieors oe Brrveeny Houmes Th. Gols Me Mods Foaahor, D.B-0- csp Saxtn, TR: Ajcipt: Goat Seatess Being: (outs te Wood, Brow, deere Grrr, inves. © ONE Ganrane Koat +E Weorescen, Mokencie. “Tas indeoeeu to Oaptada: om Se RRB sor nek valusble sorvises throuhout the oporstions Comuanded their Oonpanioe with great clit ani BSmtnatton As10,4937. 7) hae fee parle tr Ame tink Rokk STLAWREIGE Hur [Renna Woe (ARER Aomine abe NERO hm, Rome cee ere ced Husriwan, feo, kate poureedeedl ace Uae ink nent Giiteawnerin #03, Ae” Rattle entered fer iva ZEEE, | Arr de er] | wine cet eof, RE “ender Cee : yeenena] 1 jon) GACeklny seein, Ripert 4 ape pele Beats | panel | Pr ey fm ele Manatee 04; lobo hak ee Peeps aS a i aa aed | |tree atine ee Aibtetid ole Le, Lies EOE |. | cee te Riwagerne. |e 10-19. | ReaAcakaiw pated aed sytem ee OS alee ie tern fre Moses Aerie) ar BAPMNE fw Bantry alee need G Cen p mer Arensnie — Aer oie fe, ty | Bee a hae, aed ee reled, & Con at Bin die Hate ae. ae ° fae fens ASTE aie refan a = ae — ASN EERE whe Keyater fiend Paes sytem er tee phe INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY. {ie pee ner Be Aang it) Pe | te | ta L ro Kat a non | ee Be tra) nes aan oT Y aay af a1 ther Rais jo ep Reta ew, act Torkning | Mageer fm, Guswrn, 2 2h Rey at Ler arnt Ande AA Aen oe ~t he Sex elm, &™ hud cR geet 5 elie ati To hiner, Fae SWisew, Arsicr. Medeeds drier Cope RR SeorT G WeSpicoe we Heyl ang Ds be aei é ¢ aed fer de we ey] Keely peered ae IDS me ted ee hed | (ents u, 5) Baataewe) pe aw Dare ater 674 tudes VTE eer, A, RAMGAY, ¥.8.D Wosrewc: D.& Grew Cf AG. Reanpertinener 4p 28 1 ade ee aa rt OA cea into) Regehr ates ee ies. Wl MIM A LOGAN, | Da Nowe a seein teat fee eg. ene HDD) Wan pk | (ee Seees iE ae Feviewn ae Poa fom nen t Jat Are. ENCE SUMMARY. st INTELL i gmt rn) =. CHG eLaE 4H ay no ti we key Rathe fe Ae Hat e ea Wei, hint, M Reiger negra forms Ase: kak RA bhame or Conners. hier Mh Mikes prec pat Ih | pao a : TH Rate jevned for dant. dao er FE Ao KY ce Teasing, LF SHINE fected bo SeksD0h DEPOT Bart to Sivetntev, Ot Tag Batt Eh mE jesenat erty (irr 20}9f), ait | Getee neo Ags fabs ob ems Cateeos gt “Tne 1 een hie Seas Bes $54 Llane BGnrades 19a Raatejornt iu Rages Nt, seco, a tac 18 Byer or ted doy on fein apebe ak Gp Low RHILYRY RESEPYE tanten Lxetrenl Combet x0 YR KS, |i Dewemuey “Tmewen Bey and Bann. He at Tantee a ow RE doo f Ronn Pref Govt heme, lbnanadtinr 108 prrmater, He day, Ponaban eonge pees seta dd (7 ear eae WAR DIARY INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY. a foto Vebaaty qu ay 2d A1 I Mele joined for dey ; hatted, in Aston Mrnrnny acts fay tctare. Ohi Cobain penne be fe rmerteeing Britatin Conny frcpetice nb sagt set day Padtatic Comping Guo prsgtctirn Ab hagle: Su OR fom fir dendy Doane dary Patacren bit Crp preyeetirs, at sjneny| Pasomg Afatiee LEAKE CoB WER tee Pftiren YOR termed oe Baty faatinte een ttt comgmy Gina funjeetne 1 | Bact dy re st te ees fis emseh a ats “tar, B ee fs, 6 Coy ae aban Ei OG ae here by Rtn, Ponteatnn rnd nek ibe dnppnk « Laefy | Onve Any. devers, BD, a Snes Wireneas VAC “Ress, W. KERR, and AP. ORK, | aamey Dada Rate egaga ACL naghE Carmageng be fins frigneters: Dok t SEO Ry belts Sut SR oe spre ES 5 - / “ate ssmanizoaNGs suunwany (ie eee eet (Banh etry = [~l~_ Sy Thercaes, (DDN GIR Oapede aitnatd rw LOGE tke famnads AR tater, THIRD ARR) Gtheaar at a LPs ond Amacd 6 bh AB mien, Fintatare Unread Rene Conant re | [em cee Be Lette, meaty tthe nets om Batic fame | BOR Lrrended, DOK freee fr deta pine A 4 enemy catibiny Gato drat Kentecnety, Meena nttien Battatrnn Orne ob ae alee fe wey Slat jog. | Redes iat ce a sly PEE Verh, Ota, "ler pbts Se Seopa, ReKation ued cents ap ped wae (uetens, | 4-0, fe sei ze Neck me ent fees, Dp BAe Rk fm ma heads nat 2 rent Aristiny actu tre Beth aides [tetany tall very ete Bok brs Dathijermt for any | Bait, ater Cu NOREWL, FH ney anda, BER primed for tele [Very tater. begs hing Paty apples | Orter deg, Vrhing peeticg applied b.0K: poinee foe 5 ee mer, Ching partic tapped, [ase weeny nee Ais DAL IML Tamme Ce gee ae pose 2 eee ve RE winking arta aepptinn an ole atten, aetine ty Che beth ata | al i aaacke BA Coben ele, ais NL, Bn forreneinn” tb, tele Oaks peed fee dat, arts Aten t Bertin i by ede ie cee . OpmRARION, ORIERS ty s Lest. ootened gin GELLAR, Conamnaing 1st pattalion Royal Soo¥e PUaLaiere 19th Moveaber 1917. = A Wi wid deoareted out by "DY Conpeny, «ave Rove Soots } Fustliece on Miyht 21/aand Hoveriber 1917s, on GBARER At Ori 2e be Qe HE tis poine a8 Foumd to eo unoosupied, ‘the perty will seorsanise au aeoertuin 12 the ORATER Wt Ovi. oeLd. 18 sosupied by tho anand. Should his costar be fous to, bo woccupied by the smemy, etrong Tigiting patcois will be sont forwaca to anooetade Lf toe’ enemy 18 poling tis front iine botuosh Delvc-i5-65 und Dei de4s2e Strength cr Ruluane Parts wil be 8 Offivere and 100 men wich win uncitue 2 neve dun Seotione. 1m ARPOBURION. Patvors have icoutes Machine Gins Gr the followin, points« 1, ORARER -12+b- 2-8. Ov endeg erates observors havo rapostod the even voskiny on ORAIER St Be1-0e 2, "Strong encny paveols have deen soon an who vhainey Of the anove points by oar ceconnostrine parties. Fay GREG. to ovtain dentisioueions, fo ineiaot nomaities on ie enany. Fo obtain definite infonmion 1 sneny 18 holainy nis front a. : EREAZIOIS- the parties wii move out Tyo oar fyont Lind posts in GLdk {n' the Tollowine onise= S ime to Plaine partaee wilt rove out F4est, bo Right = Party followine the ling 4f tho bank unial it cvadios 4 point + * ont ociaeneaea. At this point the pacty mils turn aue Hoven, wn take up w position on the Suen Road at Gs1dsb.208 he Uavis oun Svotion Will vemaan ond osteblie & post ut Grlasbedaae to protect tho Fight Chum. ‘She lett perty wilt fealow tho Line of sho punk, starting som prs Oeid-6. wid Will teke up & position Mi Gwi299% ‘Bho owss Gan Suction UsLl ostalieh L'ppst ut this pout to pivtast the Loft flenke oe Stovming purty will start tvo minutes uftor tho Mianting Group, she noving ions thu MORI sido ox thy Radway Wl {ik ip postion at Oeldeaede?s es Suppers purty will move out ae mingte artoc ine Storming Phrty asl take ap apoaitxon 100 Vario i) sent ALL four groups wiil bo. in position by 24RD minis trey nines TE The GRAEGR at G-4a.bea6~. 48. foand vo bo siougupicg. tho pareve wilt Ne cyanies and stiad the ORIDEN wt Detvovi-k, ~ fhe foramtion: wail be auft to thy aiasration of O+G Ruldany Pact, TE ene svoond GRgER ie found to we ungocuphaa, two ‘st eong Fighting patrols viii by sine foreara to obtain dufinite infomation that UN anusy 1s heldang his Front ane. ¥. agriLLeRt eso NN LLL Te-. (ane Sunee Aratiuey will bo propiecd te place 4 Soamaerags xeon” -BMGAMME- D.7.0055-09 to stony fhont liny a" De?aeS0-080, tena clots Pie Wonk Line to DedeoedbeGSy wl Liaiow te" Gebedv@0~ be ‘Bae siohal for ete ArELIuey Suppock WALL OS & WNIT, MOOKBE tired fram vicinity of GRATER at Deleoededs Hestiis Macnins Guna St QeGrdsb02, ans OrGsdeGeSs WAAL Do aouith sath by Artitioey pewious wo 2 days vw WAGLDIE GMS Machine our Mcrage Mas BOON aeronzod WAAR O+ce Mehény Gon ‘expanse vu. - (mains | RUMMMLIGARIONS. “ALLA I* Siyak wi11 bu RED ory Lighte fLend fom WALEPAK ‘SUPPORE (GHSMaL Yury agots wit bo fieva from HALIPAK SUPPORT to ido Balding purty back. If the tamy 15 desoovored to ules evacuated nie Pront tino munngeawi1l bv snmeaiarsly aeepavanea to gattason Hossquartes: vant. ISUDRAWALS. In tho evant of identifications boing svoucva Anthe GRATER Mt Onl2ene2s00 Abe viusdrawal to our lings wll be carried OOF - tnaor cover of the Lowis Gun soetionse ‘Gos signed for withdraaa will bo GAS RATTLES. Dr tho ous of mubscquent withdrawals aption is Left te tho Aisorition of 060+ muLdine Party. x eiBBot weit onions Bach man to oasey 2 MiLI6" aocbs. Stowsine pacty wai ourey "pt enbse dpeotal zaontistoutione pisos 61 bo wens He identifi autions wali be ourekca. et uisoRhiasiings. watches wi1i be amaroniced 2 hours bafors 2m. [REGIMENTAL AID POST wild bo GOEABIS od 1m HALIFAX SIPPOR?. Mee steotahors wu accompany Support Party. 0-0 RALdiny PEPtY vi2l bY wAth Mipports. ALL reports wil by sunt to pout G-32/6+ mim HOUR wiLl bo notafivd Astor apts nte F - Mesjutent, Ast Re 3. Rises, copies to a1 concumeds

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