Financial Survey Project - Stock Market

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Name- jhalak

Department-philosophy hons 3rdsem

Roll no.-22/phi/13



Submitted to-ms.SWEETY GUPTA

In this project, we are going to analyse a survey data surveyed with the help of
Google forms for checking the financial insights and knowledge of 31
respondents about their stock market experiences.

In an era marked by dynamic economic landscapes and rapid technological

advancements, the stock market stands as a pivotal arena influencing global
financial dynamics. As individuals increasingly seek avenues for wealth creation
and financial growth, understanding the nuances of stock market investments
becomes paramount. This project embarks on a journey to delve into the
minds of 31 individuals, each with a unique perspective and experience in the
world of stocks.

The "Exploring Financial Horizons" project is designed to conduct a meticulous

financial survey that goes beyond the numbers and charts, aiming to capture
the personal narratives and insights of participants who have navigated the
unpredictable waters of the stock market. Through a diverse sample of
respondents, this survey seeks to unravel the intricate relationship between
individual investors and the stock market, shedding light on the motivations,
strategies, and challenges faced by those who actively engage in the financial

Our exploration extends beyond the traditional statistical analysis to include

qualitative data, allowing us to gain a more profound understanding of the
emotional and psychological dimensions that influence investment decisions.
By delving into the personal experiences of participants, we aim to uncover the
triumphs, setbacks, and invaluable lessons learned on the journey to financial
growth through stock market ventures.

The findings of this survey promise not only to contribute valuable insights to
the financial research community but also to provide a resource for individuals
contemplating or actively participating in stock market investments. As we
embark on this journey, I anticipate uncovering a rich tapestry of experiences
that will inform, inspire, and foster a deeper understanding of the intricate
dance between individuals and the stock market. I’ve divided this survey into a
questionnaire of 15 questions to which respondents have had responded as
per their pre-requisite knowledge

Following are the questions which made a part of this survey data and helped us
in knowing these important insights :
Q1 What is your sex?
Q2 Are you aware of the stock market?
Q3 Have you ever purchased or sold stocks or invested in other type of
financial instruments ?
Q4 If you have purchased , how would you describe your level of experience?
Q5 What is your primary goal for investing in stock market?
Q6 What is your risk tolerance level? Rate it on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 being
low and 10 being high tolerance level.
Q7 From where do you usually get information about the stock market?
Q8 Are you familiar with recent market trends and major economic indicators?
Q9 Do you prefer long-term or short-term investments?
Q10 What do you consider as the biggest risk in stock market?
Q11 How important do you think it is to diversify your investment portfolio?
Q12 Do you seek any professional advice before making investment decisions?
Q13 How frequently do you review and adjust your investment portfolio?
Q14 Do you use investment apps for managing your portfolio?
Q15 How confident are you in your ability to make informed investment

The very first question gives us a glance of sex ratio disparity
between males and females indulged in stock market and finance
activities that how only 29% participants which is around 9
participants out of total strength of 31 are female and rest 22 are
male participants approximately 71%.

As we conclude our exploration into the financial horizons of 31

individuals and their experiences in the stock market, a notable
pattern emerges—one that casts light on a significant disparity in
stock market and finance activities based on gender. Our survey
has provided a unique lens through which we can discern the
nuanced ways in which individuals of different sexes engage with
and perceive the financial markets.

The data collected reveals a stark contrast in the participation

levels between men and women, with a discernible
underrepresentation of the latter in stock market activities. While
the reasons for this gender disparity are complex and multifaceted,
it is evident that addressing these imbalances is crucial for
fostering a more inclusive and equitable financial landscape.

Several factors contribute to this observed difference, including

societal norms, perceptions, and access to financial education. It is
imperative to recognize that diversity in the financial markets is not
only a matter of fairness but also a strategic imperative. Diverse
perspectives bring resilience, creativity, and a broader range of
insights that are essential for navigating the complexities of the
stock market.

To bridge this gap, concerted efforts are needed to promote

financial literacy and inclusion, breaking down barriers that hinder
equitable participation in finance. Initiatives aimed at empowering
women with the knowledge and tools to engage confidently in stock
market activities should be championed. Additionally, fostering a
cultural shift that challenges gender stereotypes and encourages
women to pursue careers and interests in finance is essential for
creating a more balanced and inclusive financial ecosystem.

In conclusion, our project highlights the undeniable disparity in

stock market and finance activities based on the sex ratio of our
surveyed participants. By recognizing this imbalance and taking
proactive steps to address it, we can move towards a more
inclusive and representative financial landscape, unlocking the full
potential of diverse perspectives and ensuring that everyone has an
equal opportunity to benefit from and contribute to the dynamic
world of finance.
Financial awareness is not just a term but it is a whole discipline
which one can study to its core practicality and become a
professional in handling finances and open new avenues of wealth
generation. One of the fields of this discipline includes branch of
stock markets and capital markets which helps an individual in
learning the crucial concepts and tactics of stock market realm and
nuances of investing into a fundamentally strong business or

Financial literacy and awareness in modern economic era is one of

the important factors. Countries like USA even after being a
capitalist economy is suffering from heavy debt-crisis and its
natives are not so financially aware about present time situations of
their nation even though looking from outer perspective everything
is fine and healthy.

As per our surveyed data of stock market out of 31 respondents only

3.23% of them are not aware about stock market trends but rest
96.77% are sure about the ongoing conditions of stock market
which gives them an upper hand in finding better avenues of wealth
generation for their economic demands, capital growth and future
planning by not being reliant only on borrowings and long term bank
loans which may lead them to be in debt-trap due to high
compounding interest rates.

Having awareness about market is good but it can surge or
enhanced to next level when one decides to take active
participation in it by investing on their own in any stock for the first
time. This practical-to-theoretical approach is way better and gives
sustainable knowledge about functionality and real depth of market
trends that what is the actual risk factor involved in stock market.

Theoretical knowledge can give you that awareness factor to your

overall knowledge but analytical and decision taking approach can
be developed only when you start investing by yourself because only
then you are putting your real hard earned money on the stake for
your own experiential knowledge which will definitely help you in
looking the bright-side as well as darker side of such investments in
future as a part of your pre-requisite knowledge.

In my survey, I’ve received almost equal weighted responses

regarding the fact that how many of the total participants have
actually purchased any stock or any other financial instruments and
surprisingly responses are equally affirmative and negative which
shows that still there is a huge gap which has remained unbridged
between the people who are not willing to dive into the pool of
potential risks by making their first step into the market versus
those who have already tested the waters at least on the surface

Coming down with the previous question it is necessary to know the
experience level of our participants as well that whether they are
beginner, intermediate, advance or maybe some of them have not
invested yet. The most important factor which makes them different
from each other is their experiential knowledge and learning paths
which they have taken in their investing journey. As we’ve already
discussed that it is the knowledge which can make you good leaner
but it is the practicality which makes you a unique learner, your
experiences of up-hills and valleys in this journey of stock market
gives you the tag of a beginner, intermediate or advance.

One should never let this thought run through their mind that they
can’t earn huge stacks or won’t be able upscale ever in this journey
because don’t forget that even a pro-investor was once a beginner,
the only thing which made him reach at those heights was his
consistency and active learning reforms from mistakes.

As per my reports of survey, 45.16% participants are such who are

still stuck in the mid-way bridge of their doubtfulness that whether
they should enter the market or not which is most common
behaviour that we can expect from a normal individual who don’t
want to take much risk in his/her life. Further there are some
beginners as well roughly around 19.35% of total strength which I
personally consider are much better than those who are still being
the frog of their well. At least these beginners can find themselves
at a better position once they’ll gain more experience. Lastly there
are 32.26% of intermediate participants who are more experienced
in this journey and have already dived into the depth, breaking the
fear of surface level tensions.

As a human being we have various needs and for satisfying them we
perform various activities which can be psychological,
physiological, emotional, economical, religious. The reason behind
them can be any goal which one has to achieve. Similiarly there are
lot of financial goals for which one look up towards stock market to
fullfill them and reach at a certain place where they can be much
financially stronger and sound. For one it can be capital growth
which means growing in terms of asset acquisition and preposition
value for, creating other source of regular income generation,
diversification of growth opportunities or future planning and safety
after retirement. All of these can be possible goals which can lead
an individual to look up to stock market investments.
As per my survey data, because the demographics indicates
towards younger participants, there are only 3.23% of total
participants who invest in stock market for retirement planning
while rest 54.84% and 38.71% of total participants being young are
majorly focused on income generation and capital growth
respectively. It is expected to see such trends because people with
retirement goals are more interested and gripped towards safe and
low risk investment schemes like FDs and Government Bonds.

Risk Appetite or Risk Tolerance represents the amount of risk, at a
broad level, that an individual is willing to accept in pursuit of his
strategic objectives. Risk Appetite reflects the risk management
philosophy that what is the propensity of that individual to adopt
and, in turn, influences its risk culture, operating style and decision-

It is necessary to know the core mind set of participants that how

they take their decisions related to stock market before investing in
any stock which shows their risk analysing abilities and how risk
factor has an important as well as inevitable psychological impact
on their decisions. This will help us in knowing the fact that, is it the
risk factor and risk intolerance due to which many people still avoid
the route of stock market investments to full-fill their objectives?

Surprisingly, my report shows us a trend of low-to-moderate risk

tolerance level between the scale of 1 to 10 where 1 means very
low and 10 means very high. The scale of risk tolerance is majorly
covered by the responses from 1 to 8 while 3 being the highest of all
with 25.81% and 1-2 being the lowest with 6.45%. Thus it is a clear
picture that still people are still risk intolerant and only few are
ready to take big risk for a big chunk of rewards in terms of higher
profits and capital growth.

While one being completely unaware about ongoing stock market
trends and news, they can look forward to various sources
gathering information and seeking advice related to upcoming new
stocks and highly potential IPOs, having highest profitability and
strong fundamentals. One can be aware about future risk by being
updated about companies in which they might have had invested
earlier and take possible actions before the actual happening.
These sources can be news websites , financial advisors, social
media, your friends and family members who have already invested
earlier in market etc.
Following are some common sources in India for gathering stock
market sauce and trends :

There are several reliable sources of information for stock market news
and trends in India. Here are some popular ones:

1. Financial News Websites:

 Moneycontrol: This is one of the leading financial news websites in
India. It provides comprehensive coverage of stock market news,
analysis, and trends.
 Livemint: Livemint is the business news partner of The Hindustan
Times. It covers a wide range of financial and economic topics,
including stock market updates.

2. Stock Exchanges:
 National Stock Exchange (NSE): The official website of NSE provides
real-time stock market data, news, and updates.
 Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE): Similar to NSE, the BSE website
offers information on stock prices, market trends, and news.

3. Business News Channels:

 CNBC TV18: CNBC TV18 is a leading business news channel in India.
It provides live coverage of the stock market, expert analysis, and
interviews with market experts.
 ET Now: This is the business news channel of The Economic Times.
It covers a wide range of financial and economic news, including
stock market updates.

4. Newspapers:
 The Economic Times: The Economic Times is a widely-read financial
newspaper in India. It covers stock market news, trends, and
 Business Standard: This newspaper provides in-depth coverage of
business and financial news, including stock market updates.

5. Financial Magazines:
 Forbes India: Forbes India covers a range of business and financial
topics, including stock market trends.
 Business Today: Business Today is a business magazine that
provides insights into various aspects of the business world,
including the stock market.

6. Financial Portals:
 This portal provides a variety of financial
information, including stock market news, charts, and analysis for
the Indian market.
 Money Rediff: Money Rediff offers financial news, stock quotes, and
market trends.

7. Mobile Apps:
 Many financial news websites and news channels have mobile apps
that provide real-time updates on stock market trends. Apps like
Moneycontrol, ET Markets, and NSE Mobile Trading are popular

As per my report, 29.03% of the people are relied either on news websites
or social media platforms which is the highest among all of them. The
second highest option with 19.35% of reponses which people seek for are
the financial advisors which may not be the affordable option for others to
appoint someone who can look upto their portfolio and give them
suggestion. Lastly only 12.90% of the participants are dependable on their
friends and family members as a trusted source of financial news.

The level of familiarity among Indians with the stock market has
been increasing in recent years. India has seen a growing interest in
stock market participation, driven by various factors such as
economic development, increasing financial literacy, and the
availability of online trading platforms.

Several initiatives, educational programs, and awareness

campaigns have been launched to enhance financial literacy and
educate people about the basics of investing in the stock market.
Additionally, the advent of online trading platforms and the ease of
access to financial information through the internet and mobile apps
have made it more convenient for individuals to participate in the
stock market.

Stock market-related news and discussions are also prevalent in

various media, including television, newspapers, and online
platforms. The popularity of business news channels, financial
newspapers, and investment-focused websites contributes to the
dissemination of information about the stock market.

However, it's important to note that the level of familiarity can vary
widely among different segments of the population. Urban areas and
younger generations often exhibit higher levels of awareness and
participation compared to rural areas and older demographics.
Furthermore, the understanding of the stock market may range from
basic awareness to more advanced knowledge, depending on an
individual's educational background and exposure to financial

As per my report and survey data 38.71% of participants are sure

that they are aware of recent market trends and economic
indicators , 22.58% are not aware about about the market trends
while remaining 38.71% are not completely sure which means there
is still some need of financial literacy at large level to make all of
them aware regarding economic environment around them.

As we have already discussed that various individuals with different
economic and psychological goals choose different path to grow in
stock market. Some of them invest their money for quick capital
gains and income generation while others look up to it as a
prospective option of future safety funds and retirement planning.
This difference in needs of investors leads to the formation of a
thought process that whether one should go short-term investments
or long-term investments depending upon their goals.

As the names imply, the difference between long-term investors and

short-term investors is their time horizon. Long-term investor time
horizons are generally 10+ years, while the time horizon for short-
term investors is less than 3 years. With longer-term time horizons,
investors can introduce security types that may have greater short-
term volatility but more potential for growth over time.

Long-term investment goals tend to be major life events further in

the future, like retirement or college savings. Short-term goals are
nearer future events like vacations, weddings, and home

Time horizon, risk tolerance, risk capacity, desired returns, taxes,

and using a financial advisor are considerations when making
investment strategies. Long-term investors can potentially tolerate
more risk and volatility. Short-term investors may want lower-risk
investments like bonds to preserve capital.

Planning for long-term goals like retirement may require more

complex strategies than short-term goals. Using retirement
calculators and seeking professional advice can help.

As per my reported 58.06% of participants believes in the power of

long-term investments and future growth while 41.94% are focused
towards short term capital gains for income generation.

Investing in the stock market involves various types of risks, and
these risks can have psychological impacts on the decisions of
investors. Here are some common types of risks in the stock market
and their psychological effects:

1. Market Volatility Risk:

 Definition: Market risk, also known as systematic risk, refers to the risk of
overall market movements impacting the value of investments.
 Psychological Impact: Sharp declines in the market can lead to fear and
panic among investors. This fear may drive impulsive selling or, conversely,
cause some investors to avoid the market altogether.
2. Company-Specific Risk:
 Definition: This risk is associated with factors specific to a particular company,
such as poor management, financial instability, or industry-specific issues.
 Psychological Impact: Investors may feel frustration, regret, or anxiety if a
stock in their portfolio experiences a significant decline due to company-
specific issues. This can lead to hasty decisions based on emotions rather than
rational analysis.
3. Liquidity Risk:
 Definition: Liquidity risk is the risk that an investor may not be able to buy or
sell an investment quickly at a fair price.
 Psychological Impact: Investors may feel trapped or anxious if they cannot
exit a position easily. This can lead to suboptimal decision-making as investors
may be forced to sell at unfavorable prices.
4. Interest Rate Risk:
 Definition: Interest rate risk refers to the impact of changes in interest rates
on investment values.
 Psychological Impact: Rising interest rates can lead to a decline in bond
prices, causing concern for fixed-income investors. This may prompt some
investors to reconsider their portfolio allocations and make decisions based
on interest rate expectations.
5. Inflation Risk:
 Definition: Inflation risk is the potential for the purchasing power of money
to decline over time.
 Psychological Impact: Investors may worry about the eroding value of their
investments in real terms. This concern may lead to a search for inflation-
hedging assets or alternative investment strategies.
6. Psychological Biases:
 Definition: Psychological biases, such as overconfidence, loss aversion, and
herd mentality, can impact decision-making.
 Psychological Impact: Overconfidence may lead to excessive risk-taking,
while loss aversion may result in a reluctance to sell losing positions. Herd
mentality can cause investors to follow the crowd rather than making
independent decisions.
7. Economic Downturn
 Impact on Investments:
Stock markets often react negatively to the prospect of an economic downturn.
Investors may see declines in the value of their portfolios as stock prices fall.
Certain asset classes, such as equities, may be more vulnerable during economic
 Psychological Impact:
The anticipation and experience of an economic downturn can have
psychological effects on individuals and businesses. Fear, uncertainty, and a
loss of confidence can influence decision-making, leading to a self-reinforcing
cycle of economic decline

8. Regulatory and Political Risk:

 Definition: Regulatory and political changes can impact the stock market.
 Psychological Impact: Investors may experience uncertainty and anxiety
regarding the potential impact of new regulations or political events. This
uncertainty can influence decision-making.

Understanding these risks and their psychological impacts is crucial for

investors. Developing a disciplined and rational approach, managing
emotions, and diversifying investments can help mitigate the
psychological effects of these risks. Additionally, staying informed and
having a long-term perspective can contribute to more sound decision-
making in the face of market uncertainties.

Surveyed data shows that most of the participants are more concerned
about market uncertainties (volatility) and economic downturn as
compared to company specific risk, interest fluctuation and political
events. Economic downturn is the biggest fear of participants with a
surging percentage of 35.48% whereas the lowest concerned risk is any
political event that is about 9.68%.

Diversification is a fundamental principle in investment strategy,
especially in the context of the stock market. It involves spreading
one's investments across different asset classes, industries,
geographic regions, and types of securities to achieve a well-
balanced and risk-mitigated portfolio. The importance of
diversification cannot be overstated, as it plays a pivotal role in
managing and balancing risks associated with individual stocks or

One of the primary benefits of diversification lies in its ability to

minimize the impact of poor performance in any single investment
or sector. In the stock market, individual stocks and sectors can be
subject to various risks, including market fluctuations, economic
downturns, and industry-specific challenges. By diversifying across
different stocks and sectors, investors reduce the likelihood that a
poor-performing asset will significantly impact the overall portfolio.

Balancing out the risk of losses in one sector against the growth of
another is a key advantage of diversification. Each sector of the
economy responds differently to market conditions and economic
cycles. For instance, during economic downturns, consumer staples
and healthcare sectors may demonstrate more resilience compared
to cyclical sectors like manufacturing or technology. On the other
hand, during periods of economic expansion, technology and
consumer discretionary sectors may outperform.

By holding a diversified portfolio, investors can potentially offset

losses in a declining sector with gains in a thriving one. This helps
smooth out the overall performance of the portfolio, reducing
volatility and enhancing the consistency of returns. The principle of
not putting all your eggs in one basket is essentially a risk
management strategy that acknowledges the inherent uncertainty
in financial markets.

Furthermore, diversification extends beyond merely selecting

different stocks; it also involves considering various asset classes
such as stocks, bonds, and alternative investments. Different asset
classes have distinct risk-return profiles, and their performance may
not be correlated. In times of market stress, assets may behave
differently, providing a degree of insulation against extreme market
Investors should note that while diversification can mitigate risk, it
does not eliminate it entirely. There is always some level of risk
involved in investing, and the potential for losses exists. However,
the goal of diversification is to reduce the impact of specific risks
and enhance the overall risk-adjusted return of the portfolio.

In conclusion, the importance of diversification in an investment

portfolio in the stock market lies in its ability to spread risk and
enhance the potential for consistent returns. By avoiding
concentration in a particular stock or sector, investors can achieve
a more resilient and balanced portfolio, better positioned to weather
the dynamic and unpredictable nature of financial markets.

As per my report more than 70% of the participants considers

portfolio diversification as an important factor in risk mitigation and
balancing out losses whereas remaining 30% are either neutral or
not sure about the avenues of diversification of their portfolio.

Seeking professional advice before making investment decisions in
the stock market is crucial for various reasons. While investing can
offer opportunities for wealth creation, it also comes with inherent
risks. Here's an overview of the importance of professional advice
and how it can help anticipate and manage future risks:

1. Expertise and Knowledge:

 Financial professionals, such as financial advisors, investment
managers, and analysts, possess expertise and knowledge about the
complexities of the stock market. Their understanding of market
trends, economic conditions, and specific industries can provide
valuable insights for making informed investment decisions.
2. Risk Assessment and Management:
 Professionals can assess an investor's risk tolerance, financial goals,
and time horizon to create a customized investment strategy. They
help in identifying and managing risks associated with market
volatility, economic downturns, and industry-specific challenges.
3. Diversification Strategies:
 Professionals can guide investors in creating well-diversified
portfolios. Diversification involves spreading investments across
different asset classes, sectors, and geographic regions to reduce the
impact of poor performance in any single investment. This strategy
helps mitigate risks associated with concentrated positions.
4. Goal Alignment:
 Professionals work with investors to align their investment strategies
with their financial goals. Whether the objective is wealth
preservation, income generation, or long-term growth, professional
advice ensures that the investment approach is tailored to meet
specific objectives.
5. Market Monitoring and Adjustments:
 Financial professionals continuously monitor market conditions and
adjust investment strategies accordingly. They can help investors
navigate changing market dynamics, adjust portfolio allocations, and
make timely decisions to capitalize on opportunities or mitigate
potential risks.
6. Behavioral Guidance:
 Emotions and behavioral biases can impact investment decisions.
Professionals provide a level-headed and objective perspective,
helping investors stay disciplined during market fluctuations and
avoid making impulsive decisions based on fear or greed.
7. Regulatory Compliance:
 Financial professionals are well-versed in regulatory requirements
and compliance standards. They can guide investors in adhering to
legal and ethical standards, ensuring that investment decisions align
with applicable regulations.
8. Continuous Education:
 Investment professionals stay updated on market trends, economic
indicators, and financial instruments. They can educate investors
about the latest developments, ensuring that clients are well-
informed and able to make decisions based on current market
9. Financial Planning:
 Professionals often integrate investment advice into a broader
financial planning framework. This includes considerations for tax
implications, estate planning, and retirement goals. A comprehensive
approach helps investors achieve a holistic view of their financial well-
10.Long-Term Relationship:
 Establishing a long-term relationship with a financial professional
fosters ongoing communication and periodic reviews of the
investment strategy. This ensures that the investment approach
remains aligned with evolving financial goals and market conditions.

In summary, seeking professional advice before making investments

in the stock market provides a structured and informed approach to
wealth management. Professionals can help anticipate potential
risks, develop strategies for risk mitigation, and guide investors
toward sound financial decisions that align with their unique
circumstances and goals.

As per surveyed data more than 61% of participants consider

professional advice before making investment decisions which is
expected as afterall it is ones hard earned money which they are
going to invest in stock market so it is better to take professional
advice from any CA, CFA, financial analyst, portfolio managing firms
before entering into this realm.
The frequency at which one should review and adjust their
investment portfolio depends on various factors, including
individual financial goals, risk tolerance, investment
strategy, and market conditions. Here are some general
guidelines to consider:

1. Regular Monitoring:
 It's advisable to monitor your investment portfolio regularly, even if
you don't make adjustments each time. Regular check-ins allow you
to stay informed about the performance of your investments and any
changes in market conditions.
2. Quarterly or Semi-Annual Reviews:
 Many investors choose to conduct more comprehensive reviews of
their portfolios on a quarterly or semi-annual basis. This frequency
provides a balance between staying informed about market trends
and avoiding overreacting to short-term fluctuations.
3. Changes in Financial Goals:
 Review and adjust your portfolio when there are significant changes
in your financial goals or life circumstances. For example, if you
experience a major life event such as marriage, the birth of a child, or
retirement, you may need to reassess your investment strategy.
4. Market Changes:
 Adjustments may be warranted in response to significant market
changes or economic developments. For instance, during periods of
increased volatility or major economic shifts, it's prudent to review
your portfolio to ensure it remains aligned with your risk tolerance
and objectives.
5. Rebalancing:
 Rebalancing involves bringing your portfolio back to its target asset
allocation. If market movements cause certain asset classes to deviate
significantly from your original allocation, consider rebalancing to
maintain the desired balance of risk and return.
6. Tax Considerations:
 Tax implications can be a factor in the decision to adjust a portfolio.
Consider reviewing and adjusting your investments with an
awareness of potential tax consequences, especially if you are
realizing capital gains or losses.
7. Review of Investment Strategy:
 Periodically review your overall investment strategy. If your financial
goals or risk tolerance have evolved, it may be necessary to make
adjustments to better align your portfolio with your current situation.
8. Work with a Financial Advisor:
 If you have a financial advisor, work closely with them to determine
the appropriate frequency for portfolio reviews based on your
individual circumstances. They can provide personalized guidance
and insights.
9. Stay Informed:
 Stay informed about economic indicators, market trends, and global
events that may impact your investments. Regularly educate yourself
about changes in the financial landscape.
10.Long-Term Perspective:
 While regular reviews are important, it's crucial to maintain a long-
term perspective. Avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-
term market fluctuations. Focus on the fundamental principles of
your investment strategy and financial goals.

Ultimately, the optimal frequency for reviewing and adjusting your

investment portfolio will depend on your individual situation and
preferences. If you are unsure about the appropriate approach,
consider consulting with a financial advisor who can provide
personalized guidance based on your financial objectives and the
current market environment.

My report shows that 38.71% participants have never made an

investment portfolio which shows their uninterested behaviour in
portfolio management by themselves whereas 25.81% and 12.90%
of people review their portfolio quarterly and annually which shows
that they are pretty much aware about what is going wrong with
their investments and what they can do to adjust it as soon as

In the present-day modern world, technology has significantly transformed the way
individuals manage their investments and seek financial advice. Investment apps and
portfolio management apps offer users a convenient and efficient way to gain
insights, monitor their portfolios, and make informed financial decisions. Here are
some ways individuals can leverage technology, along with examples of popular apps
in the market:

1. Access to Information:
 Investment apps provide real-time access to financial news, market updates,
and economic indicators. Users can stay informed about developments that
may impact their investment decisions.
2. Research and Analysis:
 Apps often include tools for in-depth research and analysis. Users can analyze
stocks, funds, and other financial instruments, helping them make more
informed investment choices.
3. Portfolio Tracking:
 Portfolio management apps allow users to track the performance of their
investments in real-time. They can view their asset allocation, individual
holdings, and overall portfolio value, facilitating better portfolio management.
4. Automated Investing:
 Some apps offer robo-advisory services, where algorithms automatically
manage and rebalance a user's portfolio based on their financial goals, risk
tolerance, and investment horizon.
5. Goal-Based Investing:
 Users can set specific financial goals (e.g., retirement, buying a home) within
the apps. The apps then recommend investment strategies aligned with those
goals and provide progress tracking.
6. Budgeting and Saving:
 Many financial apps include budgeting and saving features. Users can link
their accounts, track spending, and set savings goals, creating a holistic
approach to financial management.
7. Educational Resources:
 Investment apps often provide educational resources, articles, and tutorials to
help users enhance their financial literacy and make more informed
investment decisions.
8. Risk Assessment:
 Apps may include risk assessment tools that help users understand their risk
tolerance. This information can be used to tailor investment recommendations
that align with the user's comfort level.
9. Mobile Trading:
 Trading apps allow users to buy and sell stocks, ETFs, and other securities
directly from their mobile devices. These apps often offer intuitive interfaces
and real-time order execution.
10. Security Features:
 Many investment apps prioritize security, incorporating features such as two-
factor authentication and encryption to safeguard user data and financial

In India, there are several investment and portfolio management apps that
cater to the needs of investors. Here are some examples:

1. Zerodha:
 Zerodha is a popular online discount brokerage platform in India. The
app provides a user-friendly interface for trading in stocks,
commodities, and currencies. It also offers features like mutual fund
investments and tools for technical analysis.
2. Upstox:
 Upstox is another online brokerage platform that offers commission-
free equity delivery trades. The app provides a range of features,
including stock and commodity trading, mutual fund investments,
and market analysis tools.
3. Groww:
 Groww is an investment platform that allows users to invest in mutual
funds, stocks, and gold. The app is known for its simplicity and
educational resources, making it suitable for both beginners and
experienced investors.
4. Paytm Money:
 Paytm Money is an investment and wealth management platform.
Users can invest in mutual funds, National Pension System (NPS),
stocks, and digital gold. The app also provides tools for portfolio
tracking and market research.
5. Kuvera:
 Kuvera is a robo-advisory platform that focuses on mutual fund
investments. The app helps users invest in direct mutual funds and
provides tools for goal-based investing, portfolio tracking, and tax
6. Angel Broking:
 Angel Broking is a full-service stockbroker with a mobile app that
offers features like online trading, investment advisory, and research
tools. It covers equities, commodities, currencies, and more.
7. ICICI Direct:
 ICICI Direct is the online trading and investment platform of ICICI
Securities. The app provides a range of services, including equity and
derivatives trading, mutual fund investments, and research reports.
8. Sharekhan:
 Sharekhan is a full-service brokerage platform with a mobile app that
offers features like equity and commodity trading, mutual fund
investments, and research tools.
9. Motilal Oswal MO Investor:
 Motilal Oswal's app provides a comprehensive platform for trading
and investment. It covers various asset classes, including equities,
derivatives, mutual funds, and commodities. The app also offers
research reports and financial analytics.
 5Paisa is an online discount broker with a mobile app that allows
users to trade in equities, derivatives, commodities, and invest in
mutual funds. It provides a user-friendly interface and real-time
market data.

When choosing an investment app in India, it's essential to consider factors

such as ease of use, available features, brokerage fees, research tools, and
customer support. Additionally, individuals should ensure that the app
complies with regulatory standards set by authorities like the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
As per my survey interestingly 54.84% of participants do not use any
portfolio management or brokerage app to manage their portfolio
which shows that still there is some need to create awareness
among people regarding the use of online methods for investing in
stocks and then looking after it. One of the reasons which I can
think of related to such avoidance of using online apps is the fear of
online frauds and scams. Rest 41.94% are familiar with such
technological realm of stock market and have experience of their

In the last question we have decided to look inside the minds of
participants to know about their confidence level while making
investment decisions. One can take financial advice from
professionals, use portfolio management apps, can diversify their
options in stock market to eliminate as much as possible risk factor
but afterall there is still some space left for doubtfulness and fear of
losses. It totally depends upon the gut-feeling of investors that
whether they are ready to make an investment in a particular
company or not.

Self-confidence plays a significant role in an investor's ability to navigate the ups and
downs of the stock market. Confidence can influence decision-making, risk tolerance,
and resilience during challenging market conditions. Here's a look at the role of self-
confidence in the stock market and how individuals can gain confidence through
their experiential journey:

Role of Self-Confidence:

1. Decision-Making:
 Confidence can positively impact decision-making. Investors who are
confident in their abilities are more likely to make well-thought-out decisions
based on their analysis and research rather than succumbing to emotional
2. Risk Tolerance:
 Self-confidence is closely linked to an investor's risk tolerance. Confident
investors are often more comfortable taking calculated risks, which can be
essential for achieving higher returns. They are better positioned to stay
committed to their investment strategies during periods of market volatility.
3. Resilience:
 Confidence contributes to resilience in the face of setbacks. Investors who are
confident in their long-term strategies are less likely to be swayed by short-
term market fluctuations. They can endure temporary downturns without
succumbing to panic selling.

4. Learning and Adaptation:

 Confident investors are more likely to embrace the learning process and adapt
to changing market conditions. They view challenges as opportunities to grow
and refine their investment approach rather than as insurmountable obstacles.
5. Patience and Discipline:
 Confidence fosters patience and discipline. Confident investors are more apt
to stick to their investment plans, avoiding impulsive decisions driven by
short-term market movements or external noise.

Building Confidence Through Experiential Journey:

1. Start with Education:

 Begin by educating yourself about the stock market, investment principles,
and various financial instruments. Understanding the fundamentals can
enhance your confidence in making informed decisions.
2. Set Realistic Goals:
 Establish clear and realistic investment goals. Having achievable objectives
provides a sense of direction and accomplishment, boosting confidence along
the way.
3. Start Small and Diversify:
 Begin your investment journey with a small amount of capital. Diversify your
investments across different asset classes to spread risk. Success in small,
diversified investments can gradually build confidence.
4. Track Your Progress:
 Regularly monitor and assess the performance of your investments. Tracking
progress, even during challenging periods, allows you to recognize your
achievements and learn from setbacks, contributing to a more confident
5. Learn from Mistakes:
 Mistakes are a natural part of investing. Instead of viewing them negatively,
consider them as valuable learning experiences. Analyze what went wrong,
adjust your strategy if necessary, and use the insights gained to improve
future decisions.
6. Seek Knowledge and Mentorship:
 Continuously seek knowledge about market trends, economic indicators, and
investment strategies. Consider seeking mentorship from experienced
investors or financial professionals who can provide guidance and share their
7. Embrace Long-Term Thinking:
 Adopt a long-term perspective. Understand that market fluctuations are
inevitable, but over the long term, well-researched and diversified investments
tend to yield positive results.
8. Celebrate Successes:
 Acknowledge and celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Recognizing
achievements can reinforce your confidence and motivate you to continue
making informed investment decisions.

Remember that gaining confidence in the stock market is an

ongoing process. It involves a combination of education,
experience, and a willingness to learn from both successes and
setbacks. By embracing a proactive and continuous learning
approach, investors can build the self-confidence needed to
navigate the complexities of the stock market with resilience and

We have already discussed that confidence comes up with in field

practical experiences and not just by mugging up theory of stock
market tactics. In my survey more than 70% participants are
moderately confident with their ability to make informed decision.
12.90% participants have high confidence level maybe due to their
journey and remaining 16.13% are still not able to test the waters
and have low confidence.
In conclusion, the financial survey conducted to assess stock
market knowledge among 31 participants has provided valuable
insights into the behavior and participation patterns of individuals in
the Indian stock market. The findings reveal a diverse range of
attitudes, experiences, and preferences among the surveyed
participants, shedding light on the factors influencing their
engagement with the stock market.

The survey began by exploring the participants' level of familiarity

with the stock market, and the results highlighted a spectrum of
knowledge. While some participants demonstrated a strong
understanding of financial concepts, others indicated a need for
further education and awareness. This underscores the importance
of ongoing financial literacy initiatives to empower individuals with
the knowledge necessary to make informed investment decisions.
Participation in the stock market varied among the respondents,
reflecting diverse investment objectives and risk appetites. A
notable portion of participants expressed a preference for long-term
investing, aligning with the traditional view of using the stock
market as a vehicle for wealth creation over time. Conversely, some
participants exhibited an inclination toward short-term trading
strategies, seeking to capitalize on market fluctuations and
generate quicker returns. This diversity in investment approaches
underscores the need for personalized financial advice and
education that considers individual goals and risk tolerance.
Behavioral aspects also played a crucial role in shaping
participants' investment decisions. Psychological biases, such as
overconfidence, loss aversion, and herding behavior, were identified
as factors influencing the decision-making process. Recognizing
and addressing these behavioral biases is essential for investors to
make rational choices and avoid common pitfalls associated with
emotional decision-making in the dynamic stock market

The survey delved into the sources of information participants relied

on for stock market insights, with financial news websites, business
channels, and mobile apps emerging as primary channels of
information. This highlights the growing influence of technology in
shaping investor perceptions and the need for accessible, reliable
platforms for market information. The popularity of investment and
portfolio management apps suggests an increasing reliance on
technology to monitor investments, track market trends, and
execute trades conveniently.

Moreover, the survey highlighted that a significant number of

participants valued the importance of seeking professional advice.
This acknowledgment underscores the recognition of the
complexity of the stock market and the benefits of leveraging the
expertise of financial professionals. Seeking professional advice
can provide investors with tailored strategies, risk management
insights, and a broader perspective on market dynamics.
As we conclude this financial survey report, it is evident that the
stock market landscape in India is dynamic and multifaceted,
reflecting the diverse attitudes and behaviors of individual
investors. The findings underscore the importance of continuous
efforts to enhance financial literacy, promote awareness, and
provide accessible avenues for individuals to make informed
investment decisions aligned with their unique financial goals.

Moving forward, addressing the identified gaps in knowledge and

behavior will be essential for fostering a more informed and resilient
investor community. Additionally, ongoing research and surveys will
be instrumental in tracking evolving trends, understanding the
impact of market developments, and tailoring educational initiatives
to meet the changing needs of market participants.

In summary, the financial survey report serves as a valuable

snapshot of the current state of stock market knowledge among the
surveyed participants, offering valuable insights for policymakers,
financial institutions, and educators alike. By leveraging these
insights, stakeholders can work collaboratively to strengthen
financial literacy, empower investors, and contribute to the overall
development and sustainability of the Indian stock market.

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