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Tématický test ANJ-DK 016

Sestavila: Mgr. Beáta Badáňová

Jméno/Třída: Hodnocení:

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

When I _________ (be) a child, we __________(live) in a very small town. We _____________

(move) because our dad ___________ (get) a job in a big city. I _________________ (not like)
our new house because my bedroom ___________ (not be) big enough. When I ____________
(start) school, I soon _____________ (make) a lot of new friends. Five years later I _________
(go) to university and after finishing it I __________ (get) married, but we ________________
(not have) any children.

2. What does it mean? Complete the sentences.

When someone isn´t married, he (she) is ______________________.

When a woman is going to have a baby, she is ________________.

When two children are born at the same time to one woman, they are ________________.

My mum´s father is my ___________________.

When we leave our house to live in a different house, we __________________.

3. Family tree. Who is who?

Jim and Victoria

Catherine and Simon Paula and Jack

Berta Nick

Paula is Jack´s Who is Berta to Victoria?

Nick is Simon´s Who is Nick to Jack?

Berta is Paula´s Who is Paula to Jim?

Jack is Berta´s Who are Nick and Berta?

Catherine is Nick´s Whose husband is Simon?

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