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Willom Tight regrets Warriors hunt Super Eagles

signing with SA label

ITH a full squad complement at his
disposal, Warriors coach Baltemar

HEN a South Africa based record label dan- Brito is set to ring some changes for
gled an apple to lure musician Willom Tight the crucial 2026 FIFA World Cup Group C
out of early retirement and sign a contract second qualifier against giants Nigeria at
with them, he never knew that he would regret the Huye Stadium in Butare this afternoon.
ever putting pen on the dotted line. PAGE S2 PAGE 32

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US$1 | NOVEMBER 19 to 25 2023

Established 1997

Why ED dropped
General Sibanda

RESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa
was forced to reverse the appointment
of Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF)
commander Valerio Sibanda into Zanu PF’s
politiburo after he was threatened with a
lawsuit for violating the constitution.
Mnangagwa made the surprise appoint-
ment of the army boss into the politburo as

Health workers at a cholera treatment centre at Harare's Kuwadzana Polyclinic were busy throughout the day yesterday as the country tries to
contain the diarrheal disease. The government has since declared a state of emergency following rising cases of cholera. Pic: Shepherd Tozvireva

‘Impostor’ Sengezo Tshabangu’s gift to Zanu PF Losing Zanu PF candidate reclaims donation

he controversial mass recall of Citizens Coali- Zanu PF losing council candidate has been ac-
tion for Change (CCC) legislators by Sengezo cused of demanding goal posts which he donat-
Tshabangu has created vacancies in at least four ed to a school in Plumtree, Matabeleland South,
rural constituencies that the one year-old opposition ahead of the disputed August 23 elections. Richard
party had wrestled from Zanu PF in the August 23 and Khumalo contested for a ward 2 seat in Plumtree on a
24 elections, fuelling speculation that he is pushing Zanu PF ticket, but lost to Zanele Ndlovu of the Citi-
interests of the ruling party. PAGE 3 zens Coalition for Change. PAGE S15
2 The Standard | November 19 to 25 2023 News
Slain CCC activist Zanu PF blocks Mnangagwa, Chamisa talks
given huge send off BY MIRAM MANGWAYA elections in a free contest.

The ruling party is now eyeing a two-
BY STAFF REPORTER anu PF hardliners have closed thirds majority from the upcoming De-
the door on Citizens Coalition cember 9 by-elections.
SCORES of people attended the burial of slain Citizens Coa- for Change (CCC) leader Nel- “I have always said, ‘two people must
lition for Change (CCC) activist Tapfumaneyi Masaya in Ha- son Chamisa (pictured) direct- exchange points of agreement for nation
rare yesterday amid growing calls for justice. ly engaging President Emmer- building,” Chamisa said.
Masaya was kidnapped last Saturday in Mabvuku while son Mnangagwa to resolve the country’s “There must be cross-pollination of
campaigning for the party's parliamentary candidate Mu- long-running crisis. ideas for a synoptic approach for nation
nyaradzi Febion Kufahakutizwi ahead of the December 9 Chamisa has been calling for dialogue building."
by-elections. with Mnangagwa to resolve the political have already been treated as an exception Observers cast doubt on the possibili-
Masaya’s body was found last Monday about 30 km out- crisis following the disputed August 23 by the electorate. ties of Mnangagwa and Chamisa engag-
side Harare. and 24 elections. “We can’t then be undermining our ex- ing in a fruitful dialogue without exter-
Last week, Kufahakutizwi contemplated withdrawing The opposition leader has refused to ception and promoting the CCC excep- nal intervention especially from Zanu PF
from the elections citing the escalating attacks against CCC accept election results citing vote fraud tionalism.” hawks.
supporters. and the intimidation of his supporters. He said Zanu PF was cautious not to “The prospects of that (dialogue) are
Police last week said they are investigating circumstanc- This publication established that confer superiority to Chamisa. remote,” political analyst Eldred Masu-
es leading to Masaya’s abduction and murder. Chamisa recently sent emissaries to “We are also saying we are cut above all nungure said.
However, there have been no arrests or updates on the Mnangagwa to initiate processes to- political parties because we won the elec- “The dialogue is desirable but the
investigations. wards having a dialogue, but ruling par- tions,” said Mutsvangwa. chances are very limited unless there is
CCC leader Nelson Chamisa told mourners that Presi- ty hawks shut the door on him. “CCC wants Zanu PF to confer it with a another mediator in the making- maybe
dent Emmerson Mnangagwa's silence on Masaya's death Zanu PF spokesperson Christopher title of being exceptional. regional leaders.
raises eyebrows. Mutsvangwa confirmed the develop- “But if we confer them that title, it will “They need to combine efforts to ad-
“Politics must not take away life but it to all,” Chamisa ment when contacted for comment. be at our expense with the electorate, dress the chronic syndrome of the crisis
said. According to Mutsvangwa, the ruling which gave us the exceptional majority. that we have in Zimbabwe.
“Differences in politics must be our strength and not our party told Chamisa that he could only “We are very careful not to confer an “And the best person to do that is some-
weakness. There is greater power in our diversity.” engage Mnangagwa through Vice Presi- exceptional laurel to Chamisa and under- one mutually trusted by both parties, but
Human rights watchdogs including Amnesty Interna- dent Constantino Chiwenga. mine our own exceptionalism.” I don’t see that one in Zimbabwe.”
tional, United States Embassy and European Union and the Chamisa has not reached out to Chi- Mnangagwa established the Political Another political analyst Rejoice
United Nations have condemned his murder. wenga. Actors Dialogue (Polad) after the 2018 Ngwenya said the Southern African De-
They have called for thorough investigations to bring “If he wants to talk to the president he elections, a platform where he regularly velopment Community must intervene.
the culprits to book. must use the Vice President (Chiwenga) met losing presidential candidates. “There is a need for a more superior
Masaya's murder followed rising cases of politically mo- as his channel,” Mutsvangwa said. Chamisa refused to join Polad dismiss- body like Sadc to bring them together,”
tivated violence and intimidation and torture of CCC mem- “He sent his two emissaries, one Ut- ing it as a Zanu PF platform. Ngwenya said.
bers following the disputed August elections. siwegota and (Innocent) Chagonda and The opposition leader, however, con- “But all the dialogue must be inclusive
Chamisa demanded an end to the abductions. he was told to speak to the president firmed sending emissaries to initiate di- of all critical stakeholders, to address
“We cannot even start to speak of an absence of convic- through the vice-president. alogue with Mnangagwa. the broader challenges that the country
tions. Culpability stands at the doorstep of those who are “He knows the channel and he must Chamisa said dialogue was the key to is facing, rather than the mere political
supposed to preside over the state,” he said. use it. addressing the country’s multi-faceted impasse that we are experiencing.”
Meanwhile, the United Nations on Friday condemned “There is a channel that has been es- crisis. In 2008, the late president Robert
Masaya’s killing and called for transparent investigations tablished between the two of them.” “There is a conundrum that must be Mugabe was forced to the negotiating ta-
into the case. Mutsvangwa said Zanu PF could not al- fixed. The conflict between the elected ble with opposition leader, Morgan Ts-
UN Human Rights Office spokesperson Liz Throssell said low Chamisa to meet Mnangagwa direct- government and what was declared,” he vangirai, also late, following a disputed
Masaya’s death was disturbing following reports of in- ly. told The Standard. election.
creased violent attacks against opposition activists in re- “We have no problem with engage- “This illegitimacy crisis is what is The talks resulted in the formation of a
cent months. ment, but the only challenge is that CCC causing all these problems. government of national unity (GNU) be-
“We urge them (authorities) to ensure there are thor- wants to be treated as an exception,” he “So the only way to correct this is to tween 2009 and 2013, a period where the
ough, prompt and independent investigations not only said. have a political settlement that will re- country enjoyed relative economic and
into his (Masaya) death but also into all allegations of peo- “After all, we are in Parliament togeth- solve the issues fundamentally and com- political stability.
ple being tortured and kidnapped, including to establish er and we meet in a plethora of fora. prehensively.” Zanu PF has resisted talks of another
whether they were forcibly disappeared,” Throssell said in “CCC wants exceptionalism, but we Zanu PF insists Mnangagwa won the GNU.
a statement.
“Perpetrators should be held accountable in fair trials
that follow due process.”
Throssell said the human rights’ violations were an at-
tack on democracy.
“The safety and security of all individuals, including vic-
tims and members of the political opposition, must be en-
sured,” she said.
Why ED dropped Gen Sibanda
“Such crimes violate not only the right to life, but also CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 bearers of any political party or organisation,” Mzembi said the late president Robert
have a stifling effect on the rights to freedom of opinion an ex-officio member at the party’s annual con- he submitted. Mugabe suffered the same fate as he was be-
and expression, freedom of association and equal partici- ference held in Gweru, Midlands last month. “Serving members of the security services ing given wrong or old speeches to embarrass
pation. The politburo is where key decisions relating must not be employed or engaged in civilian him.
“Authorities must guarantee these rights at all times.” to the running of the ruling party and govern- institutions except in periods of public emer- “Sometimes he would be given wrong
The Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations ment are made. gency.” speeches and made to read the same speech
(ZHOCD) also called on government to stop the escalation His appointment triggered an outcry with The lawyers said the appointment was also twice,” he said.
of violence and abductions of opposition party activists. critics saying it was unconstitutional as the law against sections of the Defence Forces Act. “To discount fitness for office he would be
“The Bible emphasises the sanctity of life and the impor- barred serving officers from participating in ac- “Our client further avers that by participat- made to trip physically, the airport incident be-
tance of protecting it,” the ZHOCD said in a statement. tive politics. ing in active politics in full glare of the public ing testimony.”
According to the ZHOCD, the abduction of Masaya and Zanu PF activists, including Mnangagwa, de- and members of the Defence Forces Sibanda Exiled former information minister Jonathan
others has a negative effect on the state of human securi- fended the appointment saying Sibanda was may have committed and will commit an of- Moyo, however, argued that there was nothing
ty in the country. not going to enjoy the same rights as other po- fence of contravening section 39 of the De- wrong with the appointment.
“The security sector is called upon to investigate and litburo members such as voting on matters dis- fence Forces Act (Chapter 11:01) as read with “But, and this is key to appreciate, under-
bring to finality all the cases of abductions and murder that cussed in their meetings. section 36 of the first schedule of the said Act,” stand and to underline, there is nothing in sec-
have been reported to them,” the church leaders said. On Friday, Mnangagwa was served with a they said. tion 208 of the constitution which provides
“Offenders must be given deterrent sentences and notice to sue him over the matter, forcing him The section says any ‘officer who behaves in that “members of the security services may not
should be held accountable for their actions. to quickly reverse the appointment in a state- a scandalous manner unbecoming the charac- be members of any political party or organisa-
“The church calls upon the civil society and other non- ment issued by his spokesperson George Cha- ter of an officer and gentleman shall be guilty tion,” he argued on X.
state actors to collectively work towards peacebuilding ramba. of an offence and liable to be cashiered.’ “All that the section provides is that “mem-
and building of a better Zimbabwe.” “His Excellency the President Dr ED Mnan- The lawyers added: “It is therefore evident bers of the security services must not be active
gagwa has announced the staying of General that your appointment of Sibanda as an ex- members or office-bearers of any political par-
PV Sibanda appointment to the ruling Zanu PF officio member of the Zanu PF politburo puts ty or organisation”.
party politburo as an ex officio member,” Cha- a serving commander of the Defence Forces "Membership of or belonging to a political
ramba said. into an invidious position of acting or being party or organisation is not prohibited by sec-
Weather report ”The position will be reviewed at the expiry
of General Sibanda’s term as a senior serving
seen as acting in a partisan manner, further-
ing the interests of the Zanu PF political par-
tion 208 of the constitution.
"What is prohibited is being an active mem- officer at the helm of the ZDF. ty, prejudicing the interest of opposition po- ber of a political party or being an office bear-
“The deferment of the appointment resolves litical parties and being seen or perceived as er – such as being a political commissar or
Today’s temper- the apparent conflict with the country’s consti- an active member or office bearer of the Zanu speaking for a political party, addressing pub-
atures for main tution which regulates the conduct of serving PF political party especially given that he was lic meetings for the party and so forth.”
city centres (°c): members of the security services.” appointed into the highest decision making At the conference Mnangagwa also appoint-
Minimum Maximum In a notice to sue in possession of The Stand- body of Zanu PF.” ed Rose Mpofu to replace the late Joshua Teke
ard, Harare lawyer Kudzai Kadzere through his Sibanda is also reportedly in the succession Malinga who was the secretary for people with
Harare 20 33 lawyers Mbidzo, Muchadehama and Makoni matrix to replace Mnangagwa. disabilities.
Bulawayo 21 35 Legal practitioners said he was acting in the Exiled former tourism minister Walter The military has in the past been accused of
Gweru 19 34 public interest in terms of section 85(1)(d) of Mzembi said Mnangagwa was being set up for acting unprofessionally by dabbling in Zanu PF
Mutare 17 33 the constitution. failure and being given wrong advice. politics.
Kwekwe 20 36 Kadzere said the appointment of Sibanda “So whoever for example advised on a Siban- In 2017, the army staged a coup after Mnan-
Kadoma 22 37 into the politburo was in violation of section da pick for politburo, that person is an enemy gagwa was fired from Zanu PF and govern-
Masvingo 19 34 208 (2) of the constitution, which prohibits of the state and is plotting against Mnangag- ment by Mugabe.
Chinhoyi 22 36 serving officers from active politics. wa but pretending to love him most,” Mzembi The generals at the forefront of the putsch
Lupane 22 38 “It further violates section 208(3) and (4) of commented on X, formerly known as Twitter. said they intervened to remove alleged crim-
Bindura 20 36 the constitution of Zimbabwe, which provide “If Mnangagwa processed this on his own inals that surrounded Mugabe and stop the
Marondera 16 31 respectively that members of the security ser- then it’s time to slow down to some critical sidelining of former liberation war fighters in
Gwanda 21 37 vices must not be active members or office- thinking before any public pronouncements.” Zanu PF.
News The Standard | November 19 to 25 2023 3
‘Impostor’ Sengezo Tshabangu’s gift to Zanu PF
BY KENNETH NYANGANI 6,476 votes against 6,241 polled by Zanu PF can- Ncube, a former Beirbridge mayor, said losing
didate, Phathisiwe Ncube Machangu. the seat by just 96 votes was a bitter pill to swal-
THE controversial mass recall of Citizens Coalition for Zanu PF is also eyeing Mabvuku-Tafara where low for the ruling party.
Change (CCC) legislators by Sengezo Tshabangu (pic- Zanu PF benefactor and gold dealer, Scott “We surprised them and they are very aware
tured) has created vacancies in at least four rural constit- Sakupwanya lost in the August polls despite in- that they are not going to win the seat again de-
uencies that the one year-old opposition party had wres- vesting millions in his campaign. spite trying to intimidate our supporters,” Ncu-
tled from Zanu PF in the August 23 and 24 elections, fuel- Sakupwanya is the Zanu PF candidate in the be said.
ling speculation that he is pushing interests of the ruling by-elections. He said it was financially draining to go for an-
party. Mutasa, who won the seat with 189 votes, other election.
Tshabangu a former MDC- T chairperson for Matabele- on Friday expressed confidence that he would Zanu PF director of Information Farai Mara-
land North and an ex-People’s Democratic Party official, bounce back into Parliament. pira said the party was not working with Tsha-
emerged from nowhere shortly after the elections and “Zanu PF was shocked by my win that is why bangu.
claimed to be the CCC interim secretary general. they have even gone to court challenging my “Why are they not speaking about Bulawayo
He started recalling MPs, senators and councillors a few victory,” Mutasa said. where they said they will never lose an election,”
days after they were sworn in as he claimed that they were “They have never lost the seat in history. Marapira said.
imposed. “They are fighting back to win the seat but “We are not whatsoever behind those recalls;
Some of the affected constituencies are Lupane East, people now believe that the opposition can lead as Zanu PF we are doing our own business.”
Beitbridge West, Zvimba East and Seke, which were con- the constituency.” President Emmerson Mnangagwa has been
sidered to be Zanu PF strongholds before the August elec- Mutasa said Zanu PF was employing dirty tac- accused of pushing for the recalls to ensure the
tions. tics including intimidating his supporters to re- party gets a two thirds majority in Parliament to
Tshabangu’s critics say the removal of rural CCC MPs has gain the seat. railroad amendments for a third-term in office.
exposed him as a Zanu PF proxy who is working to ensure “However, I am confident of winning back the Mnangagwa is serving his second and last “One thing that has always come out each
the ruling party regains some of the seats in the Decem- seat despite the dirty tactics,” he said. term in terms of the constitution. and every time there is a difference of opinion in
ber 9 by-elections. “Tshabangu is obviously working with Zanu Tshabangu’s lawyer Nqobani Sithole yester- CCC, they turn to blame elsewhere,” Sithole said.
Political analysts say Zanu PF has a chance of winning PF to retain the seats but we are not going to day said Zanu PF was not financing his client's “These are unfounded allegations that we are
back the constituencies because the ruling party has un- allow that.” legal fees. being sponsored by Zanu PF.”
limited sources of funding to run effective campaigns
while CCC has to scramble for resources.
Last week, Tshabangu recalled 13 more CCC Members
of Parliament (MPs) and five Senators.
Sources say Tshabangu is being financed by Zanu PF
and disgruntled CCC top officials.
The only CCC official who has come out in public sup-
porting Tshabangu is former Nkulumane MP, Kucaca Phu-
CCC MP for Zvimba East, Oliver Mutasa, is among those
recalled by Tshabangu recently.
Zvimba East has been under Zanu PF’s since the 1980s.
Beitbridge West MP, Morgan Ncube, was also recalled
from representing the constituency that has been a
known Zanu PF stronghold in Matabeleland South.
He beat Zanu PF’s Thusani Ndou by 96 votes to win the
parliamentary seat.
Another seat which Zanu PF is eyeing is Seke where
CCC MP Tapfumaneyi Madzimbamuto has been recalled.
Zanu PF is also targeting Lupane East, a constituency
that was in its bag for years before the August elections.
CCC member Bright Vanya Moyo won the seat with

84 foreigners appear PUBLIC NOTICE

in Beitbridge court
Mr. Edmund Makona

EIGHTY-FOUR foreign nationals appeared at

the Beitbridge magistrates court yesterday
charged with illegally entering the country.
The foreign nationals from Malawi, Burun-
di, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia were
en-route to South Africa.
They were arrested at roadblocks mount-
ed along the Beitbridge to Harare highway by The Air Zimbabwe (Private) Limited Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment
police and immigration officials in an opera-
tion code-named "No To Illegal Immigrants". of Mr. Edmund Makona as the Chief Executive Officer of the national airline with effect from the 1st
Officer commanding Beitbridge Police Dis-
trict chief superintendent Tichaona Nyongo of November 2023.
confirmed the arrests.
"These 84 were arrested on different occa-
Mr Makona, has been appointed in terms of Section 14 (4) (b) of the Public Entities
sions since Monday during the ongoing oper- Corporate Governance Act (Chapter 10:31) for an effective 5- year – term. At the time of his appointment,
ation,” he said.
They were aboard the Rimbi, Trip Trans Mr Makona was the Acting Chief Executive Officer.
and Chiwara buses that operate along that
route. The incoming Chief Executive Officer is a top-notch regional and international aviation
This publication understands the operation
was triggered by numerous cases of human expert and consultant with over 38 years of experience. He has been an Aviation consultant with
trafficking and assisted border jumping by
bus operators, villagers and other unscrupu- aeronautical engineering background, a type –rated licensed aircraft engineer, aviation quality, safety and
lous officials.
Police documents showed the foreigners en- security expert and a trainer for the aircraft engineers and pilots ground school. Mr Makona also
tered the country through Nyamapanda bor-
der post.
served both as President and Executive Committee member of the African Airline Association. He is currently
They appeared before magistrate Vavariro the Ambassador of the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) for the Africa Southern Region on
Gavi charged with violating the country’s im-
migration laws. the African Union (AU) initiative regarding the liberalisation of the African skies.
They now await deportation to their respec-
tive countries. The Board, is keen on unlocking value from Mr Makona`s diverse expertise and vast experience.
A police document gleaned by The Stand-
ard showed the officials were convinced the We are confident that he will complement the Board's vision to turn around the national
foreigners were not of any security threat.
Trafficking of foreigners is a big and dan- carrier and reposition it to become a strategic, competitive and viable airline for the country.
gerous business in Beitbridge.
There are known individuals and kingpins We wish, Mr. Makona, the very best during his tenure.
of the trade who kidnap foreigners and de-
mand ransom of as much as R80 000 per per-
Some of the foreigners come from as far Get In Touch With Us
afield as Somalia and Ethiopia and use Zim-
babwe and Beitbridge as a transit destina-
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4 The Standard | November 19 to 25 2023 News
Drugs menace exposes legislators BRIEFS
BY MOSES MUGUGUNYEKI schedule to the Dangerous Drugs Act,” Madhombiro said there was a connec-
Musengezi seeks

oliticians are not keen on in-
said Chimhofu.
“Part I of the schedule lists which are
tion between substance abuse disorders
and HIV.
release of passport
stituting legislation that aids classified under Dangerous Drugs and He said conditions such as depression,
in eradicating drug abuse that Part II those classified under Prohibit- anxiety, psychosis, bipolar disorder, and Zanu PF activist Sybeth Musengezi on Friday filed an ap-
has become rampant in the ed Drugs and are not allowed which in- epilepsy as well as drug abuse and alco- plication for the temporary release of his passport so that
country, a legal expert has said. clude methylenedioxymethampheta- hol use disorder were major causes of he can visit South Africa for business.
Harare lawyer Aleck Chimhofu told mine, which has been confused with morbidity and mortality. Harare magistrate Yeukai Dzuda, however, postponed
journalists attending a National Aids crystal methylene – dioxymethamphet- “There is a high prevalence of sub- her ruling to November 21.
Council (NAC) convened workshop in amine.” stance abuse and psychiatric disorders Musengezi through his lawyer Doug Coltart said he
Norton recently that lack of specific le- Chimhofu said as such, people found among people living with HIV,” Mad- would be back in Zimbabwe before December 8.
gal and constitutional provisions that in possession of crystal methampheta- hombiro said. “Musengezi is into construction business and needs to
speak to the use of dangerous drugs was mine in Zimbabwe have not been found “Drug and alcohol-use disorders are travel to South Africa to inspect, test and receive training
among barriers impeding efforts to fight guilty because of loopholes in the law. frequently comorbid with depression, on the use of construction resources and intends to buy an
drug abuse in the country. “Laws should be clear and in our case, anxiety and severe mental illness.” excavator,” Coltart said.
Zimbabwe is among countries that we cannot differentiate between crystal NAC communications officer Tadi- Prosecutor Dzidzai Joseph opposed the application say-
have recently witnessed an increase in methamphetamine – methylenedioxym- wa Nyatanga said her organisation ing Musengezi was a flight risk.
drug abuse, although there is no offi- ethamphetamine and people found in and its partners have embraced mental “In this case the accused person is facing a serious offense
cial data on drug or substance abuse possession of the drug have got off scot- health education as well as antidrug pro- which is punishable by severe custodial sentence hence if
because a population size estimate has free,” he said. grammes in the response to HIV after re- the passport is released he will likely abscond,” Josiah said.
never been done before. However, anec- “According to the law crystal meth is alising that they were significant and Musengezi is challenging President Emmerson Mnan-
dotal evidence points to a lot of illicit not a scheduled drug and the only way it rapidly increasing factors in the trans- gagwa’s ascendancy to the Zanu PF top’s post following the
drug abuse on the ground in the country. can be done is to amend the law and in- mission of HIV and Aids. 2017 coup that ousted the late Robert Mugabe.
Among the popular drugs being clude the drug on the Dangerous Drugs “Our planning, coordination and im- —TREVOR MUTSVAIRO
abused is crystal meth, a highly addic- Act. plementation of strategies and pro-
tive stimulant used for its powerful eu- “We have had so many statutory in- grammes for HIV prevention incorpo-
phoric effects.
Known scientifically as methamphet-
struments since 2017, but what does it
take to have the Dangerous Act amend-
rate mental health education as well as
anti-drug education and advocacy,” Ny-
Council gets
amine, crystal meth is not listed in the
relevant schedule to the Dangerous
Chimhofu said the buck stops with the
atanga said.
“The strong effects of drugs can
tough on graffiti
Drugs Act [Chapter 15:02]. Parliament, which should push for the change decisions and remove shyness
“Scheduled drugs are those specific amendment of the law. leading people to engage in impulsive The government has approved new Gwanda municipali-
drugs listed in Part I and Part II of the Mental health expert Munyaradzi and unsafe behaviours.” ty bylaws that prohibit the placement of adverts on trees,
traffic signs or bridges under the control of the local au-
Local Government minister Winston Chitando approved
the new laws through Statutory Instrument 230 of 2023.
“Any person who contravenes any prohibition or obliga-
tion imposed in terms of these regulations shall be liable to
a fine specified,” the SI reads.
Some advertisements would require permission from
Catholic Archbishop of the council.
Harare, His Grace Robert "No person shall, without the permission of the council,
Christopher Ndlovu ( in place, exhibit or display, or cause to be placed, exhibited or
purple skull cap) officiating displayed, upon a road or public place any advertisement,"
at the Redemptorist Region the SI reads.
of Zimbabwe Diaconate "Whether in a stationary position or building or perime-
ordination of Reverends ter wall; or on a sandwich board, vehicle, or other movable
Erick Silence Makova device." —TAFADZWA KACHIKO
(holding microphone),
Munyaradzi Celestino
Magwenzi (in glasses) and
Oscar Madzonganyika at St
Spike in mental
Alphonsus Parish in Tafara,
Harare last Saturday.
health cases
More than 60% of admissions in mental health institu-
tions can be traced to drug and illegal substance abuse.
This emerged during a workshop on drug policy and
harm reduction held in the capital on Friday.
Zimbabwe Civil Liberties and Drug Networks director
Wilson Box said laws against drug abuse needed to be re-
looked to fight the vice more effectively.

Youths with albinism stand up for their own “Let us have a situation or law which promotes inclusivity,
an effective drug policy that looks at human rights,” Box said.
“Current laws are punitive to drug users,” he said.
Parliamentary portfolio committee on health and child
BY STAFF REPORTER care chairperson Daniel Molokele urged parliamentarians
to push for progressive legislation.
A group of young people living with albinism have “We need to come up with other ways of dealing with
embarked on an ambitious mission to take charge the drug and substance use scourge,” he said.
of efforts to improve the lives of their peers with- —VANESSA GONYE
out having to wait for handouts from people and
organisations that may want to profit from their
Taking cue from then junior mayor of Chitung-
Man in court for
wiza junior council of 2000-2001, Clever Takud-
zwa Mhukayesango (21), the youths, led by Marcia
insulting daughter
Mandizha (23) have registered an organisation to
assist people living with albinism.
The entity named Albino Care A Harare man was dragged to court on Friday by his es-
Organisation(ACO), is now registered with the tranged wife for sending their eight year old daughter ob-
Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare ministry scene text messages.
and has as its mission to provide special needs for The applicant (names withheld to protect the minor) told
albinos, including skincare, educational and eco- Harare magistrate Sharon Mashavira that her ex-husband
nomic requirements and especially to help with was verbally and emotionally abusing their child.
societal awareness on albinism. Clever Takudzwa Mhukayesango (left) and ACO chairperson Marcia Mandizha (right) handed over dona- She said the respondent calls the minor a prostitute.
Mandizha is chairperson of the organisation tions to schools in Chitungwiza on Friday “He sends the child messages insulting her saying she is
and is deputised by Mhukayesango. a prostitute and that she is following in my footsteps of be-
The Albino Care Organisation last week em- I pursued with my heart was the betterment of the “That is how we pooled together a group of ing sexually involved with different men,” said the mother.
barked on their first programme where Mandizha lives of fellow pupils living with albinism,” Mhu- youths with these common needs to form this or- She pleaded with the court to be granted a protection or-
and Mhukayesango handed over umbrellas, exer- kayesango said. ganisation. der for herself and the minor child.
cise books, rulers, pens and pencils to each of the “ One of the resolutions I made to myself then “When their board was set up, they asked me to The respondent did not deny the accusations.
23 learners in primary and secondary schools in was to allow people living with albinism to take continue working with them and to accept the po- He said he did not want to comment on anything and
Chitungwiza who live with albinism. charge of interventions meant to assist them, in- sition of deputy chairperson, at least until the or- Mashavira granted the woman the peace order.
“When I was junior mayor, one of the issues that stead of waiting for help from unaffected people. ganisation is up and running.” —REJOICE PHIRI
The Standard | November 19 to 25 2023 5
6 The Standard | November 19 to 25 2023 News

C Music was soundtrack

reative entrepreneur
and digital creator Plot
Mhako says growing
up surrounded by ar-
tistes influenced his ca-
reer path.
Mhako (PM) opened up about

of my life, says Mhako

his life and career in an interview
with Alpha Media Holdings chair-
man Trevor Ncube (TN) on the
platform In Conversation with
Below are excerpts from the in-

TN: Plot Mhako, welcome to

In Conversation With Trevor.
PM: Thank you so much. It is
an honour to actually be sitting
next to you.

TN: You know your brother

is Chad Mhako?
PM: Yes.

TN: What an amazing young

man? You know for me this
is also an opportunity to say
what a beautiful soul, what a
beautiful human being. Are
you like him?
PM: I think our mother mod-
elled us in almost the same fash- We might be in a different PM: Using the proceeds from
ion, so if you meet one you may geographical setting, but there working on the field.
feel like you have met the other you are, have you dealt with
one. yourself ? TN: Are there any mistakes
PM: That is very true because that you saw your dad encoun-
TN: Talk to me about what you would find I mean the prin- tering that have remained with
your mother did in terms of ciples of business are universal you?
raising you? What did you wherever you go. PM: I think mainly is to do with
learn from a mother? The ethics, the values, the just creating a legacy business-
PM: Our mother taught us very norms, they apply universal- wise, where your children are
important lessons. ly and if you default, if you do able to really master what he mas-
One of the most important things differently you would find tered, and we carry on with that
lesson(s) [was] to be humble, and yourself wanting, yes. business.
to be sincere and honest in every- If I look at some of the big-
thing that we do and to work hard. TN: So that is what your gest enterprises in the world they
Never cutting corners, so even mom taught you? Your father are family businesses, but for us
if an opportunity presents your- is late now? when our father died we did not
self to cut corners our moth- PM: Yes my father is late. know what to do with the busi-
er taught us never to follow that ness, so we just had to rent it out.
route. TN: What do you remember Over [the] years we have not
So those lessons have never de- from your upbringing on your been able to actively revive the
parted from us even if we have father's side? kind of business that he had set
left home and we are now stay- PM: Well his entrepreneurship up for years.
ing on our own. We still feel like acumen. We always thought our So I think those are some of the
we our mother's kids and our fa- father was a pharmacist, but he things that I mean for my kids I
ther also gave us the same kind of was just a salesman in a pharma- would teach them the skills, what
teachings. cy... I know so that if they do decide
to follow my path they know that
TN: But doesn't the world TN: Hahaha I remember there's a way.
abuse and take advantage of Chad saying that! So this guy
sincere people? tricked you, you thought he TN: I have been wanting to Plot Mhako In Conversation With Trevor recently
PM: The world does but I think was a pharmacist but...? ask you this question since you
the world has also sincere people PM: It was us believing that he sat there: Why are you based in and Zim Dance Hall Summit. through Simon Chimbetu’s house
that appreciate genuiness, and was because he was working in a Dortmund Germany? You are involved in fight- you know.
the world has A beautiful place pharmacy. PM: I am based in Germany, ing for fair competition for the I was in the same class with his
for such people. So at school would tell them that [in] Dortmund because I moved creative arts through Creative son and there was so much music
So you would find largely the our father is a chemist, a pharma- there with my family. Rights Zimbabwe Trust. around me, so much art around
abuses there, but in the rightful cist, and how he managed to take What first took me to Europe PM: Yes. me.
places sincerity does make a big care of all of us because we were was work. Watching TV, what I would
difference. many of us and having so many I was touring, travelling with a TN: You are the chief edi- watch on TV I would imagine and
I see it from the moment that siblings and all being able to go to lot of artists, creating dance the- tor for earGROUND Africa. all of these things made me de-
I left my former employment to school and how he managed to set atre music productions [with] a You are involved with Ampli- sire to be in the creative space and
get into the creative industry, the up an enterprise in our village. number of other musicians that I faya Festival, you founded it in when I got a chance to do so after
kind of ethics that I used there You know he had bottle store, have had a privilege to work with. 2022. working for five years for Fideli-
were based on the professional [a] general dealer as well as a So we were touring and then I Have I left anything out? ty Printers & Refiners, I decided
ethics that I learned from work, workshop. ended up settling in Germany and PM: Not really, some of them to set up Jibilika and Jibilika be-
and it is almost the same that I am The things that he was doing at for the past eight years now I am are small projects that come in be- came the root for everything.
using now. that age, if I am just to look at how literally based there, but my heart tween, but that is the skeleton. I always wanted to get into the
From just learning you know old he was and I look at my gener- is home. youth culture, I did that. I want-
with the Germans, you learn you ation now and how easy we want That is why I am constantly TN: Why do you do this stuff ? ed to get into the media because
cannot lie, you cannot be dodgy things to be I am like oh. back in Zimbabwe. PM: I just love art. I had already started journal-
and those are some of the ethics So, some of those teachings Growing up music was the ism and finished in 2004 but nev-
that I am also learning [to] bring were really important. TN: Let us take a helicopter soundtrack of my life, so I was er got a chance to work as a jour-
home. I mean for me he gave me a view of what you do, and I do surrounded by music. nalist because they were limited
But you will find, you know in chance to connect with the com- not know where you get the Just a house away from our jobs, but you know drawing inspi-
a space like Zimbabwe it is not an munity at a different level, to ex- time to do what you do, but house lived Emmanuel Vore, who ration from institutions like the
easy space if you try to be very perience entrepreneurship also you’re going to share how you is the general manager at Gram- ones that you set up with AMH, I
honest... during school holidays we would do it with us. mar Records, but then he was the always desired one day to set up
go to the village, work in the shop, So you involved with City air and marketing manager. my own media house.
TN: Hahahaha. work in the field and those expe- Boys, we would want to go So he had a disco every week- Five years ago, I set up ear-
PM: But ultimately it pays off. riences you cannot find them an- there at some point, with end. GROUND Media, and it has been
ywhere else. Hifa... [He] would set it up, play music, interconnected.
TN: Yeah it does. You know PM: Yes. so he exposed us to so much mu- At one point I am doing this, at
you mentioned one thing there TN: Did you enjoy it whilst sic. one point I am doing that, but I
that I value a lot, and that is you were doing it or you are TN: You set up Jibilika, At home my sisters were lis- feel like it is all one story that re-
you can never run away from looking back now and saying worked with Jah Prayzah, Nut- tening to a lot of music, my uncle volves around the creative arts,
yourself. ‘wow that was awesome’? ty-O and Pro-Beats? also [brought] a lot of reggae mu- the media and just the passion to
PM: Yes. PM: Working at the shop I en- PM: Yes. sic and my brother also and my contribute towards Zimbabwe.
joyed. late uncle Ashford Masango.
TN: You know some people TN: You set up Kuenda Pro- You know these are people that l “In Conversation With Tre-
say oh I am quitting this job TN: Yeah. ductions and Mafuwe Interna- inspired me a lot. vor” is a weekly show broad-
because they have not been PM: Because it looked fancy, it tional Festival of Dance. cast on
fair with me, but you have not felt so good. But working in the PM: Yes. TN: Wow. versationWithTrevor. The con-
taken the opportunity to learn field I detested it, but now I have PM: And just the stone throw versations are broadcast to you
from that job. grown to appreciate [it] because I TN: You are involved with away there was a sound system by Heart and Soul Broadcast-
I always say to people that have seen how my mother raised promoting youth culture and crew called New Generation, and ing Services. The conversa-
you cannot run away from us. creativity through Skate Zim- they were playing a lot of music tions are sponsored by West-
yourself. TN: Yeah. babwe, Zim Hip-Hop Summit and going to school I would pass Prop Holdings.
News The Standard | November 19 to 25 2023 7

Fake marriages and a black market:What Zim’s

health care workers are doing to get UK jobs
BY EVIDENCE CHENJERAI Those selling the certificates justify the costs days to find new ones. He says the alleged agent told him that once
by offering to provide accommodations and oth- Tapfumaneyi Soko is one of the unlucky ones the number of workers required by the UK gov-
When Kundai graduated with a master’s degree from a er benefits, such as food, internet and heating, for who hasn’t been able to realize his dream to move ernment’s health care department was reached,
local university, she did not imagine staying unemployed the first months of a successful applicant’s stay to “chando,” a colloquial Shona term used by lo- the visa application would be shut down.
for five years. Even more unexpected was the fact that in the UK. Besides having sponsorship from a UK cals to mean “the land of cold and snow.” This put him in a state of panic and he gave in
her path to forging a career as a health worker and get- employer, applicants must also take an English He started the process over a year ago. Having to the pressure.
ting financial freedom would come by way of marrying test, take a tuberculosis test, have a valid driver’s secured all other requirements, he looked for con- He did all he could to get the money, paying
her nephew. license and have a job offer. nections to get a sponsorship certificate in the the supposed agent cash with the assurance that
Despite attending several interviews since 2018, no The desperation to relocate has seen some ap- same WhatsApp group Kundai used. he would have the certificate within a week’s time.
job offer came her way. plicants get duped by agents. Someone directed him to a person who was A week went by and he started getting excuses
“Every time they would ask for work experience, but Others have found their way to the UK only to selling one. He had heard that the certificates about delays in processing the document until it
I had none because no organization ever gave me a discover they have been sold certificates without should be free, but like everyone else, he decid- ran into many weeks.
chance after completing my first degree,” says Kundai, work hours; they remain unemployed for months ed to buy one as he wasn’t sure how to access the “In the end, the number was either no longer
who asked to use one name for fear her story could jeop- until their sponsors resolve the problem. free ones. reachable or would go unanswered and eventu-
ardize her employment prospects. There are also those that have arrived in the UK “I sold some household property and second- ally disconnected,” Soko says.
She started taking odd jobs she came across: cleaning only to find their sponsors are no longer licensed hand car to raise the 3,500 British pounds I was Soko believes that several other people in the
people’s houses, gardening and babysitting. to take them, despite paying exorbitant fees, leav- asked to pay. WhatsApp group, who had attested to being as-
One day late last year, a friend told Kundai she was ing them stuck in a foreign land with no source of I even borrowed some of the money with the sisted by the agent, were also in on the scam.
moving to the United Kingdom after a relative got her a income to pay for rent and utilities. intention of returning it once I had settled in the - Global Press Journal
job. The two kept in touch, with Kundai’s friend giving her Those with canceled sponsors are given 60 UK,” Soko says.
updates on job opportunities in the U.K.
Kundai started looking for work in the UK and soon be-
gan her own application process to enable her to relo-
“I immediately saw a bright future for me abroad.
“In fact, I said it was better doing odd jobs there than Z I M B A B W E T O U R I S M A U T H O R I T Y
enduring years of unemployment, regardless of my high
qualifications here in Zimbabwe,” she says.
The process to get her visa took almost eight months.

One requirement was to submit a certificate of spon-
sorship, a crucial document for foreigners seeking to
work in the UK.
“The journey is quite expensive, especially the certifi-
cate of sponsorship … which is being sold even though
we hear it is supposed to be free,” Kundai says.
The certificate is an electronic record that proves that a
company in the UK. is responsible for the employee dur-

ing the duration of their visa’s validity in the country.
It also shows how many work hours the prospective
employee has been allocated and proves the company
will have a job ready for them upon their arrival.
From July 2022 to June this year, a total of 271,523
sponsorships were issued from the UK, an increase of
57% from the previous year.
To get a certificate, Kundai parted with 5,000 British
pounds (over US$6,100) and had to ask relatives for fi-
nancial assistance to finalise her application.
Kundai is one among thousands of Zimbabweans
leaving the country for the UK in search of better job op-
portunities, many of them in the health care sector.
Often, it takes an individual dozens of applications to
get a free certificate of sponsorship. THIS FESTIVE SEASON Lake Kariba
A faster way of getting one, though, is by working with
agents based in the UK and Zimbabwe.
In their desperation to relocate, many applicants resort
to dubious means to get this document.
This includes getting into fake marriages or marriages
of convenience to halve the cost of buying a certificate
from middlemen. To keep up to date with what was hap-
pening, Kundai joined a WhatsApp group of people who
want to migrate abroad. Every Journey Leads you Home !
She saw advertisements from people looking for part-
ners to marry in the group and remembered she had a
nephew almost her age who had also been unlucky in
the Zimbabwean job market. That is when the idea to
marry him struck her. The ceremony was held in March.
“I thought it would be better if we had a court mar-
riage than the church marriage, which is too public and
involves too many people,” she says.
“For me this meant I would have helped a family mem-
ber the same way our family had chipped in with money
needed for the application process.”
In 2020, the UK government introduced a health and
care worker visa which has made it easier for people to
migrate for work with the National Health Services, an
NHS supplier or in adult social care.
The visa was created to provide a much-needed boost
for social care in response to the coronavirus pandemic
pressures on the UK health care sector.
As the number of work sponsorship visas granted by
the U.K. soared in 2021 and 2022, the number of Zimba-
bweans granted these health and care worker visas also
In 2021, about 1% of all work sponsorship visas were
given to Zimbabweans; in 2022, that grew to 4%, and in
the first three months of 2023 it jumped to 7%.
In the health and care worker category, Zimbabweans
are the third largest visa holders this year, after India and
Nigeria. These figures are a 418% jump from the previous
year for Zimbabwe, a testament to the growing desire for
people to migrate.
But moving to the UK is not cheap.
One of the highest costs attached to the process is ob-
taining the sponsorship certificate.
High demand for the document has birthed a black
market where they are sold for between 3,500 and 7,000
pounds (about US$4,200 to US$8,500). ztaupdates
This amount is out of reach for most Zimbabweans
who are either unemployed or have low-wage jobs.
8 The Standard | November 19 to 25 2023 News

‘It’s traumatic’: Mysterious injections

Since then, Nhende now battles
all sorts of health challenges in-
cluding loss of taste.
“The biggest trauma is that in-
jection,” Nhende said.
“Just imagining that these
people, who are obviously state
agents, may have injected some
cancer-causing substance or some
such poison which could mani-
fest in my body now or sometime
in the future, is traumatising,” he
Already, preliminary health as-
News in depth with sessments have pointed at some-
thing cancerous having been in-
BY SHARON troduced into his body.
BUWERIMWE Nhende said he recently tested
positive for a virus that can cause

itizens Coalition for “I am still having a series of
Change (CCC) Hara- tests, the latest being a sample of
re councillor Wombe- my hair,” he told The Standard.
raishe Nhende was in “The doctors are checking if
tears as he recounted there are any trends or changes
events on the day when he begged and the (Deoxyribonucleic acid)
his abductors to spare his life. DNA structure of the hair.
Nhende was snatched on Sep- “So, all of those tests haven’t
tember 2 this year by unknown come back from the labs where we
persons who kept him captive for are trying to get as much informa-
hours alongside another CCC ac- tion as possible on what the sub-
tivist Sanele Mkhuhlane before stance could have been.
they were released. “That feeling of trying to get a CCC supporter Tapfumaneyi Masaya was found dead on Monday last week
Three unmarked 4x4 vehicles diagnosis of something and you
visited Nhende’s home in Glen No- can’t really determine what it is, ghurt after having lost my sense jected with some unknown sub- made chemicals that are used, es-
rah and forced him and Mkhuh- is just so traumatic.” of taste,” he said. stance and now say they are bat- pecially nerve agents,” the source
lane into one of the vehicles. Nhende says he is now having “Now I can go for even two days tling varying health complica- said.
The duo was assaulted and tor- bouts of vomiting and also has without eating. As it is all I can at- tions. “These could be Sarin, VX, So-
tured before being injected with loss of appetite. tempt to eat is dry rice.” At least 15 CCC activists have man, tuban and this one from Rus-
an unknown substance and later “I have been surviving on intra- Almost all opposition activists been abducted over the last few sia; the polonium 210 and 204.
dumped in Mapinga, about 73km venous feeding. When I came out that have been abducted and tor- months. “Some of these substances are
along the Harare-Chirundu high- of hospital I only ate natural yo- tured recently were allegedly in- The most recent case was in- jected, swallowed or
that of Tapfumaneyi administered through
Masaya an active CCC direct contact.”
supporter who was ab- Nhende said he feared
ducted from Mabvuku for the health of his
last week while cam- colleagues who were
paigning ahead of the abducted and tor-
December 9 by-election tured.
in the constitu- “The other
He was found
was abduct-
dead on Monday ed Nelson
last week. THESE PEOPLE, WHO ARE Mukwenha
In another is experienc-
case a fortnight
ago, CCC leg-
loss issues,”
Ngadziore MAY HAVE INJECTED SOME Nhende said.
He said the
streamed live on fear of fur-
Facebook while
being chased by
CANCER-CAUSING ther repris-
als from state
gun-toting men
who then abduct- SUBSTANCE OR SOME agents com-
pounded his
ed, tortured and trauma, hin-
injected him with SUCH POISON WHICH dering him
an unknown sub- to move for-
Ngadziore was
state agents
later dumped in
Mazowe, badly in- BODY NOW OR SOMETIME whipped me
jured and disori- with some

CCC Harare councillor Womberaishe Nhende was assaulted and tortured before being injected with an unknown substance
Last month,
IN THE FUTURE, IS sharp ob-
jects that tore
former Mabvuku-
Tafara legislator TRAUMATISING off my skin,
and they

The gangs who are scamming James Chidhak-

wa was also ab-
ducted, tortured and again inject-
ed with an unknown substance be-
took turns to
and kicking me all over my body
as I lay there helplessly,” Nhende

motorists are still out there

fore being dumped in Arcturus. said.
His abductors shaved off his “After that they threw me on the
dreadlocks using matchetes. tarred road and reversed their ve-
Scars of this brutal encounter hicle with apparent intent to run
are yet to heal and Chidhakwa me over. I only managed to move

tion. says he is still traumatised by the an inch away from the wheels as
Is the picture that has gone viral that of the men experience. my whole body was aching.
scamming motorists? “I am still traumatised and I “They only managed to run over
True or false? am still in pain. I can’t say more,” my left foot.”
BY ZIMFACT Verdict: False. This is an old photo. Chidhakwa said. Other victims of abductions
A reverse image search conducted by ZimFact A source, who requested ano- reported that they were passing
Claim: A picture circulating on Zimbabwe so- shows that the above image is from December 23, nymity, opined that the substance blood in their stool, raising con-
cial media of three men is being used as proof of 2020 when the three men pictured (one police offic- that is being used by the abduc- cerns about internal bleeding and
claims that a gang of bogus policemen, which has er and two soldiers) were arrested by Rhodesville tors was likely Polonium-210, a gastrointestinal complications.
been scamming unsuspecting motorists in Harare Police in the Zimbabwe capital following a string of rare and highly radioactive iso- Pride Mukono , another activ-
has been arrested. robberies in Hillside. tope that is extremely hard to de- ist who was injected with an un-
The picture has been circulating alongside a The men in the above image are not the scammers tect. known substance when he was ar-
WhatsApp voice note recorded by a person who who have been duping motorists in Harare lately. Other nerve wrecking substanc- rested and detained in 2019 said he
claims to have been forced to pay US$200 by men Zimbabwe police say they are still investigating the es could also be used by the abduc- was presenting symptoms associ-
posing as police officers over allegations of driving matter. tors. ated with colon cancer.
through a red stop-sign traffic light at a road junc- “They could also be using nerve Mukono said he suspects that he
wrecking agents; these are man- may be a victim of slow poisoning.
News The Standard | November 19 to 25 2023 9

ruins lives of Zim’s abduction victims

“The symptoms I am currently having start- ner that does not have any respect for the concept
ed after my release from prison in 2019,” Muko- of democracy in Zimbabwe. “
no said. Heal Zimbabwe Trust Information and advoca-
“These included slight aches in the lower abdo- cy officer Tapiwanashe Chiriga said they had re-
men and blood clots in my faecal matter. corded more than 10 cases of CCC members being
“I initially thought this would go away, but it abducted.
didn’t hence I sought medical attention and I fear “We recorded quite a number of cases and most
this could be colon cancer.” of these cases did not get national attention in the
On September 3 this year, Zimbabwe Election heat of the general election,” Chiriga said.
Advocacy Trust executive director Ignatius Sadzi- Chiriga called on authorities to respect the
wa was abducted and tortured by suspected state United Nations International Convention for the
security agents shortly after attending a meeting Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disap-
with the European Union Observer Mission. pearances.
Sadziwa was tortured for four hours before be- “We demand that the state, through the police,
ing dumped somewhere in St Marys in Chitung- investigates the systematic and targeted attack
wiza. on opposition members and supporters to end ab-
On August 26, former Marondera Ward 10 coun- ductions and torture so that all citizens enjoy the
cillor Nelson Mukwena was abducted from his right to personal security as provided by Section
home in Highfield. He was also injected with an 52 and freedom from torture and inhuman treat-
unknown substances. ment granted by Section 53 of the constitution,”
Some abduction victims were not so lucky as he said.
they were never seen again like Itai Dzamara, a According to Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human
human rights activist who was abducted by state Rights, over 5,894 people have been abducted by
agents in 2015 and disappeared without trace. the state since 2000. Faz president Kudakwashe Munsaka
CCC spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi said
Zimbabwe ‘cannot continue on the path of law-
lessness and impunity’ as he pleaded with author-
ities to stop abducting opposition party members.
“We hold the government of Zimbabwe square-
ly responsible for this carnage” Mkwananzi said.
“We call upon Mnangagwa while he is still de-
jure president, to uphold, protect and promote the
rule of law, the constitution of Zimbabwe and en-
sure the safety and security of every citizen.
“We urge the police to do their work and ensure
that all these abductors are promptly and effec-
tively brought to justice.”
Police spokesperson senior assistant commis-
sioner Nyathi said the law enforcement agency
had not received some of the reports of the al-
leged abductions.
“If there is any other case where somebody
claims that a crime was committed, then they
should report to police for investigations to be
conducted,” Nyathi said. “Like the case of Tapfu-
maneyi Masaya, it is being investigated.”
Zanu PF activists and members of one of its af-
filiates, Forever Associate of Zimbabwe (FAZ), a
shadowy group with links to the Central Intelli-
gence Organisation, have been accused of most
of the abductions of CCC members.
Faz president Kudakwashe Munsaka, however,
said the accusations were baseless.
“We are now used to being wrongly accused and
have gotten to a point where we no longer care
what the opposition says about our organisa-
tion,” Munsaka said.
“We remain strongly vested in all areas that
will lead Zanu PF to victory as its affiliate. “We
care less about lies that are peddled about our in-
nocent organisation.”
Zanu PF acting director of information Farai
Marapira accused CCC of peddling lies about ab-
“We all know that CCC loves to engage in hyper-
bole,” Marapira said.
“They are the most toxic party in our country
and they have done so many fake abductions in
the past.
“Over the past few years I don't think it's Zanu
PF; it's them.
“It's their direct policy and decisions to be
moving about clowning and behaving in a man-

The Board, management and staff of Alpha Media

Holdings (AMH) congratulate its journalists who
received accolades at the 2023 NJAMA Awards.

Your hardwork, dedication and unwavering

commitment to excellence have paid off.


CCC spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi

10 The Standard | November 19 to 25 2023 LEADER PAGE

Flawed polls: EU hit

nail in the head
s expected, the European Union Election
Observer Mission (EOM) to Zimbabwe’s Au-
gust 2023 elections final report is highly crit-
ical of the way the polls were conducted.
The EOM report was released in Brussels on
Friday after the Zimbabwe government refused to
give permission to the mission to return to Harare
as previously agreed.
President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government
has not taken kindly to criticism by foreign ob-
servers, including the Southern African Develop-
ment Community (Sadc), that found the election
process to be deeply flawed.
The EOM report says the Zimbabwe Electoral
Commission (Zec), the shadowy Forever Associ-
ate Zimbabwe (Faz), judiciary and the police col-
luded to give Mnangagwa and his ruling Zanu PF
an unfair advantage in the polls.
Fabio Massimo Castaldo, who headed the mis-
sion, said the way the institutions conducted
themselves was in violation of regional election
Deepening dysfunction in Zimbabwe
More pointedly, Castaldo noted that: “The pro- BY TERESA NOGUEIRA PINTO ment programme launched in 2008. fined by high poverty rates (estimated at
cedures during voting were largely flawed as not- After the overthrow of Mugabe, the Zanu over 60%), high inflation, high unemploy-
In 2017, with the end of Robert Mugabe’s PF restored its allegiance to the military by ment rates and excessive debt.
ed by EU EOM observers, but some important pro- decades-long rule in Zimbabwe, President appointing former General Constantino Chi- Most Zimbabweans rely on the informal
cesses, such as the public posting of polling sta- Emmerson Mnangagwa promised a “new wenga to serve as vice president of both economy to circumvent the restraints of
tion results protocols were not consistently imple- dawn” for the country and assured investors Zimbabwe and the Zanu PF. overregulation.
mented, especially during the counting. the country was “open for business.” This bond, which for decades sustained Informal cross-border trade has long been
“The judiciary played a key role in the process. Mnangagwa, formerly a key figure in the country’s regime and was only briefly in- a key source of income for many residents.
Mugabe’s regime, was declared the winner of terrupted in 2016-2017, remains the main And, as always, people vote with their feet.
The acute lack of confidence expressed by many the 2018 elections, but the results were heav- obstacle to political competitiveness. There are some 1 million Zimbabweans
interlocutors in the judiciary raised concerns ily contested by the opposition. Neopatrimonialism requires connecting living in South Africa today, accounting for
about the role of the courts in settling electoral Five years later, the promises of new jobs, the military, political and economic domains, over 80 percent of the country’s diaspora.
disputes and on public confidence in its rulings.” compensation for land seizures and a politi- for those in power to use public resources Moreover, as the government continues
The report also criticised laws passed by Mnan- cal opening have not been fulfilled. to dole out financial rewards and other ad- to focus on public spending, Zimbabwe has
The latest elections in August confirmed vantages to specific groups, especially with- a serious debt problem.
gagwa’s government that it said had constrained that the country remains immersed in a vi- in the military. Without reforms, and with those in pow-
civic and political freedoms as well as eroding the cious cycle of economic crises and authori- Mnangagwa has lately been accused of er having every incentive to stamp out po-
separation of powers. tarianism. running the state as a “family business,” after litical and economic competitiveness, pros-
In a nutshell, the EOM findings were not very And, instead of promoting democratic his son and his nephew were appointed to pects for change remain low.
different from those of the Sadc Electoral Observ- reform, continued Western sanctions have an expanded cabinet. Instead of giving in to Western sanctions,
helped push Zimbabwe into the orbit of Rus- But charges of nepotism in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe’s ruling elite is increasingly turn-
er Mission (SEOM) that was led by former Zambi- sia and China. are hardly new. Bona Mugabe, daughter of ing to governments like Beijing and Moscow
an vice president Nevers Mumba. Zimbabwe is a testament to the failures the late president, was appointed to a cen- for resources and support.
Mnangagwa’s government fought viciously to and limits of the so-called third wave of de- sorship board created under the Censorship Due to its debt arrears, the government’s
ensure that the adverse SEOM report is not tabled mocratization. and Entertainment Controls Act, as well as to ability to borrow money in the international
at an extra-ordinary Sadc summit held in Angola Since 2018, it has also illustrated – like the the board of Empower Bank run by the na- market is severely restrained.
cases of Libya or Sudan – that ending a resil- tional indigenisation and economic empow- The country owes around US$414 billion
last month. ient, personalised authoritarian regime does erment board. to regional and international financial insti-
Some government officials resorted to attacking not guarantee a transition to democracy. The exploitation of natural resources has tutions like the African Development Bank
Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema, who ap- The results of the first vote held after the also been heavily politicised in Zimbabwe, and the World Bank.
pointed Mumba in his capacity as the chairperson overthrow Mugabe were contested by the a concern that is becoming newly relevant. To be sure, perceptions of high economic
of the Sadc organ on peace and security, to head opposition, led by Nelson Chamisa. After land and diamonds, lithium has be- and political risks deter many investors from
The post-election period was marked by come a crucial source of income in the coun- venturing into Zimbabwe.
the SEOM. violence, as protests were repressed by the try. But sanctions – which have hardly paved
Hichilema was accused without any shred of ev- military. Global demand for the metal, a critical the way for democracy, as shown by the re-
idence of fronting western regime change inter- Over the past five years, Zanu PF alliance component of electric vehicle batteries, has cent elections – have also helped reinforce
ests in Zimbabwe. has deepened its hold on power under the more than tripled over the past five years. ties between Zimbabwe and countries like
It was apparent though that the smear campaign leadership of Mnangagwa and through leg- In 2022, the Chinese mining company China or Russia, regimes more willing and
islation such as the recently signed Patriot- Sinomine Resource Group acquired Zimba- able to overlook these risks.
was meant to deflect attention from the foreign ic Bill, which further constrains activities of bwe’s Bikita mine, one of the world’s largest Despite growing pressure from the Af-
observer mission reports on the elections whose the media, opposition parties and civil so- known lithium deposits. rican Union, it will be difficult for Western
conduct severely dented Zimbabwe’s democratic ciety. Besides the authoritarian turn, the 2000s countries to lift sanctions on Zimbabwe, es-
credentials. Repeating a pattern observed in Zimba- also paved the way for a complete transfor- pecially after the latest contested ballot.
Instead of burying their heads in the sand like bwe’s voting history since the early 2000s, mation of the Zimbabwean economy. In the most recent Russia-Africa Summit,
the August election was marked by irregular- Since then – with the exception of the na- held in July, Russian President Vladimir Putin
ostriches, those found to have compromised the ities, including delays in the delivery of ballot tional unity government of 2009-2013, when promised to deliver 50 000 tonnes of grain
integrity of the elections must use the reports by papers to opposition strongholds. the Zanu PF formally shared power with to Zimbabwe.
the EOM and SEOM to correct their ways. The outcome has been contested by the the opposition Movement for Democratic Mnangagwa, one of 17 African leaders
opposition and international observers like Change (MDC) – the country has been mired present at the summit, has expressed his
the European Union. in economic stagnation and financial crises. support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Quote of the week More importantly, the African Union and

the Southern Africa Development Communi-
ty have also questioned the integrity of the
In Zimbabwe, the hegemony of the Zanu
Just as political reforms – including of the
security and electoral systems and the re-
versal of repressive legislation – remain nec-
essary for any political opening, future eco-
nomic growth will require major policy
China has also been a strategic partner in
the country since its independence. In the
early 2000s, after the imposition of west-
ern sanctions, Mugabe announced the Look
East Policy, a means of evading the effects of
“His Excellency the President, Dr E.D. Mnangagwa, PF goes hand in hand with an economic pol- changes. sanctions and expanding relations with non-
has announced the staying of General PV Sibanda’s icy determined by the logic of neopatrimoni- In the absence of a new direction in mone- Western powers, especially China.
appointment to the ruling ZANU PF Party Politburo alism, under which officials exploit their con- tary and fiscal policies, the central bank’s de- Beijing has become a key provider of fi-
as an ex-officio member. The position will be re- trol over the state and society for their own cision to reintroduce the Zimbabwean dollar nancing for the country, in sectors like infra-
viewed at the expiry of General Sibanda’s term as a benefit. in 2019 (after its withdrawal in 2009 in favor structure, energy and mining. This year, Pres-
senior serving officer at the helm of the Zimbabwe Once among Africa’s most industrialized of foreign currencies like the US dollar and ident Mnangagwa inaugurated a 600-mega-
Defence Forces, ZDF. This deferment of the appointment resolves the and diversified economies, Zimbabwe has South African rand) has once more led to hy- watt coal-fired power plant, one of the first
apparent conflict with the country’s constitution, which regulates the with brief exceptions suffered consecutive perinflation. deals made under the Look East Policy.
conduct of serving members of the security services,” said Deputy economic and financial crises since the be- The high interest rates set by the Reserve Zimbabwe will not be able to restructure
Chief secretary in the office of the president and cabinet (presidential ginning of this century. Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) have not prevent- its debt without the support of western lend-
communications) George Charamba in a statement rescinding ZDF Among other ills, the economy has never ed the continuous devaluation of the Zimba- ers and multilateral financial institutions.
Commander General Philip Valerio Sibanda’s Politburo appointment. recovered from the effects of the fast-track bwean dollar, and inflation surged to 175% *Teresa Nogueira Pinto is an African af-
land reform implemented in the 2000s, or last June. fairs expert. This article was first published
the indigenisation and economic empower- Today, the socioeconomic context is de- by GIS Reports.
FEEDBACK The Standard | November 19 to 25 2023 11

Some lessons from November 11 by-elections

T he November 11 by-elections
were held to fill vacancies
in five local authority wards
and one National Assembly con-
Overall, there were no major
incidences of violence recorded.
It was observed that in Nkayi
ward 11 and Kusile ward 13, po-
litical parties supporters man-
By-elections were held for the aged to freely express their politi-
National Assembly and local au- cal preferences with very few and
thority following the deaths of limited intimidation.
candidates and incumbent respec- Additionally, freedom of as-
tively. sembly was respected, members
Nomination courts sat on Octo- of the two main political parties
ber 10 to consider candidates in did not face major restrictions.
respective ocal authorities and in While the environment was
Masvingo for the National Assem- very peaceful, violations of rights
bly constituency. manifested through discrimina-
In the run-up to the by-elections tions as recorded in Nkayi where
the Zimbabwe Election Support farming inputs were allegedly
Network (Zesn) deployed long- distributed along party lines.
term observers and short-term Another isolated case of intim-
observers to observe the political idation was also reported in Jot-
environment and other key elec- sholo Village 13 of Kusile ward
toral related processes. 13, where it was reported that
The observations established Zanu PF allegedly threatened to
that the environment was largely confiscate seed and fertilizer do-
peaceful, with isolated cases of vi- nations from villagers suspected
olations. of supporting the CCC party
In its observations, Zesn focused Zesn commends voters who
on, among other things, the cam- took time off to cast their vote
paigns, voter education, polling in peace during the by elections,
day processes, counting, collation however, turnout in the by-elec-
and announcement of results. tions reinforced the trend where
Campaigns were conducted, ob- voters seemed more interested in
servers noted greater electoral National Assembly by-elections
and political activity in Gutu West Zesn established that the environment during the just-ended by-elections was largely peaceful, with isolated cases of violations and less in local authority by-
constituency while the local au- elections.
thority wards were not political- most all the observed polling sta- Announced results indicate no continues as evidenced by very The network proffers the fol-
ly charged. tions. new inroads by either party, Zanu few women who were vying for lowing recommendations to im-
It was observed that Zanu PF The Zimbabwe Electoral Com- PF retained dominance in areas it positions. prove the pre-, polling and post-
pulled larger crowds at rallies in mission (Zec) followed most of won in 2018 while opposition CCC Except for Vungu Rural Dis- electoral periods in future elec-
Gutu West whereas the main op- the due processes, the voters’ rolls won one ward, formerly won by trict Council’s ward 14 and Zvim- tions.
position CCC mainly conducted were displayed outside to ena- MDC-A in 2018. ba RDC ward 23, all other local au- •Political parties should make
door-to-door visits to galvanise ble the electorate to check their Of the five local authority elec- thorities and the Gutu West con- efforts to increase the political lit-
support. names. tions, Zanu PF won four and CCC stituency were dominated by male eracy of their supporters to raise
On election day, Zesn deployed This lessened the number of re- won one. candidates the level of interest in local su-
65 static and mobile observers directed and turned-away voters Zanu PF also retained the Gutu The political environment in thority elections.
who observed that the election on polling day. Polling procedures West constituency. the run-up to the November 11 by- The turnout during the byelec-
was well administered. were also followed in accordance The by-elections established elections was relatively peaceful tions clearly indicates that voters
Polling started on time in al- with the law. that marginalisation of women and calm for most of the areas. seemed to have less interest in lo-
cal suthority by-elections.
•Political parties should ad-
here to the code of conduct pro-

Community land rights, mining induced displacements in Zim visions, including campaigning
within the stipulated time frame
(the official campaign period),

and desist from gathering with-
onsidering the vast deposits protect communities in mining-in- on compensation and relocation The affected persons or commu- in a 300-metre radius from poll-
of minerals, it is quite like- duced displacement scenarios? as an advocacy tool to protect the nity should be fully informed and ing stations.
ly that there will be an in- In 2021, the Zimbabwe Environ- rights of communities in mining- consulted about the proposed relo- •Political parties need to do
creased degree of mining-induced ment Lawyers Association (Zela) affected areas. cation and the compensation that more to support the participation
displacement in various sections commissioned a study to investi- The objective of these regula- will be provided. of women as candidates in elec-
of the nation due to the incre- gate the suitability of the laws that tions is to provide a model legal This means it should involve tions.
mental exploitation of minerals relate to land rights in Zimbabwe framework for implementation in the meaningful participation of Zesn
in Zimbabwe and other develop- in the face of mining-induced dis- cases involving the social impacts affected communities in decision-
ments. placements. of mining activities, procedures making processes;
In such cases, resettlement dy- The report details the findings to be followed by holders of min- Relocation should ensure that
namics need to be properly consid- from a desktop review and an on- ing rights, and the rights and re- all affected people have access to
Voluntary Media
ered. line survey that investigated the sponsibilities of affected parties, adequate and appropriate com- Council
To promote the rights of com- rights of occupiers of communal as well as requirements for social pensation, as well as adequate
munities that are domiciled on the land in the face of displacement impact assessments to be done by housing, land, and infrastructure.
of Zimbabwe
land where minerals are found, it and other vices that come with all holders of mining rights before Zela will be conducting a stake-
is necessary to assess the imple- mining development. the commencement of mining ac- holder meeting to discuss its mod- The Standard newspaper subscribes to
mentation of the laws and poli- The findings of the study con- tivities. el regulations on compensation a Code of Conduct that promotes truth-
cies by mining companies and the firm that there is a need to have In these regulations, Zela high- and relocation and gather views ful, accurate, fair and balanced news re-
government when there are situa- laws and policies developed to be lights the following as some of the on how mining-induced displace- porting. If we do not meet these stand-
tions of mining-induced displace- more responsive to the needs of key considerations for protecting ments should be handled in Zim- ards, register your complaints with the
ment. the communities affected by dis- community rights: babwe. Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe
Often, there is a failure to high- placements. Relocation should be considered It is hoped that this discussion at No 34, Colenbrander Rd, Milton Park
light the problems encountered by The amendments or changes to a last resort after all other alterna- will inform the amendments or Harare.
displaced people and how this im- the law should prioritise interven- tives have been explored. changes to the law that should pri- Telephone us at 04-778096 or 04-
pacts sustainable development, tions relating to security of ten- Any relocation of a communi- oritise interventions relating to se- 778006
which often results in rights vio- ure, community participation, a ty due to mining activities should curity of tenure, community par- 24 Hr Complaints line: 0772 125 659
lations and an apparent failure to framework for the relocation of be carried out in a just, equitable, ticipation, a framework for the re- Email: or info@
mitigate the effects of mining-in- communities affected by mining and transparent manner, and the location of communities affected Whatsapp: 0772 125 658
duced displacements. operations, transparency, and ac- rights and interests of affected by mining operations, transparen- Twitter: @vmcz
The main question for Zimba- countability in the sector. persons or communities must be cy, and accountability in the sec- Website:
bwe is: Do we have adequate laws Subsequent to the study, Zela protected throughout the reloca- tor. Facebook page: vmcz Zimbabwe
and policies that can be utilized to has developed model regulations tion process. Zela

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12 The Standard | November 19 to 25 2023 OPINION
Varakashi’s obsession with HH now unhealthy
half of Sadc. like lice in the wake of these abduc- stuck in the sand to declare that re- gone above the limit of the number
No matter how much the likes of tions and murders in broad daylight. engagement is bearing fruit when of ministers he can appoint who are
Joji fulminate on X and throw shade Despite his subsequent calls for the debt restructuring process is un- not members of parliament.
at HH, they will never earn the le- peace, Generari has never retracted der threat due to the failure by the Such amateurish aberrations
gitimacy they so crave by demonis- those threats. Scarfmore regime to hold credible by Scarfmore rightly brings about
ing HH, who is clearly providing his As long as the abduction of op- elections. questions of the authenticity of his
country with better leadership com- position party members, civic socie- That this comes soon after his law degree.
pared to what we see here. ty activists and even comedians per- shocking fib that one Peter Murphy, Gushungo, whose wise leadership
Munopengaaaaaaa! sist, the Scarfmore regime can forget who was sponsored to give credence remains unparalleled, would have
The callous and brutal murder of about re-engagement. to the sham election, was the former never made such comical errors. The
Citizens Coalition for Change party Still on the issue of re-engage- Australian prime minister demon- shambolic leadership of Ngwena
member Tapfumaneyi Masaya while ment, the government spokesman strates just how Nick is becoming just shows how poorer Zimbabwe-
campaigning in Mabvuku ahead of and former nurse Nicky has yet again a huge embarrassment for the coup ans are without his guidance and
next months’ by-elections has ex- shown how he lives in his own world. cabal. telescopic foresight.
posed just how impunity and vio- “The re-engagement agenda is on The country’s citizens are strong- The statement of CCC senior of-
lence continue to thrive under the course. ly advised to take whatever this be- ficial Tendai Biti made interesting
Letter to my people Ngwena-led dispensation of pover- Very soon these dividends will be spectacled fellow says with a pinch reading.
BY DOCTOR STOP IT ty, darkness and confusion. harvested and there for all to see. of salt. While he denied that he was part
The dastardly act comes shortly af- “ED is officially smooth and soft as Ngwena’s pitiful attempt to try and of the Tshabangu circus orchestrat-
ter the abduction and torture of the wool,” Mangwana wrote on X former- justify the appointment of the Zim- ed by the coup cabal, he did criticize

My Dear People former Mabvuku- Tafara member of ly called Twitter in an exposé of the babwe Defence Forces commander the dearth of constitutionalism and
pologists of the ruin- parliament James Chidhakwa and worrying levels of delusion by the Valerio Sibanda to the Zanu PF polit- structure within the Nero led party.
ing party have gone into MP Takudzwa Ngadziore by suspect- government loudmouth. buro marks yet another stain on his It is noteworthy that these obser-
overdrive trying to por- ed state security agents. Munopenga!!!! leadership which has been riddled vations are coming from such senior
tray HH as a despot and These abductions and murder The premature excitement had with schoolboy errors and atrocious figures in the party.
a puppet of the West. make a mockery of Scarfmore’s calls been prompted by the remarks of lack of judgement. Indeed it reeks of hypocrisy and
They latch onto every incident for peace particularly when those the British ambassador to Zimbabwe He said that the appointment of double standards for the opposi-
that happens across the border to who commit these barbaric acts are Pete Vowles not to engage in mega- the head of the army to the party po- tion party to criticise Scarfmore and
discredit the Zambian leader on never apprehended despite some of phone diplomacy. litburo was above board as he does co for violating the country’s consti-
state controlled mainstream media them being captured on camera. Ngwena’s fantasy of successful not hold any voting rights in the par- tution when it does not even have a
and on social media. These abductions and murder of re-engagement is laughable given ty. constitution governing its own in-
This past week the Horrid had a CCC party members speak of a re- that just recently the European Un- It seems to have eluded the oc- ternal conduct.
screaming headline that read: “Zam- gime looking to use intimidation in ion withdrew its funding to the Zim- togenarian leader that this is in vi- Biti’s remarks in addition to
bia closes democratic space”. a desperate attempt to turn the tide babwe Electoral Commission after olation of section 208 of the coun- the outrageous recalls by that
I chuckled, but soon realised that against it after having been repeat- the fraudulent harmonized elections try’s Constitution that forbids mem- self-imposed dimwit should be a
it wasn’t a joke. I thought I could edly rejected by the electorate in al- that were panned even by the re- bers of the armed forces in active- wakeup call to Nero to put his house
suggest a better headline that would most all urban constituencies. gional body Sadc. ly participating in any party politics in order in as far as putting in place
go: “Zambia follows in the footsteps The ruining party is being reject- It is startling that Mangwana whether they have voting rights or a constitution and structures in the
of the second republic” kikikiki ed because of its dismal govern- speaks of successful re-engagement not. opposition party is concerned.
Anyway we know where this is all ance failures and downright incom- when legislators in the United States This is not the first time that Ng-
coming from. They are still to recov- petence. are calling for even tougher meas- wena has been caught flat footed.
er from what Never Mumba did to One cannot forget the ominous re- ures on Ngwena’s regime on top of With egg on his face, Scarfmore Munopengaaaaa
them in August to tell it like it is after marks by Generari at a rally last year the sanctions it imposed in 2001. has been forced to reverse minis- Stop It!
observing the sham elections on be- where he threatened to crush CCC Mangwana must have his head terial appointments twice having Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)

Military is dead, ED rules! thing in the days and months after

the coup.
It wasn’t going to be enough for
Mnangagwa, though, to see his coup
comrade in that sorry.
the fact that, in the eyes and minds
of most of us, Sanyatwe was an an-
ti-Mnangagwa ex-general who had
been in charge of the Presidential
Guard when Mugabe was in power.
Once the 2023 elections were done This then led to the fake news that
and dusted, he quickly removed Chi- Mnangagwa was conceding to Chi-
make national appointments parallel He had always wanted to rule Zimba- wenga as minister of Health, as if to wenga-linked military pressure, con-
to and contradictory to the ones that bwe after Mugabe. say: Boy, you must know your place. sidering also that Sanyatwe had been
Mnangagwa was making or made. In 2004, he had astutely managed It’s doubtful if Mnangagwa even con- seen as an ally of the VP.
You will remember how the mili- to fold in 60 percent of the Zanu PF sulted Chiwenga when he framed his Then there was the interesting,
tary stepped in to deal with civilian provincial chairpersons to support post-election cabinet. weird and ominous appointment of
protests, actual and planned, as if we his bid to take over the party co- But there was a loudly telling thing Phillip Valerio Sibanda to the Zanu
were in war situation. vice presidency ahead of congress, that happened ahead of the elections. PF politburo as an ex officio mem-
There were pervasive military ap- in preparation for him eventually re- Mnangagwa broke away from the ber despite the fact that he is still the
pointments in cabinet, the public bu- placing Mugabe at the 2008 elections. Zanu PF tradition of primarily using serving commander of the Defence
reaucracy and other key national po- The Zezuru element in Zanu PF the army as an election campaign Forces, a position he got after Chi-
sitions. didn’t like that idea so, led by the vehicle. Instead, he put the military wenga became VP after the coup.
The military also sought to influ- then State Security minister, Nicho- on the margins and conscripted, in- The theory that came out of this
ence ruling party politics. las Goche who is from Mashonaland stead, the Central Intelligence Organ- was that, again, it showed that the
Like, it pushed Engelbert Ruge- Central, they checkmated the Mnan- isation (CIO), using a proxy called the military was resurging.
je onto the national commissariat gagwa plan overnight and succeed- Forever Associate of Zimbabwe Trust The thinking here is that the mili-
as its head ahead of the 2018 elec- ed in forcing a witching hour amend- (FAZ) that was/is headed by a senior tary wanted Sibanda out of the bar-
tions, even though Mnangagwa man- ment to the party constitution to re- spook, Walter Tapfumaneyi. racks so that he could be replaced by
aged to remove him later and re- serve the Shona slot in the vice pres- By putting his trust in FAZ and the a Chiwenga-friendly general.
Corruption Watch placed him with the more pliant Vic- idency for a woman, precisely Joice CIO, Mnangagwa, in practical terms, Further, says the school of thought,
WITH TAWANDA MAJONI tor Matemadanda. Mujuru who was Goche’s home girl was sticking out the middle finger at Sibanda remains a military guy who
Naturally, then, you notice that and the face of the anti-Mnangagwa the military. hasn’t forgotten the military role he
the military was making key deci- faction. Well, the military as in those dudes played in removing Mugabe and is,
IN late November 2017, I did a street sions because it was working under After the 2018 elections, Mnangag- that assumed the sun must shine therefore, still loyal to the military
prophecy in this space a few days this entrenched sense of entitlement wa went on a covert mission. Bit by through their bowels just because project that was headed by his for-
after Emmerson Mnangagwa had for removing Mugabe against all the bit, he started removing the pillars they had removed Mugabe from pow- mer boss, Chiwenga.
been inaugurated as the caretaker odds. from the military edifice. er. This untidy theory views Siban-
president of Zimbabwe following the Let’s be honest on this. There was a He began purging the military This is worth noting because, as da as having been earmarked to be
military assisted takeover from the time when you really felt that Mnan- and central intelligence of people he you will see, it doesn’t mean that rewarded by becoming Chiwenga’s
late Robert Mugabe. gagwa was not in charge, helplessly wasn’t comfortable with because he Mnangagwa has discarded the army deputy when the latter finally gets the
The article was titled “Military watching as some people made na- considered them too close to Chi- and military. Instead, he is building presidency, apparently as planned at
fourth branch: Beware the post- tionally strategic decisions while he wenga or just anti-him, posting some his own as commander in chief of the coup.
Mugabe error”. It’s a pity you won’t was away in foreign lands, getting of them outside the country on diplo- Defence Forces. All this gibberish about a pro-
find the cheeky guess online, but it’s cabinet positions foisted on him and matic missions. Why am I going on and on about Chiwenga military claw back is, of
there in hard print. suffering morning shocks as things Usefully for him, some of them like this? Have a look, there is this am- course, misleading because the con-
What I was saying then—despite turned out the way he had never Perrance Shiri, the former Air Force ply misleading—naughty, you might trary is what is true. That post-coup
all that euphoria around Mugabe’s planned. of Zimbabwe commander who got say—school of thought that wants us military element is dead.
forced removal and the hope for a But then, Mnangagwa is a shrewd the influential Agriculture portfo- to start believing that the anti-Mnan- In the wake of the coup, Mnangag-
new era among millions of naïve schemer. He bent backward in these lio post-coup, and Sibusiso Moyo, gagwa military factor is clawing back. wa is at his strongest. He said it him-
Zimbabweans—was that the coup cases, yes, but he was waiting for who seized ZBC back then and an- This lie has gained currency in the self this past week when, speak-
would turn Zimbabwe into a mili- his day. His step was already in that nounced the coup without calling it a wake of some key and dramatic ap- ing at some event, he boasted that
tary state. day when Chiwenga and the mili- coup and became the Foreign Affairs pointments that Mnangagwa has if ever there is anyone plotting
With the military and its head tary allowed him to be the civilian minister, passed on along the way. made after this year’s elections. against him, that person is doomed
then, Constantino Chiwenga, hav- face of the coup by getting him in as As all that happened, he was grad- The president surprised many because he is bound to always
ing played such an incredibly brave Mugabe’s replacer. ually weakening Chiwenga’s power when he made Anselem Sanyatwe’s know, considering that his eyes and
and existentially threatening role in The real narrative, though, is not base, to the extent that, by the time wife, Chido, the deputy minister in ears are everywhere in national in-
Mugabe’s removal, the stage was set exactly like that. we went for the 2023 elections, the the Home Affairs portfolio. Now, that telligence and related security sec-
for the barracks to dominate Zimba- The fact is that, as Chiwenga and former military boss had been re- ministry is a politically strategic zone. tor agencies.
bwean power politics. his cohorts believed that they were duced to a sulking, feeble and flick- And Mnangagwa also made the
And things turned pretty like that. sanitising the coup by appointing a ering shadow of the once vibrant, if husband the new commander of the Tawanda Majoni writes in his per-
You will remember how Chiwen- “civilian stooge” as Mugabe’s succes- not cocky, man who acted as if Zim- Zimbabwe National Army. sonal capacity and can be contacted
ga tried, with some bit of success, to sor, Mnangagwa had different plans. babwe owed him just about every- That was surprising considering on
Mental health/New Perspectives The Standard | November 19 to 25 2023 13

The impact of having a premature

baby on mental wellbeing
1. Sudden, sometimes trau- works in our families especially
matic delivery: premature births in times of distress. Our families
are often unexpected and may be should be the first line of defence
traumatic. What one would have when we are under stress and vul-
envisioned about their baby’s deliv- nerable to mental health challenges
ery is shattered. The mother may 2. Provide practical support to af-
Mental Health need intensive medical care, which fected families as families and com-
WITH DR CHIDO can be frightening and the father is munities, to help ease the burden of
RWAFA-MADZVAMUTSE faced with two ill family members extended hospital stays
which can be overwhelming. 3. Allow emotional authenticity
2. Separation from the baby: and emotional vulnerability, if an
MENTAL health is a state of well- Premature babies often need ne- affected parent feels overwhelmed,
being in which an individual re- onatal care and this often means helpless or hopeless, allow them to
alizes his or her own potential, the parents will be separated from express their emotions without pre-
can cope with the normal stress- the baby. This is heart wrenching, maturely giving advice on how they
es of life, can work productively stressful and overwhelming for any should handle the situation
and fruitfully, and is able to make new parent. 4. Create health systems that are
a meaningful contribution to their 3. Extended hospital stays: se- responsive to emotional and mental
community. verely premature infants or prema- health needs of affected families,
Mental health is a critical com- ture infants who have other medi- cus is on the health of the infant. physical and emotional exhaustion health workers need training on
ponent of individual, family, com- cal conditions may have to stay in Affected parents will often have to of such circumstances can result in how to provide mental health first
munity and national wellbeing and hospital for weeks or even months. manage their emotional distress depression. Women are at risk of aid to distressed families and basic
prosperity. Parents will often have to rear- with little support. post natal depression but fathers psychosocial support
Fifteen million babies are born range their lives around hospital 6. Financial strain: the medical under the stress of managing a pre- 5. Provide integrated mental
prematurely globally and ten out visits and medical interventions. costs of extended hospital stays and mature baby may also experience health screening and care for affect-
of every 100 babies in Zimbabwe is This can be exhausting physically continued frequent follow up visits depression, experiencing sadness, ed families for early identification
born prematurely. and emotionally. and can result in mental distress exhaustion, demotivation, helpless- of mental health challenges and ap-
Prematurity can lead to many 4. Medical interventions on What mental health challeng- ness and hopelessness propriate care
health challenges in the baby, how- the baby: having to watch your es can parents of a premature 3. Post-traumatic stress dis- If you think that you or someone
ever, having a premature baby par- baby have even minor medical in- baby experience? order: the trauma of an unexpect- that you know may be struggling
ticularly one needing extensive terventions can be stressful. One 1. Anxiety: the fear and uncer- ed early delivery, separation from with a mental health challenge,
hospital care can significantly af- can feel helpless and powerless, not tainty of the baby’s health condi- one’s infant, witnessing of medical please contact your nearest health
fect the mental health of the par- being able to help your baby or re- tion, the stress of being in hospi- interventions, seeing other unwell care provider and get help.
ents. lieve their pain. tal or visiting the hospital daily, the children admitted together with *Dr Chido Rwafa-Madzva-
As we commemorate this year’s 5. Limited social support: in financial challenges can result in your own can all result in psycho- mutse is a consultant psychi-
World Prematurity Day on Novem- our increasingly isolated societies, anxiety disorders. This can be in logical trauma and in some cases atrist. Feedback on What-
ber 17, let us reflect on the mental young families may have little fam- the form of chronic pervasive wor- post-traumatic stress disorder sApp: +263714987729; Linked-
strain that parents of a premature ily support after delivery of a pre- ry as seen in Generalized Anxiety How can the family, commu- In:
child may experience. mature infant. Hospital systems Disorder or acute, intense bouts of nity and the healthcare system in/chido-rwafa-madzvamut-
What puts parents of a pre- are often not responsive to the emo- anxiety as seen in Panic Attacks. support parents of premature se-53529259/ ; Facebook: htt-
mature baby at risk of mental tional needs of parents who have 2. Depression: the chronic stress babies ps://
health challenges? had a premature infant as the fo- of having an infant in hospital, the 1. Strengthen social support net- rwafa

Building local economies and creating graduates also turning to the trade due to
limited employment opportunities.
There is also a more affluent type of

employment opportunities
street vendor that now operates from car
boots, as well as using social media and
uses air travel to purchase wares from
destinations such as Dubai, Turkey and
Eleven years since the day was first cel- Economic Transformation (Viset) func- pavements; entrance’s to shops, and other China.
ebrated, street vendors still face consider- tions as a solidarity, resource and infor- unorthodox places thus exposing cities to At present, it is estimated that across
able challenges in going about trying to mation center for street vendors whose health and other hazards. the continent, the informal sector ac-
earn a decent living. constitutional rights to livelihoods, de- Whilst there are some peculiar chal- counts for over 65% of employment, with
In Zimbabwe, this year’s commemo- cent work and social security are con- lenges to the trade, on the whole street street vending providing much of that
rations are taking place at the backdrop strained due to unfavourable policies and vendors face similar challenges in plying number.
of the declaration of war on street ven- engage with local councils in addressing their trade on the African continent and It is thus imperative for national and lo-
dor’s livelihoods by the authorities, char- these challenges. globally. cal governments to begin to respect and
acteristic of their arrests, confiscation of Over the past eight years of its exist- Street trading is thriving and grow- respond to the needs of the informal sec-
goods, detentions, prosecutions, and as- ence, Viset has developed alternative ap- ing in harsh economic times, so we can tor.
saults which has decimated the vendors’ proaches to the management of street no longer overlook that street vendors In Zimbabwe, the right to carry on
capacities to trade profitably, and taken a vendors and shared the same with au- are an integral part of urban economies trade or business is provided for under
toll on their livelihoods and those of their thorities for adoption and possible imple- around the world, offering easy access to Section 64 of the constitution which pro-
families. mentation. a wide range of goods and services in pub- vides for the right to freedom of choice
Street vending has been seen as a nui- Viset believes that while the govern- lic spaces. and practice of a trade or profession.
sance by many local municipalities in ment has a responsibility to decongest the It should be acknowledged that street Section 24 of the constitution provides
Perspectives Zimbabwe and their right to earn decent cities and confine street vending to desig- trading is an ancient and important oc- for the national objective of removing re-
BY SAMUEL WADZAI livelihoods is always under threat by un- nated sites, this has to be done in a man- cupation found in virtually every country strictions that inhibit people from work-
favorable by-laws and municipal regula- ner that does not impinge on street ven- and major city around the world. ing or otherwise engaging in gainful eco-
tions. dors right to livelihoods. Most of these challenges arise from the nomic activities.
Urban policies and local economic de- In India and South Africa, the street historical fact that most African countries Section 13 of the constitution obliges
THE first ever International Street Ven- velopment strategies rarely prioritize live- ending challenge was overcome amicably have not transformed statutes on their the government to promote private initi-
dors Day was celebrated across the lihood security (social protection) for in- without necessarily arresting or prosecut- books that pre date attainment of inde- atives and self-reliance.
world on the November 14, 2012. formal workers. ing street vendors and we implore the gov- pendence, such as municipal by laws that The right to human dignity, right to
The day spotlights the significant con- Urban renewal projects and infrastruc- ernment of Zimbabwe and local authori- criminalize informal work. food and right to life can all not be real-
tribution street vendors make towards ture upgrades routinely displace street ties to embrace the same progressive ap- Law enforcement authorities and mu- ized if people are denied opportunities to
their local economies. vendors from natural markets, leaving the proach. nicipalities have often regarded street earn livelihoods.
It is a time to venerate the centrality of most vulnerable without a suitable work- As the world celebrates the interna- vending as being a part of an underground Street vendors provide valuable servic-
street vending to world economies and an place. tional street vendors’ day, it must also be economy which hinders operations of the es to the urban population while trying to
opportunity for vendors to reflect on their However, good practice documenta- an opportunity to let the authorities know formal economy and this has led to clash- earn a livelihood and it is the duty of the
challenges, achievements and opportuni- tion shows street vendors can help with that street vendors are small businesses es over market space, licensing and sani- State to protect the right of this segment
ties. urban management challenges like crime that, if granted adequate and appropriate tation. of population to earn their livelihood.
The day was first celebrated under the and cleaning. support, such as access to finance, profit- It is unfortunate that, even where local
banner of StreetNet International. Also, basic infrastructure, shelter, toi- able markets, skills development, can ac- authorities collect substantial amounts of *Samuel Wadzai is an informal econo-
StreetNet International is a global or- lets, electricity and water can improve tually grow their businesses and become revenue through operating fees, no prop- my analyst and Viset executive director. He
ganization of committed informal traders, work environments and make public macro-entrepreneurs and create employ- er records are kept in order for them to re- writes in his personal capacity.
with the goal to promote and leverage an spaces safer, more comfortable and aes- ment for young people. spond to the needs of the sector. These weekly articles are coordinated by
autonomous and democratic alliance of thetically pleasing. The number of street vendors flock- Besides the regulation challenges, Lovemore Kadenge, an independent con-
street vendors, hawkers, and cross-border Some cities in the so-called developed ing to central business districts (CBD) to street vending is at times adversely affect- sultant, managing consultant of Zawale
traders in over 50 countries. world are working with street vendors’ or- search for livelihoods continues to swell. ed by low purchasing power of customers, Consultant (Private) Limited, past presi-
The day calls for recognition of the con- ganizations to formulate innovative poli- In Harare CBD for instance, there is an poor location of market space, lack of for- dent of the Zimbabwe Economics Society
tribution street vendors make to national cies, programmes and practices that ena- estimated 50 000 street vendors. mal financing schemes and unreliability and past president of the Chartered Gov-
development and to raise awareness on ble street vendors to have a voice in mak- While this number continues to in- of credit customers. ernance & Accountancy Institute in Zim-
the significant challenges street vendors ing their cities more inclusive. crease, vending space does not increase. The profile of the average street vendor babwe. Email - or
face. The Vendors Initiative for Social and This has resulted in vendors occupying is changing as well, with most university Mobile No. +263 772 382 852
14 The Standard November 19 to 25 2023 OPINION
Ukraine left in the cold by US and its allies!
mongers) in Washington, deputy Numbers don’t lie. recruiters not to draft their boys. On September 21, Zelensky met
secretary of state, Victoria Nuland. War minister Olenski Reznikov Whole villages were bombed out some US leaders at speaker Kevin
The neo-cons are famous for was another liar making himself up and as many as eight million mi- McCarthy’s house. He had been
their ignorance of foreign cultures to be of the order of Melchizedek. grated abroad. snubbed. A year ago, a US Air Force
and their assumption that wars are Reznikov reported to the high Numbers are important; eight jet had been sent to escort him
won by superior weapons alone. council that in addition to the 700 million have been displaced, an- from Kiev when the US thought he
They hate history. 000 men already under arms as reg- other eight million have migrat- would beat Russia.
They are responsible for a series istered in 2015, if he included other ed and 500 000 able formerly able- Now the wind has turned. After
of wars in Afghanistan (losing it eligible units like the police force, bodied men have either been killed supporting Ukraine with US$113
after 20 years) in Syria even as we border patrol and home units were or disabled. Oh, I forgot Russian billion, Americans were now tes-
speak, since 2008, in Yemen for an- added, he could bring one million speaking Ukrainians in four oblasts ty. How come he has not won the
other 20 years and of course in the men to bear arms. have been absorbed into the Rus- war. It is now two years. By Septem-
mother of all wars, in Iraq since The fighters were given the im- sian federation. ber 21, congress had cut off his sup-
2003. pression that fighting the Russians It is the numbers, you sluggard. port.
They win no wars, their memo- was a walk in the park, and they US gives Zelensky a cold shoul- “They asked straight up,” wrote
ries are fungible, they lose and go would be home for Christmas. der. a witness from TIME, “if we don’t
Letter from America to the next, in their series of forev- Of the 700 000 men, perhaps only A leader who does not read his- give you the (money) what hap-
er wars. They are war criminals on 100 000 were combat ready. Nurs- tory must be shot. To be an enemy pens?”
WITH KENNETH MUFUKA a global scale, says retired General es and prison officers had been in- of the US is dangerous enough, but Things are going badly for Zelen-
Wesley Clark. cluded. to be a friend is fatal. I will give you sky.
The young man fell for the witch’s The Americans, as represented two examples. The renowned investigative jour-
“WE will support Ukraine to its last brew, especially when he was told by US senator Richard Blumenthal The Shah of Iran was accused by nalist Seymour Hersh has made a
man and as long as it exists.” US he was six foot tall, and that he laughed all the way to their money his people of trying to Americanize list of seven houses Zelensky owns,
president Joe Biden, March5, 2023. could walk in the shoes of the great printing presses. “This is the best his country. When he interviewed one in Florida, another in Paris and
In March 2022, Volodymyr Winston Churchill. investment we have ever made,” Barbara Walters (1978) on the spur yet another in Israel.
Zelensky, who had been elected by In September 2022, a US Air said the treacherous senator. “We of the moment, ignoring the Chief Now congress is abuzz with
Ukrainian people on a platform of Force Unit, complete with a pro- can fight Russia without a single Ayatollah who had waited for six the word “corruption.” It wants
accommodation with Russia came tective squad was sent for him. He American dying.” months for an audience, that was a an Inspector General to go to the
to an agreement that guaranteed addressed the US congress. He was Then came the horror of war. straw that broke the camel’s back. Ukraine.
some peace. told that Putin was a wicked tyrant, From April to June 2022 the Ukrain- When he was overthrown by his When former president asked for
The story would have ended the very unpopular and that the aris- ian fought bravely. people, the US had no use for him. a review of Ukraine’s deals with the
clown, Zelensky played a comedi- tocrats were awaiting for a proper If wishes were horses, even beg- They refused him refugee status US, he was impeached.
an on television in his previous life, time for his overthrow. gars could ride. They were going to and he died in Mexico, a broken In the Ukraine itself, the gener-
had not entertained the wiles of A few military defeats in the defend the tiny hamlet of Bakhmut man. als told Zelensky they did not have
two persons from the West. Ukraine will see Russia crum- to the death. Iraq’s Saddam Hussein was the enough men to take the village of
British prime minister Boris ble to its knees and coming beg- Aerial photographs of the grave- US man in then Middle East, act- Holivka.
Johnson visited Kiev and pres- ging for mercy. All this informa- yards reveal that over 100 000 ing up and cutting up, declar- Then came October 7 and all at-
sured him to cut up the agreement tion was from the drunken Yevgeny Ukrainians died compared to Rus- ing a proxy war against Iran. The tention was on Israel.
and spit into Russian leader’s face, Prigozhin, a mercenary command- sia’s 20 000. That ratio is one Rus- US falsely accused him of keep- There is a method. When Ameri-
Vladimir Putin. er with the Russians. sian to five Ukrainians. ing weapons of mass destruction, cans are tired of a puppet, they ac-
In this treachery, Johnson was Like Dr. Faust, Zelensky found By any measure, such a horrif- hanged him (2004) and caused the cuse him of corruption.
supported by the under-hand- the offer of immortality and per- ic death toll soon affected every death of three million Iraqis. *(Ken Mufuka is a Zimbabwean
ed princess of the neo-cons (war petual youthfulness hard to refuse. Ukrainian family. Families bribed Fools never learn. patriot. He writes from the US.)

Climate change: Women are our first line of defence

duction and are often the primary care- That said, empowering women to
takers of land and households. As such, participate fully in climate action is not
they are at the forefront of implementing only a matter of social justice, but also a
sustainable farming practices that pro- strategic imperative for addressing glob-
mote biodiversity, soil health, and water al environmental concerns.
conservation. Research has shown that when wom-
Additionally, women are increasingly en are involved in decision-making pro-
involved in agroecology and permacul- cesses related to natural resource man-
ture initiatives that prioritise ecological agement and climate adaptation, out-
balance and resilience in the face of cli- comes are more effective and sustaina-
mate variability. ble.
Furthermore, women are at the fore- By recognising and supporting the
front in driving innovation in renewable pivotal role of women in combating cli-
energy technologies and advocating for mate change, countries should harness
clean energy solutions. their knowledge, skills, and leadership to
In many developing countries, wom- build a more resilient and environmen-
en-led initiatives are promoting the tally sustainable future for all.
adoption of solar power, biogas systems, More often, it is easy to label these
Village Rhapsody change are already being experienced. ble future and instead invest in products and other renewable energy sources to women as victims, but what makes
This is due to their multiple roles in that support low-carbon living. reduce reliance on fossil fuels and miti- them vulnerable also makes them pivot-
WITH CLIFF CHIDUKU their families and communities. When the climate changes, women gate greenhouse gas emissions. These ef- al to climate change action.
For example, in developing countries, work harder and longer. forts not only contribute to climate mit- Whether in developing countries or
it is small-scale farmers who are most- As food, fuel and water become igation, but also empower women eco- in developed countries, women stand
ly women who produce the bulk of the scarce, women have to walk long dis- nomically and socially. at the front lines in the battle against cli-
food. tances to have access to these basics. Conservation and environmental mate change: as providers of water, food,
LESS than two weeks from now, financi- This is especially true because men of- These long distances and shortages stewardship are also areas where wom- and energy or as leaders in businesses,
ers, activists, politicians, and policy mak- ten migrate to urban areas in search of often put women at a risk of domestic vi- en are making significant contributions communities, and politics. In fact, they
ers will converge in Dubai, United Arab employment. olence. to climate action. are our first line of defence in the fight
Emirates, for the 2023 United Nations However, climate change makes When extreme weather conditions Women-led conservation projects fo- against climate change.
Climate Change Conference, popularly farming more difficult for these women. do hit — something we are experienc- cus on preserving biodiversity, restoring In conclusion, women are indeed a
known as COP28. When crops fail due to extreme ing frequently — women suffer the most. ecosystems, and promoting sustainable potent force in the fight against climate
From November 30 to December 12, weather events such as floods, cyclones This is often linked to their lack of capac- resource management. change.
the spotlight will be on Dubai as world and drought, less food is produced, and ity. Their involvement in community- Their diverse contributions across
leaders convene to assess the world’s women are then thrown under the bus The role of women in combating cli- based conservation efforts is crucial in various domains – from agriculture to
collective progress towards achieving to provide for their families. mate change is multifaceted, encom- safeguarding natural habitats and miti- renewable energy to advocacy – under-
climate goals. For cooking, more than half of the passing areas such as sustainable agri- gating the impacts of climate change on score the critical importance of gender-
A letter to COP28 parties said the women around the world still use paraf- culture, renewable energy, conservation, vulnerable species. inclusive approaches to environmental
conference will focus how to find ways fin, firewood, coal, cow dung and other advocacy, and policy-making. In addition to these efforts, women sustainability.
to fast-track the energy transition and carbon-emitting fossils. In many parts of the world, women are influential advocates for climate jus- By leveraging the expertise and agen-
slashing emissions before 2030; trans- This results in air pollution in their are disproportionately affected by the tice and policy change. cy of women worldwide, countries can
forming climate financing ecosystem by poorly ventilated houses. An estimated impacts of climate change. Women’s organisations such as UN enhance their capacity to address the
delivering on old promises and setting seven million people die every year from They often bear the brunt of environ- Women and grassroots movements complex challenges posed by a chang-
the framework for a new deal on finance indoor and outdoor air pollution. mental disasters and resource scarci- across the world are amplifying the voic- ing climate while fostering greater equi-
and putting nature, people, lives, and That is more than those who died ty, particularly in rural and marginalised es of those most affected by environ- ty and resilience for present and future
livelihoods at the heart of climate action. from Covid-19 over the last two years. communities. mental degradation and demanding eq- generations.
In putting people, lives, and liveli- Often invisible, air pollution receives Despite these challenges, women uitable solutions to climate-related chal- *Cliff Chiduku is a communica-
hoods at the centre of climate action, it little attention compared with oth- have demonstrated remarkable resil- lenges. tions, public policy and govern-
is important to reflect on the unique role er public health emergencies, but the ience and resourcefulness in adapting to Women are at the forefront in driving ance expert with interests in cli-
played by women in pursuing climate threats to health are every bit as real. changing environmental conditions. policy change on issues such as adapta- mate change, agriculture and en-
goals. As we prepare for COP28, let us think One significant way in which women tion, funding, gender-responsive climate vironmental issues. He writes in
Although climate change affects all on measures that can reduce the con- contribute to climate action is through action, and inclusive decision-making his personal capacity. Feedback:
people, women often bear the brunt sumption of energy sources that have sustainable agriculture. processes within frameworks such as or Call/App
in places where the impacts of climate become incompatible with a sustaina- Women play a crucial role in food pro- the Paris Agreement. +263775716517.
The Standard November 19 to 25 2023 15


The value of values
is positive and possible, for them, as with
those in the high jump, to go higher.
If we think back to the question at the
start of this article about “how long is a
piece of string?”, so it is with the old story
of an army officer telling recruits to jump,
though in truth they are wanting to know tion about the length of a piece of string. with their response being an immediate,
how short it can be, for them to do the least To many, it simply depends; it depends on “Yes, sir” before quickly adding “How
amount of work. what they want, how they feel, what they high?” The answer to the question of val-
When it comes to considering the value can get out of them. Many will hold on to ues is simply this: “Higher still”. The prob-
of something, we might think along the cheap or loose, vague values, like being lem with our society in this consumer age
same lines. Like children wanting to know ‘good’ — after all, being good could apply to is that we are too concerned with the val-
how short their work can be, we look to see being good at lying. They will have values ue of things and not with values. The real-
how cheaply we can buy something. How- as long as they will benefit them. ity is that we cannot buy values; we have to
ever, the reality is, as we all know but tend The bottom line however is that values learn them, live them and lift them. There
to forget or ignore, that if the item is cheap, are extremely valuable and must be valued are certainly some things that many of us
it is not likely to last long. We confuse price highly. They will provide a fixed reference can never afford but we simply cannot af-
Education (or cost) and value but as Warren Buffett point that is desperately needed in a fast- ford not to have values, big values at that.
says, “Price is what you pay; value is what moving world. They provide a filtering sys- It is not a matter of “How long is a piece
WITH TIM MIDDLETON you get” or as Forbes website has it: “Price tem to everything that comes our way to as- of string?” but rather, “How long will it be
is arbitrary and value is fundamental.” sist us to make the right and appropriate before we see the true value of values?” Val-
What is more, as soon as something has decision. They will give direction and more ues are priceless; their value is irredeem-
been bought its value decreases. importantly purpose. They will enable us able. We simply must have them if our

SO, how’s it going?” Have we ever been asked And when it comes to considering the to grow and develop more firmly. They con- schools, our society, our families are going
that question? The easy answer obviously is value of things, we should seriously re- nect people onto the same level. They pro- to thrive and stand together. Cheap things
simply, like a teenager, to say, “Fine!” Indeed, flect on how much we value values. When vide security, stability and sustainability. do not last; real values do. So, schools, how
the answer is as suitably vague as the ques- we speak of the value of something we are A man standing on an iceberg may think are your values coming along? And “Fine”
tion. When one Head was asked by people the sim- looking at what it is worth, how much im- he is on solid ground but the ground is still is not an answer.
ilar question, “How’s the school going?”, he would portance we place on it, how useful or ben- moving; we need solid ground on which
reply, “You tell me how you measure it and I will eficial it is; when we speak of values, how- to stand. Values must be that solid, firm Tim Middleton is the executive di-
tell you.” The answer, after all, to the initial ques- ever, we are talking of principles, of stand- ground. rector of the Association of Trust
tion should simply be, “It depends” or maybe even ards and beliefs that we consider essential It is so important for our children to be Schools [ATS]. The views expressed in
“As long as you need it.” It is similar to the phrase, and which will motivate or direct us. Value taught and modelled values while they this article, however, are solely those
“How long is a piece of string?” (One rather tired means price; values mean principles. They are young so that they know how to re- of the author in his private capacity
adult muttered the answer as, “Long enough to must not be confused. spond to actions or words when they are on and do not necessarily represent the
wrap around your neck”!) Children have a similar In short, many people will answer the their own; rules are not the answer as they views of the ATS.
mindset too when they are given an essay title as question “How valuable are values?” in the tend to be negative. Rather we want to give Email:
their immediate question is, “How long must it be?” same manner that they answer the ques- them something to aim for, something that website: www.atschisz
16 The Standard | November 19 to 25 2023

How solar installations give invest in formerly disturbed areas and re-
lieve the surrounding areas of a significant
burden. Research indicates that 190,000 U.S.
brownfield sites are eligible for brightfield
nomic potential. In 2016, she founded AC Power for this
The company’s mission is to reenergize communities
with solar, one brownfield at a time. Today, where envi-

new life to blighted brownfields

conversion, offering hundreds of gigawatts ronmental stewardship and community ties are critical,
of renewable energy potential. Over 10,000 of the dumping grounds of years past can be glowing bea-
these sites are inactive landfills – which alone cons of future hope. Today, AC Power has an active de-
could power nearly eight million homes. Many velopment pipeline of more than 200 MW.
of these sites, though, sat unused for decades. But this was not just a simple brownfield site.
by Kyle Miller U.S. are ripe with repurposing potential. Re- In the mid-2010s, Annika Colston saw an Global Sanitary Landfill was opened in 1968 and its
mediating and redeveloping these properties opportunity to turn these inactive landfills 57.5 acres served Old Bridge until heavy rainfall and
Brownfields are broadly defined as blight- not only supports environmental and human into clean energy assets, given the declining high tides triggered a slope failure in 1984. This loss of
ed lands that have suffered environmental health, but also stimulates local economies cost of solar technology and the rise of so- structural integrity exposed waste to the broader envi-
contamination, complicating their redevel- and fosters resilient, connected communities. lar-friendly policies. Where some viewed con- ronment, breaching the landfill’s perimeter and con-
opment or expansion. While some may con- “Brightfields”—the colloquial term for taminated sites as low-value land, Colston — taminating the surrounding wetlands. In 1989, further
demn these sites to the waste bin of histo- brownfields redeveloped into solar projects— with her more than 20+ years of development site excavation revealed illegally dumped drums of haz-
ry, many of the 450,000+ brownfields in the are a particularly novel opportunity to re- experience — saw their clean energy and eco- ardous waste, and the site was placed on the EPA Super-
fund National Priorities List (NPL). The NPL is EPA’s list
of the most serious abandoned hazardous waste sites in
the country. These sites pose the greatest risk to local
populations and the environment.
Over the next 30 years, the Global Sanitary Landfill
Superfund site required continuous monitoring, mod-
ifications, and cleanup. In the past decade, site review

Save the Date

determined that remedial action has been successfully
completed, and environmental monitoring and mainte-
nance have been ongoing. But the complicated nature
of the site, such as access restrictions and environmen-
tal concerns, meant the area sat undeveloped — until
AC Power executes solar sites every year and saw im-
mense potential in the Global Sanitary Landfill site.
Choosing a formerly-disturbed site requires that the
land can support a solar facility and also benefit the
environment and surrounding community. The Global
Sanitary Landfill’s location and contamination disqual-
ified it from any residential, commercial, or recreation-
al use, but perfectly met AC Power’s development cri-
In 2021, the project was awarded 2.8 MW-dc of capac-
ity as part of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities’
highly competitive Community Solar Pilot Program.
The array would provide renewable energy access and
reduced electricity costs for residents who are unable to
install solar at their home. Global Sanitary Landfill was
on its way to supporting New Jersey’s 2050 100 percent
clean energy and energy accessibility goals.
Nevertheless, executing such a project is easier said
than done, and it wasn’t a solo effort.
“This project would not have been realized without
the support of dozens of partners including Old Bridge
Township, the New Jersey Department of Environmen-
tal Protection, U.S. EPA, and AC Power’s committed

THE5 th
consultants and engineers,” says CEO Annika Colston.
“Despite countless reasons why this project was just too
complicated, this group of dedicated stakeholders per-
These strategic collaborations determined that the
ideal project would revitalize the land, support accessi-
ble renewable power, and also include a local workforce
development program.
Jared Fredericks, the project manager at civil engi-
neering firm FWH Associates, helped explain the me-
chanics of placing an array on a landfill cap:
When carefully designed, “community solar programs
are fantastic. It is a great use of unused property, to be
able to put solar on top of landfill caps and provide ben-
efits to the community surrounding it through better
energy costs. Being a part of these projects is amazing.”
The Global Sanitary Landfill solar project also pro-
vides opportunities for community workforce growth.
AC Power partnered with Solar One, an environmental
STEM education organization, to develop high school
and college-level career readiness programs. High
school internship participants receive non-profit and
corporate renewable energy experience, and college
students obtain North American Board of Certified En-

th st ergy Practitioners certification training at County Col-

27 Feb - 1 March 2024

lege of Morris. AC Power provides funding to sponsor
coursework and exams for local students.
Max Levitzke, Senior Director of Green Workforce
Venue : Elephant Hills Hotel - Victoria Falls at Solar One, calls this partnership “a commitment to
nurturing the next generation of green energy leaders…

SAVE THE DATE Together, we’re redefining the future of clean energy
and ensuring that our youth are at the forefront of this transformative journey.”
Book your conference Overall, the Global Sanitary Landfill solar project has
seats now +263773277599 / +263784102843 been a case study in strategic partnerships, the impor-
tance of state incentives, stewardship, integrity, tenac-
ity, and patience. AC Power is proud to deploy a project
with such a unique fingerprint on its community and
surrounding organizations. The project’s owner and
operator, NJR Clean Energy Ventures, speaks excitedly
about bringing this complex solar initiative to fruition.
—Renewable Energy World
The Standard November 19 to 25 2023 17


The power of the spoken Word hold on to our salvation through
the words we speak. We are going
to be accountable to what we say.
So today I encourage you to choose
your words wisely
Matthew 18:18-19 (MSG)

S we continue with our obeying God. It also shows total re- said, Lord, I am not worthy that 18. “Take this most seriously:
teaching today, it is critical liance on God as children of the thou shouldest come under my A yes on earth is yes in heaven; a
to understand that words most High. roof: but speak the word only, and no on earth is no in heaven. What
are very important because they Isaiah 40:8 (NIV) my servant shall be healed. Here you say to one another is eternal. I
shape the direction of our lives. 8. The grass withers and the we have a man who understood mean this.
Words can be used to create or to flowers fall, but the word of our the power of words. He had a clear 19. When two of you get togeth-
destroy. We are a result of what God stands forever.” The word of revelation of the creative power of er on anything at all on earth and
we say. We are all surround by the God is eternal. It is forever. Let the words we speak. He said to Je- make a prayer of it, my Father in
manifestations of what we have me tell you this. Many people have sus, I know the power words carry, heaven goes into action. Take life
said, both positive and negative. been discouraged in our Christian you don’t need to go to my house, seriously Don’t let people speak
Matthew 12:36-37 (MSG) life. We have received word of wis- just speak a word. His servant was into your life and let it just go.
36. Let me tell you something: dom, word of prophecy etc and healed exactly at that very time. You must counter every negative
Every one of these careless words we have waited for it’s manifes- Many evil people understand this words spoken into your life. The
is going to come back to haunt sundayword tation. This has resulted in many concept. They speak negatively words we say to one another are
you. There will be a time of Reck- BY PROSPER TINGINI even losing hope and faith. How- against lives. They shape the di- eternal, God moves into action the
oning. Words are powerful; take ever I want to bring back hope to rection of our lives through their moment we speak anything. Stand
them seriously. you. The word of God is eternal. It words in an act of witchcraft. Un- guard of every word that is spoken
37. Words can be your salva- ers, our Pastors but have failed to is establishing. There is no repent- fortunately most Christians are about you. Take charge of your
tion. Words can also be your dam- respond. This has negatively af- ance about it. When it’s spoken, it lazy to speak to their own lives. life. Find prayer partners who will
nation.” In the above scripture, Je- fected many destinies. We are not becomes a pillar that stands for- Wherever you are, learn to speak stand with you. God is ready to ful-
sus is clearly telling us how power- where we are supposed to be be- ever. So write down every word of to your business, project, mar- fill your vision.
ful words are. We must not speak cause we disobeyed. Imagine if prophecy you have ever received, riage, studies. You will surely see Today’s discussion has taught
anyhow. We must choose our Abraham had not followed God’s meditate on it and speak it. It shall the results. us that words are very powerful.
words wisely word. I am here today to encour- surely come to pass. Matthew 12:36-37 (MSG) God’s words is important in our
Genesis 12:1-2 (NIV) age you to hear God and act on eve- Romans 10:17 (NIV) 36. Let me tell you something: lives because it helps shape where
1. The LORD had said to Abram, rything He says to us. 17. Consequently, faith comes Every one of these careless words we are going. It has also shown
“Leave your country, your people Isaiah 50:10 (NIV) from hearing the message, and is going to come back to haunt you. us that we need to be careful with
and your father’s household and 10. Who among you fears the the message is heard through the There will be a time of Reckoning. what we say and speak to our chil-
go to the land I will show you. LORD and obeys the word of his word of Christ. The word of God Words are powerful; take them se- dren or ourselves, it has serious
2. I will make you into a great servant? Let him who walks in is all powerful. The word of God is riously. consequences. Be it a business
nation and I will bless you; I will the dark, who has no light, trust the center of everything Christi- 37. Words can be your salvation. speak positively, be it a marriage
make your name great, and you in the name of the LORD and rely anity. Our faith is centered on the Words can also be your damna- speak positively, studies speak
will be a blessing. God came to on his God. It is important to rev- word of God. It is established and tion.” Words are very important to positively. Speak the word of God
Abraham and spoke to him. He erence God by obeying the word of natured by hearing it. We gain such an extent that they have such into everything you do and He will
gave him a word of direction and our Pastors. God speaks through our faith when we hear the word serious consequences in our lives. surely fulfill it for you. See you
He wanted Abraham to follow. our Pastors. God is a God of or- of God preached to us. This is why The above scripture tells us that next week. SHALOM
Abraham received a word of di- der. He has placed people in our it is important to gather togeth- every word we speak has a bearing
rection and he understood the im- lives to lead us. These people are er with other saints and hear the on our lives. All negative and care- *Prosper Tingini is the Scribe of the
pact of words so he did not hes- the mouth peace of God. The men word of God. Having Bible discus- less words will manifest and sure- Children of God Missionary Assembly
itate but he acted on the word. and women of God represent God sions help us grow our faith. ly haunt us at one point. We must — God’s messengers. Contact details:
Most of us we received a word of in our lives so when we honor , re- Matthew 8:8 (KJV) speak carefully. This scripture Mobile & WhatsApp — 0771 260 195.
wisdom from our spiritual lead- spect and obey them we are also 8. The centurion answered and tells us that we can either lose or Email address:

Discovering your divine path: navigating of King Saul because God want-
ed him to learn and be mentored
in the area of his gifting and call-

purpose, decisions, and afflictions ing.

What path are you called into,
and are you functioning in that
path? Most afflictions come be-
The Bible says, 'Wide is the are because of the path your fa- capacity to create opportunities cause of position. You are one
path that leads to death,' and it ther or you chose to take. for you. Your greatest assign- decision away from your break-
shows us that many decide to use What path are you ment is to discover your through or increase, and that de-
this path. When you use the wide walking in, and is God-given path cision is a decision of discovery
path, you endanger yourself. Eve- it the path he or- and walk in where you're awakened to his
ry man born of a woman has a dained for you it and to original purpose for you. The Bi-
predestined path they are called before you function ble says we are his workmanship,
to walk in, but one of the hard- were formed in the created unto good works; you
divineinsight est things is to locate and walk in your purpose were created for good works.
BY HUMPHREY in these paths. Jeremiah is told, mother's he created Will you take this journey of
MTANDWA 'Before you were formed in your womb? for you. discovery to find the ancient path
mother's womb, I ordained thee Jeremi- God ordained for you to walk in
and made you a prophet.' Jeremi- ah, speak- and manifest the calling he gave
ah's assignment or purpose was ing again, said you in your mother's womb? Gen-
DAVID Understood that his af- older than him, and so is your there are ancient erations are waiting for you. God
fliction came because of a deci- purpose. paths, and he seems bless you.
sion he made, and he cried out, As people, our purpose is to to advise that these
saying, 'Before I was afflicted, I walk in the path God ordained paths are discovered  Humphrey Mtandwa is an
went astray.' In the season when for us before we were formed in as you follow and learn apostolic teacher of the Word
men go to war, David chose to our mothers' wombs. But many Some from those who have also of God and founder of Believ-
stay behind, but that one de- are blinded from these paths, are in the discovered the true paths ers Voice of Triumph Minis-
cision was going to affect not while others make the mistake of wrong marriag- of their lives. A man can tries. He has authored many
only him, but generations af- straying away from these paths. es, some in the wrong be gifted but never be able books, including The Enoch
ter him. Many people ignorant- But when you are outside your careers, and some are leading a to use the gift because they nev- Generation, Truthfulness,
ly make decisions, and though ordained path, there are demonic people they were never ordained er sat down under another man Night Parables and Theopha-
they assume the decision only agents who then take advantage to lead. who would raise them and awak- ny. If you want to connect with
impacts them, that single deci- and cause you to live a miserable The Bible says, 'A man's gift en the gift they have. him or have any questions, get
sion entraps them and those un- life. Some of those problems and makes room for him,' meaning David, when he is ordained in touch on www.apostlehum-
der them. situations you're going through God gave you gifts that have the King, finds himself in the house
18 The Standard | November 19 to 25 2023 RELIGION

There is nothing that you haven’t received

HE church has promoted things of silver, and for all manner Your hand, and is all Your own. I sert, then He can bless and pros-
so many wrong ideas over of work to be made by the hands of know also, my God, that you test per you in any economic situation.
the years that people think artificers. And who then is willing the heart, and have pleasure in It doesn’t matter what is going
the Lord wants Christians to live to consecrate his service this day uprightness. As for me, in the up- on around you. God is responsible
in little shacks with no money in unto the Lord? (1 Chronicles 29:3-5) rightness of my heart I have will- for you, and even has numbered
our pockets. The Word of God says For this one gift, David gave 110 ingly offered all these things: and all the hairs of your head. (Mat-
differently. God wants to bless His tons of gold and 260 tons of silver. now with joy I have seen Your peo- thew 10:30.) The Lord meets our
children. In fact, if you aren’t em- After giving this huge gift, David ple, which are present here, to of- needs according to His riches in
barrassed by your level of pros- encouraged other people to give. fer willingly to you (1 Chronicles glory, not this country’s economy.
perity, then there is a good chance All the leaders of the tribes caught 29:16-17). (Philippians 4:19.)
you aren’t depending upon God as the spirit of giving and began to Notice how David said that they If you are stressed out about fi-
your source. I know that sounds donate large sums of money. The had only given what God first gave nances, maybe you are single and
a little shocking, but I believe it’s leaders gave even more than Da- to them; all they had done was give trying to figure out how to make
true. When I first heard about vid: 190 tons of gold and 375 tons back to God what was rightfully ends meet; or you’re married and
these words, I was equally chal- of silver. His anyway. This is the attitude arguing with your spouse about
lenged. “Therefore David blessed the I’m trying to describe. In order to money, then I encourage you to
It’s true that if you can look at gracetidings Lord before all the congregation: begin to prosper, you have to stop start looking to God as the source
everything you have and say, “I and David said, Blessed are you, thinking of money as belonging to of your prosperity. God will take
did this; this is all the result of my WITH DR DOUG Lord God of Israel our father, for you. You need to quit seeing your- better care of your finances than
effort,” then you haven’t tapped ever and ever. Yours O Lord, is the self as the source of your prosper- you can. Sometimes it’s hard to
into God’s supernatural ability, MAMVURA greatness, and the power, and the ity, and recognise that all bless- look beyond the physical or nat-
you’re just depending on yourself. glory, and the victory, and the maj- ings and riches come from God. ural challenges you face and see
Of course, godly prosperity is dif- esty: for all that is in the heaven The reason people are so into the spiritual realm, but you
ferent from coveting riches. God mon to build the temple. David and in the earth is Yours; Yours stressed out about money is that can do it with a steward’s mental-
wants you to have nice things, but obeyed God, but he started setting is the kingdom, O Lord, and You they think they are in control ity.
you shouldn’t get them by hoard- aside the money and materials Sol- are exalted as head above all. Both of their finances. People tend to Being a steward gives you a
ing your money and spending it omon would need one day in order riches and honor come from You, think they are responsible for all sense of confidence that you will
all on yourself. When you give and to build the temple. It was his way and You reign over all; and in Your of the factors that lead to prosper- never have as long as you see
handle your assets like a stew- of contributing. David set aside hand is power and might; and in ity and the money needed to sur- yourself as your source. I’m tell-
ard of God’s money, then God will huge resources for that purpose Your hand it is to make great, and vive. They are worried about los- ing you, adopting the attitude of a
bless you, and the blessing of God while Solomon was growing up. to give strength to all” (1 Chroni- ing their jobs or a downturn in the steward will really help you.
adds no sorrow with it. Then, right before he handed over cles 29:10-12) economy because they see them- Every one of us needs to see our
When you open up your hand the throne to Solomon, he made David saw himself as a steward. selves as the source of their pro- income as something God has en-
and begin to trust God, you’ll see one last gift. He said, He knew that all of his assets had vision. trusted us with, and then ask our-
that God is not a taker, He’s a mul- “Moreover, because I have set my been given to him by God. David Seeing yourself as the source selves what God wants us to do
tiplier. He has not come into your affection to the house of my God, I gave God the credit for being the of blessing in your life puts a lot with it. Knowing that your income
life to take from you. The Bible is have of mine own proper good, of source of all his riches. God had of pressure on you to control cir- is really God’s money makes you
full of stories of men and women gold and silver, which I have given taken the people of Israel out of cumstances that are really beyond approach finances with a total-
whom God blessed and prospered to the house of my God, over and slavery and made them a rich and your control. One of the benefits ly different attitude and your at-
and they all had the attitude of a above all that I have prepared for prosperous nation, able to donate of seeing yourself as a steward is titude toward money is actually
steward. They all recognized God the holy house, even three thou- all those resources in one day. God peace of mind and a sense of se- more important than what you do
as their source. David is a good ex- sand talents of gold, of the gold of had made them great. curity. When you know that God with it.
ample of a steward. He wanted to Ophir, and seven thousand talents Then David said, “O Lord our is your source, you aren’t worried You and I are only stewards of
build the Lord a temple, but God of refined silver, to overlay the God, all this abundance that we about the natural circumstances. God’s blessings because there is
told him he couldn’t. walls of the houses, The gold for have prepared to build You a house If God can prosper Abraham and nothing that we have that we have
God wanted David’s son Solo- things of gold, and the silver for for Your holy name comes is from feed his flocks and herds in a de- not received.

How Israel tries to protect Gaza’s civilians

tray us and bomb while people are less you give me permission. knows very well, the IDF try every- faced showing a long line of people
still evacuating.” The man said he Daoud tried to explain what was thing they can to get enemy civilians streaming from the north of Gaza to
would give Mahmoud time — he happening in Gaza by referring out of harm’s way — by leafleting, the south. The Israelis have repeated-
said he did not want anyone to die, to the slaughter of Israelis by Ha- “knock on the roof” warning shots, ly warned that residents of the north
the dentist recalls. Mahmoud re- mas, the details of which atrocities phone calls and other means of com- should move to the south for their
sponded that he didn’t want any- Shaheen apparently refused to be- munication. own safety since the north was about
one to even be injured. He kept the lieve. Daoud told him more buildings No other army in the world has to become Israel’s principal focus for
call going as he rushed around the would be destroyed that night and ever done this. When coalition forc- attack.
neighbourhood, urging people to that Shaheen needed to order more es bombed Afghanistan or when US Some 800,000 Gazans did so, but Ha-
hebrewscriptures evacuate… residents to evacuate. As Daoud sub- forces flattened Mosul, no one even mas tried to stop more joining them
One neighbour remembers the sequently informed him of more bothered to mention the civilians by firing on them, in order to keep
BY MELANIE PHILLIPS dentist “just shouting”, then others and more buildings that were tar- who must have been killed there. them in place as human shields. The
joined in. Mahmoud could not un- gets, Shaheen ran from block to Yet Israel’s wars repeatedly engulf reason for yesterday’s large line mov-
derstand why his neighbourhood block evacuating the residents. it in international outrage with ac- ing south was that, with the IDF now
had become a target. “I tried my Then there is this telling passage: cusations that it kills enemy civil- having moved into Gaza City, its tanks
best to stop him. I asked, ‘Why do Despite the panic, Mahmoud ians wantonly or deliberately. This could protect the evacuating civilians
DESPITE general media malevo- you want to bomb?” He said, ‘There stayed on the phone the whole time, is not just a malevolent lie; it could from Hamas attack. This is how the
lence, a BBC story reveals the ex- are some things that we see that you trying his best to delay the bomb- not be a more grotesque inversion of Guardian chose to report it:
traordinary lengths to which the Is- don’t see.” The man did not explain ing. The voice on the other end of the truth. Waving white flags and holding
raeli Defence Forces go to spare the what he meant. “It is an order from the phone continued, without emo- The lie is nevertheless perpetrat- their hands above their heads, Pales-
lives of Gaza’s civilians. people bigger than me and you, and tion. “He even told me, ‘Take your ed day in, day out by western me- tinian families fled past tanks waiting
Israeli tanks protecting Gazan we have an order to bomb,” the voice time. I won’t bomb unless you give dia. While the Israelis say they have to storm Gaza City in the next stage
evacuees against Hamas attack added, according to Mahmoud. me permission.’ “I said ‘No, it’s not killed “thousands of Hamas terror- of the war that the Israeli prime min-
The BBC News website recent- When the areas around the build- my permission. I don’t want you to ists” in this current war, western ister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has said
ly ran a story by Alice Cuddy that ings were clear the man informed bomb anything. If you want me to media outlets publish Hamas claims will give Israel “indefinite” control
describes how the Israelis rang Mahmoud that the bombing would evacuate, I will evacuate for the safe- that 10,000 “civilians” have been over the besieged territory.
a Gazan civilian at dawn to tell begin. Mahmoud panicked — what ty of the people, but if you want to killed — with no attempt whatev- Israel’s military gave civilians in-
him to warn the inhabitants of if they bombed the wrong building bomb, don’t tell me you need my per- er to acknowledge that any of these side the encircled city a four-hour
three apartment blocks to evacu- by mistake? “Wait a bit,” the man mission. It’s not Mahmoud Shaheen were Hamas operatives and refer- window to leave on Tuesday, as its
ate because they were about to be told him, he says. An Israeli aircraft who will bomb al-Zahra.” ring only to women and children forces prepared to retake the biggest
bombed. circled overhead. Mahmoud stared Note the fact that while the Israeli among the dead. city in the strip. Men, women and chil-
Mahmoud Shaheen, a dentist liv- at the three towers that neighboured was telling Shaheen that these build- Sadly, many civilians will unavoid- dren, some carrying their belongings
ing in the al-Zahra neighbourhood his own apartment block. Then one ings wouldn’t be bombed until he ably be killed in Gaza, as in any war. on donkeys, fled their homes past Is-
in the north of Gaza, told the BBC of them was bombed. “This is the gave the all-clear that the residents But the wicked distortion that turns raeli troops out of the city.
that on October 19 he was called on tower that we want, stay away,” the were safely evacuated, Shaheen in- the Israelis from scrupulous adher- Posting online, one resident, Adam
his mobile phone by a man speak- man on the phone said as the build- terpreted this remarkable display ents to the international law require- Fayez Zeyara, said the walk on Tues-
ing flawless Arabic who said he was ing fell, according to Mahmoud. of military restraint merely as some ment to try to avoid civilian deaths day was the most dangerous of his
from Israeli intelligence and told The two other blocks were then kind of insulting implication of col- into war criminals turns these me- life. “We saw the tanks from point
him not to hang up. destroyed...When the bombing laboration with the bombing — the dia outlets into Hamas accomplices. blank. We saw decomposed body
Shaheen said, “He told me he stopped, Mahmoud remembers the point of which, of course, he was un- While the BBC is a principal and parts. We saw death.”
wanted to bomb three towers… and voice telling him: “We’ve finished… able to comprehend. habitual offender, it is to its credit In other words, the Guardian por-
ordered me to evacuate the sur- you can go back.” The BBC’s story reveals the re- that it has published the story relat- trayed the Gazans who were being
rounding area.” Later that day, Shaheen was called markably precise and detailed in- ed by Mahmoud Shaheen. It says it protected by Israeli troops as fleeing
Anxious lest this was a hoax call, again by a different Israeli who gave telligence that Israel possesses on contacted him after many al-Zahra from Israeli troops.
Shaheen asked for warning shots to his name as Daoud. Shaheen was un- what’s going on in Gaza. It also il- residents identified him as the man By such malevolent misrepresen-
prove the caller was genuine. These nerved by the level of detail the man lustrates the extraordinary lengths who had received the warning call. tation, of the kind that the media has
duly occurred. had about his life, addressing him in to which the Israeli Defence Forc- Elsewhere, further evidence of Is- habitually promulgated against Isra-
Now that Mahmoud knew it was a familiar way and referring to his es go to spare the lives of Gaza’s ci- rael’s concern for Gaza’s civilians el for decades, the western mind has
real he tried to stall, asking the man son’s name. vilians. As any dispassionate per- has been venomously distorted. been poisoned and fatally subverted
to be patient. “I told him: ‘Don’t be- Take your time. I won’t bomb un- son who has followed Israel’s wars Yesterday, a remarkable video sur- to endorse evil against its victims.
Influx of second
Standard hand clothes

The Standard November 19 to 25 2023
chokes Zim’s

Powers cuts, high tarrifs weigh down Zim mines

BY NIZBERT MOYO balt (73%).
“Minerals that recorded de-

IMBABWE’S leading min- clines in production during this
ing companies say they are period include gold -11%, plati-
negotiating with Zesa to num -1%, rhodium -5% and palla-
guarantee adequate power sup- dium -2%,” Gono said.
plies and lower tariffs as the coun- The CoMZ boss said while min-
try reels from a power deficit. eral output was expected to in-
The country’s business sector is crease in 2024, the softening glob-
battling constant power outages al mineral prices would cut into
that lead to production stoppages the expected returns.
and output losses. “Most mining companies are
Zimbabwe’s electricity short- planning to ramp up production
ages have been worsened by con- in 2024 to compensate for falling
stant breakdowns at the Hwange earnings due to softening prices,”
Thermal Power Station and low Gono said.
water levels at Kariba Dam. “Despite the anticipated in-
Hwange and the Kariba Hydro- crease in production, mineral
power Station are the country’s earnings are expected to decline
biggest sources of electricity. by an average of 14% in 2024,”
Chamber of Mines of Zimba- Gono said.
bwe (CoMZ) president Thom- “Despite most mining compa-
as Gono revealed the negotia- nies planning to ramp up produc-
tions between Zesa and the min- tion to compensate for revenue
ers at the just ended Association losses due to low prices, the pro-
of Mines Managers of Zimba- duction increase is expected to be
bwe annual conference in Victo- more than offset by the decline in
ria Falls in a speech read by the prices.”
chamber’s chief executive officer In making the case for stable
Isaac Kwesu. Chamber of Mines of Zimbabwe chief executive officer Isaac Kwesu power supply, Gono said the min-
“The chamber is engaging Zesa ing industry attracted more than
and government to prioritise min- 13,5% of the country’s GDP (gross They said the reviewing of the mining industry. 73% of the foreign direct invest-
ing companies for available power domestic product), earns over tarrifs from 12,21 US cents per They also recommended that ment into the economy, against a
at a tariff that is in line with the 80% of the country’s foreign cur- KWh would result in the cost of the electricity tariff must be paid regional average of 31,7%.
region,” Gono said. rency, and mining companies con- production increasing by between in line with foreign exchange re- He said the mining industry
“It is without doubt that the tribute 19% of their revenues to 7% and 10%. tention level pegged at 75%. employed over 53 663 people in
conference programme will touch government through taxes and Miners also expressed concern Gono said the mining sector re- the large scale mining sector with
on all pertinent technical aspects levies.” over tariffs that are strictly in for- corded a mixed performance dur- a further 500 000 in the artisanal
that position our mining indus- In its Mining Industry Pros- eign currency. ing the six months to June 2023, category.
try as a competitive global market pects for 2024 incorporating the Miners requested fa downward compared to the same period in According to the CoMZ, statis-
driven by innovation. State of the Mining Industry Sur- tariff review and recommended a 2022. tics on the ground show that for
“Zimbabwe’s mining sector is vey Report, CoMZ said miners ex- tariff ranging from around 7 US He said minerals that recorded every United States dollar gener-
a strategic pillar to the national pressed concern on the new elec- cents per KWh for ferrochrome increases in production volumes ated by the sector, US$3 or more
economy. tricity tariff of 14,21 US cents per producers with a cap of 10 US during this period included irid- are generated in other sectors of
“It is currently accounting for kilowatt hour (KWh). cents per KWh for the rest of the ium at 16%, nickel (24%), and co- the economy through linkages.


THE US$30 million Horticulture Ex-

Funding bottlenecks hit Zimbabwe’s horticulture sector
port Revolving Fund (HERF) which
was set by the government to facili- holder farmers.
tate access to the export market for “They don’t have the collateral; they don’t
small farmers has been structured have audited financials, and a long list of oth-
by banks not to benefit smallholder er requirements that only the formal sector
farmers, forcing them to turn to ille- has.”
gal buyers, it has been revealed. The government would provide the banks
Only 1,6% of the HERF that was with cash cover in case any of the farmers de-
launched more than a year ago in faulted in paying back the loans.
September 2022 has been disbursed. But, since the release of the HERF
At the time of its launch, the Re- only US$19,5 million has been covered.
serve Bank of Zimbabwe, FBC Bank, Nielsen said tfarmers prefer to remain in-
NMB Bank, CABS Bank and the AFC formal as there were no limitations like mar-
Land and Development Bank signed ket compliance costs and magnetic resonance
a memorandum of agreement and imaging (MRI) tests to sell their produce in
term sheet that allowed the central the local market through illegal buyers.
bank to disburse the HERF funds to “Suppose you try to sell to a local farmer
banks. the idea of coming to the formal sector when
The supporting banks later ex- there is ‘makorokoza’ (illegal buyers) coming
panded to include Ecobank Zimba- to get the product from the farm gate and pay-
bwe Limited and CBZ Bank. ing up cash, no logistics, no export document
Horticulture Development Council costs, no MRI testing, or market compliance
chief executive officer Linda Nielsen costs,” she said.
told Standardbusiness that specific “In that case, he is going to sell it to the guy
entry requirements for the HERF ex- who gives him cash at the gate.
clude the beneficiaries the fund was “The idea is to build a policy environment Nielson said high interest rates were also eign logistics payments for exporters.
meant for. that will get more exporters in the formal sec- hindering access to funding and that farmers “For a local investor in the country, it’s a
Nielson said the banks that dis- tor.” were working on alternative lines of funding. hustle to operate, what more for foreign inves-
burse the funds had different specif- Zimbabwe’s horticulture industry is seek- “Another thing is high interest rates. By the tors.
ic requirements that complicated the ing to grow the area under horticulture from time you get the fund, the interest would be up “It is not easy to explain four different cur-
process. 36 600 hectares (Ha) to 55 300Ha by 2025, gross to 10% interest,” she said. rency systems to a foreign investor. It scares
“The fund is being channelled value to US$3,9 billion by 2025, and target an “It then becomes a very expensive financial investors away so; we just need a more condu-
through five commercial banks and annual export value of US$1,32 billion by 2025. model. cive policy to deal with this.
each bank has its own credit depart- “Access to finance and the availability of “So, we are working on getting alternative “It is also affecting our ability to pay for our
ment and has specific entry require- a bankable document is basically still a chal- funding to bite down the costs on the farmers logistics which are so far foreign-based.
ments,” she said. lenge. We need a resolution,” Nielsen said. and build more inclusive funding for the sec- “We need a way forward. A team Zimbabwe
“Unfortunately, the funds then ex- “We need to sit down with the government tor. approach to reach that 1 billion export for the
clude the very beneficiaries that the and the banks and find ways to go about this She also urged the government to address agriculture industry is going to mean a force
fund was meant for, that is the small- because it has become a huge barrier for us.” the multi-currency system that is affecting for- of action.”
20 The Standard | November 19 to 25 2023 BUSINESS
BRIEFS Influx of second hand clothes
Nigeria to produce cleaner fuel
from corn and sugarcane
IN a significant step towards bolstering Nigeria’s etha-
chokes Zimbabwe’s retailers
nol production capacity and aligning with sustainability
principles, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation
Limited (NNPC) has signed a Memorandum of Under-
standing (MoU) with the Niger state government.
This agreement paves the way for establishing a 500
million-litre ethanol plant, alongside cultivating maize,
sugarcane, and sweet sorghum on 100 000 hectares of
land within the state.
The MoU also entails the NNPC’s commitment to
planting 135 million trees on the allocated land, demon-
strating its dedication to achieving net-zero emissions
by 2030 and actively contributing to climate protection
efforts. This initiative is expected to generate over 500
000 tons of crops for powering the ethanol plant.
—Business Day

Britain promises new investment in

CHIM Chalemera, the British deputy high commissioner
and head of the UK Government Department Business
and Trade (DBT) Nigeria, has pledged the commitment
of her country to a stronger relationship with Nigeria,
promising new investments.
Chalemera’s representative, who spoke at the Nige-
ria-Britain Association (N-BA) 2023 presidential cocktail
at the residence of the British deputy high commission-
er, in Lagos, emphasised the consistent support ren-
dered by the British diplomat, highlighting events like
the presidential cocktail as pivotal moments in cement-
ing the strong ties between Nigeria and the UK.
Total trade in goods and services between the Unit-
ed Kingdom (UK) and Nigeria was £7.6 billion in the first
quarter of 2023, an increase of 48,4%or £2,5 billion from
the record of the fourth quarter of 2022, the UK Depart- BY MELODY CHIKONO To catch up, most second-hand clothes cry by traders.
ment of Trade and Business has said. sellers now have gone a step further to There is a new wave of smuggling of
—Business Day THE last two or so decades have seen steam or iron these clothes and hang them clothes especially by Chinese nationals.
a massive growth in the second-hand on the mobile clothing lines. Some major clothing retailers are rely-
clothing business in Zimbabwe, an enter- While for many it has come as a blessing ing are now even relying on the smugglers
African Finance Summit: prise that has grown so big that it is now in disguise, market watchers have ques- to restock.
dubbed the ‘mabhero’ market. tioned the sustainability of the formal Ndebele said African countries that have
Challenges and opportunities for In English, mabhero means ‘bales of clothing business in Zimbabwe. imposed the importation of second hand
a booming sector clothes’ and the name was coined by
traders who imported discarded clothes
Big retail shops are feeling the heat and
this has forced them to employ several
clothes had seen an improvement in their
textile industries.
THE African financial world has grown considerably in from the international market, which ar- strategies such as reducing their branch “Countries like Uganda and Rwanda are
recent years but not without facing some major chal- rive in large containers. network and removing credit terms to stay actually thriving (after banning second
lenges. In Lomé, Togo, the Africa Financial Industry The clothes are sold on street pave- afloat. hand clothes trade),” he said.
Summit (AFIS), organised by the pan-African magazine ments and markets in Zimbabwe’s urban “And most worryingly now, you should “And the reasoning that is there is that
Jeune Afrique, has become a key event for African fi- areas and business centres. look at the levels of unemployment and the they are saying we are moving into Africa,
nance, bringing together more than 800 leaders. Once the clothes arrive, traders heap level of incomes in this country. the African continental future.
Despite mounting obstacles, the continent's finan- the clothes and start selling them allow- “Informalisation coming from an indi- “You have to make goods. You can’t be
cial institutions are beginning to emerge on the world ing consumers to take their pick at any- vidual’s point of view is a way of survival trading goods,” Ndebele asked.
stage. As international competitors withdraw, an op- thing they want. because of high unemployment levels and “And in Rwanda’s view, it was how we
portunity is opening up to extend the influence of the It has become such a big industry that inadequate incomes. can make goods when we allow goods to be
African financial sector. it is now sustaining many livelihoods as “If it’s going to be only level playing field, dumped in our market.
—Africanews most of the income is in hard currency. it’s fine,” Truworths chief executive offic- “ In this country, the customs duties are
The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s 2022 er Bekithemba Ndebele told Standardbusi- clear on what should be done, the duties
Alibaba sheds US$20b in market Finscope Consumer Survey Report, not- ness. that should be applied.
ed that an average adult earned US$100 “What you see is smuggling, not just “There is a ban on imported second-hand
value after scrapping plans to list while the average household income was smuggling but dumping of second-hand clothing, but it is still finding its way into
its cloud business US$370 a month.
The survey found that among the ma-
clothing at ridiculous prices.
“So, when we actually talk about dump-
the market.”
Ndebele noted that the country had lost
CHINESE e-commerce giant Alibaba saw US$20 billion jor monthly consumer costs, 84% used ing, we are actually talking about goods be- over 90% of its textile manufacturers since
wiped off its market capitalization after announcing that cash to buy clothes and footwear, point- ing sold in this market at below the cost of 2015 with most of the shoe manufacturers
it would no longer spin off and list its cloud computing ing to a reliance on the mabhero busi- manufacturing. also having left the country.
business. ness. “I will give you an example, you find a However, Edgars Stores Limited CEO Se-
The company, which competes with U.S. tech giant This is because at those wages, an pair of shoes selling for US$2, 50. vious Mushosho said they were not threat-
Amazon, said on Thursday that it would not proceed adult and family would be restricted in “The minimum duty on a pair of shoes ened by the emergence of car boutiques
with the spinoff of its Cloud Intelligence Group, citing what they could buy in terms of clothing. is US$2 per pair plus 40%. So how do you and pavement vendors.
U.S. export restrictions on advanced chips. On any day, it has become difficult to sell it for UD$2 or UD$2.50? It doesn’t make “Our offering is targeted at customers
Alibaba said the curbs have "created uncertainties for navigate through the streets of Harare sense.” who value exclusive high quality fashion-
the prospects of Cloud Intelligence Group," which com- as the second-hand clothes vendors have He said that kids clothing, tracksuits, able garments sold in a world class depart-
petes with Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and taken over pavements. were being sold at US$5. mental store at flexible payment terms,”
Google Cloud Platform. One such place is along Park Street, be- “The local manufacturer of tracksuits Mushosho said.
"Instead, we will focus on developing a sustainable tween Nelson Mandela and Jason Moyo can’t produce a tracksuit for less than “Such customers may not buy from those
growth model based on emerging AI-driven demand for Avenues in the central business district US$11. car boutiques and from ‘mabhero’.”
networked and highly scaled cloud computing services," which has become a popular outdoor “If he squeezes it and drops the fabric Last month, Industry and Commerce
Alibaba CEO Joe Tsai said on the company's investor call clothing mall. quality, it’s US$8. minister Sithembiso Nyoni said govern-
Thursday. Several stalls are placed almost ‘shoul- “You see what I’m saying? ment was reviewing the Zimbabwe Cotton
—CNBC der to shoulder’ while others have strewn “So, this dumping of goods is a serious to Clothing Strategy (2014-2019) in a bid to
clothes on the pavement in what has be- threat to former clothing retailers.” curb the influx of second-hand clothing
come a high traffic zone. Ndebele said Zimbabwe had become a which was choking the local textile indus-
Egypt pursues economic reform and One cannot pass this area, on their way dumping ground for poor quality products try.
investment climate improvement to the Copacabana bus terminus at the that are sold cheaply.
“But, if it’s outside Zimbabwe, it’s some-
“Over the years the clothing sector in
Zimbabwe and Africa as a whole, has been
intersection of Speke Avenue and Chin-
EGYPT has shown its economic vision that can anticipate hoyi Street, a few blocks away, without thing else,” he said. faced by challenges of the influx of second-
the future, deal with its challenges and opportunities, being accosted by a trader on Park Street. “That’s why they have got that capacity hand clothing, which has rendered the in-
and face risks. This vision is reflected in the achievements But, the emergence of Covid-19 saw to then come and there is no way you can dustry uncompetitive,” Nyoni said.
that have been made in a short period, such as reforming people becoming skeptical of buying manufacture at that cost?. “To address this negative trend, the Min-
the economy, improving the investment climate, imple- these clothes paving way for a new wave “It’s either these are rejects from Chinese istry of Industry and Commerce is current-
menting infrastructure projects, and maximizing Egypt’s of second hand clothing sales through factories or exports that are undervalued. ly working on the review of the Zimbabwe
potential. use of ‘runners’ who are smuggling bales “So, if it’s pure second-hand clothing, Cotton to Clothing Strategy (2014-2019).
Recently, Cairo hosted the first session of the Egypt and from Mozambique. which is now in this country, we call it “This industry provides employment
Investment Challenges Conference, which was attended These have been providing an avenue preloved.” opportunities to millions of people world-
by delegations from more than 25 Arab, foreign, and Af- for every street vendors to have an oppor- The Truworths boss said the future of wide, from designers and artisans to retail
rican countries, as well as representatives from the Suez tunity to sale ‘new clothes’ as they are ob- Zimbabwe’s textile industry was bleak. workers and logistic experts.
Canal Economic Authority and the General Authority for tained at unreasonably low prices. Zimbabwe first banned imports of sec- “Furthermore, the fashion industry has
Investment and Free Zones. This has also seen the emergence of ond-hand clothes in 2015 in a bid to protect a strong influence on the global supply
—Egyptian Daily News car boutiques and pavement clothing the country’s textile industry, but the regu- chain, as it relies heavily on international
dealers. lations were later relaxed following an out- trade and the sourcing of raw materials.”
BUSINESS The Standard | November 19 to 25 2023 21

Women empowerment champion bags top awards

By Takemore Mazuruse has become home to some of the most innova- the $60 ticket,” Buhlungu said. ity, has continued to score major milestones and

tive and entrepreneurial women. “We have delegations coming from as far as recently partnered the Organisation for Women
omen emancipation champion Sibo- As the organisation continues on its progres- India as well as the Sadc region and some parts in International Trade Zimbabwe and Ecobank
nokuhle Buhlungu — who is the found- sive trajectory, they will be hosting an interna- of East Africa. Zimbabwe for a fully subscribed Open Market
er and CEO of Empowered Women, a pro- tional conference and awards night from No- “We are super excited about this event and Day and Exhibition.
gressive business membership organisa- vember 24 to 25 at the Rainbow Towers Hotel. we believe it’s a good way to end our 2023 pro- “We want to collaborate women’s efforts with
tion for over 500 women — is capping “The international conference and awards grammes year.” a view to create opportunities for partnership,
what has been an industrious year with top accolades from event is open to all progressive women and we The organisation, which prides itself in en- empower women with skills to run businesses,
the Christian Women Entrepreneurs Network Africa (CWE- have pegged the ticket to the two-day event at a suring sustainable empowerment of women create income generating projects for women
NA) and the Zimbabwe CEO’s Network awarded in South modest US$120, including meals, but those that through tailor-made and market tested pro- and build a network of financially independent
Africa and Zimbabwe respectively. want to attend the conference only can opt for grammes that inspire excellence and productiv- women,” Buhlungu said.
Buhlungu, who boasts of vast experience in the devel-
opment and social entrepreneurship space, is also nomi-
nated for other coming awards before year ends.

“My goal is to ensure that every woman is empowered
enough to self-sustain and live her dreams,” she said.
“Patriarchy has dealt women a huge blow for years and

I am happy to be part of a generation that is doing all it

takes to emancipate women.
“The recent awards that I have been accorded are a big
challenge and motivation for me to continue giving my
best in service to my fellow women.
“I believe in the power of working together and I am
happy that Empowered Women is fast becoming a force in
Troutbeck Hotel

providing homegrown solutions to challenges bedeviling
the generally disadvantaged women.” Nyanga
The CWENA award, which Buhlungu received at a recent

regional conference in Sandton, South Africa, acknowl-
edged her use of social media to inspire excellence and
productivity while the Social Enterprise award was in view
of her strides with Empowered Women.
“Empowered Women is a membership-based network
of women drawn from different sectors internationally,”

Buhlungu said.
“The women centered organisation was born out of my
passion of empowering women and I am happy that the
impact is being felt in Zimbabwe and across the region.
“The network aims to collaborate the efforts of different
women and denounce the notion that women cannot sup-
port each other.
“We have achieved a lot within a short space of time and
I am encouraged by our strides to date.” Mr. Douglas Mboweni Prof Arthur Mutambara Mr. Tafadzwa Chinamo
The organisation espouses the highest level of corpo- How an idea transformed a village AI Opportunities and Risks ZIDA ( The window into
rate governance and is managed by a board of trustees Zimbabwe’s opportunities)
who direct policy and ensure that the highest levels of pro-
fessionalism are upheld.
“The board of trustees is ably assisted by a team of ex-
ecutive members in ensuring that there is effective imple-
mentation of programmes and activities aimed at foster-
ing excellence and productivity amongst the member-
ship,” Buhlungu said.
“We are a diverse group that covers women in farming,
women in construction, government employees, women
in mining, entrepreneurs, women lawyers, women doctors,
property owners, creatives and women caterers to name Dr Solomon Guramatunhu Mr. Vulindlela Ndlovu Dr. Engineer Talon Garikayi
a few.” Future Proofing our education Health and wellness in the
Empowered Women membership is open to all progres- digital age: CIMAS Journey Innovating in a developing nation
sive women that aspire to be the best and rise above their
Through ideas and experience sharing, the organisation

Dr. Zorodzai Maroveke Mr. Tinashe Nyamudoka Svinurai Gonera

Economic Transformation Marketing Kumusha wine Afrofuturism & Entertainment
through hemp industry to the world

Mr. Memory Nguwi Lillian Mubaiwa Mr. Ken Sharpe

Nurturing Innovation in the Value Creation Challenge. The Future of Smart Cities
Work place Eight2Five powered by Old Mutual & urbanization


Sibonokuhle Buhlungu at the Zim CEO Awards recently
22 The Standard | November 19 to 25 2023 BUSINESS

Mental fitness
ENTAL fitness is one of
the least spoken about
phenomena in the world
in general and I think in Africa in
particular. We tend to speak a lot
about being strong, a man needing
to be strong and sometimes even
to be stronger than a woman as if

in the workplace
strength is physical and more mas-
culine than feminine. We scratch
the surface of a big and important
issue when we treat it like that and
refuse to understand it, thinking
that by sloganeering about it we Re-imaging the
will make a difference. Right now,
cases of suicide, people collapsing workplace
and dying, some going insane, and to make you come forward and say ing wondering what happened not ready and so lose it. We have a
many entering survival mode are with Bhekilizwe now that you have made me under- and sometimes knowing we had job in the workplace and begin to
on the rise and one can trace them Bernard Ndlovu stand that there is a horror movie dreamt but having even forgotten feel secure and never think that
back to lack of mental fitness. happening inside me, please help what we dreamt about. this could shake one day, and we
Eckhart Tolle, one of my fa- me disrupt it and begin to take A good relationship with chal- find ourselves exposed. If we do
vorite writers and speakers right- body and that places one in a situa- control of what happens inside my lenges places us in a position not understand that mental fitness
fully teaches that a person’s rela- tion whereby they are in a bad situ- head, in my mind, in my heart and where thoughts can be generated is cultivated by embracing vulner-
tionship with challenges is very ation and need to be at their best to the whole biochemistry that is in- consciously that are fresh and can ability, then we are not ready, and
important and determines their come out of it but have put them- side me. That, dear reader is some- qualitatively address challenges our mental faculties will be found
wellbeing in everything in life. It selves in a weak and worse situa- thing we need to make popular in without exposing the person to un- wanting when the day of recon-
is retrogressive therefore to teach tion. It is like when one is drown- the world because it is as impor- controllable biochemical problems ning comes. You might be wonder-
that challenges can be totally got- ing, and they grab a heavy object tant as food. that worsen the situation as they ing and thinking that this writer
ten rid of when there are challeng- like a rock and the rock makes it At the center of this horror mov- press the individual down to the is talking in riddles. Is he about
es all around us and Tolle dares worse by assisting the water to ie happening involuntarily in our bottom of the pit. The mind fights to suggest that security is a weak-
say that these are good because press the person down and drown body systems, is this little thing a difficult battle when the person ness? Well, maybe yes. Let’s ex-
they stretch all muscles including them. called thought which is accumulat- going through a challenges refuses plore that further next week and
the muscle of resilience and what A presentation on what happens ed through lived experiences. We first and foremost, to ACCEPT that examine the mental strength
he calls spiritual growth or awak- within a person when they have think, according to research, com- they are facing a problem and that found in vulnerability.
ening. It is not good for anyone a bad relationship with challeng- pulsively 95% of the time per day, the problem had to happen. Had to
when they face a problem, to think es will make anyone want to un- and we think between 60 000 and 80 happen? Yes. Why? Because it is *Bhekilizwe Bernard Ndlo-
or feel that the challenge should derstand themselves and seek as- 000 thoughts per day compulsively, happening. One uses double ener- vu’s training is in human re-
not be happening. It is ok to want sistance regarding being able not 95% of which are recycled. I think gy unnecessarily when they must sources training, development
to get the self out of an undesir- only to understand how the mind it is even generous of research to lose energy denying that they and transformation, behaviour-
able situation but to think that it works and the effects its working say 95%. I think the samples might have a challenge and at the same al change, applied drama, per-
should not be happening triggers has on their wellbeing, but to also not have been representative of all time use some energy to address sonal mastery, and mental fit-
a lot of body biological and chemi- learn the practices that are needed reality in the world because my the problem. If they accept that ness. He works for a Zimbabwe-
cal reactions. to be mentally fit and stop the com- sense is that in Africa, we are in a they have a challenge, the energy an company as human capital
To fight against the reality that pulsive and unconscious activities worse state than that. We could be they were going to use to deny can executive, while also doing a
a challenge is facing us or that we of the body that do their own thing doing 99.9% compulsive thinking, be harnessed to give them double PhD with Wits University where
have a challenge in our hands, re- without them knowing. Some lose I think. energy to address the challenge. he looks at violent strikes in the
duces our chances of creative- their sanity, some their cool and The challenge with being stuck There is no need to waste energy South African workplace as a
ly and intelligently working our a lot lose even their lives through in compulsive thinking is that on denial because it achieves noth- researcher. Ndlovu worked as a
way through it. Every feeling we psychosomatic diseases that never very little thinking, real thinking ing. human resources manager for
feel, stamps itself on the body and warn anyone. happens. Thoughts just flow out Dependence on things expos- several blue-chip companies in
has a chemical effect, which is ei- I need just about five minutes to like diarrhea and never achieve es many of us to mental unfitness Zimbabwe and still takes keen
ther positive or negative. Negative scare you dear reader into taking anything new. It becomes autopilot problems. We fall in love and seek interest in the affairs of people
thoughts result in negative feel- mental fitness seriously because thinking happening to us the way security so that when the universe and performance management.
ings that trigger the secretion of it is indeed serious and I would dreaming happens to us where pushes the envelope for us and He can be contacted on bhekili-
negative stress hormones in the have achieved a lot if I managed we wake up the following morn- shakes us in our security, we are

Magic of growth in entrepreneurship graphics and any other.

Remember kiss goes by favour
as it is reciprocal in the sense that
when a customer see the business
is making an effort to know his/
her needs and wants will become
of our time. kets. multinational corporation (MNC) loyal and further refer others to
Today we talk about global au- Yes we tend to get more com- and even develop own-franchises consume your products/service.
tomobile brands, retailers and ex- fortable in our small operations that further penetrate into global It is magical to say.
clusive clothing producers who restricting ourselves to what we markets and weaken any competi- There is a tendency of being
have mastered the game well by think is the best tool (s) for our tor power along the way. compared by bigger business-
expanding their horizons from media publicity. Previously we were operating es when you are small especially
one pole to another. But as we grow our eyes open from a manufacturer dominance from an agency outsourcing per-
Now we relate to the Toyota more in search of better/best me- perspective which could not give spective.
brand, Gucci and Nike as if made dia for our lasting publicity. An- much to us besides averaging the It is unavoidable to engage with
in Zimbabwe. We can do the same other added advantage is the elim- costs of production. a business agencies in the current
in our global markets as a fortune ination costly mass media since The problem is that even with world of business as one cannot
trackers toward magical growth. we can now use specialised one all the costs proven and controlled do all things at once and alone.
As abovementioned progres- that is designed by us for our spe- it does not ultimately mean that Those in the freight and clear-
sion in everything we do is al- cific markets. profits will be realised. ance industry can confirm to this
ways measure of longevity. For That is the same reason why Remember the disadvantages viewpoint.
the same reason as practitioners digital marketing is dominating of a production orientation which When you grow these agencies
Business Opinion we always re-visit our product as a contemporary philosophy to makes us have a market myopia. will go any step away from the
life cycle (PLC) together with the support such growth in the con- When you grow tables will even- normal/usual to ensure that your
with Farai Chigora business model canvas (BMC) to temporary. tually turn around making your desires are taken care of first at
understand where we are towards This is not out of serendipity entrepreneurial business have a every stage of doing business.
the same achievement. but an outcome of growth as the retailer dominance. They will become more account-
Whatever we use as a leading desire to reach wide markets in- This helps in getting closer to able to even use their resources in
EVEN though it might sound su- business strategy seem to be in- creases at the same time. the customers to become a mar- advance to make sure that excel-
perstitious as to what magic re- fluenced by changes from time to Partnerships for higher share- ket leader rather and become an lence remains a leading connector
lates to in our daily lives some time. holding value has always been industry-wide brand for reference of your whole value chain.
of our successful entrepreneurs Meaning that as the business part of sustainable growth by our by current and future customers Till then, food for thought as we
have made it from their experi- grow from the inception up until various businesses. together with any likely competi- continue to grow in our entrepre-
ence and survival in the turbu- dominating a certain market(s) as In the same process we are able tors. neurship.
lences towards successful growth. a leader/influencer there is need- to associate with big investors and This is because competitors will *Farai Chigora is a business-
Of course it is not an easy road ed to be guided by some anticipat- key achievers who will further become afraid to challenge this man and academic. He is the
but once at the apex the returns ed benefits so as to keep adjusting add on to our desired profitability growth. In fact entrepreneurial Head of Management and Entre-
are worth the drive. At the incep- for better. and fame. growth provides business muscles preneurship at the Africa Univer-
tion of our start-ups we infused When a business grows it moves That is the same reason why as defensive mechanism for sus- sity’s College of Business, Peace,
growth as a barometer for suc- closer to the best in the form ap- most of our growing businesses tainability. Leadership and Governance. His
cess. plication of contemporary mar- have found a bigger space and at- As you further grow, the reason Doctoral Research focused on
The same still stands as we dis- keting practices, innovative re- tractiveness on local, regional and to know your customers better be- Business Administration (Desti-
cuss. We have to operate guid- tailing, data-led production, high- international stock exchange. comes so clear. nation Marketing and Branding
ed by processes that are synergic ly rewarding partnerships and They have developed that ca- Here data-based marketing Major, Ukzn, SA). He is into ag-
to push for profitable expansions networks for further growth. pacity and now confident/accept- becomes key as the business is ribusiness and consults for many
supported by the initial vision. To start with is the tooling for ed to join these platforms of in- forced to do a data search, analy- companies in Zimbabwe and Af-
Yes in the previous talks we continued wide-awareness where vestment. sis and storage of its current and rica. He writes in his person-
also uncovered economies of the entrepreneurial business will Where steel sharpens steel as we future customers. al capacity and can be contacted
scale that are brought by the same then move from the limited tra- invest/mingle with big investors The same then is used to make for feedback and business at fa-
growth but now we shade more ditional forms of mass media to like us too for continued growth. decisions for ranking customers, www.
light on the wonders that have those customised multiple forms In fact that is the only closer in- according to their frequency of, WhatsApp mobile:
been recorded by some achievers of linking with particular mar- gredient for turning a SME into a consumption, preferences, demo- +263772886871.
NOVEMBER 19 TO 25 2023


SH24 The Standard November 19 to 25 2023


Top European clubs send scouts to Zim


COUTS from top European clubs such as
Brentford who play in the English Premier
League, Werder Bremen (Germany), SC Bra-
ga (Portugal), Standard Liege (Belgium), Macca-
bi Tel Aviv (Israel) and IFK Gothenburg (Sweden)
are set to take part in the Prime Time Academy
international combine set for Alex Sports Club
in Harare next month.
The international combine will run from De-
cember 11 to 13 and scouts from other top
clubs who have not yet confirmed their partic-
ipation could also grace the occasion.
This golden opportunity for talented upcom-
ing footballers, both male and female has been
made possible by local academy Prime Time,
which was established two years ago.
Prime Time Academy is the brainchild of for-
mer England youth international striker Dex-
ter Blackstock, who also played for Queens Park
Rangers and Nottingham Forest in England; and
former Trinidad and Tobago central midfielder
Andre Boucaud.
Boucaud also played for English sides Pe-
terborough United, Wycombe Wanders, Notts
County and Dagenham and Redbridge.
It is the two directors of the academy, who
have used their connections to invite the scouts
from Europe.
The academy’s general manager, Taurai Jan-
hi, who is also the programmes director of the
international combine confirmed the develop-
“Prime Time Academy international combine
is there in December from the 11th to the 13th
at Alex Sports Club in Harare and we shall be
having scouts from big European clubs,” he told
The Sports Hub. form for these youngsters to be scouted and achievements thus far as well as the long term powerhouse. We want to make sure national
“The objective is to create a marketing plat- probably end up playing abroad. We believe goals. teams in southern Africa improve through em-
form for our talented football players here in that if we do this annually we will produce great “Prime Time Academy was established two powerment, identifying, promoting and mar-
Zimbabwe. We have realised that we have a lot results and impact positively on the national years ago and we already have a few players keting talent.
of talent in Zimbabwe, we have brilliant coaches team and improve our football status on the in- who are in Europe and one player, Prosper Pad- “As an academy dealing with junior develop-
at junior level, we also have fairly good facilities ternational level,” he said. era who is having trials at Brentford in the Eng- ment we advocate against drugs. This is a very
and football programmes running here in Zim- This is the second time this year that Prime lish Premiership. The big dream is to conquer Af- big pandemic in our times and we want to make
babwe but we do not have enough platforms to Time Academy is hosting an international com- rica starting from southern Africa. That is to es- sure these youngsters do not indulge in drug
market our players. So this is a big opportunity. bine after another successful one in April. tablish an academy in all the countries in south- and substance abuse. Drugs and substance
"It's very expensive for talented players to go The combine will give an opportunity to 300 ern Africa, tap the talent, market the talent to abuse are a big issue all over the world and we
for trials in Europe and anywhere in the world, players to interact with European scouts. Europe and other big leagues. can also play a very small role in addressing it
so bringing Europe to Zimbabwe is a good plat- Janhi also spoke about the academy's “We want Southern Africa to be a football through sport,” he said.

Rushesha targets successful Warriors career

BY MUNYARADZI MADZOKERE Leon Chiwome who is in Wolver-
hampton Wanderers’ books, but
ENGLAND-BASED Warriors defender they did not turn up for various rea-
Tivonge Rushesha is targeting a suc- sons.
cessful career with the Zimbabwe na- The number of players with Zim-
tional team after joining the squad babwean roots continues to in-
for the first time last week ahead of crease across the English top
the 2026 Fifa World Cup qualifiers flight football league with other
against Rwanda and Nigeria. names such as Thierry Alfred Far-
The Warriors played a goalless ai Katsukunya (Aston Villa), Ver-
draw against Rwanda on Wednesday non Masara (Burnley)Trey Nyoni
in the first match of the World Cup (Liverpool), Matthew Kudakwashe
qualification campaign in Butare. Takawira ( Luton Town), Michael
Rushesha, who plays for English Ndiweni (Newcastle United), Sean
League One side Reading, did not Tarima (West Ham), Joshua Nyakud-
feature in the match against Rwan- ya (Wolves) and Tawanda Chirewa
da as it was reported that he did not (Wolves) coming to mind.
have his passport yet. Rushesha, born in Zimbabwe be-
But the 21-year-old fullback could fore moving to the UK in 2003, rep-
make his debut against Nigeria in resented the Wales Under-17, Un-
Rwanda this afternoon if his issues der-19 and Under-20 national
have been solved in time for the teams.
match. He then decided to switch alle-
Zimbabwe are using Huye Stadium giance after failing to break into the
in Butare as their home ground since Welsh national team.
there is no Caf accredited stadium in If he impresses the coaches,
the country. Rushesha could claim the right back
“This is my first time in the Zim- position for Zimbabwe.
babwe national team. It’s a country The versatile player can also play
where my family is from. I was born as a central midfielder as well as in
in Zimbabwe and I would always vis- defensive midfield.
it every year of my life when I was Rushesha has made 13 appear-
younger, so it’s a very proud mo- ances for Reading in all competi-
ment,” Rushesha told Zifa media after Tivonge Rushesha after arrival in Rwanda last week tions this season and has been de-
joining camp. ployed in four different roles as a
“It took a lot to get here and so I right back.central midfielder, de-
am very grateful to players and the help the team and hopefully we ta, who plays for Cardiff City in the Warriors coach Baltemor Bri- fensive midfielder and right sided
staff for making me very comforta- will make it to the World Cup. I am English Championship, are the first to and his technical team had also midfielder.
ble on my first day and it’s an expe- grateful for the support and I pray of the ‘British brigade’ to accept the called Leicester City’s Tawanda It remains to be seen whether
rience I am going to savour, I am go- that I can do the country justice call to represent their country of or- Maswanhise, young Brentford goal- Rushesha will help Zimbabwe qual-
ing to cherish. and be successful,” he said. igin since the lifting of the Fifa sus- keeper Marley Tavaziva, Isaac Ma- ify for a maiden World Cup appear-
“I am going to do my very best to Rushesha and Andy Rinomho- pension in July. baya who plays for Liverpool and ance.
The Standard November 19 to 25 2023 SH25

SportsHub Sport
Sports, Fitness
festival ready
to rumble

LL is now in place for the staging of the
second edition of the Musabvunda Sports
and Fitness festival, which will take place
at the Reserve Bank Sports Club next weekend.
At least 2000 people are expected to partici-
pate in the two-day festival organised by one
of the fastest growing gym and sports apparel
brands Musabvunda.
It will take place on November 25 and 26 in Ha-

G lf Zone
The event will include activities such as a half
marathon which is the highlight of the festi-
val and physical fitness contests such as bench
press, deadlift challenge, squat challenge, tug of
war and half plank, among others.
Athlete and fitness enthusiast Kudzai Pasipan-
odya who is the founder of Musabvunda Sports
and Fitness Festival and also the Cadence Sports
Academy director is excited about the second
edition of the event.
“We are very happy to be hosting our second
All things golf
sports and fitness festival that will have several
activities and it is now an annual event, which
started last year. The sport festival is in appre-
ciation to our customers who we supply with
sportswear," Pasipanodya said.
"All is now in place for us to host our second
Musabvunda Sports and Fitness Festival that will
have sports codes like athletics, physical fitness,

Your One-Stop for:

that is bench press, deadlift challenge, squat
challenge, tug of war and half plank, among sev-
eral others.
“The festival is aimed at helping athletes and
individuals maintain healthy lifestyles. We are
1. Corporate/ Charity/ Society Golf
happy with the cooperation we are getting from
the athletes and the online registration has been 2. Profiling of weekly golf winners
going on well with top athletes and clubs con-
firming their availability.
“We are committed to produce top athletes in
3. Golf calendar updates
the country and it is an opportunity for aspiring
athletes to come and take part as we will have 4. Gold course round-ups
the 5km, 10km and 21km races which I think ca-
ters for every individual depending on one’s ca-
"The Musabvunda brand is a fast growing gym

and sportswear apparel producer. At the festival
we will have a different approach after we dis-
covered that many focus on athletics alone and
we have incorporated fitness.
“We will have people competing for medals
and cash prizes with the top three being reward-
ed in each event,” he said.
Talent Mativenga on +263 77 910 7791
Pasipanodya recently completed his second
Comrades Marathon in South Africa. Email:
Seasoned musicians such as Baba Harare and
Nicholas Zakaria will also provide some enter-
tainment during the festival.
Lina Mutsopotsi on +263 77 708 6431
Email: lmutsopotsi
“WE ARE VERY happy
to be hosting our
second sports and
fitness festival that
will have several
activities and it is now
an annual event
which, started last
year. The sport festival
is in appreciation to
our customers who we
supply with
SH26 The Standard November 19 to 25 2023


Everton’s deduction is a tremor – City

and Chelsea may face the earthquake
EOLOGISTS know that some- “The Premier League is now keen
times what appears to be an to have the deterrent effect of their
earthquake is only a prelude rules and regulations felt.”
to an even greater seismic event. So is the Premier League finally
That is worth remembering amid baring its teeth? Yes and no, says
the tremors of the decision to dock Forshaw.
Everton 10 points for breaching “They have more than one eye
the Premier League’s profit and on the independent regulator that
sustainability rules (PSR) because is due to come in,” she says.
for Manchester City and Chelsea a “Basically, the Premier League
quake of a far larger magnitude is are saying that they want to retain
potentially looming. some of their regulatory powers
City, after all, have been charged to govern their own league. This is
with more than 100 breaches of a way of showcasing that they’re
Premier League rules over multiple able to do that – and they will take
years. Chelsea are under investiga- breaches of the regulation serious-
tion for alleged financial wrongdo- ly.”
ing between 2012 and 2019 – and, So what will happen next? Ever-
as the Guardian revealed this week, ton have said they will appeal
secret payments worth tens of mil- against the sanction and the find-
lions of pounds appear to have ing that they failed to act with the
been made by companies owned utmost good faith. But neither An-
by Roman Abramovich. teson or Forshaw believes they
Everton are the first club to be have a strong chance of complete-
punished by the league for break- ly overturning the verdict.
ing profitability and sustainability Everton’s 10-point deduction has made lawyers at other Premier League clubs nervous “It may be a case that the sanc-
rules, and the leading sports law- tion is reduced, but they’d have to
yer Catherine Forshaw believes “obligation to act in utmost good “And frankly, because the Pre- it went over the maximum per- prove that there had been an un-
that City and Chelsea will be fear- faith is high”, and told the club that mier League is generally unsight- mitted losses of £105m over three just finding or evidence had been
ing much more severe punish- the information supplied was “ma- ed into the goings-on at a club, years. Even so, it decided to inflict ignored,” says Forshaw. “And given
ments – including potential rele- terially inaccurate” and “less than aside from these financial reports, a 10-point penalty. the scrutiny of the case, and how
gation. frank”. which need to be submitted, it’s All that is worth noting in City’s long this has gone on for, I think it’s
“If you are a lawyer at these No. Notably, they also dismissed important that the clubs exer- case. Especially as the seven-times unlikely.”
clubs, you will be more nervous af- a claim by Everton’s representative cise the utmost care in providing Premier League winners are facing Meanwhile, the commission
ter this verdict,” says Forshaw, who that “in the same way that a tax ac- those reports. So the commission far more charges – including fail- chair, David Phillips KC, has giv-
works at the sports law firm Brab- countant’s job was to reduce a cli- found that while Everton didn’t ing to give “a true and fair view of en Leeds, Leicester, Burnley and
ners and has significant experi- ent’s tax exposure, an element of consciously intend to circumvent the club’s financial position”, fail- Southampton – who have previ-
ence in advising national govern- his job was to protect or interpret the rules it failed to discharge that ing to “include full details” of play- ously written to Everton’s prospec-
ing bodies and football clubs. PSR rules to the benefit of his em- duty of good faith and that was er and manager remuneration, fail- tive new owners, 777 Partners,
“There’s precedent in place now. ployer”. one of the aggravating factors.” ing to comply with fair play rules, warning they intend to pursue
And compared to Chelsea and According to Anteson, a partner That said, there were also miti- and failing to cooperate in the Pre- damages in the event of a guilty
Manchester City, Everton are likely and solicitor advocate at the law gating circumstances in the Ever- mier League’s investigation. They verdict – 28 days to inform the
to be at the lower end of the spec- firm Sheridans, that is potentially ton case. The commission, for in- have denied wrongdoing and say commission they want compensa-
trum in terms of severity. So I think quite significant in other cases. stance, agreed that the club had that a “comprehensive body of ir- tion. The clubs are not allowed to
relegation is certainly not out of “That representative said his job “behaved openly and responsi- refutable evidence” exists in sup- take separate legal action through
the question.” is to creatively interpret the prof- bly in its dealings with the Premier port of their position. the courts.
Another prominent sports law- itability and sustainability rules to League in relation to its PSR chal- Chelsea’s case is different again, Chelsea and Manchester City can
yer, Nii Anteson, points to section benefit his employer – Everton,” he lenges, and that behaviour should with a new regime having come only wait to see what the Premier
107 and 108 of the 41-page Ever- says. “But the commission in this stand to its credit”. forward to the Premier League League will do next.
ton verdict as potentially being rel- case found that the general duty It also noted the effects of Covid, to highlight the discrepancies it But after Friday’s verdict one
evant to future cases. of good faith that clubs owe to and the other difficulties Everton found after it took over the club. thing is clear: collars in both board-
It was not just that the commis- the Premier League is a very high had faced over the period where Anteson says there is a common rooms will be a little more sweaty.
sion stressed to Everton that the standard and trumps that. thread between all three cases: — Guardian Sports

Football Tomorrow African World Cup Qualifiers - Armenia (21:45), Romania v Swit- 1st T20I - India v Australia
Today African World Cup Qualifiers - Botswana v Guinea (15:00), Leso- zerland (21:45), Greece v France (15:30)
African World Cup Qualifiers - Bu- Djibouti v Guinea-Bissau (15:00), tho v Benin (15:00), Malawi v Tu- (21:45), Gibraltar v Netherlands Friday
rundi v Gabon (15:00), Zimbabwe Gambia v Cote d'Ivoire (18:00), Li- nisia (15:00), Rwanda v South Af- (21:45), Wales v Turkey (21:45) ICC Men's T20 World Cup Afri-
v Nigeria (15:00), Mozambique v beria v Equatorial Guinea (18:00), rica (15:00), Somalia v Uganda Cricket ca Qualifier - Nigeria v Rwanda
Algeria (15:00), Sudan v DR Con- Seychelles v Kenya (21:00), Chad v (15:00), Eswatini v Cape Verde Today (9:30), Namibia v Uganda (13:50)
go (18:00), Sierra Leone v Egypt Madagascar (21:00), Mali v Central (15:00), Comoros v Ghana (18:00), ICC Men's Cricket World Cup Saturday
(18:00) African Republic (21:00) Mauritius v Angola (18:00), Libya 2023 Final - India v Australia ICC Men's T20 World Cup Africa
European Championships Qual- European Championships Qual- v Cameroon (18:00), South Sudan (10:30) Qualifier - Kenya v Tanzania (9:30),
ifying - Hungary v Montenegro ifying - Northern Ireland v Den- v Mauritania (18:00), Togo v Sen- Wednesday Namibia v Rwanda (13:50)
(16:00), Serbia v Bulgaria (16:00), mark (21:45), Albania v Faroe Is- egal (18:00), Sao Tome and Princ- ICC Men's T20 World Cup Africa Motorsport
Belgium v Azerbaijan (19:00), lands (21:45), San Marino v Fin- ipe v Namibia (18:00), Ethiopia v Qualifier - Kenya v Rwanda (9:30), Today
Sweden v Estonia (19:00), Portu- land (21:45), North Macedonia v Burkina Faso (21:00), Niger v Zam- Uganda v Tanzania (9:30), Zimba- Formula 1
gal v Iceland (21:45), Bosnia-Her- England (21:45), Ukraine v Italy bia (21:00), Tanzania v Morocco bwe v Namibia (13:50) Las Vegas GP (Las Vegas Street
zegovina v Slovakia (21:45), Scot- (21:45), Czech Republic v Moldo- (21:00) Thursday Circuit, Las Vegas, 08:00)
land v Norway (21:45), Liechten- va (21:45), Slovenia v Kazakhstan European Championships Qual- ICC Men's T20 World Cup Africa MotoGP
stein v Luxembourg (21:45), Spain (21:45) ifying - Andorra v Israel (21:45), Qualifier - Kenya v Nigeria (9:30), Qatar GP (Losail International
v Georgia (21:45) Tuesday Kosovo v Belarus (21:45), Croatia v Zimbabwe v Tanzania (13:50) Circuit, Losail 19:00)
14 Classifieds
The Standard November 18 to 25 2023
/ MyClassifieds 27
NewsDay Weekender | Saturday July 8, 2023

Where to nd us:

29:12) OF 1996.Notice of an application for a Permit in terms
Advertise your
CALL/IN BOX 0715786000 Section 26 (3) of the Act:
Guttering, Building extensions, Notice is hereby given of an application to carry out the following
NOTICE tiling, capentr y, AND
DEBTORSCall AND0242751211,
Samora Machel Ave 6495 BULAWAYO

Motor Vehicles,
IT MAY CONCERN DRB 443/23 M AT S H E U M H LO P H E ( 4 7 - 4 9 E D E N F E I L D R O A D 1.It is proposed to establish a Licensed Restaurant with ancillary TOWNSHIP (19 WALSALL ROAD, THORNGROVE BULAWAYO):
IN the Estate 0777527474,
of the late MATSHEUMHLOPHE): DISTRICT OF BULAWAYO: OBERT Wellness Centre (Physiotherapy) on the above mentioned stand which DISTRICT OF BULAWAYO: BULAWAYO MOTOR REWINDS.
7 1 5 8 3 9 7 1 9 .DISCHARGE
Email: CHAUKE AND SINEKESENKOSI CHAUKE. falls in Residential Zone 1A(i) in terms of Greendale Local ZB Bank

Notice is hereby given in terms of subsection (3) of Section 26 of
DHLAMINI of BULAWAYO who Notice is hereby given in terms of subsection (3) of Section 26 of

Rotten Row Stre

middler0enterprises@gmail Development Plan No.56, wherein the proposed use may be permitted the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act, CAP 29:12, that an

Harare Street
died at BULAWAYO on the 15TH the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act, CAP 29:12, that an through special consent of the Local Planning Authority. The stand application to establish aKwame liquor wholesale
Nkrumahon the above mentioned

day of MARCH 2020.All persons application to construct town houses (18 units) on the above Ave

Zanu PF Headquarters
measures 7102 square meters. property has been received.
having claims against the mentioned property has been received.
2.According to the Act, this application is required to be advertised The application and plans may be inspected on the Doves seventh oor,
above-named Estate are The application and plans may be inspected on the seventh oor,

Kaguvi Street
required to lodge them in detail Municipal Buildings, (Tower Block) during normal ofce hours. and owners of adjacent properties notied in writing before being Municipal Buildings, (Tower Block) during normal ofce hours.
with the undersigned not later Any persons wishing to make objections or representation relating considered by the Local Planning Authority. Any persons wishing to make objections or representation relating
No. 1 Kwame Nkrumah Ave

than the 30 TH of JULY 2023 to the application must lodge them with the undersigned at the The application, plans and any special conditions which the Authority to the application must1stlodge
3rd Block, Floor them with the undersigned at the
and those indebted thereto are Municipal Buildings (City Hall), P.O Box 591, Bulawayo, not later is likely to impose in the event of this application being favorably Municipal Buildings (City Hall), P.O Box 591, Bulawayo, not later
required to pay to the than 8 August 2023. considered maybe inspected at the address below during normal than 8 August 2023.
undersigned the amounts due ADVERT NO: 12294 C.DUBE ofce hours.Any person wishing to make objections or ADVERT NO: 12292 Jason Moyo Avenue C.DUBE
by them within the same period, DATE: 8 July 2023 TOWN CLERK representations relating to the application must lodge them with the DATE: 8 July 2023 TOWN CLERK

Cellphones &
failing which legal proceedings undersigned within one month of the date of the rst insertion of this
will be taken for the recovery
thereof.All persons having in CITY OF BULAWAYO
their custody or possession any FAMILY
property belonging or relating to DEPARTMENT OF WORKS 29;12)NOTICES
of an application for a
001 Births 40726(3)Miscellaneous
of the Act; Wanted

this Estate are required to deliver EASTERN REGION SECTION Permit in terms Section
the same for thwith to the ROOM 308D THIRD FLOOR 002 Birthdays 408 Ofce
Notice is hereby given of an application to carry out Equipment
the following
undersigned.MAJOR development on Stand 160 Chadcombe Township 2 of Chadcombe
Weddings & Events 410 Antiques
DHLAMINI, BLOCK 57/1784 , HARARE (11 Road) Harare
MPOPOMA, BULAWAYO 005 Anniversary 411 Tools & Machinery

Auctions in Our
N KU LU M A N E : D I S T R I C T O F B U L A W AYO : F O R M E R 1.It is proposed to construct two (2) additional cluster houses
006 Bridal Services 412 Arms & Ammunition
REGIONAL, TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, (CHAPTER 29; resulting in three (3) units on the above quoted property which is
Notice is hereby given in terms of subsection (3) of Section 26 of 007 Deaths 414 Auctions & Highlights
12) REVISED EDITION 1996.Notice of an application for a Permit situated in Residential Low Density Zone 2C of the Operative City of
Advertise your the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act, CAP 29:12, that an
application to establish a bottle store within a supermarket on the
in terms Section 26(3) of the Act;
Notice is hereby given of an application to carry out the following
008 Condolences
Harare's Waterfalls/Hateld Local Development Plan Number 26,
wherein the proposed development requires the special consent of

above mentioned property has been received. development on Remainder of Lot 434 Greendale Township (29 010 Funeral Notices 500 Building
the Local Planning Authority. The property measures 4047sqm and
Motor Vehicles, The application and plans may be inspected on the seventh oor,
Municipal Buildings, (Tower Block) during normal ofce hours.
Trinity Road) Harare
1.It is proposed to construct eleven (11) double storey cluster
011 Funeral Services 501 Carpets & Cleaning
the resultant net density per unit will be 1349sqm.
012 Memorial Services
2.In terms of the Act, this application
Any persons wishing to make objections or representation relating
houses on the above quoted property which is situated in Zone 1C 015 Mining 502is required
Cateringto &
to the application must lodge them with the undersigned at the and adjacent neighbours notied in503 writingGardening
before being considered
Municipal Buildings (City Hall), P.O Box 591, Bulawayo, not later Flats (500sqm) in terms of the operative City of Harare's Greendale
by the LocalNOTICES
GENERAL Planning Authority.The504 application plans and any
Hire services
than 8 August 2023. Local Development Plan No.56 wherein the proposed development
100 conditions which the
Babies, Toddlers & Authority is likely
505 Plumbing to impose in the
ADVERT NO: 12291 C.DUBE requires the special consent of the Local Planning Authority. The

event of this Children.
application being favourably
506 considered
Security & may be
DATE: 8 July 2023 TOWN CLERK property measures 7800sqm and the resultant density will be
709sqm per unit on reticulated sewerage system. inspected at the
102 Lost & Found address below during normal
507 Boreholes ofce hours. Any
2.In terms of the Act, this application is required to be advertised person
103 wishing
Personal to Notices
make objections508 or representations
General relating to the
Cellphones & and adjacent neighbours notied in writing before being considered
by the Local Planning Authority.The application plans and any
104 Tuition
must lodge them with the
the date Finance
of the rst
insertion of this
Electricalwithin one month
special conditions which the Authority is likely to impose in the 106 Health
HARARE & Beauty
CITY COUNCIL 511 Pest Control


event of this application being favourably considered may be
inspected at the address below during normal ofce hours. Any
200 Vacancies
512 Power Back Up
513 Farming & Equipment
ESTABLISH A HARDWARE ON SUBDIVISION A OF STAND 1140 person wishing to make objections or representations relating to the ROOM 307 THIRD
201 Situations Wanted FLOOR 514 Poultry & Livestock


application must lodge them with the undersigned within one month
of the date of the rst insertion of this notice.
202 Positions
Notice is hereby given in terms of subsection (3) of Section 26 of HARARE CITY COUNCIL PROPERTY 600 Sound and Vision

the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act, CAP 29:12, that an DIRECTOR OF WORKS 300REGIONAL, TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING
Accommodation ACT (CHAPTER 29:12)
601 Photography
application to establish a hardware on the above mentioned EASTERN REGION SECTION NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 49(4) OF THE ACT
available 602 Camping & Outdoor
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 40(3) of the Regional, Town And
property has been received. ROOM 307 THIRD FLOOR
The application and plans may be inspected on the seventh oor,
301 Planning
Country Act (Chapter 29:12), that an Living
Accommodation application for mixed-density

Classieds Municipal Buildings, (Tower Block) during normal ofce hours.

Any persons wishing to make objections or representation relating
303 boundary
and commercial development603
HousesofTotheLet following properties
on Chaminuka
604 Lot Boats
A of Balla
& Travel
& Mona
(Being surveyed
of Borrowdale
304 RemainderFlats To ofLetBalla Mona of Borrowdale Estate (NijoFarm)
605 Fashion & Fabrics Windyridge
to the application must lodge them with the undersigned at the
Estate of Borrowdale Estate, Lot 1 of Guildford of Borrowdale Estate, Lot 2 of
Municipal Buildings (City Hall), P.O Box 591, Bulawayo, not later REGIONAL, TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT (CHAPTER 305 Houses for Sale 606 Pets
Guildford of Borrowdale Estate, Lot 3 of Guildford of Borrowdale Estate and Lot B
than 8 August 2023. 29:12) NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 49(4) OF THE ACT 306
of Flats
Guildford for Sale Estate) in Goromonzi District has been lodged with
of Borrowdale
ADVERT NO: 12293 C.DUBE Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 49(4) of the Act, of an 307undersigned.
the Houses Wanted BUSINESS
DATE: 8 July 2023 TOWN CLERK It308 Flatsto wanted
is proposed subdivide Chaminuka Estate700to create:
Businesses For Sale
application to change the reservation of the Remainder of Higheld
i) Mixed Density
309 Business Residential
Premises 7066
To 701 Businesses Wanted
Township, Harare from Public Open Space to a Hospital.
ii) Flats 93
The property in question which is owned by City of Harare is zoned Let
iii) Institutional 66 702 Business Opportunities
Public Open Space in terms of the operative Higheld Local 310
iv) Business Premises
Open Space 33 for
Development Plan Number 18. The proposal seeks to create a hospital While theSale VEHICLESresidential and commercial
application is proposing mixed-density
stand on approximately 1hectare with the remainder retaining its development
311 Plotsthe&property propertiesis reserved
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28 The Standard November 19 to 25 2023


Remembering Rahman Gumbo

FTEN when you write about a man and polished without losing any of his great
who made his fame on a football pitch, sense of jestful humour... I remember Rah-
you're expected to ramble on about man..
matters- football, football etiquette and their At a time in history when Bosso was a close-
prowess on the field of play. ly guarded enclave of Willard/Rambo/Madin-
Don't quite know if I could do that .... da's Mzilikazi-Makokoba fiefdom, Rahman
For it is not really on account of his football was to budge in from the cold and break that
exploits that Rahman Gumbo so charmed me Mziliziopoly...
and left such inspired footprints on mine and No doubt that feat would have taken im-
the hearts of many out there. mense personal courage, stamina, huge per-
It is not why I miss him. No. sonality besides exceptional talent. Rahman
It is more of The Man, the gregarious social- walked straight into the team, fitting like he
ite, the colossal human being beneath, behind belonged forever! I remember Rahman.
and beyond the footballer.... Really, as they say the rest is history. The ex-
The way after 90 minutes and a shower, this ploits, achievements, accolades and trophy
man carried himself amongst us, ordinary peo- cabinets of Rahman Gumbo are seamless and
ple eKasi, in them shebeens and Cclubs, eWO- limitless...Basazobhala onobhala!
ZA, eMawosweni, in the burial societies, eMa- I don`t forget what one player who went
caweni, and sundry social hangouts ..... I re- through the hands of both Shacky and Rha
member Rhà! said when asked to compare his time between
Often, when Rahman's name was raised as the two great coaches... " I learnt technique
would be the case, in heated comparison to and grew my game under coach Ndlovu like
some of Zimbabwe's most shining super-stars nowhere else.... With Coach Rhaa, all of us sim-
of the day or yesteryear, I'd be reminded of an ply wanted to die on the pitch for the gaffer.
observation he was given to make in our many We tore off our 11 hearts and left them on the
binging banters: "The ultimate charm and turf for him!" I remember Rahman
quality of a woman Zii, is not so much in their I remember Rhaman Gumbo.
stunning looks as it is in their grooming, their Where so many of his ilk somehow seemed
feminine deportment and their basic sense to divide opinion in our polarised pretence
of humility...That ability, in a stunning beauty of a nation, Rahman's humility and charming
mntamama, to glide through life, in the midst aura infected all. He grew to command sincere
of underlining, with so much grace, elegance n respect amongst ordinarily bitter enemies and
poise, with absolute nonchalance and almost disagreeing forces across the sport.
complete unawareness of just how beautiful From Highlanders to the world, this leg-
she is...! Ain't that the ultimate turn- on Bro?" ( end and gentleman of grand quality brought
bursting into his infections signature laughter, us immeasurable pride and collective joy.
and flashing that sxhenxhe of his!) I remember UThoko angafakaza.
Rahman. He remains one of Bosso's most favorite
He leaves the legacy of an audacious su- sons and an epitome of selfless great service.
perstar-cum-flamboyant gentleman, who re- His epic conquests with Reinhard Fabisch,
fused to play the showy superstar card ... but Rambo, Willard, Chawanda and Shonayi would
always made you forget the true football geni- require another whole day to tell. I remember
us he was whenever you bumped into him in a Rhaman.
bar, playing snooker, puffin away his cigarette, Fiur countries and six championship titles
blaring loud decibels of Spandau Ballet, Bon later.... trophies and cups, podium moments
Jovi, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath or some such without count...I remember Rhaman.
hard rock music, being a normal man about His indelible footprint , writ large in our
other man. hearts, flickers great memories for many in the
Though he clearly had a unique palate for lands of Malawi, Botswana, South Africa and
the finest things of life, this soul brother, Rah- the Sadc.
man was super cool any other day with ezan- He was no Peter Ndlovu, but I remember
gaphakathi, umthala lomtshaza, iNgwebu le fla- well ... that talisman fabric of the trailblazing
vor ravor, Don Gumbo, Don Carlos, Gregory Warriors was threaded around Rhaman Gum-
n the good old time religion... Matshikos and bo.
Dan Tshanda leNkukhumakhaya.... Suffice for now to say his chain of accolades
And so indeed, that was the social genius is absolutely astounding for one so well loved
of Rahman Gumbo: a happy meeting point yet so poorly celebrated.
between the highest quality excellence in his His trailblazing football boots allowed us a
trade and the deepest grounded humility in window into his human soul... And there, we
society... were all to encounter this amazing human be-
A particularly rare combination of virtues ing, this larger than life iconic man...
you would see, perhaps in Adamski (MHSRIP), It is why today, many of us feel a loss beyond
perhaps in Choruma... but a rare attribute to a football legend, but one of a rare breed of
most of our celebrities, as indeed it is so too passion, finesse, humility, joy, excellence, love
most humans. and class all rolled up in a simple , gifted man.
Without doubt, Rahman Gumbo was en- It is in the loss of such humble great man
dowed with amazing abundant talent as a that you feel more and more lonely in a busy
baller as well as a coach, mentor and manag- world of pretentious commoners... I remember
er of the footballers, not only here, in the City Rahman. Am I suggesting he was a some angel
of Kings but across the country, @ the national or paragon of virtue... Not by the longest shot.
stage, at the regional stage and international- Rahman was a saint, only if a saint, like me,
ly, indeed King Rush was to become our pride is a sinner that keeps trying. Perfect in his im-
and flagship too. I remember Rhá! perfections!
Rahman's career CV shines and his foot- In the final round of this, his illustrious Life
ball pedigree stands proud for all who care Tournament, my great brother Rahman Gum-
for sporting excellence to behold, see and ac- Who amongst us would forget those dan- with our footballers and managing fame. bo jus fell to an injury-time foul tackle of the
knowledge, even given this, our well-known, gerous forays of the gangly King Rush in just As has been sad tradition, when some his fa- heart.
perennially toxic, polarised, vindictive, jealous about all those explosive encounters at White mous teammates fell victim to their own fame We have watched this Warrior take on so
and thankless kind of social ecosystem. City as well as BF when his trademark rasp- and got sucked into the dark and foggy un- many life pandemics and conquer. But God`s
Here was your "Can't- put- a- good- man- ing long range drives would rip the nets , set- derworld of crime eNumber One, when others Time is God`s time.
down" kinda dude. I do remember Rahman. tling in the top corner, to leave " Captain Oxo" were ruthlessly harvested by orgy and terrible Deepest condolences to Sancho, Norman,
Outside of the usual culprits, historically, the clutching at empty air, much to the groaned pandemics along the way... he kept-his-eyes- Sheila and the kids. Most sincere condolences
most painful thorn in the flesh of Highlanders chagrin of thousands of AmaNdebele? on -the-ball, maintained his discipline and as- ku Sis Virgie and the family. I hear Mom NaRhà
F.C over the years was known to be Kennedy Graceful and elegant on the ball, he popped tute focus. is alive and knockin on a century, not out. Ma-
Sibanda's stubborn Wanderers/ Eagles Foot- where you didn't think he would. And yet in his own words, " It was never be- sidumise. Sidabuke kunye lawe mama. Silani.
ball Club. He used his rather gangly physique and that cause we were smarter than others jeki... Jus Silahlekelwe sonke.
Of that 'Mazhiya mafia' was always that ter- deceptively languid mobility to great effect... God showing us how stupid we were. And Yet as Coach Amin put it, Heroes never die,
rible core quartet of revetting stalwarts who cherishing the high octane game intensity, yet how much He still loves us!" He was a care- they sleep... "URahman ulele!"
seemed only born to embarrass Highland- gifted with the amazing ability to tone down fully chiseled leader very early on. I remem- We embrace the will of God and celebrate
ers and sworn to ever bring streams of tears the tempo and dictate play when there was ber Rahman. one of the best played Life Tournaments some
to Soweto, eMagumeni every time Bosso met need. Always you could tell from his distinguish- of us have had the honour to watch.
their erstwhile enemy, the Eagles... I remember Rhaman. Long long before he ing demeanour, his class, his exquisite taste Go well Brotherman.Ngisabhala... Ngiyam-
It was Elvis "Chuchu" Chiweshe. It was Felix dorned that Highlanders jersey, the dude was and sense of dress... Always, the debonair gen- khumbula uRhá..
Ntuthu. the fear and envy of every Bosso fan... tleman.  Zii Masiye (
It was the mercurial Boy Ndlovu. And yes, His unassuming charisma and strength of Where team mates were easily drawn by writes elsewhere on social media as Bal-
you guess right, it was Yours Truly, the legend- character emerged early in his career. their fame to boisterous and boastful arro- ancing Rocks.
ary Rhaman Gumbo. I remember Rhá! Damn! Everyone wonders, just what goes wrong gance, he was always circumspect, measured
The Standard November 19 to 25 2023 29


We need Musona lust like Portugal needs Ronaldo

Dzvukamanja, Tino Kadewere cha and Kanu and does not even
and of course, Admiral Muskwe, come closer to Zimbabwe’s own
but what cannot be disputed Peter Ndlovu who was a shining
is that they need Knowledge’s beacon for Coventry City in the
guidance for them to deliver. English Premiership.
After all, Musona, is only 33 More importantly is the fact
years and will be 34 in 2024 and that Osim-
is playing in the Saudi Profes- hem, who
sional League that is fast be- plays for
coming one of the most com- Napo-
petitive leagues in the world li in Ita-
considering the wealth of talent ly is not
gathered there. available
It is unfortunate that Knowl- for this
edge is not in today’s game match
against the Super Eagles of Ni- al-
geria but the hope, if not the ex- though
pectation, is that the Warriors Zim-
will prevail over a team that has ba-
lost its way around world foot- bwe
ball. already
If this Super Eagles team had an an-
could play out a 1-1 draw and tidote for him in the form
for that matter at home against, of Jordan Zemura.
of all teams, Lesotho, then there For Brito, there won’t
is no reason why the Warriors be any excuses as the

S OMETIME back, we bold-

ly declared that Zimbabwe
no longer needed Knowl-
edge Musona and that he should
be allowed to take his bow - and
cannot pick up the maximum
This can only come true if
coach Baltermar Brito gets his
team selection spot-on especial-
Warriors have been to-
gether and training as
a team since Thursday,
a day after their disap-
pointing and unexpected
now it appears we were wrong. ly in the strike force where from 1-1 draw against Rwanda.
After watching the Warriors the look of things, he has limited He also has the added
miss those easy to score chances resources. advantage of the presence
against Rwanda, we have been He has to make his choice on of Zemura and Andy Rinom-
forced to rethink and declare whether to start with the inju- hota who arrived late in Kiga-
that Zimbabwe still needs the ry prone Muskwe and Kadewere li and not in time for the game
smiling Assassin just as much as or decide on Dzvukamanja and against Rwanda but are up for
Portugal relies on the 38-year- Dube, who unfortunately has selection against Nigeria.
old, Christiano Ronaldo. failed to turn his club form into Surely, this group that also in-
Even in his worst days, the Al national team success. cludes Benin and South Afri-
Riyadh SC striker could have The Prince has been bare- ca is one that Zimbabwe can
taken care of those chances that ly recognizable in Warriors col- easily win only if the coach
Terence Dzukamanja, Prince ours compared to the Dube who and the Zifa Normali-
Dube, Gerald Takwara and has been creating waves in Tan- sation Committee get
young brother Walter, allowed zania by scoring goals at will for their act right.
to pass. his club Azam. Our biggest com-
What was clearly evident in Surely, the Nigerians are no petitor could
the game against Rwanda was longer the formidable side of turn out to be
that Zimbabwe needs somebody old and so can easily be beaten. South Africa.
of the experience of Knowledge, Their new side lacks talent and For your
a striker who is at the right posi- cannot be compared to the good comments,
tion at the right time, and some- old days when the Super Eagles views, and
body capable of opening up the paraded the likes of Sunday Ol- suggestions
defence with those darting runs iseh, Nwanko Kanu, Austin ‘Jay mkariati@
which are Knowledge’s trade- Jay’ Okocha, Rashid Yekini, Vic- or
mark qualities. tor Ikpeba, amongst others. WhatsApp on
Yes, Zimbabwe has exception- Even their current best play- 0773 266 779.
ally talented strikers in the form er Victor Osimhem cannot be
of the younger Musona, Dube, compared to the likes of Oko-

has truly made it! No, wait, now top any of that! bigger than football." being thrown but so too can their
there is the chance of him or her There is something bigger There is something bigger than mental health be seriously affect-
representing his new Secondary though. That something bigger football, than sport in general. In ed by verbal abuse. No-one has the
school at Under 14 level, maybe will be found on the touchlines, fact, there is more than one thing right to disparage anyone else.
at B team level, maybe even the A not on the field of play. that is more important than foot- Ultimately though, life is bigger
team. To consider what, we can go ball, rugby or cricket or whatever than sport. Sport is not the be-all-
Each year, the child looks to rep- back a year or so and note com- sport. and-end-all of life. Indeed, beat-
resent the school at the next level, ments made by a League One People are bigger than sport, ing a rival school in a sports fix-
aiming one day for the pinnacle of soccer manager in England af- even (especially) those who sup- ture is not going to give our child
the First team, and once there, to ter he was subjected to a “barrage port a different team. “We are hu- a place at university or a job; be-
even hope for making the provin- of abuse”, including racist com- man beings and we deserve to ing part of an unbeaten team will
cial and even national team at age ments, swearing, from opposing be treated like human beings”, not increase our child’s chance of
group level. fans sitting right behind his team’s whether on a sports field or not. getting married; scoring winning
All the way through school, dugout, before he and his staff The old well-known mantra of goals or tries does not go near to
there is always something big- were also subjected to spitting, the All Blacks that “a better per- being married; losing a match is
ger to aim for; indeed, the same physical contact and objects be- son makes a better player” also nothing in comparison to facing
applies after school where the ing thrown at players. holds true for being a better spec- a death.
youngster may now look to play It should be added that the tator, and indeed for managers; We might add that there is
for a club first team, then make abuse was not initiated by events managers or players who try to something worse than all that
the provincial team and even the on the field or by the result; right whip up the crowd into a louder, abuse at a soccer match and that
national Under 21 side before go- from the beginning of the match noisier, more intimidating frenzy is abuse that is heard at school
FOR many a parent, it is a moment ing even higher to ultimately play this all went on, purely because are guilty of serious abuse. sports fields, directed at referees,
of huge delight and pride to wit- for the full national team. they were opponents. Everyone’s dignity and human- coaches and players, not by the
ness a child running first races in Now, what elation that parent The manager’s comments were ity should be respected, on and children but by the parents, the
athletics at Primary school in the is feeling! Could it get any better? insightful: "Just because we are off a sports field. If they cannot spectators, the adults.
earliest grades. Then the pride and Could there be anything bigger? sportsmen and professional peo- do it on the sports field (or in the It seems that all we are doing is
joy increase as the child later rep- Some would say there is some- ple and we work for opposition crowd) what hope will there be for breeding people who shout abuse,
resents the school Colts team for thing bigger – that would be play- football clubs, it does not give you them to do it in society? swear words and vitriol, even vio-
the first time in a school fixture! ing for the national side that wins a right to say and do what you Furthermore, there is some- lently, when things do not go their
The next step is in moving up a major tournament, be it a con- want to us. We are human beings thing else bigger than sport and way, when others dare to be differ-
to school third or second teams tinental one initially but eventual- and we deserve to be treated like that is the health of those peo- ent to them.
before eventually playing for the ly the world one. Is there anything human beings. Some things are ple. Their physical well-being can That must end – now! There is
school first team – now the child bigger? Surely not! Nothing could bigger than football and today is be affected by objects or punches definitely something bigger.
30 The Standard November 19 to 25 2023


Australia enter India’s Thunder Dome BRIEFS

Game against Zim a
with unfamiliar tag of underdogs must-win for Super
A Eagles —Kpakor
FTER two wildly contrasting World Cup ternoon Pat Cummins and his players – plus a T20 equivalent in 2021.
semi-finals in the traditional centres of small army of support staff – cruised through And though the second of those titles came
Mumbai and Kolkata comes the grand fi- a sea of camera phones at Kolkata airport, next with a fair few sideways glances about the in-
nale at the ground that India’s board – and its stop Ahmedabad. fluence of the toss in the United Arab Emirates,
government, certainly – hopes will become the They looked pretty chipper after the three- going all the way here would have no such as- LAGOS — Former Nigeria international
beating heart of cricket in the country. wicket win over South Africa the night before, terisk. Having avenged the early loss to South Moses Kpakor has said the Super Eagles
Since its £80m construction three years ago, one set up by a fabulous, Test-standard new- Africa at Eden Gardens this week, beating India game against Zimbabwe today is a must
the hulking saffron-seated thunderdome that ball burst from Mitchell Starc and Josh Hazle- would mean Australia having overcome all nine win after their shock home draw against
is Ahmedabad’s Narendra Modi Stadium has wood. teams along the way. Lesotho.
staged two Indian Premier League finals, three Australia are a popular bunch in these parts, Rewind to the start and this possibility looked The Eagles kicked off their 2026 FIFA
Test matches and, among its four fixtures so far with Glenn Maxwell the most common name remote. Australia lost their opening two games, World Cup qualifier with a 1-1 draw with
in this global tournament, seen arch-rivals Pa- among the knock-off, non-India shirts in the dropped their wicketkeeper after the first and, Lesotho inside the Godswill Akpabio In-
kistan swatted aside by Rohit Sharma’s poster stands. with Adam Zampa struggling as the lone front- ternational stadium on Thursday.
boys. David Warner is very much the favourite on line spinner, the mood was foreboding. And A Semi Ajayi 67 minutes header helped
But, to the outsider at least, it feels affection the boundary’s edge, however, after carefully, yet what seemed an imperfect side for subcon- the Super Eagles avoid defeat to Lesotho.
for it among India’s cricketing public is yet to slightly unctuously cultivating his own Indian tinental conditions has grown, be it through In an interview with Completesports.
truly take root and certainly pales in compari- fanbase over the years. Warner and Travis Head’s powerplay pyrotech- com the 1990 AFCON silver medal winner
son with the likes of the Wankhede Stadium, The Hollies Stand it has very much not been, nics, Zampa’s 22 pelts, or fielding standards that lamented: “I greatly looked at the statis-
Eden Gardens or Bengaluru’s Chinnaswamy even if the love for the 37-year-old’s dancing have been elite. tics and it showed that we did not play
Stadium. Sunday, with a six-figure full house ex- may be briefly paused this weekend. Considering 2023 has seen a good number well. I think when you are playing a team
pected, could nudge things a fair bit here pro- And as confident and form-rich as India’s play four Tests in India, a Test final and an in- that you have no idea of its strengths and
vided Sharma’s currently unbeaten Indian ma- players appear, there can be no complacen- tense five-match Ashes series in England, and whatever, it can be dicey.
chine doesn’t malfunction. cy here. For one, Australia have already giv- then take on a two-month World Cup tour, “So I think it’s a surprise but we should
The most common question during this en the hosts a bloody nose, reducing them to starting with warm-ups in late September, this not lose hope. I think Moses (Simon)
World Cup has probably been whether any an alarming two for three in their tournament speaks volumes about their mental fortitude. would have come much earlier than he
team can prevent India fulfilling what appears opener in Chennai (even if Virat Kohli and KL Nasser Hussain was recently lampooned in did so he can make a reasonable impact.
their destiny. Rahul doused those particular flames for a com- Australia for stating England were tired; a less I think in the return leg our players would
It requires the suppression of a batting line- fortable win). And then there is that innate, en- febrile reaction would have been to realise know what to do better.
up that is now averaging 61 runs per wick- viable Australian trait: the kangaroo that starts what this actually said about their own men. “I think we have always had good
et, 18 clear of the next best in New Zealand. boxing come the knockouts. The final leg looks by far the toughest. games against Zimbabwe. But as we keep
And in turn, this side’s batters will have to pre- In England, even considering this year’s sev- This mighty India side will have a wall of saying, football is growing. There is no
vail against a mouthwatering masala of pace, enth-placed flunk, a pioneering white-ball gen- sound behind them at the Narendra Modi Sta- small country in the world of football.
swing, seam movement and spin, both tradi- eration which won the 50-over World Cup in dium, such that Australia are a weird mix of If you look at the qualifiers worldwide
tional and unorthodox. 2019 and then united this with the T20 belt playing their eighth World Cup fi- you’ll see those surprises. I saw that Brazil
Well, if there is an answer other than simply last year has been rightly lauded. But should nal, eyeing their sixth title, were defeated, I saw that Argentina lost.
“er, no one” it can now only be Australia who Cummins and co poop the party this and yet the underdogs. “The next game is a must win if we
face India in today’s mouthwater- weekend and take the trophy, Deny the ground don’t want a repeat of what happened
ing ICC Cricket World Cup fi- it will be a third in limited- its intended place the last time against Ghana. So we don’t
nal. overs crick- et for the core in folklore and need to struggle with goal advantage,
On Friday af- of the cur- rent set-up af- there is a case head to head or whatever rule. All the
ter the 2015 World Cup to say it would players need to take the match against
and its top the lot. - Zimbabwe seriously.”
Guardian Meanwhile, Nottingham Forest striker
Sport Taiwo Awoniyi has returned to England
after picking up a groin injury in the en-
counter. —

Haaland to miss
Euro qualifier
Australian rugby unions demand chairman's resignation with foot injury
MANCHESTER — Erling Haaland will miss
Norway's final European Championship
SYDNEY — Six state unions have de- The union chairs stressed their call was un- qualifier against Scotland after injuring
manded the immediate resignation related to a recent push by RA for reforms that his foot in a friendly match against the
of Rugby Australia chairman Hamish would create a more centralised structure. Faroe Islands, his team doctor said on Sat-
McLennan in the wake of the failed "This is instead a deep concern about the urday.
tenure of former Wallabies coach Ed- performance of Mr McLennan as Chair, and the The Manchester City striker suffered a
die Jones. damage done to the game by his performance," knock in Thursday's friendly and will not
An open letter signed by six of the the letter, released on Friday, read. be available for Sunday's Group A game
eight union chairs called for an extraor- "During the past 12 months, Mr McLennan against Scotland in Glasgow.
dinary general meeting of the RA board has made a series of calls that have harmed the "The injury is not serious, but he has so
to oust McLennan if he ignores their standing and reputation of our game and led us much pain and somewhat limited func-
call to stand down, saying they have to question his judgement and his understand- tion that the Scotland game unfortunate-
lost "trust or faith in his leadership". ing of high-performance sport. ly comes a little too early," team doctor
The ultimatum comes in the "His decisions and 'captain's picks' have di- Ola Sand said in a statement.
wake of a miserable year for the rectly led to an historic failure at the men's Rug- Norway are third in the group and can-
Wallabies under Jones in which by World Cup and a Wallabies international not finish in the top two with Spain and
they won just two of nine tests ranking at an historic low (ninth), with all of the Scotland having already sealed their
and failed to reach the World Cup regrettable and public fallout that came with it." spots at Euro 2024. But the Scandinavi-
quarterfinals for the first time. The unions further accused the 57-year-old an side could still qualify if they make the
McLennan was a key driver in of ignoring the women's and community game. playoffs.
the January decision to replace McLennan, appointed to the role in May 2020 Haaland is Norway's top scorer in the
former coach Dave Rennie with following a long career in the business world, qualifiers with six goals and coach Stale
Jones, whose tumultuous ten- vowed to fight the unions' proposal. Solbakken said he would not be bringing
ure ended last month. "This will be the defining moment for the in a replacement.
The letter, whose sig- battle of rugby. It's all about money and control "It's obviously a shame that Erling
natories include the and we have been failing for years," he told the won't be ready for the game on Sunday,
heads of the pow- Sydney Morning Herald. but we're not going to bring in a replace-
erful Queens- "This is about principles. They (unions) are ac- ment," he said.
land and ACT tually not putting the game first and it's about "This is a great opportunity for the at-
unions, ac- self-interest and parochialism." tacking players in the squad."
cused The signatories to the letter say they didn't City will also be sweating over his fit-
McLennan approach the NSW and Victorian Rugby unions ness with Pep Guardiola's side hosting
of "acting due to their ongoing centralisation negotia- Liverpool in a top-of-the-table clash next
outside tions with RA. Saturday after the international break.
his role as The sport's player union was also not ap- Haaland is the league's top scorer this
a direc- proached, they said, to avoid placing players in season with 13 goals. — Supersport
tor". a compromised position. - Supersport
The Standard November 19 to 25 2023 31


Chevrons target head start Rhinos dents Sheasham survival hopes

BY TERRY MADYAUTA A 10 minute goal by Lot Chiwunga

in T20 World Cup qualifiers

put Black Rhinos in front before Stima
BLACK RHINOS..........(2)3 restored parity 18 minutes later.
SHEASHAM................(1)2 Rhinos were back in front just before
SHEASHAM coach Lizwe Sweswe cut a the halftime break courtesy of Chelsea
sombre figure after his team's survival Nyakope, tapping in the ball from a free
hopes suffered a major blow when they kick.
BY AUSTIN KARONGA second. But you then can’t take your eye off the ball. lost 3-2 to Black Rhinos at Bata stadium Physiwell Madhazi levelled matters
“I was chatting to the guys and they said when we played them yesterday. for the Gweru-based side 64 minutes

IMBABWE will be taking no prisoners when they embark in the last T20 World Cup Qualifiers in Bulawayo, the biggest fight Sweswe admitted fate is no longer in into the game.
on the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Qualifier Africa starting on we got was from Jersey and none would have expected that at all, their hands, going into the last match But the soldiers showed character as
Tuesday in Namibia in their quest to qualify for the global who is Jersey to give us the problem. where they host FC Platinum at the they went into the lead again, through
showcase to be co-hosted by West Indies and the USA next year. “But, they play good honest cricket, they try hard and they can same venue. Valentine Katsande.
The qualifiers will see Zimbabwe joining Kenya, Nigeria, Rwan- cause you problems. So, we have to have our eye on every team Lot Chiwunga, Chelsea Nyakope and Katsande slotted the ball home from
da, Tanzania, Uganda, and kick off their campaign against hosts, we play whether it will be Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya or whoever, we Valentine scored for Black Rhinos in ei- a rebound after Sheasham goalie Elton
Namibia on Tuesday. have to play our brand of cricket, bully the opposition to come ther halves while William Stima and Sibanda spilled a free freekick whipped
Zimbabwe visited Namibia for a practice tour ahead of the away with good wins.” Physiwell Madhazi were on target for in by Chelsea Nyakope.
qualifiers and lost the series 3-2. Bowling coach Steve Kirby echoed Houghton’s sentiments, but Sheasham. Three of the five team from 13th
Head coach, Dave Houghton said his side will not be taking declared the team ready for duty. Sweswe said: "We didn't defend well. placed ZPC Kariba who have 38 points
any team lightly and if need be, they will be sleeping with one eye “Uganda are a good team, they are here, they are training at the "I have a feeling that our chances are to Sheasham in 17th with 35 points on
open. moment and Namibia are really a strong team. There are other very low. We will see the next game. I as the 18 team standings could go down
“The tendency even from people who are fans, they teams there that are going to come well-drilled. We will be on a coach, I have tried. The institution still next week.
talk about us going back to Namibia to play Namib- point. I can absolutely, categorically assure everybody, with needs a foundation, a team to compete Yadah FC are 14th on 37 points while
ia, well Namibia are one of the seven sides we have the way that we are training we are leaving no stone un- on these high levels. Rhinos and Triangle, occupy position
to play. Obviously, I want to hit the ground running, turned. We don’t take everybody lightly,” said Kirby. "I'm not giving up, but we must have 15 and 16 having the same number of
I want us to beat them. It's as simple as that. We have The top two sides in the tournament will qualify for the a plan. To ask ourselves, where are go- points as Sheasham.
more knowledge of their team than they have of ours 2024 ICC Men's T20 World Cup. ing from here as difficult as it is."
because they played their best team against us three Zimbabwe Squad for the ICC Men’s T20 Black Rhinos gaffer Saul Chaminu- TEAMS
weeks ago,” Houghton told The Standard Sport. World Cup Qualifier Africa: Sikandar Raza ka said his focus is now on their final BLACK RHINOS: L Gonese, C Nya-
“But, I have been explaining to our guys (Captain), Ryan Burl, Tendai Chatara, league game against Simba Bhora. kope, G Saunyama, A Gahadzik-
that we cannot only focus on one team. Craig Ervine, Luke Jongwe, Innocent "It’s a game that we needed to win. wa, D Mutimuzunze, G Dematsika, K
"We have to come out and play our brand Kaia, Clive Madande, Wessly Mad- "Since the league started, our team has Nyakudanga, V Katsande, L Chiwun-
of cricket and beat every team that’s in hevere, Tadiwanashe Marumani, not won twice on the trot. I have been ga, E Katema, S Chikwerengwe(M
front of us. The fact of the matter is that Wellington Masakadza, Carl Mum- challenging the team that we needed Mahodobi 75').
two people who will be considered our ba, Blessing Muzarabani, Richard to win twice on the trot so that we get SHEASHAM: E Sibanda, C Kwa-
biggest threats will be Namibia and Ngarava, Nick Welch, Sean Wil- out of the relegation zone. ramba, P Madhazi, L Masveure(D
Uganda and we play them first and liams. "But its fine, we have this game be- Masukuta 90'), W Stima, D Mange-
fore us which is a decider. It’s a game we si, L Jani(K Musharu 86'), R Useni,

Big send off for Rahman

cannot think of anything that is not a T Jubane, P Shoko(S Mhare 62'), T
win. It’s now or never," Chaminuka said. Marira(T Chidhobha 62')

Ngezi Platinum, Dembare

win as FC Platinum draw
BY MUNYARADZI MADZOKERE tion threatened Green Fuel.
Unheralded defender Tendaishe
NEWLY-CROWNED champions Ngezi Magwaza headed home the solitary
Platinum Stars continued with their goal after just 12 minutes from an
rich vein of form after dispatching al- Issa Sadiki corner kick.
ready relegated 3 - 1 Cranborne Bul- Dynamos are now on 57 points,
lets at Baobab Stadium yesterday. three points ahead of third-placed
It was Madamburo’s 20th win of Manica Diamonds who host High-
the season and third on the trot, landers at Gibbo today.
which took them to 66 points on the Outgoing champions FC Platinum
log standings, with just one match re- laboured to a disappointing one-all
maining. draw with Hwange in what was vet-
After Cranborne sportingly grant- eran defender Gift Bello’s final home
ed the champions a guard of honour match for the club.
before the match the host showed Juan Mutudza gave Pure Platinum
BY FORTUNE MBELE tional team and at club level. He will "He is a true legend. We have leg- no mercy in the field of play as they Play the lead at the start of the sec-
be remembered for his career with ends, we have former players but raced to a two goal lead inside the ond half before Brighton Makopa re-

CORES of Zimbabweans Highlanders Football Club. Follow- Rahman Gumbo served with dis- first 17 minutes. stored parity half way through the
thronged Lady Stanley Cem- ing his retirement he started a suc- tinction. He was different. Rahman Bruno Mtigo opened the scoring second stanza.
etery in Bulawayo to pay their cessful managerial career, notably in Gumbo scored one of his trade- with a cool finish in the 15th minute Gift Mbweti was red carded late in
last respects to the legendary for- South Africa, Botswana and Malawi, mark goals, which is trending on so- before Tapiwa Mandinyenya doubled the match.
mer Warriors and Highlanders play- winning several league titles. cial media versus South Africa. Rah- the lead two minutes later. The result means that FC Platinum
er and coach Rahman Gumbo, who “He also coached the national man Gumbo is like a soldier, Rahman Bullets pulled a goal back from the can no longer finish in second place.
was buried yesterday. team of Zimbabwe in three differ- Gumbo will never die. His name will penalty spot, Brian Muzondiwa con- Results
Gumbo died in Botswana last ent stints....his legacy and achieve- never disappear because of what he verting early in the second half be- Chicken Inn 2 - 1 Yadah
week due to heart complications, ments and particularly his person- did. His legacy will live on," Jere said. fore Claude Mapoka put the gloss Platinum 1 - 1 Hwange
aged 59. ality, his leadership, popularity and CAPS United legends donated on the scoreline just before the hour Black Rhinos 3 - 2 Sheasham
A roadshow took the body of his humanity qualities will not be US$750 towards Gumbo's burial. mark after coming on as a substitute. Kariba 1 - 1 Simba Bhora
the late Gumbo to Njube at Desert forgotten. On behalf of the interna- His son Bukhosi, gave a heart- At the national Sports Stadium Dy- Ngezi 3 - 1 Cranborne Bullets
grounds where he grew up playing tional football community, I wish to rending speech. namos made a claim of the second Triangle Utd 1 - 1 CAPS Utd
then White City Stadium, home of extend our deepest sympathy to the "I learnt a great deal from my dad. sport after a narrow 1 – 0 over relega- Dynamos 1 - 0 Green Fuel
Eagles, a club he played for in the Zimbabwe Football Association, to "He was a legend. Many people
top league before moving to High- the Gumbo family, friends and loved called him different names, genius,
landers in the late 1980s. ones." maestro, goal poacher, I only called
It also passed through Barbour- Mugadza represented the Zifa him daddy, simple and that was all
fields Stadium where he won the normalisation committee. to me and my siblings. He meant a
league title both as a player and "We are passing our deepest con- great deal to people, some of them
coach and also Luveve Stadium. dolences to the Gumbo family, espe- not here, in Malawi, in Botswana.
Fifa president Giovanni Infanti- cially to Mrs Virginia Gumbo. I thank You all know his life story,"he said.
no sent his condolence message God that you are a powerful wom- Highlanders were represented by
through a letter, which was read by an, a person who fears and knows board member Elkanah Dube, who
Rosemary Mugadza during the bur- God. I am proud to be a product of acknowledged Gumbo’s contribu-
ial service. Bulawayo. We used to be the super tion to the club.
"I would like to express my sincere house of Zimbabwe both the Warri- The burial was attended by mul-
condolences on the passing of a for- ors and the Mighty Warriors. Where titudes of Bulawayo residents, foot-
mer international player and a na- are we now? Let's go back to the ba- ball stakeholders from across the
tional team coach Rahman Gumbo. sics and lead the country to the glo- country, football legends, admin-
"Words seem inadequate to express ry days where we were as a city," she istrators, coaches, politicians and
the sadness as we feel the sadness of said. football clubs in the country.
his loss,” Infantino said. Premier Soccer League chairman Morupule FC, the last team that he
“During his career, Rahman won Farai Jere referred to Gumbo as a coached in Botswana was also repre-
several caps with the Zimbabwe na- true legend. sented. Ngezi Platinum Stars
32 The Standard November 19 to 25 2023

Australian rugby unions demand

Standard chairman's resignation

Six state unions have demanded the immediate resig-
nation of Rugby Australia chairman Hamish McLen-
nan in the wake of the failed tenure of former Wal-
labies coach Eddie Jones. An open letter signed by
six of the eight union chairs called for an extraordi-
nary general meeting of the RA board to oust
McLennan if he ignores their call to stand
down, saying they have lost "trust or faith in his leadership". Page 30

Warriors hunt
Super Eagles

BY HENRY MHARA IN BUTARE, RWANDA gether with some players arriving the off against Nigeria in a friendly in the that or on who is missing for them but themselves with a victory to get their
night before the game. build up to the 2019 Africa Cup of Na- on those who are there. campaign off the ground.

ITH a full squad complement In his post-match comments, Brito tions, the match ended in a 1-1 draw, "We know they have the quality, we He confirmed yesterday that he will
at his disposal, Warriors coach promised to make changes for the Ni- something that is motivating the Lyon just need to put our game towards make two changes in defence with
Baltemar Brito is set to ring geria match, specifically upfront after forward. them. We should try and make sure Bruno Onyemaechi coming in for Jami-
some changes for the crucial 2026 FIFA the team struggled to find the back of "Of course they are counted as one that we don't sit back, we have to push lu Collins, while former Chelsea full
World Cup Group C second qualifier the net. of the biggest teams in Africa but we forward to get the victory. back Ola Aina will take the place of
against giants Nigeria at the Huye Sta- France-based Tino Kadewere who don't want to put that into our minds," "It's not going to be easy and we Bright Osayi-Samuel at right back.
dium in Butare this afternoon. played the last 15 minutes against Kadewere reckons. know we need to put more than 100 In attack, Moses Simon replaces Ad-
Zimbabwe are the home team in a Rwanda, hours after he had arrived in "We have to go into the pitch tell- percent effort into this game." emola Lookman on the left
game that kicks off at 3pm. Rwanda, is set to start ahead of Prince ing ourselves that this is a cup final. We The Warriors switched base flank while Terem Moffi will
Both teams are out to redeem them- Dube. need to do everything to get this victo- from Kigali yesterday morn- take the place of Nottingham
selves in this clash after they kicked off Dynamos midfielder Tanaka "Kante" ry for ourselves and the nation. ing to Butare where Forest star Taiwo Awoniyi
their quest for a place in next World Shandirwa is likely to be picked in the "We got a good technical team that they trained at the who has returned to
Cup finals in a disappointing manner. first 11 ahead of Brian Banda while Ita- is behind us and we have had some match venue in England with a groin
Brito's men were frustrated to a ly based star Jordan Zemura could start tactical meetings with videos analys- the evening injury.
goalless draw by Rwanda last Wednes- on the left channel where Walter Mu- ing most of the team that Nigeria is. We ahead of this Peseiro is targeting
day in a game that marked the War- sona operated. have got an insight into how they play." afternoon's nothing short of a
riors' return to competitive interna- Andrew "Tower" Mbeba received his On paper, the Super Eagles look fa- blockbuster victory today.
tional football following a two-year full Warriors debut at right back against vourites due to the number of world clash. “We will re-
Fifa ban, while the three--time Afri- Rwanda, but it wasn't the best perfor- class stars within their ranks. Nigeria spond very well
can champions Nigeria were left with mance from the Highlanders defend- But Kadewere is unfazed by the op- coach Jose (vs Zimbabwe),”
a sour taste of disappointment in their er, so Brito might be tempted to switch ponents' status. Santos Pe- the former Sau-
group opener as they were held to a things up in that regard and bring in "We all know Nigeria. They have a seiro is also di Arabia and Ven-
1-1 draw at home by minnows Lesotho Moldova-based Munashe Garan’anga. very good squad. Of course they have expected to ezuela coach told re-
last Thursday. Kadewere is confident that the War- a few players missing like Victor Osim- make some porters.
There were, however, some mitigat- riors can get an upset win this after- hen and Samuel Chukwueze but they changes to his “Now we have to beat
ing factors for the Warriors' average noon. still have a very good squad. squad today as Zimbabwe on Sunday," the
display as the team hardly trained to- The last time that Zimbabwe faced “We don't have to focus much on they look to redeem Portuguese added.

NOVEMBER 19 TO 25 2023


S2 Standard Style | November 19 to 25 2023 Arts

Willom Tight regrets

signing with SA label
“Manifesto is not the return of the cherished Tight,

HEN a South Africa based record but this is the affirmation, ascension and consolida-
label dangled an apple to lure tion of the brand and its value proposition, while po-
musician Willom Tight out of sitioning for the international market,” he said.
early retirement and sign a contract with Alas, the international record label signing didn’t
them, he never knew that he would re- propel Willom Tight into international stardom but
gret ever putting pen on the dotted line. into regret, depression and heartbreaks.
Willom had surprised the country by Speaking to Chamvary on ZiFM, Tight urged young
retiring early and paving the way for his artists not to make rushed decisions when ap-
son, Gary. proached with record label deals, lest they make the
In 2013, the artist came out of hiber- mistake he made.
nation and signed a 10 year long contract with “I got into an international signing in South Afri-
Shamiso Music and Entertainment, South Africa- ca, but the contract didn’t end well. And it took me
based multimedia group that would manage his about 10 years without recording because they said
music affairs and see the musician releasing his I had breached the contractual agreement so that I
new album-Manifesto under the stable. couldn’t breach the agreements. I had recorded songs
The artist dropped a lead track, Ndewan- with Uhuru, Salif Keita and many more but it didn’t
gu (Ndoni Yamanzi), featuring South end well," he said.
African star Speedy and recorded For the past years I was in South Africa doing gigs
songs with Uhuru and Salif Kei- with Zimbabwean clubs and now the contract has
ta believing that he had found lapsed and I am back and reunited with Dino Mudon-
an opportunity to “put Zim- da and we are doing big things,” he said.
babwe on the internation- Tight added that artists should be wary of record la-
al map”. bel contracts before signing them.
Speaking to Stand- “Every artist wishes to get signed internationally
ard Style in 2013, the and they had told me that that’s what I was going to
label’s spokesperson get. It's every artist's dream to work with Salif Keita,
Gilbert Muvavarirwa, it was like I had elevated my career but it didn’t end
called the deal as the well," he said.
“affirmation, ascension "These record labels always promise you cool and
and consolidation of Willom rosy things and you put pen to paper. My advice is you
Tight”, should go through the paper and understand the de-
He said Manifesto was a game- tails. Don’t get excited when someone wants to sign
changing and innovative musical you.”
project, which will showcase the art- Born Willboard Muponda, Tight hogged the lime-
ist’s unique vocal capabilities and de- light with the album Ndinoda Wangu in 2000 before
livery. releasing another hit album Hodzeko in 2003, both
“The project will, among other things, under Shamiso Music and Entertainment.
introduce Willom Tight to the interna- He was to part ways with the company and went on
tional community. This album, as its to record Kuza Ngoma in 2008 and Chinyerere in 2011.
name suggests, is a published verbal Despite roping in superstar Oliver Mtukudzi on
declaration of his intentions, motives, or Kuza Ngoma, the album failed to get to the level of his
views pertaining to his career, he said. previous two albums.

‘Yes, I have HIV’ TV series fails to pay crew

BY SINDISO DUBE tant Thabiseng Chiwashira gleened by The availed. which was not true. A few vocal people were
Standard, Honey TV revealed that they had “It was not in our interest to write to the paid their monies and I was lucky to have
ESPIRITS Concepts, an independent produc- paid Kanyama and Experts Productions in channel, but seeing Honey Africa TV is clos- gotten mine because I was the least paid
tion house commissioned by Honey TV for full. ing on the 31st of October with all ep- in the crew and some of Sam’s colleagues
the production of Yes, I have HIV Zimbabwe Stella Mukwasi, Tariro Ziny- isodes aired but having only re- asked him to pay me because it didn’t make
television series is under fire for failing to emba, Sylvester Chitswat- ceived part payment (for myself ) sense for me to wait for a ridiculously small
pay its crew. swa, Chido Chivaura, Ron- and other crew members not amount for long," Panashe said.
The series broadcast on Honey Africa, ald Chikwava, and Micah being paid raised fears if we They are other people who are yet to get
DStv channel 173, provided an insight into Panashe who are part of the will be ever paid. We have paid and what pains us more is that produc-
the challenges and success faced by people crew which hasn't been paid reached out to you to kind- tion was hard and we didn’t receive proper
living with HIV on a daily basis. were also copied on the ly assist us in how this issue support- we were not compensated for our
Prior to the launch of the series, Liz Dziva, email. can be resolved. We have transport allowances, food on set was bad
MultiChoice Zimbabwe spokesperson, said: “I received a late part pay- waited patiently and we and Sam was abusive and swearing at eve-
“This will be a fascinating and inspir- ment on 14 September think this is an unfair ryone on set.”
ing series and it will help remind us all that 2023, but all my crew mem- and unprofessional Quizzed to comment on the allegations,
there are many people living with HIV who bers copied in this email practice from Sam Kanyama said: “I have no comment on that,
need our support and encouragement.” have not yet received considering the thanks.”
Host of the TV series Phyllis Mavushe said any amount. The time and effort Meanwhile, less than three years after it
the crew behind the show has been ill-treat- agreement with to deliver amid launched in February 2021, Honey TV was
ed by the director of Espirits Concepts pro- Sam Kanyama was the challenges axed at the end of October by MultiChoice.
duction Sam Kanyama who has not shown to have our wag- we faced during "In line with the strategy to continuously
any interest in paying them for the services es paid into our filming,” read the review international and local content line-
they offered during production. accounts fully af- communique. ups and optimise the suite of channels on
“I was the host of the series and Sam ter delivering In their re- offer on DStv, the business has decided to
only paid part of my money and hasn’t paid our duties which sponse, Honey bid farewell to Honey TV (DStv 173),"
some of the crew members. The agreement we diligently ful- TV assured the "This is done to ensure we deliver unbeat-
was that he pays us when Honey TV is im- filled in May aggrieved that able content to our customers and that our
pressed by the works we did; however, we 2023. Reasons investigations DStv services cater for the needs and view-
still haven’t received our monies,"she said. for non-pay- were underway. ing requirements of our customers." Multi-
"We have tried to inquire from him but he ment have been Micah Panashe Choice said.
is no longer answering our calls, respond- around monies be- who was the pro- Honey TV launched in mid-February 2021
ing to neither text messages nor emails. His ing held by the chan- duction assistant for with a coterie of shows like South Africa's
excuse was he hasn’t received any money nel and we have since the series echoed the Anele Mdoda doing a The view-type talk
from Honey TV yet when we contacted them been given deadlines same sentiments with show called The Buzz, the reality series Pas-
(Honey TV) they said they had paid Sam in with each deadline Mavushe. tors' Wives, and with promises to "showcase
full.” passing without prop- “We were told by Africans living their best lives and to depict
In an email communication between Ma- er communication Sam that Honey TV an honest modern-day view of our diverse
vushe and Honey TV’s post production assis- when funds were not had not paid him, countries, cultures and peoples".
Standard Style | November 19 to 25 2023 S3

Samaita project
dogged by
UTARE-BASED sungura musician Brian Sa- top session instrumentalists on the project,” he was happy that his songs were getting fa-
maita says he was compelled to shelve the said. vourable airplay on national radio stations,
release of a five-track album after the pro- The guitar virtuoso’s last project was titled National FM and Radio Zimbabwe, while
ject was dogged by misfortunes. Kwaive Kusaziva released in March 2021. his local radio Diamond FM is
Samaita had promised to release the album be- “I had to shelve production of the eighth album giving him extensive sup-
fore the August 23 general elections. because of Covid-19, although I had released my port. — STYLE REPORTER
The album, which is his eighth, carries five tracks last album Kwaive Kusaziva at the height of the
— Mubvandiripo, Gweja Nyumwa, Memo, Ndi- Covid-19 outbreak,” Samaita said.
novimba Nemi and Kudzura Midzi. “I am also doing videos for all the songs, which I
“I had to shelve the release of the project due to hope to release by the time I drop the album.”
my misfortunes,” he said. Samaita said he was hoping to do countrywide
“I was involved in a road traffic accident at the shows to promote the album.
Christmas Pass at the time that we were putting fi- “I am preparing to do shows around the coun-
nal touches on the album. try to promote the album and to meet my fans,” he
“I had also a court case where I was a state wit- said.
ness and I had to be part of the proceedings “I have been performing at private functions,
throughout.” but I think I need to, and meet sungura fans.”
The musician said apart from delaying the al- The award-winning businessman and music
bum release, the troubles forced him to suspend promoter said he would also do shows in neigh-
music shows and important church sessions. bouring Mozambique and Malawi.
“After the accident, I had to stop live perfor- “My music is followed very much in Mozam-
mances, you know I do a lot of shows at private bique and I want to take this album there,” he said.
functions,” Samaita said. “In Malawi followership has grown since the
“I had to withdraw from some important church last time I performed at Major 1’s function in
gatherings, but I am now back on my feet and Blantyre during the Easter holiday in 2021.”
ready to entrtain.” In 2021, Samaita went to Malawi to per-
However, Samaita said he was happy that he form at two private functions for high-
managed to overcome the misfortunes and was profile families, including an Easter
looking at releasing the album next month. crusade convened by the Enlight-
“I am releasing the album just before Christmas,” ened Christian Gathering (ECG)
he said. church led by Prophet Shep-
“It’s going to be an early Christmas present for herd Bushiri.
sungura lovers.” “Plans are underway to
Samaita said he was yet to find a name for the go back to Malawi for sim-
album. ilar shows,” he said.
“It’s that old sungura beat and I roped in some Samaita said he

Snoop Dogg says he is giving up smoking

NEW YORK - Snoop Dogg, who has built a
public persona around his copious marijuana
artist said he was smoking 80 cannabis joints
a day.
Feli Nandi speaks on Tanzania tour
intake, says he is giving up smoking. His founded Leafs By Snoop two years later.
The hip-hop star, whose real name is Calvin The company specialises in making its own
Broadus, made the surprise announcement cannabis strains, concentrates, flowers, and BY NYASHA GOROGODO
on social media. edibles.
"After much consideration & conversa- Some fans suggested the star's apparent SONGSTRESS Feli Nandi, who represented Zimba-
tion with my family, I’ve decided to give up decision to quit could have been made on bwe at the recent The ACCES Festival held in Dar
smoke. Please respect my privacy at this health grounds. es Salaam, Tanzania, says her visit to the east Afri-
time,” he posted on Instagram, external and "I had a pulmonary embolism last year and can country was an eye-opener.
X., external had to give up smoking as well," wrote one The ACCES Festival is organized by the Mu-
He did not specify what form of smoking on Instagram. sic in Africa Foundation, in partnership
he was stopping, or even whether he was se- "I know how hard this transition is especial- with Siemens Stiftung, Goethe-Insti-
rious. ly for someone like you. Take all the time you tut, the Tanzanian Ministry of Cul-
Some fans speculated that the post was need." ture, Arts, and Sports, the Na-
part of a marketing stunt for his cannabis A second comment added: "I quit few tional Arts Council of Tanza-
company Leafs By Snoop. months ago and literally [had] so much clari- nia (BASATA), and Alliance
Others reacted with disbelief. ty since I stopped. Congratulations unc." Francaise.
“Today isn’t April Fools day Snoop,” said On X, another fan speculated that Snoop The event aims to create
one. was not giving up the drug altogether. a vibrant space for artists, in-
“Snoop without smoke is like earth without "He’s moving to edibles, letting his dustry professionals, and mu-
water," added another. lungs rest a little. Eat up, champ." sic enthusiasts to come together and
Ro Marley, son of reggae legend Bob Frank, the UK's anti-drug advisory celebrate the rich tapestry of African
Marley, commented: "No more BBQ at un- service, notes that overusing mari- music.
cle's... the grill is off for the season." juana can increase the risk of lung The ACCES Festival provides a
Snoop's cannabis intake has been well- cancer. platform for music industry players
documented in his music and interviews. Long-term users can also to exchange ideas, discover emerg-
The rapper, 52, made his debut on develop symptoms in- ing talent, and establish critical
Dr Dre's 1992 album The Chronic, cluding anxiety, para- business connections.
whose title is a slang name for high noia, insomnia, loss of “It was a great opportunity indeed.
quality marijuana. appetite and halluci- Besides showcasing our talent we also
Over the years, his lyrics have nations. The drug can learnt about the professional music busi-
contained multiple references to also increase your ness process at the conference. We hope
the habit. chances of develop- to get the opportunity to be back again on
"We gon' smoke an ounce to ing schizophrenia. their next edition next year,” said Feli.
this," he rapped on his solo sin- The BBC has The musician hailed her band and team
gle Gin And Juice. The Dr Dre contacted Snoop which she said pushes her to get better.
collaboration The Next Episode - Dogg's representa- “I work with an able team that constant-
which opened the Super Bowl half- tives for more con- ly challenges me to do better than my last
time show in 2022 - carried the observa- text on his statement, performance or song production. We are
tion: "Smoke weed every day." but has yet to receive a constantly putting in the work to improve
In 2013, speaking to GQ magazine, the reply. — BBC our craft and learn as much as we can, “she said.
S4 Standard Style | November 19 to 25 2023

Divas square off at Byo Arts Awards


BEVY of female artistes will square
off in the outstanding female artiste
of the year category at the Bulawayo
Arts Awards.
The tightly contested category has rap-
per Noluntu J, singer and rapper Joy Ru-
kanza, theatre actress Charmaine Mu-
dau and reggae and dancehall chanter
Mandie Mae all looking up to the top
female spot.
The Awards are set for November
25, at the ZITF in the city of Kings and
The nominees will also be pitted
against each other for the outstanding
female award.
Noluntu J has done well this year with
her new songs and managing to hold shows
in and outside Bulawayo. She was a headline
act at the Shoko Festival and also performed at
Saintfloew's album launch.
Joy Rukanza also made sure the world notic-
es her with the release of her debut
album- MatterMoreForSis.
The NAMA award winning
Charmaine Mudau has also
done well in the world of
theatre and is nominat-
ed for the outstanding fe-
male theatre actress for
her role in Simunye.
The reggae and dancehall
chanter Mandie Mae also put
in work with her song lifestyle
also up for the outstanding
song of the year.
Standard Style | November 19 to 25 2023 S5

Music Crossroads in cultural

preservation project

Chawasarira giving a lecture of the matepe mbira instrument Mangoma (left) and chawasarira leading a matepe mbira masterclass at music crossroads

BY KHUMBULANI MULEYA The school, located in Belvedere is re- Mangoma, and other surprise Matepe mbi- announced.
nowned for documenting traditional Zim- ra players from Nyamapanda and Chiweshe. This cultural preservation project is fund-

ATEPE Mbira is a cultural preser- babwean music to enhance students’ knowl- The concert will present some songs which ed by the German Federal Foreign Office and
vation project that documents edge of indigenous sounds. The concert rep- will be a fusion of Matepe, Nhare, and Nyun- is supported by the cultural department of
82-year-old Matepe master musi- ertoire will be presented by Chawasarira, ga Nyunga by local greats who are yet to be the German embassy in Harare.
cian Chaka Callisto Chawasarira’s repertoire.
The Matepe Mbira is a lamellophone orig-
inating from north east Zimbabwe and is

Artists’ copyright must be respected: Zimura

primarily played by the Sena Tonga and the
Kore-Kore peoples. It can also be traced to
adjacent areas in Mozambique. It is argua-
bly the most sophisticated instrument of its
To prevent its erosion, Music Crossroads
Academy Zimbabwe (MCAZ) hosted a histor- BY SHARON ZEBRA
ical moment of knowledge exchange in the
form of a Matepe masterclass led by Cha- THE Zimbabwe Music Rights Association
wasarira in collaboration with Othnell ‘Man- (Zimura) deputy director Henry Makombe
goma’ Moyo. says artists’ intellectual property and copy-
The master class hosted on November 9 rights must be respected and protected as
was graced by representatives from the cul- it is a source of income.
tural department of the German embas- Makombe made the remarks at a stake-
sy in Harare as well as some of the acade- holders awareness workshop facilitated by
my’s regional partners. It also encompassed Zimura at the Zimbabwe College of Music
a class of 40 MCAZ students who previously last Thursday in Harare.
underwent a certificate in professional mu- The workshop saw established artists
sic which enables young talented musicians such as multi-instrumentalist, compos-
to turn into professionals. Chawasarira and er and producer Clive "Mono" Mukundu,
Mangoma lectured the participants on how Josphat Somanje, Pastor Haisa and Dereck
to play the intriguing Matepe Mbira. Mpofu attending the event.
Earlier this year, Stefan Franke, a Ger- Major highlights at the event includ-
man cultural activist and creator of the mbi- ed copyright awareness, and challenges
ra learning platform teamed up faced by Zimura. Musicians were educated
with Moyo and digital media expert Kuda on their rights to avoid manipulation espe-
Nyaruwabvu to document the entire reper- cially by broadcasters.
toire of Chawasarira, an experienced Mbi- "The moment an artiste creates music
ra maker and player in a bid to preserve the their works assume exclusive rights to au-
Matepe Mbira Music. thorise or prohibit the use of an artiste’s
Approximately 50 hours of Matepe songs work by whatever means, broadcasting in-
were recorded and several illustrative files cluded," said Makombe.
of how to play and build the Matepe mbira He added that artistes rely on their
were produced. works which caters for their upkeep hence
According to Chawasarira, the Matepe consumers have an obligation to pay for
playing tradition is almost dying as there are the works to promote the artiste.
only a handful of players in the country. “We Makombe added: “Zimura acts as a le-
should now try to revive the playing of the gal representation in court in the event of
instrument,” said Chawasaria. copyright disputes standing in as witness
“We have to learn about our music using for an artist.”
our lenses. It’s better to educate the people "Rights granted to the copyright owner
to know about the intricacies of our music include reproduction, distribution, public
although we shun it because we are afraid,” performance, display and broadcasting,"
Mangoma told attendees. The international- said Makombe.
ly touring artist is an ethnomusicological re- He also highlighted unsustainable royal- such as music, dance, theatre, literature and knowledge," said Kusena.
searcher and preservation artist who makes ties, ignorance of copyright law, rampant and visual art. It supports artists and cul- He added that NACZ administers funds
75% of the instruments that he plays. He is piracy, and corruption at radio stations de- tural practitioners through funding, ca- and grants to support arts organisations
also a student under the tutelage of Cha- manding bribes in exchange for airplay, pacity building and facilitates collabora- and cultural projects.
wasarira. unstable economy and currency as some tion and partnerships." “It also provides financial assistance for
To showcase the results of their documen- of the major challenges faced by the or- "The council is also responsible for the the production, exhibition and promotion
tary efforts, an end-of-year Mbira concert is ganisation which are beyond the organisa- preservation and promotion of the coun- of artistic works and supporting research
scheduled for December 15 at the Zimba- tion's responsibility. try's cultural heritage and works to pre- documentation of the arts," said Kusena.
bwe German Society from 6 pm. The German National Arts Council of Zimbabwe di- serve traditional practices, rituals and cus- This is mainly done through the Arts De-
embassy will also use the occasion to hand rector Josiah Kusena said: "NACZ works toms as well as supporting initiatives that velopment Fund which however is inca-
over the documented files to MCAZ. to promote and develop various art forms document and preserve cultural artefacts pacitated at the moment."
S6 Standard Style | November 19 to 25 2023

Lameckising Mapunzure's death masking of the false veil of good-

ness and exposure of what Lameck
perceived to be the true nature of
the deceased is what the late Rose-
mary Moyana and I called Lameck-
ising The Dead. Lameck’s blatant
disregard for the taboo criticis-
ing the dead has brought about the
coined term, Lameckising. Now
you know where the word Lameck-
ising is coming from.
The same was experienced at
Garry Mapanzure’s funeral, hence
the title of this article: Lameckis-
ing Garry Mapanzure’s Death.
At his funeral one emotional
mourner burst out: “Garry was
foolish to come to Zimbabwe at this
time. Why did Garry not just con-
tinue with his studies in the UK?
in the groove Why did he want to pursue this stu-
with Fred Zindi pid music business, a career for va-
grants? This is what killed him be-
cause he had come here to promote
his new album and to show off !”
DON’T be confused by the word Whatever Garry’s reason for
Lameckising. It’s completely made- coming to Zimbabwe in October, ac-
up. You won’t find it in any diction- cording to Shona culture, we don’t
ary either. I will explain the mean- condemn it, especially after the
ing behind that word and its origins death of the person. This emotional
later on in this article. The late Garry Mapanzure mourner, like Lameck, gave a crit-
Garry Mapanzure (real name: ical funeral oration instead of the
Gerry Garikai Munashe Mapan- expected eulogy where only nice
zure) was born on 18 June, 1998 in tracks such as Wapunza, Rigiyoni EP entitled Sushi Season. story. I said: In Zimbabwean culture things are supposed to be said about
Harare, Zimbabwe. Takawanda, Kudeepisa, Nditauri- Garry’s breakthrough came as a there are certain situations, which the dead person. However, at the
He died last month on the 13th Oc- reyi, Kumafaro, Zvinoita, TV room, result of the track titled Wapunza, are considered to be sacred or ta- grave side in Lawnside, Masvingo
tober along with three others and Aida, Slow, and Pindirai among which was well received in Zimba- boo. For instance, getting married where Garry was buried, Lameck-
he was laid to rest at Lawn Cem- others. bwe and in most parts of the world. in the month of November is con- ising also took place. It came from
etery in Masvingo after succumb- Although born in Harare, Gerry This was followed by Moyo Muti, sidered taboo. Incest is also taboo. this one emotional mourner.
ing to injuries sustained in a hor- Garikai Munashe Mapanzure was which was released in February Likewise when someone dies, so- That aside, following the tragic
rific road traffic accident in Clipsh- raised in Masvingo where his par- 2018. Garry went further to release cial custom prohibits the mention- accident which killed Garry Ma-
am Heights suburb along the Beit- ents were pastors at a church. He Truth Or Dare, which brought him ing of all the evil things that he did panzure, the spotlight has fallen
bridge Highway. released his first single titled Wa- to the attention of many. He was when he was still alive. In the Sho- once again on Zimbabwe’s health-
There were five passengers in the punza in 2017 on the 22nd of Au- also then selected as the first Zim- na culture, there is a saying: "Wafa care services, after it emerged that
car which killed Garry. Great Zim- gust which became a national hit . babwean artist for Mr Eazi’s EM- anaka". That means that anyone Mapanzure died as he waited for an
babwe University Law student and The song’s video has been aired on PAWA100 programme under which who has died becomes a good per- ambulance from Harare after air
Mapanzure’s friend Langton Madi- national television countless times he released the track Slow. Garry son. medical services failed to attend
ma (27) who was driving the Mazda as well as being played on Trace Af- also did a featured track with Hilzy Lameck who was simmering to him owing to power faults at a
Demio, which was involved in the rica. titled TV Room, which got the atten- with anger had gone against tra- Masvingo helipad.
accident died on the spot. He went on to release his second tion of many and won an AFRIMA dition at his neighbour’s funer- Posting a video on social media,
Mapanzure’s sister Margaret single entitled Moyo Muti on the Award for the best Group/ Duo in al by lambasting a dead person. in which Mapanzure’s grieving
Zigomo, was admitted at Masvingo 14th of February 2018, which be- African RnB. Lameck’s daughter had been im- wife led mourners as they sang Ma-
Provincial Hospital alongside her came another hit. His first song Wa- In July 2019, Garry released Your pregnated by the neighbour’s son. kananaka Jesu, prominent journal-
friend, Respina Machokoto. Zigo- punza featuring his brother Victor Man, a track which hit the number Lameck’s daughter went to the ist Hopewell Chin’ono revealed that
mo’s child died at the scene of the Mapanzure was also well received one spot on Trace Africa’s Playlist boyfriend’s home and the boy- Mapanzure had waited 12 hours to
accident. nationwide. Top 30. friend’s mother who hated this un- get access to services that may have
I met the late Garry Mapanzure Garry realised that he had a gift Now let me explain what I mean ion made her to sleep outside and saved his life. Gosh! The man was
for the first time in April this year of singing when he was 11 years by the word Lameckising. It came threw urine at her. The mother hat- in pain for twelve hours waiting
when he had come to Harare for a old. He sang in the church choir from the uniqueness of the behav- ed the idea of her son getting mar- for medical services before he died.
radio interview and I congratulat- from an early age. He performed iour, which was showed by Lameck ried to Lameck’s daughter, so she Zimbabwe recently spent $320 mil-
ed him on his successful music jour- in the Masvingo theatre multiple Makwiramiti a resident of Mab- chased her away from her home. lion of the taxpayer’s money to ac-
ney, which resulted in him winning times during his school days which vuku, Harare at his neighbour’s fu- Lameck then accommodated his quire 32 Kazan Ansat helicopters
the Afrima Award in the best Afro/ resulted in him catching the eyes neral in 2017 after his daughter had daughter with her boyfriend at his from Russia. What are those heli-
Beats Award category. Donned in a of many. However because of his been impregnated by this neigh- house. The boy’s mother eventually copters for? Only one was needed
Sushi baseball cap and washed den- young age he was not allowed to bour’s son. died after a short illness. However, to airlift Garry to a hospital in Ha-
im jacket, he seemed like he was venture into music at the time. One musician, Pablo Nakappa Lameck was incensed by the eulo- rare.
firmly in control of his destiny and After his secondary education in asked me: “ I am from Mabvuku, gies that everyone who spoke at the Prominent figures have high-
in his flashy attire, he had a swagger Zimbabwe, he went to North Chi- but I don’t know this story, which funeral, including the priest's. They lighted the fact the musician’s life
and a flamboyance that would make na’s University of Technology in has set Mabvuku abuzz with ru- all spoke about the mother being a could have been saved if the emer-
anyone pay attention to him. Beijing where he continued to pur- mours. What is this I hear about virtuous person. gency services had reacted sooner.
Garry Mapanzure was at the sue his music career before mov- Lameck from Mabvuku?” It is that mask of goodness, May Garry’s dear soul rest in
height of making waves in Zimba- ing to the United Kingdom where I told him that I was not from Ma- which was said at the graveside eternal peace!
bwe and the rest of the world when he signed with Runabeat Music, a bvuku, but would try and explain that Lameck decided to tear off by Feedback: frezindi@gmail.
he died. Mapanzure is known for company with which he released an what went on as far as I knew the his outburst at the funeral. This un- com

really wanted to win it badly," he said. they always do, but I was like wow,
The rap- "Zim Hip-Hop Awards I'm actually nominated even for best

Zim hiphop, Byo arts awards per didnt

hide his zeal
took me by surprise.
I thought they wou-
"I was expecting my album- Less
to win the old nominate me Talk More Action to make the cut be-

nominations stun Mlue Jay

award. for Best Dias- cause I am the only hip-hop artist
"I thought pora like from Bulawayo that dropped an al-
maybe bum, which did good numbers and
they will made the country about my city."
snub me, Mlue Jay said the numerous nomi-
BY STYLE REPORTER standing hiphop artiste whilst in but I nations has put him on the same level
the Zim hiphop awards, the rapper was with the late Cal Vin and Asaph.
SOUTH Africa based rapper Mlue is nominated six times for Best Male "I am now part of the top three in
Jay (pictured) says he was surprised artist. the city- Me, Cal Vin and Asaph who
by the nominations he received for Best Album (Less Talk, More Ac- have had so much number of nomi-
the Bulawayo Arts Awards and Zim tion), Best Live Act, Best Diaspora, nations in one awards ceremony," he
Hip Hop awards, respectively. People's Choice and Positive Social said.
The nominations for the two Impact Award. "I just hope they make me win and
awards ceremonies were revealed "I am so honoured to be nominat- wrong. To not do me like the way they did Cal
during the week. ed for the BAA for the second time, I me that nomina- Vin, the other year when they nom-
For the Roil Bulawayo Arts honestly ddnt see it coming," said an tion means a lot and I re- inated him seven times and lost all
Awards, the rapper is up for Out- excited Mlue Jay. ally hoped I would win it because I of them."
Books Standard Style | November 19 to 25 2023 S7

Chapungu Sculpture Park: A haven for art, nature

BY MERILYN MUSHAKWE The event featured performanc- ing exceptional events extends be-
es by renowned opera singers and yond "Tones and Stones." On Octo-

ESTLED in the vibrant city of International guest artistes, whose ber 14, in collaboration with De An-
Harare lies Chapungu Sculp- melodies harmonised perfectly with karra Chef (Tafadzwa Anifasi) and
ture Park, a sanctuary of art the serene ambiance of the park. The Cooktyles (Tyler Sibindi), the
and nature that has captivated visi- Performances were directed by park hosted an Afro-fusion lunch,
tors for over five decades. Zimbabwe’s leading musical direc- where culinary excellence met artis-
Established in 1970 by Roy Guthrie tor Kundisai Mtero. They included tic mastery.
as Gallery Shona Sculpture, Chapun- Guncha Hojanepesova, a Russian The spectacular four-course meal
gu stands as a testament to Zimba- classical pianist and tutor who’s rep- was inspired by the rich cultural her-
bwe's rich cultural heritage, show- ertoire consists of a classical varie- itage of Zimbabwean Stone Sculp-
casing an unparalleled collection of ty - Bach, Beethoven, Debussy and tures, with each course being in-
thousands of stone sculptures that others, international soprano op- spired and named after an artwork
chronicle the country's artistic evo- era singer Mitchel Mvundura, the at Chapungu. For instance, the des-
lution. Zimspiration choir, cameo German sert, a mazhanje and plum me-
The pieces are housed in various guest pianist Marianne Beck Volz, ringue, was named after the white
spaces around the globe including and MiMhanzi, an Afro and Contem- opal stone piece titled “Wise Girl” by
Chapungu Sculpture Park in Harare, porary Jazz fusion ensemble who Bernard Sakarombe.
Chapungu Sculpture Park in Love- enthralled guests, leaving them This event perfectly exemplified
land Colorado, USA, and at the Bet- spellbound. By the end of the per- Chapungu's ability to seamless-
tendorff Gallery in Heidelberg, Ger- formances, the audience was up on ly blend art, culture, and gastrono-
many amongst many others. their feet and dancing their hearts my, creating an unparalleled dining
The collection in Harare encom- out. The diverse range of perfor- experience. The intricate flavours
passes the largest collection from mances showcased the rich musical of the Afro-fusion cuisine comple-
the First Generation (those who cre- tapestry of Zimbabwe and the world mented the park's artistic ambiance,
ated between the late 1960s and the beyond. leaving guests with a lasting impres-
1980s) to the present day. It features The culinary offerings further el- sion.
the creations of renowned sculptors evated the event, with food ven- Chapungu's dedication to hosting
such as such as Joram Mariga, Jo- dors including H-Town gelato, Da- captivating events is unwavering,
seph Ndandarika, Henry Munyarad- nai wines, Zimbarista, Wendy's with and the park consistently raises the
zi, Nicholas Mukomberanwa, Syl- amazing pizza and burgers, and a bar for unforgettable experiences.
vester Mubayi, Bernard Matemera, gourmet picnic basket by Amanda By seamlessly blending art, na-
Richard Mteki, John, Bernard and Wessels of Sophisticatered. These ture, and culinary excellence, Cha-
Lazarus Takawira and Brighton San- delectable treats complemented pungu has established itself as a pre-
go. It also features many from the the artistic experience, ensuring a mier destination for those seeking a
second generation (those who cre- truly memorable occasion. truly enriching and memorable ex-
ated between the 1980s and 1990s) Chapungu's commitment to host- perience.
such as Tapfuma Gutsa, Agnes Nyan-
hongo, Colleen Madamombe, Ra-
chel Ndandarika, Dominic Benhura,
Joe Mutasa, Arthur Fata, Jonathan Photo Credits: PictureHub Zim
Gutsa, Fabian Madamombe, Taylor
Nkomo and Eddie Masaya. from the city's hustle and bustle, den, revel in the tranquillity of na-
These masterpieces, crafted from while the park's Wellness Program ture, and even catch glimpses of the
Zimbabwe's diverse range of stones, invites visitors to immerse them- resident troop of monkeys, guinea
embody the country's deep connec- selves in Art Therapy, Dance Yoga, fowl, quail and Egyptian Geese.
tion to the natural world, spirituality, Stone Sculpting for beginners and Chapungu's appeal also lies in its
and ancestral heritage. Acrylic Painting classes. ability to cater to various occasions,
Chapungu is committed to show- For those seeking a deeper under- providing a picturesque setting for
case authentic sculptures by these standing of the sculptures and their corporate events and transforming
renowned sculptors at its outdoor creators and guided tours every last into a magical backdrop for special
museum specifically dedicated to Saturday of the month offers an en- gatherings.
the early sculptors, including the riching journey into Zimbabwe's ar- Whether seeking artistic inspira-
early artists from the Tengenenge tistic landscape. tion, cultural immersion, or simply
Community. These tours, complemented by a tranquil escape, Chapungu Sculp-
There, many schools and art col- traditional Mbira music and dance ture Park stands as a must-visit des-
lectors learn about the artwork that performances, provide a holistic im- tination, offering a unique blend of
emerged from this period, most of mersion into the country's rich cul- art, nature, and Zimbabwean herit-
which are very organic as they were tural heritage. age.
carved using hand tools with no ma- Chapungu's appeal extends be- The park has established itself as
chinery. yond its artistic and cultural offer- a premier venue for hosting capti-
For those seeking a more intimate ings. The park's meticulously main- vating events that seamlessly inter-
encounter with contemporary Zim- tained gardens, adorned with a pro- twine art, culture, and culinary ex-
babwean art, the park's indoor gal- fusion of native flowers and over cellence.
lery houses an impressive array of 100 species of indigenous trees and Its recent success with the "Tones
sculptures crafted from semi-pre- shrubs, create a serene oasis amidst and Stones: A Musical Sculpture Ex-
cious stones like rose quartz, verdite, the urban sprawl. perience" exemplifies its ability to
aventurine, red jasper, and agate. At the main entrance car park sits curate events that captivate and in-
These intricate pieces showcase a “cathedral” of over fifty towering spire.
the ingenuity and artistic vision of Fever Trees ( Acacia/Vachellia xan- This unique fusion of mesmeris-
Zimbabwe's modern sculptors. thophloea) adjacent to the largest ing music, captivating stone sculp-
Zimbabwean Stone Sculpture Euphorbia stems ever seen in Zim- tures, and delectable cuisine creat-
stands as a profound testament to babwe. ed an immersive experience that de-
the nation's rich cultural heritage, a Visitors can stroll through the gar- lighted attendees.
captivating form of artistic expres-
sion, a significant contributor to the

Bling 4 tops Zim hip-hop nominations

economy, a symbol of resilience, and
a wellspring of global influence.
These sculptures continue to
mesmerize audiences with their ex-
quisite beauty, profound symbol-
ism, and the evocative stories they BY NYASHA GOROGODO sha Muz. Zim Hip Hop Awards is dedi-
embody. Chapungu Sculpture Park This year’s edition of the awards themed- Evolu- cated to promoting and sup-
proudly plays a pivotal role in pre- RAPPER Bling 4 garnered the most nominations tion, will celebrate 50 years of the genre. porting Zimbabwean hip hop
serving and promoting this remark- in this year’s edition of the annual Zim Hip hop Hip-hop started as a niche movement in New culture. It serves as a hub for
able artistic legacy. awards set for December 15. York in the early 1970s, and now, it is the world’s artists, fans, and industry pro-
Spanning across 15 acres of me- Bling 4 is named in nine categories followed by biggest genre of music and permeates almost fessionals, providing a space
ticulously landscaped gardens, Cha- Bagga with eight, Holy Ten and Voltz JT are on sev- every aspect of modern music and pop culture. to discover new talent, share
pungu offers a harmonious blend of en whilst South Africa based Mlue Jay is on six. “Our theme for 2023 is "Evolution," which is in- music, and stay updat-
art and nature. Bling 4 is up for Best Male, Best collaboration, spired by the worldwide celebration of hip ed on the latest de-
The park's tranquil ambiance, Best new comer, Song of the year for his song Shi- hop turning 50 years,” said a statement by velopments with-
punctuated by the gentle murmur ri ngainaiwe feat Voltz JT, video of the year for the the organisers. in the genre.
of a small lake and the rustling of same song, best hip hop hustle, best hip hop verse “This year, we are striving to show the Through events,
indigenous trees, provides an ideal sweet 16 for his verse on ihulumende, hip hop development and growth of hip hop not awards, and col-
backdrop for appreciating the sculp- personality of the year and the people’s choice. only in Zimbabwe but across the globe laborations, Zim
tures' intricate details and profound Bagga had nominations in people’s choice, hip as a culture. Hip Hop aims to
symbolism. hop personality of the year, hip hop hustle, vid- "As part of the evolution, the Zim Hip cultivate a thriv-
Beyond its artistic treasures, Cha- eo of the year for his video Nyarara, best alterna- Hop Awards brand will be engaging ing hip hop com-
pungu serves as a vibrant cultural tive, best newcomer, best male, and best song of fans, industry professionals, and music munity in Zimba-
hub, offering a diverse range of ac- the year. enthusiasts who truly understand the bwe and elevate
tivities that cater to both art enthu- For the best female nominees, the reigning best pulse of the genre in celebrating and the genre's cultural
siasts and nature lovers. female Young Gemini will battle it out with Nol- showcasing the milestones of the cul- significance.
Weekend picnics in the tranquil untu J, Brucella, Millz Million, Banshee, and Nata- ture in Zimbabwe.”
gardens provide a delightful escape
S8 Standard Style | November 19 to 25 2023

Energy company ‘energises’

Marondera school
STYLE REPORTER Last year, the school received
300 day-old road runner chicks,
TOP energy company, Primus school fees for 14 students, roof-
Energy has donated stationary ing sheets and sport regalia for
worth thousands of dollars to all sporting disciplines.

Dombotombo Primary School in Despite having no discrimina-
Marondera. tory enrolment policy, the school
The donation saw scores of has been hailed for its pass rate
learners benefiting as the school that hovers around 85%.
held its annual prize-giving cer- "The pass rate is also quite
BY SAMUEL CHUMA emony to honour pupils who ex- impressive across all grades. A
celled in both academic and ex- consistent average pass rate of
We were found out tracurricular activities in 2023. 88% for the past 5 years is what
Before we started out The stationary included pens, also drives us to assist the learn-
It was the day that exercise books, bond paper, rul- ers," added Mutyambizi.
We had braved the frowns ers and pencils among others. “I would like to thank the par-
Of horned traditions The company also donated ents for affording to educate
And sabre-toothed customs summer hats and t-shirts for our young ones. Education is
To feed each the other’s fantasies staff. the foundation towards any per-
Prone on straw beds Primus Energy director Dun- son's development, be it academ-
In the forest more Mutyambizi said the dona- ically, religiously or culturally.
Of blazing passions tion was part of the company's “We urge our children to
And fiery looks. corporate social responsibility. behaving well, achieve good
We were sold out “We assist many institutions grades, follow a sporting disci-
Betrayed by hormones who seek any such help from pline, art or culture, resist and
In concert with chromosomes us and the need is justified,"he desist from substance abuse. We
And many other such menaces said. commend government for prior-
That chose to manufacture "Dombotombo Primary School itising education under NDS1
Groans and grunts is also outstanding in catering through Education 5.0.
Where only silence for special needs education, be it “We encourage our teaching
Should have been given voice intellectual impairment or hear- staff including the school devel-
And allowed to rule... ing impairment. opment committee for a job well
"Currently the special needs done and to remain committed
team is number 1 in the whole to their important role in shap-

Candid Talk
(Mashonaland East Province) ing the future custodians of our
for the G and C quiz and will be great nation, Zimbabwe.”
representing the Province for Built in 1963, Dombotombo
the National Quiz Competition. Primary School produced lead-
BY PATRICK HWANDE "They are also the district ing academics such as former
champions in traditional dance; University of Zimbabwe lectur-
You have absolute freedom a useful art towards culture er who is now the Ambassador
To call a spade a spade preservation and conscientisa- of Zimbabwe to Rwanda Chari-
But King Pharaoh isn't dead. tion." ty Manyeruke.
Yes, you can growl This is not the first time the The school currently has an Primus Energy director Dunmore Mutyambizi
But beasts do prowl company has bailed the school. enrollment of 1 933 learners.
And make mincemeat of you.
I'm sure you know better
The language he knows better
It's you to bleach his soul.

Look not beyond your nose

Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire
premieres in Zimbabwe
For Pharaoh's sanity dose.
Paper tigers connive with him.
Why not make a league
And face Pharaoh head on?
Two dogs lose not a bone to foes.
Pharaoh is an insulator
Prosperity never pass through his hands
You had better stand up.

There's crimson in
AFRICAN animated science fiction
anthology Kizazi Moto: Generation
Fire premiered last week at Ster Ki-

faded Green
nekor, Sam Levy Village in Harare.
The anthology presents 10 futuris-
tic visions from Africa featuring ad-
vanced technology, monsters and
The films are Stardust, Mkhuzi: The
Spirit Racer, Hatima, Enkai, More-
I am a warrior who fights for his land, mi, Surf Sangoma, Mukudzei, First
My soul is set on fire, Totem Problems, Herderboy and You
Stomach in and chest out is how I bravely stand, Give Me Heart.
Indeed, freedom at last we shall acquire. Zimbabwean filmmakers Pious Nye-
I know of thorns, of trials, of unimaginable pains, nyewa and Tafadzwa Hove are among
Pains of fellow brothers who died in my arms, of cracking the creatives behind the science fic-
whips at the back. tion animation demonstrating their
Yet, I don't lose heart, for pain is the only pathway to creativity in Mukudzei, sixth episode
well-deserved gains. of Kizazi Moto. Pious Nyenyewa and Tafadzwa Hove
I care not of the fancies I lack, Mukudzei presented a Zimbabwe-
But I press forward, eye on the goal, an set up showcasing its culture, use
The goal to freedom that is a blazing flame in my soul. of Shona language and names such as Zimbabwe, it is peaceful, our culture Hove added: “We can convert the ti-
In these veins pump blood, our blood is spilt, it waters Rumbidzai. The film featured the sa- is beautiful and people around the niest things into something beauti-
the trees, credness of Great Zimbabwe monu- world now know that there is Great ful that people can be able to watch.
They bath in our blood, in blood pools as vast as the seas. ment from which the country derived Zimbabwe. For some it may be just 10 "Stories like these (Mukudzei) hap-
These faded green denims I wear, have become to me a its name. The Zimbabwe bird (hung- minutes but it took us a lot of effort to pen where people disappear at these
second skin, we) is also presented in the film. create the movie,” Nyenyewa added. sacred national monuments.”
The foe sees me not as i lay in the thicket and leaves, Speaking after the movie screen- Hove said: “It was a challenge to Hove said they travelled to Los An-
I embrace my rifle, the trigger the only breast to squeeze, ing Nyenyewa said: “In Mukudzei portray our people as beautiful as geles in the United States for the Afri-
fighting for freedom is no sin. we wanted to show beautiful things they are and no matter how much ef- ca Animation Exchange programme
I am one who dies and whose legacy lives. about our country because Zimbabwe fort we had to put in we figured it out. where they had the opportunity to
A hero, one day with pride I shall beam, has been portrayed negatively. For us "We do not have to change anything connect with other animators.
And all shall know there once pumped crimson in fad- it was about changing the narrative to stand out because we are beautiful He said they met different anima-
ed green. through entertainment.” the way we are. That is what we want- tors for animated movies such as Mo-
“There are a lot of good things about ed.” ana, Lion King and Frozen.
Advertorial Standard Style | November 19 to 25 2023 S9

First lady to host global PMCT meeting


irst lady Auxilia Mnangagwa will
early next month host African first
ladies to deliberate on the preven-
tion of mother to child transmis-
sion and elimination of new born
infections on the continent.
The meeting, which will be held in Victo-
ria Falls, is among a series of events that are
being held ahead of the International Con-
ference on Aids and STIs in Africa (Icasa).
Zimbabwe will host Icasa from Decem-
ber 4 to 9 at the Harare International Con-
ference Centre under the theme Aids, is not
over: Address inequalities, accelerate inclu-
sion and innovation.
More than 8 000 delegates are expected in
the country to attend the biennial confer-
ence which is organised by the Society for
Aids in Africa.
The conference brings together partic-
ipants from across the globe to discuss the
latest research, policies, and developments
related to HIV and Aids as well as STIs in Af-
Icasa provides a platform for researchers,
healthcare professionals, activists, policy-
makers and advocates sharing their experi-
ences and expertise, and to network and col-
laborate on efforts to combat the HIV and
Aids epidemic as well as strengthen the
health systems in Africa.
Health and Child Care minister Douglas First Lady Auxilia Mnangagwa
Mombeshora confirmed that the first lady
would host one of the two high-level meet-
ings to be held in Victoria Falls in the run up
to the global conference.
“We are very excited as a government
about the two high-level meetings, which we
are going to host on December 2 in Victoria
Falls as part of the build-up towards the Ica-
sa,” he said.
“We will have a meeting of the African
first ladies to be hosted by our First Lady,
Her Excellency Dr Auxilia Mnangagwa.
“This meeting will focus on addressing
prevention of mother to child transmission
and elimination of new born infections in
Mombeshora said his ministry will on the
same day host the African ministers of Fi-
nance, at a meeting focusing on addressing
domestic financing of the HIV response to
reach the UN 2025 goals and the African Un-
ion Agenda 2063.
Zimbabwe has made giant strides in tam-
ing the spread of HIV, but the mother-to-
child transmission of the virus remain a
The first lady’s engagement with her
counterparts is in line with The Global Al-
liance to End Aids in Children, an initia-
tive meant to end Aids in children through
a strong, strategic and action-oriented al-
liance of multisectoral stakeholders at na-
tional, regional and global levels that works
with women living with HIV and their fam-
ilies, national governments and partners to
mobilise leadership, funding and action to
end Aids. National PMTCT and pediatric HIV care and treatment coordinator in the Health and Child Care ministry Angela Mushavi
The meeting in Victoria Falls is being or-
ganised by the Office of The First Lady in come pregnant each year. and adolescent health services, as well as the ministry of Health and Child Care Ange-
collaboration with other first ladies in the In the absence of intervention, the rate of strengthened health systems. la Mushavi told journalists last week.
Organisation of African First Ladies for De- transmission of HIV from a mother living “We are making sure that we improve ac- “We now have a triple EMTCT Plan: 2023-
velopment, running with the Global Alli- with HIV to her child during pregnancy, la- cess to sexual and reproductive health ser- 2026 targeted at eliminating mother to child
ance initiative as well as the #WeAreEqual bour, delivery or breastfeeding ranges from vices through preventing unintended preg- transmission of HIV, syphilis and Hepatitis
campaign. 15% to 45%, WHO said. nancies and screening and treatment for B.”
According to the World Health Organisa- In light of this Zimbabwe is promoting STIs in women and girls living with HIV, She said the Global Alliance to End Aids in
tion (WHO), globally, an estimated 1,3 mil- the integration of prevention of MTCT in- among others,” National PMTCT and pedi- Children initiative was among a myriad of pro-
lion women and girls living with HIV be- terventions into maternal, newborn, child atric HIV care and treatment coordinator in grammes meant to ends in children by 2030.
S10 Standard Style | November 19 to 25 2023

“Movember” a time for men’s empowerment through art

IN this article I interrogate the gen- domestic abuse crimes reported to and taking care of people are just It is absolutely fine to cry, and in
der agenda from a male stream police have male victims. some simple life skills that everyone fact very necessary to encourage
bias as both an artist and also gen- As we approach the 16 days of ac- needs to know to survive in life with- boys to show their emotions and cry
der and policy enthusiast and aca- tivism against gender based vio- out being dependent on anyone. their hearts out whenever they feel
demic. lence, it is of note that women within Just as young girls are taught like it. It will give an outlet to their
I inculcate the element of art, but the context of Zimbabwe have been how to ride a bike, driving a car, and pent-up emotions and instead of be-
my draw is to also speak deeply of suppressed for many ages and hence studying hard to get a job in order ing violent and aggressive which
the issues that have a premise on many campaigns have been promul- to be ‘self-dependent’, boys too must they often become due to suppress-
the capacitation of men. gated which cater for their cause. be made self-dependent by making ing their emotions, they will become
We speak of how men have feel- But how many campaigns do we them experts in household chores. It more humane and caring.
ings and emotions too. We are also have for men? Why is the empower- will make boys feel empowered and There’s nothing wrong if boys like
speaking of how a man can cry, ment of men closeted? Are we driv- to be in real competition with girls. subjects like music, and humanities
and in the process feel vulnerable en and stimulated by stereotypical I will pose a rhetorical question more than science and technology.
and weak, which is something very thinking? about whether we as artists under- There’s seriously nothing wrong
deep and of relevance in the dis- In this scenario, I strongly feel that stand what gender equality means? with all these. Let them be the hu-
course of art and development. it’s high time we start campaigns When we hear the word gender man being they want to be instead of
The engenderment of the male edutainment mix for men empowerment, not only to don’t we always think of women em- pressurizing them into being a ‘per-
discourse in art and development with Raymond Millagre teach them about protecting them- powerment? fect macho boy’.
is also something that has to be Langa selves against GBV, but to ensure Can men do what women do or can Last but not least, don’t mock men
strengthened by the talk of em- they desist from being perpetrators women do what men do? who love doing household chores or
powerment and the capacitation of of GBV. These are important rhetorics we taking care of their kids. Don’t ridi-
men. In Bulawayo for example, I ap- have to be edutained on by creatives cule a man when he prefers to be a
Movember is an annual event in- ing women against domestic vio- plaud many artists and creatives so that whenever we are address- stay-at-home-dad while letting his
volving the growing of moustach- lence in a predominantly male-driv- who are calling for the voice of the ing issues of gender, art and devel- wife work. These are the dynamics
es during the month of November en world is extremely important, it boy child to be heard and acknowl- opment we remain aware and con- and the changes in the tides of time.
to raise awareness of men's health has been going on for decades. But edged. scious of the need to create a bal- Don’t judge men who don't like to
issues, such as prostate cancer, tes- even though the work to protect Mzoe 7 has a platform he calls ance. spend time on things like painting,
ticular cancer, and men's suicide. women is good, many people don’t “majida lets talk”, and Mzingaye The empowerment of men means cooking, and singing, instead of be-
It is a portmanteau of the Aus- realize how prevalent violence and Shoemaker also last week hosted that we should be giving males full ing busy in the rat race of criminal
tralian-English diminutive word abuse against men is. the “men’s conference” - a platform freedom to express their emotions activity to earn maximum possible
for moustache, "mo", and "Novem- One of the most important ways where men were discussing issues from early childhood. money.
ber". to observe International Day for the that hurdle them through the promo- One of my unreleased songs is ti- Let every individual — whether
I feel this is a very great initiative Elimination of Violence Against tion of suicide awareness and the is- tled “when men cry” which address- a man or a woman, live life the way
as on 18 November we commemo- Men is to get educated and informed. sues of depression which affect men. es the issues of the depth of the men- they want to instead of pressurising
rate International Day for the Elim- The research can be difficult to This is an example of artists tak- tal health of men. them into being something or some-
ination of Violence Against Men. find, but artists have the challenge to ing initiative and the first step at ad- As an edutainer, in this song I am one else. Life is precious; let every-
Remember that men too are also research even more and have a deep- dressing the plight of the boy child saying that don’t tell young boys one live it, enjoy it and celebrate it.
victims to different forms of vio- er understanding on issues of mas- who is marauded by a lot of chal- when they feel like crying and shed- We are doing our bit to empower
lence and abuse, which is some- culinity and the challenges men ex- lenges. ding tears that 'boys don’t cry!’ Why women and now it’s time to empow-
thing seldom spoken of in the gen- perience. Empowering men means that we do we say so? er men too.
der discourses. The majority of people may as- should begin by giving training of Who has decided this for boys that Raymond Millagre Langa is
Raising awareness, and acknowl- sume that most domestic violence basic life skills to young boys from they can’t show their emotions and musician, poet, orator, independ-
edging the importance of safe spac- is against women, perhaps because an early age. This will not only make feelings? ent researcher and founder of In-
es, and promoting equality, ensur- men are typically larger and strong- them ‘self-dependent’ and self-reliant Why can’t they be sensitive like debo edutainment Trust. You can
ing the well-being of all individuals er, or maybe because women seem but will also make them more empa- girls? Why do we burden them with follow on Facebook @Millagre
is one of the key precepts of this less likely to be violent. thetic towards women who work our orthodox expectations of not Ray Langa, on X you can follow
day and predominantly the month But the statistics tell a different hard in homes. showing their vulnerability and cry- on #Millagre Langa, email. mil-
of November. story up to 40% of domestic violence After all, chores such as cooking ing bitterly like girls when they are or inde-
While the work toward protect- victims are male and up to 25% of food, cleaning homes, doing laundry, hurt?

Dua Lipa’s pop lulu smacks ‘Houdini’

Industrial in her quilted blood, Dua’s
eponymous 2017 debut full-bodied lulla-
by creation is certified platinum, having
bred six platinum jams, and made her the
Nostalgia World Tour’ — among the low performers and artists to authors the get-up-and-go vibe starts out to first female artist in Brit Awards chroni-
best live shows of the year. The show’s and activists. swell. cle to cream up five nominations in a sin-
namesake album refulgent, coagulat- Dedication to diversity and rep- “This track represents the most gle year. Reaping so much gravitation-
ed Dua Lipa’s orientation as both a resentation leaked, in any case be- light and freeing parts of my ‘sin- al force across platforms globally; she
pettifogging achiever and apical ra- ing lauded in publications such as gledom’. ‘Houdini’ is very tongue in has amassed over 38 billion streams and
dio performer! The Sunday Times, Vogue, and The cheek, exploring the idea of whether holds the record for having the top two
Tiptop carrying into action, ‘Fu- Guardian; it was named one of the someone is really worth my while or most streamed albums by a female artist
ture Nostalgia’ which is certified plat- Best Podcasts of 2022 by Spotify — if I’ll ghost them in the end. You nev- — of all time on Spotify.
inum in the US and UK, was the long- a Swedish audio streaming and me- er know where something may take A wise creative with matter to and who-
est spurting top 10 work of berceuse dia services provider. Absolutely lib- you, that’s the beauty of being open dunit at its nucleus, to crown her inun-
out & about by a female artist on the Billboard eral, Dua’s passion for written lan- to whatever life throws your way. I’m dated ascendance in the feverish show-
with Grant Moyo 200 in 2021. Established firmly, it guage and affinity for storytelling led looking forward to sharing that feel- biz kingdom; Dua Lipa panache ran along
has spawned multiple cosmopolitan her to launch the third and a la mode ing of defiant bliss with my fans,” Dua the fashion vista, where most freshly, she
smash singles, with ‘Levitating’ earn- branch of the platform, known as Lipa said. co-designed Versace’s ‘La Vacanza’ col-
ing certified diamond status and the ‘The Service95 Book Club’. Not only did Australian singer lection — alongside the iconic Donatella
‘HOUDINI’ embodies that 4 a.m. feel- title of Billboard’s No. 1 Hot 100 Song Swinging, ‘Houdini’ — the Pop songwriter, musician, record pro- Versace. Connection undeniably striking;
ing when the night is coming to a of 2021. hotshot’s up-to-the-minute ditty; ducer and Disc Jockey Kevin Park- the womenswear collection which Vogue
close and you’re a bit sweaty, but you Not here to play, in addition to sets about the narrative thread that er (known for his psychedelic musi- called — “the hottest collaboration of the
just don’t want the party to end, says breaking solo records; Dua verified weaves its way through her forthcom- cal project Tame Impala), and British summer” — debuted at a fashion show in
global Pop ball of fire Dua Lipa — tel- to be a redoubtable collaborator with ing project. The spick-and-span cin- music producer composer Danny L. Cannes, in May of this 12-month period.
ephoning the back story of her blan- British singer, pianist and compos- ematic visuals to the spanking bird- Harle — produce this number ‘Hou- Mode language cultured in lavish-
ket red-hot peachy honeyed clairvoy- er Sir Elton John’s ‘Cold Heart (PNAU call; were directed by French radical dini’; the pair also co-wrote the neo- ness, Vogue Runway’s review of the show
ant canon; bristle-pointed at a jum- Remix)’ — landing them the honour filmmaker Manu Cossu, with cinema- nate gem along with Dua Lipa, Tobi- hailed it — “an instantly desirable, flatter-
bo gait to pitch in a consummate spot of Variety’s 2022 Hitmakers of the tographer and Director of Photogra- as Jesso Jr. a Canadian musician, as ing summer wardrobe”. Making an unfor-
and dissolve human flesh. The exceed- Year. phy (DOP) André Chemetoff from the well as Norwegian singer songwrit- gettable statement that plays up how the
ingly hoped-for opus pioneering the News-buzzing, Dua Lipa’s umpteen United States. er Caroline Ailin. Possessing giant English-Albanian singer songwriter; who
commencement of a historied chapter manias on the far side of the universe Dua Lipa’s super personality dis- techniques, the ballad lords served is a two-time Guinness World Records
— following the model-cum-recording of euphony saw her launch Service95 played; this very thought-provok- as core collaborators throughout the holder, has combined the astuteness and
artist’s 2020 hit offering ‘Future Nos- — an international style, culture, and ing means of telling and uncloaking project. cornucopia of her high-toned golden be-
talgia’ — is out now aboard its inscru- society editorial platform. The latter through illustration sees the many- Knowing what it takes to win the gotten talent to the maximum — with the
table hammy music video. is inspired by the Grammy Best Pop sided artist — who as a fashion icon, ultimate prize — slaying the game glow of her fame and fortune — to reveal
A fierce competitor — included on Vocal Album, Best New Artist and has graced the cover of every ma- with her mezzo-soprano vocal range the sultry loudness of her superstar sta-
the Time 100 Next list in 2021 — the Best Dance Recording victor’s womb- jor fashion magazine globally, from and disco-influenced production — tus on stage and off !
(3x) Grammy® and (6x) Brit award- to-tomb habit of curating across-the- Vogue and Elle to W and Dazed — Dua Lipa avows: “A lot of this album
winning English-Albanian singer board recommendations lists. Sure post-rehearsal in a dance hall. Revis- was written in those joyous moments Grant Moyo is a prolific writer, inno-
songwriter closed out last 12-month as shooting, the concomitant pod- ing her choreography beneath fluo- of absolute chaos and how I moved vative media personality, entrepreneur and
as one of the uppermost performers cast called ‘Dua Lipa: At Your Ser- rescent lights. Linkages exemplified, through the world with lightness and a creative artist who is passionate about
of the period of time; with both Vari- vice’; features pensive conversations the lights reflect in the room’s mir- optimism of whatever the outcome using his creative mind for the betterment
ety and Billboard naming her ‘Future with high-profile guests — from fel- rors, creating an optical illusion as may be.” of society. Follow him on X: @TotemGrant
Standard Style | November 19 to 25 2023 S11

‘Imbube came
through prophecy’
Mo- the best! Love them all but
ments don't trust them again al-
at Indo- ways remember where you
sakusa come from, where you are
The Morn- and where are heading to.”
ing Star
“l feel l have
BY SHARON SIBINDI prophesied on my music career our language and being an inter- to give an hon-
at church. I was told that l will nationally recognised music gen- our to lndosaku-
AWARD-WINNING Isicathami- be a renowned musician who will re which is classic all kinds of sa The Morning
ya gospel group, Indosakusa - The touch the hearts of the people.” people black, white, kalate etc. Star members who
Morning Star group leader Oscar “After that they prayed for me “One can listen to our music be- are still with me
Siziba says he was once a garden- and annointed me with holy oil. cause it has harmony in it. I chose today. They
er but a prophecy in 2000 at Zion Then in 2001 May 7, l then start- to sing it because it mainly speaks stood a taste
church in Enqameni, Mapane in ed my music career with my cur- about Ubuntu bethu, invelaphi yet- of time, per-
Gwanda foresaw that he will be- rent group lndosakusa The Morn- hu (our history) and lapho esiyak- severed,
come a renowned musician who ing Star which was once called hona (where we heading). Imbube worked to-
will touch the hearts of the peo- lmpumelelo Shining Stars. music carries information, edu- gether in
ple. Inspiration cation, preaching and entertain- harmony.
In 2001, when he was worship- “God is my first inspiration…. ment.” "What l
ing God at a church called Jeru- When I grew up, my father used to Midas touch can say is
salem, he met Costa Lungisani buy Ladysmith Black Mambazo's “The secret behind my success that they are
Ncube and on May 7, 2002, they to- records and later listened to Black is God "Seek first the Kingdom of more than
gether formed a group called lm- Umfolosi and other groups so l God” . Have a vision and focus. l my biological
pumelelo Shining Stars which lat- loved the kind of melody. I loved know my calling, commission and brothers now.
er rebranded to lndosakusa The the melody, harmony and message going there for doing what God “We spend
Morning Star. on it and l was inspired.” had sent me as Oscar Siziba.” time together
Siziba, who is also a founder of Musical journey and gongs “All the awards we got we got almost in eve-
Thobela Arts Foundation, caught “Since 2001 l have been compos- them through hard work, produc- ryday life. So,
up with Standard Style and spoke ing the songs for lndosakusa The ing quality products. Ungenza l salute them a
about his life outside the showbiz Morning Star. Our first album okuhle konke okuhle kuzokulan- lot because we
industry and other matters. was recorded in 2001 entitled Em- dela and praying to God to allow went through
How it started thonjeni and up to date we have re- His Holy Spirit to lead me and the fires, ups and
“I am originally known as Os- leased 12 albums. group.” downs. They
car Khutshwekhaya Siziba born “We have been nominated sev- Outside showbiz industry didn't give up
and raised at Enqameni, Mapane eral times national and interna- “l run a shop, which does typ- even though
in Gwanda under Chief Mathe- tionally. We have won about nine ing services and cosmetics. l others did. l
ma. My parents are John Mbiri- awards. We have attended, show- also have an organisation named give them their
jo Siziba and Olitha Tshalibe. l cased our talent local and interna- by my name called Thobela Arts flowers. l re-
wasn't born a musician. When tionally.” Foundation that focuses on pro- spect and love
l finished my O’ Level in 1998, I “Our music is recognised most- moting local creative arts.” them they are
went straight to Bulawayo to work ly in Zimbabwe and South Africa Ups and downs the ones who
as a gardener in Bellevue for a being played in radio and televi- “l have faced a lot of challenges, make this vi-
year. sion station.” these include financial problems, sion a suc-
“In 2000, l went back to my home Why Imbube genre? group members coming and leav- cess.”
village and when l was attend- “It’s Imbube genre because it ing the group, spiritual warfares, Life lesson
ing a Zion Church service, I was is our mother genre, our culture, short of sponsors and partners ..” “God's time is

Misuse of medicines is making infections difficult to treat

ANTIMICROBIAL resistance should realise that if we do not “When I learned about antibi-
(AMR) occurs when bacteria, vi- act now, we could go back to a pre- otic resistance, it came as a sur-
ruses, fungi and parasites change antibiotic era, when even simple prise that why was it not a com-
over time and become resistant infections become untreatable”. mon knowledge even though it is
to (or no longer respond to) med- There are several issues of ac- such a widespread global threat.”
icines, making infections harder cess and equity affecting AMR. World leaders at next year’s UN
to treat and increasing the risk of “Research and development of General Assembly will be conven-
disease spread, severe illness and new treatment options, including ing a United Nations High Level
death. new antibiotics, is not prioritized Meeting on AMR.
As a result of drug resistance, due to a sector-wide market fail- “We are at a critical point in
medicines become ineffective, ure,” said Thomas. time to act against AMR. The at-
and infections become increas- “As a result, we are running tention to AMR is growing and it
ingly difficult or impossible to out of treatment options and new is rightly so. The UN High Lev-
treat. That is why AMR ranks drugs are not coming into the el Meeting on AMR next year is
among the top ten global health market. a critical opportunity to further
threats worldwide. “Even when new medicines fi- accelerate the response to AMR,”
“Antimicrobial Resistance nally reach the market, low- and said Beatrice Atim Odwong Any-
(AMR) is a problem driven by middle-income countries are not war, Uganda’s Minister of State
misuse and overuse of antimicro- able to access these due to intel- for Environment, and Member of
bial medicines, including antibi- lectual property and pricing con- in my face- a broken jaw and a specialist surgeons. Global Leaders Group on Antimi-
otics and antivirals, and results straints. broken nose- and also lost one eye. Carter was eventually diag- crobial Resistance (AMR).
in critical medicines losing effec- “Antimicrobials should be re- “I also had a head injury, major nosed with highly antibiotic re- “Out of the five million AMR
tiveness to treat infections,” said garded as global public goods. abdominal injury, fractured pel- sistant form of MRSA (Methicil- related human deaths that occur
Thomas Joseph, World Health Or- “Governments should strength- vis, neck, and back injury. lin-resistant Staphylococcus au- every year, most of them are hap-
ganisation (WHO)’s AMR Aware- en their health systems and push “But the most complicated inju- reus) infection. pening in low- and middle-income
ness, Advocacy and Campaigns for universal health coverage, so ries were to my face, and it took She could not undergo any countries.
head at a recent pre-conference that all have access to the needed me 10 years to recover from them, more surgeries for one year, as “These are the countries where
meet of 22nd International Con- antimicrobials prescribed by reg- during which time I have had four the doctors had to wait for tissue the burden of diseases is also
ference on AIDS and STIs in Afri- istered healthcare providers.” different facial prosthetic im- to recover. higher.
ca (ICASA). Vanessa Carter, an AMR pa- plants.” “I had to cover my face as I “That is why Uganda is spear-
“AMR is associated with five tient survivor, One Health advo- But the worst was yet to come. looked terrible. My face was very heading action against AMR
million deaths a year. Besides cate, chairperson of the WHO Six years into the accident and af- red, full of fluid and swollen. I across sectors such as human
this, there is the huge burden of Taskforce of AMR Survivors, ter her fourth implant, one day, could not wear my artificial eye. health, animal health, food and
morbidity and healthcare expend- and founder of The AMR Narra- while getting into her car, Cart- I could not go to fetch my child agriculture, and the environ-
iture that can affect household tive was one of the speakers at er saw moisture seeping all over from school because the kids ment.”
welfare severely. the third Annual Global Media her face. would get scared looking at me”, The health of humans, animals,
“The World Bank estimates that Forum on AMR, hosted by Global It was pus oozing out from her she recalls. (domestic and wild), plants and
Global GDP could fall by $1 to $3.4 AMR Media Alliance in lead up to fourth implanted prosthetic. She “I lost 10 valuable years of my our environment are closely in-
trillion annually after 2030 due to WAAW 2023. underwent emergency surgery, life between 25-35 years of age, be- terlinked and interdependent.
AMR,” he added. She shared her eye-opening and the doctors did “debride- ing in and out of hospital, and not “This means that whatever
“The World Bank estimates that personal experience of her battle ment” and reconstructive sur- being able to look in the mirror happens to one of them, the oth-
an additional 24 million people with AMR. gery to fix up the damaged tissue. without seeing a changed face. ers will be inevitably affected and
would be forced into extreme pov- “In 2004, I was 25 years old. I Two weeks later, the infection “I nearly got a bloodstream in- impacted for better or for worse”,
erty by 2030 if no action is taken had a severe car accident in Jo- returned. She got more of tissue fection and sepsis and almost says Javier Yugueros-Marcos,
on AMR today. hannesburg, South Africa, and reconstruction done. But the in- died. But I am also living with a head of department Antimicrobi-
Drawing attention to World ended up in a hospital with a lot fection kept on returning and it severe disability now- facial dis- al Resistance & Veterinary Prod-
AMR Awareness Week (WAAW) of massive injuries,” said Carter. worsened over time. figuration which was partially ucts at World Organisation for
which is celebrated between 18- “I had been resuscitated on the This went on for the next 11 caused by the accident but exac- Animal Health (WOAH).
24 November every year, Thomas side of the road, I was put on life months during which she was erbated by the fact that we could
cautioned that “All stakeholders support, I had multiple fractures kept under the care of several not treat this infection. -Global AMR Media Alliance
S12 Standard Style | November 19 to 25

Recurring cholera outbreaks:

We are our own waste enemy
It is common knowledge that garbage
has a high tendency to block water bod-
ies and natural flows, thus becoming un-
wanted breeding sources for vectors such
Health Talk as mosquitoes that are very stubborn in
with Marisa Johannes malarial transmission.
Why are we failing to contain Cholera in
our beautiful country? Is it not only mere
A few days ago, news was all over that the Strengthening water infrastructure re-
suburbs of Kuwadzana were hit by chol- mains critical in reducing many of the
era and eight people had succumbed to communicable diseases.
the diarrheal disease. Statutory 140 of 2023 has potential to
The disease should not kill many peo- improve the waste management system
ple as case fatality rate is usually less than as the Environmental Management Agen-
2%. cy (EMA) is now mandated to manage re-
The continuous spread of the disease fuse collection and waste management
is a serious test on primary health care within Harare Metropolitan Province.
which should orient its structures and Funds from the treasury will be used
functions towards the values of equity by EMA to coordinate the clearance of
and social solidarity. Mounds of garbage are becoming an ugly sight at many open spaces which include both high and low-density suburbs. dumpsites across the province.
Everyone should enjoy the highest at- If treasury avails the funds, then gar-
tainable standard of health without dis- bage should be a thing of the past. Uneth-
tinction of race, religion, political beliefs, There are many office bearers in coun- How can one run a whole health insti- when the country recorded about 98 585 ical practices like corruption and embez-
economic or social condition. cils, municipalities who seem incompe- tution when they are ignorant of manage- cases and 4 287 deaths within a space of zlement of funds can hinder any progress
The principles required to sustain pri- tent to deal with the perennial health ment expectations? Just taking a doctor just nine months. in any project and failure to address cor-
mary health care are its capacity to re- matters for our cities and towns. Is it that from school and throwing him to become The 2019 cholera outbreak was mild- ruption will take us backwards as a coun-
spond equitably and efficiently to the meritocracy is not considered on selec- a medical boss at a hospital is tantamount er with about 10 421 cases being record- try. The judiciary should not smile at all
health needs of citizens, including the tion and recruitment? to setting him for an arrest. ed with about 69 people succumbing to those who were implicated in corruption.
ability to monitor progress for continuous Harare city fathers concentrate their Mounds of garbage are becoming an the disease. Inter-sectoral approach remains funda-
improvement and renewal, the responsi- energy on clamping of vehicles, charging ugly sight at many open spaces which in- It was not long ago when President mental in the mitigation and containment
bility and accountability of government, amounts ranging from $57 to $120 de- clude both high and low-density suburbs. Emmerson Mnangagwa declared “a state of cholera with councils expected to take
sustainability, participation and an orien- pending on whether towing of the vehi- It is regarded as normal to have gar- of disaster”in four Harare Metropolitan lo- leading roles.
tation towards the highest standards of cle was done or not. bage next to your home. Harare has be- cal authorities namely Harare City Coun- People should also be reminded to
quality and safety and intersectoral ap- Complaints have been raised about the come an eyesore with hordes of rubbish cil, Ruwa, Epworth and Chitungwiza due practice good hygiene which include
proach. vindictive nature of City Parking or Easy piling up in all open spaces. to their failure to collect and dispose of hand-washing with soapy water, sanitisa-
Primary health care should thus dwell Park but no one has taken motorists seri- The consequences are catastroph- waste. tion.
on health education and promotion, ously. ic with water bodies receiving maximum Epworth has experienced waste dis- It is very wise to shun suspicious water
good nutrition, clean water supplies, Patronage, nepotism and favouritism contamination. Cholera has circulated in posal misery with residents now dumping as it may be the source of Vibrio Cholerae,
good sanitisation, immunisations, afford- are killing our country as undeserving the city and it is not showing signs of re- waste in rivers and vacant spaces, much to a toxin-producing bacterium.
able first line drugs, easy patient transfers people are occupying offices. mission. the detriment of people’s health.
to mention but just a few. It is surprising that many office-bearers About 200 people have already lost With the rain seasons fast approach-  Dr Johannes Marisa is a med-
It is an embarrassment to die of chol- in management positions do not have the their lives since February 12 when the first ing, there is great potential to contam- ical practitioner, an educationist
era in this era and age. The disease is at- pre-requisite qualifications which should cholera cases were identified in Chegutu. inate water bodies further and diseas- and a public health expert who
tributed to poor sanitation and contami- surely include even a certificate, diploma We should remain very vigilant about es like cholera, dysentery, typhoid will be can be reached on doctormari-
nated water. or degree in management. Cholera if we are not have a repeat of 2008 very difficult to contain once they start to

This was a moment I could cherish forever

First to give an excuse was rai and Mai Svinurai were sleep- next room? Were my children All my children whom I had
Baba VaTata, then Rasta who im- ing. They got away with house- safe? thought were asleep all came to
mediately ran after Baba VaTata. hold goods and their 55 inch Even if I tried to phone for help hug me.
Fatso just vanished. I left smart tv which they had just the intruders would hear me. Zvazviri, our local photogra-
shortly afterwards. bought the previous month. By now the sound and move- pher was already busy taking
It was dark outside as this was And to make matters worse, I ments in the next room were photographs and when you live
the third straight day without was half- naked and defenceless more pronounced. in a community like ours, life
electricity. Someone was prowling around I felt like there was a lump that becomes sweet and at times like
I was just about to go and lock in the next room. One of the was lodged in my throat. Fear this, hardships are forgotten.
the door when I heard the front kitchen chairs was moved to one has a way of getting at people. When emotions get the better
door creak open. side. Oftentimes on movies you Even me who always appeared of you, you don’t know whether
“Who is it?” I said. see people dialing 911. to be brave in a crowd was terri- to cry or laugh but I was thrilled
There was dead silence. Imme- I wish that was easy in real fied sick. to the bone.
diately after that I heard some life. I was a bundle of fear. I re- And then out of the blues, I stood half-naked, torn be-
movement. alized that there were two or lights came on. I did not know tween crying and celebrating.
ghetto dances “Is that you Maidei?” I called more people moving around in whether this was a good omen or My wife with the help of my
with Onie Ndoro out to my daughter. The silence the kitchen. It was just a matter not. Then just at that moment friends had organised a sur-
was even more silent. of time before they entered our Mai VaMaidei did the unexpect- prise birthday party for me. My
The children were sleeping in room. ed. Even before I could restrain wife was holding the cake which
NO sooner had I hit the bed than the kitchen as usual and move- I tried to look for a weapon to her she rushed to the kitchen. looked fantastic, decorated in red
I remembered I had forgotten to ment was coming from there. defend ourselves with. There I had no choice but to follow and white. This was a moment I
lock the door. The children were By now Mai VaMaidei was was nothing that I could use as only to get the surprise of my could cherish forever.
all asleep. Mai VaMaidei was on clinging to me. I was beginning a weapon. I was ill-prepared to life.
the bed but still awake. She was to think that something was hor- deal with this type of danger. “Happy Birthday!!!” Onie Ndoro is a an
not happy that I had arrived a bit ribly wrong. Mai VaMaidei tried to whisper I tried to retreat back to the IELTS tutor, ghostwrit-
late from Zororo Bar. There was an intruder in something to me. bedroom but it was too late. All er and storyteller. For feed-
The evening had started well the house. And only last week, “Sssh, keep quiet,” I said. My my friends were present, Baba back: X@Onie90396982/
until my friends started do dis- thieves had broken in our neigh- voice was a bit husky with fear. VaTata, Fatso, Rasta and some of
appear one by one. bour's house while Baba Svinu- What was happening in the my wife's friends. 0773007173
Standard Style | November 19 to 25 2023 S13

IN the construction industry, safety is of utmost

importance. With numerous potential hazards
and risks present on construction sites, it is cru-
cial for employers and employees to prioritise
The benefits of using printable safety
toolbox talks in construction industry
safety measures.
One effective way to promote safety awareness
and education is through the use of printable safe-
ty toolbox talks. These concise and informative
discussions provide a range of benefits that can
significantly improve safety practices and reduce protocols. This repetition helps reinforce struction industry provides numerous these discussions into routine safety pro-
accidents on construction sites. safe behaviours and reduces the likeli- benefits for both employers and employ- tocols.
Increased awareness and knowledge hood of complacency or negligence. ees. By investing in such initiatives, con-
One key benefit of utilising printable safety tool- As a result, accidents are minimised, Increased awareness and knowledge, struction companies can ensure the well-
box talks is the increased awareness and knowl- injuries are prevented, and construction improved communication and engage- being of their workforce while also pro-
edge they provide to workers. These talks cover sites become safer environments for eve- ment, enhanced safety culture, and a re- moting productivity and efficiency on job
various topics related to construction site safety, ryone involved. In conclusion, utilising duction in accidents are just some of the sites.
such as hazard identification, personal protective printable safety toolbox talks in the con- advantages derived from incorporating —
equipment (PPE), fall protection, electrical safety,
and more. By regularly conducting toolbox talks,
workers are constantly reminded about potential
hazards they may encounter on the job site, as well
as the necessary precautions to take.
By distributing printed materials during these
talks, such as handouts or pamphlets containing
important information, workers can refer back to
them whenever needed. This helps reinforce their
understanding of important safety protocols and


ensures that they have access to key information
at all times.
Improved communication and engagement
Printable safety toolbox talks also serve as a
platform for improved communication between
employers and employees. These discussions en-
courage an open dialogue where workers can
voice their concerns or ask questions related to
workplace safety. This two-way communication We wish to bring to the attention of stakeholders and consumers of Alpha Media Holdings (AMH)
fosters a culture of engagement where employees
feel valued and included in the decision-making
publications that we choose to be different in everything we do.
process regarding their own safety.
Moreover, by providing printed materials dur- We would like to reiterate that the AMH publications are totally committed to delivering accurate and
ing these sessions, employers can ensure that im-
portant information is effectively communicat- impartial news designed to inform the public, get Zimbabweans to speak to each other, debate and enable
ed to all workers regardless of language barriers them to make informed choices.
or literacy levels. Visual aids like diagrams or il-
lustrations can further enhance comprehension
for those who may have difficulty understanding The AMH Editorial Advisory Board of Trustees exists to ensure that our publications adhere to the AMH
written instructions
Enhanced safety culture
Pledge and Guiding Principles which seek to deliver the facts, truth and offer relevant context and analysis.
Regularly conducting printable safety toolbox
talks has a positive impact on the overall safe- AMH strives to encourage robust debate, patriotism and tolerance among Zimbabweans.
ty culture within an organisation or construc-
tion site. When employers consistently prioritise
employee well-being and take the time to educate
The Editorial Advisory Board of Trustees plays a signi�cant role in this regard.
workers on safety practices, it creates a sense of All AMH readers and advertisers are important to what we do at all material times.
responsibility and accountability among everyone
involved. They have a right to ventilate their concerns and grievances.
By implementing toolbox talks as part of rou-
tine safety protocols, employers demonstrate The Editorial Advisory Board of Trustees is one access point and platform for achieving transparency and
their commitment to maintaining a safe work en-
vironment. This commitment is reciprocated by accountability.
employees who become more engaged in practic-
ing safe behaviors and looking out for their col- The Editorial Advisory Board of Trustees is alive to increasingly disturbing developments in the Zimbabwean
leagues’ well-being. Over time, this collective ef-
fort fosters a strong safety culture that becomes media industry where journalists are accused of demanding money to publish certain stories or to block the
ingrained in the organisation’s values.
Reduction in accidents and incidents
publication of stories by interested parties.
Ultimately, the primary goal of using printable
safety toolbox talks is to reduce accidents and inci- As a trail-blazer in the media industry, AMH is taking the lead in nipping in the bud the cancer of “brown
dents on construction sites. By increasing aware-
ness, improving communication, and promoting a envelopes” wherever it exists and we are, therefore, inviting our stakeholders to join us in restoring integrity
positive safety culture, these talks equip workers to the profession of journalism.
with the knowledge and tools necessary to identi-
fy potential hazards and take appropriate preven-
tive measures. In this regard, if any of our journalists are found to be involved in such reprehensible practices, stern action
Regularly conducting toolbox talks ensures that
will be taken without fear or favour.
workers are constantly reminded of key safety
We e n c o u r a g e o u r s t a k e h o l d e r s t o u t i l i s e t h e s e r v i c e s o f t h e A M H O m b u d s m a n to report any transgressions by our journalists so that appropriate action
may be taken as expeditiously as possible.



03 February, 2023

S14 Standard Style | November 19 to 25 2023

Create a successful appreciation strategy at work

BY BOB HELBIG standing what matters most to employees.  Personalised forms of appreciation and seen.
So how do you know how to best show  Recognition from senior leadership and 1. Say thank you: You can enhance this with a
A Top Workplace Research Lab study recent- appreciation to employees? Ask them. Eve- direct managers handwritten or digital note to convey gratitude.
ly found only 35% of HR professionals and ry employee has a different way of accept-  Financial incentives 2. Employee-of-the-month award: Encourage fel-
company leaders consider their workplace ing praise.  Opportunities for training and growth low employees to nominate their peers with person-
appreciation efforts as very or extremely ef- Employee feedback will serve as a guide to  Consistency and fairness al comments, highlighting their alignment with com-
fective. how to best reward their efforts.  Alignment with employee values pany values.
It underscores the need for meaningful Balance informal gestures and formal rec-  Celebrating professional milestones 3. Work anniversaries: Celebrate at company-
employee recognition. Successful workplace ognition. The same research study reveals Perhaps these ideas will inspire a culture wide meetings, internal channels, and thoughtful
appreciation strategies depend on under- what HR professionals deem essential: of gratitude where employees feel valued gifts for milestone years.
4. Passion projects: Allow employees to carve out
time to explore their interests and passions alongside
their regular duties.
5. Company swag: Provide branded merchandise
such as T-shirts or mugs. Create a sense of belong-

You can now buy your

ing and pride.
6. Customer service excellence recognition: Ac-
knowledge and appreciate employees who ensure
positive customer experiences and build a stronger
brand reputation.

NewsDay, The Standard and

7. Social media spotlight: Showcase your most
valuable assets – your dedicated employees.
Plus, it can attract top talent who value recogni-

Zimbabwe Independent
8. Summer Fridays: Shorter workdays or early Fri-
days are a refreshing way to encourage employees to
9. Employee appreciation events: Boost team
morale with happy hours, office outings, and compa-

e-paper via WhatsApp!

ny-sponsored social events.
10. Appreciation wall: These walls often feature
peer-to-peer recognition, leadership quotes, and
guidance on how to express gratitude.
11. Driving success award: Reward creativity, hard
Powered by A.I. Linda work, innovation, and embodiment of essential com-
pany values.

Simply send
12. Above and beyond accolades: This award is
great for employees who consistently go the extra
13. Birthday celebrations: This is a simple yet

AMH or Hi to meaningful way to show you care about their special

14. Wellness stipend: Invest in employee well-be-
ing and physical and mental health. It can also mini-
+27 60 942 2979 mise employee burnout.
15. Dinner out: A meal is a delicious way to con-

via WhatsApp.
nect with employees.
16. Recognise outside achievements: Acknowl-
edge personal milestones, such as weddings, gradu-
ations, or births to show you care about people as in-
17. Virtual lunches: This is a fun way of engaging
Or scan the QR code remote employees to ensure they feel connected and
18. Workplace flexibility: Give employees room to
balance work and life according to their needs.
19. ‘No meetings’ day: Allow employees to focus
on tasks without interruptions.
20. Gift cards: Something from a favourite store or
restaurant is a special treat.
21. Monthly subscriptions: Surprise people with
monthly subscriptions to services such as streaming,
magazines, or meal kits.
22. Bonuses: Everyone appreciates extra cash.
23. Holiday celebrations: Mark holidays with fes-
tive events and decorations to create a joyful atmos-
24. Team retreat: Organise team-building retreats
and follow the prompts to to strengthen bonds.
25. Non-profit donations: Support causes that
create a WhatsApp Wallet matter to your team members to support their values.
26. VIP parking spot: Reward exceptional perfor-
and Account, top up with mance.
27. Extra PTO: Provide additional paid time off for
your credit/debit card. a break to recharge.
28. Appreciation round: Start team meetings by
encouraging employees to share gratitude for other
team members. Celebrate teamwork.
You can also transfer credit to friends and relatives 29. Customer praise: Highlight positive reviews
from customers and share how it makes a positive im-

your phone
pact on the organisation.
30. Be a role model: This starts at the top. Encour-
The latest news delivered to age and model a culture of appreciation.
Learn what matters most to your employees.
After all, appreciation consistently ranks as one of
the strongest drivers of employee engagement.

The Standard
relevant, credible news

Sunday Southern Eye on Sunday | November 19 to 25 2023 S15

Man stones
father to death Losing Zanu PF candidate
reclaims donation
A 25-year-old man from Insuza allegedly stoned
his father before stabbing him to death over an un-
disclosed dispute.
Mbongeni Dube of Village 3B was not asked to
plead to murder when he appeared before Bula-
wayo magistrate Maxwell Ncube last week.
Dube was remanded in custody to November
Prosecutors on September 7, Mbongeni had an
altercation with his father Davison Dube over an
undisclosed matter.
He allegedly his father with a stone on the head A Zanu PF losing council candidate
before stabbing him with a kitchen knife, killing has been accused of demanding goal
him instantly. posts which he donated to a school in
A police report was filed, leading to his arrest. Plumtree, Matabeleland South, ahead of
Police attended the scene and recovered blood- the disputed August 23 elections.
stained stones and a knife used to commit the Richard Khumalo contested for the
crime. -JERSSIE MPOFU ward 2 seat in Plumtree on a Zanu PF
ticket, but lost to Zanele Ndlovu of the
Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).

Education ministry in A message posted on a community

WhatsApp group revealed that Khumalo

community outreach
wants to uproot the goal posts he donat-
ed to Matiwaza Primary School.
“A losing Plumtree councilor, who
contested on a Zanu PF ticket in the just
The Primary and Secondary Education ministry
ended August 23 harmonised plebiscite
has embarked on an outreach campaign in Bula-
has gone on rampage demanding all his
wayo pleading with residents to take their children
to school. donations from the public……” read the
Education ministry spokesperson Taungana Ndoro text.
said they want to ensure that every school going age The text also said Khumalo demand-
exercises their right to education through the outreach ed to be reimbursed the money, which
that runs until November 28. he used to transport the goal posts to the
“Through the whole-of-government approach, the school.
ministry seeks to mobilise communities to play their Khumalo did not deny the charg- velopment committee was held where it ing to some parents not paying for the
active role in ensuring that every child of school-go- es when contacted for comment, but was agreed that each parent will contrib- transport fare as previously agreed," he
ing age, including those with disabilities and the or-
claimed that the facts have been distort- ute US$1 towards hiring a vehicle to ferry said.
phaned and vulnerable enjoy their right to education,”
ed. the material, he said. Khumalo has said he has been sent from
Ndoro said.
“The outreach also provides an opportunity for According to Khumalo, the school ap- Khumalo said he hired one of his friends pillar to post over the transport reim-
youth and adults to get more information on how proached him seeking assistance to pur- for US$150 to ferry the material on condi- bursement.
they can access adult basic education as well as life- chase the goal posts. tion that he will be paid upon delivery. “As long as there was no official hando-
long learning opportunities through their neighbour- “I agreed to their request, but told “Three months down the line, they have ver, I am still the owner of the goal posts,”
ing schools.” them my goal posts are far out of town not paid for the transport,” he said, a sit- he said.
“This initiative is aligned to the Continental Educa- and needed transport to ferry them to uation that he claimed has pushed him to “They need to pay the money so that
tion Strategy for Africa, the Sustainable Development the school,” Khumalo said. demand his goal posts. there would be an official handover.
Goals and the National Development Strategy. “We then made an arrangement that Khumalo also claimed that the matter "They should not mix the issue of goal
they provide their own transport to get has been politicised. posts and our politics...they should just
them.” “They influenced each other that I was pay the person, who ferried the goal posts
A meeting organised by the school de- campaigning under a Zanu PF ticket, lead- his money.”

Chief fumes over

funerals boycotts Bulawayo complete sewer, with required human capital who executed the
project as project managers but currently most of
those critical project managers had left council."
The city fathers said they will hire former pro-

water system upgrade

Chief Tshitshi of Mangwe district, Matabeleland ject managers, most of whom were its former em-
South, has expressed his displeasure with some of ployees, as consultants.
his subjects who are not attending funeral gather- The former project managers who had left
ings in his jurisdiction. council employment were Vusisizwe Sibanda,
The traditional leader said the habit by his subjects Thulani Dube, Michael Ncube and Mercy Ncube.
was unAfrican and against the spirit of Ubuntu. “It was against this background that the City
“I am having a serious concern over the villagers
BY SILAS NKALA age infrastructure to improve access to water and was requesting the engagement of the above for-
who no longer attend each other’s funerals or buri-
sanitation. mer staff members for the period of the Bank re-
als,” Tshitshi said.
“This started long back, but now it’s too much, it The Bulawayo City Council has completed a sew- The BWSSIP project started in Bulawayo in 2016 view mission," the council noted.
has gone beyond control.” er and water sanitation rehabilitation project and was completed in June this year. "The cost of hiring the above members would
The traditional leader said he has summoned his funded through an African Development Bank "There was a need for the Project to close out be borne by council and amounted to $23 627
subjects to discuss the matter. AfDB US$33,6 million grant. on a positive note with consideration of possibly 000 total andc rates as per travelling and subsist-
“There is no longer togetherness which has caused Council is considering approaching the bank unlocking further funding from the AfDB as the ence had been used as basis for calculating the
some divisions here, which is not right,” he said. for more funding to expand Bulawayo’s water and project was a first of its model in Zimbabwe where fees.”
“We are supposed to be one family. I need to find sewerage services improvement projects (BWS- the executing agent was granted powers to im- Bulawayo is emerging as the country’s diar-
out what is causing people to boycott funerals. We SIP). plement the project in terms of planning, procur- rhoea epicentre due to the ongoing water crisis
need to correct this mess.”
Bulawayo’s sewer and reticulation infrastruc- ing, contract administration and management. and collapsing sewer reticulation systems.
Tshitshi also complained about the lack of pas-
ture suffers from sewer pipe bursts and leaks hav- “The project was modelled on the sidelines of In June 2020, a killer diarrhoea outbreak killed
tures because of the late rains, saying villagers were
livestock. ing outlived its lifespan. skills transfer and empowerment," read the min- 13 residents of Luveve suburb and infected over
“We desperately need the rains,” he said. Latest council minutes indicate that the AfDB utes. 2000 others.
- SHARON SIBINDI grant was used in the rehabilitation of targeted "This was a critical moment for the City of Bul- Since then, the city has been battling recurring
critical components of the city’s water and sewer- awayo to close out the project in a positive note diarrhoea outbreaks.
Southern Eye on Sunday | November 19 to 25 2023 S16


Horror crash exposes parlous


A road traffic accident that

claimed 22 lives along the Bul-
awayo-Gwanda road last week

state of Matabeleland roads

brought back to the spotlight the
poor state of the road network in
Most of the roads that connect
Bulawayo to various districts of
Matabeleland such as Tsholotsho,
Maphisa and Nkayi are in a sor-
ry state and have become death rehabilitation of roads in the re-
traps. gion.
The Beitbridge-Bulawayo-Vic- The government launched the
toria Falls hghway, a major trade Emergency Road Rehabilitation
route, is neglected. Programme (ERRP) in 2021 after
It was only recently that govern- President Emmerson Mnangagwa
ment started rehabilitating the declared the state of the country’s
highway. roads a national disaster.
In Bulawayo, the council is on Under ERRP, the government is
record saying 70% of its road net- targeting to rehabilitate 10 000 kil-
work has outlived its lifespan and ometres of the road network coun-
requires about US$700 million to trywide but mainly urban and
be rehabilitated. trunk roads, ignoring the neglect-
The government has been mak- ed gravel roads in rural areas, par-
ing promises to rehabilitate the ticularly deep situated areas.
roads over the years, but they re- However, there have been re-
main neglected. ports of some construction com-
At some of these roads, equip- panies being forced to abandon
ment is deployed on site towards road rehabilitation works over
the elections with officials prom- payment delays.
ising a quick fix. Despite launching ERRP, ma-
However, the equipment is soon jor routes in Matabeleland are in
removed after the elections, rais- a bad shape, said transport opera-
ing eyebrows. tor Matthew Sibanda.
Zimbabwe Passenger Associa- “We pay a lot of money for our
tion secretary-general Paul Mak- public transport in terms of tax,
iwa said transport operators are insurance and at tollgates hop-
paying the high cost of neglected ing that the money would be chan-
roads. nelled towards the maintenance
Makiwa said their vehicles are of the roads but this is not the
suffering tear and wear as they case,” Sibanda said.
traverse the corrugated roads “What is painful is that the fees Major routes in Matabeleland are in a bad shape
ferrying villagers from growth keep on rising every now and then
points to deep outlying areas. but we do not see our value for
Zupco, government’s only li- money in terms of service deliv-
cenced mass public transport sys- ery.”
tem, even shuns the outlying are- Tsholotsho Rural District now using its own resources to try structural Development minister Zinara chief executive Nkosi-
as, leaving villagers at the mercy Council (RDC) chief executive and fix the roads. Felix Mhona revealed that an es- nathi Ncube admitted that the
of the few private transport oper- Nkululeko Sibanda said funds for “In our case we have acquired timated 35 km of the constructed road network in the region was in
ators. roads maintenance and formation a tipper truck and water bowser, Bulawayo-Nkayi road has outlived a poor state.
“We are witnessing daily road from the Zimbabwe National Road which we will use to repair the its design lifespan by two decades. "I have been to Nkayi road and
carnage because most of the Administration (Zinara) were not roads,” Mpofu said. Construction of the road began that road is terrible,” Ncube said.
roads in the region are in a bad enough. “We will try and outsource only in 1996, three years after the com- “However, if the councils can
state,” Makiwa said. “We do get allocation from Zi- the equipment that we do not pletion of feasibility studies. use their own available equipment
“We do not have proper bridges nara for council roads, but the dis- have.” Critics argue the government or resources to fix these roads, say
and other places are not friendly bursements are erratic and not In Nkayi, roads linking Nkayi has never been serious in ensur- they go to the government maybe
and usable to the motorists.” enough,” Sibanda said. centre and other outlying areas ing the completion of the project to ask for money for their grader
He appealed to government to Nkayi RDC chief executive Sili- are in bad condition. citing the painfully slow pace of that would be better because that
allocate more funds towards the bele Mpofu said the council was Last year, Transport and Infra- road construction works. is the essence of devolution.”


There are fears of systematic

invasions of farms owned by for-
Land grabs targeting Zapu, Zanu PF youth led the invasion of
the Bulawayo City Council-owned
Mazwi Nature Reserve close to St
Peter’s on the outskirts of the city.

Zpra veterans raise eyebrows

mer Zapu and Zpra ex-combatants In 2015, Zanu PF supporters in-
in Matabeleland in what analysts vaded Honey Bird Kop Farm, lo-
claim is a deliberate move to un- cated about 40km along the Bula-
dermine the former war veterans wayo-Plumtree Highway belong-
despite their role during the liber- ing to Zipra ex-combatant, John
ation struggle. Gazi.
Several renowned farms owned “A systematic programme of wayo said. his farm in Matobo District, Mata- They said the property was too
by Zipra and Zapu war veterans displacing locals in favour of in- “People must unite against the beleland South Province. big for him.
have been invaded over the years dividuals from other regions, it occupying force irrespective of re- The High Court granted an in- Gazi was later arrested after he
including that of the late Zapu is nothing but a cultural and eco- ligious beliefs or party affiliation.” terdict application to stay his evic- deflated tyres of a vehicle belong-
leader, Dumiso Dabengwa. nomic genocide which must never Political analyst Effie Ncu- tion from the property. ing to Zanu PF invaders.
Just last week, an attempt to be tolerated whether it happens in be said the invasion of the land In his application, Ndlovu cited Last year, a human rights lawyer
evict former National Healing and Matabeleland or Mashonaland. owned by Zapu-linked people is Matobo District Lands officer Jo- Siphosami Malunga, the son of the
Integration co-minister Moses “ The issue of land redistribu- a continuation of Gukurahun- hannes Zifudze, the Secretary in late nationalist Sydney Malunga,
Mzila Ndlovu was exposed at the tion is a time bomb, which is set to di where over 20 000 civilians lost the Lands ministry, Lands minis- was forced to approach the courts
High Court. cause conflict for our future gener- their lives in Matabeleland and try, officer-in-charge Figtree po- following an attempt to grab their
The High Court ruled in Ndlo- ations if not addressed." Midlands. lice, officer commanding Mata- Esidakeni farm he co-owned with
vu’s favour and stayed his eviction. Ndlovu accused Zanu PF offi- "Those invading the land be- beleland South, the surveyor gen- Zephaniah Dlamini and Charles
Former ex-Zipra command- cials of abusing their positions of lieve they have the protection of eral and the sheriff of Zimbabwe Moyo.
er Thomas Ngwenya was also in influence to harass Zapu and Zpra the state and the ruling party and as respondents respectively. Their problems began in 2019
court last week after the boundary members. therefore can do anything, any- Ndlovu submitted that he has when their childhood friend 2Gat-
fence of his Solusi farm was van- "Zapu is appalled that where time,” Ncube said. been in beneficial occupation and sha Mazithulela, the country’s
dalised allegedly by National Uni- Zanu PF planned, trained and de- Ncube said this also exposed the control of Khami Magazine Farm deputy spy chief, asked if he could
versity of Science and Technology ployed a 5th Brigade to commit a erosion of the rule of law. measuring 360, 3163 hectares since join them in the venture and be-
(Nust) employees. genocide, they failed to plan, train “The land is the most impor- 2004. come the fourth partner.
There are several other cases and deploy a brigade of farmers tant resource for any people. That He said his troubles began in They turned him down.
where Zanu PF activists have gone to fully utilize land when they em- is why land dispossession inevita- August when Zifudze allocated In January 2020, Mazithule-
after properties owned by Zapu barked on the chaotic land reform bly leads to devastating conflicts," pieces of land of his property to la was appointed deputy director-
members and ex-Zpra combatants, programme,” he said,. he said. suspected Zanu PF supporters in general of the Central Intelligence
a development that commentators "Only Zapu leaders at local and “As such, land dispossession is preparation for a full take-over of Organisation (CIO).
said raised eyebrows. national level have the wherewith- reversing the gains of the liber- his property. According to their papers filed
In several cases, most of the in- al, capacity and willingness to con- ation struggle and setting a time In July 2014, scores of militant at the High Court in Bulawayo,
vaders have been identified as peo- front this without fear, favour or bomb that will explode on future Zanu PF supporters invaded late the trio said that after his appoint-
ple from outside Matabeleland and prejudice.” generations." Zapu leader Dabengwa’s Rudy ment, Mazithulela approached
sponsored by Zanu PF bigwigs. Ibhetshu likazulu coordina- Ncube said Zanu PF was sowing Farm in Nyamandlovu, Matabele- them again, begging to be allowed
Zapu spokesperson Mso Ndlo- tor Mbuso Fuzwayo said the land seeds of future conflicts. land North saying he was under- to join the partnership but they
vu said the developments were dis- question has been politicised by “Playing party politics with the utilising it.. turned him down.
turbing. Zanu PF. precious lives of future genera- The Zanu PF supporters claimed Since then several people linked
"Every Zimbabwean of whatev- "It means the people from Mata- tions is irresponsible and a source to have the blessings of the party’s to Zanu PF have invaded Esidak-
er colour or creed deserves a piece beleland are not yet liberated, it is of future conflicts,” Ncube said. top brass when they invaded the eni farm, purporting to have been
of land in areas they call home,” land under occupation, the sacri- In court papers, Mzila-Ndlovu farm. given offer letters by Lands minis-
Ndlovu said. fices of Zipra were in vain,” Fuz- said he was facing eviction from At about the same time, some ter Anxious Masuka.

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