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Thursday, the thirtieth of November

CB Ex. 18 p. 12
1. with
2. has
3. Her
4. is
6. more
7. at
8. is
CB Ex. 20 p. 12
1. successful
2. beautiful
3. humorous
4. glamorous
5. interesting
6. talented

Para 1: job and films

Para 2: appearance
Para 3: character
Para 4: hobbies/interests
Para 5: final comments/beliefs
GB Ex. 4 p. 12
2. Anne works for a large firm which produces cosmetics.
3. Pamela is an animal lover who fights for animal rights.
4. Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher whose books are still widely read.
5. National Geographic is a magazine which sells millions of copies all over the world.
6. Frank Sinatra was a famous singer who sang many beautiful songs.
7. I live in a village which is very peaceful and quiet.
8. That is the man whose son is a professional basketball player.
GB Ex. 5 p. 12
1. who`s
2. whose
3. whose
4. who`s
5. who`s
6. who`s
GB Ex. 6 p. 12
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. B
GB Ex. 7 p. 13
B – mechanic
C – key
D – postman
E – washing machine
F – artist

2. A mechanic is someone who fixes people`s cars.

3. A key is something which you open and lock doors with.
4. A postman is someone who delivers the post.
5. A washing machine is something which you wash clothes in.
6. An artist is someone who paints picture.
GB Ex. 8 p. 13
1. which – B
2. which – A
3. who – A
4. which – A
5. whose – A
6. who – B
7. who – B
8. which - A
GB Ex. 9 p. 13
1. which – e
2. who – a
3. who – d
4. whose – c
5. which - b
WB Ex. 5 p. 8
1. where
2. why
3. when
4. when
5. where
WB Ex. 6 p. 8
2. He`s the person (who) I wrote that report for.
3. The project (which) we were working on is finished.
4. This is the church where my parents were married.
This is the church (which) my parents were married in.
5. This is the car in which we drove through Europe.
6. That is the shopkeeper with whom I had an argument.
7. That`s the cottage where we used to live.
That`s the cottage in which we used to live.
8. This is Peter, (who) I went to Spain with.
WB Ex. 7 p. 8
2. … who loves basketball …
3. … whose car was stolen …
4. … which is close to …
5. … who arrived yesterday …
6. … whose legs are broken …
7. … is the year in which …
8. … who is standing next to …
9. … whose mother is ill …
10. … is the year in which …

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