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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 5, September-October 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Exploration of the Cultural and Artistic Development of the

Disabled Under the Background of the New Era
Xu Mengyu, Bi Zhen, Sun Weiyi, Peng Qiulin
Business School of Beijing Wuzi University, Beijing, China

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Xu Mengyu | Bi

In the context of the new era, the development of cultural and artistic Zhen | Sun Weiyi | Peng Qiulin
development of people with disabilities is getting more attention and "Exploration of the Cultural and Artistic
exploration. With the recognition of multicultural society and the Development of the Disabled Under the
Background of the New Era" Published
improvement of inclusiveness, people with disabilities have gradually
in International
gained the opportunity to show their cultural and artistic talents. With Journal of Trend in
the development of culture and art of the disabled in the context of Scientific Research
the new era, this paper explores the development path of the disabled and Development
in the field of culture and art. This paper introduces the current (ijtsrd), ISSN:
situation and existing problems of the cultural and artistic 2456-6470,
development of the disabled, including the lack of accessibility Volume-7 | Issue-5, IJTSRD59925
environment, unequal participation opportunities and the lack of October 2023,
inclusive social environment. To explore the development direction pp.388-391, URL:
of inclusiveness and equality, including the provision of accessibility,
equal opportunities and inclusive social environment. By analyzing
Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
the current situation and exploring the development direction, it International Journal of Trend in
provides thinking and prospects for the development of the culture Scientific Research and Development
and art of the disabled in the new era. Journal. This is an
Open Access article
KEYWORDS: People with disabilities; development of culture and
distributed under the
art; new era; equality and respect; cultural integration terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

1. Foreword A. Background introduction

Art and culture are a silent language that crosses the Persons with disabilities are equal members of the
boundaries of all people and eliminates discrimination human family. It is the bounden duty to respect and
and prejudice. Through their unique ways of protect the human rights and personal dignity of the
expression, people with disabilities can break the disabled people, so that they can have equal status
conventional concepts and inspire social awareness and equal opportunities to fully participate in social
and respect for diversity. In the new era, the cultural life and share the achievements of material and
and artistic development of the disabled has become spiritual civilization. It is also an inevitable
more important and attracted attention. This is requirement of the socialist system with Chinese
because of the progress and development of the characteristics.
society, and more and more people begin to realize
There are more than 85 million disabled people in
the infinite potential and unique talents that people
China. Since the founding of 70 years of new China,
with disabilities show in the field of art and culture.
in the construction of the great cause of socialism
This is conducive to building a more inclusive and
with Chinese characteristics, the communist party of
equal society. By participating in artistic and cultural
China and the Chinese government in the spirit of
activities, people with disabilities can demonstrate
responsible to the people, adhere to the people as the
their talent and creativity, build up self-confidence,
center, care about special difficult groups, respect the
and realize their self-value. This also helps to change
disabled, safeguard the rights of the disabled, pay
the social stereotype of people with disabilities,
attention to the social participation of the disabled,
emphasizing their potential and abilities, rather than
promote the disabled really become the main rights,
being limited to their physical or cognitive
become the participants, contributors and enjoyment
of economic and social development.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59925 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 388
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
In jinping new era under the guidance of socialism inclusive, diverse and equal society, allowing every
with Chinese characteristics, China's undertakings for person with disabilities to give full play to his or her
disabled persons development as an important goal to potential and talent.
build a well-off society in an all-round way, adhere to
2. The current situation and existing problems of
the government leading and social participation,
the cultural and artistic development of the
market, promote disabled welfare and promote the
disabled, the combination of the disabled
In the current social environment, the development
undertakings into the national economic and social
of the culture and art of the disabled is faced with
development plan and national human rights action
some current conditions and problems, which need to
plan, the rights of disabled persons protection system
attract our attention and thinking.
mechanism, constantly improve the social security
system and service system for the disabled, the First, people with disabilities still have unequal
disabled feeling, happiness, security continued opportunities to participate in culture and art. Due to
ascension, undertakings for disabled persons made the social perception and prejudice of people with
remarkable historic achievements. disabilities, many cultural and artistic venues and
activities still lack of barrier-free facilities and
B. Purpose and significance of the study
services. This has led to difficulties and obstacles for
Cultural and artistic development of people with
participation in the field of culture and art, limiting
disabilities is a field of great attention that aims to
their opportunities to show their talents and enjoy the
promote inclusion and equality and provide
opportunities for people with disabilities to
demonstrate their talents and self-actualization. In the Second, people with disabilities are lack of
context of the new era, it is particularly important to professional support in art education and training.
explore the purpose and significance of the cultural Although some special education institutions and
and artistic development of the disabled. organizations focus on art education for people with
disabilities, professional training and support are still
First of all, the purpose of the research is to have the
insufficient in the whole society. This results in many
deep understanding of the current situation and
disabled people being limited in their artistic
existing problems of the cultural and artistic
expression and skills to reach their full potential.[1]
development of the disabled in the new era. Through
the analysis of these problems, we can perceive the Third, people with disabilities are facing unfair
difficulties and challenges of disabled people treatment and discrimination in the field of culture
participating in culture and art. At the same time, we and art. Although the society has formulated some
can also identify the opportunities and potential laws and policies to protect the rights and welfare of
brought by the new era for the development of culture the disabled, the disabled still suffer from conceptual
and art for the disabled. These understandings can prejudice and discrimination in the practical
provide the basis for us to develop effective strategies implementation. This discrimination not only limits
and measures. the participation opportunities of people with
disabilities, but also hinders their development path in
Secondly, the present study aims to explore effective
the field of culture and art.
ways and strategies for the development of disabled
culture and art in the new era. We will analyze and 3. Humanism and disabled culture integration
propose a development direction with inclusion as the Humanism focuses on human dignity, equality and
core, emphasizing the importance of pluralism and freedom, and advocates social inclusion and cultural
equality. At the same time, the research will also diversity. From this perspective of humanistic care,
explore ways to use technology to engage people with the expression and participation of the culture of
disabilities in culture and art. These approaches and disabilities have become particularly important. This
strategies will help to enhance the ability and paper will discuss the relationship between
opportunities of people with disabilities to participate humanistic principles and social inclusiveness, as
in culture and art, and promote their cultural and well as the necessity and value of cultural integration,
artistic creation and expression. and explain the expression and participation of
disability culture from the perspective of
Finally, the significance of this study lies in the future humanism.[2]
cultural and artistic development of the disabled. We
will explore how to further enhance the importance of A. Humanist principles and social inclusiveness
the development of culture and art of the disabled, Humanist principles emphasize that everyone should
and emphasize the importance of joint efforts of all be respected and treated equally, regardless of
sectors of society. This will help to achieve an differences in their physical, mental or cognitive

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59925 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 389
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
abilities. Social inclusion is the foundation for concerned and valued.
realizing the vision of humanism. It means that
A. Barrier-free environment
society should provide everyone with equal access
First of all, the creation of barrier-free environment is
and the right to participate, regardless of their
the basis for the development of culture and art for
disability status. Only in an inclusive society can
the disabled. The accessibility environment includes
everyone realize their personal potential and
not only the accessibility facilities in the physical
contribute to the diversity and prosperity of the
environment, such as accessibility access, wheelchair
ramps and auxiliary equipment, but also the full
B. The necessity and value of cultural integration consideration of the special needs of all kinds of
Cultural integration is one of the most important disabled people (such as visual impairment, hearing
means to promote social inclusiveness. It increases impairment, etc.). Only through such a barrier-free
the diversity and creativity of the society by environment, can the disabled people better
combining different cultural perspectives together. participate in the artistic creation and appreciation,
Integrating the culture of disabilities with other and realize the exploration and display of their
cultural forms can enrich our understanding of the personal potential.
world and break stereotypes and prejudices about the
B. Equal opportunities
disabled. The integration of cultures with disabilities
Secondly, providing equal opportunities is the key to
can also bring a broader perspective and opportunities
the development of culture and art for people with
to the whole society, promote people's interaction and
disabilities. People with disabilities should enjoy
understanding, and eliminate discrimination and
equal opportunities to learn, train, and express their
creativity. Art schools, cultural institutions, and
C. The expression and participation of the community organizations should provide inclusive
disabled culture from the perspective of education and training with specialized guidance and
humanism support for people with disabilities. In addition, the
The humanistic perspective emphasizes each investment of public and private funds is also
individual's right to free expression and participation. important for the costs and resources used to support
From this perspective, people with disabilities should the participation of people with disabilities in arts
have equal opportunities to participate in cultural activities. Only in this way can we ensure that every
activities, and they should be able to express their person with disabilities has an equal opportunity to
own unique perspective and experience. This can be develop their own artistic talents.[3]
achieved through various forms like art, literature,
C. An inclusive social environment
and film. For example, through artistic creation,
Finally, advocacy and promotion is the key to shaping
people with disabilities can express their inner
an inclusive society. To improve the public's
feelings in their own way, and let the society better
cognition and understanding of the cultural and
understand their needs and challenges. At the same
artistic development of the disabled, and to break
time, people with disabilities should also be
stereotypes and discrimination. Advocates can
encouraged to participate in cultural life, including
organize exhibitions, concerts, theatrical
visiting museums and enjoying performances, and
performances and cultural festivals to promote the
enjoy the fun and inspiration brought by diverse
wide dissemination and appreciation of art works and
performances by the disabled. In addition, advocacy
4. The direction of cultural and artistic activities can promote policy and legal changes to
development of the disabled with inclusiveness ensure that the rights and creative freedom of people
and equality as the core with disabilities are fully protected.
In an inclusive and pluralistic society, people with
5. Summary of thinking and future outlook
disabilities, as a part of the society, should receive
In the context of the new era, the cultural and artistic
equal opportunities and treatment. People with
development of the disabled is gradually showing
disabilities are also a diverse group, with a variety of remarkable progress and vitality. The promotion of
talents and creativity. However, in the past, the social recognition and inclusiveness provides a
opportunities for people with disabilities to participate broader platform for people with disabilities, giving
in the culture and the arts were often limited, and them the opportunity to show their excellent cultural
their voices and talents could not be fully and artistic talents in their own unique way.
demonstrated and recognized. Therefore, the cultural
and artistic development direction of the disabled The cultural and artistic works of the disabled not
with inclusiveness as the core should be widely only reflect their unique life experience and

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59925 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 390
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59925 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 391

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