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Mid-Term Revesion

Dr.Mohamed Youssef
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0106 14 15 322/ 0120 40 93515 ‫سمارت سنتر بجوار االذاعه – اعلى مكتبه سلمي – الدور الثاني‬
Dr / Mohamed youssef tel /01282590417
1. Primary displacement is:
a. It is the movement of the bone in relation to enlargement of other bones
b. It is the movement of the bone in relation to displacement of other bones
c. It is the movement of bone in the same direction to its own growth
d. It is the movement bone in the opposite direction to its own growth

2. The sequence of eruption for the upper arch deciduous dentition:


3. The sequence of eruption for the upper arch permanent dentition eruption:
a. 6124537
b. 6123457
c. 4234567
d. 1245367

4. Early mesial shift is :

a. The primary molars move distaly to close the primate space.
b. The primary molars move mesialy to close the primate space.
c. The primary molars move mesialy to close the primate space.
d. The primary molars move mesially to close the anterior spaces.

5. Maxillary inter-canine width:

a. increases 2-4 mm.
b. decreases 3-5 mm.
c. increases 3-5 mm.
d. doesn't change

6. Ugly Duckling stage :

a. it is a temporary radiographic picture that is improved by eruption of premolars.
b. It is a temporary clinical picture that is improved by eruption of permanent laterals.
c. it is a temporary transitional picture that is improved by eruption of deciduous
d. it is a temporary clinical picture that is improved by eruption of permanent canines

7. Alveolar crest tooth eruption occurs when root formation is:

a. 3/4 completed
b. 2/3 completed
c. 1/2 completed
d. 1/3 completed

0106 14 15 322/ 0120 40 93515 ‫سمارت سنتر بجوار االذاعه – اعلى مكتبه سلمي – الدور الثاني‬
Dr / Mohamed youssef tel /01282590417
8. Mesial Step:
a. mesial surface of lower E is mesial the line dropped from the mesial surface of the
upper E
b. distal surface of lower D is mesial the line dropped from the mesial surface of the
upper E
c. distal surface of lower E is mesial the line dropped from the distal surface of the
upper E
d. mesial surface of lower E is distal to the line dropped from distal surface of upper E.

9. Growth spurt:
a. Is the quantitative aspect of biological development and measured in terms of
b. is all normal sequential series of events bebveen fertilization of the ovum and the
adult maturation
c. Is the sudden increase in growth rate during the age of the organism
d. Is diference in growth rate and time of various organs of the organism.

10. in children median diastema between maxillary permanent centrals closes with the eruption
a. Maxillary permanent first premolar
b. Maxillary permanent central incisor
c. Maxillary permanent canines
d. Maxillary permanent second molars

11. Primate spaces in deciduous dentition:

a. Are abnormal and occur distal to upper canine and mesial to lower canine.
b. Are normal finding and occur distal to upper canine and mesial to lower canine.
c. Are normal finding and Occur mesial to upper canine and distal to lower canine.
d. Are abnormal and occur mesial to upper canine and distal to lower canine.

12. Lee way space is important for the normal occlusal adjustment of:
a. The permanent 1st molars and permanent incisors.
b. The deciduous 1st molars
c. The permanent 1st molars.
d. None of the above.

13. The increase in width of the maxillary complex occurs through:

a. Sutural growth and appositional growth that occur on the lateral walls of the maxilla
b. Appositional growth that occurs on the posterior border of the ramus and the
coronoid process
c. The growth of the flat bones of the skull
d. Growth at the spheno-ethmoidal suture

0106 14 15 322/ 0120 40 93515 ‫سمارت سنتر بجوار االذاعه – اعلى مكتبه سلمي – الدور الثاني‬
Dr / Mohamed youssef tel /01282590417
14. Flush Terminal Plane means:
a. Distal surface of upper 'c' flushes with distal surface of lower 'c'.
b. Distal surface of upper 'e' flush with distal surface of lower 'e'.
c. Mesial surface of upper 'e' flushes with distal surface of lower 'e'.
d. Distal surface of upper 'e' fushes with mesial surface of lower 'e'.

15. The average "Leeway space" available in each half of the maxilla is approximately:
a. 2.9 mm
b. 0.9 mm
c. 4.0 mm
d. 6.9 mm

16. Transitional phase of dentition is:

a. During eruption of permanent and exfoliation of deciduous teeth
b. After all permanent teeth have erupted
c. Phase during correction of malocclusion
d. None of the above

17. Which terminal plane is favorable for E/E to have class I molar relationship?
a. Flush terminal plane
b. Mesial step
c. Distal step
d. None of the above

18. Good contacts in primary teeth with lack of spacing predicts?

a. Normal occlusion in permanent teeth
b. Crowding in permanent teeth
c. Anterior cross bite
d. Spaced permanent dentition

19. Which of the following is a self-correcting anomaly:

a. Ugly duckling stage
b. Deep bite
c. Retrusion
d. Protrusion

20. Difference in width of permanent and primary incisors is:

a. Incisal inclination
b. Incisal guidance
c. Incisal liability
d. Overjet

21. Leeway space is:

a. 1.7 mm and greater in mandible
b. 1.7 mm and least in mandible
c. 3.4 mm and greater in mandible
d. 3.4 mm and least in mandible

0106 14 15 322/ 0120 40 93515 ‫سمارت سنتر بجوار االذاعه – اعلى مكتبه سلمي – الدور الثاني‬
Dr / Mohamed youssef tel /01282590417
22. Into how many segments the infant's gum pad is divided:
a. Two in each quadrant
b. Three in each quadrant
c. Two in each jaw
d. Five in each quadrant

23. Spaces in deciduous dentition:

a. Pathological
b. Physiological
c. Incisal liability
d. none of above

24. In primary dentition the anatomic structure used to determine the molar relationship
a. Mesio buccal cusp of primary 2nd molar
b. Distal plane of primary 1st molar
c. Mesial surface of primary 1st molar
d. Distal plane of primary 2nd molar

25. Grooves, which are present in gum pads between the canine and the 1st molars and relates
the upper and lower gum pads are called as:
a. Gingival groove
b. dental groove
c. Vestibular sulcus
d. lateral sulcus

26. Spacing in anterior teeth in deciduous dentition

a) Common and desirable
b) Uncommon and undesirable
c) Common and undesirable
d) Uncommon

27. Movement of the bone in the same direction of its own growth", refers to
a. 1ry displacement.
b. 2ry displacement.
c. Remoding
d. Drifting

28. Somatic growth means growth of:

a. Lymphatic tissues.
b. Neural tissues.
c. Genital organs.
d. The whole body

0106 14 15 322/ 0120 40 93515 ‫سمارت سنتر بجوار االذاعه – اعلى مكتبه سلمي – الدور الثاني‬
Dr / Mohamed youssef tel /01282590417
29. Differential growth occurs in which stage of development?
a. Stage of the ovum.
b. Stage of embryo.
c. Postnatal stage.
d. Stage of fetus.

30. spheno-occipital synchodrosis closes at the age:

a. 5-7 years.
b. 3-5 years.
c. 18-20 years.
d. At birth.

31. Cranial base growth occurs by

a. Endochondral growth.
b. Sutural growth.
c. Intramembranous growth
d. All of the above.

32. Growth of the cranial vault follows:

a. Lymphatic curve
b. Neural curve.
c. Genital curve.
d. Somatic curve.

33. Development of alveolar bone allows growth of the maxilla in:

a. Depth.
b. Length.
c. Width.
d. Height

34. Sudden increase in growth rate during the age of the organism", this definition refers to
a. Development.
b. Growth.
c. Growth increment.
d. Growth spurt.

35. Growth of the nasomaxillary complex occur in the following direction:

a. Upward and forward
b. Downward and forward
c. None of the above

0106 14 15 322/ 0120 40 93515 ‫سمارت سنتر بجوار االذاعه – اعلى مكتبه سلمي – الدور الثاني‬
Dr / Mohamed youssef tel /01282590417
36. The nasomaxillary complexes is connected to the cranial base by means of
a. 4 pairs of sutures
b. 5 pairs of sutures
c. 6 pairs of sutures

37. The growth of the mandibular condyle occur in the direction of:
a. Upwards, backwards and outwards
b. Upward and backward only
c. Upward and outward only

38. Remodeling of the lower border of the mandible occurs by:

a. Resorption
b. Deposition
c. Both

39. Sutures growth in cranial vault activated by:

a. Growth of the brain
b. Growth in cranial base synchondrosis
c. Both of the above

40. The direction of alveolar growth in upper arch is directed:

a. Downward and outward
b. Downward and inward
c. Downward only

41. The spheno-occipital synchondrosisi s the most important as it closes

a. Between 10-12 years.
b. At Birth
c. Between 18-20 years.
d. Between 12-16 years.

42. At birth the face in relation to the cranium is:

a. 1/5
b. ¼
c. ½
d. 1/8
43. Endochondral bone is the origin of:
a. Cranial vault
b. Facial bones
c. Clavicle
d. None of the above

0106 14 15 322/ 0120 40 93515 ‫سمارت سنتر بجوار االذاعه – اعلى مكتبه سلمي – الدور الثاني‬
Dr / Mohamed youssef tel /01282590417
44. The combined mesiodistal width of CDE is larger than the combined mesiodistal width of 345.
This is referred to as:
a. Primate space
b. Premolar liability
c. Interarch width
d. Leeway space of Nance

45. The relationship of primary 2nd molar teeth that most likely develop normal class I is:
a. Flush terminal plane.
b. Mesial step relationship.
c. Distal step relationship.
d. Far mesial relation

46. Movement of the bone in the same direction of its own growth by bone deposition on one side
&resorption on the opposite side , Defined as:
a. 1ry displacement
b. Drift
c. Remodeling
d. 2ry displacement

47. Lengthening of the mandibular body is mainly due to:

a. Apposition at the chin region
b. Growth of the alveolar process
c. Surface apposition at the posterior border of the ramus

48. maxillary gum pads are separated from the palate by a horizontal groove known as
a. Lateral sulcus
b. Lingual groove
c. Transverse groove

49. The upper and lower gum pads touch each others:
a. In the posterior region
b. In the anterior region
c. In a lateral position

50. Eruption of all the deciduous teeth completed by the age of:
a. 24 month
b. 26 month
c. 30 month

51. Mixed dentition stage extend from the period of:

a. 2.5 to 6 years
b. 6to 12 years
c. 12 to 20 years

0106 14 15 322/ 0120 40 93515 ‫سمارت سنتر بجوار االذاعه – اعلى مكتبه سلمي – الدور الثاني‬
Dr / Mohamed youssef tel /01282590417
Answer sheet
1 d 30 C
2 C 31 A
3 A 32 B
4 B 33 D
5 C 34 D
6 D 35 B
7 B 36 C
8 C 37 A
9 C 38 C
10 C 39 A
11 C 40 A
12 C 41 C
13 a 42 D
14 B 43 D
15 B 44 D
16 A 45 A
17 A 46 B
18 B 47 C
19 A 48 B
20 C 49 A
21 C 50 C
22 D 51 b
23 B
24 D
25 D
26 A
27 D
28 D
29 C

0106 14 15 322/ 0120 40 93515 ‫سمارت سنتر بجوار االذاعه – اعلى مكتبه سلمي – الدور الثاني‬
Dr / Mohamed youssef tel /01282590417

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