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Jose Rizal is identified as a hero of the revolution for his writing that center on ending colonialism and

liberating Filipino minds to contribute to creating the Filipino nation. The great volume of Rizal’s lifework
was committed to this end, particularly the more influential ones, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
His essaysvilify not the Catholic religion, but the friars, the main agents of injustice in the Philippine
society. It is understandable, therefore, that any piece of writing from Rizal that recants everything he
wrote against the friars and the Catholic Church in the Philippines could deal heavy damage to his image
as a prominent Filipino revolutionary. Such document purportedly exists, allegedly signed by Rizal a few
hours before his execution. This document, referred to as “The Retraction,” declares Rizal’s belief in the
Catholic faith, and retracts everything he wrote against the Church. The testimony of Father Vicente
Balaguer and Cuerpo de Vigilancia

In the course of the prolonged controversy over Rizal’s retraction, there have been a lot of
misconceptions and versions of whether he retracted or not. Jose Rizal's retraction is a reflection of the
complex and tumultuous history of the Philippines under Spanish colonial rule. As a part of a country
that has suffered from colonialism, it has been crucial for researchers to seek the truth with concrete
evidence, such as primary and secondary sources. Rizal is hailed as our Philippine national hero. His
peaceful yet powerful approach to demanding government reform from oppressive Spanish rule and his
contributions to the Philippines that go beyond the political scene will always continue to uphold Rizal’s
love, nationalism, patriotism, and heroic deeds for the Philippines, which were evident and manifested
in nearly all his actions. (DepEd, 2022).

The retraction of Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines, has remained a topic of debate and
controversy for decades. There are others who contend that he gave up his convictions and values in
that deed. The struggle of Filipinos being torn from their own convictions and societal standards is
symbolized by Rizal's retraction, which is still significant in today's world. Rizal was a man of principles
who fought against the brutal Spanish colonizers and committed himself to improving the Philippines for
future generations. Even so, his decision to retract from his own beliefs highlighted the complex issues
that arise when people feel pressured to meet the expectations of others.

The historical implications of Jose Rizal's alleged retraction on the Filipino nation are debatable. If the
retraction is believed to be genuine, it could have influenced perceptions of Rizal's religious stance and
had political ramifications during his lifetime. However, because of historical doubts about the
retraction's veracity, its immediate impact on the Filipino people is unknown.

Scholars and historians have differing interpretations, and debates about whether the retraction was
genuine, coerced, or manipulated for political reasons continue. The complexities surrounding this event
highlight the difficulties in reaching definitive conclusions about its implications for the Filipino people.

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