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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 5, September-October 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

"Smart Chain Technology" - Regulation Analysis of Smart

Contract Platform Based on Blockchain Technology
Zihan Wang, Lele Wang, Xinyao Zhu, Linru Xu, Ayimuguli
Beijing Wuzi University, Beijing, China

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Zihan Wang |

Judicial blockchain at the real level shows a strong application Lele Wang | Xinyao Zhu | Linru Xu |
prospect in the field of electronic data through trusted timestamp and Ayimuguli ""Smart Chain Technology" -
one-click generation contracts. From the normative level, the Regulation Analysis of Smart Contract
Platform Based on Blockchain
evidence preservation innovation of electronic data is the essence of
Technology" Published in International
blockchain certification; from the factual level, the application of Journal of Trend in
blockchain technology mainly solves the presumption of authenticity Scientific Research
of electronic evidence. The "participatory" nodal verification under and Development
the blockchain consensus mechanism is expected to form a more (ijtsrd), ISSN:
promising blockchain justice, and the application of blockchain 2456-6470,
justice is an important part of the modernization of national Volume-7 | Issue-5,
governance system and governance capacity and the exploration of October 2023, IJTSRD59901
Chinese-style modernization. The team aims to build a platform pp.424-427, URL:
integrating electronic evidence traceability and individual contracts,
and to contribute a modest contribution to the legal cause of China.
Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
KEYWORDS: electronic data blockchain judicial storage electronic International Journal of Trend in
contract evidence review and judgment Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

1. Foreword
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist realized the preliminary design of the blockchain
Party of China emphasized deepening the reform of storage and certification traceability and anti-
the rule of law, the legal cause is developing in full counterfeiting system. Based on the blockchain
swing. Complete and effective evidence is the most certification traceability technology, the team
critical link in the application of law. Under the wave products carry out the visual blockchain traceability
of the development of big data and artificial technology of one-click intelligent electronic contract
intelligence technology, with the development of generation, electronic evidence storage, and evidence
network technology and the increasing number of collection and inquiry. The business scope is mainly
mobile Internet users, the proportion of the use of to solve the whole chain system that the intellectual
electronic evidence in litigation has also significantly property rights of enterprises are repeatedly violated
increased. Contract and data storage certificates are in the current judicial practice, the effectiveness of
gradually shifting to electronic and data-oriented, and evidence in the court trial and the electronic evidence
blockchain technology has been well applied in this uploading by other parties. The system establishes
field.[1] "Smart Chain Technology" is composed of cooperation with multiple types of enterprises to
five undergraduate students, involving law, provide diversified electronic contracts, but also helps
economics, information technology and other fields. enterprises to build industry-leading low delay, high
Under the leadership of the team instructor, we security and high efficiency commodity traceability
constantly improve the system, gradually realize the certification services and supporting information
implementation of the system, and start the trial services, and provides high-quality digital
operation. transformation solutions for small and medium-sized
Relying on the blockchain application laboratory and manufacturing enterprises as a storage medium. This
the information security laboratory, the team has product focuses on key research and development and

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59901 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 424
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
breakthrough in key technologies, and actively contract, performance of contracting subject civil
cooperates with the court and the notary office for conduct substantive review, and difficult to determine
public welfare, to popularize the community residents whether meaning is true, smart contract once
to the law, and gradually improve the system concluded is difficult to change, remove or early
facilities.[2] termination. The second is the regulatory risk of
2. Smart contract certification platform smart contract technology. Due to the characteristics
supported by blockchain technology from the of transnational and regional transmission value,
perspective of functionalism smart contracts can conclude and perform contracts
A. Build a platform with low delay, high safety with people in unspecified regions of the world, thus
and high efficiency leading to the application of laws and regulations in a
The team aims to build a legal service platform based certain country or region.[6]
on blockchain technology, making full use of the 3. Diversified expansion and market strategy of
many features of blockchain technology. For the blockchain-based legal service platform
example, immutability, decentralized architecture, A. One-stop" legal services
and smart contract mechanism provide users with One-click generation of smart contracts is applied to
comprehensive legal services, and play a role in online civil and commercial activities. The smart
electronic data storage, contract management, dispute contract system will automatically save all the parties'
resolution and other fields.[3] This product in the offer, commitment, signing, contract performance,
consensus algorithm, search algorithm, encryption breach and demand in the judicial blockchain in real
algorithm and other key secret technology on research time, and automatically transfer them to the judicial
and development and breakthrough, the information organs for processing when the breach reaches the
chain form production chain and supply chain, and preset standard. Therefore, with the support of
the block chain technology core password algorithm blockchain technology, the wide application of smart
replaced with PBFT consensus algorithm, agent contracts can not only help to improve judicial
encryption algorithm, searchable encryption efficiency, but also give full play to the initiative of
algorithm of new anti-counterfeiting traceability judicial organs, actively expand judicial functions, let
system. In addition, combined with the "clairvoyant" judicial organs actively participate in dispute
electronic devices of the regulatory center, real resolution in a timely manner, and effectively realize
information is added to the key nodes such as the it through measures such as multiple mediation before
alliance chain to ensure the reliability and safety of litigation.[7]
electronic evidence.
B. The integration of network, membership and
The audience of this platform is small and medium- customized services
sized enterprises and individual users. These user Through the market service positioning of this
groups often have urgent needs for legal protection in product, we mainly adopt the following three
the daily operation and life process, but they are faced marketing methods: First, we will use the Internet and
with many problems such as high litigation costs, social media to release relevant information of the
complex legal process, and low efficiency of judicial platform through the official website, wechat public
resources.[4] Our platform can provide them with account, Weibo and other media channels, introduce
fast, economic and convenient legal services in a the functions and advantages of the platform, to
more economical and efficient way, effectively attract users' attention. We can use search engine
helping them to defend their rights and interests and optimization (SEO), search engine advertising (SEA),
solve legal problems. social media advertising (SMA) to increase the
B. Analysis of the existing legal risks of the platform's exposure and click-through rate, and
platform increase user traffic. Establish a membership system,
Blockchain technology is helpful to build a trusted according to the frequency of users using the platform
judicial organization, realize the linkage between and the consumption amount.[8] Secondly, different
judicial departments, and is more conducive to membership levels are set to provide different degrees
people's access to legal services freely, fairly and of discounts and services for members. For example,
timely online. The combination of smart contract and members can enjoy lower deposit fees, more free
blockchain makes it have the advantages of consultations, faster response speed and so on. We
transaction security, low transaction cost and high will also encourage users to become members
efficiency.[5] But at the same time, the block chain through the points system, preferential activities,
smart contract inevitably face block chain own lottery and other ways, and increase user stickiness
technical risk, first in the conclusion of the smart and loyalty.[9]

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59901 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 425
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
The team adopts the advantages of the existing provides support services to ensure the normal
contract storage platform obtained by SWOT operation of the system, and maintains the software
analysis, such as breaking the formatting contract for system with the requirements change, including the
customized diversity services, fixed electronic development and maintenance, daily operation and
evidence materials, data confirmation rights and the some temporary work requirements. According to the
underlying blockchain technology encryption, etc. management needs such as risk control, different
However, there are problems such as high price, management means are adopted, including new
limitations of target customers and lack of innovative functions, function changes, auxiliary operations,
services. The team adopts digital marketing and new routine operations and emergency treatment.
media marketing, and develops exclusive marketing
At the same time, the team establishes an effective
strategies through customer preference survey,
performance management mechanism, and the
including comprehensive data tracking, improving the
performance management of the R & D team can
amount of enterprise customer acquisition, and
effectively motivate the enthusiasm of the R & D
carrying out refined marketing.[10]
team and improve the work efficiency. The
C. Market development and technological performance management process of R & D
progress of blockchain technology management also includes four parts: performance
The team will continue to improve and optimize the planning, performance guidance, performance
functions and performance of the platform according evaluation and result application. Performance
to the market demand and user feedback, and improve evaluation indicators usually consider the overall
the usability and reliability of the platform. strategy of the enterprise, and conduct regular
Customized legal service solutions should be demand research. Through a series of activities such
developed with the characteristics of different as repeated communication and communication with
industries and fields to meet diversified user needs. customers, and adopting research methods such as
At the same time, focus on the latest development and discussion method, survey form method and field
innovation of blockchain technology, introduce new investigation, we can understand the particularity of
technologies and new models in time, to maintain the cooperative government departments to purchase our
advanced nature and competitiveness of the platform. business based on the demand of evidence
Secondly, it will adopt a phased market expansion traceability. Focusing on the analysis of the
strategy. In the initial stage, it will focus on first-tier characteristics and structure of customers, the target
cities and developed regions, and with the help of the customers with well-known works for copyright
high degree of marketization, legalization and protection are growth customers with commercial
informatization of these regions, quickly establish the value, dig deep into their pain points and needs, and
popularity and reputation of the platform.[11] To lay the corresponding foundation for the expansion of
gradually expand to small and medium-sized cities, new technical service business.[13]
which have huge market potential and demand for
5. epilogue
legal services, which can increase the user scale and
In the era of artificial intelligence, the core value of
market share of the platform. Finally, it will expand
intelligent judicial implementation is to improve
to rural and remote areas, and use the advantages of
judicial efficiency and realize judicial justice. In the
convenience and low cost of the platform to provide
face of the booming data science, blockchain
better legal services for users in these areas, and
technology is considered to be an electronic data
promote social equity and the construction of the rule
technology with "technology verification", which has
of law.
important positive significance to intelligent justice.
4. Project R & D management and user The team makes full use of many features of
maintenance blockchain technology, such as imtamability,
The focus of R & D management is on the decentralized architecture, and smart contract
development and maintenance of the system. There mechanism, to provide users with comprehensive
are four stages in the system development of this legal services, playing a role in electronic data
project, namely: project filing, software development, storage, contract management, dispute resolution and
functional testing and system launch, daily other fields. The realization of blockchain
maintenance and improvement of the system after the "participatory" justice is not only a self-innovation of
launch, which is completed by the software developer the judicial mechanism, but also a new
and supervised by the person of the software communication mechanism between technology and
manager.[12] The system maintenance task mainly law.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59901 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 426
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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