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Blended Learning is the integration of face to face and online instruction(Graham, 2013),
is widely adopted across higher education with some scholar referring to it as the “new
traditional model” (Rose and Gage 2006 p. 167) or the “new normal’ in course delivery (Norberg
et al. 2011 p. 207). These address in blended learning in a wide variety of situation. This study
addressed to the possible outcomes, implication and possible way of using Blended learning. It
can determine the problems and effectiveness of blended learning in teaching-learning to
achieve the learning outcome and to make a quality education for the students. It is an
approach that uses technology as learning materials to administer the gap to everyone. This
approach is new to our life but we must be flexible in everything that happen to us. This
approach help us to gives new ideas and knowledge in teaching- learning process. Because of
this pandemic, many things are changes like the teacher and student will not have a face-to
face interaction in school. And also the teacher and students must adapt to the changes of
learning like using technologies like cellphone, laptop and others so that they can engage to the
mood of teaching.

Not all people are engage in using technology, like in the remote area that have limited
access in using the technologies. The lack of access to educational technologies and
innovations continues to be a challenge with novel educational technologies (Fairlie 2004;
Jones et al. 2009). It is important to know on how to integrate it in the far place if the students
are not capable to address in the situation. The teacher and the administrator will take an action
so that all the students can cope in this kind of situation. In Blended Learning we must consider
theoretical concepts and empirical findings. Yes it is important to consider not all the students
can adapt easily in the changes and also they have different personality and skills. Blended
Learning is an approach that can easily to access the performance of the student and can
address their needs. This modality is very critical because it is new experience to the part of
teachers and student it is important to go beyond the learning outcome. If it is not meet by the
students, consider it and make new activities that is suited to their levels of thinking and ideas.
In field of teaching, Blended learning is the only way to cope with this pandemic. It requires the
interaction so that they can help in other to make the learning outcome become successful. In
this approach, parents have a big role in student’s learning because they can help the learners
to finish the activities by guiding them. In this approach it helps the student their personal to
cater their individual interest, weaknesses and strength. In this kind of situation, the teachers
are facilitate the students in the activities that should be administer so that they can learn from
it. Blended Learning have a big part in teaching and learning process to achieve the specific
targets of the teachers and student.


Charles et al. Article 3 (2015), International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher


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