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A. Fill in the blanks: 1. Lists 2. Unordered 3. Border-spacing 4. Reversed 5. Description

B. True or False: 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False

C. Application based Questions:

1. Border-collapse

2. List-style-image


A. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. a) bulleted

2. b) 1

3. a) list-style-position

4. b) <dd>

5. c) caption-side

B. Answer the following:

1. <ul> tag is used to define an unordered list where the items are not to be displayed in any
particular sequence while as <ol> tag is used to define an ordered list where list items follow a
specific order. The default list-item marker for unordered list is disc whereas it is sequence of
numbers in ordered list.

2. Unordered List: An Unordered list is used when the items are not required to be displayed in any
particular sequence.

Ordered List: The Ordered list is used to display the list of items in a specific order.

Description List: A description list consists of a term followed by its definition.

3. Tables are extremely popular on the web because they are flexible and an attractive way of
presenting information in the form of rows and columns. In HTML the <TABLE> tag is used for
creating tables.

4. (a) List-style-image property helps in specifying an image as the list item marker. (b) List-style is a
shorthand property wherein all the list properties can be specified in one declaration. (c) Empty-cells
property helps in specifying whether or not the border and background are to be placed around
empty cells in a table.

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