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Dr Zijing Hu (M.B. M.


The Therapeutics of Lecturer: Department of

Complementary Medicine

Acupuncture and Moxibustion (Acupuncture)

Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Johannesburg
Otitis media
• Definition:
• Otitis media (OM) is any inflammation
of the middle ear.

• Aetiology


Liver and gallbladder heat Otitis media

Zang-fu def.
• Syndrome differentiation
• Main symptoms: pain/pus in the ear, a distending sensation in the ear, reduce or loss of
hearing, tinnitus; may be accompanied with high-grade fever, headache, fatigue, etc.

• Due to wind-heat: the main symptoms, accompanied with headache, fever, dry throat,
sore throat; a red tongue with a thin yellow coating, a floating rapid pulse

• Due to liver and gallbladder fire: severe pain in the ear, stabbing pain, pus in the ear;
accompany with fever, a red facial complexion, irritation, a bitter taste, dry throat, a yellow
urine, constipation, a red tongue with a thick yellow coating, a wiry rapid or slippery rapid
• Due to phlegm and blood stasis: a distending sensation in the ear, tinnitus, progressive
loss of hearing, a pale or purple tongue with purple spots, a hesitant or tense pulse

• Internal dampness due to spleen def.: clear pus in the ear, a long course of disease;
accompanied with tiredness in the limbs, poor appetite, loose stool, a pale tongue with a
white or greasy coating, a soggy pulse

• Kidney yin def.: a long course of disease; accompanied with dizziness, fatigue,
weakness in the waist and knees, a red or pale tongue with a scanty coating, a deep or
thin pulse
• Treatment principles:
• Wind-heat, liver and gallbladder fire, phlegm and blood stasis: clearing heat and
phlegm, acupuncture only with a reducing manipulation approach
• Spleen def. with internal heat: tonifying spleen and clearing dampness, a combination
of acupuncture and moxibustion with an even manipulation approach
• Kidney yin def.: tonifying yin and clearing heat, acupuncture only with a reinforcing or
even manipulation approach

• Main points: focus on local points and the foot shaoyang meridian
• SJ21 (ermen), GB2 (tinghui), SJ17 (yifeng), GB20 (fengchi), LI4 (hegu), SJ5 (waiguan)
• Wind-heat: add DU14 (dazhui), LI11 (quchi)
• Liver and gallbladder fire: add LV2 (Xingjian), GB43 (xiaxi)
• Phlegm and blood stasis: add ST40 (fenglong), KD3 (taixi)
• Spleen def. with internal dampness: add SP6 (sanyinjiao), SP9 (yinlingquan)
• Kidney yin def.: add KD3 (taixi), BL23 (shenshu)
• Headache: add LV3 (taiyang), DU23 (shangxing)
• Main points:
• SJ21 (ermen), SI19 (tinggong), GB2 (tinghui), SJ17 (yifeng), SJ3 (zhongzhu), GB43

• Exogenous wind: add GB20 (fengchi), SJ5 (waiguan), LI4 (hegu)

• Liver and gallbladder fire: add LV2 (Xingjian), GB40 (qiuxu), GB41 (zulinqi)
• Phlegm fire: add ST40 (fenglong), ST44 (neiting)
• Kidney essence def.: add BL23 (shenshu), KD3 (taixi), RN4 (guanyuan)
• Spleen and stomach def.: add RN6 (qihai), ST36 (zusanli), BL20 (pishu)

Rhinitis and sinusitis are terms that refer to inflammatory conditions of the nose and
paranasal sinuses characterized by symptoms of rhinorrhea (anterior or posterior), itching,
sneezing and nasal obstruction.

• Aetiology

Wind cold

Wind heat
Qi stag. and blood stasis

Qi def.
• Syndrome differentiation
• Main symptoms: rhinorrhea (anterior or posterior), itching, sneezing and nasal
obstruction; accompanied with headache, cough, facial pain, poor olfaction, disturbed
sleep, pharyngitis

• Due to wind-cold: nasal obstruction, sneezing, profuse nasal discharge; accompanied

with headache, body ache, sweating, aversion to cold, a pale tongue with a thin white
coating, a floating tense pulse

• Due to wind-heat: nasal obstruction, dry and itchy nose, scanty yellow nasal discharge,
fever, aversion to wind, headache, sore throat, thirst with a desire to drink, a red tongue
with a white or slightly yellow coating, a rapid floating pulse
• Due to qi stag. and blood stasis: constant nasal obstruction, profuse and sticky nasal
discharge, a red tongue with purple spots, a wiry, thin, hesitant pulse

• Due to qi def.: nasal obstruction comes and goes, clear sticky nasal discharge, worsens
upon cold environment, dizziness, a heavy sensation of the head, a pale tongue with a
thin white coating, a moderate pulse;
• Treatment principles:
• Exogenous wind: dispelling wind
• Wind-heat: acupuncture only with a reinforcing manipulation approach
• Wind-cold: a combination of acupuncture and moxibustion with a reinforcing manipulation
• Qi stag. and blood stasis: activating qi and blood, acupuncture only with a reducing
manipulation approach
• Qi def.: tonifying lung and spleen; a combination of acupuncture and moxibustion with a
reinforcing or even manipulation approach

• Main points:
• LI20 (yingxiang), EX-HN8 (bitong), EX-HN2 (yintang), LI4 (hegu)
• Wind-heat: add LI11 (quchi), SJ5 (waiguan)
• Wind-cold: add LU7 (lieque), GB20 (fengchi)
• Qi stag. and blood stasis: add BL17 (geshu), BL7 (tongtian)
• Qi def.: add DU20 (baihui), BL13 (feishu)
• Lung qi def.: add BL13 (feishu), LU9 (Taiyuan)
• Spleen qi def.: add BL20 (pishu), ST36 (zusanli)
• Kidney qi def.: add DU4 (mingmen), BL23 (shenshu)

• Needling technique
• Moxibustion may be applied to the wind-cold syndrome, spleen and lung def. syndromes
• Other treatment approaches:
• Herbal plaster technique:
• Points: DU14 (dazhui), BL13 (feishu), BL43 (gaohuang), BL23 (shenshu), RN17
• How to make herbal plaster: baijezi 30g, yanhusuo 10g, gansui 10g, xixin 10g, dingxiang
10g, baizhi 10g; grind into fine powder; mix with pepper juice and rougui into a fine
powder before application; keep 4 hours, once a week, a course consists 3 weeks

• Aetiology

Wind heat

Stomach heat Toothache

Def. fire
• Syndrome differentiation
• Main symptoms
• Due to wind heat: sudden onset, severe pain, a red gum, prefers cold; accompanied with
fever, thirst, swelling of the cheek; a red tongue with a thin yellow coating, a floating rapid

• Due to stomach heat: severe pain, bleeding gums, worsens upon heat; accompanied
with foul breath, yellow urine, constipation, a red tongue with a yellow coating, a surging
rapid pulse

• Due to def. fire: aching, comes and goes, worsens in the afternoon or at night, a long
course of disease; accompanied with dizziness, blurred vision, weakness in the waist and
knees; a tender tongue with a scanty coating, a thin rapid pulse
• Treatment principles:
• Due to wind heat/stomach heat: clearing heat, stopping pain and relieving swelling;
acupuncture only with a reducing manipulation approach
• Due to def. fire: tonifying yin and clearing heat; acupuncture only with an even
manipulation approach

• Main points: focus on the local points, and the hand and foot yangming meridians
• ST6 (jiache), ST7 (xiaguan), LI4 (hegu), LI2 (erjian), ST44 (neiting)
• Due to wind heat: add SJ17 (yifeng), GB20 (fengchi)
• Due to stomach heat: add ST45 (lidui), LI11 (quchi)
• Def. fire: add KD3 (taixi), KD6 (zhaohai)
• Pain in the upper gum: add EX-HN5 (taiyang), SI18 (quanliao)
• Pain in the lower gum: add ST5 (daying), RN24 (chengjiang)

• Needling technique
• LI2 (erjian), ST44 (neiting): prick to cause bleeding
• Treatment may be applied twice a day in patients with severe toothache
Sore throat

• Aetiology

Wind heat

Stomach heat Sore throat

Def. fire
• Syndrome differentiation
• Main symptoms
• Due to wind heat: sore throat, swelling, a burning sensation; accompany with fever,
sweating, cough with phlegm, yellow urine, a red tongue with a thin white or thin yellow
coating, a floating rapid pulse

• Due to stomach heat: sore throat, a burning sensation in the throat, high-grade fever,
thirst with a desire to drink, headache, a yellow sticky phlegm, constipation, yellow urine,
a red tongue with a yellow coating, a rapid forceful pulse

• Due to def. fire: slight swelling and pain in the throat, irritation in the throat, dry throat,
hoarse voice, no desire to drink, feverish sensation in the palms and soles, worsens at
night; a red tongue with a scanty coating, a thin rapid pulse
• Treatment principles:
• Due to wind heat/stomach heat: clearing heat, stopping pain and relieving swelling;
acupuncture only with a reducing manipulation approach
• Due to def. fire: tonifying yin and clearing heat; acupuncture only with an even
manipulation approach

• Main points: focus on the local points, and the hand and foot yangming meridians
• SI17 (tianrong), LU7 (lieque), KD6 (zhaohai), LI4 (hegu)
• Due to wind heat: add LU5 (chize), SJ5 (waiguan), LU11 (shaoshang)
• Due to stomach heat: add ST44 (neiting), LI11 (quchi)
• Due to def. fire: add KD3 (taixi), KD1 (yongquan)
• Sore throat: add RN22 (tiantu)
• Hoarse voice: add KD7 (fuliu), ST32 (futu)
• Constipation: add LI11 (quchi), SJ6 (zhigou)

• Needling technique
• Three-edge needling technique: LU11 (shaoshang), LI1 (shangyang), prick to cause
Dr Zijing Hu (M.B. M.Med)
Lecturer: Department of Complementary Medicine
Room 7106d John Orr Building DFC
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Johannesburg
Tel: 011 559 6999

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