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Dr Zijing Hu (M.B. M.


The Therapeutics of Lecturer: Department of

Complementary Medicine

Acupuncture and Moxibustion (Acupuncture)

Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Johannesburg
Uterine prolapse

• Definition:
• Refers to the downward displacement of the uterus into the vagina, the cervix is lower
than the level of the ischial spine.

• This condition can be caused by:

• Early parturition
• Dystocia
• Overexertion
• Increased abdominal pressure
• Aetiology

Overexertion Spleen qi def. Spleen qi sinking

Constitutional deficiency Uterine prolapse

Multiparity Kidney qi def. and flaccid collaterals

Sexual intemperance
• Syndrome differentiation
• Main symptoms: A sensation of sinking or moving through the vagina that is aggravated
by coughing and/or walking, pain in the lumbo-sacral region, sensation of sinking and

• Spleen def.: The sensation of sinking is aggravated by fatigue, a dragging feeling in the
lower abdomen, lassitude, fatigue, weak extremities, thin, white profuse leucorrhoea, a
pale tongue with a thin coating, and a weak pulse.

• Kidney def.: Pain and weakness in the lumbar region and legs, frequent urination,
dizziness, tinnitus, a light red tongue and a deep and weak pulse.
• Treatment principles:
• Tonify the spleen and kidney and strengthen the meridian of the uterus.

• Main points: focus on the ren and gallbladder meridians

• DU20 (baihui), RN4 (qihai), GB28 (weidao), EX-CA1 (zigong)

• Spleen qi def.: Add ST36 (zusanli), SP6 (sanyinjiao)

• Kidney def.: Add KI12 (guanyuan), BL23 (shenshu), KI3 (taixi)
• Accompanied by a cystocele: Add RN2 (qugu), KI11 (henggu)
• Accompanied by a rectocele: Add BL35 (huiyang), BL57 (chengshan)
• Needling technique
• Apply a reinforcing technique in conjunction with moxibustion

• Other treatment approaches:

• Auricular acupuncture: Kidney, spleen, internal genitals, external genitals, subcortex,
sympathetic. Select 2-3 points each time with weak stimulation, retain for 30 minutes.
Dr Zijing Hu (M.B. M.Med)
Lecturer: Department of Complementary Medicine
Room 7106d John Orr Building DFC
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Johannesburg
Tel: 011 559 6999

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