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Name Shubhan Kadam

UID no. 2020300026

Experiment No. 2

Work Break Down Structure and Scope Definition

Theory Definition: A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a visual representation of a project's scope and
deliverables. It breaks down a project into smaller, more manageable work elements, allowing for a
clear and structured understanding of the project's components.

Hierarchy: A WBS is typically organized in a hierarchical format, with the project at the top level,
followed by major deliverables or phases, and then further subdivided into smaller work packages.
The hierarchy can continue to the level of individual tasks or activities.


▪ Scope Definition: A WBS helps define the scope of the project. It provides a comprehensive
overview of what needs to be accomplished, making it easier to determine project boundaries
and ensure that nothing is overlooked.

▪ Project Planning: A well-structured WBS serves as the foundation for project planning. It
allows project managers to estimate resource requirements, timeframes, and costs for each
work package, making it an essential tool for project scheduling and budgeting.

▪ Resource Allocation: By breaking the project into smaller components, a WBS facilitates
resource allocation. Project managers can assign responsibilities to teams or individuals more
effectively and ensure that the right resources are allocated to each task.

▪ Progress Tracking: A WBS provides a structured way to track the progress of a project. It
allows project managers to monitor the completion of work packages and compare actual
progress against planned milestones.

▪ Risk Management: By breaking the project into smaller components, a WBS makes it easier
to identify and assess potential risks at each level. This enables more targeted risk
management strategies.

▪ Communication: The WBS is an effective communication tool that allows project

stakeholders to understand the project's structure, scope, and progress. It promotes clarity and
alignment among team members and stakeholders.

▪ Change Management: When changes occur during a project, a WBS makes it easier to assess
the impact of those changes. It helps in understanding how modifications to one work package
may affect other parts of the project.

WBS Components:

A typical WBS includes the following components:

▪ Project/Program: The top-level element, representing the entire project or program.

▪ Major Deliverables/Phases: These are the primary outcomes or project phases that must be

▪ Sub-Deliverables/Work Packages: Further breakdown of major deliverables into smaller,

manageable components or work packages.

▪ d. Tasks/Activities: The lowest level of the hierarchy, representing individual tasks or

activities required to complete work packages.


Scope Definition Project Name: CrunchIt!

Project Objective:
The primary objective of the project is to develop a new web application called CrunchIt!,
designed to empower users in creating and effectively managing budgets. The application
aims to provide a user-friendly interface, a robust server-side API, and a reliable database to
support comprehensive budget management.

Project Deliverables:


A fully functional user interface for CrunchIt!, which includes:

▪ User-friendly pages for budget creation and management.
▪ Intuitive forms for adding and editing budget details.
▪ User-focused functionality to enhance the budgeting experience.

A fully functional server-side API for CrunchIt!, responsible for:

▪ Handling database interactions.
▪ Implementing essential business logic to support budget management features.
▪ Ensuring data security and integrity.


Seamlessly integrating the frontend and backend components of CrunchIt! to provide a

cohesive user experience.


Development of a robust database system for storing CrunchIt! user data, which
▪ Budget records.
▪ Transaction data associated with budgets.
▪ Generation of comprehensive budget reports to aid financial decision-making.
▪ Documentation:

Creation of complete documentation for CrunchIt!, including:

▪ User guides to assist users in navigating the application and effectively managing
▪ API documentation for developers to interact with the backend system.
▪ Deployment instructions to guide the deployment of CrunchIt! in various

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):

Level 1:
▪ Frontend
▪ Backend
▪ Integration
▪ Data
▪ Documentation

Level 2:


Design Planning:
▪ Establishing a comprehensive design plan, including defining the overall look and feel
of the application.
▪ Selection of a suitable color palette that aligns with the application's branding and user
▪ Aesthetic considerations to ensure an engaging and visually appealing user
▪ Wireframing and prototyping to visualize the user interface design.
▪ Creation of design documentation to maintain consistency and clarity throughout the
design phase.


Creating Layout:
▪ Developing the layout structure for CrunchIt! that provides a consistent and user-
friendly interface.
Creating Pages:
▪ Building individual pages, ensuring they are fully functional and user-centric.


Creating Routes:
▪ Defining the API routes required for seamless data interaction between the frontend
and the database.

Data Collection:
▪ Implementing data collection mechanisms to gather and process user budget and
transaction data.
Database Schema Design:
▪ Designing the database schema to support the storage and retrieval of budget-related
Data Modeling:
▪ Model data structures to ensure efficient storage and retrieval.


Connecting Backend with Frontend:

▪ Establishing a robust connection between the frontend and backend components for a
cohesive user experience.
Deployment Process:
▪ Defining the deployment process, ensuring it is streamlined and reliable.


User Guides:
▪ Creating user guides that provide step-by-step instructions for users to navigate
CrunchIt! and effectively manage budgets.
API Documentation:
▪ Developing comprehensive API documentation to guide developers on interacting
with the backend system.
Deployment Instructions:
▪ Providing clear instructions for deploying CrunchIt! in various environments to ensure
a smooth and efficient deployment process.

▪ Marketing and Promotion: The scope of this project does not include marketing and
promotional activities for the CrunchIt! web application.


Technological Requirements:

▪ Frontend: Svelte
▪ Backend: Django
▪ Database: MongoDB

Project Timeline:

The CrunchIt! web application must be completed and deployed within a timeline of 6


This scope definition has been reviewed and approved by the following stakeholders:

▪ Project Manager
▪ UI/UX Team
▪ Development Team
▪ Database Team

Date: 2023-10-3

CONCLUSION: The experiment enabled us to learn the essential steps in creating a Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS). We understood that a WBS is a hierarchical breakdown of a project into
manageable components, which is crucial for organizing and managing project tasks

WBS Use for Scheduling: We grasped the significance of WBS in project scheduling. By
defining the task sequence and dependencies, we can create a realistic project timeline. And
also t highlighted the role of WBS in budget management. By associating cost estimates with
each work package, we can monitor and control project costs.

The experiment provided us with hands-on experience in creating a detailed scope definition
for a project. We learned how to articulate project objectives, deliverables, exclusions, and
constraints, ensuring that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the project's scope
and limitations.

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