Salt Analysis For Class XII - by Dr. Vikas Yadav

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ue GURUCOOL CLASSES CLASS XII - CBSE & ISC SALT ANALYSIS va vA Pe ee = AUTHOR Dr. Vikas Yadav (M.Sc.. Ph.D.. B.€d.) weknow SALTS (Click on the Given Salt! Ammonium Chloride (Zero Group) Lead Acetate (First Group) Lead Nitrate (First Group) Ammonium Carbonate (Zero Group) Aluminium Sulphate (Third Group} Magnesium Sulphate (Sixth Group) Magnesium Carbonate (Sixth Group) Barlum Chloride (Fifth Group) Calcium Chloride (Fifth Group) Barlum Nitrate (Fifth Group) Calcium Carbonate (Fifth Group} Strontium Nitrate (Fifth Group} Manganese Sulphate (Fourth Group) Copper Sulphate (Second Group) Manganese Chloride (Fourth Group) Ferrous Sulphate (Third Group, Convert into ferric ion by oxidation with HNOs) Copper Chloride (Second Group) For NH.Cl— Ammonium Chloride ‘AIM —To analyze the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it. Material required — Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks, filter papers, reagents Preliminary tests Colour of the salt ~ White ‘Smell (Odour) - Slight smell of ammonia on addition of few water drops Solubility ~ Soluble in water Dry Heating Test - Sublime on heating Flame test (Paste of salt with cone. HCI) — For acidic radical ~ S.No. | Experiment Observation inference 1. [Treated 0.1 g of salt with 1 ml dilH:SO. and|No effervescence and|CO.", SO.~, 5, NOr warmed evolution of vapours. | , CHsCOO™ absent. Z__ | Heated 0.1 g of salt with ml conc. H.SO. A colourless gas with | CF Maybe Pungent smell, 3. | Rod dipped in ammonium hydroxide is brought | Gives dense white | Cr May be near the mouth of the test tube fumes % [Take O1 g of salt, add a pinch of manganese | Greenish yellow gas is | Cr Confirmed dioxide and 34 drops of conc. sulphuric acid and | evolved Heat the mixture 5. _ | Chromyl Chloride Test — Take 0.1 g salt and a pinch | Solution becomes | Cr Confirmed of solid potassium dichromate in a test tube, add | yellow conc, H:S0s, heat and pass the gas evolved through sodium hydroxide solution 6. | Acidify the solution with acetic acid and addlead| yellow precipitate is | Cr Confirmed acetate solution formed For Basie Radical — S.No. | Experiment Observation Inference 1. [Heated 0.1 g oF salt with 2 ml Conc, NaOH] Smell of ammonia gas is | NHe* may be solution obtained Z__ | Bring a glass rod dipped in hydrochloric acd near | dense white fures are | NH= maybe the mouth of the test tube obtained 3. [Collect the gas by inverted test tube, and add| Brown precipitate is | NH«* Confirmed Nessler’s reagent obtained Result The given salt contains — Anionic Radical ~ CI & Cationic Radical ~ NH* And the formula of salt will be — NH,CI Reactions — (For Chloride lon) ¥ HCL+NH.Cl 3 NHC ¥ MnO; + 2CI + 2H:S0, > SO.7+ MnSO.+ 2H:0 + Ch ¥ ACE+ KCr.07 + 6H;S05-> 2KHSO, + 2CrO,Clz + 4HSO." + 3H20 ¥ CrO;Clz + 4NaQH -> Na.CrO, + 2NaCl + H,0 Reactions for Ammonium ion — NH, + NaOH > NH; +H.0 + Nat Y NHa+HCI-> NHeCl ¥ 2[Hgle]? +1NH, + 3NaOH > H,N.HgO Hg! + 3Nal+H,04 41- Nessler’s Brown pat. Reagent For (CH,COO),Pb — Lead Acetate ‘AIM —To analyze the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it. Material required — Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks, filter papers, reagents Preliminary tests Colour of the salt — Crystalline White ‘Smet (Odour) Slight smell of acetic acid Solubllity ~ Soluble in water Dry Heating Test -Vapours of acetic acid evolved which turns blue litmus into red Flame test (Paste of salt with conc. HCI} ~ Bluish White Flame For acidic radical ~ S.No. | Experiment ‘Observation inference 1. [Treated 0.1 of salt with 1 ml dilH:S0s and Colourless vapours with | CHsCOO- may be. warmed smell of vinegar. Vapours tum blue litmus red. 2. | Take 0.1 g of salt in a china dish. Add 1 ml of | Fruityadour obtained | CHsCOO™ Confirmed ethanol and 0.2 mL cone. H;SOsand heat 3. | Oxolic Acid Test— Take O.1g oF salt in.atest tube, | Smell of vinegar | CHzCOO™ Confirmed add small amount of oxalic acid in satt and add | obtained few drops of distilled water | Ferric Chloride Test - Take O.1 g of salt in atest|Deep red colour | CHsCOO- Confirmed tube, add 1-2 ml distilled water, shake well filter | appears if necessary. Add 1 to 2 mL neutral ferric chloride solution to the filtrate 5. | Onboiling the mixture Red colour disappears | CHsCOO- Confirmed and a brown-red precipitate is formed For Basic Radical ~ S.No. | Experiment Observation Inference 1. | Heated 0.1 g of salt with 2 ml NaOH solution Nosmellis obtained | NHs* Absent (Zero Group absent) Z| Prepare original solution (OS) of the salt by|Clearsolution formed | Water soluble salt is dissolving 1g of it in 20 mL water present 3. | Toa small part of the above salt solution added 2| White precipitate | Group-| Present ml of dil, HEL. formed “4, | Dissolve the precipitate in hot water and divide | A yellow precipitate is | Pb Confirmed the hot solution into three parts. Add potassium | obtained lodide solution to the first part. 5. [To the second part add potassium chromate [A yellow precipitate is | Pb” Confirmed solution obtained which is soluble in NaOH and Insoluble in ammonium acetate solution | To the third part oF the hot solution add few drops of alcohol and dilute sulphuric acid A white precipitate Is obtained which is soluble in ammonium acetate solution Pb Confirmed Result — The given salt contains — Anionic Radical — CHsCOO™ & Cationic Radical — Pb? ‘And the formula of salt will be — (CH:COO).Pb Reactions for Acetate lon — ¥ CH,COO™ + H,S05-> CH;COOH + HSOs” ¥ CHiCOO™ + C.HsOH > CH,COOC; H, + OH" (Esterification) ¥ GH:0, (Oxalie acid) + 2. CH,COO--> 2CH,COOH +C,0,7 ¥ 3CHsCOO™ + FeCl, > (CHsCOO).Fe (orange colour) + 3cI- ¥ (CH,COO),Fe + 2H,0 > (CHsCOO){OH).Fe (Reddish Brown Ppt.) + 2CH,COOH Reactions for Lead ion — Pb? + 2HCI-> PbCl + 2H* ¥ Pb'? + 2KI > Pls (Yellow ppt.) + 2k* ¥ Pb" + KeCrO. > PhCrO, (Yellow ppt.) + 2K" For Pb(NOs); ~ Lead Nitrate ‘AIM —To analyze the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it Material required — Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks, filter papers, reagents Preliminary tests Colour of the salt ~ White ‘Smell (Odour) - Odourless Solubllity ~ Soluble in water Dry Heating Test ~ Becomes brown on heating and yellow on cold Flame test (Paste of salt with conc. HCl} ~ Bluish White Flame For acidic radical ~ S.No. | Experiment Observation inference 1. [Treated 0.1 g of salt with 1 ml dilH:SO. and|No effervescence and|CO.", SO.~, S=, NOr warmed evolution of vapours. _| , CHsCOO™ absent. Z__ | Heated 0.1 g of salt with ml conc. H.SO. Brown fumes are | NOs Maybe evolved 3. | On heating the reaction mixture after addition of | Brown Fumes become | NOs Confirmed copper turnings dense And the colour of solution changes to blue 4 | Take salt solution in a test tube and add small | Deep blue colouration is | NOx Confirmed amount of diphenylamine obtained 5. [Take aqueous solution of salt and add small | Brown ring appeared on | NOs Confirmed quantity of freshly prepared FeSO: solution add | the junction of liquids small quantity of conc. HzSQe For Basie Radical — S.No. | Experiment Observation inference 1. [Heated 0.1 g of salt with 2 ml NaOH solution No smellis obtained | NHe’ Absent (Zero Group absent) 2 [Prepare original solution (05) of the salt by| Clearsolution formed | Water soluble salt is dissolving 1g of it in 20 mL water present 3. | Toa small part of the above salt solution added 2| White precipitate | Group-I Present mi of dil. HCI formed 4. | Dissolve the precipitate in hot water and divide [A yellow precipitate is | Pb Confirmed the hot solution into three parts. Add potassium | obtained iodide solution to the first part. 5. [To the second part add potassium chromate | A yellow precipitate is | Pb™ Confirmed solution obtained which is soluble in NaOH and insoluble in ammonium acetate solution 6. | To the third part of the hot solution add few drops of alcohol and dilute sulphuric acid A white precipitate is obtained which is: soluble in ammonium acetate solution Pb Confirmed Result ~ The given salt contains ~ Anionic Radical ~CHsCOO” & Cationic Radical ~ Pb? And the formula of salt will be ~ (CHsCOO}Pb Reactions for Nitrate lon ~ ¥ NOx + H:SQ > HSO.° + HNOz (Vapours) ¥ 4HNOs + Cu > Cu(NO:): + 2NO; (Brown Vapaurs) ¥ GFeSOu + 31250, + 2HNOs > 3Fe:(SOs)s +4120 + 2NO ¥ FeSQs # NO + 5H:0 > [Fe(NO)(H:0)s}50s (Brown Ring) Reactlons for Lead ion ~ ¥ Pb? + 2HCI-> PCI, + 2H ¥ 2Pb(NOs)s > 2PbO (Brown & Yellow) + 4NO: +O; « Pb? + 2KI > Pbi2 (Yellow ppt.) + 2k* « Pb’? + KaCrOe-> PbCrO. (Yellow ppt.) + 2K* For (NHs}:CO, ~ Ammonium Carbonate ‘AIM —To analyze the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it Material required — Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks, filter papers, reagents Preliminary tests Colour of the salt — White ‘Smell (Odour) - Pungent smell on heating Solubllity ~ Soluble in water Dry Heating Test ~ Decomposes on heating Flame test (Paste of salt with conc. HCI) — For acidic radical ~ S.No. | Experiment ‘Observation inference 1. [Treated 0.1 g of salt with 1 ml dilH:SO. and| A colourless, adourless | COs may be. warmed as is evolved with brisk effervescence 2.__| On passing the gas through lime water Lime water turns milky | COs Confirmed 3.__| On passing the gas for some more time Milkiness disappears [ COs Confirmed For Basie Radical — SING. | Experiment Observation Tnference i. | Heated 0.1 g of salt with 2 ml NaOH solution ‘Smell oF ammonia gas is | NHs* may be obtained @._| Bring a glass rod dipped in hydrochloric acid near | dense white fumes are | NH« may be the mouth of the test tube. obtained 3. | Pass the gas through Nessler’s reagent Brown precipitate is | NHs* Confirmed obtained Result ~ The given salt contains ~ Anionic Radical — CO? & Cationic Radical — NHs ‘And the formula of salt will be ~ (NHz}:CO3 Reactions for €Ox*ion— ¥ COx?+H;501-9 SOx? +H,0 +CO; ¥ CO2+ CalOti}: > CaCO: (White ppt.) + H:0. ¥ CaCOs (White ppt.) + #20 - (HCO:):Ca (Soluble) Reactions for ammonium lon — NH, + NaOH - NH; +H,0 + Nat NH +HCI> NH.CI ¥ 2[Hgle]? +H, + 3NaOH > H,N.HgO.Hgl + 3Nal +H,04 41- Nessler's Brown ppt. Reagent For Al,{SOs),~ Aluminium Sulphate ‘AIM —To analyze the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it. Material required — Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks, filter papers, reagents Preliminary tests Colour of the salt — Crystalline White (Hygroscopic) ‘Smell (Odour) - Odourless Solubility ~ Sparingly in water Dry Heating Test ~ White ppt. obtained Flame test (Paste of salt with conc. HCI) — For acidic radical ~ S.No. | Experiment. ‘Observation Inference 1. [Add 0.4 g of salt with 1 ml dil. HCl and heat, Filter | A white pot. is obtained | SO. May be. the solution and then add BaCl, to the filtrate 2._[ Add Conc. HClin the test tube contains white ppt. | Ppt. Remains insoluble [SOx Maybe. 3._| Take 0.1 g of salt ina test tube, dissolve in 1-2 mL | White ppt. isformed | SO. Confirmed of distilled water, add few drops of Lead acetate solution, 4__| Add excess of hot ammonium acetate solution to | Pot becomes soluble | SOx? Confirmed the ppt For Basic Radical ~ S.No. | Experiment Observation Inference 1. | Heated 0.1 g of salt with 2 mL NaOH solution Nosmellisobtained | NH BaSOs (White ppt.) +2¢I- ¥ SOx? + (CHiCOO)Pb -> PbSG. +2 CHsCOO- Reactions for Aluminium ion — ¥ Al? +3NHOH + Al(OH); (Gelatinous white ppt.) + 3NHs* ¥ AM{OH):+ 3HCI -> AICI: (Soluble) + 3H,0 ¥ AlCls + 3NHsOH > Al(OH}s (Gelatinous white ppt.) + 3NHaCI Ppt. absorbs blue colour of litmus For M ‘Magnesium Sulphate ‘AIM —To analyze the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it. Material required — Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks, filter papers, reagents Preliminary tests Colour of the salt — Crystalline White (Hepta Hydrated), Amorphous ‘Smell (Odour) - Odourless Solubility ~ Soluble in water Dry Heating Test - White ppt obtained in test tube Flame test (Paste of salt with conc. HCI) — For acidic radical ~ ‘S.No. | Experiment ‘Observation Inference 1. [Add 0.4 g of salt with 1 ml dil. HCl and heat, Filter | A white pot. is obtained | SO. May be. the solution and then add BaCl. to the filtrate 2._[ Add Conc. HClin the test tube contains white ppt. | Ppt. Remains insoluble [SOx Maybe. 3._| Take 0.1 g of salt ina test tube, dissolve in 1-2 mL | White ppt. isformed | SO. Confirmed of distilled water, add few drops of Lead acetate solution, 4__| Add excess of hot ammonium acetate solution to | Pot becomes soluble | SOx? Confirmed the ppt For Basic Radical ~ S.No. | Experiment Observation Inference 1. | Heated 0.1 g of salt with 2 mL NaOH solution Nosmellisobtained | NH BaSO (White ppt.) + 2cI- ¥ S0,74 (CH:COO):Pb > PbSO, + 2 CHsCOO- Reactions for Magnesium ion ~ ~ Mp‘ + NHaQH + (NHa}sHPOs > Mg(NH.)POs (White ppt.) + 2NHa* + HO. nesium Carbonate ‘AIM —To analyze the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it Material required — Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks, filter papers, reagents Preliminary tests Colour of the salt — White solid, Hygroscopic ‘Smell (Odour) - Odourless Solubllity ~ Very less soluble in water or insoluble in water Dry Heating Test— Flame test (Paste of salt with conc. HCI) — For acidic radical ~ S.No. | Experiment ‘Observation inference 1. [Treated 0.1 g of salt with 1 ml dilH:SO. and| A colourless, adourless | COs may be. warmed as is evolved with brisk effervescence (On passing the gas through lime water Lime water turns milky | COs Confirmed 3.__[ On passing the gas for some more time Milkiness disappears [ COs Confirmed For Basie Radical — S.No. | Experiment Observation Tnference 1. | Heated 0.1 g of salt with 2 mL NaOH solution No smellis obtained | NHst Absent (Zero Group absent) 2, | Dissolve the salt in dil. HCI No precipitate formed | Group Absent 3. | Passed H.S gas through one portion of the | No precipitate formed | Group-ll Absent solution 4. | Heat with conc, HNOs, Add about 0.2 @ of solid | Noprecipitate formed | Group—Ill Absent ammonium chloride and then added excess of ammonium hydroxide to the solution 5.__| Passed H:S gas through the above solution’ No precipitate formed _| Groupiv Absent 6. __ | Added excess of ammonium hydroxide solution to | No precipitate formed _| Group-V Absent the original salution and then added 0.5 g of ammonium carbonate 7. _ | To the original solution of salt added ammonium | White precipitate Me™ confirmed hydroxide solution, followed by disodium hydrogen phosphate (Ammonium hydrogen phosphate) solution, Heated and seratehed the sides of the test tube Result The given salt contains — Anionic Radical — CO; & Cationic Radical - Mg*? ‘And the formula of salt will be— MgCOs Reactions for CO; ion — ¥ COs? +H:504-> S074 H0 + CO; ¥ COz+ CalOH); > CaCO; (White ppt) + H:0 ¥ CaCO; (White ppt.) + H:0 > (HCO;):Cs (Soluble) Reactions for Magnesium ion — Mgr+NH,OH + (NH.):HPO, > Mg(NH.)PO {White ppt.) + 2NH,* + H0 For BaCl,~ Barium Chloride. ‘AIM —To analyze the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it. Material required — Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks, filter papers, reagents Preliminary tests Colour of the salt ~ White amorphous solid ‘Smell (Odour) - Odourless Solubil lity — Soluble in water Dry Heating Test— Flame test (Paste of salt with cone. HCI) - Apple Green For acidic radicat - S.No. | Experiment Observation inference 1. [Treated 0.1 g of salt with 1 ml dilH:SO. and|No effervescence and|CO.", SO.~, S=, NOr warmed evolution of vapours. | , CHsCOO™ absent. Z__ | Heated 0.1 g of salt with ml conc. H.SO. A colourless gas with | CF Maybe pungent smell, 3. | Rod dipped in ammonium hydroxide is brought | Gives dense white | Cr May be near the mouth of the test tube fumes % [Take O1 g of salt, add a pinch of manganese | Greenish yellow gas is | Cr Confirmed dioxide and 34 drops of conc. sulphuric acid and | evolved Heat the mixture 5. _ | Chromyl Chloride Test — Take 0.1 g salt and a pinch | Solution becomes | Cr Confirmed of solid potassium dichromate in a test tube, add | yellow conc. 1:50, heat and pass the gas evolved through sodium hydroxide solution 6 | Acidify the solution with acetic acid and add lead | yellow precipitate is | Cr Confirmed acetate solution formed For Basie Radical — S.No. | Experiment (Observation Inference 1. | Heated 0.1 g of salt with 2 ml NaOH solution Nosmellisobtained | NHe’ Absent (Zero Group absent) Z| Dissolve the salt in dil. HCL No precipitate formed | Group—1 Absent 3. [Passed H.S gas through one portion of the | No precipitate formed | Group-Hl Absent solution “@__ | Heat with cone. HNO,, Add about 0.2 g of solid | No precipitate formed | Group-Ill Absent ammonium chloride and then added excess of ammonium hydroxide to the solution 5.__ | Passed HS gas through the above solution No precipitate formed _ | Group Absent 6 | Add Ammonium chloride in saft solution andheat| White precipitate | Group-V Present then add excess of ammonium hydroxide solution | formed to the original solution and then added 0.5 g of ammonium carbonate 7, [Dissolve the white precipitate by boiling with| yellow precipitate | Ba May be dilute acetic acid and divide the solution into | appears three parts *To the first part add potassium chromate solution & [Perform the flame test with the preserved | A grassy green flame is | Ba” Confirmed precipitate obtained Note ~ Preserve a small amount of the precipitate for flame test. Result - The given salt contains ~ Anionic Radical ~ Cl & Cationic Radical ~ Ba‘? And the formula of salt will be ~ BaCl> Reactions ~ (For Chloride lon) ¥ HCL+NHCl > NHAC ¥ MnO; + 2Ci+ 242504 > SOc? + MnSO.+ 21,0 + Ch < « CrO,Ch + 4NaOH > Na:CrO, + 2Nacl +120 Reactions for Barium ion ~ ¥ Ba‘?+ NH«COs > BaCOs (White ppt.) + NHa* ¥ BaCOs + 2CHsCOOH ~ (CHsCOO),Ba + H20 + COr Bat? + K2CrOy-> BaCrO, (Yellow ppt.) + 2K* 4CI-+ KaCrs07 + GH»SOs-> 2KHSOa+ 2CrO:Cl + 4450." + 3H20 For CaCl, — Calcium Chloride ‘AIM —To analyze the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it Material required — Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks, filter papers, reagents Preliminary tests Colour of the salt ~ White amorphous solid ‘Smell (Odour) - Odourless Solubil lity — Soluble in water Dry Heating Test— Flame test (Paste of salt with conc. HCI) ~ Brick Red For acidic radicat - S.No. | Experiment Observation inference 1. [Treated 0.1 g of salt with 1 ml dilH:SO. and|No effervescence and|CO.", SO.~, S=, NOr warmed evolution of vapours. | , CHsCOO™ absent. Z__ | Heated 0.1 g of salt with ml conc, WSO. A colourless gas with | CF Maybe pungent smell, 3. | Rod dipped in ammonium hydroxide is brought | Gives dense white | Cr May be near the mouth of the test tube fumes % [Take O1 g of salt, add a pinch of manganese | Greenish yellow gas is | Cr Confirmed dioxide and 34 drops of conc. sulphuric acid and | evolved Heat the mixture 5. _ | Chromyl Chloride Test — Take 0.1 g salt and a pinch | Solution becomes | Cr Confirmed of solid potassium dichromate in a test tube, add | yellow conc, H:S0:, heat and pass the gas evolved through sodium hydroxide solution 6 | Acidify the solution with acetic acid and add lead | yellow precipitate is | Cr Confirmed acetate solution formed For Basie Radical — S.No. | Experiment (Observation Inference 1. | Heated 0.1 g of salt with 2 ml NaOH solution Nosmellisobtained | NHe’ Absent (Zero Group absent) Z| Dissolve the salt in dil. HCL No precipitate formed | Group—1 Absent 3. [Passed H.S gas through one portion of the | No precipitate formed | Group-Hl Absent solution “@__ | Heat with cone. HNO,, Add about 0.2 g of solid | No precipitate formed | Group-Ill Absent ammonium chloride and then added excess of ammonium hydroxide to the solution 5.__ | Passed HS gas through the above solution No precipitate formed | Group Absent 6. | Add Ammonium chloride in saft solution andheat| White precipitate | Group-v Present then add excess of ammonium hydroxide solution | formed to the original solution and then added 05 g of ammonium carbonate 7, | Dissolve the white precipitate by boiling with| White precipitate of | Ca™ May be dilute acetic acid and divide the solution into | calcium oxalate is three parts obtained *To the first part add ammonium oxalate solution and shake well, & [Perform the flame test with the preserved | Abrickredflame, which | Ca* Confirmed precipitate looks greenish-yellow through blue glass Note — Preserve a small amount of the precipitate for flame test. Result — The given salt contains — Anionic Radical — CI & Cationic Radical — Ca" And the formula of salt will be ~ CaCl, Reactions — (For Chloride lon) ¥ HCL+NHACI > NHI ¥ MnO; + 2CI 4 2H:50, > 50.74 MnSO.+2H,0 + Ch ¥ ACI + KCraO, + GH,SOs-> 2KHSO, + 2CrO;Cl, + 4HSOs + 3H20 ¥ CrO,Cl; + 4NaOH > Na;CrO, + 2NaCl + HO Reactions for Ca“ ion — ¥ Ca*?4NH.CO: -> CaCOs (White ppt.) +NHe* ¥ CaCO, + 2CH.COOH > (CH;CO0)};Ca (Soluble) + H.0 + CO, ¥ (CHsCOO),Ca + (NH4),C.05 > 2CHsCOONH, + CaCz0; (White ppt.) For Sr(NO3);~ Strontium Nitrate ‘AIM —To analyze the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it Material required — Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks, filter papers, reagents Preliminary tests Colour of the salt white crystalline solid ‘Smet (Odour) - Odourless Solubllity ~ Soluble in water Dry Heating Test - Brown fumes are evolved, Collect the fumes in test tube and add Freshly Prepared FeSO: Solution — Colour becomes Black Flame test (Paste of salt with cone. HCI) — For acidic radical — S.No. | Experiment (Observation inference 1. Treated 0.1 g of salt with 1 mi dilH,S0, and|No effervescence and| COs", SO", =, NOz warmed evolution of vapours. | , CHsCOO" absent. 2 | Heated 0.1 g of saltwith 1 mL conc. H;S0, Brown fumes are | NO May be evolved 3. | On heating the reaction mixture after addition of [ Brown Fumes become | NOs Confirmed copper turnings dense And the colour of solution changes to blue 4, | Take salt solution in a test tube and add small | Deep blue colouration is | NOx Confirmed amount of diphenylamine obtained 5. [Take aqueous solution of salt and add small | Brown ring appeared on | NOs Confirmed quantity of freshly prepared FeSO: solution add | the junction of liquids small quantity of conc. H:5Os For Basic Radical ~ S.No. | Experiment (Observation inference T.__ | Heated 0.1g of saltwith 2 mL NaOH solution No smellisobtained | NH? Absent (Zero Group absent) Z_| Dissolve the salt in dil, HO] No precipitate formed _| Group Absent 3. [Passed HS gas through one portion of the | No precipitate formed | GroupIl Absent solution | Heat with conc. NOs, Add about 02 g of solid | No precipitate formed | Group-li Absent ammonium chloride and then added excess of ammonium hydroxide to the solution Passed HS gas through the above solution No precipitate formed _| Group-iv Absent 6. | Add Ammonium chloride in salt solution and heat | White precipitate | Group-v Present then add excess of ammonium hydroxide solution | formed to the original solution and then added 05 g of ammonium carbonate 7, [Dissolve the white precipitate by boiling with| White precipitate is | Sr” Confirmed dilute acetic acid and divide the solution into ) obtained three parts *To the first part add ammonium sulphate | Take original salt in a watch glass and add few |ACrimson redfiame | Sr* Confirmed drops of conc. HCl, take salt mixture on platinum Wire anf bring in the contact with flame Note ~ Preserve a small amount of the precipitate for flame test. Result - The given salt contains ~ Anionic Radical ~ NO; & Cationic Radical ~ Sr? ‘And the formula of salt will be ~ Sr(NQ:}2 Reactions for Nitrate ior ¥ ¥ « NOx + HaSQ. > HSQ." + HNO: (Vapours) 4HINOs + Cu > Cu{NOs): + 2NO2 (Brown Vapours) 6FeSOx + 342504 + 2HNOs -> 3Fe:{SOz); + 4120 +2NO FeSQx + NO +5H20 ~ [Fe(NO}(H20)s]S0. (Brown Ring) Reactions for Strontium ton — ¥ Sr? NHaCOs -> SrCOs (White ppt.) + NHs* ¥ SrCO3 + 2CHsCOOH ~ (CHCOO),5r (Soluble) + H20 + CO, ¥ (CHsCOO)Ca + (NHs)S0. > 2CHsCOONH, + CaSO. (White ppt.) For CaCO; ~ Calcium Carbonate ‘AIM —To analyze the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it. Material required — Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks, filter papers, reagents Preliminary tests Colour of the salt — White amorphous power, Chalk like ‘Smell (Odour) - Odourless Solubility — insoluble in water Dry Heating Test— Flame test (Paste of salt with cone. HCI) ~ Brick Red For acidic radical ~ Experiment ‘Observation inference S.No. 1. | Treated 0.1 g of salt with 1 ml diLH.SO. and| A colourless, adouriess | CO. may be. warmed gasis evolved with brisk effervescence 2._| On passing the gas through lime water Lime water turns milky | COs Confirmed 3._[ On passing the gas for some more time Milkiness disappears | COs Confirmed For Basic Radical ~ S.No. | Experiment Observation inference 1. | Heated 0.1 g of salt with 2 mL NaOH solution Nosmellisobtained | NHs* Absent (Zero Group absent) 2. | Dissolve the salt in dil. HCI No precipitate formed | Group—t Absent 3. [Passed HS gas through one portion of the | No precipitate formed | Group-Ht Absent solution | Heat with conc. NOs, Add about 0.2 g of solid | No precipitate formed | Group Absent ammonium chloride and then added excess of ammonium hydroxide to the solution 5___| Passed HaS gas through the above solution No precipitate formed | Group-iv Absent 6. | Add Ammonium chloride in salt solution andheat | White _ precipitate | Group-V Present then add excess of ammonium hydroxide solution | formed to the original solution and then added 0.5 g of ammonium carbonate 7. [Dissolve the white precipitate by boiling with| White precipitate of | Ca” May be dilute acetic acid and divide the solution into | calcium oxalate is three parts obtained *To the first part add ammonium oxalate solution and shake well & [Perform the flame test with the preserved | A brick red flame, which | Ca Confirmed precipitate looks _ greenish-yellow through blue glass Note Preserve a small amount of the precipitate for flame test. Result The given salt contains ~ Anionic Radical — COs & Cationic Radical - Ca“* And the formula of salt will be ~ CaCO Reactions for COs* ion ¥ COs?+H35029 SOx? +H:0 + CO; ¥ COs+ Ca(OH}: > CaCO: (White ppt.) + H:0. ¥ CaCOs (White ppt.) + H30 - (HCOs}:Ca (Soluble) Reactions for Ca“*ion — ¥ Ca*?+NHiCOs > CaCOs (White ppt.) +NHu* ¥ CaCOs+ 2CHsCOOH -> (CHsCOO);Ca (Soluble) + 150 + CO; ¥ (CHsCOO)Ca + (NHa)C20s > 2CHsCOONHs + CaCz0e (White ppt.) For Ba(NO;); ~ Barium Nitrate ‘AIM —To analyze the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it Material required — Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks, filter papers, reagents Preliminary tests Colour of the salt —white, lustrous crystals ‘Smet! (Odour) - Odourless Solubllity ~ Soluble in water Dry Heating Test - Brown fumes are evolved, Collect the fumes in test tube and add Freshly Prepared FeSO. Solution — Colour becomes Black Flame test (Paste of salt with cone. HCl) — Crimson red flame: For acidic radical — S.No. | Experiment (Observation inference 1. Treated 0.1 g of salt with 1 ml dilH,SO, and|No effervescence and| COs", SO.", =, NOs warmed evolution of vapours. | , CHaCOO” absent. 2 | Heated 0.1 g of saltwith 1 mL conc. H;S0, Brown fumes are | NO Maybe evolved 3. | On heating the reaction mixture after addition of [ Brown Fumes become | NOs Confirmed copper turnings dense And the colour of solution changes to blue 4, | Take salt solution in a test tube and add small | Deep blue colouration is | NOx Confirmed amount of diphenylamine obtained 5. [Take aqueous solution of salt and add small | Brown ring appeared on | NOs Confirmed quantity of freshly prepared FeSO: solution add | the junction of liquids small quantity of conc. H:5Os For Basic Radical ~ S.No. | Experiment (Observation inference 1. | Heated 0.1g of saltwith 2 mL NaOH solution No smellisobtained | NH? Absent (Zero Group absent) Z_| Dissolve the salt in dil, HO] No precipitate formed _| Group Absent 3. [Passed HS gas through one portion of the | No precipitate formed | GroupIl Absent solution @ | Heat with conc. HINO:, Add about 02 @ of solid [No precipitate formed | Group—li Absent ammonium chloride and then added excess of ammonium hydroxide to the solution Passed HS gas through the above solution No precipitate formed _| Group-iv Absent 6. | Add Ammonium chloride in salt solution and heat | White precipitate | Group-v Present then add excess of ammonium hydroxide solution | formed to the original solution and then added 05 g of ammonium carbonate 7, [Dissolve the white precipitate by boiling with | White precipitate is | Ba” Confirmed dilute acetic acid and divide the solution into ) obtained three parts *To the first part add ammonium sulphate | Potassium Chromate test — Dissolve the white | Yellow precipitate is | Ba” Confirmed precipitate by boiling with dilute acetic acid, then | formed add small quantity of potassium chromate solution Note — Preserve a small amount of the precipitate for flame test. Result — The given salt contains — Anionic Radical — NO;-* & Cationic Radical — Ba“? ‘And the formuls of salt will be — Ba(NO:)2 Reactions for Nitrate ion — ¥ NOs +H:S0, > HSO;" + HNO; (Vapours) ¥ 4HNO; + Cu > Cu{NOs}: + 2NO: (Brown Vapours) ¥ GFeSO, + 3H,50, + 2HNO3 > 3Fe,(SOz)s + 4Hz0 +2NO ¥ FeSO, +NO +5H.O > [Fe(NO}(H.0)s]50; (Brown Ring) Reactions for Barium lon — ¥ Ba‘?+ NH.COs > BaCO: (White ppt) + NH ¥ BaCO, + 2CH.COOH + (CH,COO}:Ba+ H.0 + CO; ¥ Bat2+ K:CrO, > BaCrO, (Yellow ppt.) +2K* For MnSO, ~ Manganese Sulphate ‘AIM —To analyze the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it. Material required — Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks, filter papers, reagents Preliminary tests Colour of the salt — White crystals (anhydrous) Pale pink solid (hydrates) ‘Smell (Odour) - Odourless Solubility ~ Soluble in water Dry Heating Test - Salt becomes brown or black Flame test (Paste of salt with conc. HCI) ~ Green Flash For acidic radical ~ S.No. | Experiment ‘Observation inference 1. [Add 0.1 gof salt with 1 ml dil. HCl and heat, Filter | A white ppt. is obtained | SOs? May be. the solution and then add BaCl, to the filtrate 2._| Add Cone. HClin the test tube contains white ppt. | Ppt. Remainsinsoluble | SOx? Maybe 3._| Take 0.1 g of salt ina test tube, dissolve in 1-2 mL | White ppt. isformed | SO. Confirmed of distilled water, add few drops of Lead acetate solution, 4,_| Add excess of hot ammonium acetate solution to | Ppt, becomes soluble _ | SO. Confirmed the ppt. For Basic Radical ~ S.No. | Experiment Observation Inference 1. | Heated 0.1 g of salt with 2 mL NaOH solution Nosmellisobtained | NH BaSO, (White ppt.) + 2cI” ¥ $0474 (CH:COO}:Pb > PSO, +2 CHsCOO™ Reactions for Manganese ion — ¥ Mn(OH}, + H:S-> Mn (Flesh Coloured ppt.) + 21.0 ¥ Mn'?4 2NaOH > Mg(CH}: + 2Na* ~ MplOH):+ Br; +H.0 > MnO{OH); (Brown ppt.) + 2HBr ¥ Mnv?4 5PbO, 4 4H# > 2MnO¥ ie Solution) + SPb'? + 2H:0. For CuSO, ~ Copper Sulphate ‘AIM —To analyze the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it. Material required — Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks, filter papers, reagents Preliminary tests Colour of the salt — Gray-white (anhydrous) Blue (pentahydrate) ‘Smell (Odour) - Odourless Solubil lity — Soluble in water Dry Heating Test - Salt becomes colourless on heating and becomes brown or black on strong heating Flame test (Paste of salt with cone. HCI) ~ Gright bluish green flame For acidic radicat - S.No. | Experiment ‘Observation inference 1. [Add 0.1 gof salt with 1 ml dil. HCl and heat, Filter | A white ppt. is obtained | SOs? May be. the solution and then add BaCl, to the filtrate 2._| Add Cone. HClin the test tube contains white ppt. | Ppt. Remainsinsoluble | SOx? Maybe 3._| Take 0.1 g of salt ina test tube, dissolve in 1-2 mL | White ppt. isformed | SO. Confirmed of distilled water, add few drops of Lead acetate solution, 4,_| Add excess of hot ammonium acetate solution to | Ppt, becomes soluble | SO. Confirmed the ppt. For Basic Radical ~ S.No. | Experiment Observation Inference 1. | Heated 0.1 g of salt with 2 mL NaOH solution Nosmellisobtained | NH BaSOs (White ppt.) + 2¢l- Qe? 4+ (CHsCOO}:Pb > PbSOs +2 CH:COO™ Reactions for Gu“*ion— ¥ ¥ < « s S Cut? + HS > Cus (Black ppt.) + 2H* 3Cus + BHNOs > 3Cu(NO3}: (Soluble) + 4120 + 2NO + 3S 3Cu(NOs}2 + 4NHsOH -> [Cu(NHs}a](NO3} (Blue) +440 [Cu{NNH,).}® + 4CH,COOH > Cu? (Blue) + 4CH;COONH, Cu*? + Ka[Fe(CN)o] > Cus[Fe(CN}e] (Chocolate brown ppt.) + 4K* Cu? + 4KI-> Cuzh (White ppt.) + fa (Brown) + 4K* For MnCl ~ Manganese Chloride ‘AIM —To analyze the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it. Material required — Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks, filter papers, reagents Preliminary tests Colour of the salt ~Pink solid (tetrahydrate) ‘Smet! (Odour) - Odourless Solubility ~ Soluble in water Dry Heating Test - Salt becomes colourless on heating and becomes brown or black on strong heating Flame test (Paste of salt with conc. HCI) ~ Green Flash For acidic radical ~ S.No. | Experiment Observation inference 1. [Treated 0.1 g of salt with 1 ml dilH:SO. and|No effervescence and|CO.", SO.~, S=, NOr warmed evolution of vapours. | , CHsCOO™ absent. Z__ | Heated 0.1 g of salt with ml conc. H.SO. A colourless gas with | CF Maybe Pungent smell, 3. | Rod dipped in ammonium hydroxide is brought |Gives dense white | Cr May be near the mouth of the test tube fumes % [Take O1 g of salt, add a pinch of manganese | Greenish yellow gas is | Cr Confirmed dioxide and 34 drops of conc. sulphuric acid and | evolved Heat the mixture 5. _ | Chromyl Chloride Test — Take 0.1 g salt and a pinch | Solution becomes | Cr Confirmed of solid potassium dichromate in a test tube, add | yellow conc, H:S0s, heat and pass the gas evolved through sodium hydroxide solution 6. | Acidify the solution with acetic acid and add lead | yellow precipitate 1s | Cr Confirmed acetate solution formed For Basie Radical — S.No. | Experiment (Observation Inference 1. | Heated 0.1 g of salt with 2 ml NaOH solution Nosmellisobtained | NHe’ Absent (Zero Group absent) Z| Dissolve the salt in dil. HCL No precipitate formed | Group—1 Absent 3. [Passed H.S gas through one portion of the | No precipitate formed | Group-Hl Absent solution “%__ | Heat with cone. HNO,, Add about 0.2 g of solid | No precipitate formed | Group-Ill Absent ammonium chloride and then added excess of ammonium hydroxide to the solution 5.__| Passed HS gas through the above solution precipitate appears | Group-lV Present (white, black or flesh coloured) & | Dissolve the precipitate in dilute HCI by boiling, [A white precipitate is] Mn™ Confirmed then add sodium hydroxide solution in excess | formed which turns brown on keeping 7. | Take salt solution in a test tube and add few| Dirty White ppt. is | Mn™Confirmed drops of dil. NaOH obtained ‘add few drops of bromine water Brown ppt. is formed @, | Add few drops of cone. HNO: in Bromine water | Pink solution is formed | Mn"=Confirmed test ppt. then add a pinch of lead peroxide and heat the allow to cool ina stand ‘3, | Borax bead test - Take Borax powder on platinum | Transparent borax bead | Mn™ Confirmed wire, and heat on direct flame is formed Then take original salt on bead and heat on direct *Oxidizing flame (non—luminous) In Hot — Light Violet In Cold— Light Violet In Hot Colourless *Reduced Flame (luminous) In Cold—Colourless Result The given salt contains — Anionic Radical - CI & Cationic Radical — Mn‘? And the formula of salt will be — MnCl, Donot write in copy Note — If no positive test is obtained in Steps—1 (With Dil, H.SO.) and II (With Conc. H:S0. presence of sulphate and phosphate ions are performed. ), then tests for the Note (in case of coloured salt) if group-il is absent, take original solution and add 2-3 drops of conc. HNOs to oxidize Fe ions to Fe ions, Heat the solution for a few minutes. After cooling add a small amount of solid ammonium chloride (NH:Cl) and an excess of ammonium hydroxide (N HOH) solution till it smells of ammonia. Reactions — (For Chloride lon) v HCL+NH.CI > NHAC! ¥ MnO; + 2CI + 24:50, > 0.74 MnSO.+ 2H;0 + Ch ¥ ACI + KeCraO7 + GH:S0s-> 2KHSOs+ 2CrOsCls + 4HSO." + 3H20 ¥ CrO:Cls + 4NaOH > NasCrOs+ 2NaCl + H:0 Reactions for Manganese lon — ¥ Mn(o1 J: + HS > MnS (Flesh Coloured ppt) + 2:0 ¥ Mmv'?4 2NaOH > Mg(OH): + 2Na* ¥ Mpl(OH): + Br; +Hz0 > MnO{OH), (Brown ppt.) + 2HBr ¥ Mn? 5PbO, + 4H# > 2MnQ; (Pink Solution) + SPb‘?+ 2H:0 For FeSO, — Ferrous Sulphate ‘AIM —To analyze the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it. Material required — Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks, filter papers, reagents Preliminary tests Colour of the salt — Blue-green crystals (heptahydrate), White crystals (anhydrous), White-yellow crystals (monohydrate) Smell (Odour) — Odourless Solubility — Soluble in water Dry Heating Test— Flame test (Paste of salt with cone. HCI) — For acidic radical — S.No. | Experiment Observation Inference 1_| Add 0.1 gof salt with Lmi dil HCl and heat, Filter | A white ppt. isobtained | SO,* May be, the solution and then add BaCla to the filtrate ‘Add Cone, HCl in the test tube contains white ppt. | Ppt. Remainsinsoluble | SO,? Maybe 3._ | Take 0.1 g of salt ina test tube, dissolve in 1-2 mL | White ppt.isformed | SOx Confirmed of distilled water, add few drops of Lead acetate solution, @,_| Add excess of hot ammonium acetate solution to | Ppt. becomes soluble _ | SO, Confirmed the ppt. For Basie Radical — SING. | Experiment Observation Tnference 1. | Heated 0.1g of salt with 2 mL NaOH solution Nosmellisobtained | NH«* Absent (Zero Group absent) Dissolve the salt in dil, HCl No precipitate formed _ | Group- Absent 3. [Passed H:S gas through one portion of the |Noprecipitateformed | Group-ll Absent solution 4, | Heat with conc. HNOs, Add about 0.2 6 of solid | White precipitate | Group—ill Present ammonium chloride and then added excess of | formed ammonium hydroxide to the solution 5. | Dissolve the precipitate in dilute HCI and divide | A blue precipitate / | Fe Maybe the solution into two parts, To the first part add | colouration appears potassium ferrocyanide solution [Potasium hexscyanoferrate (t)] 6. | To the second part add potassium thiocyanate | Blood red colouration | Fe Confirmed solution appears 7. | Borax bead test — Take Borax powder on platinum | Transparent borax bead | Fe* Confirmed wire, and heat on direct flame is formed Then take original salt on bead and heat on direct *Oxidizing flame (non—luminous) In Hot = Yellowish Brown in Cold - Yellow Reduced Flame (luminous) In Hot—Green In Cold- Green Result — The given salt contains — Anionic Radical ~ SO, & Cationic Radical ~ Fe‘ And the formula of salt will be — FeSO, Do not write in copy Note - if no positive test is obtained in Steps (With Dil. H:S0,) and II (With Cone. H,S0,), then tests for the presence of sulphate and phosphate ions are performed. Reactions for SO.” ion = ¥ SOx?+ BaCh > BaSOs (White ppt.) + 2c ¥ SOx? + (CH:COO}:Pb > PbSO. +2 CHsCOO™ Reactions for Ferric lon ~ (Ferrous ion oxidized by Conc. HNOs into ferric ton) ¥ Fe*4 3NH.OH - Fe(OH): (Brown ppt) + 3NHs* ¥ Fe(OH}; + 3HCI—> FeCl (Soluble) + 3420 ¥ 4FeCls + KelFe(CN}s] > Fea[Fe(CN}s]s (Prussian Blue) + 12KCI ¥ FeCl + 3KCNS Fe(CNS); (Blood Red) + 3KCI For CuCl, ~ Copper Chloride ‘AIM —To analyze the given salt for one anion and one cation present in it Material required — Boiling tubes, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube stand, delivery tube, corks, filter papers, reagents Preliminary tests Colour of the salt ~Light Green ‘Smet! (Odour) - Odourless Solubllity ~ Soluble in water Dry Heating Test - Salt becomes colourless on heating and becomes brown or black on strong heating Flame test (Paste of salt with conc. HCl) ~ Green Flame For acidic radical ~ S.No. | Experiment Observation inference 1. [Treated 0.1 g of salt with 1 ml dilH:SO. and|No effervescence and|CO.", SO.~, 5, NOr warmed evolution of vapours. | , CHsCOO™ absent. Z__ | Heated 0.1 g of salt with ml conc. H.SO. A colourless gas with | CF Maybe pungent smell, 3. | Rod dipped in ammonium hydroxide is brought | Gives dense white | Cr May be near the mouth of the test tube fumes % [Take O1 g of salt, add a pinch of manganese | Greenish yellow gas is | Cr Confirmed dioxide and 34 drops of conc. sulphuric acid and | evolved Heat the mixture 5. _ | Chromyl Chloride Test — Take 0.1 g salt and a pinch | Solution becomes | Cr Confirmed of solid potassium dichromate in a test tube, add | yellow conc, H:S0s, heat and pass the gas evolved through sodium hydroxide solution 6. | Acidify the solution with acetic acid and addlead| yellow precipitate is | Cr’ Confirmed acetate solution formed For Basie Radical — S.No. | Experiment (Observation Inference 1. | Heated 0.1 g of salt with 2 ml NaOH solution Nosmellisobtained | NHe’ Absent (Zero Group absent) Z| Dissolve the salt in dil. HCL No precipitate formed | Group—1 Absent 3. [Passed H.S gas through one portion of the | Black precipitate | Group-Hl Present solution formed @__ | Add ppt. in a test tube and add few drops of 50% | Bluish green Solution | Cu™ May be HNO: and Heat in a water bath formed 5. | To the above solution add few drops oF dil. H.S0,| Blue solution is | Cur® Confirmed and few drops of ethyl alcohol and add excess of | obtained NH.OH Solution 6. | Potassium ferrocyanide test — To the above blue | Transparent blue | Cu Confirmed solution add few drops of acetic acid solution is obtained Now add few drops of Potassium ferracyanide | Chocolate Brown ppt. is solution obtained 6. | Potassium jodide test — To the above blue | Transparent blue | Cu® Confirmed solution add few drops of acetic acid solution is obtained Now add few drops of Potassium iodide solution | White pot. is formed in brown colour solution 7. _ | Borax bead test — Take Borax powder on platinum | Transparent borax bead | Cu Confirmed wire, and hest on direct flame is formed Then take original salt on bead and heat on direct *Oxidizing flame (non—luminous) In Hot - Green In Cold- Blue *Reduced Flame (luminous) In Hot —Colourless In Cold Red Opaque Result — ‘The given salt contains — Anionic Radical - CI & Cationic Radical Cu? And the formula of salt will be ~ CuCl: Donot write in copy Note — If no positive test is obtained in Steps-l {With Dil. H»SO.) and I! (With Conc. HS0,), then tests for the presence of sulphate and phosphate ions are performed. Reactions ~ (For Chloride lon) Y HCl+NHeCl > NHAC ~My + 2Ci+ 2H:50, > SOc?+ MnO. + 2H,0 + Ch ¥ ACI+ KeCra0, + GH:SOa-> 2KHSO.+ 2CrOsCla+ 4HS0.° + 3H20 ¥ CrOsCl + 4NaOH > NasCrOs+ 2NaCl + H:0 Reactions for Cu? ion— ~ Cur? +HsS > CuS (Black ppt.) + 2H ¥ 3Cus + BHNOs > 3Cu(NOs)2 (Soluble) + 41:0 + 2NO +35 ¥ 3Cu[NOs)2 + 4NH.OH ~ [Cu(NHa}e](NOs}: (Blue) +440 ¥ [CuiNbts):]*? +4CH:COOH > Cu" (Blue) + 4CHsCOGNHs ¥ Cu’? +KalFe(CN)}s] > Cus[Fe(CN}s] (Chocolate brown ppt.) + 4K* ~ Cu? + 4KI-> Cush (White ppt.) + lp (Brown) + 41

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