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Group Simulation Report

Fall 2024
Each Team is required to submit a well-written report analyzing:
1. Introduction of the team and members.
2. The team members’ roles in the team and the activity conducted in the 12 weeks of
using the simulation.
3. The simulation experience,
4. Personal assessment of the Simulation (compilation of ideas from all members):
a. Advantages of this learning experience to you
b. Disadvantages of this learning experience in your opinion
c. What would you change in the process of the semester while still using the simulation
d. What would you change in the team formation process and how?
e. Explain your experience on team-work in business decision-making.
5. The decision process, logic and analysis, for each round (how the decisions developed
from idea to final numbers?)
6. The major learning points acquired.
7. Conclusion with final thoughts and what did you learn.

The report should be well-structured and professionally compiled (cover page, table of
contents, page numbers, executive summary, etc.)
Length: 15 pages maximum, including the cover page.
Font: Times New Roman Size: 12, 1.5 line-space.
Deadline: December 18th, 2023 at 4:00 PM
Submission: The report should be uploaded on Blackboard by ONE member ONLY
ANY DELAY in submission is penalized by a grade deduction -2 Per day

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