Quality Management System Continuity Care 24042023

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Continuity Care
Scope of the Project:

1. NDIS Quality Indicators

2. Aged Care Quality Indicators
3. DVA/NIIQ/Private/ISO
Organisation details...............................................................................................................................4
1. Staff Log In.....................................................................................................................................7
2. Client details..................................................................................................................................7
3. Staff and client Password reset system.........................................................................................8
4. Staff Portal.....................................................................................................................................8
5. Client Portal...................................................................................................................................8
6. Form Builder..................................................................................................................................8
7. Policy Documents with this information......................................................................................14
8. Standard application....................................................................................................................20
9. Task list based on above due dates and assigned staff....................Error! Bookmark not defined.
10. Register of Staff compliance:...................................................................................................22
11. Incident Register..........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
12. Risk register (Organisational/Clients)......................................................................................15
13. Training register (Staff)............................................................................................................22
14. Inventory List...........................................................................................................................23
15. Internal Audit schedules and allocations (Form/data collection/survey)................................23
16. Applicable legislation...............................................................................................................23
17. Site Inspection/Audit...............................................................................................................23
18. Continuous Improvement Register..........................................................................................16
19. Incident/Hazard report Process/workflow................................................................................8
20. Complement/ Feedback/Complaint management System......................................................24
21. Clients Behaviour/Environmental Chart......................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
a. Behaviour Chart...........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
b. Environment................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
c. Health..........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
22. Staff Supervision record...........................................................................................................27
Organisation details

Objective: Provide framework for the Strong Governance within Organisation

meeting its obligation with relevant standards and legislative requirements
exponentially improve outcomes for our clients as we can provide a cost effective yet high
quality service. It will automate manual processes to increase efficiency and create
greater transparency meeting the need of organisational reporting on operational
and governance. The flexible and dynamic system will meet the constantly
evolving social and care industry. To achieve service and business excellence it was
imperative that our organisation processes were supported by an appropriate quality
management system that allows collation, management and reporting
against industry standards.

End-to-end Governance, Risk Management and Compliance solution,

incorporating Accreditation, Quality and HR. Have peace of mind you and your
team are doing the right thing with a framework designed specifically for
organisations in the aged, community, disability, and indigenous care sectors.

Key Features:
 Quality Matrix Dashboard
 Governance
 Risk Management
 Compliance
 Accreditation
 Workforce
 Community
 Mobile Portals
 Tasks/Reminders & Alerts
 Reports and Dashboards
 Easy to use (learn, user friendly)
 Integrated to connect multiple processes/systems.
 Centralised repository
 Security (2FA)
 Alert/action system (automatic alerts to undertake activities)
 Audit trail
 Flexible and scalable (to meet changing needs of the business
including future growth).

HR Compliance: Staff Compliance, Staff Supervision, Staff Performance Review

Staff Training plans/records/Portal
Client: Client Portal with Compliance Dashboard/communication (Story board)
Email Integration: Microsoft Outlook/Gmail.
PowerBI/Tableau/Dropbox/Calendar/SharePoint/OneDrive/Mulesoft/Zapier/Open Api/

Form Builder
To create forms and data collection (Surveys/feedback/complaints)

Incident Management: Record all incidents – volunteer, and care recipients.

Behaviour Management: All Incidents and Behaviour trend reports to be
provided for stakeholders and management committees e.g. Aggression, Self-harm,
falls, skin tears, medication errors, transfers to hospital, Police and Ambulance
engagement etc.

Complaints Handling: All the complaints/feedback and complement records will

be captured and investigated reported accordingly on timely manner.

Audit Management: Reporting and tracking.

Alerts/Reminders/due dates: Email alerts to managers and executives based on
severity of risks and schedules activities/tasks.

Risk Management: To capture and report on risks – clinical, general, workplace.

safety (eg manual handling).

Task management: For all types of events and actions to ensure that what.
needs to be done, is done according to required timeframes. Includes investigations,
corrective actions, document reviews and approvals.

Continuous Quality Improvement: The ability to link multiple.

events to quality improvement projects, outcomes and actions, e.g. linking WHS incidents,
complaints, risk assessments to their related quality improvements.

Asset Management: This Module will collect the data of all the properties of the
organisation including item type, Purchase Price, Loan/Plan deal, Warranty, purchased from,
Item No, Company Tag No, Assign To (Name, no, email), Asset Location (Address, Site,
department) Depreciation Details, Attachment of receipts, Any Maintenance record, Ant
Other asset attached along with this Item. Reporting Tool for the Audit.

Document Management: Provides a centralised company document library for

policies, procedures, forms, position descriptions and the ability to search/_later and ensure
version control and periodic review.

Meeting Management: Prepare agendas and minutes of internal committees. Risks,

hazards, and incidents can automatically be ‘escalated’ to committees using the system.
Unique ability to escalate events or actions to committees. Agendas and minutes formatted

Standard Management: This system will Assist Management and Quality team for the
Self-Assessment as per the Standards and prompt for the area of improvement and creates
tasks accordingly to ensure its meeting the requirements.
1. Organisation:
Dashboard: https://colorlib.com/polygon/gentelella/index.html
Something Along the Line:
Task and its Completion rate/ HR Compliance/ Policy Compliance
Standards Compliance/Incident/Hazard Compliance, Behaviour
Compliance, Revenue Matrix, Organisation KPI,

Name of the organisation: Enter the name of your organization.

Organisation Description: Enter a description of your organization that appears to users searching
for programs to refer clients to. Include the key services you provide and any client eligibility
Address of the Organisation:
Address 1
Adress 2
Post Code:
Registering Body: NDIS/Aged Care/DVA/NIIQ/Child Safety/Medicare/Private (Can be Multiple)
Organisation Contact No: Enter the number of your organization. Click Add Phone to add
additional numbers. Select from one of the following types: Phone Fax Other
Funding Model: NDIS/Aged Care/DVA/NIIQ/Child Safety/Private
Contact Person:
Role of the Person:
Contact No:
Hours Of Operation: Enter the hours your organization is open on a given day. Click Add Hours to
add hours for additional days of the week.
Two Factor Authentication: Yes/No
IP Address:
Date and Time Format: DD/MM/YYYY 12 Hr Am/PM
Email address:
Log In time Out: 12 Hrs/ 24 hr
Restrictive Practice Type: Environmental/Mechanical/Physical/Seclusion/Chemical
Restrictive Practice Sub Type: Appendix A
Services Delivered: (SIL/ILO/HCP/Domestic/Clinical/Transport/Behavioural)
Leave Management:
 Site/Branch of Services: Ability TO add more.
 Name of the Site/Outlet: Name/Number/Code
 Address: (Enter the street address for this location. You must use a valid Google, May be
 Contact No: (Multiple/User can define)
 Email address
 Hours of operation:
 Site Lead Manager:
 Service types Offered: Stream
o (NDIS/My Aged Care/ DVA/ Private Insurance/Private
 Service Areas: National/States/Suburbs/Post Codes
 Programs Offered:
 Program Description:
 Program Intake Email address:
 Key Contact Person:
 Program Delivery types:
 Current Capacity/Availability: Yes/No
 Program Status: Accepting referrals/ Accepting waiting List/ Not
 Client Eligibility Requirements
 Languages Spoken
 Accessibility
Organisation Structure: Org Chart:

1. Name: This field is used to input the name of the organisation record. Data entry
within this field is mandatory for record save. The organisation name is utilised when
assigning the record to a branch.
2. ABN: This field is used to input the ABN used by the organisation.
3. Two Factor Authentication: This field is related with defining how system users
will login to the QMS DBA web application. Setting the field value to YES will
prompt a token to be generated that is used in combination with the login credentials
to access the QMS DBA web application.
4. Branch Data grid: This data grid is used to list the branch records that are associated
with the organisation. To assign a new branch record via this grid select the Add new
record icon.
5. SMTP Server: This field is used to input the SMTP server name.
6. SMTP Port: This field is used to input the SMTP port number.
7. SMTP Enable SSL: This field is used to specify whether SSL is used to access the
specified SMTP mail server.
8. SMTP Username: This field is used to specify the SMTP mail server username.
9. SMTP Password: This field is used to specify the SMTP mail server password.
10. Address 1: This field is used to input the first line of the Organisation address. Data
entry within this field is mandatory for record save
11. Address 2: This field is used to input the second line of the organisation address.
Data entry is optional within this field.
12. Suburb: This field is used to input the suburb associated with the organisation
address. Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save.
13. State: This field is used to input the state associated with the organisation address.
Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save.
14. Post Code: This field is used to input the postcode associated with the organisation
address. Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save.
15. Phone: This field is used to input the phone number associated with the organisation.
Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save.
16. After Hours Phone: This field is used to input the phone number associated with the
organisation. Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save.
17. Email: This field is used to input the email address associated with the organisation.
Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save.
18. Fax: This field is used to input a fax number associated with the organisation. Data
entry within this field is mandatory for record save.
19. Website: This field is used to input the website associated with the organisation. Data
entry within this field is mandatory for record save.
20. Bank: This field is a drop down field listing financial institutions. Data entry within
this field is a requirement for plan management, specifically for the ABA file process.
21. BSB: This field is used to input the BSB of the financial institutions. Data entry
within this field is a requirement for plan management, specifically for the ABA file
22. Account Number: This field is used to input an account number. Data entry within
this field is a requirement for plan management, specifically for the ABA file process
23. Account Name: This field is used to input an account name. Data entry within this
field is a requirement for plan management, specifically for the ABA file process
24. APCA User Id: This field is used to input a six-digit unique identification number.
Data entry within this field is a requirement for plan management, specifically for the
ABA file process
25. Name of Remitter: This field is used to input the name of the remitter; the
information input can be the same as the organisation name or the Account name.
26. IMAP Username: This field is used to input the email server username.
27. IMAP Password: This field is used to input the email server password.
28. IMAP Server: This field is used to input the email server name.
29. IMAP Port: This field is used to input the email server port number.
30. Test Connection: This link allows you to test connectivity with the email server.
31. Plan Management Rounding: This field is used to specify the extent of rounding up
if the invoice is not paid in full by the NDIS.
32. Remittance Email: This field is used to input the email address from where plan
managed remittances will come from.
33. Whitelist IP addresses: This data grid is used to list IP Addresses from computing
devises that can only access the QMS DBA web application. IP address records are
created through the New Allowed IP Address record which is accessed from the Add
New record icon.
34. Date Format: This field is a drop-down field listing the date format that will be used
for reporting. Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save.
35. Time Format: This field is a drop-down field listing the time format that will be used
for reporting. Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save..

Content and organization

The implementation guide is organized into the following sections:

 Background: Includes Gravity Background, SDOH Clinical Care Background, Functional Use
Cases, and Technical Background, these describe the environment in which this
implementation guide establishes standards for information exchange

 Change History describes the changes included in the STU 2 ballot version of the IG
and Change History describes the changes applied to the balloted version

 Context: Describes the Survey Instrument Support, QuestionnaireResponse Mapping

Instructions, Support for Multiple Domains, Exchange Workflow and Synchronizing
Applications with API Data Sources that details a high-level overview of expected process

 Specifications: Provides an overview of the FHIR Artifacts defined and used in this
IG, Checking Task Status to describe managing task status, Privacy and
Security issues, MustSupport and Missing Data concepts and Draft Specifications for
Personal Characteristics

 Downloads: Provides for the download of various IG related artifacts

 Credits: Identifies the individuals and organizations involved in developing this

implementation guide

 Artifacts Index: Introduces and provides links to the FHIR R4 profiles, examples and other
FHIR artifacts used in this implementation guide
Note to Implementers
Implementers should pay specific attention to the following sections:

 Technical Background if the implementer needs basic FHIR information references

 Survey Instrument Support, and QuestionnaireResponse Mapping Instructions if

implementing support for structured assessment instruments

 Support for Multiple Domains to understand this IG’s approach to domain specific value

 Exchange Workflow diagram to understand the exchange workflows

 Synchronizing Applications with API Data Sources that describes the suggested method for
synchronizing patient/client or Community Based Organization applications with referral
systems FHIR APIs

 FHIR Artifacts to understand the individual FHIR artifacts described in this IG

 Privacy and Security for implementers that are concerned with privacy and security
aspects related to implementing the information exchanges defined in this IG

 MustSupport and Missing Data to understand the interpretation of the MustSupport flags
and the treatment of Missing Data used in this IG

 Draft Specifications for Personal Characteristics for an introduction to draft observation

profiles to exchange personal characteristics data, which includes the source and method
of acquisition

 Artifacts Index provides easy access for all implementers the FHIR R4 profiles, examples
and other FHIR artifacts defined in this implementation guide and linked from this section
– this section also includes details for the declared capability statements for respective
servers and clients

 Downloads links to allow implementers to download the IG and various artifacts

1.2. Risk Management

Operationalising risk management via the Three Lines Model

The Bank's Risk and Compliance Management Framework aligns with and incorporates
the principles of the ‘Three Lines Model’. In order to appropriately manage risk in day-
to-day operations we are all expected to understand our role within the 3 Lines of
Accountability model. Most of us have a ‘First line’ role.

Table 2. Three Lines of Accountability


First line Second line Third line

(primarily Internal Audit)

Own and manage risks and are Supports the risk Provides assurance on the
responsible for implementing, and management framework effectiveness of governance,
monitoring controls to keep risks and its implementation, risk management and internal
within the appetite of the including through challenge controls.
organisation. and review of first line
management of risks and
controls, oversight of the
risk profile, and independent
escalation of issues.
Appendix A: Risk Appetite by Risk Category
Table A1. Risk Appetite by Risk Category
Category Subcategory Category Description Risk appetite Subcategory Owner

Policy Monetary and Contribute to the stability of the Limited to Governor

Banking Policy currency, full employment, and Balanced (Note: management of these risks
the economic prosperity and sits with the Reserve Bank Board)
welfare of the Australian people
Category Subcategory Category Description Risk appetite Subcategory Owner

Payments Policy Controlling risks in the financial Limited to Governor

system, promoting efficiency in Balanced (Note: management of these risks
the payments system and sits with the Payments System
promoting competition in Board)
payment services

Strategic Strategy Development of suitable and High Governor

Selection viable strategies

Strategy Investment decisions support Balanced Deputy Governor

Implementation strategic goals

Implementation of strategic Limited Deputy Governor

business goals through change
programs or day to day work

Analysis Exploration and expansion of High Governor

analysis and decisions to
effectively support decision

Innovation Considered and deliberate High Executives accountable within

innovation and experiments to their functional area
achieve our mission

Public Maintain public trust in order to Limited Governor

Confidence and achieve the Bank's mandates

Communications Communications to achieve the Balanced Head of Communications

Bank's strategic goals

Financial Market Risk Select and manage the asset Balanced Assistant Governor (Financial
Markets portfolio to ensure that Markets) and Chief Risk Officer
movements in exchange rates and
other market prices do not impair
the Bank's capacity to meet its
policy objectives
(Excludes market risk associated
with policy parameters set by the
Reserve Bank Board such as the
size of net FX reserves)

Credit Risk Manage the potential for financial Limited Assistant Governor (Financial
Category Subcategory Category Description Risk appetite Subcategory Owner

loss due to the default of a Markets) and Chief Risk Officer

counterparty or issuer, or failure
of a counterparty or issuer to fulfil
their financial obligations

Liquidity Risk Ensure ability to undertake policy Limited Assistant Governor (Financial
operations, including ability to Markets) and Chief Risk Officer
quickly liquidate positions or
collateral, while limiting financial

People and Talent The collective capabilities and Balanced Head of Human Resources
culture knowledge of Bank employees

Workplace safety Work Health and Safety (WHS) Limited Head of Human Resources
practices or behaviours that
maintain employee safety

Risk Culture Behaviour and practices that Limited Executives accountable within
support us to operate within our their functional area
risk appetite

Staff Misconduct Expected standards of behaviour Limited Head of Human Resources

Operational Business Process Resilience and continuity of Limited Executives accountable within
Resilience services their functional area

Technology Availability of critical technology Limited Chief Information Officer

resilience services

Availability of non-critical Balanced Chief Information Officer

technology services

Cyber resilience Resilience against cyber-attacks Limited Chief Information Officer

Information Records can be located, used and Limited Head of Information

Management retained appropriately

Appropriate access to information Limited Head of Information


Third Party Third party fulfilment of Limited Executives accountable within

Category Subcategory Category Description Risk appetite Subcategory Owner

Management contractual obligations their functional area

Compliance Intentional Deliberate or purposeful breach of No Appetite Chief Risk Officer

Violations legislative or regulatory
obligations does not occur

Compliance Compliance with legislative and Limited Chief Risk Officer

other mandatory external
obligations and commitments
(avoidance of unintentional non-

Fraud and Employees do not engage in acts No Appetite Chief Risk Officer
Corruption of Fraud or Corruption

Delete a Organisation record

Organisation records MUST not be deleted under any circumstance. Please consult QMS
DBA in the first instance, through the support desk. To remove the organisation record will
compromise data relationships and will interfere with your ability to log into the web and
mobile applications.

2. Custom Mail Server Configuration:

1. SMTP Server:
2. SMTP Port
3. SMTP Enable SSL Yes/NO
4. SMTP Username:
5. SMTP Password:

IMAP Email Mailbox:

IMAP Username
IMAP Password
IMAP Server
IMAP PORT (Test Connection)
 IP whitelisting is a security feature often used for limiting and
controlling access only to trusted users. IP whitelisting allows
you to create lists of trusted IP addresses or IP ranges from
which your users can access your domains.
Whitelisting  If your computer devices use a dynamic IP address, which is one
that can change between connections or over time the Whitelist IP
Addresses data grid should remain ‘empty’. Only update the
Whitelist IP Addresses data grid with static IP addresses.

 When the organisation record is created the Branch data grid

contained within the Branches panel will update with all branch
Branch records.
Records  Selecting the delete record icon will remove the Branch record
from the database.
This is the section where you could set your email settings so you could
send an email and invoice from QMS DBA

SMTP Server: This is the SMTP server address of your email. For example,
gmail uses the "smtp.gmail.com" server address to send an email

SMTP Port : The port is a number where it is the channel of the email
server. There are different ports that you can use. Most common ports
are 25, 465, 587.
SMTP Enable SSL : SSL or secure sockets layer is a type of security for
your email. There are email server that does not support this kind of
Custom Mail security. By default, you can select Yes for this feature
SMTP Username: This is your email address. You need to include the @(your
Configuratio email provider) in username
SMTP Password: This is the password for your email address

You could refer to the links for further configuration of your email in
Configuring Office 365 Mail Server
Configuring Gmail or G-Suite Mail Server

 The email configuration should be done by your IT personnel. We

could only advice on what you need to do to make your
configuration work in QMS DBA. Once you have configured the email
in this page, you could now send an email from Client’s Bulk Email
notification and employee’s bulk email notification. This is also
the settings that will be used when you go to the client /
employee’s communication tab and then creating a new email from
that section. This is also the settings that will be used when you
send an Invoice from Invoice batches section.

The IMAP server configuration is used within the Plan Management module
to download invoices directly from your plan management email mailbox
for processing within the bulk invoice processing screen.

IMAP Server

Email Type Office 365

Please use the Authorise link shown once Office 365 is selected
as the Email Type to Authorise QMS DBA to access the mailbox. You
will need to login to Office 365 with the mailbox account you
wish to download emails from once clicking the Authorise link and
accept the connection request.

2.1: Staff and client Password reset system

Two Factor Authentication: Authenticator (Google/email/Microsoft/SMS)
3. Staff Log In
a) First Name, Middle, Last Name
c) Gender: Male/Female/Trans Man/Trans Woman/Non-Binary/Undisclosed/Other
d) Contact No: XXXXXXXXXX
e) Email Address: abc@gmail.com
f) Address:
g) Job Title
h) Status: Active/Inactive
i) Programme Assignment:
j) Role: (Can Be Multiple)
a) DBA: Organisation Admin
b) Manager: Oversight Admin: Organisation Dashboard
f) Authorised reporting officer name: Organisation Dashboard
c) Compliance Officer/Care coordinator: Organisation Dashboard
d) HR Officer: Hr. Compliance Dashboard
f) Referrals Admin: Referrals Dashboard
g) Care Coordinators: Referral User
g) Team leaders: Case Managers: Staff Portal with task
e) Staff member: Primary Roles Staff Portal with task
k) Site: allocation
l) Competency assessment and training records.
m) Document Upload with description and expiry date:
n) Staff Compliance requirements.
o) Staff Groups and ability to add or remove.
p) Reporting Manager
q) Self-Able to Edit their Profiles.
r) Staff Consents
s) Risk Assessed Based Role
Staff Can Edit Their Profile Once Onboarded:

Staff List: All the Information’s collected

Task Involved, Likes and Dislikes, Role, Compliance, Leave, Highest Qualification,
This icon indicates that the qualification associated with
:progress: the compliance requirement is in the process of being

:expire_soon This icon indicates that the qualification associated with

: the compliance requirement is due to expire.

This icon indicates that the qualification associated with

:completed: the compliance requirement is current.

This icon indicates that the qualification associated with

:planned: the compliance requirement is being planned and thus has no
overall bearing on the compliance of the employee.
This icon indicates that the qualification associated with
:expired: the compliance requirement has expired and as such the
employee is non-compliant.

The following is an outline of the fields that comprise the Employee Compliance form:

1. Employee Name: This is a drop-down field that lists the name of employee for which
the compliance record relates.
2. Status: This is a drop-down field that lists the status of the compliance record. Listed
values include planned, In Progress, Expired, and Completed.
3. Number: This field is used to specify the compliance check, qualification, license,
policy or certification number, if known or applicable.
4. Qualification: This is a drop down field that lists the compliance check, qualification,
license, policy or certification.
5. Completion Date: This field is used to list the date that the compliance check,
qualification, license, policy or certification was obtained. The date can be specified
as free text or by using the calendar picker.
6. Expiry Date: This field is used to list the date that the compliance check,
qualification, license, policy or certification expires. The date can be specified as free
text or by using the calendar picker.
7. Description: This field is used to provide a general narrative about the compliance
check, qualification, license, policy or certification.
8. Remarks: This field is used to provide a general comment about the compliance
check, qualification, license, policy or certification.

Staff Portal Matrix:

1. Survey
2. Compliance
3. Supervision record
4. Performance Review Record
5. Communication/Chat
6. Able to create File Notes
7. Assigned Task/Task List Self Assignment.
8. Timesheets/Adjustments/Leave Application.
Staff Compliance Matrix: With expiry dates determining compliance
1. Security Check (Blue and Yellow Card Police Checks)
2. 100 Points of ID (Medicare, Driving Licence, Passport, Bank card/other iD)
3. Induction to NDIS/Aged Care/Mandatory trainings
4. CPD records:
5 Immunisation and Other Capability checks (CPR/First Aid)
First, choose a data point from the dropdown menu. Data is available for employees

 Gave feedback
 Received feedback
 Set up 1:1 with their manager
 Participated in 1:1 with their manager
 Submitted updates
 Submitted updates with reviews
 Have growth areas
 Have updated growth areas
 Has an active goal
 Created a goal
 Updated a goal
 Ended a completed goal
 Ended an incomplete goal
 Aligned a goal
4. Client details
a) Name (First, Middle, Last)
b) Gender: Male/Female/Trans Man/Trans Woman/Non-Binary/Undisclosed/Other
c) DOB: DD/MM/YYYY (Can choose formats)
d) Unique Identifier, such as an MRN or object ID
e) Medicare no:
f) NDIS/My aged Care:
g) CRN no:
h) Marital status
i) Ethnicity
j) Preferred Method of contact:
k) Preferred Languages:
l) Contact no:
m) Email address
n) Next of Kin ((Name/Contact no/Email/Address)
o) Support Coordinator (Name/Contact no/Email/Organisation)
p) Care Team (Care Coordinator/Case Manager)
q) Decision Maker: Self/Family/Friend/OPG/Advocate (Their Contact details)
r) Disability Types: Multiple (ADHD, Acquired Brain Injury, CP, ASD, Developmental delay)
s) Behaviour Support Practioner: (Name/Contact no/Email/Organisation)
t) Interim PBSP in place? YES/No
u) Authorisation status: Authorised/unauthorised/authorisation not required.
v) Authorisation Start Date/ End Date.
w) Case Note section.
x) Document Management
y) Reporting
z) Staff Training/Competency requirement (Multiple skills/competency)
aa) Services: Service Types
bb) Consent to Share information/Withdrawal of consent process.
cc) Current Home and Living Arrangements
dd) Medication List (Ability to Add Medications and Lists)
ee) Document Management (Consent/Agreements/Correspondence)
ff) Client Interactive Portal:

First Name Preferred NameLast Name Entry Date Gender Date of Birth
NDIS number Preferred Care Worker Gender Condition Condition Description Risk
Notification Preferred Language Address 1 Suburb State Post Code Email
Home Phone Mobile Phone Work Phone Indigenous? ReligionPlace of Birth
Family Status Country of BirthCitizenship Background General Notes Care Notes
Care Notes (Client Provided) Medicare Expiry Date Medicare Number Centrelink /
DVA Number Health Fund? Health Fund Name Health Fund Number Funding Source End
of Service Date Service Location Service Required Allergies

Details Display FIHR Attribute Details

Name First and name.given Uses the first given name for
Last Name the first name
name.family Uses the first family name for
the last name
DOB Date of birthDate Is a string
Birth Adheres to the FHIR date of
(Required birth format
Contact Contact address.use Possible values include home or
Details Informati work
on Skips any values marked old
Address Address 1 address.line Uses only the first two lines of
the address, regardless of how
many lines there are
Suburb address.city Clinet’s city/Suburb

State address.state Client’s state

Post Code address.postalCode Client’s postal code

Country address.country Client’s country
Telephon telecom.system Possible values include email,
e phone, or fax.
Maps to Unite AUS values
Mobile telecom.value Patient’s email address or
Number phone number
Primary telecom.rank Indicates a primary contact
Contact: number
Unique identifier.system Is stored in a JSON array string
Identifie and communicates what type of
r identifier this is, such as an MRN
number or object ID
identifier.value Is stored as the external ID in a
JSON array string and is the ID
of the identifier
identifier.use Is stored in a JSON array string
and communicates how to use the
Gender Gender gender Patient’s gender

Marital Marital maritalStatus.system Denotes marital status

Status Status (urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.
maritalStatus.code Patient’s marital status
Ethnicit Ethnicity extension.system Denotes race
y and and Race (urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.5.104)
Race and ethnicity
Ethnicit Ethnicity extension.code Patient’s race and ethnicity
y and and Race
Languag Preferred communication.language.syste Denotes preferred language
e Language m (urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.99)
communication.language.code Returns the ISO code for patient’s
communication.language.prefe Returns true if this language is the
rred patient’s preferred language
5. Incident/Hazard report
a) https://woorise.com/continuitycare/incident-report-form-continuity-care
The data will be collected based on the Information from form.
b) Depending on the initial severity the email notification will be sent to Quality and
Compliance manager or the Director.
c) If the initial risk rating is in RED ZONE Director will be notified along with the Team
leader/care coordinator and Director.
d) If it’s in Yellow then Care coordinator will be notified along with the team leader
e) If its green Then team leader will be notified and will be actioned as non-urgent.

Notification rating and closure (As per the policy):

RED: urgent: to be addressed within 8 hrs and followed up in 24 hrs.
Yellow: Medium: to be addressed in 24 hrs and followed up in 5 days.
Green: Alert: To be acknowledged in 48 hrs and addressed in 7 days.
Risk assessments of the Incident: Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
Initia Type of
Hazard description l risk Proposed risk risk
Ha control Residual risk
Current risk ratin controls
z rating
(e.g. Wet floor with potential controls g (Hierarchy of
no. to cause injury from (e.g. place wet floor hazard
(e.g. 3C)
slips/trips/falls) (e.g. mop the floor) signage) controls e.g.
(e.g. Administrativ
3B) e)

For each proposed risk control, provide a recommended action and allocate a responsible person
and time frame in consultation with that person. Completion confirmation is required for each

Target Actual
Ref Responsible Completion
Recommended action completion completion
no. person Sign-off
date date

If Recommended action is to train Staff:

The Compliance Officer will allocate the Policy and other relevant training materials to staff involved.

The completion/acknowledgement statement from staff to be obtained on the completion of the

training before closure. Small Video like bite.com with Questions to score 100% and Pass system.
Review: Usually conducted by Quality Manager/Director

Control measures have been reviewed and no further risks Are further reviews required? No Yes
have been identified Yes No When:

Reviewer name: Reviewer signature: Date:

Record of subsequent reviews.

Review date: Reviewed by: Description of any changes:

6. Incident Register:

7. Task Management: Task list based on above due dates and assigned staff.
8. Risk register (Organisational/Clients/Staffs)
Date, SN, Incident Number (If due to an incident),Risk Raised By: (Name),Role:, Type of
Risk Identified Risks Discussed at Management Meeting (date),Risk Management,
Required, Most preferable / Reliable Risk Control, To be Completed by: (Name),To Be
Completed by: (Date) Completion Date: Quality and Compliance Sign off
Type of Risk Type of Risk Treatment Risk Raised By:

9. Continuous Improvement Register:

10. Behaviour Management:

The Behaviour Management system will have the same Process as Incident Management system:

Staff details from Log in (Date and Time):

Clients (Assigned to staff for that shift) (Date time and shift allocated)
behaviour Record Number for that Client: Auto generated once client is selected.
Antecedent: (What happened right before the behaviour occurred) Triger
Early Warning Signs:
Behaviour: (What was the behaviour)
Consequence: (What happened after the behaviour /how did caregivers or others respond to the
Comments: (Anything else that could have a potential impact on the person’s behaviours, such as
poor sleep, no medications etc) What do you thing they are trying to express.

Submit the behaviour record:

Behaviour records Review:

Behaviour Classify the behaviour as

Desirable Behaviours (pre-set as per the clients)

Warning Behaviour: (pre-set as per the clients)
Challenging behaviour: (pre-set as per the clients)

Intervention Strategies: (pre-set as per the clients)

Identify all desirable, warning, or challenging behaviours specific to this individual, as well as any
intervention strategies that are known to promote desirable behaviours and avoid an escalation to
challenging behaviours.

Restrictive practices schedule

Chemical restraint

Implementing provider Implementing provider service Administration type:

business name: location:
Choose an item.
Is authorisation required? Have authorisation and Authorisation and consent
consent been received? received from:
Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item.
Authorisation start date: Authorisation end date: Authorisation status:
Click or tap to enter a date. Click or tap to enter a date.

Drug name: Dosage: Unit of measurement: Conditions / limits

of use:
Choose an item.
Frequency: Route: Side effects:

Prescriber: Prescriber name: Date of last review by

Choose an item. Click or tap to enter a date.
Environmental, Mechanical, Physical or Seclusion

 This table is for recording the use of regulated restrictive practices other than chemical

Implementing provider business Implementing provider service Administration type:

name: location:
Choose an item.
Restrictive Practice Type: Sub-type (refer to appendix A): Sub-type if other:
Choose an item.
Is authorisation required? Have authorisation and Authorisation status:
consent been received?
Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item.
Authorisation and consent Authorisation start date: Authorisation end date:
received from:
Click or tap to enter a date. Click or tap to enter a date.

Stakeholder Notification on the basis of the Behaviour and Incident Summery

Root Cause analysis:

Think creatively and observe closely; the goal is to pay attention to ALL variables influencing the person’s
ability to self-regulate. The more agitating events, the less patience we have.


Medication Administration:
Regular medication administration Log:

PRN Use record to manage Behaviour

Restrictive Practice approval?
Restrictive Practice in place?

Reporting of unauthorised use of restrictive Practice.

1. Environment
2. Chemical
3. Objects
Reporting accordingly:
11. Policy Documents with this information
a) Policy Name
b) Document with Version (be able to view previous version and key update information)
c) Custodian: (Who is responsible)
d) Available to: Roles
e) Review cycle (quarterly/yearly/second yearly)
f) Last review date (Approval date)
g) Next review date
h) Status
1. Green: Current
2. Amber: Upcoming
3. Red: Overdue
i) Key Updates (Information on what was changed and why)
j) Previous versions (To be able to download in only PDF format).
12. Standard application
Name of the Standards applicable: ISO:90001/2018
Standerd 1:
Quality Indicators: 1.1, 1.2 1.3
Outcome of the standerd:
Response to each standard
Document Upload
13. Register of Staff compliance:

14. Training register (Staff)

15. Inventory List

16. Internal Audit schedules and allocations (Form/data
17. Applicable legislation

18. Site Inspection/Audit

19. Complement/ Feedback/Complaint management System:

Date: «Entry_Date» Method: Verbal/Email: QR Code / Website
Name: «Full_Name» Contact number: «Phone»
Email «Email» Complaint received by: «From»



Report completed by: «Full_Name» («I_am_a»)


The Task is created to Quality and Compliance Officer:

Date Compliant received: ________________

Number on Complaints Register: CCComfeed000001 (Format)____________

Task assigned Delegated to:
Name: ___________ Position: ____________Date: __ Due date: ___________
Acknowledgement of Complaint: (Within certain date, as per policy)
Initial Contact:
Follow Up Actions: (Task list) due date
Review date:
Closure date.
Complaint closed and followed up with closure letter to be emailed to complainant.
Continuous Improvement:

Complaint and feedback register:

Register of the Complement/ Feedback/Complaint:

Staff Supervision record

Deployable form/survey to be sent on periodic basis:

Once staff does the self-assessment then Meets with the manager to complete and finalise it.
relevant action items will be assigned as task for the further follow up by due dates.

Meeting Date: Meeting Time:

Staff Name
Line Manager

Previous meeting actions:

Action required Person Outcome

Responsible (Achieved/Ongoing)

1. Achievements:
2. Current Roadblocks/Concerns:
3. Training/resources required:
4. Current Tasks:
5. Feedback on work performance:
6. Other

Action required Person Responsible Due Date

Staff Name: _________________ Manager Name: __________________

Signature: _________________ Signature: ___________________
Date: _________________ Date: ___________________

Staff yearly Performance review:

Staff Case Notes:

Site Specific Induction: forms/surveys/task.

1. Staff Training Assignment based on Risk Management

2. Staff assignment of the Policy review/read/acknowledge based on recommendation of
Risk Management.
3. Incident related to the Incident and behaviour compare it to the Related Quality Indicator.
4. Staff/client/community Incidents/behaviour/feedback to be categorised with Quality


1. https://logiqc.com.au/
2. https://www.qualityze.com/
3. https://phalanxgrc.com/
4. https://www.effivity.com/index.htm
5. https://www.mulesoft.com/platform/enterprise-integration?
6. https://corporater.com/solutions-gallery/
7. https://www.effivity.com/blog/corrective-actions-underpins-continual-improvement/
8. https://www.cwa-software.com/qms-software-quality-management-software
9. https://www.figma.com/file/g4HEeWtb8qiXIhT7CsDMpm/Client-Portal?node-id=1-6
10. https://www.behance.net/gallery/42831701/Financial-Services-View (Salesforce Layout)
11. https://www.behance.net/gallery/164686773/CRM-for-HR-management-system-SAAS-
12. https://www.behance.net/gallery/92010305/Asset-Management-Platform-UIUX-
14. Risk Registers
15. Weekly Team Meeting Template
16. Monthly Restrictive practice reporting tool
17. Continuous improvement register
18. NDIS Practice Standards
19. Organisational Internal Audit tool
20. House Audit
21. Becha

Appendix 1 (Restrictive Practice)

Environmental Electronic monitoring devices

Lock - door(s)
Lock - cupboard(s)
Lock - fridge
Lock - gate(s)
Restricted access - activity
Restricted access - area
Restricted access - item/object
Mechanical Bedrails
Buckle cover or Harness
Protective headgear
Restrictive clothing
Wheelchair seat belt
Physical One person restraint
Two person restraint
Three person restraint
One person escort
Two person escort
Three person escort
Standing restraint
Seated restraint
Seclusion Own room
Exclusionary time out
In car/vehicle
Other room
Secure care setting

Appendix: 2

DisDat (Disability Distress Assessment Tool) Tool by NHS

Appendix: 3

 collaboratively problem solved
 accessed weighted blanket
 self-regulated
 body awareness (feeling emotions)
 used pictures to communicate need
 asked for a break (go for a walk)

 pacing
 pulling on clothing
 excessive/repetitive questions
 increased pace of talking
 furrowed brow
 arms crossed.
 head down
 hoodie over head
 no longer interacting (shut down)
 sensory seeking (increased/obsessive)

 physically aggressive
 verbally aggressive

 collaborative problem solving
 behaviour support plan strategy
 modelled emotional regulation (body awareness)
 trauma-informed practice
 accommodations
 offered sensory break (w/ 3 choices)
 provided social story

Appendix 4: Root Cause Analysis of Brhaviour

 excessive noise
 fans
 sirens
 crowds
 flickering lights
 traffic
 strong smells

 schedule change
 substitute teacher
 transitions
 new provider

 dentist
 doctor appointment
 new person in home


Identify any chronic or recurring health issues, like seizures or migraine headaches.

 migraine headache
 tonic-clonic seizure
ISO: Comparison and Mapping:

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