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Online, Blackboard Collaborate Interface, Synchronous, Tue-Thu, 11:40-2:00.

Start date: Tue 5/31/2022. Last class: 7/26/2022.

Course outline
This course will provide an overview of genetics starting with a discussion of the chromosomal
basis of inheritance. The processes of mitosis and meiosis, chromosome structure and classical
transmission genetics will be reviewed. The course will then focus on the use of model genetic
organisms in gene discovery, including yeast, flies and the mouse. Human genetics and genetics
of human disease will also be covered.

For a list of class topics, see last page.

Course format:
This is a lecture-only, online instructed class that makes use of the Blackboard (Bb) Collaborate
tool, with no required textbook. Course materials will be disseminated on Bb throughout the
summer session. The figures and slides used in the course will be posted on Bb ahead of time,
whenever possible.
A few reading assignments will be distributed as well.

The final grade will be based on:

1. a midterm exam, on the first half of the course, worth 40% of the grade.
2. a cumulative final exam, during the last class (7/26/22), worth 40% of the grade.
3. 4 quizzes, each of equal value, for 20% of the grade.

For the exam dates, see below.

The quizzes will be announced, and given in the last 20 minutes of class. Their purpose is to help
in the studying of the material and to provide feedback in view of the exams (midterm or final).
There will be four (4) quizzes for the semester, one during the first half of the semester, before
the midterm, and three during the second half, before the final exam. There is no make up date
for a quiz, and failure to complete a quiz leads to a 0. Failure to attend the midterm or final exam
leads to an automatic F. Quizzes and exams will be administered online using the examination
tool on Blackboard Collaborate, with open book/notes policy. Questions will be randomly
selected for each student from a pool of questions, with no backtracking allowed.
There will be no alternate dates for the exams without documented emergency, deemed
acceptable by the Instructor, and only in extreme cases, WHEN notification of the Instructor is
made AHEAD of the exam date.

BIOL100 or equivalent. Students should have basic knowledge in gene expression, mitosis,
meiosis and chromosome transmission, at the level of a general introductory Biology class.
Students are highly encouraged to review these concepts in a fundamental Biology textbook prior
to the semester’s start.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the course, a successful student should be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles that underlie chromosome segregation and
transmission. Basic principles in gene expression and genomics should also be acquired.
2. Appreciate the usefulness of model genetic systems in biomedical research.
3. Show a basic level of competency in the design of a genetic screen in the study of a
fundamental biological process, using a model genetic organism such as S. cerevisiae, D.
melanogaster, M. musculus and others.
4. Be ready to explore concepts in molecular genetics, and to approach the primary scientific
5. An important aspect of the class is its format: each class will be centered on a focused topic
with visual aids of the kind used in scientific seminar (but in simpler form). The students will
learn to absorb, critique and question the material during the lecture, as is expected from the
audience of a scientific seminar. They are expected to become comfortable with asking questions
and participate as part of an informed and critical audience. This mode of communication is
extremely important in science and many other professional disciplines.

How to succeed:
Review the material distributed via Blackboard ahead of time. The material includes (but is not
limited to) the slides used during the lecture. By doing so, students should attend lecture
prepared, by having a good vision of the topic that will be covered in class, with specific
questions and comments, and be ready to take notes on the slides (a printout of 4 slides/page
works well to this effect). The class and tests focus on understanding and logic, rather than pure
memorization. The exams will use the Blackboard exam tool and will be “OPEN BOOK”. Do
not wait for the week of the exam to review, ask questions and study! A little bit of reviewing,
studying and discussion, every week, over the course of the semester, goes a long way. Students
who study for the exams during the 2-3 days before the exam date do not do well.


Diego Loayza
For all communications: send an e-mail.
Phone: (212) 772 5312
Office: 913 Hunter North
Office Hours: Wednesday 3-5 PM--- individual zoom meetings will be offered to the extent
It is absolutely necessary to make an appointment by e-mail.
Walk-ins will not be accepted!

Class Location & Time:

Tuesday and Thursday, 11:40-2:00 PM, Online on Bb Collaborate.

No textbook is required for this class. It is highly recommended to
review the relevant chapters covered in BIOL100, namely Unit three
(Chapters 13-21) + Chapter 12 in :
“BIOLOGY” 8th ed., Campbell & Reece, Pearson Cummings ed., or
equivalent material, covering Mitosis, Meiosis, basics in chromosomal
inheritance, and fundamentals in gene expression, in other texts.
Some of the class material will be taken from: “Genetics: A Conceptual Approach”, Third ed.,
B.A. Pierce, Freeman and Co ed., or from “Genetics from Genes to Genomes”,
Hartwell, Hood, Goldberg, Reynolds, and Silver
Mc Graw Hill, 4th edition, but theses texts are not required.
It is expected that the materials provided to the students through Blackboard will be sufficient.

Academic Dishonesty

Hunter College regards acts of academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating on examinations,
obtaining unfair advantage, and falsification of records and official documents) as serious
offenses against the values of intellectual honesty. The College is committed to enforcing CUNY
Policy on Academic Integrity and will pursue cases of academic dishonesty according to the
Hunter College Academic Integrity Procedures.

Special Accommodations

In compliance with the American Disability Act of 1990 (ADA), Hunter College is committed to
ensuring educational parity and accommodations for all students with documented disabilities
and/or medical conditions. It is recommended that all students with documented disabilities
(Emotional, Medical, Physical and/ or Learning) consult the Office of AccessABILITY located in
Room E1124 to secure necessary academic accommodations. For further information and
assistance please call (212- 772- 4857)/TTY (212- 650- 3230). The website for Hunter’s
AccessABILITY is:
LECTURE DATE Tentative topics-subject to change

1 Tu 5/31/22 Course Intro-Mitosis-Meiosis

2 Th 6/2/22 Chromosomal elements-CEN-TEL-ORI
3 Tu 6/7/22 Gene definition and structure
4 Th 6/9/22 Mutation analysis
5 Tu 6/14/22 Yeast as a model system-quiz #1
6 Th 6/16/22 Yeast as a model system
7 Tu 6/21/22 The fly as a model system
8 Th 6/23/22 The fly as a model system
9 Tu 6/28/22 Zebrafish as a model system-quiz #2
10 Th 6/30/22 MIDTERM-Lectures 1-7
11 Th 7/7/22 The mouse as a model system
12 Tu 7/12/22 The mouse as a model system-quiz #3
13 Th 7/14/22 Mammalian cells
14 Tu 7/19/22 Non mendelian genetics
15 Th 7/21/22 Human genetics/genetic conditions-quiz #4
16 Tu 7/26/22 FINAL EXAM-Lecture 1-15

The withdrawal (W) deadline is July 20th

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