C2 - Enriched Viewing Comprehension - Ritu Bhasin

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Julien M

Name: ___________________ Group:__________

Enriched Viewing Comprehension: Ritu Bhasin & Daysha

1. Complete the diagram. Find: 2 similarities, and 2 differences. /4

People call her she corrects

different names naine them after a
ant she got the wrongway
bullied they hesitate
to correctthem

2. Watch the videos and answer the following questions.

Video #1:
four seasons
a) What is the meaning of Ritu’s name? _____________________________ /1
b) True or False (correct if false)
- Ritu’s kindergarten teacher pronounced her name properly T/ F /1

false she said ri tou
Many people compared her to a ‘’Star Wars’’ robot T /F /1

How old was Ritu when she decided that she wanted people to pronounce

30 yours old
her name correctly? __________________________________________ /1
d) Do you think Ritu waited too long? Why or why not? /2

because everyone was used

to say the so its
harder to changethe habit thing
Video #2: When someone mispronounces your name

a) What word from the dictionary does Daysha use to explain how to pronounce her

name? _______________________________________________________ /1

b) Why is Daysha hesitating to explain how to properly pronounce her name? /1

because she thinks it will start a drama


and she doesn't want to be called


The angry black girl

c) How does the guy react to Daysha’s issue? /1

he is very sorry and tries to pronounce


it right

d) How did the end of the video make you feel? /3

It was very funny when she finnaly


corrects him someone comes and says the


3. Which video did you like the most? Explain why. /4

the one about Daysha because
I could hear better
_________________________________________________________________________ headpho
it was very funny but not too long

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