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Consumer trends about AR

A computer-generated image is superimposed on a user's view of the real world using augmented reality
(AR) technology to create a composite view. Augmented reality (AR) has the potential to completely
change how we interact with the world around us, and it is already significantly changing how consumers

Here are a few of the most important AR consumer trends:

 Enhanced awareness and adoption: Consumers are starting to recognize and use augmented
reality (AR) more and more. According to a recent Statista study, 22% of consumers have used
augmented reality in the last year, and 63% of consumers are familiar with it.
 Positive perceptions: In general, consumers view augmented reality favorably. According to a
Deloitte survey, 71% of consumers think augmented reality (AR) will improve their lives, and 64%
want to use it for shopping.
 Expanding use cases: Augmented reality (AR) is being used for a lot of things, like gaming,
entertainment, education, and shopping. Social media (44%) and gaming (51%), as well as
navigation (42%), are the most common use cases for AR.
 Better integration is what customers want to see: AR must be better integrated into consumers'
current experiences and devices. According to a PwC survey, 68% of consumers want augmented
reality (AR) to be included into smartphones, and 63% want it to be included into wearable

How customers behave with AR

The way that consumers behave is being significantly impacted by AR. Here are a few examples of how
augmented reality is transforming our play, learning, and shopping habits.

 Enhanced shopping experiences: By enabling customers to digitally try on clothing, furniture,

and other items, augmented reality is being used to improve shopping experiences. This can
lessen the possibility of returns and assist customers in making better-informed decisions.
 Better learning outcomes: By giving students interactive and interesting learning experiences,
augmented reality (AR) is being used to improve learning outcomes. Students may comprehend
and remember material better as a result of this.
 More immersive entertainment: Virtual reality and games are two examples of the kinds of
entertainment that AR is being used to create. Customers may be able to have more fun and
escape from the everyday world with this.

Online purchasing habits for furniture

Because of AR, the way we purchase furniture is also evolving. The following are a few of the trends we
are observing.

 Growing usage of augmented reality (AR) for furniture shopping: According to a recent Houzz
study, 66% of consumers are interested in utilizing AR when they shop for furniture. This is
because AR enables customers to see how furniture will appear in their homes.
 Growth of omnichannel furniture shopping: People are buying furniture more and more through
a mix of offline and online channels. This is due to AR's ability to fill the void left by the other
channel. For instance, customers can virtually try on furniture in-store using augmented reality
before making an online purchase.
 Growing customer demand for customized furniture experiences: Personalized furniture
experiences are becoming more and more in demand. By enabling customers to tailor furniture
to their unique requirements and tastes, augmented reality (AR) can be used to personalize
furniture experiences.

In general, consumer trends and behavior are being greatly impacted by augmented reality. In the years
to come, we should anticipate seeing even more ground-breaking and inventive uses of AR technology as
it advances.

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