AccuLab 2

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Patient Name : ‫بشرى علي روب' البكري‬ Bushra Ali Robin Albakri
File No. : 23-168 Age : 23 Years
Order No. : 1890 Sex : Female
Consultant : Ibrahim Tuffaha Order Date : 10/05/2023 07:57 AM

Haemoglobin 13.6 g/dL 12.0 - 16.0

Hematocrit 38.5 % 37.0 - 48.0
RBC 4.24 X 10^12/L 4.20 - 5.20
MCV 90.9 fL 80.0 - 99.0
MCH 32.0 pg 27.0 - 32.0
MCHC 35.2 g/dl 32.0 - 36.0
RDW 12.2 % 11.7 - 15.2
WBC 7.080 X 10^9/L 4.000 - 11.000
Differential Reference limit
Neutrophils 67.000 % 4.744 X 10^9/L 1.800 - 7.500
Lymphocytes 26.000 % 1.841 X 10^9/L 1.200 - 4.000
Monocytes 6.000 % 0.425 X 10^9/L 0.200 - 1.000
Eosinophils 1.000 % 0.071 X 10^9/L 0.040 - 0.500
Basophils 0.000 % 0.000 X 10^9/L 0.015 - 0.100
Platelets 280 X10^9/L 150 - 450
MPV 9.0 fL 7.2 - 11.7

Printed By : Y. Abdelrahman Printed At : 11/05/2023 07:17 AM

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Lab Director : Y. Abdelrahman

Patient Name : ‫بشرى علي روب' البكري‬ Bushra Ali Robin Albakri
File No. : 23-168 Age : 23 Years
Order No. : 1890 Sex : Female
Consultant : Ibrahim Tuffaha Order Date : 10/05/2023 07:57 AM
Test Name Conventional Units SI Units

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 13 mm/hr

Reference limit: 0 - 20

Triglyceride, Serum 60 mg/dL 0.66 mmol/L

Reference limit: Optimal < 150.00 < 1.65

Borderline high 150.00 - 199.00 1.65 - 2.19
High 200.00 - 499.00 2.20 - 5.49
Very high > 499.00 > 5.49

Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT/GPT), 19 U/L 0.32 ukat/L

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