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Introduction :-

“Did you know that millions of children around the world are denied their basic rights every day?
From access to education and healthcare to protection from violence and exploitation, children face
numerous challenges in exercising their rights. But what if we could empower them to claim their
rights in a fun and engaging way? That’s where games come in!”
Good morning everyone my name is Himanshu Bhadoriya and my team members are Anvesh Sharma,
Apoorv Jain and Jatin Dadlani.
Today I’m going to present my game project on the topic of child rights using Python. Our game is an
interactive and educational game that aims to raise awareness and knowledge about the rights of
children around the world. The game consists of three main parts: a quiz, a simulation, and a report.
So we are excited to present "Child Rights Play", a brilliant gaming software designed to protect and
promote children's rights in the digital era. This new platform, which focuses on education,
empowerment and fun, is set to change the way our younger generations’ rights are protected while
encouraging their growth and development.

Idea/Solution/Prototype :-

By simplifying complex concepts in an enjoyable way, Child Rights Play encourages children to take
an active role in promoting respect for their rights.
1. Interactive Learning: Child Rights Play offers an interactive learning experience that
actively engages children in understanding their rights and responsibilities. Through
interactive elements such as quizzes, puzzles, and challenges, children can actively participate
in the learning process while having fun.
2. Real-Life Scenarios: The platform presents real-life scenarios that children may encounter,
allowing them to apply their knowledge of child rights to practical situations. By navigating
these scenarios and making informed choices, children can develop critical thinking skills and
a deeper understanding of their rights.
3. Customizable Avatars: The platform allows children to create customizable avatars,
fostering a sense of identity and personalization. This feature promotes self-expression and
empowers children to take ownership of their learning journey.
4. Progress Tracking: Child Rights Play includes a progress tracking system that allows
children to monitor their learning achievements. By visualizing their progress and setting
goals, children can develop a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue learning.
5. Multilingual Support: Child Rights Play offers multilingual support, ensuring accessibility
for children from diverse linguistic backgrounds. This feature promotes inclusivity and allows
children to learn about child rights in their preferred language.

Flowchart :-
So now let's understand the flow of our game first comes the setup part where the user is going to
open the application where he or she could view or play the game then comes up plot and handling
events in which we will handle all the key inputs or clicks done by the user then we are going to
update the game elements as per the user action after updating the game elements we are going to
draw a surface and then show it to the user that what are the changes occurred in the game itself and
this action will occur in a continuous loop until the user wants to exit the game.
Technology stack :-
So now you are aware about the flow of our game so let's talk about technology that we are going to
use to create our game first come the python which will act as a gaming engine for argue where are
you going to use a pre-bill library in it called pygame which will allow us to create games on python
suddenly we are going to also use one more people library called pygui which allow us to give funkey
takes and make our game much more appealing and fun the last by the library which we are going to
use is matplotlib which will allow us to various graph to display user interactive data in a more
appealing manner last but not the least we are going to use mysql for storing our data such as user
information, facts, user feedback and etc
Use Cases :-

It aims to develop legal literacy and awareness, promote digital citizenship and online safety, and
enhance creativity and problem-solving skills among children.
Here are some of the use cases :-
1. Promoting Social Inclusion: A gamified platform on child rights can promote social
inclusion by addressing the rights of marginalized and vulnerable children. It can raise
awareness about the unique challenges faced by these children and encourage empathy and
understanding among players.
2. Encouraging Active Citizenship: The gamified platform can foster a sense of active
citizenship among children by highlighting their role in advocating for their rights and the
rights of others. It can empower children to become agents of change and contribute to
building a more equitable society.
3. Building Empathy: Games have the potential to build empathy by allowing players to step
into the shoes of different characters and experience their challenges firsthand. The gamified
platform can create opportunities for children to develop empathy towards their peers and
understand the importance of respecting others’ rights.
4. Integration with Education: The game can be integrated into educational curricula as a
supplementary tool for teaching child rights. By aligning with educational standards, the
gamified platform can reach a wider audience and have a long-lasting impact on children’s
understanding of their rights.

Dependencies / Show stopper :-

We have important considerations when developing a game on child rights using Pygame. While
Pygame is a powerful framework for game development, it’s essential to be aware of potential
compatibility, performance, and design issues.
 Compatibility Issues:
o One of the key compatibility issues to consider is the platform on which the game
will be deployed. Pygame supports multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS,
and Linux. However, it’s important to ensure that the game functions correctly across
different operating systems.
o Additionally, compatibility with different versions of Python and Pygame libraries
should be taken into account. Ensuring backward compatibility can help reach a
wider audience.
 Performance Issues:
o Efficient resource management, such as memory usage and file handling, can
significantly impact performance. It’s important to implement best practices for
resource management to avoid performance bottlenecks.
 Design Issues:
o Consideration should be given to the visual design elements, including color schemes,
fonts, and icons. These elements should be chosen carefully to create an appealing
and child-friendly interface.

Developing a game on child rights using Pygame offers exciting possibilities, it’s important to address
compatibility, performance, and design issues. By considering these factors during the development
process, we can create an engaging and impactful gaming experience that effectively promotes child

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