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elevului: Anul şcolar 2023-2024

Disciplina - Limba engleză

Clasa a VI-a, L1

1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

English American son Swiss grandparents daughter

Canadian nurse aunt husband India

0 Sophia’s from England. She’s English .

Sophia’s my mum’s sister. She’s my __________. Sophia’s David’s wife. David is her ___________________.
David’s from the USA, so he’s ______________________.
1 Lucy and Mark have got two children. Leo is their ___________________ and Emma is their ____________.
2 I’m ______________. I’m from Montreal in Canada and my best friend’s Indian. He’s from the capital city of
3 Boris is from Switzerland so he is ________________. His __________________ are from Berlin in
4 Carol works in a hospital. She’s a ______________________. _____/10

2. Complete the dialogue with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.

A What time 0 do you get up (you / get up) on school days?

B 1______________ (get up) at 7:30. The first lesson 2_________ (start) at 9:00 at my school. I3_____________
(not / walk) to school. My friend Josh 4____________ (come) to my house and then we 5_________ (go) to
school together on our bikes. We 6__________ (have) lessons in the morning and afternoon.
A When 7__________________ (school / finish)?
B At 3:30 but on Mondays and Thursdays there 8_________ (be) after-school clubs. Josh 9____________ (not / go)
to my after-school clubs. He 10_________ (play) basketball after school twice a week. ___ / 10

3. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs be and have got.
My grandparents 0 have got a modern house. Downstairs, there 1_________ a hall, a small bathroom, a kitchen
and a big living room. The kitchen 2_________ small. There 3________ (not) a table in the kitchen but there
_________ some cupboards, a cooker and a fridge. The living room 5_________ big windows and there
_________ two sofas. 7_________ there any pictures on the walls? Yes, there are! Upstairs there 8_________
three bedrooms and a bathroom. The bedrooms 9_________ (not) very big. My grandparents’ house 10________
very nice. ___ / 10

4. Find the mistake in each sentence and then correct it.
0 They can singing very well. → They can sing very well.
1 Who’s are these trainers? → _______________________________________________
2 That’s my! Give it to me! → _______________________________________________
3 You don’t can speak German very well. → ___________________________________
4 We doing a test at the moment. → _________________________________________
5 No copy! It’s a test. → ___________________________________________________
6 What does he doing? → _________________________________________________
7 Gary speaks very well English. → __________________________________________
8 Whose jacket this is? → __________________________________________________
9 Rosie not doing her homework. → _________________________________________
10 Jim have a blue bike. → __________________________________________________
___ / 20
5. Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. There is one extra word.
some (x2) can any (x2) sandwiches
thank you anything how much
Waiter: Hello. What 1________________ I get you?
Ellen: Have you got 2______________ sandwiches? ___/30
Waiter: Yes, we have. We’ve got ham or vegetarian.
Ellen: Have you got any cheese 3______________ ? Ellen: No, just the sandwich, please.
Waiter: Yes, we’ve got cheese and tomato. Waiter: 6____________ to drink?
Ellen: I don’t really want 4____________ tomatoes, Ellen: A glass of cola, please.
can I just have the cheese? Waiter: Would you like 7____________ lemon with
Waiter: Sure, no problem. Would you like that?
____________ chips with that? Ellen: No, that’s all thanks. 8___________________
is it?
Waiter: That’s £5.50, please.
6. Write a short presentation about
George using the Name: George Age: 11 Siblings: a twin brother
notes. Surname: Marinescu Birthday: 10th March Class: 5D
Country: Romania Phone no.: 07** *** *** Favourite sport: Fencing
Pets: two cats

His name is George and his surname is



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