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Chapter 2: Emergence of IoT

Definition of IoT:

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or "things"

embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity,
which enables these objects to collect and exchange data. The vision of
IoT: to make the Physical Object intelligent, Smart & Behave alive The
Basic Elements of loT: Major components of IoT system are

★ Things or Device Thing

★ Low-power embedded systems
★ Sensors & Gateway
★ Cloud computing
★ Network connection & Analytics.
★ User Interface. Gateway Analytics

Smart devices: A device is said to be smart, then it has computing and

communication capabilities that can constantly connect to networks.
Hyper-connected Devices: Hyperconnectivity means devices remain
constantly connected to networks and streams of information

Overview of IoT:

❖ The modern-day advent of network-connected devices has given rise

to the popular paradigm of the IoT. The present-day Internet allows
massively heterogeneous traffic through it. This network traffic
consists of images, videos, music, speech, text, numbers, binary
codes, machine status,banking messages, data from sensors and
actuators, healthcare data, data from vehicles, home automation
system status and controls messages, military communications, and
many more. According to statistics, the total number of connected
devices globally is estimated to be around 25 billion.
❖ At present networking trends, and connected devices have rapidly
increased in numbers resulting in the number of devices exceeding
the number of humans on earth by multiple times.
❖ If all technologies and domains are moving toward smart
management of systems, the number of sensor/actuator-based
systems is rapidly increasing. with time, the need for
location-independent access to monitored and controlled systems
keeps on rising. This rise in number leads to a further rise in the
number of Internet-connected devices. (Reference: Estimated birth of
❖ The original Internet intended for sending simple messages is now
connected with all sorts of “Things”.These things can be legacy
devices, modern-day computers, sensors, actuators, household
appliances, toys,clothes, shoes, vehicles, cameras, and so on.

❖ IoT is an anytime, anywhere, and anything (as shown in Figure 4.2)

network of Internet-connected physical devices or systems capable of
sensing an environment and affecting the sensed environment
intelligently.This is generally achieved using low-power and
low-form-factor embedded processors onboard the “things”
connected to the Internet

Characteristics of IoT

1. Connectivity

Connectivity is an essential feature of IoT. IoT lets you connect mobile

phones, laptops, and other internet devices. Any person can get
information about anything at any time and place.

IoT can connect through several wireless devices, like sensors, mobile
phones, trackers, etc. This way, the person will not have to wait for an
internet connection to operate a device.

2. Intelligence and Identity

The extraction of knowledge from the generated data is very important. For
example, a sensor generates data, but that data will only be useful if it is
interpreted properly. Each IoT device has a unique identity. This
identification is helpful in tracking the equipment and at times for querying
its status

3. Scalability

The number of elements connected to the IoT zone is increasing day by

day. Hence, an IoT setup should be capable of handling the massive
expansion. The data generated as an outcome is enormous, and it should
be handled appropriately.
4. Dynamic and Self-Adapting (Complexity)

IoT devices should dynamically adapt themselves to changing contexts and

scenarios. Assume a camera meant for surveillance. It should be
adaptable to work in different conditions and different light situations
(morning, afternoon, and night).

5. Architecture

IoT Architecture cannot be homogeneous in nature. It should be hybrid,

supporting different manufacturers ‘ products to function in the IoT network.
IoT is not owned by anyone engineering branch. IoT is a reality when
multiple domains come together.

6. Safety

There is a danger of the sensitive personal details of the users getting

compromised when all his/her devices are connected to the internet. This
can cause a loss to the user. Hence, data security is the major challenge.
Besides, the equipment involved is huge. IoT networks may also be at risk.
Therefore, equipment safety is also critical.

7. Self Configuring

This is one of the most important characteristics of IoT. IoT devices are
able to upgrade their software in accordance with requirements with a
minimum of user participation. Additionally, they can set up the network,
allowing for the addition of new devices to an already-existing network.

8. Interoperability

IoT devices use standardized protocols and technologies to ensure they

can communicate with each other and other systems. Interoperability is one
of the key characteristics of the Internet of Things (IoT). It refers to the
ability of different IoT devices and systems to communicate and exchange
data with each other, regardless of the underlying technology or

Interoperability is critical for the success of IoT, as it enables different

devices and systems to work together seamlessly and provides a seamless
user experience. Without interoperability, IoT systems would be limited to
individual silos of data and devices, making it difficult to share information
and create new services and applications.

To achieve interoperability, IoT devices, and systems use standardized

communication protocols and data formats. These standards allow different
devices to understand and process data in a consistent and reliable
manner, enabling data to be exchanged between devices and systems
regardless of the technology used.

9. Embedded Sensors and Actuators

Embedded sensors and actuators are critical components of the Internet of
Things (IoT). They allow IoT devices to interact with their environment and
collect and transmit data.

Sensors are devices that can detect changes in the environment, such as
temperature, light, sound, or movement. In IoT systems, sensors are
embedded into devices, allowing them to collect data about the

Actuators are devices that can interact with the environment, such as
turning on lights, opening or closing doors, or controlling the speed of a
motor. In IoT systems, actuators are embedded into devices, allowing them
to perform actions based on data collected by sensors.

Together, sensors and actuators allow IoT devices to collect data about the
environment, process that data, and take action based on the results. This
makes it possible to automate a wide range of processes and tasks, such
as home automation, energy management, and predictive maintenance.

In order to ensure that sensors and actuators can communicate with each
other and with other devices and systems, they use standardized
communication protocols, such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Zigbee, or

Overall, embedded sensors and actuators are essential components of IoT

systems, enabling them to collect and process data and interact with their
environment in new and innovative ways.

IoT devices are equipped with sensors and actuators that allow them to
collect and transmit data, as well as to interact with the environment.
10. Autonomous operation

Autonomous operation refers to the ability of IoT devices and systems to

operate independently and make decisions without human intervention.
This is a crucial characteristic of the Internet of Things (IoT) and enables a
wide range of new applications and services.

In IoT systems, devices and systems are equipped with sensors, actuators,
and processing power, allowing them to collect and process data about the
environment, make decisions based on that data, and take action

For example, an IoT system might use sensors to detect changes in

temperature or light levels in a room, and then use actuators to adjust the
temperature or turn on the lights based on that data. This allows for the
automation of many tasks, such as energy management, home automation,
and predictive maintenance.

Another example of autonomous operation in IoT is self-healing networks,

where IoT devices can automatically detect and repair problems, such as
network outages, without human intervention.

Autonomous operation is made possible by advances in artificial

intelligence, machine learning, and cloud computing, which enable IoT
devices and systems to process and analyze large amounts of data in real
time and make decisions based on that data.

Overall, the autonomous operation is an important characteristic of IoT

systems, allowing them to deliver new and innovative services and
applications that can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the
user experience. IoT devices are designed to operate autonomously,
without direct human intervention, making it possible to automate a wide
range of processes and tasks.

11. Data-driven

Data-driven is a key characteristic of the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT

devices and systems collect vast amounts of data from sensors and other
sources, which can be analyzed and used to make data-driven decisions.

In IoT systems, data is collected from embedded sensors, actuators, and

other sources, such as cloud services, databases, and mobile devices. This
data is used to gain insights into the environment, improve operational
efficiency, and make informed decisions.

For example, an IoT system might use data from sensors to monitor the
temperature and humidity levels in a building, and then use that data to
optimize heating, cooling, and ventilation systems. This can result in
significant energy savings and improved indoor air quality.

Another example of data-driven IoT is predictive maintenance, where data

from sensors and other sources is used to predict when equipment is likely
to fail, allowing for proactive maintenance and reducing the risk of
unplanned downtime.

Data-driven IoT is made possible by advances in big data technologies,

such as distributed data processing and cloud computing, which allow for
the efficient analysis and management of large amounts of data in real
Overall, data-driven is an important characteristic of IoT systems, allowing
organizations to make informed decisions and achieve new levels of
efficiency, cost savings, and innovation. IoT devices generate vast
amounts of data, which is analyzed to drive improvements in efficiency,
performance, and user experience.

12. Security

Security is a critical concern for the Internet of Things (IoT), as IoT devices
and systems handle sensitive data and are connected to critical
infrastructure. The increasing number of connected devices and the
amount of data being transmitted over the Internet make IoT systems a
prime target for cyberattacks.

To secure IoT systems, multiple layers of security are necessary, including

physical security, network security, and data security.

Physical security involves protecting the physical devices from

unauthorized access or tampering. This can be achieved through measures
such as secure enclosures, access controls, and tamper-proofing.

Network security involves protecting the communication networks that

connect IoT devices, including Wi-Fi networks, cellular networks, and wired
networks. This can be achieved through encryption, secure authentication,
and firewalls.

Data security involves protecting the data collected and transmitted by IoT
devices and systems. This can be achieved through encryption, secure
storage, and access controls.
In addition to these technical measures, it is also important to have robust
policies and procedures in place to ensure the security of IoT systems,
such as incident response plans and regular security audits.

Overall, security is a critical concern for IoT systems, and it is essential to

implement multiple layers of security to protect against cyberattacks and
ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive data. IoT
systems are designed to be secure, protecting against unauthorized
access, hacking, and other security threats.

13. Ubiquity

Ubiquity refers to the widespread and pervasive presence of the Internet of

Things (IoT) devices and systems in our daily lives. The goal of IoT is to
create a seamless and interconnected world where devices and systems
can communicate and share data seamlessly and transparently.

Ubiquity is achieved through the widespread deployment of IoT devices,

such as sensors, actuators, and other connected devices, as well as the
development of IoT networks and infrastructure to support communication
and data exchange.

In a ubiquitous IoT environment, devices and systems can be accessed

and controlled from anywhere, at any time, using a variety of devices, such
as smartphones, laptops, and other connected devices.

For example, in a smart home, a person could use their smartphone to

control the temperature, lighting, and other systems in their home, even
when they are away.
In addition, ubiquity is also achieved through the integration of IoT with
other technologies, such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud
computing, which allow for the creation of more advanced and
sophisticated IoT systems and applications.

Overall, ubiquity is a key characteristic of the IoT, and it is essential for

realizing the full potential of IoT and creating a truly interconnected and
smart world. IoT devices are widely distributed and can be found in a
variety of environments, from homes and workplaces to public spaces and
industrial settings.

Evolution of IoT

The technologies that laid the foundation of connected systems by

achieving easy integration to daily lives,popular public acceptance, and
massive benefits by using connected solutions can be considered as the
founding solutions for the development of IoT. Figure 4.6 shows the
sequence of technological advancements for shaping the IoT as it is today.
These sequence of technical developments toward the emergence of IoT
are described in brief:
ATM (Automated Teller Machines):

★ ATM are cash distribution machines, which are linked to a user’s

bank account. ATMs dispense cash upon verification of the identity of
a user and their account through a specially coded card.
★ The central concept behind ATMs was the availability of financial
transactions even when banks were closed beyond their regular work
hours. These ATMs were ubiquitous money dispensers.
★ The first ATM became operational and connected online for the first
time in 1974.

Web: World Wide Web is a global information sharing and communication

platform. The Web became operational for the first time in 1991. Since
then, it has been massively responsible for the many revolutions in the field
of computing and communication.

Smart Meters:
The earliest smart meter was a power meter, which became operational in
early 2000. These power meters were capable of communicating remotely
with the power grid. They enabled remote
monitoring of subscribers’ power usage and eased the process of billing
and power allocation from grids.
Digital Locks: Digital locks can be considered as one of the earlier
attempts at connected home-automation systems. Present-day digital locks
are so robust that smartphones can be used to control them. Operations
such as locking and unlocking doors, changing key codes, including new
members in the access lists, can be easily performed, and that too
remotely using smartphones.
Connected Healthcare:
Here, healthcare devices connect to hospitals, doctors, and relatives to
alert them of medical emergencies and take preventive measures. The
devices may be simple wearable appliances,monitoring just the heart rate
and pulse of the wearer, as well as regular medical devices and monitors in
hospitals. The connected nature of these systems makes the availability of
medical records and test results much faster, cheaper, and convenient for
both patients as well as hospital authorities.

Connected Vehicles:
Connected vehicles may communicate to the Internet or with other
vehicles, or even with sensors and actuators contained within it. These
vehicles self-diagnose themselves and alert owners about system failures.
Smart Cities: This is a city-wide implementation of smart sensing,
monitoring, and actuation systems. The city-wide infrastructure
communicating amongst themselves enables unified and synchronized
operations and information dissemination. Some of the facilities which may
benefit are parking, transportation, and
Smart Dust: These are microscopic computers. Smaller than a grain of
sand each, they can be used in numerous beneficial ways, where regular
computers cannot operate. For example, smart dust can be sprayed to
measure chemicals in the soil or even to diagnose problems in the human
Smart Factories: These factories can monitor plant processes, assembly
lines, distribution lines, and manage factory floors all on their own. The
reduction in mishaps due to human errors in judgment or un-optimized
processes is drastically reduced.
UAVs: UAVs or unmanned aerial vehicles have emerged as robust public
domain solutions tasked with applications ranging from agriculture,
surveys, surveillance, deliveries, stock maintenance, asset
management, and other tasks

IoT spans various domains and applications and IoT is being used in vivid
and diverse areas such as
❖ Smart parking, smartphone detection, traffic congestion, smart
❖ Waste management, smart roads, structural health, urban noise
maps River floods, water flow, silos stock calculation, water leakages,
❖ Radiation levels, explosive and hazardous gases, perimeter access
❖ Snow level monitoring, liquid presence, forest fire detection, air
❖ Smart grid, tank level, photovoltaic installations, NFC (near-field
communications) payments, intelligent shopping applications,
❖ Landslide and avalanche prevention, early detection of earthquakes,
supply chain control, smart product management, and others.
Technological interdependencies of IoT with other domains and
networking paradigms.

1. M2M (Machine to Machine) communication

2. CPS (Cyber Physical System)
3. Internet of the environment (loE)
4. Internet of People (loP)
5. Industry 4.0.

M2M (Machine to Machine) communication:

★ The M2M paradigm signifies a system of connected machines and

devices, which can talk amongst themselves without human
★ The communication between the machines can be for updates on
machine status (stocks, health, power status, and others),
collaborative task completion, overall knowledge of the systems and
the environment, and others.
CPS (Cyber Physical System):

★ The CPS is a closed control loop system for sensing, processing, and
actuation using a feedback mechanism.
★ CPS helps in maintaining the state of an environment through the
feedback control loop.
★ Humans have a simple supervisory role in CPS-based systems; most
of the ground-level operations are automated.
IoE (Internet of Environment):

★ The IoE paradigm is mainly concerned with minimizing and even

reversing the ill effects of the permeation of Internet-based
technologies on the environment
★ The major focus areas of this paradigm include smart and sustainable
farming, sustainable and energy-efficient habitats, enhancing the
energy efficiency of systems and processes, and others. In brief, any
aspect of IoT that concerns and affects the environment falls under
the purview of IoE.
IoP (Internet of people):

★ IoP is a new technological movement on the Internet which aims to

decentralize online social interactions, payments, transactions, and
other tasks while maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of its
user’s data.
★ A famous site for IoP states that as the introduction of Bitcoin has
severely limited the power of banks and governments, the
acceptance of IoP will limit the power of corporations, governments,
and their spy agencies.
Industry 4.0:
★ Industry 4.0 is commonly referred to as the fourth industrial revolution
of digitization in the manufacturing industry.
★ This paradigm strongly puts forward the concept of smart factories,
where machines talk to one another without much human
★ The digitization and connectedness in Industry 4.0 translate to better
resource and workforce management,optimization of production time
and resources, and better upkeep and lifetimes of industrial systems.
Enabling IoT and the Complex Interdependence of Technologies

IoT is a paradigm built upon complex interdependencies of technologies.

The figure below can divide the IoT paradigm into FOUR planes: (figure
(1) Services plane
(2) Local connectivity plane
(3) Global connectivity plane
(4) Processing plane
The service plane:
It is composed of two parts:

a. Things or devices: The things may be wearable, computers,

smartphones, household appliances,smart glasses, factory
machinery, vending machines, vehicles, robotics, etc.
b. Low-power connectivity: The low-power and low-range connectivity
is used to connect the thingsin local implementation. Commonly use
such as WiFi, Zigbee, RFID, Bluetooth, 6LOWPAN, LoRA,DASH,
Insteon, and others. The range of these connectivity technologies is
severely restricted; they are responsible for the connectivity between
the things of the loT and the nearest hub or gateway to access the
Local connectivity: It is responsible for distributing Internet access to
multiple local IoT deployments.This distribution may be based on the
physical placement of the things, based on the application domains,or even
based on providers of services. Services such as address management,
device management,security, sleep schedule, and others fall within the
scope of this plan. The local connectivity plane fallsunder the purview of
IoT management as it directly deals with strategies to use/reuse addresses
based on things and applications.
Global connectivity: This Plane plays a significant role in enabling IoT in
the real sense by allowing for worldwide implementations and connectivity
between things, users, controllers, and applications. This plane also falls
under the purview of loT management as it decides how and when to store
data, when to process it, when to forward it, and in which form to forward it.
The Web, data centers, remote servers,Cloud, and others make up this
The processing plane can be considered a top-up of the basic IoT
networking framework. The continuous rise in the usefulness and
penetration of IoT in various application areas such as industries,
transportation,healthcare, and others is the result of this plane. The
members in this plane are IoT tools. The various sub-domains of this plane
include intelligence, data conversion, learning cognition, algorithms,
visualization,and analysis of various computing paradigms such as “big
data”, “machine learning”, and others, whichfall within the scope of this

IoT Networking Components

IoT networking components are broad categories into SIX types

(1) loT node
(2) loT router
(3) loT LAN
(4) IoT WAN
(5) loT gateway
(6) loT proxy.
(i) IoT Node: These are the networking devices within an IoT LAN. Each of
these devices are typically made up of a sensor, a processor, and a radio.
The nodes may be connected to other nodes inside a LAN directly or using
a common gateway for that LAN.
(ii) IoT Router: An IoT router is a networking equipment that the routing of
packets between various entities in the IoT network, it keeps the traffic
flowing correctly within the network.
(iii) IoT LAN: The local area network (LAN) enables local connectivity like
within a building or an organization. Typically consist of short-range
connectivity technologies. IoT LANs may or may not be connected to the
(iv) IoT WAN: The wide area network (WAN) connects various network
segments such as LANs. They are typically organizationally and
geographically wide, with the operational range lying between a few
kilometers to hundreds of kilometers.
(v) IoT Gateway: An IoT gateway is simply a router connecting the IoT
LAN to a WAN or the Internet.Gateways can implement several LANs and
WANs. Their primary task is to forward packets between LANs and WANs.
(vi) IoT Proxy: Proxies actively lie on the application layer and perform
application layer functions between IoT nodes and other entities. Typically,
application layer proxies are a means of providing security to the network
entities under it.

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