Topic 12 (Agustina Sinar Giyan Saputri-17-22108241099-PGSD 2E)

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Nama : Agustina Sinar Giyan Saputri

No/NIM : 17/22108241099
Kelas : 2E
Program Studi : Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

Reading and Giving Critical Ideas

1. What skills do you think are important to teach at universities in Indonesia?
In my opinion, there are some skills that important to teach at universities in
Indonesia. These skills include:
1) Public speaking
Public speaking or good communication skills are important for everyone to have.
In lectures, we will definitely be faced with situations that require public speaking,
for example presentations, speeches, etc. that require good public speaking skills.
Therefore, public speaking is a skill that should be taught at universities in
Indonesia. There are many platforms that can be used as a process to improve these
skills, for example by becoming a spokesperson in team presentations in class,
actively asking questions, and participating in debate or speech competencies.
2) Leadership
Leadership skills are an art that can be learned through experience. Not everyone
has a leadership skills, but it would be better if we honed our leadership skills from
university. One way to train leadership is through organizations on campus. When
we have this leadership skills, our public speaking skills will be honed
3) Time management
Time management skills are needed considering that more and more tasks need to
be completed at one time. The ability to manage time for lectures, study, be active
in organizations, and play with college friends not only enables students to
complete assignments on time, but also learns to set priorities.
4) Internet mastery
In this era, technological advances are unavoidable. Therefore, mastery of the
internet is an important skills to hone. Internet mastery skills that can be mastered
include internet marketing skills, the ability to manage social media, video and
photo editing skills, and blogging skills.
5) Problem solving
When we become students, try not to be a passive person. The campus world
requires us to be proactive in providing opinions and solutions to various problems.
This ability will be increasingly needed when we enter the world of work.

2. What do you think of the Indonesian higher education curriculum now?

In my opinion, Indonesian higher education curriculum is now experiencing
progress and changes in a better direction. Along with the times and changing demands
of the increasingly complex world of work, the concept of curriculum revolution has
emerged which carries a new approach in education, namely independent learning.
Independent learning is a concept that places students as active subjects in the learning
process, where they have greater control over their learning. A flexible and adaptive
curriculum is the key that allows students to explore their own interests and develop their
In independent learning, the teacher is no longer a center of knowledge, but a
facilitator or director of learning. The teacher acts as a companion for students in facing
learning challenges, helping students hone their metacognitive skills, explore their
interests, and help them plan, implement and evaluate their learning. Teachers also serve
as a source of inspiration and motivation for students and provide fun and meaningful
learning experiences.
A curriculum revolution that activates the potential of students with independent
learning also encourages the use of technology in education. Technology can be an
invaluable tool in enabling students to access learning resources online, communicate
and collaborate with fellow students around the world, and create creative and innovative
learning products. In the curriculum revolution that promotes independent learning,
technology is used as the leading facility to support the progress of students' potential.

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